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Calluvia's Royalty #2

That Irresistible Poison

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"I hate you." Please touch me.
"You sicken me." Hold me closer.
"I want to be free of you." I can't live without you.

The messed-up part is, he means everything he says.

The youngest prince of his clan, Seyn has been betrothed to the crown prince of another clan since birth. Everyone says he's so lucky to marry one of the most respected, powerful men on the planet, but Seyn knows better.

He hates him with every fiber of his being. Ksar is a cold, uncaring, overbearing bastard who uses underhanded tactics to achieve his goals and who either ignores Seyn or criticizes everything about him. Seyn can't stand him, and he's willing to do anything to get out of the arranged marriage to a man he abhors.

But the line between feverish hatred and passion can be very thin, and it turns out that freedom isn't as appealing as it once seemed.

Is it messed up to miss a man you loathe?

Is it sick to want his hands on you?

Seyn knows it's insane. He knows he should stop going back.

But knowing something and doing it are two different things.

295 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 20, 2018

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About the author

Alessandra Hazard

28 books7,361 followers
MM Romance Author

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,221 reviews
Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,654 followers
July 21, 2018
HATE sex at its best! 🔥

OMG! I freaking loved it. First of all, Ksar is a major a-hole but he’s Seyn’s a-hole. 😁 Does that make sense? Probably not. 🤣 I’m not going to lie, his attitude rubbed me so bad in the beginning, arrogant, ruthless, emotionless and utterly cruel to Seyn. But he more than made up for it in the end. 😌 It’s hard to blame him for the way he is when you finally learn the actual reasons. Ksar undoubtedly had a harsh and unloving childhood and that reflected so poorly on his attitude and opinions. 😭 Seyn is an all-round sweet darling who’s a bit of a attention slut. But hey, someone I needs to balance out Ksar’s grumpiness. 😏

Seyn hates Ksar. PERIOD! He really really REALLY hates him. 😁 But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want him. HATE is a powerful emotion and an obsession nonetheless. Hate and love are the two sides of the same coin. Actually Seyn’s hatred for Ksar started from the sprout of budding love. Seyn wanted to be the perfect fiancé for Ksar and when his love and efforts were so cruelly jilted, he hated him with all his heart. 💔 And it started to turn into an unhealthy obsession for both of them. He acted spoilt and bratty because he knew that will irritate Ksar to no end. But good. Irritation is better than ignorance. 😏 He can’t tolerate when Ksar treats him like he matters nothing more than a mere object. And meanwhile, Ksar has been fighting an internal battle since he was bonded to Seyn when he was a newborn. He knew there’s no future for them. Marriage is out of the question and Seyn can possibly be the least compatible life partner for him. Worse, the brat ALWAYS brings out the worst in him. 😂 The only person who can threaten his unyielding composure, the only one who can bring out the ugly, obsessive cavemen instincts in him, they are poison to each other. 😌 But poisons have a way of making everything so sweet and serene before they annihilate a person completely. But what can a man do when he craves the poison that will destroy him completely with all his heart and soul?

Did I say I loved it? I looooooooooove it!!!!!!!!! I love EVERYTHING about this book. So angsty, so gritty, so heartfelt and oh so-sweet. I love the beautiful portrayal of the thin line between Love and hate. And did I also say, this book is “hate sex at its best”? SIZZLING! 🔥 The UST was crackling and when they finally did it, the world stopped moving, the earth shook with tremors, volcanoes erupted and lightenings struck! This book probably is my second most favorite of Alessandra Hazzard. The honor of first prize goes to “Just a bit Ruthless”. Anyhow, the epilogue was perfect. I loved the unhealthy and obsessive love between these two men. Can’t wait for the third book in the series. HIGHLY recommended.

5 I hate you so bad that I loved how you kiss my lips so desperately stars

Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,437 followers
March 8, 2024
reread (57214): october 2022
i was missing Ksar and Seyn a little too much.


5++ stars

“I can’t do grand confessions, but I know what I want.” Ksar met Seyn’s gaze and held it. “I never really hated you, at least not like you hated me. Even when you irritated me, I wanted to have you. I don’t mean just lust. I liked the idea of you being mine—being at my side, in my bed, taking my name, and becoming my King-Consort at some point.”

tbh although i liked Harry and Adam in the previous book, i admit i was obsessed with Ksar and Seyn's dynamic from the small glimpses we've had (even though they were just side characters) and this book just confirmed my love for them. from beginning to end, i was invested in their story, how the romance will develop, the hate fucking 👀, the angst in the first half and cute moments in the second half (welll, the angst was through majority of the book but once they finally fought for their love? chefs kiss).

Ksar is seriously everything i love in an anti-hero. he's a cold asshole through and through, but he still has a likable side (imo anyways)?? when it comes to assholes, i prefer seeing the potential of redemption in order for me to love them, but i have my exceptions and Ksar is one of them. he kinda had redemption, but not really? it was more subtle tbh but i feel like, by the end, you can feel his sincerity and love for Seyn. 🥺 as for Seyn, he was such a brat but not in a way where i hated him. he was simply endearing to me.

the romance though??

PERFECTION. it was so fucking good. what i love about hate to love romances is when the characters bicker in the beginning but, as you keep reading, you see the hate slowly start to change as they grow closer (while still having that good banter). the one thing i find satisfying here are the soft moments between Ksar and Seyn. they literally made me swoon bc the first half was full of hate fucking so the 180 switch was just AHHH. also, Ksar's 'grand confession'? my favorite moment.

Slowly, Ksar dropped to one knee, and then the other, until he was kneeling in front of Seyn, who was staring at him, wide-eyed.
Well aware that anyone spying on them could probably see him kneeling on the hard ground, Ksar took Seyn's hand and brought their clasped hands to his right shoulder.
Seyn took in a sharp breath, clearly recognizing the gesture: it had once been used by clan lords to swear fealty to their king. It had gone out of use thousands of years ago; it was considered too demeaning by modern standards.

Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,546 followers
July 24, 2018

Ksar was an asshole. There, I said it.

And it took me a very long time to even begin to empathize with his character. To realize that, even from a very young age, Ksar was put into an almost impossible situation.

And he acted like an asshole.

Just like with book 1, I loved Seyn right off the bat. He was for sure the light to Ksar's dark.

Unlike book 1, this story was steeped in political intrigue and teeming with gossiping Calluvian social climbers, which I didn't find nearly as entertaining as Harry's naive and often hilarious escapades in the first story.

The feels did finally arrive, though, for which I was extremely pleased. I got pretty tired of seeing Ksar as possessing almost no redeeming qualities. But at least the former-asshat knew how to grovel to win over his man. ;- )

The drama and angst were fairly constant, but kept to tolerable levels for the most part.

The same goes for the steam. It was there, but not omnipresent.

I'd rate this one at around 3.5 stars and recommend it for those who enjoyed the first book.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,252 followers
April 24, 2019
I adored That Alien Feeling, I adore hate sex, and I adore enemies-to-lovers. So it's a sure thing that I'd love That Irresistible Poison, right? Apparently not...

Gah! I'm so frustrated. This story had sooooo much potential, and I'm beyond irritated that it didn't live up to all my expectations.

First of all, at least 50% of the story, if not more, is an almost word-for-word recap of the previous book. For someone who went right from one book to the other, it was almost ridiculously redundant. I mean, I was skimming at times and just scratching my head as to why the author didn't pick up from where the previous story let off instead of going back in time and rehashing everything.

That Irresistible Poison lacked the charm of the previous book. The main couple spent way, WAY too long getting their act together and actually admitting their feelings, and I felt like I missed out on the real emotions of them as a couple. We get lots of hate sex, but at the 90% mark I was still scratching my head, waiting for some feelings to come into play.

This story seems to be a love it or hate it for my friends, but I was in the frowny face camp with this one.

Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,528 followers
August 7, 2022
5 stars, but DUH, who’s actually surprised?

i loved book one… but this one was even better! something about the good old enemies-to-lovers trope that just does it for me.

i absolutely loved ksar and seyn!! didn't matter if they were fighting and being dicks to each other, hate fucking, being miserable without each other, or actually being in love. they were both wonderful characters and i was rooting for them all the way from book one.

the way their feelings gradually changed from hate to love was SO deliciously satisfying to witness.

”ksar still drove him crazy, but the difference was, half of the time seyn wasn’t sure whether he wanted to punch him in his arrogant face or shove his tongue down his throat.” why not both?

”ksar met his smiling eyes and felt his heart thud almost painfully against his ribs. he did like making seyn fume. but he liked making him smile even more.” aww…🥺🖤

when they FINALLY got their shit together and talked about their feelings at the end..? so cute.
(i was also thinking ABOUT DAMN TIME YOU DUMMIES!!)

they’re also obviously absolutely horrible at talking about their feelings to each other, especially ksar.🤣

“i’m not good at this,” he said, tugging at his cravat a little.
“i know,” seyn said, very dryly.
ksar shot him a sideways glare and found seyn smiling. “i’m glad you find this amusing.”
“sorry,” seyn said, not sounding sorry at all. “let’s hear your grand confession anyway.”

BYEEEE!!! why are they actually SO cute together even when they’re being assholes to each other?

…………..i also OBVIOUSLY gotta mention the absolutely delicious hate fucking. they were so hot & passionate together. it felt like a religious experience every time they did the dirty.

i highkey just want to keep reading this series until i finish it…
i am very intrigued by jamil and his “manservant” or whoever he is…👀

anyway so far this series is an absolute HIT!! hopefully the other books are just as good.
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews781 followers
August 6, 2018
4 Stars

Prince Seyn’s betrothed to prince Ksar (the heir to the throne). Ksar’s bondmate had died when Ksar was eight-year-old and it made Ksar’s telepathy unstable! So he needed another bondmate to stop hurting. They used Seyn as his new bondmate and they are supposed to get married when Seyn turns twenty-five. The thing is after years Seyn still couldn’t feel his bondmate through his bond, he tried so much until when he was fourteen he saw Ksar for the first time and found out why he can’t feel it! His rejection crushed Seyn and made him hurt and that’s why/when he hated Ksar so much! He doesn’t want the bond anymore and wants to break it but…

But the line between feverish hatred and passion can be very thin, and it turns out that freedom isn’t as appealing as it once seemed.

Ksar is really mean and cold toward Seyn, he ignored Seyn most of the time and behaved like Seyn is an annoying little kid, he’s really arrogant! And Seyn always was angry/mad at him! These two gave me a headache with their stubbornness but I don’t mind because I really liked them! Told in Seyn and Ksar’s POV (except for one chapter), 3rd person. It’s an angsty read, well-written, and well-paced! It’s the second installment in the "Calluvia's Royalty" series with character crossover, and it’s not cliffy. It can be read as a standalone but I think it’s better if you started with book one! Overall, really enjoyed it and hope you like it as well!
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,788 reviews294 followers
June 23, 2019
“It’s a thin line between love and hate...”

And was there ever HATE in this book. HATE fights, HATE kisses, HATE sex! I loved it all! 💥💥🔥🔥

This was an amazing enemies to hate-lovers to lovers story! The dynamic between these two was filled with so much emotion: hidden emotion, masked emotion, and OTT emotion.

Ksar is the Prince Heir to the Second House of Calluvia. Seyn is a prince of the Third House of Calluvia. As a baby, Seyn was bonded to eight year-old Ksar to save his life. Unfortunately for Seyn, Ksar has ignored Seyn his entire life. Well, he ignores him as best he can since Seyn does everything in his power to get his attention—and not in a good way.

Seyn is an utter brat. Ksar is an utter ..... (rhymes with keyhole). They hate each other. Totally and completely. Or do they? Well, read the story to find out!

I couldn’t put this book down! Just when I thought things were settling down, Alessandra Hazard throws more coal on the fire 🔥🔥and starts pumping the bellows! Damn! Angst, and the constant push pull of emotions these two are submitting to and denying at the same time.

Then sex was scorching HOT!! Firebrand HOT!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

If you read the first one in the series, you might think that you’re in for a dose of sweetness. You couldn’t be more wrong. There’s nothing sweet about these two, and that’s what makes them oh, so delicious!


I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to have this in audiobook! Are you listening, Alessandra??
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews166 followers
August 18, 2021
Nobody does enemies to lovers like Alessandra Hazard! The hate, the passion, the anger, the fights, THE SEX. My Kindle was on the verge of spontaneous combustion the whole time. And then the feelings.

After book 1, it took me a long time to read this because I hated Ksar so much. I just couldn’t find it in me to read his book. Turns out, hate easily turns into love.

Ksar is a cold-hearted asshole. Seyn is a totally immature spoiled brat. I love them both so much.

Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,140 followers
June 26, 2024
|| 2.5 stars ||

Although this was pretty entertaining and addictive to read (for reasons I can’t quite put my finger on), I won’t deny that it was technically bad. The plot was okay-ish (for this type of book at least), but the romance definitely lacked any kind of depth or emotion.
The entire relationship was lust-based and all they did was have hate-sex. It wasn’t until the book was almost over that I finally started to see some semblance of a connection between these two (which was honestly still shallow at best). Before that point they only felt animosity and an inexplicable attraction towards each other, and no hint of gentleness or affection was in sight. It would certainly be a fair description to call their relationship toxic and unhealthy, which wouldn’t be the end of the world if it weren’t for the fact that their obsession with each other was only based on lust and hate.

'Calluvia’s Royalty' series:
1. That Alien Feeling - 2.5 stars
2. That Irresistible Poison - 2.5 stars
February 12, 2024
4.25**** stars

God this was so good. I just freaking looooove stories with this level of intense desire and pining that are full of desperation. They also were pretty adorable at times absolutely without meaning to and damn, they were hot as hell together.

“Then why are you clinging to me if you hate me?” Ksar said, his tone amicable and lazy. Seyn scowled. “Shut up, I’m not,” he said, lifting his chin. His arms and legs might be wrapped around Ksar, but it absolutely didn’t mean he was clinging to him. He simply didn’t feel like letting go.

Calluvia's Royalty Series

Prequel - At Your Service - read
Book 1 - That Alien Feeling
Book 2 - That Irresistible Poison - 4.25 stars
Book 3 - Once Upon a Time - 4.75 stars
Book 4 - Prince’s Master - tbr
Book 5 - Dearly Despised
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
642 reviews256 followers
May 22, 2021
"Just say no," Ksar said, leaning in to nibble at Seyn's earlobe. He felt Seyn's shudder.
"I hate you," Seyn whispered shakily.
"You can hate me all you want. We don't have to like each other to fuck."

This was this chaotic rollercoaster of emotions for me. Funny because at first I was thinking of dnfing this. I thought 'will I subject myself into reading about characters constantly fighting' and thank god I did. I was smiling like a crazy lunatic whenever Ksar and Seyn fight. It was so fucking delicious because you just know as a reader something is very up between these two. I must admit though that Ksar went too far with the verbal assault that got me a bit uncomfortable. He may have killed Seyn with his hurtful words. But I live for the uncomfortable and the messy things. I can't believe one of the best romances that I have read is one where there's barely any romance in it. Is it hate-romance? An unconventional romance? Is that a thing? How can you love someone who's devoid of emotions? Love the hate sex and the hate kisses. I lived. I gagged. This book obliterated me. I need the next one!
Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
March 12, 2022
Yes 'tis I, finishing another AH book in the same day.

This is by far, my favorite book of hers because:
1. KSAR.... The douchiest douchbag who has ever douchbaged. And I LOVED HIM.

2. SEYN...Who gave as good as he got. He took no bullshit even when he was confused by his feelings.

3. The steam.... holy hell. This was HAWT. The UST, and then the actual sex was 🔥🔥🔥🔥

4. Ksar... oh I said that already.

5. ...... It's AH. It's the law to love her books. That is all.

My only niggle was the repetition of events from book 1. But I refuse to take away a star for that 😌
Profile Image for oshiiy.
342 reviews53 followers
September 12, 2021
4.25 stars ⭐️ My happiness escalated just realizing that this is an enemies-to-lovers story. I'm a sucker for that trope, and I'd probably drop everything to read a most hated but filled with most loved story. Just knowing that this is an AH book gave me a reason to raise my hopes a bit higher. Not gonna lie, anyone cannot write enemies-to-lovers stories better than AH.

This is the story of presumptuous A-hole Ksar and childish Syen who happen to fall in love with each other despite their hatred.

No matter how aggravated Seyn and Ksar become to each other, I freaking loved every moment of it.
We should know, angry sex is the hottest sex!
Ksar’s carelessness toward Syen only reflected how much he cared about Syen. Oh, dear, their banter, and mumbo jumbo!! I love every second of it.

“But he’s my horrible person. Mine.”

The summary
Ksar and Syen had betrothed to each other. When it was happening, Syen was still a newborn baby, and Ksar was eight years old. The reason behind the sudden betrothal was the death of Ksar’s former bondmate. At first, Syen thought that Ksar would like him, but with the time being, Syen realized that Ksar didn't care about him at all, and just knowing that Ksar didn't need him made Syen angrier toward Ksar. So, he blamed, shouted, screamed at Ksar whenever he could by using vulgar language. He didn't care that Ksar was the Lord Chancellor. He only wanted to humiliate Ksar and broke their bond.

“I hate you, he thought with feeling, holding Ksar’s gaze, something dark and ugly taking root in his heart.

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”

The characters are well developed and well written.
I loved Ksar and Syen together. Both secretly loved each other but didn't know what their heart trying to say and how to express it until the very end. Both are stupid little things. Ksar unraveling his heart in front of Syen made my heart warm. Poor guy didn't know how to even confess his feelings about Syen. Isn't that cute though? I'm so glad they finally came to their real senses.

“Breathing hard, Seyn glared up at that arrogant, impassive face. Heavens, he hated him. Every time Seyn thought it was impossible to hate him more, the urge to punch Ksar in the face rose to unseen levels”

I read this book in just one sitting! It is nearly perfect. I'm afraid I will be in a reading slump in the next few days (never happened tho 👻) because it's frustrating when you read something nearly perfect and want to find a book that exceeds the above standard to satisfy your needing heart. (but I found one-Harry’s story)
My only concern is that I found myself wanting more of their romantic side. I know I'm a love whore. But it's okay to expect a more romantic side when you read enemies-to-lovers stories.

Cover: ⭐️
Profile Image for Preeti.
724 reviews
September 16, 2021
First 30%- 2 Stars
Last 70%- 3.5 Star

Confession time…..I have already finished the next book of the series and now came back to update for the second book.😝😝
I know, I am the worst but this series is so addictive(more than other series by AH) that I am compelled to keep reading one book after another.

Okay, unlike That alien feeling, I was not able to get into this book from the very start. The main reason was pages after pages of repetition from book 1. Seriously, this is the pinnacle of lazy writing, she couldn't have gone for paraphrasing?? Instead, we gave us good old cut and paste for about 20% of the book. 😡😡

However, after the 40% mark, I actually got invested in the story and was entirely aboard when Syen said 
" he’s my horrible person. Mine".😂
From here onwards, the story was a smooth ride for me. I liked that we get to see more of Harry and Adam's HEA. And not to miss the epilogue, I loved that it was realistic yet beautiful.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
October 28, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Had expected more*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Over 50% of the book is practically a recap of book one, just from Ksar’ngh’chaali ‘Ksar’ (31), the Crown Prince of the Second Grand Clan and a Lord Chancellor of the Ministry of Intergalactic Affairs and Prince Seyn’ngh’veighli ‘Seyn’ (23, turns 24?) of the Third Grand Clan POVs. It was rather boring as I already knew what happened. Luckily, we got to see more of Adam and Harry, who's a adorable couple. I wouldn't mind a second book with them as main characters at all. In fact, I sorta hope so. As for this one, I was disappointed. Very much so.
That was why Seyn stared curiously at the tall man making his way through the crowd, drawing stares from all over the ballroom. Ksar was dressed formally, in gray and black colors of the Second Royal House, his white cravat the only bright touch. Ksar’s long, midnight blue hair was tied back, drawing one’s gaze to his sharp jaw and austere, handsome features. He looked more mature than his twenty-two years.
For the first time, Seyn wondered if those rumors about Ksar’s parents genetically engineering him were true. Although genetic engineering was frowned upon, it wasn’t forbidden. Ksar definitely seemed too…perfect. It wasn’t his physical appearance. Ksar wasn’t as startlingly handsome as Jamil, but he had something Seyn’s brother didn’t: the air of quiet authority and the calm, kingly dignity. Despite the fact that there were no fewer than four kings and three queens present, it seemed as though he was the king—which should have been ridiculous.
And yet…
Shaking off his self-consciousness, Seyn straightened himself to his full height. He might be just fourteen, but he was Prince Seyn’ngh’veighli of the Third Grand Clan, not some farmer’s kid.

I really liked Ksar in Harry's book, he was such an interesting character wish his coldness. I love characters like him; powerful, smart, controlling, commanding and cold; only warm when he is with someone he loves. I still liked him in this one, however, since we practically got the recap of the previous book, it destroyed most of my excitement. It got too boring, even with Ksar's POV. Seyn was a nice character, but just as with Ksar, it got boring as, yeah, it was more than half of the book recap. Then the rest of the book was... predictable and it just wasn't enough. I wanted more though. A second book, or at least half a book where it's not a recap from a different POV. Overall, Ksar was worth it, but the book was boring.
“If you break my bond, I’ll put your…thing in my mouth,” Seyn said, figuring straightforwardness was the best approach.
Ksar stared at him.
And then…and then he threw his head back and laughed, a full belly laugh that Seyn had not thought Ksar capable of.
Seyn scowled, his face warming. Did he say something funny?
“My thing,” Ksar said at last, smirking in that condescending, arrogant way that never failed to make Seyn want to scream and punch him in the face.
Ksar gave him a dismissive look. “I don’t put ‘my thing’ into little boys’ mouths. I like men who know how to suck cock.”

Jamil (34), the Crown Prince of Third Grand Clan and Seyn's older brother. Mehmer, his bondmate who died.
→ High Hronthar, the best mind adepts of the planet.
→ Queen Janesh and Queen-Consort Faryda, Seyn's mothers
Gynesh, Seyn's sister.
Leylen’shni’gul, goes by ‘Leyla’ on Earth, used to be Harry's bondmate; they had been bonded since they were two years old.
Tamirs’shni’chaali ‘Terra’, Queen of the Second Grand Clan of Calluvia and Ksar's mother.
Zahef’ngh’chaali ‘Zahef’, the King-Consort and Ksar's father.
Sanyash, Ksar and Harry's sister.
Borg’gorn, the AI to Ksar's royal family.
“One’s capacity for love wasn’t limited.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult?) Science Fiction/Romance (M/M).
Series: - Series, (I Do Believe You Can Read It As A Standalone), Book Two.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Ksar’ngh’chaali ‘Ksar’.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Yes, I really liked the first one and Ksar is a great character.
Will I read this again in the future? - No, probably not.
Rating - 2.5 (technically 2 stars, but it's Ksar so...) stars.
Profile Image for Nelly S. (on semi-hiatus).
588 reviews142 followers
January 21, 2024
Re-read Jan 21, 2024: 4 “still addictive” stars

“Ksar had watched uneasily as his bondmate transformed from a mouthy boy into a beautiful, spirited young man. It was incredibly ironic that the brat who had been the bane of his existence, the one person who could ruin his life and career, the one person who hated him more than anything, the one person who could never look at him with something other than rage and hatred even if he knew the truth, was the personification of everything Ksar wanted—and couldn’t have.”

Ksar. An aloof, overbearing, Machiavellian crown prince.
Seyn. A needy, bratty, beautiful prince desperate for love.
Byzantine palace and intergalactic politics.
A childhood betrothal and telepathic bonds.
An oh so dysfunctional relationship.
Off-the-charts sexual tension.

A smorgasbord of hate-fucking.
“Ksar’s eyes were hooded, revealing nothing of his emotions, though his expression was set into tight lines. “You do look good with a cock in your mouth,” he said, stroking Seyn’s cheek—his own cock through Seyn’s cheek. “Quiet is a good look on you.”
Seyn gave him a baleful look "What I’m feeling is your pleasure, not mine. I can feel exactly how much you want to fuck my mouth and choke me on your cock."
Ksar looked at him steadily. “It doesn’t change the fact that right now you’re dying for me to fuck your mouth and come in your mouth.”

Epic burns.
“You know, “Jamil said in a very mild voice, “someone who keeps falling on his enemy’s cock really has no room to talk.”

• A large portion of book 1 of the series, That Alien Feeling, is rehashed.
• Seyn is beyond annoying. He’s like a toddler with Ksar and inevitably resorts to screaming “I hate you” multiple times.

Do yourself a favor. Delve right into That Irresistible Poison and let the fun and games begin.
Profile Image for Camille Kent.
54 reviews
July 23, 2018
If Tristan and Zack were fluff according to the author then I wasn't able to imagine Ksar and Seyn's explosiveness. I was so lookin forward for this book and it didn't disappoint at all. Blew me up like TNT.
It really was like some sort of irresistible poison.

Hate is a passion as strong as love and Alessandra Hazard had woven a tale dancing on the very edges of the line between love and hate. The book follows a beautiful story of two princes, one who had never found love despite being the most powerful and strong telepath on his planet; and the other who had everything he could ever want but still spent his life with a raw need for love from the one prince he could never have.
Their passion was a fire that threatened to risk the peace of their clans but their hearts and minds had a destination to follow despite the consequences. Their need for each other both physical and emotional forced them together on a journey burning with passionate hate that is closer to love at times and not forgetting the deep merges of their minds. I loved the sci-fi touch as much as the romance. Can't wait for the next one.
May 3, 2022
Okay so potentially unpopular opinion but I liked book 2 more than book one. I’m a big fan of enemies to lovers, it’s actually my favorite trope so this book was an easy sell.

-finally an enemies to lover where they properly hate each other for the majority of the book. It’s not like three chapters of arguing and then hard sex. I mean it’s a little bit of that but still an improvement from most other enemies to lovers.
-I love the politics like give me more.

My one qualm with the book is that it tied up really neatly for supposedly complex situation. And like we love to see that character development but we also like realistic character development and Ksar’s Metamorphosis didn’t really fit with the things that happened in the book and how he is as a person.

I’m fully sold on the series and intending to dive right into books 3 which I’ve heard people say that it’s too much politics. Which I love politics so I think this is going to be a winner. I also heard those hot sex, so that doesn’t hurt.

Ah gay sex and politics—talk about living life 😮‍💨👽😂
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,512 reviews145 followers
July 27, 2018
It takes a good author to make me like a likable character, it takes an amazing one to make me like the completely unlikable! Ms Hazard's portrayal of Ksar and Seyn was stunningly done. And it also proved that the line between great hate and great passion is sometimes easy to blur.

For more than a half of the book MCs are constantly in fight and f*ck kind of mode. It's very entertaining to listen to their verbal assaults at each other - each one angrier and more ingenious. The knowledge that their feelings changed is gradual and therefore very intense in the end when there is seemingly no way out of the mess they've created for themselves: both Ksar and Seyn are engaged to somebody else while having come to the conclusion that they can't live without each other. It was beautiful to watch proud Ksar on his knees. Very beautiful.

Seyn for all his faults was deeply wounded by all that Ksar done or more likely not done in the course of their lives but the fact remained that they were made for each other. Others were just substitutes. Arrogant Ksar from the land of A$$es is formidable and kind of scary but gentle Ksar from the land of Doomed Love - so wonderful and lovable! Seyn never really changes during entire book - he is sassy, bossy and delightfully uninhibited. His first s*e*xual encounter with Ksar proves that! As many many many others after that!

But what took the cake was Ksar's clash with his mother, the Queen. Oh, she got smacked down spectacularly and rightly so. That was definitely worth the price of admission! I loved this whole book! Smashing read! I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
August 9, 2018
I didn't feel the magic of the first book- instead, I felt frustration.

The hate to lovers trope involved one character acting like a churlish teen and the other a manipulative jerk. I didn't feel invested in their HEA and thought they would be better off with different partners.

Everyone else seems to love it though.

Oh, well.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for ♥️DevLee♥️.
320 reviews359 followers
July 12, 2022
Guess what bishes? My country (Sri Lanka) just kicked out our PRESIDENT!!!!! And now me reading Ebooks with a chill in his garden while having a picnic with my fiancee🤭🥰😜 Check BBC news and you'll see I'm not lying!

Review to cone btw!
Profile Image for Monique.
445 reviews201 followers
October 22, 2023
3,5 'super sexy' stars

“I’m afraid of no such thing.”
“Liar,” Seyn said softly. He leaned in and gave the tip of the cock a kittenish lick. Ksar’s breath hitched, and Seyn felt another rush of foreign pleasure. “I can feel it, you know. I’m a good empath. You like this. You like seeing me on my knees for you. And you like this…”

I loved Ksar and Seyn so much!! They were super sexy together and I couldn't get enough of their scenes. Also, smut was on another level hot and dirty.

He whined, pushing back onto Ksar’s cock. He was so full of him, but somehow, it still wasn’t enough. He wanted him deeper. He wanted more. “Ksar? Can we— you know?”
“That would be highly inadvisable,” Ksar gritted out, snapping his hips forward.
Seyn opened his eyes blearily. Ksar looked as drunk on pleasure as he felt.
“So? None of what we’re doing is advisable,” Seyn said. “Get in me. Wanna feel you from the inside.”

Seriously, this telepathic sex is 🥵🥵🔥🔥

He’d had sex with telepaths before and he’d never let his shields down even a little, but he’d allowed Seyn to feel what he was feeling multiple times. It was inevitable that it would backlash. Now Seyn wanted— needed—telepathic connection on top of the physical one.

Yeah, I feel you Seyn 🤤🤤

BUT... despite absolutely loving Ksar and Seyn, I have no idea why we had to read half of the first book again. Book 1 was kind of meh for me and I was really not invested in going through the same story again. Yes, I know, we saw everything from Ksar's and Seyn's POVs but I. Just. Didn't. Care!! And there was also part of Jamil's story, which was just a teaser for the next book (I probably won't even read that one) and too much of Calluvian or whatever politics that didn't have that much impact to the plot (maybe important for the following books?) I get that it's a series and I wouldn't mind all these boring stuff if we got more of this book's couple.

“I barely touched you, but you’re hard already. All hard and eager for me.”
“You can suck my cock every day and it won’t change anything,”
Ksar’s scathing voice said in his head.
Seyn smiled, undoing Ksar’s fly. “Every day, huh?”
Ksar’s gaze darkened. “Don’t anger me,” he said flatly. “You don’t want to anger me. Now get up. You look like a cheap whore.”

These two were barley together. Don't get me wrong, I love angst, enemies to lovers, hate sex, and stuff but I also wanted to see them as a couple. Not only for that one chapter at the end.

“I don’t like your attitude ,” Ksar said.
“I don’t like your face, so we’re even.”
“I can’t believe I want to fuck such a childish thing,” Ksar muttered under his breath.
“I can’t believe I want to fuck a sick bastard like you,” Seyn said. “So let’s just do it and forget this ever happened.”

This scorching hot telepathic sex was the only reason why I rounded up my rating. What can I say, guess I'm shallow and cheap, lol.

“You feel so good in me,” he said without thinking. Immediately, he almost cringed. What the hell? Who even said that?
But Ksar didn’t mock him. He stared down at him intently, his gaze dark and feverish. “Do I?”
“You feel good in me,” he said again, holding Ksar’s gaze. “Your cock. You.”
Ksar’s nostrils flared, his eyes wide open and unblinking, his pupils dilated. Leaning down, he kissed Seyn hard.

And I might have read that love confession at the end multiple times 🥰 however, as much as it was satisfying to see Ksar on his knees and apologizing, I wanted him crawling and begging. Seyn is way too much softhearted.

Anyway, I'm a little sad I haven't get more plot and Ksar & Seyn beeing together but I know this book will go on my smut reread pile 😏

“Get your hands off me,” Seyn bit off shakily.
“I will,” Ksar said, their mouths so close he could feel Seyn’s unsteady breaths on his lips. Fuck. He wanted to
consume him. He wanted to mess Seyn up, pull at his shiny, perfect hair, yank it by the roots, and then rip his clothes. He wanted to get to Seyn’s skin, wanted to fuck him until he screamed, until he was wanton and slutty, until Ksar was so far inside him he couldn’t breathe, until those hateful green eyes were wide open and blind to everything except him.
Ksar said hoarsely, “If you say it like you actually mean it.”

“Come on,” Seyn demanded, digging his heels into his back. “Pleasure me. Harder.”
Ksar felt such a violent instinct to please him that the unfamiliar feeling made him freeze. He stared at the naked young man under him and reminded himself he was no slave to his body. “ I will,” he bit out. “At my own pace.”

P.S. What the hell is this cover?? Ksar has long black hair and Seyn long silver/white hair, lol
February 18, 2024
Surprisingly good, considering that I wasn’t over the moon after reading book 1.

What’s even more weird: I feel the sudden urge to reread the previous book, and I’m pretty sure I’ll rate it higher than 3 stars the second time around, seeing that there are parts of the plot that overlap.

In book 1 we had “Harry” aka Prince Harht of the Second Clan on Calluvia, who’s been exiled to Earth because he read his sisters thoughts (a thing that’s incredibly rude amongst the telepaths on Calluvia), and Adam, a human who Harry falls in love with. And there we meet Ksar, Harry’s uptight and mostly insufferable brother, as well as Seyn, Harry’s best friend - who’s bonded to Ksar, which means that he’ll marry him eventually.

Problem is, Seyn hates Ksar, and vice versa. Or so it seems.

Here, in book 2, we get their stories - and what a perfect example of enemies-to-lovers it is 🥰

Is Ksar a nice guy? Definitely not, even if we come to love him at the end, too. Is he perfect for Seyn? Definitely!

I can’t even put my finger on what pulled me in and made the book and un-put-downable - I was frustrated with Ksar, heartbroken for Seyn, annoyed with Ksar’s parents, and ate up every bit we got to see of Harry and Adam (and remember: I wasn’t THAT fond of book 1!).

It just… worked. And now that I’m more familiar with all the intricacies of Calluvian customs, I really need to read the previous book again, I feel like it will work a lot better now that I know more about Calluvians and their customs and physiology 😅

Seyn looked at him for a long moment, hesitating. A small part of him, the one that didn’t want to get hurt, didn’t want to make himself vulnerable. But he knew that honesty would be the best course of action if he wanted their relationship to work. Ksar’s issues with love were deeper than his. A person who’d never been loved would never recognize love and vocalize it.

So Seyn looked Ksar in the eye and said quietly, “I love you.”
Ksar’s mouth twitched, as if he wasn’t sure what to say or how to react to that. But he didn’t need to say anything for Seyn to feel the almost violent rush of foreign happiness and elation mixed with bewilderment and possessiveness.

Great character development, and a surprisingly complex world-building - consider me hooked!
Profile Image for Claudie ☾.
547 reviews169 followers
September 12, 2021
This was so hot. Like, ridiculously, impossibly HOT. 🔥 Enemies-to-lovers hate sex at its best — deliciously angsty in all the right moments, with a wonderfully frustrating push-pull dynamic between Ksar and Seyn — up until it wasn’t ‘hate’ anymore, and then it got even better. Telepathic sex. I’m dead, bye. 😵

I just love these aliens! Can’t wait for Seyn’s brother’s story. 😍
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
August 17, 2021
I enjoyed That Irresistible Poison more than I did, book 1. It was angstier, had more conflict (loads more conflict), tons of delicious angry sex and sometimes I still like the bad boys, even when they're assholes -- and let me tell ya, Ksar was a class A asshole. It was a win for me.
Profile Image for Doug.
43 reviews38 followers
November 18, 2019
I have to say that this incredible book is worth of not just five, but every single star in Calluvia's universe! Not much of a surprise though, I wouldn't have expected anything less from my favorite author. This poison is definitely irresistible.

Ksar and Seyn's story is insanely hot! The intensity and chemistry between them is something out-of-this-world (literally). I've never seen two characters more connected to each other, in every sense of the word.

There are some things in life that are just priceless, and the feeling of happiness and excitement we get from reading such incredible, addicting stories as The Irresistible Poison is one of them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,221 reviews

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