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When she was sold at the age of nine to a Suitor, Fawn believed he would protect her from the “Mainworld”, where those who know nothing about the Order dwell. Living with the cruel man who bought her freedom, she finds just what the Order is money, control, and status for the Owner and humiliation and abuse for those they own. Unwilling to accept the expectations of being Owned, Fawn goes from golden girl to maid, content to live in the shadows of the Order as long as she isn’t Owned again.It’s been ten years since she disgraced her former Owner’s name, and now the brooding Frenchman Elliot Lyon wants her. Master Lyon is kind, smart, and unlike any man she’s met. She doesn’t want to admit it to herself, but Fawn is drawn to him despite constantly planning her next escape. Even the prettiest flowers have thorns, and Master Lyon is hiding secrets that will uproot everything she thinks she knows about him.

327 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 28, 2018

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About the author

Nikki Rae

30 books353 followers
Nikki Rae is an independent author who lives in New Jersey. She explores human nature through fiction, concentrating on making the imaginary as real as possible. Her genres of choice are mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,776 reviews2,826 followers
June 4, 2019
description WELP...I just don't know what to say about this one. Until 85% it was a solid 5 Star read. I was loving it! Fantastic writing. Great characters. Intriguing plot...all good things. Then the wheels flew right off the f-cking bus at 85% when we find out (huge spoiler) --> talk about deflating my happy balloon...sigh. So yea...I am going to at least attempt the next book. I honestly hope that However, I am not ever sure that will get me pulled back into the story.



Profile Image for Christina.
631 reviews24 followers
May 3, 2019
*I received this book from the Author and Stephanie's Book Reports in exchange for my honest opinion.

I'm just gonna start this off with.....where the hell have I been?!!!! Being a HUGE Dark/Erotica lover, I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't heard of this author before. Don't worry. Since finishing this book, I've already entered #stalkermode, as my blogger would call it. WOW!!!

Fawn is no stranger to the Order and their ways. After all, she's grown up within the "system", having been sold before. But now that she's of legal age, her time in the Compound is clearly running out. Hence her current situation. She's been sold yet again, but this time, everything feels different. Nothing like the last time she was owned. Too bad her fight or flight attitude hasn't changed. It just may cause more hurt than good.

Master Lyon is different. How? Let's just say that from the beginning you could tell that he wasn't like the other Vultures within the Order. And although he acted like them at times, other times he was anything but. In fact, the more we get to know him, the more his behavior becomes understandable. Or does it?

If you're looking for a book that has a clear start and finish, this book is not for you. I'm just gonna throw that out there now. Not only does this book take the time to build characters and their relationships, it has the most wicked cliffhanger. Remember, where erotica is sensual, dark can play tricks on the mind. For the characters as well as us readers.

Now shhhhhhh....I've got a second book to read....
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
April 27, 2018
💝 FREE on Amazon today (4/27/2018)!💝

Given to The Grimm Order as an infant, Fawn was raised in a world shaped by the rich and powerful. When she was sold at the age of nine to a Suitor, Fawn believed he would protect her from the “Mainworld”, where those who know nothing about the Order live. Living with the cruel man who bought her freedom, she finds just what the Order is about: money, control, and status for the Owner and humiliation and abuse for those they own.
Unwilling to accept the expectations of being Owned, Fawn goes from golden girl to maid, content to live in the shadows of the Order as long as she isn’t Owned again.
It’s been ten years since she disgraced her former Owner’s name, and now the brooding Frenchman Elliot Lyon wants her. Master Lyon is kind, smart, and unlike any man she’s met. She doesn’t want to admit it to herself, but Fawn is drawn to him despite constantly planning her next escape.
Even the prettiest flowers have thorns, and Master Lyon is hiding secrets that will uproot everything she thinks she knows about him.
Profile Image for Expresso.
875 reviews135 followers
May 29, 2018
The more I delve into organizations, cults, orders, etc. the more intrigue I become...

I’m a newbie to Nikki Rae and what a friggin intro Bloom turned out to be! Bloom is a dark tale of two lost souls who are part of a vicious world. Fawn lived a normal happy life until the order. Master Lyon is an enigma who now owns Fawn. This is their journey to truth and transparency.

This dark story is not for the vanilla or gray readers. Stay in your lane if you’re not a lover of things dark! And that ending? Sit on your hind parts, grab some wine, and get ready to friggin FLIP!!!

Other than pesky formatting issues I enjoyed this story!

4 stars!

Disclaimer: This review is my personal opinion of this story. As usual my personal opinion should have ZERO influence on your experience with the story. With that being said, read, enjoy, and leave a review!
Profile Image for Wonder Tre Reads -Tre Harris.
1,254 reviews29 followers
April 21, 2019
I’m intrigued with this story as we learn when what Fawn has been through at such a young age and how she continues in the present day. Elliot is a man of mystery for a better half of this book but little by little we’re presented with pieces of what’s hidden within, parts of himself that not many are aware of. I won’t give anything away because there’s a cliffhanger at the end and of course I need to know more so I’m jumping straight into book two next. Be warned now that this is a darker read, not everyone has an open mind to all genres and there could be triggers. I myself am open to any and all types. This was a non stop page turner for me.
Profile Image for E.P..
Author 23 books113 followers
February 3, 2018
Fawn was once the specialest of all the special girls in her Compound. Until she was sold into cruel servitude and tried to fight back. Now she finds herself sold again despite being damaged goods. Is this her chance to finally escape as she's been plotting all these years, or is she going to end up even more trapped than before?

"Bloom" is dark, disturbing, and compelling. It takes the story at the heart of most romance novels, the myth of Persephone, in which an innocent young woman is captured and dragged down into Hell to be the consort of a dangerous man, and lays it bare. Fawn is literally a slave, who escaped from a cruel Owner to end up with a (slightly) kinder one, and she must negotiate both the threats to her physical safety and freedom, and her feelings, that her situation subjects her to. Because being in such close, one might even say intimate, footing with someone, even a captor, does create a sense of closeness, dependency, and attachment--it's an extreme situation that throws people together, even under circumstances they might not want to be in. Developing an emotional attachment is an essential survival instinct for both parties involved in such a relationship, something that has always complicated the master-slave dialectic (Hegel really should have read more romance novels).

"Bloom" also makes explicit the problems for the "master" in such a relationship, and emphasizes that both parties are trapped, through necessity and social convention, in a relationship they might rather not be in and might even abhor, but may not know how to escape. Fawn's new Owner, Master Lyon, is gradually revealed to be just as conflicted and desperate as she is herself. It may not excuse his behavior, but it does explain it, and the reader can't help but sympathize with him along with Fawn, even as you root for her escape.

Readers should not think this is a dry philosophical treatise, however, even if it does incorporate problems that readers of philosophy will recognize as core issues raised by Hegel and others. "Bloom" is somewhere along the line of dark fantasy/dark romance, featuring an alternative or hidden world and sexual relationships with a sharp edge that takes BDSM fantasy and makes it reality. Fans of Jacqueline Carey's "Kushiel" books will probably enjoy it; fans of the "50 Shades" books may or may not--it's not dissimilar, but it's scarier and more intense, with the fear/fantasy at the heart of that story revealed for what it is, encouraging readers to contemplate whether Fawn's story is the ultimate story of female empowerment or disempowerment. If what you're looking for is a light, standalone (the book is the first part of a series, and ends on a cliffhanger), HEA romance, keep looking, because "Bloom" is unlikely to be your cup of tea. But if you like your stories dark and challenging, your heroes dark and brooding, and your heroines desperate and wily, you may very well find that "Bloom" is just the cup of absinthe you've been seeking.

My thanks to the author for providing a review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Shirley.
931 reviews230 followers
February 28, 2018
Original review

This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Nikki Rae!

Fawn was given to The Grim Order when she was a child but she was never really bought because the first Master she had, couldn’t keep her. He treated her like a dog and she disgraced him. Now that she’s 19, she’s finally bought by Master Lyon (Elliot) and he’s everything she didn’t expect him to be. But can Fawn trust him?

First of all, I want to apologise for my review because I’m not sure if I’m going to make any sense at all. Bloom is such an intriguing and interesting book and I couldn’t put it down. After every chapter, I had to continue because I had to know what happened.

Bloom is such a good book and I really like the characters. Fawn and Elliot (Master Lyon) are such complicated persons and they never really show who they really are until the end of the book. Fawn is such a strong character and I love that she was so determined to escape. Elliot (or Master Lyon) seemed like a good master, not too harsh or mean and he was even kind and smart, but when I read the ending of Bloom, I was blown away! I just couldn’t believe his true intentions.

Bloom was such a fast-paced read and that plot twist at the end of the book… I’m not going to say too much because otherwise, I’m going to spoil everything, but omg… I didn’t see it coming. I DID NOT! Bloom is just another amazing book written by Nikki Rae and I cannot wait to read the sequel!
Profile Image for Amy (Lost in a Good Book).
718 reviews69 followers
March 1, 2018
Once again, Nikki Rae delivers. I will admit I was wary when I first began reading. It's different, it's certainly uncomfortable and dark at times, but nevertheless it is everything that makes Rae's books wonderful.

There were some scenes that made my stomach turn, which is interesting because this is not Rae's first dark, sinisterly book. Nor the first with such a dark subject. It wasn't the concept though, nor the overall situation, just a few scenes that made me feel ill as I read. It made my stomach turn but I couldn't stop reading. My own heart was pounding alongside Fawn's. My own heart was thudding in my chest because I wanted to know what was going to happen because clearly anything could. I was engrossed, I stayed up late to read, I had to drag myself away at the end of lunch hours, trying to read another sentence, another paragraph.

Rae gets us inside Fawn's head as we plan, assess, and discover all there is to her new world and her new situation. We discover things about her past life and her experiences with seamless transitions and carefully placed words. I felt the touch of fairytale in there and I loved the society and its secrets hidden in the modern world.

An important thing to note is that while it is of a darker sexual nature, it isn't too terrible, but there are also a few scenes of descriptive violence. In context and in the world in which Rae has created it makes sense, but certain scenes were hard to read.

I finished the final chapter very late at night and immediately wanted to leap into the next book. Rae takes you on an emotional journey with secrets you may or may not guess, and moments wrought with suspense and suppression. Everything you think you know or guess will get turned on its head on a whim. By the end you wish you knew what to expect but are delighted when the story changes direction and you cannot fathom just where this story will take you.

This review was published on my blog Lost in a Good Book
Profile Image for Louise Seraphim Reviews.
498 reviews25 followers
May 2, 2018
I happened upon this book for two reasons, the first reason, it was free! Secondly, because I love this authors books, so it made perfect sense to read it. And I'm so glad I did.

So obviously aside from those facts, the blurb looked awesome and I was incredibly intrigued. I love reading dark stories of hidden, powerful organisations. In this story, Fawn is one of many children who are given to The Grimm Order when young, so that they can be trained and primed ready to be purchased by one of the 'Master's' in the order. These Masters are known to be powerful and brutal. Endless money, desires and have no concept of normal boundaries, due to being protected by the organisation.

In Fawn's story we are told of how she was already purchased when 9, but wasn't prepared to bend to the will of her then Master, she soon makes her name as the wilful, unwanted slave who disgraced her owner and ran away, was captured and returned to the training facility as basically a maid to the other girls in training. Until someone specifically asks for her.

Fawn is bought by a French Master this time, and he is unlike any other. Nothing like her original Master. This completely throws Fawn and she is unsure of what she should be doing. Running or accepting her fate, with someone who isn't the worst option left open to her.

So, that's the background, and obviously things are going to start kicking off. Especially when secrets come out. Things seem to be way too good to be true for Fawn. The ending was left with a whole new battle ready to start, and I can't wait for the next book.

As always Nikki's storytelling skills are incredible. I love anything she writes, but this was something completely different from her, and I *think* this could possibly be my favourite story of hers! So just going to chew my nails until Wilt is released. :-/
Profile Image for Claire Cronin.
1,238 reviews18 followers
June 28, 2018
Nikki Rae is a new author to me, but upon reading the blurb for Bloom I was immediately intrigued by the dark and sinister world and the cult situation - I must say it was a great read for me, thoroughly intriguing, captivating, dark and brutal!!

Fawn is one of the children given to The Order and purchased by a Master at 9yrs old, but she rebelled against him and would not bend to his will, runs away but is captured and taken back into her old Compound, shunned and disgraced and used as a maid to the other girls in training, until a new Master appears on the scene and buys her.

Master Lyon takes her back to his home, but he is so much different from her previous Master she is thrown for a loop, unsure of what to do with herself, whether to run or accept her fate.

Of course things are not quite what they seem to be as Fawn thinks everything is just too good to be true. The ending I didn't see coming and really now can't wait for book 2.

A great read, compelling, mesmerizing, though not for the faint hearted, it is a disturbing read so be warned.
Profile Image for Joann Herley.
Author 18 books61 followers
June 18, 2018
Bloom (The Order Series #1) is a dark and sometimes disturbing story of a young woman names Fawn who has been sold into servitude. Her owner is mysterious, generous, brutal, and carrying secrets. Their journey is intriguing. Ms. Rae's writing keeps you turning the pages as she reveals the reasons, the emotions, and the secrets of this mesmerizing story. I was a little disappointed in the ending of the story but will definitely watch for the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Renee.
364 reviews11 followers
August 4, 2018
This is an intriguing book. The author does a good job adding some very unexpected turns and making the reader feel.

The character development was solid for the main characters. I would have liked to see a little more development for the secondary. The world building I felt could have used just a little more work because it did take me a bit to get into the book. However, once it grabbed me it kept me captivated. I deducted one star for both character development and world building.

There's definitely some excellent darkness, mystery and twists. The storyline is engaging once it fully caught my attention. I'm excited to read book 2.

4 stars for intrigue and the unexpected. Recommend.
Profile Image for Read.Review.Repeat Blog.
5,474 reviews97 followers
March 11, 2018
I had high hopes for Bloom. It has an amazing storyline and could be an amazing series. I was drawn in from the blurb. I was ready for a dark and twisty read. And for that I was not disappointed! I feel like the author repeated herself. And there were just too many words. So many that I would have to stop and reread because I was getting confused. I had to make myself keep reading. I didn’t want to stop because I think there is so much potential and I want to finish the series. But as for Bloom, it was not a favorite.
Profile Image for Romantically Inclined Reviews.
690 reviews2,379 followers
April 18, 2019
I really enjoyed this book BUT DEAR GOD I AM SO STRESSED OUT. It's like everything I love from all my dark romances wrapped into one anxiety-ridden present. In a good way? Maybe? I feel like I'm wired to explode right now, but the writing and characters are so, so good. I hope the pain is worth it.
June 25, 2018
No matter how much you learn, how many times you are told the same fact, how much you’ve imagined the multitudes of outcomes and scenarios, the people involved and what is expected of you; sometimes when faced with reality of the situation, there is no preparing for it.

The initial vibe I got from this book when I first read the description was pretty *meh*. It had the very much overdone and basic slavery background with the male love interest being the ‘Master’ who also happens to be extremely handsome.
Halfway through the novel, my worst fears were coming true. The things which I despise were starting to creep into this novel. Instances were:
1. “The female body is not such a mystery,” he said. “I can tell you’re not as repulsed by me as you would like me to believe. I can also tell that it would be easy to make your body…”
….. “React favorably.”

I just have one analogy which will make it pretty clear why I don’t like this quote. If someone you despise tickles you, you laugh. But that doesn’t mean that you are appreciating that person touching you without your consent. Reactions of the body should not be glorified in such a manner that it almost borders on JUSTIFYING the actions of the oppressor.
P.S – I know the author may not have meant it, but that is the only way I, personally could infer this sentence.
Please feel free to check out this TED talk by Emily Nagoski on Unwanted Arousal.

2. “He sat on the edge of the bed-which had been made, most likely while I was being humiliated, violated, or bathing.”
WHAT.THE.HELL. I just kept rereading this line and it kept getting worse. This sentence came up 42% into the novel and frankly, i just wanted to get this novel over with.
But, as this book progressed all the things that weren’t just adding up or were plain offensive, started making sense! It all started from this quote:
“Typical,” he said under his breath. Dehumanizing girls so they feel no remorse over what they do to them.”
From this point onwards, I actually started to like this book. I still don’t like any of the characters particularly. Maybe because I was too busy hating them for the majority of the novel.

The things I really liked in this novel:
1. The concept of the Order- they are responsible for most of the conspiracies that are made up including the Illuminati, the dark web, alien abductions, assassinations of public figures, etc. This concept was so fresh and unique! I’m really curious to read more about the Order in the next book.
2. The way author paid attention to details in a character’s backstory, especially Elliot.
3. It is not very dark per se, once you get through the nasty initial 50%. The author gives very valid justifications of the behavior of characters once we get to the cliffhanger.

Overall, I’m excited to see how the plot will progress even though I don’t give a shit about the characters. The next installment ‘Wilt’ will release on 30th June, 2018.
Profile Image for Sarah.
42 reviews
May 9, 2019
Bloom was sent to me by Nikki for review, and prior to reading I had only the vaguest idea of the plot and general tone. It's categorised as erotic romance/BDSM on here, and I think that's at least a little misleading. This isn't 50 Shades of Grey, and I'm glad for that. There's no actual sex in this book, BDSM or otherwise. There are some erotic-ish moments, although they're limited by the fact that those exchanges are, if not non-consentual, then at least reluctant. I'd categorise it as a psychological thriller with an edge of dark romance.

To contextualise briefly, the main character - Fawn - was born into a dystopian society which is ruled by The Grimm Order. Basically, powerful men who are permitted to purchase females for use as sexual slaves. I'd have liked more background on the Order, because I don't feel I fully understand how or why it came to be, or what the basis of it is. Possibly (hopefully) that's something that'll be explored in later books, but at this stage it reminds me a little of The Handmaid's Tale in that it's a state of affairs that's by no means all encompassing - there's mention of a resistance, and hints of a normal world which presumably functions alongside. Fawn is a fighter, struggling constantly to free herself, strong-willed and not easily cowed, but ultimately dwarfed by circumstance. Before we meet her, she has been sold once before and returned.

Which brings me to the other main character - Fawn's new owner, Master Lyon. He's a man with a mysterious past, which is slowly revealed along the way. It's hard to know whether to trust him, hence why I feel it's more readily categorised as a psychological thriller. There are elements of dark romance, particularly as his relationship with Fawn begins to develop, and - more crucially - to blur, but that's something that I feel is really only just beginning at the end of the book. Possibly the next in the series will have more romance elements - this one felt very much like the groundwork upon which that'll build.

It's not a flawless book. For all its world-building, it's still lacking in detail, but the first-person perspective means that we can only know what Fawn knows, which goes some way to account for that. It also contributes to an overarching feeling of disorientation, which I actually quite enjoyed. The "romance" is a little weak at the moment, but then it's really only just getting started so I'm prepared to give it time. The stand out for me is Master Lyon, who might just be particularly deliciously twisted in ways we're only just beginning to see. He has his moments as a kind and considerate owner, whose own motivations lie outside those of the accepted system, but he's also a man who believes in punishing women "when they need it", which is both problematic and contradictory.

It's really a kind of dark fairy tale, made more complex by it's political overtones. It could be heading in a favourably feminist direction, which would be cool, but for me the jury's still out on that one. I'll absolutely be continuing the series - I have too many questions to stop now!

Profile Image for Erica.
120 reviews8 followers
July 9, 2018
Review originally posted at my blog for the upcoming Wilt Blog Tour: https://livingahundredlives.wordpress...

Okay, I don’t know how to start this but it is, by far, the most awesome book I’ve read this 2018! Seriously, I don’t know what to do or say. I was quiet since I’ve reached the second half of the book and I read 80% of it in just one sitting! I just wished that I was able to delve into it as soon as I started it but duuuuude, I promise you that once you get the hang of it YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO STOP.

To be honest, this book contained issues that I wouldn’t read at first glance but no regrets. I’m glad I gave this one a chance! The first chapters were really intriguing and it will definitely suck you in.

Fawn is a wonderful name. And so is the person who owns it. Fawn has been hurt and abused for as early as she was 9 and I know there’s a lot of hatred in her heart, I just want to hug her. I’m not joking when I said I cried. I shed tears for Fawn. God, the raw emotions. It hurts, so much. And I feel helpless too because I want to make her feel better but I can’t.

And damn precious Elliot who’s too gorgeous, I’m swooning over him. Well, won’t you look at that, I became emotional to swooning in a matter of seconds, lol. I cannot deny that I felt a strong connection with the characters. They make me crazy and I love it!

I’ve never felt this attached to a book wherein I literally can’t function after and just started reading the second book. It was a little embarrassing because I was on the way home and I’m holding my phone tearing up. I look like I just had a major fight with my guy but I was just finishing Bloom.

The book contained adult scenes but it wasn’t that icky, it was actually a bit lovely, tbh. Romantic. How Elliot showed Fawn what feeling pleasure is. Fawn was so pure and whenever Elliot calls her “Doe” made her even purer. I actually loved both names. Fawn and Doe are beautiful names.

The adult content wasn’t the highlight of the story. It’s the order and the relationship between Fawn and Elliot. It’s quite a sensitive read so I recommend to be careful if you’re going to start reading this.

I’ve really never been this emotional on a book before ever since I’ve read So Near the Horizon by Jessica Koch and this hit me even harder! Overall, I rate Bloom by Nikki Rae, a stunning 5/5 stars because it truly is a masterpiece.
Profile Image for Anna.
35 reviews10 followers
July 1, 2018
Confession – I put off writing this review for several weeks. This was the darkest book I’ve ever read and I had so many different (and conflicting) emotions while reading. When I finished the book I struggled between 5+ stars and 1.

Trigger Warning – Sexual Assault and Abuse

From the very first sentence, Nikki Rae pulled me into this book. This book is written from Fawn’s POV and you really feel like you’re in her head. You become a part of her world. After every chapter I had to find out what came next. I needed to know what happened to Fawn and how her story ended.

The plot is very unique. Fawn has spent the past 10 years keeping her head down and staying hidden. She knows what it’s like to be owned and she never wants to go through that again. In comes Elliot Lyon. He buys Fawn and now she has a new owner. However, he is unlike any other she has seen or heard of. He is kind. He is understanding. But he is still an owner. He still can make Fawn do anything he wants and she has no choice.

Her whole life, Fawn has come to terms with never having/feeling love. She is a slave and that’s all she ever will be. She’s hoping to spend the rest of her life in her cell of a room. Until Elliot Lyon enters her life she’s never known what the feeling could be like. Within every chapter you learn something new about Fawn and Elliot even though they try extremely hard to hide themselves from each other. They are both extremely strong willed and because of that they seem to connect on a different level.

Like many other people have said, I did not expect the twist at the end. It made sense but that doesn’t take away any of the shock. I was lucky to have the second one right away that I could continue reading to find out what happened next but it was definitely a cliff hanger and one of the best I’ve ever read.

I had a hard time with this review because of the subject matter. As a reader I wanted to root for Elliot and Fawn but as a person from the outside I realized how crazy that is since Fawn is a slave. Sex trafficking is a very intense subject and this book brings that subject right into view.
Profile Image for Mia.
245 reviews2 followers
May 27, 2019

Intense. Explosive. Intoxicating.
Those are the words that best describe this book.

‘Bloom’ by Nikki Rae is book one in a trilogy called The Order.

This book is not for the lighthearted, it touches some subjects that might be triggering for some people and could be hard to read. But if you dare and pick this beauty up you will not be disappointed.

Fawn is a pawn in The Order’s world, she’s an object used to please men and to be paraded around like a prize.
She was thrown in this cruel world at the age of just nine, and after the fairytale vanished she soon realized that what was in front of her was all fake, nice facades that hide the cutting teeth of cruel monsters who would do anything to humiliate her.

She’s got quite a reputation among the suitors, she’s not willing to soften her edges and doesn’t let anyone tame her. She’s wild, strong and witty and the thing she wants most in this horrible life is freedom.

When a suitor finally decides to buy her, she’s taken aback because those who showed interest in her soon lost it when they found out who she was. But Master Lyon doesn’t seem fazed one bit.

Master Lyon is different to any other man she’d ever encountered, he could be hard and cruel but it wasn’t in his nature. As long as she behaved nothing bad happened to her.
Master Lyon is as mysterious as he is interesting, but there is something about him that, despite her continuous planning an escape, she couldn’t help but want to know more about him.

Weeks fly by and the relations between them soon start to change, there’s something slowly growing despite the situation they find themselves in.
In the end, they are not that different.
But they are.

The last few chapters you’ll devour, you’ll want to know more and you’ll start to panic thinking about what else could happen.

This book will Destry you, and I am still not sure it is for the best or not.
The only thing I’m sure about as that this book is worth it and I cannot wait to see how the story continues.
Profile Image for Elena.
225 reviews25 followers
May 28, 2019
OMG this series was so dark like anything I have read before. I don't even know where to begin with my review without giving anything away and beside my head is such a mess right now. So many emotions and questions going through it. Okay first thing first..this series needs to be read in order as every book ends in a cliffhanger. The first book is Bloom then Wilt and then Chrysalis. 
When I started Bloom I knew this will be a dark read from the beginning I just didn't know how dark it will get, because trust me this series is nor for the faint of heart. The topic is really disturbing and for some readers it might be hard to read. But if you love dark reads and have no problem reading them (like me) then I highly recommend you read this one. 
This books were absolutely amazing and no doubt will be one of my top reads in the Dark Romance genre. I loved it so fucking much that I was surprised how much I did. 
It was my first read by this author and she just became one of my new favorite authors that you need to keep an eye on. She also became one of the authors who managed to challange my dark mind and go into the very dark conrners of it. And those authors are very few for now. She gave me so many feelings while reading her books. I have never cry on dark romance but trust me I did here. All the things Fawn and Elliot and Marius went through their whole life just made my heart feel so much for them. They went through so much pain that I wondered if it will ever end. 
Reading page after page I never knew what to expect next. The story was so captivating that I could not turn them fast enough to find out what will happen next. And I still don't know what will happen next as it ended with a cliffhanger and now I need to wait for the next book and I am so lost I don't know what to do with my life. I have so many questions that need answers and I really wished I had the next book so I could start it stright away. 
Brilliant, unputdownable, unforgettable story. Must Read. 
Profile Image for Judith/books.series.forever  .
337 reviews76 followers
December 1, 2019

“Bloom” de Nikki Rae es el primer libro perteneciente a la serie “The Order”. Es un romance dark con BDSM, con angustia, personajes dañados y cautivos y esclavos sexuales. Un libro demasiado intrigante con contenido inapropiado para ciertas personas.

Fawn (Doe) ha vivido en un mundo paralelo en el que las personas normales no saben que es The Grim Order. Tres casas poderosas pertenecientes a la Orden, House Wolf, House Leviathan y House Wolf, donde hay dinero, control y estatus para el Propietario y humillación y abuso para aquellos que poseen. Fawn pudo huir de su antiguo propietario, pero ahora el melancólico francés Master Lyon (Elliot) de Chimera House, la quiere. Fawn se siente atraída por él a pesar de estar planeando constantemente su próxima fuga y convertirse en la siguiente Vulture.

Este es mi primer libro y no sabía muy bien donde me estaba adentrando, pero madre mía, ha sido increíble. Este libro es dark en todos los sentidos y te transporta literalmente al mundo donde se encuentran Fawn y Elliot.

Al principio conocemos a Fawn, y todo el libro está desde su punto de vista, por tanto, se siente el terror que sufre, la esperanza, la soledad y las ganas de ser libre. Todos estos sentimientos transcurren durante todo el libro y prácticamente los sientes en tu misma piel.

No me permitía sueños. Eran poco realistas e injustas. Cruel. Había suficiente crueldad en mi vida; no necesitaba infligirla sobre mí mismo. Fue difícil al principio, diciéndole a mi cerebro que se apagara tan completamente que incluso cuando no tenía el control de la situación, podía confiar en que las imágenes de mi interior estuvieran cubiertas de negro. Dicen que todos sueñan y que no se acuerdan. No creo que mi mente sea capaz de evocar imágenes, pesadillas o sueños agradables. Ya no más. La realidad era una pesadilla. Los sueños no se hicieron realidad. Una vez que supiste que las cosas no podían mejorar y que las cosas eran y serán lo más aterrador que podrías experimentar, la imaginación simplemente murió. Así que, en vez de soñar, lo planeé.

Al conocer a Elliot, me dio esperanzas con cada paso que daban. Cada momento que pasaban juntos me dejaba con la boca abierta y con ganas del siguiente momento que mantuvieran juntos. Fawn piensa en su vida en cómo ser libre, pero al mismo tiempo sus salvaguardas empiezan a caer y siente esperanza con él.

“Si no eliges obedecer" dijo en un tono tranquilo y parejo " el próximo castigo te impedirá caminar durante semanas”

Pero al final todo cambia, y no sé si tomármelo a bien o a mal. Al principio dije, no puede ser, tiene que ser una broma, ¿cómo era posible?, pero finalmente se entienden más las cosas y Elliot explica todo lo que le ha pasado.

Tengo muchísimo miedo de lo que pueda pasar entre ambos después de todas las cosas que han salido a la luz. Aun así, me encantan las complicaciones, así que a por el segundo libro.
⚜Rate: ★★★★★

"Bloom" by Nikki Rae is the first book in the "The Order" series. It' s a dark romance with BDSM, with angst, damaged and captive characters, and sex slaves. An overly intriguing book with inappropriate content for certain people.

Fawn (Doe) has lived in a parallel world in which ordinary people don't know what the Grim Order is. Three powerful houses, belonging to the Order, House Wolf, House Leviathan and House Wolf, where there is money, control, and status for the Owner, and humiliation and abuse for those who own. Fawn was able to escape from her former owner, but now the melancholic French Master Lyon (Elliot) of Chimera House wants her. Fawn is attracted to him even though she is constantly planning her next escape and becoming the next Vulture.

This is my first book, and I didn't know very well where I was going, but oh my God, it was incredible. This book is dark in every way and transports you to the world where Fawn and Elliot meet.

At first, we know Fawn, and the whole book is from her point of view, so you feel the terror she suffers, the hope, the loneliness, and the desire to be free. All these feelings run through the book, and you practically feel them in your skin.

I didn't allow myself dreams. They were unrealistic and unfair. Cruel. There was enough cruelty in my life; I didn't need to inflict it upon myself. It was difficult at first, telling my brain to shut off so completely that even when I wasn't in control of it I could rely on the images within to be shrouded in black. They say everyone dreams and they just don't remember. I don't think my mind is capable of conjuring up images—nightmares or pleasant dreams. Not anymore. Reality was a nightmare. Dreams didn't come true. Once you knew that things couldn't get any better and that things were and will be the scariest you could ever experience, the imagination simply died. So instead of dreaming, I planned.

When I met Elliot, he gave me hope with every step they took. Every moment they spent together left me shooked, and looking forward to the next moment they had together. Fawn thinks about her life, how to be free, but at the same time her safeguards begin to fall, and she feels hope with him.

“If you do not choose to obey,” he said in a calm, even tone, “the next punishment will prevent you from walking for a week.” He backed away so we were a small distance apart again. “Is thatunderstood?”

But in the end, everything changes, and I don't know if I take it rightly or wrongly. At first, I said, it can't be, it has to be a joke, how was it possible? But finally, things are better understood, and Elliot explains everything that has happened to him.

I'm very afraid of what might happen between them after all the things that have come to light. Still, I love complications, so go for the second book.
⚜Rate: ★★★★★
Profile Image for Books Laid Bare.
2,275 reviews37 followers
May 6, 2019
A new to me author and a story that grab me by the throat from the very start and never let up.
Elliot and Fawn are complicated but captivating characters and Fawn’s past is far from ordinary, having been given to the Grim Order when she was nothing more than a child, she has learnt that life isn’t always sweetness and light, if at all. But at the age of 19 she has moved on, no not out of the clutches of the Order but on to another Master. I was at odds with the terminology and what she had been through but by the time I finished the book, I totally got where the author was coming from…this is more complicated than you would probably imagine, so stick with Fawn and in turn also with her new Master…Master Lyon ( Elliot).
Elliot was totally against the grain, not at all the sort of man that Fawn thought he would be and that brought its own sense of c0onfliction, she had to trust someone in life but could that someone be Elliot?
Well let’s just say there are further books to come so don’t take everything at face value because by the time the end of the story rolled around, I was totally gobsmacked…WTF!
Fawn was a great character and, in many respects, so was Elliot but not all was as it seemed so bear that in mind because it wasn’t just tantalising, nope it was explosive! I was totally oblivious to just where the author was taking me, I honestly didn’t see the twist in the tale until it was right in my face!
Profile Image for Ms Cat's World.
991 reviews10 followers
March 14, 2018
Bloom hooked me during its cover reveal over a month ago honestly and was thrilled to be a part of the book tour with an ARC. The words "dark" and "erotic" form the shell of this contemporary adult romance that is actually the first in Nikki Rae's series, The Order. Bloom gives us the basis behind The Order where those with power rule and own anything and everything their claws can grasp, including innocent children, both girls and boys alike. The children are slaves must show those of The Order that they are worthy to have their freedom bought, which just means they are going "from the fire into the witch's cauldron" per se (best analogy I had and, no, there are no witches). Which is where our main character, Fawn, comes in who was bought at the age of 9; things like this happen to this day which is so very sad and sickening. Forewarned you it was dark!

There is a grit to the reading that leaves nothing veiled. 

Fawn goes from one master to another all the while trying to escape the life she is being tortured in. Will Fawn's master, Elliot Lyon, prove to be her savior though? Sorry, no spoilers here, but I can tell you that Elliot feels as trapped into slavery as a Master as Fawn does being a true slave.

Wonderfully written, leaving the reader feeling mesmerized for all those involved.
Profile Image for Jessie Seymour.
307 reviews25 followers
May 1, 2018
I received a copy of this book for an honest review

I gave this book 4 stars. This book never wasted pages. This book was a decent length but I never felt as if it was dragging on or even felt the need to put it down because I was bored. It was actually the perfect pace.

This book just messed me up. I didn’t pick it up until last night and once I did I really didn’t want to stop. I’m kind of mad about where it left off and the fact that we don’t have any news about the next book, but it’s okay because I’m gonna wait it out because I want to see how this one ends.

The ending wasn’t an in your face plot twist that leaves you on your ass, but it definitely wasn’t a place I wanted to be left at when finishing a book. The problem I often have with series’s is that I don’t get to continue them right away. This was a prime example of that.

I would definitely suggest reading this one. The secret hinted at in the synopsis? It’s a big one.

I was really rooting for the protagonist throughout this book and I still am. If anything bad happens to her in the next book I will actually buy a paperback just so that I can shred it/burn it.
Profile Image for ReadingInPyjamas.
610 reviews
April 25, 2019
"Even the prettiest flowers have thorns."

Give me a dystopian world and complex and very damaged characters and you've got me hooked. Bloom is the first book I read from Nikki Rae and I absolutely loved it. Her writing style is fantastic. It was a dark and captivating read.

When she was an infant Fawn was given to an Order that traded children into slavery. She struggles to accept her faith and by the age of nineteen she tries to find ways to escape her nightmare, but then she is bought by the mysterious and generous Master Elliot Lyon of House Chimera. Elliot has his own tragic past and a secret that keeps him reserved towards Fawn. Their story is intriguing and seductive, with twists and plots and constant angst. Written from Fawn's point of view, I felt like I was inside every corner of her mind. She is such a strong and brave young woman. The storyline kept me really engaged, I wanted to know more and more about what was going one, what were Elliot's intentions.

The book ends with a cliffhanger I didn't see coming and I'm really excited to start the second one in the series. If you enjoy a good dark romance, you will find this an interesting read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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