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Cynster #3

Scandal's Bride

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"He will father your children..."

When Catriona Hennessy, honorable Scottish Lady of the Vale, received this prediction, she was exceedingly aghast. How could she unite with a rake like Richard Cynster--a masterful man with a scandalous reputation? More shocking still was her guardian's will that decreed she and Richard be wed within a week! Though charmed by his commanding presence, and wooed by his heated kisses, she would not--could not--give up her independence.

So she formed a plan to get the heir she needed without taking wedding vows.Richard was just as stunned by the will's command. Marriage had not previously been on his agenda, but lately he'd been feeling rather...restless. Perhaps taming the lady was just the challenge he needed. But can he have the rights of the marriage bed without making any revealing promises of love?

416 pages, Mass Market Paperback

Published March 1, 1999

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About the author

Stephanie Laurens

229 books5,495 followers
Stephanie Laurens was born in Sri Lanka, which was at the time the British colony of Ceylon. When she was 5, her family moved to Melbourne, Australia, where she was raised. After continuing through school and earning a Ph.D. in Biochemistry in Australia, Stephanie and her husband moved to Great Britain, taking one of the last true overland journeys from Katmandu to London.

Once in London, Stephanie and her husband both began work as research scientists in Kent. They lived in an area surrounded by history. Their own cottage was built in the 16th century, while next door were the protected ruins of an early Roman villa, and nearby was a 14th century castle.

After four years in England, Stephanie and her husband returned to Australia, where she continued to work in cancer research, eventually heading her own research laboratory. One evening Stephanie realized that she did not have any more of her favorite romance novels to read. After years of thinking about writing her own novel, during nights and weekends for the next several months, she began crafting her own story. That manuscript, Tangled Reins, was the first of her books to be published. After achieving a level of success with her novels, Stephanie "retired" from scientific research and became a full-time novelist. Her novels are primarily historical romances set in the Regency time period.

Stephanie and her husband live on peaceful acreage on the outskirts of Melbourne. If she isn't writing, she's reading, and if she's not reading, she's tending her garden.

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Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
November 13, 2014
******SPOILER ALERT******

DNF'd at 28%. I simply cannot finish this one. After reading the first two books in this series, you would think my patience would have been sufficiently stretched to accommodate Laurens' distinctively bitchy, grating heroines. It's true, I was expecting a heroine who was equal parts stupid, judgmental, arrogant, and bitchy.

What I was not expecting, however, was for said irritating heroine to also be a fucking rapist.

She roofies the hero and has sex with him because she's convinced he's just supposed to father her child and nothing more.

I'm not making this up.

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From the beginning of the book, Catriona has been visited by visions she knows are being sent by her own personal savior, also known as "The Lady". Apparently, "The Lady" wants Catriona to marry Richard Cynster. Catriona, for some strange reason, refuses to even entertain this notion. She keeps insisting that she's reading the signs wrong, misinterpreting the messages she's being sent. But each time she tries for a clearer answer, the answer comes back clearer: "He will father your children." But Catriona, wise, all-knowing 22-year-old pain in the ass, knows more about what's going on than her paranormal watchdog, so she's just sittin', biding her time until she can think of some way to get out of the situation. When her companion eavesdrops on a conversation between Richard and another man, she jumps to conclusions, tells Catriona what Richard said (even though he didn't really say much at all), and then Catriona also jumps to conclusions, is convinced Richard is about to leave even though "The Lady" has said he'll father Catriona's children sooooooooooo.....the only answer is rape.

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It's bad enough she treats Richard like a child from the moment they meet, constantly attempting to use her mindquad abilities to manipulate him, but then she goes and drugs him - and has sex with him - and is cool with it. And in case you're wondering why she didn't just seduce him without the drugging part, here's the greatest part; Richard is a bastard. He's been lucky as far as bastards go since his father's wife accepted him as one of her own, but he's still sensitive about his bastardy. Catriona, knowing this, seeks to have a child by him, out of wedlock, without him ever knowing. She doesn't seem to feel even the slightest twinge of guilt about any of it. Even after the deed is done. Her only concern is that Richard wasn't quite as out of sorts as she would have liked. Because, you know, the sex ain't good unless your partner resembles a corpse. So she just plans to drug him a little more next time.

Oh, I didn't mention? Yeah, she's planning to do it again.

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That was where I quit. I've better things to do with my time than read about some trumped-up, arrogant sexual predator with a god complex getting her happily-ever-after.
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,508 followers
November 5, 2016
"That's ridiculous! You can't simply declare we'll wed—I have to agree. And I won't!"

"If I decide to have you…"—he kept his words deliberate, pausing to let the qualification sink in—"I'll have to change your mind."

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Another great installment from the Bar Cynster series!

The story

Richard Cynster comes to Scotland summond by a lawyer, he's to be present at the reading of the last will and testament of his biological mother's husband Photobucket Yes I know, quite complex, but that is why his nickname is Scandal :) His real mother was from the Lowlands, and married. His father Sebastian Cynster had an affair with her and thus came Richard, a bastard son sent to the Cynsters and raised by Helena, the Duchess of St. Ives.
Moving on! Catriona, "The lady of the Vale", had a vision of the man who will father her childern, sent to her by The Lady herself, and that man turns out to be Richard Photobucket Knowing that as the lady of the Vale, she can't have someone as strong of character as a husband, because of her obligations and powers, she must be the one in charge, so she sets on completing the Lady's desires, without having to marry Richard. What does she think of? Photobucket Why, it's totally obvious! Drug the man and have sex with him without him knowing it, get pregnant and never see him again. Quite simple, really Photobucket
BUT, she somehow got her potions in a wrong mix, because the sleeping potion and the afrodisiac worked a bit too well, a rake in normal terms, Richard became quite enthusiastic Photobucket (might I just say, very very hot scene), and in the morning he thought it was all a dream, but still remembered some parts vividly. The next night he didn't drink the potion, and was surprised by Catriona coming in his room. That of course didn't stop him from doing the deed again Photobucket The third night Photobucket Ah the third night was a real pantie-changer Photobucket He planned to sex her up so much that she'd admit why she was coming to him. And boy, that was a page-burner!


He is entranced by Catriona from the first moment he set eyes on her, and doesn't really understand why she's so against him and the prospect of being his wife. He, of course, does everything he can to convince her to change her mind Photobucket , and after the whole sleeping/afrodisiac debacle, there's really no other way out than for them to marry. He made a vow not to mess with her 'Lady of the vale' business, and leave everything in her hands. But after some time it becomes difficult. He wants to help, have a purpose in life, but being sworn not to meddle, he can't offer help until she asks it of him Photobucket . I really liked him, but sometimes was just frustrated with the whole "I won't talk to you and tell you what's on my mind until you talk to me and tell me what's on YOUR mind". Actually, they were BOTH this way Photobucket


I liked that she was a bit different from the normal type of heroines, she's actually the dominant one, because of her calling, and the fact that the Vale is hers to manage Photobucket Kinda got on my nerves with the things I mentioned about Richard, not enough communication between them, she kept thinking he'd want to go back to London and leave her, that he isn't interested in her and their possible life in the Vale. Photobucket And the drugging, hmmm even though it was HOT, I still don't approve. I didn't like that part much on the first read, now I still don't. If it was a man who did that to a woman, drugged her with sleeping pills and afrodiciacs, oh there'd be lots of talk about that. Photobucket Still, loved the fact that she's a "witch", or some kind of druid lady or like it XD It was all mystic and I loved that part :) Especially knowing she'll appear in the later novels and her crystals are going to have a role in them Photobucket

The bad guy

This was done pretty well, it was obvious to me, but then, it was obvious to the H/h, and I'm glad they figured out who it was right from the moment it happened. BUT Photobucket Don't like the way it ended with the bad guy Photobucket Don't like it AT ALL.

So, my Bar Cynster re-reads continue, now to my next and favorite book, about Demon Photobucket

Profile Image for Naoms.
705 reviews168 followers
July 16, 2016
This used to be one of my favorite books. But, rereading it...

Catriona drugs Richard, sneaks into his room and has sex with him.

This is called rape. It's completely inappropriate and immoral. Why was I so ok with that when I was younger.

Does Stephanie Lauren's not believe men can be raped? If Richard drugged her and then slept with the world would be in uproar and call him a rapist.

Just disturbing.
Profile Image for PlotTrysts.
904 reviews376 followers
July 27, 2023
What even is this book?? It packs in so much plot that it could be 2.5 novels and has one of the most offensive setups imaginable, and yet it is somehow compulsively readable. The entire thing is ridiculous. Let's see if we can give you a taste.

First of all, Catriona is the "Lady of the Vale." What that means really is that she's deeply in touch with some Scottish goddess, "the Lady." She's so in touch with this goddess that she receives messages (both in images and words) about her future. One of the images is of Richard "Scandal" Cynster, who the Lady says will be the father to Catriona's children. She's got to leave the Vale for awhile to go to the reading of her guardian's will.

Meanwhile, Scandal is on his way to Scotland for the reading of his mother's husband's will. (That would not be his father or stepfather since Scandal is the illegitimate offspring of the Duke of St. Ives, making him a CYNSTER. Does that matter? Oh, it matters!) Also, wait a minute! Both of these people headed to the reading of a will? Could it be the same will?

Reader, it is the same will. And, as though by fate, Scandal and Catriona are staying at the same inn (!) and visiting the same churchyard (!!) on the same night (!!!) where they run into each other (literally) and share a scorching kiss in the snow. Now remember, Catriona has seen this dude's face in a visual message from her deity. A LITERAL GODDESS has sent her a LITERAL VISION of this man, who will be the FATHER of her CHILDREN. And what does Catriona say after they kiss each other? "This is all a mistake!" (She has nothing to say about the fact that they just kissed [with tongue] after bumping into each other and not even saying "hello.")

Look, we're not saying that you have to believe every message from the god you worship. But we are saying that if you've had constant visions of the same dude and when you meet you have this really hot kiss and you've been told that he'll be your partner (in bed at least), we wouldn't accuse your god of making a mistake.

You may think we're spoiling the whole book, but this is just the first two chapters or so. We're totally leaving out the fact that since Catriona thinks the Lady (that's her goddess) has made a mistake, the obvious solution is to drug Scandal with both a sedative and an aphrodisiac and have her way with him. Yes, she rapes Scandal to get pregnant. He doesn't even seem all that upset when he finds out. There's also a significant butt birthmark, a fire, a poisoning, more Cynster relatives than you can count, and sex on horseback. We're not making any of that up.

If you're looking for a wild and crazy ride through Cynster-land, this may be the wildest you can find. Recommended if you've read and enjoyed other Cynster novels, because this somehow manages to top them all.

27-Word Summaries:

Meg: You know when your deity sends you visions of your future husband, and when you meet you see it must be a mistake. Obvious solution? Roofie sex.

Laine: Scotland has real witch magic visions and real poisons, but not of spousal communication (with a Cynster twist). Sexy familial blackmail at the reading of a will.

Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
November 2, 2018
Scandal Cynster has avoided marriage and "matchmaking women".


Thoroughly enjoyed this installment of the Cynster series. I didn't expect to love his character so much. What a pleasant surprise that Scandal turned out to be my kind of man. He's strong, intelligent and protective. Best of all, he's a slow patient lover that likes to go all night.


"I want you in the worst possible way.... In every way known to man. I want to see you flower for me. Spread your legs for me and hold out your arms for me. I want to be inside you more than I want to breath. I want to feel you rising beneath me as I ride you. And I want to wake and find you beside me. I want to hold you forever." He pressed a kiss to her lips. "I want to care for you forever. I want to be your lover in all ways. In every sense of the word and the deed."


Hot Damn Scandal!!! I need a cold shower after that speech!!


His love interest turns out to be a sexy witch with potions and healing capabilities. She is skeptical of marrying a dominant man and fears he will interfere with her witchy ways. She only entertains Scandal because her goddess tells her that he will father her children.


Full of angst, sex, love and attempted murder, this one kept me up at night. I look forward to more of this series!!!
Profile Image for Ali L.
274 reviews4,527 followers
December 14, 2023
A four hundred page book where nothing really happens aside from kind-of definitely weird consent non-communication and the most easily-solved poisoning mystery in literature. There’s a barn fire; a super bitchy lady’s maid; a stupid FMC who thinks she talks to God; and Richard, who takes everything pretty well considering he just got dropped into the middle of Bedlam. A classic example of the historical romance genre, this book is absolutely batshit insane and full of velvety folds, engorged lengths, and the word “humph”. Objectively not very good. I loved it 10/10.
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,444 followers
August 5, 2010
I added this book to my All Things Summer Challenge because it's been sitting on my tbr pile for a long time. The few books I've read in the Cynster series were pretty good, but it's not one of my favorite historical series.

Scandal's Bride turned out to be a nice surprise. I was dragged, kicking and screaming, into enjoying this book. I get really bored with Lord Rake who finds himself reluctantly drawn into marriage-type storylines, and the Cynster series is ripe with those. And, Catriona wouldn't be my ideal choice of a heroine. But, I was pleasantly surprised.

I ended up liking Richard, aka "Scandal", quite a bit. I vaguely remember liking him in the other Cynster books, but that was years ago. His past rakish deeds aren't really rubbed in my face, so that helps. I like that he wasn't extremely averse to marrying Catriona, if that got her in his arms. He's actually a pretty nice guy, smart, and kind. He was willing to play second fiddle as the consort to Catriona, who is the official lady of her lands. He was open minded about Catriona's religion, which involves worship of The Lady. I really respected him for being a strong, dominant man who was able to take on that kind of role, and do it with grace, because that was what being with the woman he loved entailed.

At times, Catriona was a bit too arrogant for my tastes. I do realize that it was a necessity to be so, with all the responsibilities she held. She started growing on me pretty fast. By the end of the book, I liked her quite a bit.

The whole aspect of neither wanting to reveal the strength of their feelings for each other really got to me. I could feel the pain on both sides. Catriona didn't want to hold Richard hostage in her valley, if he wanted to go to London with his family; Richard felt like he didn't matter and wasn't important to Catriona. All he needed was for her to say so. I thought my heart would break when he got ready to leave. Fortunately, he comes to his senses.

This book has a lot of steamy scenes--which seems to be Ms. Laurens' writing style. Overall, I liked them. I didn't really need that many, but no biggie. I could feel the connection between Richard and Catriona, so it wasn't just unnecessary sex filler to me. Thus, they didn't get into the way of the storyline--they fit this novel.

I think this book was a trifle too long. I started thinking, "Is this book going to be over yet?" A significant portion was spent on seeing the Cynster family interacting when they come to visit, and a lot of "Cynster males do this, and Cynster females do that." It was almost a little bit much. Not quite though. I think I have to be in the mood for this sort of book, and it went down easy, since it made the time pass in an enjoyable fashion.

In short, this was a good read. I think it's a weak four due to the somewhat excessive length, and the whole eye-rolling aspects of the Cynsters do this and the Cynsters do that. The suspense plot wasn't that compelling, but I don't really read historical romance for mystery/suspense. In fact, it can be somewhat disruptive. What helped this book was the fact that Richard was a very appealing hero. He's a man that is able to compromise without feeling like that makes him less of a man. I really liked that about him. I liked seeing the family interactions of Catriona's people. Inside, there is a farmer/rancher/live-off-the-land girl in me, so I like reading those kinds of settings in books. This was a book I enjoyed even more than I expected. For that reason, I'd recommend it to a reader in the mood for this sort of thing.

Content warning: Catriona drugs Richard so she can have sex with him to conceive a child. Some readers might see that as a form of rape.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Quirky Omega.
445 reviews73 followers
September 25, 2016
I liked it. But again as usual, my luck wasn't in my favour. Some crap happened and I lost my interest completely.

If I ignore that particular incident, this book was totally fantastic. Scottish vales and a beautiful, characteristically strong willed Cynster series heroine who looks much like Disney's Scottish heroine Merida.

But incidents like those are hard to ignore.

Just total rubbish. It is especially worse because she knew that Richard is sensitive about has bastardy. Yet she chose to take such an action. Bravo woman!
So as much as I wished it didn't happen, it did. And therefore I don't feel inclined to rate it any higher. I have lashed out at male heroes and I will do so with females too. What is wrong for one is wrong for the other too. And the blurb for this book paints Catriona as honourable. Lmao! What honour? I don't see it anywhere.
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
May 1, 2019
****DNF 27% - No rating as I did not finish this story.****

Look, I went in knowing that there was going to be a contentious issue so I shouldn't be surprised that I didn't like it. I decided to take a risk and not judge by other peoples opinions. Honestly, the "issue" wasn't even the reason I stopped. By the time I got there, I was done and it had just given me a good enough reason to say enough is enough.


Such a self-absorbed, arrogant and manipulative character did not deserve to find happiness or contentment. The whole... I'm a witch, I will turn you into a toad if you annoy me... was really cringe-worthy and unbelievable. Then, I hated that she was purposely looking for a weak man to dominate because she couldn't have a man tell her what to do. Of course, the hero is too strong and virile, so she decides to use and abuse him...literally. Not at all the kind of heroine I'm looking for in my historical romance reads. Sure, I like my heroines to have a backbone but this was something else entirely.

Anyways, Scandal's Bride didn't work for me. Don't judge by my review alone, you may find that my issues are not your issues. If you're looking for spoilers, you won't have to try too hard, there are plenty to be found.
Profile Image for Inna.
1,602 reviews348 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 28, 2021
DNF around 25%. A little too much for me...

1. All the paranormal activity doesn’t really flow with the first two books...

2. Heroine is awful. All her arrogance and rudeness are too much for me. She supposedly listens to “the lady” except when the lady tells her something she doesn’t want to hear, then the lady is wrong. She wants a weak husband?!? Then she doesn’t need a husband at all. Then she decides to rape the hero. Seems like she doesn’t know which way is up.

3. Hero’s father cheated on his wife and that’s how hero was born. This is treated like nbd, but I find it extremely distasteful. “He was there for her in her time of need” doesn’t really fly when the guy was married and supposed to be in love with his wife (book 0.5 in this series). The greatest issue I have with it though is that no one condemns his behavior, so obviously all the characters think is A-OK to act that way.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Simona.
179 reviews56 followers
July 16, 2020
This was much better than the 2nd. It had an interesting paranormal element that set the whole things in motion. Our h is a disciple of The Lady, essentially a witch. Her lady guides her life decisions and thereby provides safety, security and nourishment of her land. H is the illegitimate son, who is feeling restless, and thus when given an opportunity to visit his mother's grave, he travels to Scotland.
While visiting her grave he encounters our h. h gets a vision from her lady decreeing that H is going to "father her children." H is enchanted by h's domineering stance and her surrender to his kiss (i'm a huge fan of betraying-body syndrome).

Misinterpreting her lady's decree, h tries to seduce H into giving her a child without having to marry him. But the nights of seduction work their magic on both of them and they end up in a MoC. From thereon, it's fascinating to see H keeping a leash on his alpha because he knows theirs is a relationship in which h's will and need are paramount. The journey of both characters making progress towards improving and establishing love and trust to their relationship is a satisfying read. We also get a cameo from other Cynsters and are once again gain a new respect towards the family.

Ms Laurens is becoming one of my must-read authors. She beautifully writes about her heroes desires to possess and heroines desire to surrender a portion of their independence. Her love making scenes are so vivid and sensual, I felt i could even hear the characters' moans. Another plus is her ability to diversify the action to places other than bed. She manages to provide substantial emotional investment for the readers to make up for sometimes thin plot.
Profile Image for Gina.
1,926 reviews50 followers
March 16, 2019
Spoiler review - but you need to know this.

I can put up with a lot in romance. Authors can make me believe so many things, put up with situations I wouldn't in real life, and enjoy stories that I find unbelievable and ridiculous. But I can't and won't tolerate rape in any form in any book I read that is supposed to be a romance. I would give this negative stars if I could. The heroine drugs the hero for the purpose of having sex with him without his knowledge so she can get pregnant and he never has to know about the baby. She does this not once but 3 times. She is successful the first time, having sex with him that he thinks is a dream/doesn't really remember. This is RAPE in any time period and for any reason.

I only have one thing to say to this book. "No."

For those wondering, I did finish it. I wanted to see how the author redeemed the heroine. She doesn't. If you see this one, run the other way.
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,291 reviews3,552 followers
February 20, 2021
This book was bonkers as usual, but I really enjoyed myself.

The twisted consent is something I am conflicted on. The hero doesn't seem to take it seriously but.... I have to.

It was still able to work for me, but if you have problems with the Duke and I... I don't know how this wouldn't bother you.

However, I don't have problems with that book, so it works okay for me.

4/5 stars
Profile Image for Cruth.
1,656 reviews145 followers
September 15, 2014
Author: Stephanie Laurens
First published: 1999
Length: 404 pages
Setting: Galloway Hills (lowlands), Scotland, 1819-1820 (Regency).
Sex: Frequent. Very explicit (erotic).
Hero: The Scandal That Never Was. Illegitimate son who was completely and totally accepted by his father's family. Rake and rogue looking for direction.

Heroine: A disciple of The Lady - she's a white or nature witch, as one with the land she cultivates with some light pagan devotions.
Trigger: Hero raped. It's not that he was unwilling, but Catriona deliberately drugged him and then had sex with him to beget a child. If this happened to the female MC it would be highlighted often as a problem.

Light paranormal.

I wasn't convinced.

There's no question Laurens is a really good author of historical romances. While they aren't overtly historical they still tell a good tale, emphasising the building of a relationship and an honest HEA.

But with Scandal/Richard's story, I struggled to go there with her.

At the outset, Richard tries, really hard. He compromises. He keeps his vow. He tries to make the marriage work.

But Catriona throws it in his face. Over and over again.

Richard forgives - from the "rape" to the denial of his role in her life and the the vale, he swallows his pride and tries again.

Catriona makes no attempts to see their marriage from his pov. She has no desire to be partners. To Catriona, Richard is a breeding male and that's about it.

Until events force her to start changing her views.

Catriona was brought up to believe she was The Chosen One, her word is law. As such, she sees herself almost omniscient and Right, irreplaceable.

On re-reading all the issues with their relationship become glaring.

And, while it's a good book, an enjoyable read, I don't like Catriona. And I think Richard could do a lot better.

Cynster Family Saga Series, Bar Cynster:

Book 1 Devil's Bride (1998) - Honoria Anstruther-Wetherby and Sylvester "Devil" Cynster, Duke of St. Ives, Aug 1818.
Book 2 A Rake's Vow (1998) - Spencer "Vane" Cynster and Patience Debbington, Oct 1819
Book 3 Scandal's Bride (1999) - Catriona Hennessy and Richard "Scandal" Cynster, Dec 1819
Book 4 A Rogue's Proposal (1999) - Harold "Demon" Cynster and Felicity "Flick" Parteger, Mar 1820
Book 5 A Secret Love (2000) - Rupert "Gabriel" Cynster and Alathea Morwellan, Apr 1820
Book 6 All About Love (2001) - Alasdair "Lucifer" Cynster and Phyllida Tallent, Jun 1820

Author's website: http://www.stephanielaurens.com/

(ISBN 978-0-380-80568-6)

Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
May 6, 2022
Scandal's Bride
3.5 Stars

Richard ‘Scandal’ Cynster is summoned to the home of his mother’s husband for the reading of his will. Not expecting much of a bequest, Richard is shocked at the deceased’s demand that he marry Miss Catriona Hennessy or the family will forfeit their inheritance. While marriage is not off the cards for Catriona, she always expected to wed a meek and biddable man who would allow her, her freedom. Unfortunately, Richard is anything but subservient. Can these two fiercely independent and strong willed people make a go of it?

Richard has played a minor role in the series up until know, but this is his moment to shine and he certainly does so. Not only is he a caring, considerate and honorable man who places family above all else (much like all the Cynster men), he is also sexy and insatiable - a killer combination.

Catriona is a likable heroine right up until the moment that she . Her actions put a damper on a romance that would otherwise have tremendous potential. She also comes across as somewhat naive about her position and fails to understand the very real danger she is in from the “suitors” who are only interested in her land.

Aside from Catriona’s behavior, this book involves another trope that I am not at all enamored of - the lack of communication between the hero and heroine. Thankfully, this issue does not drag on for too long and is resolved quite quickly.

The minor mystery is also a weak due to a very disappointing climax and resolution. One villain is ultimately redeemed (another annoying trope as attempted murder should not be treated so lightly) and the other more or less gets way without punishment. Very unsatisfying.

All in all, not the strongest romance or story in the series thus far although I am pleased to have read it as Richard definitely make it worthwhile.
Profile Image for Ivana.
862 reviews8 followers
May 1, 2017
Honestly, not the biggest fan of this book ... I was actually not sure if I should give it 2 or 3 star review, but it had some good parts, so I'm sticking with three (although it's actually two and a half).

I liked Richard's character, very much, but Catriona's not at all ... I just found her and a lot of her actions quite unlikeable and that made the whole story kind of unlikeable ...

Too bad, my expectations were much higher ...
Profile Image for Ilze.
763 reviews62 followers
July 19, 2010
This was an interesting read, but there are too many problems with it to give it a higher rating. The main problem is the characters: they just aren't human beings. The good guys (Catriona, all the Cynsters) are all flawless super-humans, the bad guys are all caricatures. For me, a romance just doesn't work unless the characters, including the secondary characters, but especially the main ones, are actual humans, with flaws, self-doubt, and are capable of making mistakes, even huge ones. The delight in a romance for me is seeing the characters work through their flaws and realize their errors, not perform super-human deeds, to finally get their romantic reward. Unless performing a super-human deed is something totally unexpected of them and the result of overcoming a flaw or weakness (e.g. the crippled Lord Carew winning the fight in Mary Balogh's "Lord Carew's Bride"). So - Stephanie Laurens' characters just don't cut it.

Other problems are the piling on of the melodrama (the fire, the poisoning) without a real resolution for any of them, Helena being a rip-off of Leonie's character in Georgette Heyer's These Old Shades and Devil's Cub, the complete mishmash of "Lady" worship or whatever it was supposed to be, the fact that Richard could show up in the Vale and instantly speak perfect Gaelic (because there is no way that the people of the Vale, with their way of life, would have used English or even Scots) and on and on.
Profile Image for Ivana Azap Feješ.
217 reviews44 followers
January 10, 2016
Another great installment from the Bar Cynster series! Scandal's Bride is the third book in Stephanie Laurens' Cynster Series.

The way the marriage comes about between Scandal and Catriona means that they are thrown together and have to make it work - they don't have the chance before the marriage to get to know each other and fall in love. The Cynster men have a lot in common. They are all fairly dictatorial, insanely possessive, have a tendency to "resist" fate yet give in so very easily.

I love Scandal's story, finding it interesting, as he ends up married to a raven witch Catrina due to the conditions of a will when he visits his mother's house. This one is the third in the series and it features Richard Cynster. All of the boys have nicknames, Richard's is the "Scandal that Never Was."

There are times when you can't explain why you like a book. You just do. I just liked Scandal's Bride, especially after feeling lukewarm once I was done reading A Rake's Vow, which was good, but missing an element that was found in the third installment. The story of this book really caught my attention. I liked how there was a sort of mythical influence to their encounter.

"That's ridiculous! You can't simply declare we'll wed—I have to agree. And I won't!"

"If I decide to have you…"—he kept his words deliberate, pausing to let the qualification sink in—"I'll have to change your mind."

Recommendations ;)
890 reviews38 followers
February 17, 2019
Do you know that the hero in this book is the result of an illicit affair between the duke and another woman, only four years after his marriage? Apart from the fact that this writer, writes appallingly annoying books, in which you can’t choose whether the heroes are bigger idiots or the heroines, I hated, hated this bit.
Profile Image for Bianca.
368 reviews2 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 30, 2013
this book bored me to tears! Got a headache trying to force myself to read it.... Hated the heroine, she was so arrogant and full of herself. Also I am just not into all the witchy stuff.. I find it silly.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,378 reviews195 followers
January 28, 2021
Lots and lots of sex. I'm sure there is a plot there, somewhere, but sex every ten pages is kinda distracting. The Cynster men are sure studs, no wonder none of them want to get married, willingly at least.

Catriona Hennessy is a witch and the Lady of the Vale. She wants a meek submissive type of man for her consort, but The Lady has other ideas. The reading of the will of her guardian sets in motion The Lady's plans.

Richard Cynster is a notorious rake and plans to stay that way. He is summoned to the reading of the will of the man his mother was married to. That brings him face to face with Catriona and his destiny.
Profile Image for Diana.
1,532 reviews84 followers
June 29, 2017
Re-read 2017

While I love Catriona and her spunkiness, this is probably my least favorite book in the Cynster series. I usually skip this one when I do re-reads. I decided to read it this time around since it had been so many years since I had read it. I have no clue if I'll ever read it again.
Profile Image for Kit★.
777 reviews55 followers
August 26, 2012
This was about a 3.5 Stars read. Because while by the last third of the book, I came to care about the characters and what was going to happen, I have to admit, the first half or so, I was not real fond of Catriona. But I was really glad she didn't have a wretched name like Honoria Prudence, or Patience, the heroines from books 1 and 2. Catriona was a name I rather liked. So that was a plus for me. But at first I didn't like her personality. She was bossy and rude and seemed to be selfish, even though she was presented as this mystical healer and spiritual guide. The situation that was presented in her guardian's will, that she and Richard 'Scandal' Cynster marry, or her guardian's heirs lose everything, well, she seemed rather cold-hearted about it. Like she wasn't willing to even consider marrying him to save these people's livelihood. Just a shrug, and a 'oh, sorry for making you all lose everything, but there's just no way I'm going to get married, especially to that guy!' It seemed rude to me, especially if she's supposed to be such a good and caring person. Thank goodness Richard at least was willing to consider it, put thought into it. This was brought up by more than just me in our buddy read discussion for this book, so it wasn't just me thinking that that was rude of her. I am glad that she grew on me though. I still like Richard better than Catriona, but I didn't dislike her, and even came to understand her a little better by the end. But, oh! The miscommunication/lack of communication between these two was horrible at first! They got along great in bed, but outside of it, they were like two deaf and blind people stumbling around in a dark room together. Neither one could read the other worth a darn, him thinking she thinks one thing, her thinking he thinks something else, both of 'em upset with the other, but too stubborn to just come out and ask or say what they mean. I just wanted to smack the both of them upside their heads. He's made a vow to her that he won't interfere in her duties or try to tell her how to do things, and she thinks he's bored and wanting to go back to the social whirl of London. So even though she needs his help, she won't ask him for it, and even though he's desperate to help and have a role in the running the place by her side, he won't make any suggestions out of fear she'll think he's trying to take over. So both of them end up all upset over it. Arg! I was ready to yell. But then he came back and saved the day and told her that he wants to stay and be with her and help, and sure he never comes right out and says the 'L' word, much like his brother Devil, it's apparent in everything he does for her, plain as day on his face when he looks at her. So I came to be kind of fond of Richard. He was nicer and more considerate than I was expecting him to be, but it wasn't a bad thing. The mystery aspect wasn't so much in this one as it was in the first two books, but I still liked it. I enjoyed seeing the improvements to the holdings, and seeing the day to day life stuff. I couldn't believe the 'villains', when they did make some problems, were let off so easily, but it wasn't a big deal I guess. I was surprised though that when Richard was poisoned and his family shows up to see them, that Algaria wasn't tracked down and punished right away. I would've figured the Cynster men would've been hunting her down first thing! I was suspicious of Algaria myself from the very beginning, what with her black looks and grouchiness, her way of skulking about. Then she's just forgiven and let back into the household at the end, all's well. I wasn't expecting it to go so easy on her. But it was ok I guess. I was glad to see Devil and Honoria, Vane and Patience, and the twins and Gabriel too, though I don't know them as well yet. I really liked seeing how tight-knit they all are as a family, and how they were all too ready to jump in and help, not snooty, willing to get their hands dirty right alongside the servants. It was a nice sense of family and closeness, and it made me grin just a little. I'm looking forward to seeing this family develop and spread. I'll most definitely be reading on with the series, though I need to go out and buy me a copy of the next one, A Rogue's Proposal, as I don't have it yet, and have so far had no luck finding it on any of my multitude of Goodwill hunts. So I guess it's off to Books-a-Million before the next one comes up for the next buddy read. Man I hate paying full cover price, but I guess it must be done... I need it for my set :D 3.5 Stars!
Profile Image for Karen.
47 reviews
January 18, 2010
Scandal's Bride is the third book in Stephanie Laurens' Cynster Series. I started this book several months ago and just couldn't get into it. A couple of things bothered me...first, after reading books one and two in the series, you learn that Richard Cynster is the illegitimate son of the Duke of Ives. This isn't a big deal normally and clearly not Richard's fault, however, the knowledge that he is the Duke's second son and that the Duke and Duchess of Ives are featured in book 7.5 really turned me off the series. I don't care if Richard's dad cheated on his stepmom, but I do care that the author chose to feature the couple in a prequel to the series. Not my idea of the proper HEA for a historical romance (or any romance for that matter).

Anyway...the second thing that made this book a difficult read for me (in the beginning) was the fact that Catriona is the mysterious "Lady of the Vale". I'm a fan of the supernatural, but in the middle of a historical regency romance series...not so much. It felt weird and out of place.

So, I put this book down after a few pages months ago and picked it up again recently. I have all of these Stephanie Laurens books in my TBR pile and since I don't like to read out of order, I decided to give this book another go. I'm so glad that I did. I absolutely loved Richard. He is the epitome of the strong, aggressive, take no prisoners male who, once he sets his sites on the heroine, will have her at any cost. He's hot and the love scenes in this book will singe your fingertips, guaranteed!

Catriona is seriously attracted to Richard, but she knows he is the exact opposite of the kind of man she should marry. As the Lady of the Vale, she has to be the dominate spouse in a relationship, and she knows Richard cannot let her take the reins in their marriage. Although she has been told by her spiritual deity "The Lady" that Richard will father her children, Catriona knows that a marriage between them can't work. She devises a plan to drug him, have her way with him, and then erase the event from his memory. She will get pregnant and he will never know what happened. Sounds like a plan, but you know what they say about the best laid plans...

Richard and Catriona do eventually get married in part due to a weird clause in Catriona's guardian's will. That's the excuse for the marriage, but knowing Catriona and Richard for the strong characters that they are, they would have married with or without the will's interference. This just sped up the process.

Once I wrapped my head around the supernatural elements, I really enjoyed this book. One unique feature is that it's the first book that I've read where the heroine owns the house and land and she brings her groom home after they're married. You get to see the hero as the outsider and watch him attempt to make a place for himself in the household where his wife is in charge. Richard does struggle to find his place and to feel needed by his wife, but his struggle is in finding a way to share his knowledge and expertise without making her feel dominated. The author could have made Richard seem wimpy when placing him in this situation, but he is so sure of himself as a man that he never comes across that way.

One final thing I enjoyed is reading about the characters from previous books. The Cynsters from books one and two played quite a large role in the second half of this book, so I would recommend reading Devil's Bride and A Rake's Vow before reading Scandal's Bride. I'm also eternally grateful that everyone in the book with the exception of the Cynster cousins called Richard by his given name and didn't use his ridiculous nickname Scandal (as in "The Scandal That Never Was").

I'm giving this 4 stars because the author was very repetitious at times which turned a 400+ page book in something that could have been accomplished in far fewer pages. I do love a long book, but in this case some of it just felt like filler.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
September 16, 2010
There is some good writing here, but also some problems.

The author is talented. There were interesting characters and good dialogue. The author shows not tells. I enjoyed the warm family emotions and interactions at the end. My problems with the story follow.

One of my pet peeves is creating conflict through vague communication and inaccurate assumptions. The author should have deleted pages 226 to 276, which created the following conflicts. Catriona overheard a conversation between Richard and Worboys (Richard's valet). Worboys loved being in their new home, the vale, but for some unknown reason he was acting like he wanted to leave. Worboys was chattering on about he and Richard returning to London for the parties of the Season. Richard was reading correspondence, was not listening to Worboys, but was saying "hmmm" periodically. Catriona overheard this and believed Richard was going to leave her. She then treated Richard differently. As a result, Richard thought she wanted him to leave her, so he acted differently. They weren't telling each other the truth about their feelings. In addition, Richard had excellent suggestions for managing her cattle breeding, but he didn't say anything to her because he thought she didn't want to hear. She was worried about her cattle problems but didn't ask his advice because she thought he was going to leave her. (I would have asked even if he would be leaving later. What she did was like being in the presence of an expert or teacher but not asking them any questions because they would be leaving soon.) Since Richard thought she didn't want him do anything to help run the estate, he was bored. He also thought she wanted him to leave, so he left. Then for an unknown reason, something to do with his missing her too much, he returned to her and they admitted they loved each other and would try to communicate better in the future. I was angry at the author as I read this. I hate superficial conflict created in this manner.

My second problem was with Algaria, who was Catriona's teacher and companion who lived and worked with Catriona. Algaria hated Richard from the moment she met him. She hated seeing Catriona fall in love with him, marry him and be with him. Later she erroneously thought Richard set fire to a building, so Algaria tried to kill him with poison. Because he did not die from the poison, Algaria believed a divine spirit wanted him to live therefore she would not try to kill him again. Richard chose not to punish her. Algaria then became a happy person continuing to live with Richard and Catriona. I never understood why Algaria hated Richard for most of the book. I wish the author would have explained this. There could have been an interesting reason for the hatred.

Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: thirteen. Some of them were more than two pages long. Setting: 1819 Scotland. Copyright: 1999. Genre: historical romance with a little bit of paranormal.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Thenia.
4,121 reviews181 followers
August 24, 2014
A story that was mostly ruined for me because of the main heroine. I stopped listening a number of times because I couldn't stand her - insanely proud, making assumptions and jumping to wrong conclusions, judgmental and manipulative, and those are only a few of my problems with her.

The book's saving grace is Richard, who is steadfast and curbs his alpha tendencies to accommodate her and has the patience of a saint. Him and the rest of the Cynsters that make an appearance in the second part made the book enjoyable.

Next in the series comes Demon's story in A Rogue's Proposal and I really hope I'll like its heroine better.
Profile Image for OhWell.
801 reviews
July 17, 2019
If only I could get back my wasted time… By now it’s clear that Stepanie Laurens’s “strong heroines” are nothing but annoying, self-righteous, judgmental b*tches blind to everything but their own wants and needs. Catriona, the current female lead, is a rapist on top of that. Same as in the previous installments, the sex scenes are too frequent and overblown, the most boring part of the book. Add to that heaps of purple prose and repetitions - I lost count of the “black gaze”s and “blue, blue eyes” - and no wonder I’m quite mad at myself for having read to the end. I’m only adding an extra star because of the Cynster family visit. Those were the only enjoyable chapters in this disaster.
February 5, 2014
I couldn't make myself like this book, it was so wrong on so many levels...if a man treated a woman the way this heroine treated this man it would be called rape, abuse, disrespect and so much more things...I like strong women but I expect respect and equality between partners, always and especially in romance novels. It does get better near the end but I gave up, it was frustrating, boring and not at all what I expected since I read the first two novels in the series...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 389 reviews

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