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The Dark Between Stars

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Poetry (2018)
From the internationally bestselling author of Love Her Wild comes The Dark Between Stars, a new illustrated collection of heartfelt, whimsical, and romantic poems from Instagram poetry sensation, Atticus.

Atticus, has captured the hearts and minds of nearly 700k followers (including stars like Karlie Kloss, Emma Roberts, and Alicia Keys). In his second collection of poetry, The Dark Between Stars, he turns his attention to the dualities of our lived experiences—the inescapable connections between our highest highs and lowest lows. He captures the infectious energy of starting a relationship, the tumultuous realities of commitment, and the agonizing nostalgia of being alone again. While grappling with the question of how to live with purpose and find meaning in the journey, these poems offer both honest explorations of loneliness and our search for connection, as well as light-hearted, humorous observations. As Atticus writes poignantly about dancing, Paris, jazz clubs, sunsets, sharing a bottle of wine on the river, rainy days, creating, and destroying, he illustrates that we need moments of both beauty and pain—the darkness and the stars—to fully appreciate all that life and love have to offer.

235 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 4, 2018

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Atticus Poetry

10 books4,246 followers

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5 stars
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565 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,401 reviews
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.7k followers
November 16, 2018
I was a huge fan of Atticus's first book Love Her Wild, I gave it 5 stars, but this collection of poetry was so disappointing. I liked maybe three poems in this entire collection and the rest were such basic, cliche-sounding crap.

Here are some of the "poems" I disliked:

"The prettiest eyes sparkle from the inside out."

"It's always safe to do noting when it rains."

"I've always loved lavender, it's purple in all the right places."

Like.... ok?? Also, this collection is divided into three small sections like the first book: Stars, Between and the Dark. The third section titled "The Dark" was so different and random from the other two. It had some poems about self harm and one random poem about not trusting politicians and a few cheesy romance poems and it was all so random and didn't flow with the rest of this collection. And almost every poem in the "Stars" section mentioned Italy or Europe in every other poem and it as just very repetitive.

I'm disappointed because I love his first collection but I wasn't a fan of this one. I'm giving this two stars instead of one because I loved this photography in this, the black and white images are stunning, but the poetry was definitely a let down.
Profile Image for Emma Scott.
Author 36 books8,213 followers
November 2, 2018
“The bravest thing she ever did was to stay alive each day.”
Profile Image for Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤.
889 reviews1,616 followers
December 31, 2018
Just not feeling the love for this collection by Atticus. I think his first collection, Love Her Wild, was much better. Like those poems, these are mostly one sentence. There were a couple I really liked but most were merely OK. I also preferred the photography in the first book, though there are a few really stunning black and white photographs in this one as well. If you're a fan, I'd say to read this; otherwise, try "Love Her Wild" first.
Profile Image for Nadia Awadi.
194 reviews252 followers
December 6, 2018
He fell in love
Then fell out of it
I'm still single
"Why have I read this?"

That's me being poetic. This book is about Luuuuurve with cool pictures and some nudes here and there. Yeah. That's it. And honestly, don't recommend it.
Profile Image for Elena Mayr.
121 reviews364 followers
March 30, 2021
„The Dark Between Stars“ von Atticus hat mich wieder sehr berührt! ❤️ Ich liebe deine Wortwahl, die Tiefe seiner Gedichte und die Leidenschaft, die in all den Seiten steckt.
Es ist nicht mein Lieblingsband (an „The Truth About Magic“ kommt leider nichts ran) von ihm, aber ich habe es sehr, sehr gerne gemocht und bin super traurig, dass es noch kein weiteres Werk von ihm gibt. 🥺🙏🏼
Irgendetwas hat mir aber an diesem Teil gefehlt, das gewisse Extra war einfach nicht da.
Profile Image for lucie.
528 reviews761 followers
October 22, 2018
I am disappointed. I liked maybe three or four 'poems', the rest felt pretentious and cliché. I've expected more.
January 8, 2021
How about some dreamstar levitation?

While this is basically a sort of a scrap book meets poetic esperimentation, it's a good one.
Quite a lot of quoting going on, lots of pictures. The poems... some of them are actually poetic ones of the sort that I like: motivating and empowering. What else can a girl wish for?

I have seen comets fall in the black skies of a desert night
I have made wishes on the wind with princes and kings
I have made love to you in the scarlet blanket of a sunset in Spain
I am tired from a life so lived
give me now the long sleep
and I will say to you—
“Good night, my love, good night.” (c)
Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. (c)
She wore the moonlight,
as if
the universe,
which so rarely worked in perfects,
had let this one
slip through. (c)
“Keep your head up,”
the old man said,
“for you are a lion
don’t forget that
and neither
will the sheep.”The plane shook
and it scared her
not because she
was scared to fall
but because she cared
so little
if she did. (c)
Her courage was her crown
and she wore it like a queen.The bravest thing
she ever did
was to stay alive
each day. (c)
She walked
through life
with the eyes
of a wolf
who belonged to no one
but the night.She was powerful
not because she wasn’t scared
but because
she went on so strongly
despite the fear. (c)
We all wear scars—
find someone
who makes yours
feel beautiful. (c)
Profile Image for Beenish.
391 reviews449 followers
February 18, 2021
Definitely wanna read this.

She was that wild thing I loved
My dark between stars.

Review to come :)
Another quote for now.

A troubled youth
burnt me alive
the poet came from the ashes
the words came from the fire.

My review of Love Her Wild
Profile Image for Patricia .
288 reviews55 followers
May 18, 2020

What in the bad poetry is this mess? Seriously. What the hell is this and who thought this was a good idea to publish it?

I liked the total of 4 poems in this book, everything else felt just like some words put together in complete nonsense as if the author was playing "writing what first comes to my mind".

This is bad. This is really, really bad. And this is coming from someone who's read Love Her Wild and I absolutely loved that one! But this one was terrible. And just to give a few examples:

❝I've always loved lavender,
it's purple in all the right places.❞

Pardon, what?

Is this for real? Am I being pranked?


❝Wine tastes sweeter when drunk on love in Paris.❞

❝An open window in Paris
is all the world I need.❞


I'm all about short poetry and the Instagram trend that is going on now. I love Rupi Kaur's style and the idea of putting so much meaning in so little words.

But this book felt like I'm reading Instagram captions under the pictures and even those sound more meaningful and less repetitive. It was like reading the same thing over and over again with different words.

Yeah. This is a big no, thank you from me.

Author 1 book77 followers
November 2, 2018
Great book of poetry! His ability to say so much in only a few words is amazing. Each poem sparks a thought, a memory and takes you on your own journey. I love that the book has photos with each poem. A wonderful book of words.
Profile Image for A.F. Rose.
Author 1 book50 followers
September 4, 2018
This just made me feel so good. It was like my soul needed some poetry! I can't even explain what I'm feeling right now. I just curled up on my bed, with some Fall Celtic music on in the background, and my cat sleeping next to me, and read this entire beauty in one sitting! It just reminded me about the magic of the world, and how little things are fantastic and dreamy. The photography throughout this book is also amazing, and so perfectly aesthetic. My favorite parts were the "Stars" and the "Dark". The "Dark" had some really powerful poems, and quite a few were just what I needed to hear. This is just a beautiful, stimulating, whimsical read. Loved it.
Profile Image for Rachael Beverly.
34 reviews14 followers
September 5, 2018
I’m probably going to be in the minority here but here goes… 3.5 overhyped stars rounded down to 3.

She was that
wild thing I loved
my dark between stars

I absolutely loved Love Her Wild, Atticus’s first book. The poems were separated into sections (Love, Her, and Wild) and the poems were placed accordingly. Atticus attempted a similar set up for The Dark Between Stars with varying degrees of success. He started backward with Stars and ended with Dark, which was an interesting choice. In the book’s description it mentioned that themes range from falling in love, being committed, to accepting the nostalgia of being alone again so it makes sense to start with Stars. However, my overwhelming thought throughout the entire book was how disjointed it felt. I had to actively focus on the section to remind myself what exactly I was supposed to be focusing on.

Also, one on my favorite things about Love Her Wild was that the vast majority of the poems were very short but very meaningful. I felt that there were many unnecessarily long poems that seemed almost rambling. These poems had an effect on the pacing, which was kind of off-putting.

It felt like some parts were more motivational poster than poetry;

The truth is
you can
do better.

Pretty sure I’ve heard this sentiment word for word by no less than 4 people.

Despite its shortcomings, I still enjoyed this collection of poems very much. The poems I did like, I loved. And the use of pictures throughout gave a good sense of feelings of wonder and nostalgia to go along with the main themes.

Maybe if I didn’t read through the entire thing all in one sitting I might have a different view of the coherency and pacing.
Profile Image for Priya.
233 reviews65 followers
March 22, 2019
"I love you most in that place between coffee and sleep."

"I want to know every part of you,
every scar,
every bruise,
I want to trace the map of you,
my fingers a compass,
your freckles the constellations
which in my heart I will chart
so when I close my eyes
I’ll have you in my stars forever."

The cover is just gorgeous, writing is simple yet phenomenal. The poems will just leave you mesmerized.
Profile Image for Taylor.
583 reviews212 followers
May 23, 2022
this was truly so bad. this felt like those cringe instagram pages being fake deep😭
we would have love poems (which weren’t even very good) and then randomly this:

“A soul mate would be great, but at some point I’d settle for someone who gets back to text messages.”

or this

“Never believe old men or politicians on issues that will make them wealthier while they are alive and the world worse when they are dead.”


“In all probability there is a person out there that is almost exactly the same as the one you just lost, except that they are a little bit taller, a little bit kinder, and a whole lot better in bed.”

literally get me out of here rn
Profile Image for shelby ✼.
147 reviews47 followers
June 15, 2022
I’m not convinced this isn’t the work of Gabbie Hannah…

what if I
told you a
and only showed you

Profile Image for Sammie Reads.
960 reviews150 followers
April 11, 2023
I loved this book of poetry, the photographs and the formatting made this a beautiful and unique reading experience. This book is broken up into segments from the title, Stars, Between, and The Dark. All poems geared towards love, whether it’s love for someone else, love of a city or an element in nature, or having love for oneself. I had a lovely time reading, as I always do with Atticus!
Profile Image for Marnie  (Enchanted Bibliophile).
880 reviews130 followers
April 14, 2022
”A muse is a love affair between art and soul”


Atticus is the reason I fell in love with poetry and keep exploring new and old poets.
And whenever I pick up or see any of his work it reminds me that there truly are people that knows our souls, feeling and seeing the world as I do.
As always, my heart feels light and my soul smiles!
Profile Image for Emilia Ann.
92 reviews6 followers
April 12, 2021
There's something about this poetry that's beautiful. It's not mind-blowing, or overtly original. But it's everything that you want someone to say. It's comfortable, and touches a part of you like only some things can.
Profile Image for Mary-Lisa Russo.
Author 8 books92 followers
January 1, 2023
This book took me on a visual escapade. I was more drawn to the photos than the written words. I found my eyes drifting more to the pictures than the poems. In terms of presentation, this book aced it. It is a total work of art. I would actually say it is a whole mood. The darkly hued photos immersed my thoughts in the moment. The pages in the book are also thicker than the average book. Makes a perfect coffee table book for guests to peruse once you are done reading it.
March 8, 2023
“She was an endless source of
beautiful ideas and epiphanies
I wanted to live forever
in the quiet inspiration
of her existence.”

“The day I met you I began
to forget a life without you.”

“I want to know every part of you,
every scar,
every bruise,
I want to trace the map of you,
my fingers a compass,
your freckles the constellations
which in my heart I will chart
so when I close my eyes
I’ll have you in my stars forever.”

“I’m glad I found you
before you
I never knew what to wish for.”

“Our minds follow
well behind
the old magic of our souls
that knows it’s
in love
from the first moment
we see them.”

“She was the dream I had been searching for, the one to wake me up.”

“I won’t ever find the words for you—
you are my everything always
and even that is not enough.”

This is one of those poetry books with some basic filler meh poems but then THE GOOD ONES, HALLELUJAH🙏. I saved a lot🤭 (again💀). And now I want to go to Paris even more😠. 4 stars⭐️
Profile Image for iana.
92 reviews29 followers
April 18, 2022
It is so easy to forget
we are the same as all the others
in thinking that we are different.

Atticus has always been one of the Instagram/Tumblr-y poets I've seen around, and I'm happy to have gotten a hold of his second book, after reading Love Her Wild. Although, I found I enjoyed the latter more than I did this.

The photographs are beautiful, but it nearly felt all the same as Love Her Wild, and within its own pages, therefore it became a bit tiresome. Plus, no one warned me about the couple nudes lying round. The poetry is intriguing still, but like the previous book, they were quite clichéd.

But, well, what can I say? I kind of, sort of like clichéd sometimes, not so much others. Apparently, I'm currently leaning towards the former mood.
Profile Image for Stormi.
534 reviews72 followers
May 23, 2019
I've never been a big poetry fan, but after discovering Atticus on Instagram, I am hooked on his words. The Dark Between Stars is just as magnificent as Atticus's first book of poetry, Love Her Wild. These poems are real, relatable, and heartfelt. I shared the collection with my sister and friend and they are now hooked on Atticus's words as well. I highly recommend this book of poetry to anyone who loves poems or romantic quotes.
Profile Image for Lashaan Balasingam.
1,456 reviews4,619 followers
September 25, 2020
I'm convinced that most of Atticus poetry just needs to be read at the right moment in your life for the reader to really find them inspirational. In fact, they often sound like motivational speeches, if not just fancy metaphors of finding the right person to love and of our inability to express the passion we have for that one person.

Yours truly,

Lashaan | Blogger and Book Reviewer
Official blog: https://bookidote.com/
Profile Image for Kim.
742 reviews1,877 followers
September 26, 2018
3.5 stars

I enjoyed the first book more and I felt like this seemed more about telling people who are in a bad place mentally that they aren’t lost causes or something, some sort of self help poetry maybe?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,401 reviews

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