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The Perfect Fraud

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Motherhood is tough. But then, so is daughterhood. When we first meet Claire, she’s living in Sedona, Arizona with her boyfriend Cal and ducking calls from her mother. Her mom is a world class psychic on the East Coast and Claire doesn’t want her to discover the truth. Claire works in the family business and calls herself a psychic, but she doesn’t really have “the gift” and hasn’t for a long time. She’s a fraud.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Rena, a young mother, has family issues of her own. She’s divorced and her four-year-old daughter, Stephanie, suffers from mysterious, seemingly incurable stomach problems. No matter how many specialists Rena drags her to, no matter how many mommy-blog posts she makes about her child’s health issues, trying to get help and support from her online community, Stephanie only gets sicker.

When Claire and Rena meet by chance on an airplane, their carefully constructed lives begin to explode. Can these two women help each other and can they help Stephanie before it’s too late?

304 pages, ebook

First published June 18, 2019

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About the author

Ellen LaCorte

1 book35 followers
It’s funny how life redirects your plans. Like many young women in the 1970’s, I pursued a teaching degree. With a major in English, I did what I would do with every minute of my life if given the chance—read great literature and lots of it.

As it would happen, I completed my teaching practicum in my senior year and only discovered then that I really didn’t want to teach at the high school level. Not that the kids weren’t precocious and fun, it was the idea of presenting the same curriculum year after year. Faces would change but the information wouldn’t. Like many others in my graduating class, I was jettisoned from college into the great unemployed.

So I moved to Arizona. It was just as easy to be jobless in Arizona as in New Jersey but with the benefit of Michael, future husband-to-be, already there. I searched for a job as my savings dwindled. With $21 dollars left in my account I became employed as a window salesperson. I’m embarrassed to report that I didn’t quit this job but let’s just say the terms of employment—a very hand-sy boss—were not to my liking. At that point, ignoring all parental advice, I decided to get a job I thought would be fun. I answered an ad for a human resources position.

And a career was born. So much to learn and the faces changed all the time as did the challenges. No day was ever the same. For a very long time, this was my passion and led to wonderful positions as chief HR officer for prestigious universities and also a doctorate in Higher Education Administration.

But, after thirty-five years in the field, it was time to try something new.

I can’t tell you when I started to realize my heart was leaning elsewhere. Maybe it was when I started in community theater, dancing and singing my way through musical productions, sometimes three in a year. I wanted to improve my craft so I took singing and dancing lessons. There were some painting classes and the occasional writing seminar. And I kept ignoring the signs: that I was never happier than when I was singing or dancing or writing or painting. After three years, when I had started to write on a very part time basis, I finally decided it was time to make the leap full time into where my heart had already placed itself. It was frightening but wonderful to start over, with so much new to discover.

THE PERFECT FRAUD is my debut novel. A native New Jerseyite, my family and I lived in Arizona for twenty-five years. Now I write from New Jersey, blocks away from where Washington crossed the Delaware. My husband, Mike, and I have two grown sons, Chris and Nick, and Emma, a cat who is definitely a reincarnated dog

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 215 reviews
Profile Image for j e w e l s.
315 reviews2,604 followers
May 22, 2019

Okay, listen up you Jodi Picoult fans out there!!! I've got the book for you! The Perfect Fraud is full of medical drama and motherhood angst. All I kept thinking was Jodi Picoult Jodi Picoult Jodi Picoult.

Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of Jodi Picoult's style of writing or her novels. (Insert sad face ☹️☹️☹️here). I thought this was going to be a "suspenseful thriller". Nope. Ellen LaCorte has (a la Picoult) stolen material right from the headlines and the story is ultra-predictable. Like from the second chapter. PREDICTABLE.

I think to spice it up, LaCorte throws in some supernatural elements, but it didn't help matters for me. This is a super-light mystery set in contemporary America with a bit of psychic stuff mixed in.

There is a neat and tidy ending with most of the loose ends buttoned up. 🙄

Many thanks to Edelweiss for allowing me to read and review this book pre-publication. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
685 reviews598 followers
June 18, 2019
Disturbing yet...I could not put this down! I flew through this book and I must say it certainly stirred up a wide array of emotions in me.

Rena spends most of her days desperately searching for ways to help her chronically ill daughter Stephanie. It doesn't matter how many specialists or how many tests she has run she just can't seem to get answers. Her desperation is apparent as she takes to social media, blogging, searching for answers. A mother just wanting to "fix" her daughter and have her live a normal life.

Wow this book managed to evoke some pretty powerful emotions in me. I found myself getting down right angry with Rena. As a nurse I found myself offended as Rena belittled the doctors and nurses trying to help her daughter. She thought of herself as a medical professional as she had learned a great deal from google, chat boards and her stint in nursing school (which she did not graduate from). Then I had to laugh as I realized how good the author was at getting me drawn into this book. So much so I was literally furious with a character! That is exactly what an author should be able to do. I was so wrapped up in Rena's life and I didn't even realize it.

Enter Claire and Cal the young couple making a life together. Claire comes from a long line of psychics and she has chosen to carry on with the tradition. Except Claire has a secret that only Cal knows. A secret she has hidden for so many years. After the death of her father, Claire begins experiencing some extreme thoughts that makes her question her secret. Perhaps she was wrong all these years? I was not sure how the two stories were going to intersect but they did in fact wrap up together nicely.

I admit some parts were a bit predictable and yet that did not matter in the least bit to me. It was not an edge of your seat thriller, it was however a disturbing work of fiction that had me turning the pages as fast as I could. I was very intrigued with the book especially the story of Rena and Stephanie. A fantastic debut by Ellen Lacorte whom I would definitely like to see more from.
Profile Image for Aga Durka.
200 reviews62 followers
June 21, 2019
“The Perfect Fraud” is a domestic fiction novel rather than a thriller, but it still kept me captivated and quite anxious while reading it. I did figure out what is going on early in the book, but I wanted to keep reading and I was fully engaged in the story. This book was equally disturbing and emotional for me. The story is told from two parallel POVs and I think the author did a great job at switching from one POV to another. There was no awkward and confusing gaps between both characters’ stories.

Rina is a distraught mother who is trying to get to the bottom of what is wrong with her 4-year-old daughter, Stephanie. At first, Rina’s need to find answers and her fight for her daughter’s well-being left me feeling sorry for her, and I wanted to reach inside the pages and give her a big hug, but oh how quickly my feelings changed. Let’s just say that at the end of the book, I simply hated Rina’s character.

Claire comes from a long line of psychics and even though she thinks she is a fraud more than an actual psychic, she quickly becomes my favorite character. She is the opposite of Rina, and she became a great catalyst for my negative feelings towards Rina. Claire quickly goes from being a fraud to becoming the real deal, and she is a major player in exposing Rina’s deceptive ways.

A well-written, emotional, disturbing and captivating story, which I would recommend to anyone that is looking for a quick and engaging read.

Thank you NetGalley, Harper Collins, and the author, Ellen LaCorte, for giving me an opportunity to read an early copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Bridgett.
Author 29 books540 followers
June 17, 2019
Well, hello there, Captain Obvious!

If you've never read a mystery/suspense novel before, don't fear...you'll still be able to figure this one out during the first chapter. This book aggravated me on so many levels. Rena, the mother of the seriously ill child, is made to look like a complete redneck imbecile--unable to spell, loose morals, and a user. Yet, she's not wrong about her take on nutrition--most people can't digest gluten properly. Gluten is not a necessary part of our diet. GMOs are horrible. Processed food is poisoning our bodies. Organic is best.

Do we really even need to question these statements? I feel like they're common sense. Maybe not?

So, is Ellen LaCorte using her novel to castigate parents who are diligent about what their children eat? I'm genuinely not sure, but find the fact I'm left guessing incredibly distasteful.

This novel never dives too deeply...while it does suck you in, at no time does it get past the cardboard cut-out characters and the blatantly transparent plot line. This story is more than a little disappointing.

Having said that, the book cover is stunning.

1.5 stars rounded to 2

**Despite my less than favorable review, I'd still like to thank NetGalley, Harper, and Ellen LaCorte for giving me the opportunity to express my honest opinions.

Publication date: June 18, 2019
Review published on Goodreads: June 16, 2019
Profile Image for Dennis.
907 reviews1,860 followers
May 3, 2019
Ellen LaCorte's upcoming thriler The Perfect Fraud is a fun, light mystery, that is perfect for anyone who likes Alafair Burke. I won't provide too much of a review, but if you are a seasoned thriller connoisseur like I am, this book is a little too predictable. LaCourte's writing is impeccable and honestly, it was a lot of fun navigating through this story. If you aren't a big thriller reader, and want to read something fun and fast, The Perfect Fraud will be a good choice.
Profile Image for BookOfCinz.
1,505 reviews3,235 followers
June 24, 2019
The Perfect Fraud had me going the entire time, even though I basically figured out the ending from the first 60 pages. I think that is the marking of a good book, when you "know" the ending but you still have a need to see exactly how it played out- cudos Ellen LaCorte.

In The Perfect Fraud we meet Claire who is from a generation of physic. Claire's mom is sought after for her physic abilities, so much Claire decides to into the same line of work, the only problem is.... Claire doesn't have "the gift". Claire spends her days telling people what they want to hear in the hopes that they don't figure out she is a fraud.

There is a Rena, a young divorcee who is saddled with caring for her four-year-old daughter, Stephanie. Stephanie suffers from incurable stomach problems, she's seen numerous specialists who cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with her, meanwhile Stephanie keeps getting sicker and sicker. Rena finds some amount of solace online through her blog where she keeps mothers like her posted on Stephanie's plight.

On a plane ride Claire meets Rena who is relocating to Arizona in the hopes that Stephanie will meet a specialist who will cure her. These two ladies are carry secrets that could potentially destroy them both....

LaCorte did a great job of setting up this plot. I think she did a great job building up each character to the point where you become invested. As I said before, I basically figured out what was happening but was so compelled to finish. I see some persons think the plot is too "lifetimey" it might be, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Profile Image for Theresa.
242 reviews167 followers
September 5, 2019
The most disappointing novel I've read this year. This was just bad. Poorly written and predictable. I pretty much had the twist figured out by chapter 2. I hated every character and it was a struggle to get through. The ending pissed me off. Ugh. I thought this book was going to be smart, cunning, and disturbing - unfortunately, it felt like a tacky movie you watch on Lifetime. Ridiculous fluff. Avoid please.
Profile Image for Librariann.
1,526 reviews78 followers
April 16, 2019
That I stayed up late to finish this says more about how my taste totally goes out the window with BAD MOTHER THRILLERS. Total lack of nuance, set up like a suspense novel but so poorly built as to be a Lifetime movie, yet I could not stop gawking at this train wreck.

This BAD MOM is a super trashy stereotype with misspelled mom blog posts about her SICK daughter and NO GMOS yet has totally frowsy, slutty tendencies. There's also the not-really psychic who CANNOT LURVE. THEN THEIR WORLDS COLLIDE.

So many questions, so many poorly informed characters, so many missed opportunities (don't put your BAD MOM working in a pharmacy if you don't intend to have her steal the drugs she suddenly has access to in order to Munchausen her daughter! come on!)

I'm just trying to make excuses for reading this one to the end, but oh, all I wanted to do was pat the author's hand and say, "Good try, honey, but no. Just no." I wish it had been satire but it was just really absorbing badfic.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marc Bougharios.
530 reviews
June 23, 2019
3.75 stars

The Perfect Fraud by Ellen LaCorte is a slow burning drama thriller about two women who are living two seperate lives meet on a plane, and how this coincidental encounter will change thier lives.

Claire is a psyhic, or that's what everyone thinks. She fools her customers by telling them what they want to hear. In ohter words, she's a fraud. Rena is a mother with a sick daughter. Four year old Stephanie has reoccuring stomach pains and no doctor can help her find a proper diagnosis. Rena does whatver she can for her daughter by feeding her organic and healthy foods but nothing is helping little Stephanie. When these two women meet on a plane, nothing is ever the same after.

For me, this is a nice book to curl up to under a nice umbrella, a beach chair, a lemonade (or sangria if you want) on the beach. Narrated in Claira and Rena's point of views, we move from woman to woman and learn about their lives and the trials that they are facing. Each of these women is going through something and LaCorte explores each of these factors with her fresh new voice in the literary world. Each of their perspectives was as interesting as the other and they for sure will keep you reading till the end.

It's always interesting for me when authors write a thriller but also add the family drama aspect to it. In The Perfect Fraud, LaCorte doesn't overdo it. She creates an equal balance between the two genres and incorporates them smoothly. Kudos to LaCorte for this!

For me, the last 100 pages of the novel were the best. The novel really picked up there and it was fast-paced until the very last page. There is a twist at the end that is somewhat predictable and it's a very disturbing one. I'm really glad that the novel ended with a strong finish, and I can guarantee that the last few pages will have you flipping them faster than ever.

Thank you to HarperCollins and Harper Books for sending me a finished copy of this novel in exchnage for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jamie Rosenblit.
1,031 reviews637 followers
June 3, 2019
A unique take on domestic fiction comes in the form of potential psychics and hysterical mothers. We meet Claire, working as a psychic but knowing she is a total fraud (gotta make a living somehow)...but all that seemingly changes when she meets Rena and her daughter Stephanie on an airplane and gets a feeling she’s never experienced before.

While this book is being marketed as a thriller and there are some unknown elements with high tension, it’s definitely more domestic fiction. Going in with this knowledge will definitely help set expectations and hopefully increase enjoyment!

I found the psychic plot line to add a unique element to a traditional story and I’m not one for supernatural/occult tales ever - so keep that in mind if you were hesitating on this one due to this - as it actually adds fun to a heavy topic. All in all, I really enjoyed The Perfect Fraud and plan to read more from LaCorte in the future.

Thank you to Harper for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Diana Iozzia.
347 reviews47 followers
June 1, 2019
“The Perfect Fraud”
Written by Ellen Lacorte
Review by Diana Iozzia

I have not been so fascinated and horrified by a psychological thriller in at least a few months. “The Perfect Fraud” has two parallel plot lines, from two very different characters. However, once the two stories converge, the story kicks off on an even more terrifying road, absolutely driving me speechless.

I have always been very sensitive towards thrillers, mysteries, and horror books and films in which children are in peril. This book absolutely spoke to me, as we begin reading about mother, Rena, whose four-year-old daughter has been sick with many different symptoms her entire life so far. With horrible stomach pains and digestive issues, Stephanie has been through the ringer, needing constant medication, a strict diet, and lots of medical attention. I was immediately concerned that her sickness had deeper and darker secrets surrounding it. Like most doctors, friends, and family, the reader, like myself, wants Stephanie to feel better and recover, but we can't be sure why she is sick.

In the parallel storyline, we receive a more ordinary character, named Claire. Claire is quite unhappy in her marriage. She is informed that her father, who had been ill for most of her childhood into adulthood, has had a severe stroke. She was told to come home. We learn more about Claire throughout her beginning arc. Claire had small psychic abilities when she was young. For example, she was able to guess presents perfectly before opening them. In Claire’s current perspective, she meets Rena on the plane and becomes instantly uncomfortable around her. Claire offers to give Rena a psychic analysis and a tarot card reading if Rena were ever to visit Sedona, where Claire lives.

After this chance meeting, Claire begins to see more psychic dreams and visions and is able to accurately predict all of her customers’ readings. Claire begins to spit up salt water. Claire eventually develops her thoughts and begins to confirm our suspicions. She jumps into action, knowing she must Stephanie before it’s too late.

There are some aspects that I wasn’t thrilled by, but the entire rest of the story overshadows them. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Claire’s perspective, with all of the psychic readings. I understand the intention, that they are a means to an end, but it certainly felt a little slow at some points. Additionally, Rena keeps a mommy blog, posting about her daughter’s ailments and speaking to other mommies who have sick children as well. I felt these purposely dumb and grammatically incorrect blog posts felt redundant, but I can see why they were included. They have an important comment at the end of each from Rena’s sister, Janet, who constantly seeks out her sister out of fear of danger for Rena and Stephanie. Lastly, I felt the climax and resolution were a bit rushed. I definitely enjoyed both aspects, but I would have preferred a little more time spent.

In conclusion, this is another new favorite thriller for me. It was new to me to read a psychological and domestic thriller that crossed into sickness and mental illness like this. I was worried at first that this would be exploitative, since there are many forms of media speaking about these illnesses lately. I worried that it was a bit like jumping on the bandwagon, but my fears didn’t come to fruition.

I give this book a five star review out of five stars.

I received a complimentary copy of this book to read and review as part of a blog tour for Harper Collins. Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity. I absolutely loved it.
Profile Image for Sónia.
512 reviews52 followers
August 6, 2020
De início, este livro suscita uma leitura rápida pois é narrado a duas vozes que, aparentemente, não sabemos qual a relação entre elas. E só chegando a determinada parte avançada do livro é que se faz um pouco de luz sobre isso. Esse foi um ponto que despertou o meu interesse pois duas situações aparentemente mutuamente exclusivas vão convergir para um ponto em comum.

Penso que a autora pode ter tido a melhor das intenções, mas tratou de dois temas (mais o segundo) com demasiada ligeireza: mediunidade e Síndrome de Münchhausen por procuração. Não se parte para a construção de uma obra com este tema sem que haja uma construção sólida da personagem que é acometida pela doença. E tinha muito que pegar nesse aspecto. Não há ali algo que consustancie, no passado, as acções do presente.

Em termos de escrita não foge muito ao tipo de enredo criado que, no final, no que diz respeito a Rena foi absolutamente sofrível.

Lê-se, mas não se perde nada se se der a vez a outro...

Profile Image for abdulia ortiz-perez.
634 reviews40 followers
June 16, 2019
I received this book for honest review.

🚨 Review 🚨
Finish this awesome book last night.
What can I really say really. I'm giving it 4.5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌠 and that because it was some what a thriller you could say.
I felt that it more emotional read for me.
Half way into the book that when it really got to me. It reminded me of the show on Hulu The ACT.
How can a mother do this things to there own child. 😤
Luckily for a psychic lady who felt that something was wrong not right.
By the end of the book I was so worried myself for the little girl.
I'm like OMG NO!!!😭
But then I was happy cuz it was a happy ending for the little girl.
The MOTHER never got caught and Bitch is pregnant again.
Omg need to be a part 2 in this book badly.
Emotional Rollercoaster!
The Perfect Fraud by Ellen Lacorte @ellen_lacorte_author
Release 6/18/19

Thank you @harperbooks @harpercollinsus for the free finish copy for review.
I recommend this if you up for emotional feeling!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for John Amory.
Author 17 books63 followers
January 20, 2019
This book is Ruth Ware meets Scary Mommy.

It's propulsive, dark, character-driven suspense.
Profile Image for Melanie  Brinkman.
620 reviews72 followers
October 21, 2019
Does mother know best?

A third-generation psychic, Claire, spends her days reading tarot cards in Sedona, Arizona. But what she doesn't tell her clients, nor her parents, is that she hasn't truly had her "gift" in years.

On the other side of the country, Rena, a recently divorced young mother, is facing every parent's worst nightmare. Her daughter, Stephanie, is battling a seemingly incurable illness. No one can seem to help as Stephanie slowly waste away.

When Claire and Rena meet by chance on a plane, nothing will ever be the same.

A story of mothers and daughters. The future of two women : one determined to bring it to fruition and one determined to stop it.

Trigger warnings for derogatory language, child abuse, talk of mental illness, and parental death.

United by a powerful distaste for the life they were living, the struggling and almost directionless Claire and the callously dominating Rena were polar opposites. As each woman's backstory was revealed, their characters gained depth, as they shed a bit of life on both of our narrators present-day motives. However, while their pasts truly helped to reinvigorate Claire with a new passion, Rena still lacked substance, aside from her surface traits.

Few bonds are deeper than that between a mother and child. Claire and Rena played opposing roles in their respective relationships. Claire began to repair the tenuous ties with her mother, while Rena terrifyingly demolished her daughter's trust. The juxtaposition between the two women's lives were astounding.

Get ready to be put through the emotional wringer as this story of fraud sucks you in! While extremely predictable, I was fascinated to watch as these characters' fates played out. I adored how social media was used to cloak what was truly going on. Gripping, Ellen LaCorte's debut was a disturbing look at how easy it is to hide horrors under a pretty mask. Supernatural elements were perfectly embedded in this novel of domestic tension. Though equally compelling, I never really felt that the two stories would have had to connect (though I'm extremely glad they did).

As enthralling as The Perfect Fraud was, I can only predict great things coming from Ellen LaCorte in the future.
Profile Image for Cassie’s Reviews.
1,243 reviews30 followers
June 7, 2019
Ok everyone move this book up on your shelf and get ready for your next binge read!!! I sat down planning on reading a few chapters and next thing I know it’s been two hours and I couldn’t stop! Claire is not a psychic even though her mother is known and famous for being one. Only Cal , Claire’s boyfriend and her are in on her secret. Claire’s family claims it’s a gift that runs through her family and Claire is working as a psychic and she’s making educated guesses on her clients in Sedona when a family emergency sends her packing and flying back home. While flying back to Sedona Claire crosses path with Rena a mother flying to Sedona with her sick daughter Stephanie searching for answers and hoping the doctor in Sedona can help her. Rena runs her own blog documenting every one of Stephanie’s ailments she lives for the attention! Claire immediately feels something is off and gets a feeling she’s never felt before about Rena and her relationship with Stephanie. Soon both of their lives begin to unravel and Claire’s begins to wonder can she save Stephanie? I don’t want to give to much away but this book blew me away. The authors writing style was amazing! The story was told by alternating between Claire and Rena and the ending left me saying wow! Four stars! A huge thank you to the publisher for my arc!
Profile Image for Marianne.
625 reviews13 followers
May 10, 2019
Yikes, that was sad and creepy.

The writing is good on this one. The passages narrated by Claire made me chuckle at times, she’s very real. Rena is a nightmare, just so horrible.

The whole psychic thing always interest me. I think you are a person that’s open to that sort of thing or think it’s complete crap. I’m open to it and enjoyed that aspect.

I can’t write much more without giving things away but the conclusion (Rena’s) GAH!!!

This was a quick and entertaining read. I would read more by this author.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and HarperCollins Publishers for a copy in exchange for a review.
Profile Image for Melinda.
660 reviews
April 22, 2020
This would have been a 4 star semi-thriller except for the completely ludicrous and unbelievable sharing of personal private information from the police to a random person? It threw me out of the story at such a late stage - I felt like it would have been so easy to get around this plot point since it didn't do much for the story. There is also a MAJOR HIPPA violation at the same time from medical staff and both of these things are super easy to find out that they're major DO NOT DO so I'm marking off 2 stars for them.
Profile Image for Jennifer N.
1,015 reviews7 followers
January 13, 2022
This was captivating. Rena is a single mom who has a very sick child. Her daughter won't gain weight and finds it very difficult to keep food down. She is in and out of the hospital but the doctors can't figure out what is wrong with her.
Claire works as a psychic but she is a fraud. These 2 women come in contact mid-way through the novel and not again until the end. Although I figured out what was going on with Rena quite quickly it was still hard to put this book down. I really wanted to know how the women were going to connect again.
Profile Image for Crystal.
788 reviews156 followers
September 6, 2019
The synopsis of this book pretty much broadcasts the fact that Rena has Munchausen by Proxy, so no mystery there. And yet, the only real mystery in this book is figuring out this very obvious thing. Even if you didn't get it from the description (though I highly doubt anyone who read it didn't instantly pick up on), it was made evident after Chapter 2. I can't help but feel like LaCorte was grabbing onto the sudden interest in the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case and tried to capitalize on it. Sorry, but I do find that in bad taste.
Despite the obviousness of the Rena/Stephanie storyline, I wanted to read this book because of the Claire plot. The metaphysical, psychic aspect appealed to me, however, it was poorly utilized in this book. It might as well not have been in the book at all, except it did tie everything up in a big bow at the end. Very poor writing to a predictable, uninspired novel.
Profile Image for Marcy Reads on IG.
363 reviews473 followers
June 17, 2019

”The crown falls heavy on the head of the person who doesn’t want it or feels its undeserved.”

Fast paced thriller told from two perspectives, one being an unreliable character. This is a pretty predictable story, especially for someone who normally reads from the genre. The predictability factor sort of works in the story’s favor though, in the sense that it keeps you mad and speechless at the characters actions. Don’t know if that makes sense without giving spoiler-y info.

The writing leaves a bit to be desired. The dialogue sometimes seems a bit “air-headed”, and at times it was a bit too descriptive. With that being said, this is a debut novel so the writing can be overlooked a bit. The story did wrap up nicely and had a solid ending.

A solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Thank you so much to Harper Books for my finished copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brooke.
1,024 reviews42 followers
August 30, 2019
The Perfect Fraud by debut author Ellen LaCorte is one of those novels that you can't say too much without giving away all the twists and turns. But here is what we know: Rena is the mother of a very sick little girl. So sick, in fact, that no one, even the best doctors in the country, can figure out what is wrong with her. Rena, who blogs about her daughter Stephanie's illness to an online community, is just about fed up with the medical profession's incompetency when it comes to treating her daughter. So what does she do? Moves across the country to see yet another specialist. Hopefully this one has the answers she so desperately needs. Claire is a fraud. A psychic with no prescient abilities, yet she reads her clients' cards and tells them what they want to hear. Between her father's illness, her difficulty getting close to her live-in boyfriend, and her fraudulent career, Claire is having trouble gaining control of her life and finding meaning. When Rena and Claire meet on an airplane, they may just be the answer the other is looking for. Can Claire help Rena find out what's wrong with Stephanie, and can Rena help Claire find her true purpose?

The Perfect Fraud reads like an onion, slowly peeling away the layers of the secret lives of two women before reaching its terrifying conclusion. Biting and tense, this domestic suspense novel will disturb as much as it delights. If the novel has a fault, it comes in that I figured out the twist fairly early on; however, I didn't feel cheated out of the book's twists and turns because LaCorte slowly but surely shares clues, not giving away the ending until the very end. You are left wondering until the very last pages if you are right about your suspicions. I also thought that LaCorte spent a little too much time building background on the characters at the beginning of the book - she lost my interest at times - however, once the plot picks up, I couldn't stop turning the pages! The Perfect Fraud is sure to be enjoyed by readers of women's suspense fiction, as well as those who love dramatic Lifetime movies.

Thank you to NetGalley & Harper Collins for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melanie Falconer.
923 reviews30 followers
June 24, 2022
This one is a quick read thriller that will keep you reading even though you suspect you might know what’s going to happen. Claire, the daughter of a renowned psychic, is working as a psychic herself even though she doesn’t really have “the gift”. Rena, is the mother of Stephanie- a child who is baffling doctors with her mysterious ailments. Rena, the devoted mother, will do anything to help her daughter- including meeting with a psychic. When her path crosses with Claire, Claire begins to suspect something is not as it seems with Rena and her daughter. Will she figure out what it is before it might be too late?
Profile Image for Devoralibros.
279 reviews47 followers
January 22, 2023
Rena es la típica madre perfecta y a la vez madre coraje. Su hija padece un trastorno estomacal desde su nacimiento y no mejora con ningún tratamiento médico. La llevará a un sin fin de hospitales y será sometida a pruebas demasiado agresivas con el fin de encontrar solución a su supuesta enfermedad incurable.

La historia que nos encontramos en este libro, empieza de forma muy pausada, pero cuando comienza a coger ritmo ya es un no parar hasta llegar a sus últimas páginas. Al principio aparenta ser una trama tranquila y sin ningún factor sorpresa, pero es todo lo contrario. Nos va sumergiendo, poco a poco, en las vidas de Rena y su hija hasta el extremo de sentir el sufrimiento y la impotencia que está padeciendo debido a la incertidumbre por no saber ni encontrar cura a tan extraña enfermedad. A ratos he tenido que tomarme un respiro porque hay escenas demasiado duras y complicadas de ingerir, pero la historia lo requiere y si no hubiera sido así, quizás no lo hubiese disfrutado tanto. Siempre digo que para que un libro me guste, necesito que consiga remover mis sentimientos (cualquier tipo de sentimiento) y lo ha conseguido. He llegado a sentir tristeza, impotencia, rabia, enfado e incluso ganas de estrangular a algún que otro personaje. Como veis, esta lectura me ha producido la sensación de una montaña rusa en ascenso y sin saber en qué momento llegaría el descenso.
Profile Image for Marti.
491 reviews90 followers
January 6, 2019
What a creepy sad story. Highly recommend
Profile Image for Chapters of Chase.
756 reviews397 followers
June 9, 2019
Thank you to HarperCollins Publishing for gifting me an advanced copy of The Perfect Fraud by Ellen LaCorte. This book is set to be released on June 18th, 2019.

Is it ever too late to see the truth?

Motherhood is tough. But then, so is daughterhood. When we first meet Claire, she’s living in Sedona, Arizona with her boyfriend Cal and ducking calls from her mother. Her mom is a world class psychic on the East Coast and Claire doesn’t want her to discover the truth. Claire works in the family business and calls herself a psychic, but she doesn’t really have “the gift” and hasn’t for a long time. She’s a fraud.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Rena, a young mother, has family issues of her own. She’s divorced and her four-year-old daughter, Stephanie, suffers from mysterious, seemingly incurable stomach problems. No matter how many specialists Rena drags her to, no matter how many mommy-blog posts she makes about her child’s health issues, trying to get help and support from her online community, Stephanie only gets sicker.

When Claire and Rena meet by chance on an airplane, their carefully constructed lives begin to explode. Can these two women help each other and can they help Stephanie before it’s too late?

As I started reading The Perfect Fraud, I thought that I had a decent idea as to what the plot to this story would be; however, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I began reading while on vacation and once I was a few chapters in there was no putting the book down. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning so that I could find out how Claire and Rena’s story ended. This book hooked me within the first few pages and didn’t let me go until the very last sentence. Seriously, it was the captivating.

I enjoyed how The Perfect Fraud is told through the alternating chapters of the perspectives of Claire to Rena; it allowed for me to develop a deeper sense of what was unfolding in their lives. Claire and Rena may be two completely different women but they both are holding onto a secret that could turn their worlds upside down. I admit that I was able to guess as to where the story was heading but, in my opinion, I think that the author knew her readers would figure it out. It was more or less about how everything would come to a head in the book and that’s what kept me reading.

It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that kept me on the edge of my seat and, at times, made me feel a little sick to my stomach. Ellen LaCorte created a truly heinous villain in The Perfect Fraud and I found that multiple times throughout the book, I was shaking my head in disgust and, in all honesty, disbelief as the truth became clear.

The Perfect Fraud is truly the perfect beach read. It is entertaining, captivating and terrifying all rolled up into one masterfully told story. If you have a vacation planned or even just a day at the pool, I encourage you to pick up this book to read. You will spend your whole day immersed in the story, sitting on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what is going to happen.

Thank you to HarperCollins Publishing and Ellen LaCorte for graciously sending me an advanced copy of this book. The Perfect Fraud is set to be published on June 18th but is available for pre-order now!
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