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The Loon

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A doctor who has lost his child. A woman in an abusive relationship. A man who thinks he is god. A madman who lives only to kill. These are the people who will come together and find that they are not alone. Cut off by a freak storm, they will discover the meaning of terror...in The Loon.

First published March 11, 2011

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About the author

Michaelbrent Collings

86 books646 followers
One of the most versatile writers around, Michaelbrent Collings is an internationally bestselling novelist, produced screenwriter, and multiple Bram Stoker Award finalist. While he is best known for horror (and is one of the most successful indie horror authors in the United States), he has also written bestselling thriller, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, humor, young adult, and middle grade works, and Western Romance.

In addition to being a bestselling novelist, Michaelbrent has also received critical acclaim: he is the only person who has ever been a finalist for a Bram Stoker Award, a Dragon Award, a RONE Award, and a Whitney award: and he and his work have been reviewed and/or featured on everything from Publishers Weekly to Scream Magazine to NPR. He is also a frequent guest at comic cons and on writing podcasts like Six Figure Authors, The Creative Penn, and Writing Excuses.

Find more about him at his website, WrittenInsomnia.com, or sign up for his mailing list (and get a free book!) at http://writteninsomnia.com/michaelbre....

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews
Profile Image for Mort.
709 reviews1,506 followers
May 13, 2018
Never judge a book by its cover...we all know it, but we all fall for it every now and then.
Well, this cover spoke to me immediately and the blurb sounded promising:

What could be scarier than being trapped in an insane asylum with a...well, madman.

I was really disappointed, because the first 70% was really good and the reading was fast, and I was ready to give it 5 stars...and then it slowed down, which was okay, because I still had 4 stars in my head...and then the wheels came off.

I'm sorry, but you can only bring back the bad guy/monster so many times before it gets irritating.
Profile Image for Misty Marie Harms.
559 reviews629 followers
December 12, 2021
A freak storm has knocked out the power and security measures at a supermax prison. A doctor, mother, child, and guards are trapped inside by the powerful blizzard. Locked in with them are world's most dangerous madmen, murderers, and psychopaths. However there is something else deep in the bowels of the Loon. Something long forgotten. A creature that knows no remorse, no pain, no fear. It feels only one thing: hunger. And it lives only to feed.

The characters got on my nerves by doing stupid things. Other than that it was an okay read.

Profile Image for Cheryl (Takin' It Easy This Year!).
2,156 reviews74 followers
May 5, 2022
Sooooo ..... after being locked out of my Kindle app I've decided to have a bit of a clean up in my various "Books Read" lists. First cabs off the rank are my DNF pile. If I DNF'd it and have absolutely NO intention of reading it again, I'm changing my rating to 1 🌟 and deleting it off my Kindle. Life is too short at my age for crappy books!!

Original Review:

I don't know whether I'm in a book slump, a bipolar slump or just not gelling with this author because I just can't get along with this novel. It's a DNF at 35%.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
1,832 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2013
An entertaining, fast paced read. I felt that the characterization could have been better for a lot of the characters (the guards, in particular); but the "key" characters were fleshed out well enough that I wanted to follow along. A horror read complete with a lot of science-fiction and a "mad scientist"-type thrown in. Overall, recommended!
Profile Image for Char.
1,806 reviews1,733 followers
July 22, 2012
I read this book as part of our horror reading group.
This was our second group read of a book by Michaelbrent Collings.
The prologue of this story just sucks the reader right in and set the tone right from the start. This was an extremely fast paced story-the chapters at some points are only a page or a paragraph long.
The protagonist is the head psychiatrist for the Crane Institute which is a hospital/prison for the criminally insane. This Institute houses killers that are known world wide as psychos and as such, is a dangerous place to work.
The Institute is privately owned by Dr. Crane, otherwise known (in his own mind and in those of his employees ) as God. He pays well but rules with an iron fist.
And so the stage is set, it's nighttime and a dangerous storm is set to hit the grounds of the Institution. Will the guards, prisoners, and doctors survive the night? Read it and see.
It's hard to go into very much detail on this without spoilers, but I felt that a lot of the characters were not developed enough to form a clear picture of them in my mind. A few of the guards I just had pictured as Big and Bigger. There wasn't a lot of other information about them. Perhaps this was on purpose considering the course of the story-but I can't pursue that thought without spoiling anything.
There were a couple of characters that I could identify with and care about, which is why I continued reading. I had to see what would happen to them!
All in all, I think it was a good read if you're in the mood for something rather quick, imaginative and fun, without any deep meaning or morals to be learned.
September 28, 2020
What a ride! A sci-fi horror filled chiller with gruesomely descriptive narrative.
Michaelbrent Collings does not pull ANY punches when delivering his jaw dropping terror and suspense at a rocket fueled pace.
My favorite line in the book sums it up perfectly:
"It's a symphony of madness with no conductor."

Profile Image for Debbie DiFiore.
2,400 reviews278 followers
October 23, 2023
Now that was scary

This was an awesome horror story! I couldn't put it down. Very gory though and I usually don't like that but it was the people in it that just kept reading it. I loved Paul. He was a great protagonist. His sad life and then There was Jacky and Jorge and Rachel and Mitchell and so many more. There was an evil doctor and his evil creation and an even more evil man hunting in the asylum and neither was going to let anyone leave. The battle left a lot of dead characters which I hated. But the book was just so intense. I really liked it and it made me a little bit afraid.
March 23, 2021
From the start I wasn't sure how I would like this book. It opens on some sad and traumatic moments in two of the MCs lives. Not only that but the beginning was fairly slow and compared to the rest, pretty dull. The story picked up rather quickly though once things are set in motion and I ended up really enjoying this crazy ride. It was hard not to form attachments to some of the characters after learning their backgrounds. I tried hard not to care as I knew most if not all would be getting killed but it was hard especially once a child was thrown into the mix.

Life at the 'Loon' is not like working your average hospital. Guards are paid six figure salaries because of how dangerous each and every day is. A new guard shows up for duty right before a huge snowstorm hits and basically puts the prison in lockdown. Unfortunately they are running a skeleton screw and thus when things go haywire, there's not many of them to get things under control. Of course being an asylum read, there is, as always, a mad scientist who is messing with something he cannot control and does not really understand. Between this monster and the human monsters in cells, these characters have no idea what they are in for.... And help will not be on the way, not for a while anyway!

I really enjoyed this book, it was rather exciting even if I have absolutely no idea what the monster in the basement actually was. It was scary as hell though, I will say. Even though the asylum concept has been done a million times before, I really enjoyed this authors crazed interpretation. The beginning was a bit slow and actually more sad than I was expecting. This was I'm assuming to garner support for the MCs whom I tried so hard not to like because I knew inevitably, most, if not all would die and most do! Once the story picked up and all hell breaks loose (literally) I was sucked in and enjoyed the ride.
Profile Image for Autumn.
17 reviews5 followers
February 11, 2013
Just coming off the high of this fast paced, exciting thriller by author Michaelbrent Collings. I was hooked as soon as I read the prologue and was happily surprised again and again at the ever changing plot. I distinctly remember thinking," Woah! I didn't see THAT coming!" several times. Of particular interest to me was the unexpected Science Fiction woven into the plot. Very cool.
Another thing I liked about this book was that it was scary and suspenseful without scarring my mind for life. Not too much gore or sensationalism. Rather, I found myself watching for opportunities when my toddler was busy so I could speed through another few chapters and satiate my curiosity.
Which reminds me: Some might not care for the small chapter sizes in this book, but for me and my limited time allotments it worked great! I could quickly read a chapter or two at a time without having to quit mid-chapter. It was also nice for easy reading in the Kindle format. So, two thumbs up from my corner.
Are you looking to happily suspend reality for a few days or hours? This might be just the book for you. It certainly was for me! Happy reading!
Profile Image for Emily Kestrel.
1,140 reviews72 followers
July 7, 2016
DNF at 58%. When I woke up this morning, dreading the thought of reading more of this book, and then felt a surge of relief when I reminded myself that I don't try to force myself to finish books I'm not enjoying anymore, it's safe to say that I didn't like it. The Loon is a hospital for the criminally insane, run by a mad scientist who seems to secretly be breeding some sort of monster. The Loon is a horror novel about what happens when they all get snowed in for a few days by a walloping Montana blizzard. Yeah, that could be a good story, but unfortunately it is written in a style I loathe: very short, choppy chapters and a POV that ping-pongs quickly from character to character. I know this style has been used by some popular authors, so feel free to disagree with me, but it's a technique I find so distracting that I automatically hate any book that uses it. I also found the characters to be two-dimensional and there was nothing whatsoever that grabbed me and made me wonder what might happen next, so at this point I am going to DNF it and not look back.
Profile Image for NS.
262 reviews20 followers
April 16, 2019
Before I begin, I’d like to say that I am a HUGE supporter of Indie writers and the hard yards they put in to get their books out there. I also don’t author bash. Having said that, this book sounded promising and there is a story there, however the writing is absolutely horrible and the editing is even worse. Self publishers still cop a lot of criticism and unfortunately it is because of books like these. Solid story but it really, really needs to be rewritten and properly edited. In another review someone said ‘you can only bring a monster back so many times’ and I DEFINITELY agree with that statement. By the end I was rolling my eyes and racing through it. I don’t like writing bad reviews, but as a reader and genre fan I really had to be brutally honest.
Profile Image for Kell.
115 reviews
May 7, 2022

The writing was just bad, racist and misogynistic. The only Black character's name is Hip-Hop. There's a scene where a character has sexual thoughts about a recently-abused woman, and those thoughts include "she was curvy, but not TOO curvy, just the way Jacky liked them."

I will not be reading any more of this author's work.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,743 reviews38 followers
January 25, 2014
The story starts off with a younger Paul, back when he had a wife and a young son, a son he lost to a terrible accident. This haunts the older Paul we come to know in the story. The Loon is set up much like a prison as the inmates tend to hurt themselves or others if left to wander about. The guards all have rubber bullets or stun guns. With the heavy winter storm, no one will be getting in or out for a day or two. Hence, some of the guards called in sick so they wouldn’t be stuck there. Nice. Now the institute is left short-staffed. And Dr. Crane has plans. Nefarious plans.

The set up for this thriller is well done. You pretty much get to know everyone’s personality in the first quarter of the book. Then the action starts. Lots and lots of action. There’s more than one monster, there’s more than one bad guy. And I did love hating on both long before the book was over. Collings doesn’t sugar coat these bad guys.

While the characters are a bit one or perhaps two dimensional, I did get attached to some, found myself rooting for them, and a bit sad when some of them perished. This book was primarily about the setting and the action. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. This audiobook was my little companion as I folded laundry, made dinner, and, in the evenings, ignored the rest of the world.

Collings tells a thrilling story set in a spooky place with multiple terrors and pitfalls for our would-be heroes. Not everyone makes it out alive, and those that did, will probably need some intensive therapy. Dr. Crane is one twisted man seeking glory through twisted research. He has a big secret (which he thinks of as a pet), and if it gets out, will wreak havoc on the institute. Then there is a man confined to the institute for his crimes. He’s always waiting for the opportunity to escape, or maim and/or kill another inmate or guard. He does not play well with others, especially children. The entire story, I so looked forward to seeing how Collings would end this baddie.

I loved that this book had both male and female guards and that Collings didn’t treat the women characters with kid gloves. Oh, no, not at all. The ladies have plenty of badness to contend with, and only a few make it out alive. I also liked that the cast was multiracial as that reflects Americana more realistically than the typical all-white cast horror flicks I see on TV. This gave another dimension to the book. The narrator performed all the Hispanics in Spanish accents (sometimes a bit exaggerated) which made it easier to keep track of different characters.

Overall, the ending was very satisfying. The monsters had their chance to run free and create mayhem. Some good guys died, some bad guys died – all in unique, often gruesome ways. There was one little wrap up detail that is still niggling at me. Rachel defended herself from her violent husband before fleeing to her brother. I think there is probably a police report on that, but how that fell out wasn’t covered. It’s a small point, but I like stories that address the consequences of a character’s action so it’s been niggling at me. Still, with that one real criticism, I can tell you I had a hard time putting this book down. It kept me entertained throughout, with no dull lulls. All the characters were interesting and involved in the action. A great thrill ride with monsters, desperate humans, killer weather, and characters I wanted to lift out of The Loon and give them a cup of tea. Or a cup of poison.

The Narration: John Bell did a pretty good job. His voice is very animated and I think he has fun narrating. The characters were each distinct and his kid voice was great. He did these low, gruff voices for some the characters that was spot on. While his Spanish accents were sometimes a bit exaggerated, it made it easier to keep track of all the characters. I liked his sassy voice for one the guards.
June 27, 2013
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (and killed everyone)

Friends often recommend novels to me, telling me, “you won’t be able to put this one down.” I guess I have a short attention span because I usually have no trouble putting any book aside.

The Loon is an exception.

With short chapters that punch the reader right in the face, this book feels like going up against a prizefighter. The action spins up and away, unchecked. I kept asking myself, where is Mr. Collings going to take it from here? He always answered with a new spin, a new twist, or a new whack over the head.

The Loon is downright scary. If you enjoy stories that cause you to check over your shoulder for strangers, if you enjoy the sense of a chill coursing up your spine every time you hear an unexpected noise while reading, this is the book for you.

The Loon feels like Koontz writes One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

For a scary, fun, action packed read, don’t miss The Loon by Michaelbrent Collings.

-Craig Nybo (Author)
Profile Image for Kimberly.
147 reviews5 followers
February 22, 2016
Okay, I'll admit that I'm a sucker for a creepy setting, and an isolated, snow-bound madhouse offers plenty of that. The setting is very much a part of the story, and its effective use by the author, along with a collection of characters we can identify with (or at least recognize) and care about, contributed greatly to my enjoyment of the book.

Not all of the characters are likable, by any means, but I enjoyed them all, and often, I was a little surprised when some of them (no spoilers) were killed, even though I'd been expecting it.

"The Loon" is a fun, unashamedly B-movie of a read, with equal parts mad-science horror and psychological terror. This was a quick, satisfying read.
1,249 reviews22 followers
June 12, 2016

This is a scary book. Each page holds action. The plot is captivating never a dull moment..
You think you know what's going to happen, but you don't. Makes you wonder about these private psych clinics. Altering genes on persons who won't be missed. Assuming your God , and you have the money, influence to create a FRANKENSTEIN. Exciting, you'll have a hard time putting this book down. And there is a LOVE angle, lost hope, domestic violence, child abuse. This book touches all the human psyches negatively and the impact is beyond belief. Please READ THIS BOOK. I would rate this book 6.5 its worth it...
Profile Image for Carolynne Ford.
207 reviews2 followers
October 12, 2021
Gloriously horrific

I love Collings' books so much. This one in particular, though, is gruesome, horrifying, and such a spectacular read. From the first page to the last, you experience all the emotions from heartwarming, heartbreak, deep sadness, anger, and fear. The world inside The Loon is utter madness on a regular day, but when a storm turns the world upside down, madness goes from normal to off the charts insane. Incredible writing and amazing depth from this author. I would absolutely recommend this book.
24 reviews1 follower
July 11, 2014
Excellent read!!!, could not put it down.

Excellent read!!!, could not put it down. You were there with them through the mindset of each character. Very believable. That's why five stars.
Profile Image for Susu.
176 reviews39 followers
November 2, 2014
Meh! Interesting story. I would classify this as a drama and/or thriller, but horror? Not so much, or at all actually.
Escaped psycho killer. Mad scientist's monster on the loose. Been done before both scenarios, maybe not combined into one story but it's still not very original.
Profile Image for Darlene.
633 reviews3 followers
July 10, 2014
It's 100 degrees outside and by the middle of the book I had chills. Very hard to stop reading. I will try this author again...?after my heart slows down
Profile Image for Rita.
619 reviews2 followers
August 26, 2016
Started out great & very promising... then took a drastic turn. I kept reading, optimist that I am, but it kept getting worse & worse. Extremely violent! A waste of my time.
Profile Image for Donna Girouard.
Author 11 books8 followers
January 22, 2017
Fast paced, especially the last half. The author really needs a better proofreader though.
June 7, 2024
This would probably be more like a 3.5 stars for me.

Had been looking forward to reading this one for a while, and it’s my first book from this author. The beginning chapter definitely sets the tone, though I didn’t care for how it was written necessarily, and started having second thoughts. But once you get past that part, it starts to get better and better. Especially when you get around to the 150 page mark, and that’s when things really start to pick up and get good. Very fast paced and very suspenseful.

At first I was kind of disappointed that there was a Sci-fi element introduced, as I was looking forward to just a straight forward, horror/thriller novel set in a penitentiary. But after a bit, I didn’t mind it as much, and it just ended up adding to the unease and horror.

Some of the characters were more developed than others, but that was fine. Most of them get killed off anyways, so it’s not overly necessary. Though this is where one of my criticisms come in. First off, it was quite predictable as to who was going to survive when I got to a certain point in the book. I kept hoping my prediction would be dashed, but no. Secondly, some of the decision making in this book from some of the characters were just plain dumb. Now yes, this is a common trope in horror, I know. But still. One of the characters decides that taking herself and her daughter to a penitentiary for the criminally insane is a better, safer place to go rather than staying at their own home, even with what had just happened at said home. Really? Third, and going back to that same character, I found that she was a little too composed after what she had just went through. Spoilers here, but the character Rachel ends up getting into a scuffle with her abusive husband and ends up killing him in self-defense. I don’t know, I just don’t believe someone who just went through that would be as composed as Rachel was throughout the rest of the story, and I say that from experience. I also didn’t buy the hinted at (and by the end, confirmed) romance between Rachel and Paul (the main character). Again, given the situation in the book, and given what Rachel just went through, I just did not find that believable whatsoever. Rachel and Becky were WAY too trusting of Paul in such a short amount of time, and Paul cared way too much about Rachel and her daughter in such a short amount of time. Again, I just didn’t believe it. And to be attracted to a woman who just went through an extreme case of domestic abuse, it just felt kinda wrong. And yeah, I understand Paul feels obligated to protect the daughter because of what happened to his own son, but still. Lastly, I thought it was kinda bs how the main character evades death from the monster and the killer again and again, when all the other characters didn’t stand a chance. It just made the plot armor quite obvious on Paul, and kind of took away from my enjoyment.

Aside from all that, there were some typos here and there, but not enough to take away from my enjoyment of the book. The ending also seemed rushed and kinda predictable and cheesy, but meh. And again, thought Rachel was way too trusting of Paul by the end and I highly doubt she’d be ready to move on right away like that after what happened to her beforehand. She’d known him for less than 24 hours.

I know it sounds like I’m being more critical than not, but I really did enjoy this book and it won’t be the last I read from this author.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Leigh.
192 reviews9 followers
September 27, 2019
From the very first page, this is a story that sucks you in and won't let you go. At times terrifying, at others fascinating, and sometimes a horrible combination of both. Once I reached the end of this book, I immediately wanted to flip back to the first page and start again.

This is not an extremely long story - it is easy to finish in a single weekend of casual reading - but the depth and intensity of the book is amazing.

There are several intersecting storylines here, but Collings has done a fantastic job of keeping a little distance between them. So when the various characters meet, the plot remains clear and interesting as opposed to messy. There is not enough that can be said for an author who is capable of doing that, and doing it well!

One of my favorite parts of this story is the cast of characters. Each person felt fully realized and genuine enough to step right off the page. I can easily imagine meeting each one of these people - some of whom I am very grateful I will never come across! Each one has quirks, personality, speech patterns, and they're put together in such a way that they do not come across as stock characters. I appreciate that very much.

It's hard to say much about this story because so many parts are pivotal to the overall plot. You can't tell one detail without giving away another. In the end, this is just the kind of book I was looking to read, and I'm very happy with it. I will definitely return to this book again in the future!
1,083 reviews16 followers
September 19, 2018
Uniquely Fabulous!

Sinister, deviant, palpitating, yet utterly brilliant are just a few words to describe this fabulous piece of literary genius.
Each chapters one word titles resonates fear.
An immediate cast of 4 very diverse characters, secretly cloaking their own miserable existence & all wrapped into a blanket of disturbing behavior; smothered in absolute fear.
Grotesque mutations of lab experiments gone horribly wrong by a brilliant yet insane character(Crane), steeped in perverse greed & impatience for the ultimate creation, can only lead to a dangerous environment for all.
This was an extremely satisfying read that covers the genres of: horror, suspense, thriller & science fiction . Mesmerizing in rich details, solid characters & a plot superbly mind blowing!!
If you are a fan of the strange & unusual with hints of Frankenstein, The Shining, & Session 9? Your going to LOVE this!!
Profile Image for Nick Watters.
112 reviews8 followers
January 31, 2018
this is ths second book by Collings that I have read. The Loon is a very fast paced book. some chapters were merely a handful of sentences long. In neither this, nor my previously read Collings book, did the author take the time to develop any characters other than the main 2 or PERHAPS 3. I'm not entirely sure if I like this or not, or if this is something he routinely does, but it certainly works in this story.
Again, this book was very fast paced and the storyline was truly a joy to follow. My one complaint would be that the ending seemed to just "happen". almost like the author was given 400 pages and on page 397 realized he'd better wrap it up. With that said, I would prefer that over a painfully drawn out ending. All in all I give this book 4 stars and I DO suggest someone looking for a fun, quick and entertaining horror story, read away!
38 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2022
What a Wild Ride - Hang on Tight!

When something seems to good to be true, maybe there’s more than meets the eye! What a great job Jacky thinks; great pay, the Crane Institute takes care of its employees. With the massive snowstorm blowing in maybe he should have missed his first day…. No one could predict or even begin to imagine what was going on behind closed, locked and hidden doors. They’re about to find out. What a great, compelling read! I hated to put the book down. I wanted to know what was going to happen next; I could never guess even close to what was going to happen next in this book; awesome story! I highly recommend to all horror story lovers. You will not be disappointed. Michaelbrent Collings has achieved true horror story greatness!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews

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