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Shape of Love #1

The Triangle

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They’re sworn enemies and I’m in the middle.
Both of them claimed me. Had me. Used me. Forgot me.
Except… I don’t remember any of it. I don’t even know who I am or why I’m in this cramped basement apartment with tinfoil covering the tiny windows when my bank account says I have over two million dollars.
I don’t know how I got the stitches on the back of my head, or the scar under my chin, or the ache in my shoulder—but I do know I probably deserved it.
I don’t know why there’s a shotgun in the closet, a sniper rifle under the floorboards, and a pistol under my pillow.
I don’t know why I stay.
I don’t know why I care.
I don’t know why I’m trying to put something back together when it was never whole to begin with.
Until I look at them.
Until they look at me.
Until I touch them.
Until they touch me.
And even though the memories don’t come back.
I know.
I know why I stay.

396 pages, Paperback

First published September 25, 2018

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About the author

J.A. Huss

136 books8,914 followers
J.A. Huss never wanted to be a writer and she still dreams of that elusive career as an astronaut. She originally went to school to become an equine veterinarian but soon figured out they keep horrible hours and decided to go to grad school instead. That Ph.D wasn’t all it was cracked up to be (and she really sucked at the whole scientist thing), so she dropped out and got a M.S. in forensic toxicology just to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible.

After graduation she got a job with the state of Colorado as their one and only hog farm inspector and spent her days wandering the Eastern Plains shooting the shit with farmers. After a few years of that, she got bored. And since she was a homeschool mom and actually does love science, she decided to write science textbooks and make online classes for other homeschool moms. She wrote more than two hundred of those workbooks and was the number one publisher at the online homeschool store many times, but eventually she covered every science topic she could think of and ran out of shit to say.

So in 2012 she decided to write fiction instead. That year she released her first three books and started a career that would make her a New York Times bestseller and land her on the USA Today Bestseller’s List eighteen times in the next three years. Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie award in 2016 and 2017 respectively, her audiobook Mr. Perfect was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017, and her book, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Johnathan McClain is her first (and only) writing partner and even though they are worlds apart in just about every way imaginable, it works.

She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
September 23, 2018
The Triangle refers to three main characters. Christine, Danny and Alec. These three want to be the triangle but they're not there yet. Ultimately they want the same thing, but one of them isn't quite ready. The Triangle is just the start.

These three have a lot of history together. It's not their beginning but it is the beginning to their true relationship. Just when they get brought back together and you think it's time, betrayals are revealed, secrets have been kept, and lies have been told.

I like that our main characters are not normal people. They may even be bad people. The dangerous lives they lead and the action we see in this first book is exciting to read. Once these three are back together...well, there is a reason this is labeled erotica.

I don't quite know what I feel for these three yet. I feel like we got just a small glimpse into their characters and the proceeding books will be where we get to see what they are truly made of. The Triangle is the beginning and there is more to come. The way this ended, I don't know how they are going to fix everything but I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the ride to get there.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
September 25, 2018
A triangle
“Three points, converging, the lines bleeding into each other, making something strong and unbreakable. Like a diamond.”

“We are Alec, Christine, and Danny. And this is the shape of our love.”

Huss/McClain partner again in the first in the Shape of Love series, The Triangle. And although this story is a love triangle, it’s not a triangle of struggle, it’s a triangle of feeling. It’s three people who intersect and connect and form an unbreakable bond.

This is their start.


For those of you who are familiar with the Huss style, you know about the twists and turns. You just KNOW nothing is what it seems. It’s the Julie-Experience. It’s the thrill of the chase, the satisfaction in the seduction and the what-in-the-ever-loving-fuck-just-happened of the ending. McClain’s voice flowed seamlessly throughout this story, woven perfectly into the fabric of an erotic mind-fuck.

It’s been years since Alec, Christine, and Danny have been together. The inability to recognize what their relationship was, that Christine had gone from a little girl to a woman, and the struggle of acceptance shifted their little group. But when Alec calls, Danny answers.

I can’t tell you anything about the story or the plot. I am not even sure if I understand it all. But I know three things.

I know that I loved these characters.
I know that I could not put this book down.
I know that I needed a cold shower after finishing it.


“She leans over, kisses my mouth, and begins to moan again. And that’s when Alec sits back up, smacks both her ass cheeks, then grips them tightly as he pounds her from behind. Just. Pounds her. Us. Her. Us. Her.”

For fans, think of this as 321 meets The Company. But we finally get a taste of a little peen on peen action. I loved that while these three shared an incredible bond, and that they need to be a three to belong – but absolutely loved the push & pull of Alec & Danny. There was this growing tension that exploded as Danny gave in.

” I kiss Alec. Full on the mouth. Tongues twisting. And I fuck him as I fuck her. Only Christine’s small, soft body separates us. I lean down on her, pressing myself as close to Alec as I can get, and we make love.


An unpredictable romance that is fast-paced and that will hold your attention from the opening scene until the jaw-dropping epilogue. I can’t wait until the story continues and we dive deeper into this new world.


Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,224 reviews824 followers
September 23, 2018
This book is going to take a lot of processing. It’s not a simple girl meets boy and falls in love, or in this case, girl meets two boys and falls in love. It’s so much more. There is so much depth and emotion to these characters that sometimes I felt overwhelmed by what they were experiencing. Danny’s struggle was especially difficult as he’s battling feelings and resentments from the past.

There is a lot of sex here, but again, it’s so much more than just the sex. This felt like Danny’s story more than anything as he’s the character with the greatest struggle. However, when the Huss/McClain twist arrives I realized that Danny’s initial issues were just a light glaze on the whole of the decadent cake.

I didn’t realize this was going to be a cliffhanger and I was so completely invested in Danny, Christine and Alec that I practically gnashed my teeth with anguish to be denied total fulfillment. There are way too many questions left unanswered as well as some that haven’t been asked yet. The story has suddenly taken a turn into deeper waters that I never saw coming and I literally ache for these characters to find their happy ever after.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Multi POV
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
September 30, 2018
Wow, this was nothing like I expected it to be. It was a fast paced, page turning read with such a unique story line. This starts from the current day and goes back and forth back filling in the missing details piece by piece.

Christine and Danny have know each other since they met in foster care when she was 10 and he was 14. He vowed to look after her and keep her safe until she was old enough to make her own way in life. When they were teenagers they met Alec, a very handsome South African guy. This meeting would be the beginning of a new way of life for them all.

Alec's family are involved in the diamond industry and when he gets Christine and Danny involved in blood diamonds it leads them into a fast paced, dangerous and life threatening way of life. Living life on the edge all over the world may be a thrilling way to live but what Christine wants the most is not something that Danny is willing to give her.

The beginning of this story sees Danny & Christine reunited after not seeing each other for a few years and straight away they are thrown right back into some dangerous situations. When Alec shows up things get even more complex. The problem is that there are so many lies and that none of them know who to trust and who is telling the truth.

I can say that there is definitely plenty of erotica steaming up the pages weaved among all the other excitement going on and a bit of a cliff hanger awaits you at the end! I'm really looking forward to seeing where these two fabulous authors take me in the rest of this series.
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,210 reviews304 followers
October 6, 2018
This was book 1 in the "Shape of Love" series. Alec, Danny and Christine are three sides of a Triangle. Christine is an assassin Danny is a thief and chopped cars Alec comes from a rich family he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and he is also a thief he steals diamonds. While on a job Christine is hurt and wakes up in a apartment with no memory. When Alec gets the call he is in the middle of a gun battle he calls the only man that loves her as much as he does Danny. Danny is also dealing with his own drama he just found out that his business partner has been trafficking people for the mob along with stolen cars and they have a problem someone messed with the shipment. This book had some action in it I didn't know which one was lying they were all double crossing each other. Christine has been in love with both of them but Danny left her and Alec they didn't see him for a few years. Danny wants to protect her from Alec he wants to make into something she was not. Alec loves them both and I think that it hurt him Danny left. This was a good read the problem I did have is that I was half thru the book before the first sex scene I have read JA Huss's work before and I think in my mind I was comparing it to 321. The sex they did have was hot I just wished Danny and Alec would have went a lot further and I think that Alec wanted to but was afraid to push Danny. This book left off on a cliffhanger and I was sad that the next book won't come out until January. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I can't wait to read book 2
Profile Image for SimplyƝì₭.
598 reviews299 followers
October 4, 2018
This is the Huss I missed. This romance was wild, fast pace and full of suspense. The twists left me speechless. The triangle, ooh the triangle no words. Alec was sexy arrogant and God he was just pure sexy sin. Danny was down to earth, solid and delicious.

You have to read this book. It is a great mindf*ck truly it is.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,885 reviews2,067 followers
October 17, 2018

‘I don’t know who the fuck I am. What I did. Or where to go.’
‘Something happened to her. Something bad. But what else is new? Bad things happened to all of us.’

You know, we often pick up books by Authors we love without reading the synopsis and jump in head first. This time we had no idea what to expect but we love this Author duo who -without question- have become one of our favourites. Well, they did not disappoint and in no way were we prepared for this manic, hot and deliciously twisty and crazy mind-boggling journey!

‘This is the moment that defines who we are. It’s the beginning of something we can’t have. And everything that comes after is just an ending.’

We can honestly say that whilst a lot happened, we don’t really have any idea on where it’s going. It was fast-paced, full of tension, drama, double crossings and super-hot nookie. Two bad guys and a not so good girl stole our attention as we tried to figure out this trio of killers. With a little help from all three, we get an inside view of just what they’re all about but we’re still left with question marks all over the place. The countdown is on for the next installment because –damn- we need to know!!!

‘A girl is allowed to dream and this – these two men sitting on either side of me basking in the afterglow of death and destruction – they are my dream.’

Christine and Danny have been friends since they were kids. Neither have had the easiest of childhoods and their scars run deep. Danny being a few years older has always looked out for Christine, a protectiveness that later turned into love. It was them against the world until Alec turned up unannounced in their lives. Two became three but Danny’s reluctance to share his girl caused a rift that’s etched deep. How can two become three when one piece of the triangle refuses to play?

‘This is the love we found. The years we shared, the years we didn’t, and the longing we’ve felt growing between us for the past ten years. This is the shape of our love. The perfect equilateral triangle.’

Kill or be killed. Murder and mayhem. Trust, loyalty and broken promises. Deception and retribution. Just what lies beneath everyone’s actions and what is the end game? When a killer loves a killer who loves a killer with no one prepared to back down, just where does that leave this triangle of lovers? And besides, who is telling the truth and what the hell is going on? What a brilliant beginning!

‘The thought of losing him feels like the end of something. Something I’ll never get back. It feels like the loss of everything. Something I’ll never get over. It feels like defeat.’

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Profile Image for My Pink Fairytales.
607 reviews80 followers
February 8, 2019
Not my favorite, but it’s definitely intriguing.

Alec, Christine and Danny, the Triangle. A bunch of murderers, con artists,thieves and just shaddy people. They don’t even trust each other very much and they also steal from each other. 🙄
She was thrown of a building, so she’s suffering some memory loss, just when they get together again after some years they driffted apart.

The plot is suspenseful, with plenty of action and drama, some off the charts smuttness (but not that much) and even if i could put it down, i was curious what was happening next.
It ends with a cliffhanger and i haven’t decided yet if i’m gonna read the next one as well..
Profile Image for Denise C.
781 reviews160 followers
July 21, 2021
4 Stars

The most overwhelming thought I had while reading this book, and even after finishing it, is....confusion. Even though I didn't understand anything that was happening until about 1/3 in, I couldn't put it down. This is the type of book I love and absolutely crave - the kind where it's so well-written it becomes its own little world and consumes you.

"The Triangle" refers to the relationship between Christine, Danny, and Alec. The book begins with Christine, who has lost her memory and has seventeen stitches on the back of her head. She doesn't know where she is, who she is, or how she got there. When someone starts banging on the door, she is apprehensive but lets him into the apartment she woke up in. This character, who is obviously distressed, demands Christine come with him immediately but, unsure if she can trust this stranger, she begins to question him. She doesn't let this man know she lost her memory, but something within her mind tells her she feels safe with him. We soon find out this man is named Danny, and Christine agrees to go with him.

Although her memory is still hazy, bits and pieces begin to come back, like the fact Danny was her best friend for years....and that he left her with a man named Alec. Neither she or the reader know who Alec is at this point, but the three soon are reunited and must fight for their lives. In the midst of dodging the people trying to kill them, there is also love triangle drama. Around 2/3 in, the story became heavily sex-focused and stagnant for a while, losing a bit of my interest. I'm all for some hot sex scenes, but it felt as if every sex scene possible throughout the book was shoved into one endless sex marathon.

In addition to their developing relationship, the story focuses on finding out what happened to Christine. Just when you think you know and understand what's going on, the rug is pulled out from under you. Secrets and lies continue to be revealed until Christine's memory comes back with full clarity and she knows that she can't trust anyone, possibly even the two men she loves.

Overall Thoughts
I loved this book, even though the beginning is thoroughly confusing and, in general, the book is a bit of a mind fuck. It will continually keep you guessing and you will definitely not see the ending coming. This book does end on a cliffhanger, which I wish I had known, as book two won't be released until Jan 2019. I can't wait to see what happens with their relationship and how they repair the damage caused by the secrets and lies revealed in book one.

Book 1: The Triangle → 4 Stars
Book 2: The Square → tbr
Book 3: TBA
Profile Image for Nikki Van Horn.
155 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2018
This book is about Christine, Alec, and Danny. It tells us about their relationship and how it all started and how they found one another. It’s also not the end of their story. There is more coming and can’t wait to find out the rest. They love one another but don’t know who to trust. The three of them work good together as a team. They all had a rough life and had to do a lot to survive. This is a good book and can’t wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,049 reviews940 followers
October 5, 2018


‘I don’t know who the fuck I am. What I did. Or where to go.’

‘Something happened to her. Something bad. But what else is new? Bad things happened to all of us.’

You know, we often pick up books by Authors we love without reading the synopsis and jump in head first. This time we had no idea what to expect but we love this Author duo who -without question- have become one of our favourites. Well, they did not disappoint and in no way were we prepared for this manic, hot and deliciously twisty and crazy mind-boggling journey!

‘This is the moment that defines who we are. It’s the beginning of something we can’t have. And everything that comes after is just an ending.’

We can honestly say that whilst a lot happened, we don’t really have any idea on where it’s going. It was fast-paced, full of tension, drama, double crossings and super-hot nookie. Two bad guys and a not so good girl stole our attention as we tried to figure out this trio of killers. With a little help from all three, we get an inside view of just what they’re all about but we’re still left with question marks all over the place. The countdown is on for the next installment because –damn- we need to know!!!

‘A girl is allowed to dream and this – these two men sitting on either side of me basking in the afterglow of death and destruction – they are my dream.’

Christine and Danny have been friends since they were kids. Neither have had the easiest of childhoods and their scars run deep. Danny being a few years older has always looked out for Christine, a protectiveness that later turned into love. It was them against the world until Alec turned up unannounced in their lives. Two became three but Danny’s reluctance to share his girl caused a rift that’s etched deep. How can two become three when one piece of the triangle refuses to play?

‘This is the love we found. The years we shared, the years we didn’t, and the longing we’ve felt growing between us for the past ten years. This is the shape of our love. The perfect equilateral triangle.’

Kill or be killed. Murder and mayhem. Trust, loyalty and broken promises. Deception and retribution. Just what lies beneath everyone’s actions and what is the end game? When a killer loves a killer who loves a killer with no one prepared to back down, just where does that leave this triangle of lovers? And besides, who is telling the truth and what the hell is going on? What a brilliant beginning!

‘The thought of losing him feels like the end of something. Something I’ll never get back. It feels like the loss of everything. Something I’ll never get over. It feels like defeat.’

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September 29, 2018
The Triangle is a hot, sexy and tantalizing dark/suspense read. It will leave you wanting more and hating yourself that you didn’t wait until all the books were out. That ending killed me.

This book is about Christine, Alec and Danny. They used to be a Triangle until things got sticky and one of them left. What he thought happened didn’t happen and the more you read you learn that words can not be trusted and people can’t either.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I love the dynamic between all 3 of these characters. I also love how angsty it was. When you thought you had something figured out think again. There’s so much history between them. They think they know each other but to find out that everything and everyone has changed.

I rated this a 4 because of the parts that were in a different language. It kept taking me out of the story trying to figure out what he was saying. Some of the words you can pretty much guess what they were but others weren’t that easy. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s sexy when a character speaks their native language but it can also be distracting. I really think the audio is going to be hot though and I’m going to listen to it when it releases to see if I have different feelings as I did to reading it.

Overall, though, I loved this book. I’m excited about reading book 2 and see how everything evolves from what I read. Huss/McClain never ceases to amaze me with their writing. It’s beautiful and tragic. Sucking you into the story and keeping you within its pages even long after you read it.

Profile Image for Vickie.
1,651 reviews63 followers
September 26, 2018
This book is without a doubt my favourite by these two authors. I couldn’t put it down without knowing how it ended. The triangle is a complex, action packed, story featuring Danny, Alec and Christine. Their shared pasts not only bond them, they also complicate things between the three of them in the present. Thrown in to a dangerous, life threatening position the three of them have no choice but to work out their problems and work together. Trying to figure out the who’s what’s and why’s of the current situation, their old feelings and chemistry soon comes into play adding yet another complication.

The triangle is a rollercoaster read of a book that made it extremely hard to put down (even for a few minutes). The need to know how their story ended had me turning the pages at lightening speed. Another great book from these two authors.
Profile Image for Sharon Kallenberger Marzola.
1,253 reviews16 followers
May 25, 2023
Update: I listened to this book again as a refresher before the 3rd book is released next month. Even on 2X speed, the narrators are wonderful, the story keeps me engaged from beginning to end.

Update: I purchased the audio version a couple weeks before The Square released. The three narrators do an excellent job relating the story and the characters to the listener. I love it!

What a way to start a series. I love the way Julie Huss and Johnathan McClain join forces to write gripping novels with unusual characters. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Full review on Badass Bloggettes: https://badassbloggettes.wordpress.co...
Profile Image for Clare.
1,309 reviews42 followers
September 25, 2018
Julie and Johnathan strike again, These 2 are so good at writing together you never know what you'll get, It took me a bit longer to get into this, I think it was how Alec spoke i struggled to keep up with him lol. But i love the fact that i could never predict where it was going (love books like this), I cannot wait to read more from Julie and Johnathan as i know I'll be wanting there next book.
Profile Image for Meggie.
526 reviews109 followers
October 6, 2018
First book: 4 stars

There is no her without him. No me without them. This is the shape of our love.

This first book in the series (the rest aren't out yet) was a roller-coaster ride of suspense and guessing games. For the most part, my feelings for the characters fluctuated throughout the book, but one emotion was consistent: I loved me some Danny Fortnight. For me, he carried this book, what with all his rugged, relatable glory. The first half of the book, I was not a Christine fan. Also in the first half, I was suspicious of Alec. Danny, though? He was who he was. He was the anchor in this whirlwind of a story, and I appreciated that. It was hard to mold him, but once it happened, he was done. Loyal to a fault. Oh, Danny, you're SO my favorite. That being said, people are messy, especially ones that have had a less-than-stellar upbringing. People can't be shoved into boxes; you can't make them into perfect shapes. Relationships are the same way.

But inside I know this is wrong. I feel like the triangle. The sides are unequal, the dynamic is out of equilibrium. There are questions begging to be answered, and an emptiness begging to be filled.

Danny, Christine, and Alec were always meant to be a triangle, but that doesn't mean the space between them all was equal at all times. I did feel the love between them all, though. With Danny and Alec, it took more time, but I still felt it. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference, right? Like I said, we always knew where Danny stood. But once I started to understand the love Alec had for Danny, I was done for. I ended up adoring Alec just as much as Danny. I loved experiencing Danny & Alec and their feelings for each other, because in this book, it was very real. It wasn't all roses and candy. There was a good deal of violence and resentment, shame and denial. It was their story, and in the end, I was most intrigued with those two and their dynamic. However, I didn't continue disliking Christine- which, after it was all said and done with, surprised me. Turns out she was a far more complicated character than I ever gave her credit for, and I learned to appreciate that about her.

Whatever this danger is that’s happening to us now isn’t about now. It’s about before. It’s about everything that’s led to today. It’s about karma. It’s about a couple thousand yesterdays of someone else’s anger and retribution stockpiling in wait for us to all become unaware, unprepared, and weak.

This is a story about what happens to a once-in-a-lifetime love between three hardened souls when faced with misunderstanding, lies, and betrayal. Does love really conquer all?

And how will it all end?

Despite the holes in the story and the uncertainty surrounding if any of these people are even good people, I'm definitely curious enough to continue, just so I can discover the answer to that question.
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,100 reviews55 followers
September 24, 2018
Well damn. Just when I think the formidable duo of Huss and McClain can't put me through the wringer once again, along comes The Triangle. This book is off the charts unbelievable. And I mean that in the very best way. It's one of those stories where you think you know where everything is headed and then 'BOOM', mind blown. Knowing how the Huss formula for messing with my mind leads to more than one 'OMG' moments, I should have realized what I was walking into. And what exactly was I walking into, that seems to be the $1million question!

What I will say is the story flows seamlessly. You seriously cannot guess whether it was Huss or McClain writing the three POVs. Christine, Danny and Alec are a triangle of friends who are thieves, con-artists and expert sharp shooters. As they weave back into each other's lives after 4 years apart, I wondered if their journey was truly just one of lust. But no. These 3 are tied together no matter what, with Alec's delicate tattoo their compass in solidifying long-held feelings and desires. So yeah. Be prepared for some panty-scorching sex scenes that are NSFW. Talk about having to fan myself. I was beyond titillated. This is some of THE best erotica I've read in a very long time.

But make no mistake about it, this book becomes much more than the title would suggest. There is mystery, intrigue, passion, wild nights and hot days. Christine, Danny and Alec have a relationship that is much more than meets the eye as they engage in gun fights that are sprinkled with the most delectable humor. I was floored that I was actually smiling in the most intense of moments. That is the gift of their combined writing and how I felt completely consumed with each and every word.

This book ends on a bit of a question and I can only hope number two is on its way. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and truly loved Christine, Danny and Alec and all of their faults. They are addictive and full of a spirit that I could not get enough of.

The Triangle is a book like no other and full of a love that is unexpected and a ton of heat that threatened to melt my Kindle. I can't think of anything better and happily give it 5 HUGE stars!
Profile Image for Elena.
208 reviews2 followers
September 30, 2018
Alec, Christine, Danny: the triangle, the shape of their love. You either take it or leave it. That's the way it works with this book as well.

No matter how good or bad the characters are, you always pick a favourite one. You either like the good guy, always rational which in our case is Danny, or the bad boy, always chasing the next adventure, Alec. I loved Danny straight from the beginning and I thought I won't change my mind but now I love both equally. I just can't take sides not matter how hard I try. Damn you Julie and Jonathan, you are so good at this! I started the book by blaming Christine for being irrational but by the end I understood her completely.

I read many steamy scenes from Julie, Jonathan & Julie and other authors but these particulars scenes were a major turn on!! I am a huge fan of their writing style so I am reall Alec, Christine, Danny: the triangle, the shape of their love. You either take it or leave it. That's the way it works with this book as well.

No matter how good or bad the characters are, you always pick a favourite one. You either like the good guy, always rational which in our case is Danny, or the bad boy, always chasing the next adventure, Alec. I loved Danny straight from the beginning and I thought I won't change my mind but now I love both equally. I just can't take sides not matter how hard I try. Damn you Julie and Jonathan, you are so good at this! I started the book by blaming Christine for being irrational but by the end I understood her completely.

I read many steamy scenes from Julie, Jonathan & Julie and other authors but these particulars scenes were a major turn on!! I am a huge fan of their writing style so I am really happy that they can still surprise me in such a good way. I loved it and can't wait for the others.
1,014 reviews23 followers
September 24, 2018
What did I just finish?  Can the dynamic duo of Huss/McClain get any better than this? I don't think so, but I hope they try!

I went into this blind and I often do and I could only image from the title, THE TRIANGLE, that there would be a threesome in the story. but I was given WAY MORE THAN THAT...this story is so convoluted.   These characters are multifaceted, they kept me guessing with each page I turned (or tap of my kindle). 

Alec, Danny, and Christine - the triangle that has been through so much. These characters are kinda douchey - they are all criminals in their own way but you fall in love with each of them for their own and the relationship between the three of them is often not clear, but you will be cheering for them even with all the unknowns.  The twists and turns and shocking moment of this book suck you in and hold you captive. 

But I only ask this...please please please let this not be the end!
Profile Image for Liz.
3,571 reviews59 followers
September 26, 2018
I have been a huge J.A. Huss fan for a long time and now paired with Jonathan McClain, all bets are off! In The Triangle, the first book in their Shape of Love series, there is everything I have come to expect from them and so much more!

Alec, Danny and Christine will take you on a journey that will have you questioning everything. And we are right in the middle of it all. What do they truly mean to each other? With their criminal history, can they be trusted? And yet you feel their connection, even after years of being apart. And their sex scenes! Wow, just wow! Hot and steamy!

There is so much I want to share, however, this really is a story you just need to experience. Full of twists and turns, this is more than a threesome. This is a story full of suspense, sexy and steamy times and unexpected twists. These authors know how to consume us with their every word!

4.5 stars! Read and reviewed for Sultry Sirens Book Blog.

Happy reading!
Profile Image for Book Loving Fairy-Blog.
1,263 reviews29 followers
September 30, 2018
Rating: 5 stars!

ARC kindly provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review

Julie and Johnathan have done it again! This team of theirs has been coming up with the most amazing stories that have the ability to totally mess with your head and feelings and this is why I just keep coming back for more..

To be honest, menage books are not really my cup of tea but once start reading The Triangle, you are hooked! This is not like the generic threesome books out there. This is a story of three people who are connected by something undefinable- their bond is is unbreakable. They are Alec, Christine and Danny. They have know each other since they were teenagers. The moments early in their life are what has made their bond so strong.

Being familiar with the writing of these two very talented authors, I have been kinda expected the twists and turns, but this story has actually blown my mind- book 2 cannot come here fast enough!

- Divya
Profile Image for Lg.
392 reviews1 follower
September 23, 2018
This sexy thriller tells the tale of three friends that have been living a life of wealth, power and adventure. They are meant to be together in more ways then one, but only if they can survive long enough to do so.

Christine, Alec and Danny are the perfect trifecta, they can not exist alone in this world. There are many forces conspiring against them. What ultimately tore them apart at one point brings them back together. Who can you trust? They are faced with enemies who are willing to go to extreme lengths to take them down. Memories of the past once lost come back to the present to help put the pieces in place.

Julie Huss and Jonathan McClain have done it again! This action packed, steamy thrill ride will leave breathless and burning through the pages.
110 reviews9 followers
September 26, 2018
The collaboration between these two authors may never cease to amaze me. By golly, they've done it again with this one. I absolutely love a story with big twists, haunting turns, surprising me with making me actually say out loud 'no freaking way'. Those head scratching plots that keep you on the edge of your seat until that climax finally breaks way and you are left absolutely dumbfounded. This is one of those. The Triangle is a beautiful, yet disturbing (in a good way) kind of book. The 3 main characters have you running rampant with mixed emotions. I feel like I read it so fast because I desperately wanted to know what was going to happen next. That, my friends, is the sign of a fantastic book. So fantastic, I plan to read it again.
Profile Image for April   ♥"LOS" ♥.
2,884 reviews59 followers
January 26, 2019
This book took a few chapters to get into but like all of J.A. Huss’ books once I got into I couldn’t stop reading. The twists and turns that this story took kept me guessing until the end. I can’t wait to see what going to happen next.
Profile Image for Badass Bloggettes.
742 reviews45 followers
September 29, 2018

This week was a very eclectic reading adventure.  One day I was solving a murder, then laughing out loud, then enjoying a sweet romantic suspense, and finally loving the latest Julie Huss/ Johnathan McClain (not sure what to call it but I’m going with erotic romantic suspense, The Triangle

Like every book I’ve read by this dynamic writing duo, I ended shaking my head and wondering where are they going with this story?  The Triangle is about the relationship between Alec, Christine, and Danny.  In true JA Huss and Huss/McClain fashion, there are twists and turns that you won’t see coming.  I don’t want to say too much about the story except what is revealed in the blurb because it is so much better to let the authors unveil the secrets. 

I love the characters.  It is interesting to have three criminals turn into lovable characters to the reader that is.  The writing is fantastic.  The story is told in the alternating points of view of Alec, Christine, and Danny.  The characters come to life and jump off the pages of the book into my imagination.  The constant ups and downs of the events, characters, and emotions make the pages turn at a break-neck speed.  I couldn’t put the book down.  I found myself second guessing the motives of each character all the time—is this the truth, a trick or an out and out lie?   Will they strike out against one another or will they join forces? 

Mixed in with the suspense and action is some humor and then there is the erotic action that is hot, Hot, HOT!  These three are an intriguing ménage and nothing is off-limits.  These two are among a very few authors that I trust with cliffhangers.  I know they won’t make me wait forever for the next segment.  I can wait a few months to get my answers, even though I want more Alec, Christine, and Danny now. 

The Triangle will not be for everyone but it sure works for me.  Some people don’t do cliffhangers and need to wait until all the books are available.  If you are in that category, put it on your TBR list so you don't forget it. To anyone with concerns about erotica let me say, even though the sex scenes are off the Scoville scale of hotness, they are well done and an integral part of the story.   I love that the characters have questionable ethics.  However, their past deeds are a part of who they are and make them that much more interesting.  All of these features are woven together in a tight story that is full of the unexpected.  Thanks, Julie and Johnathan for another delicious, unusual, nothing like I expected story!
Profile Image for Wendy LeGrand.
1,175 reviews49 followers
September 25, 2018
Alec, Christine and Danny...the three sides of a triangle. Not a love triangle as this is much more than that. Three people who live on the wrong side of the law. Thieves, smugglers, killers who have not lived a normal life at all.

It is quite obvious that the writing duo of JA Huss and Johnathan McClain have found a groove and rhythm with their collaborations and plan to blow our minds with the masterful writing I just experienced in this book.

I have never made it a secret that I am not a fan of reading about love triangles so I wasn't sure how I was going to do with this story. But these two authors totally put my mind at ease and got me to the point where I couldn't imagine any one of these three people not being a part of their triangle.

"This is the shape of our love. The perfect equilateral triangle."

Alec, Christine and Danny have not been together for the past several years, with Danny having left when he couldn't come to terms with what Alec and Christine wanted from him. But he's back now and the three of them are trying to figure out what exactly is going on, who's after them, who can be trusted, who is lying, and is Danny finally ready to admit to what Christine and Alex already know?

As is typical of a JA Huss book, this one is full of twists and turns. I never really knew what was going on throughout. But I wasn't the only one. Alec, Christine and Danny never really did either. So that added even more to the intrigue of the story, the anticipation of finding out what was happening and who was behind it all. And mixed in with all of that was plenty of steamy, passionate, sexy times with the three of them. I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record when I say that Julie knows how to write a sex scene! Or maybe....this time around it was Johnathan! I don't care which one wrote them, they were hot and I enjoyed the hell out of them!

This story clips along at a steady pace and you feel the momentum building, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that an "oh, shit!" moment was getting ready to happen. Then when you least expect it because you're so busy watching this other thing playing out over on the side, someone pushes the nitrous oxide button and sure enough, oh shit! The end takes off like a rocket! Strap in tight, naaiers!

This book leaves us hanging a bit with some unknowns that I'm dying to see resolution to. I can't wait for book 2!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews

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