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Six days.

That’s the amount of time until Lezah’s execution.

She’ll die never knowing what got her locked up in this godforsaken prison in the first place. Her only chance of survival is to escape. Except the monitoring bracelet that digs into her wrist, the roaming AI, and the implant in her neck make freedom close to impossible.

Her best chance is to team up with the four other inmates who are determined to break out, even if one of them is beyond (gorgeous) annoying—oh, and in for murder. But he has a secret of his own. One that could break Lezah if she finds out, but could also set him free.

Figuring out how to work with him and the rest of this mismatched group of criminals is the only way Lezah will survive to see the outside world again.

But nothing in this prison is as it seems. And no one.

350 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 3, 2019

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About the author

A.M. Rose

2 books89 followers
A.M. Rose is the author of Road to Eugenica, and Breakout (formerly titled Not Innocent) is the writer of young adult novels, drinker of too much coffee (with way too much coconut creamer), and lover of all carbohydrates.
Currently, she lives in Houston, TX with her three boys (yes, her husband is in that count) and three cats. When she isn’t writing, she is an avid reader, critiquer, (is that even a word?) and trampoline enthusiast.
She is a graduate from San Diego State University with a BA in Communication and a minor in underwater basket weaving. (Okay, maybe not the basket weaving part.)
Follow her on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/annmrose

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews
May 21, 2019
Breakout was an intense ride that kept me on the edge of my seat. I found myself completely captured by this story and had to know what happened next. So this book refused to be put down and I needed to know that everyone I cared for survived. There were lots of twists and turns and while I tried my hardest to put the clues together, I was still left in the dark at times. I loved that this book challenged me. So if you're a fan of dystopian, then definitely give this book a try!
My legs beg for me to run, to find a way out, but all I’m trying to do right now is survive. Live one more day to figure out how to crack the system. Find a flaw they don’t even know exists to escape.

From that very first page, I was sucked in and terrified for Lezah. She found herself in a horrific prison, and she didn't know what she did to end up there. But there was a countdown for her death, and if she wanted to survive then she had to escape. The scenes that unfolded were so intense. I was literally scared to move or make any noise at all. I felt like I was trapped in that hell with her. And that was only the first chapter.
Something out there’s hunting us, and I don’t have the time to be quiet or think about where I’m going, I just have to go.

But escaping wasn't easy. The prisoners were not only monitored by a device they wore, but also by WALTERS. WALTERS were artificial intelligence that were self aware and could think on their own. They added another level of intensity and terror to the prison Lezah was in. So by the second chapter I jumped and gasped out loud from being scared and startled. And my claustrophobic self was dying in some of the situations Lezah found herself in. It just kept getting worse and worse and as the story progressed I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
His aren’t just gray; they look like the clouds, with swirls of blue around the middle. That weird feeling in my stomach is back, and I’m warm, maybe a little hot even with the chill in the air. He’s so close. Closer than he’s ever been, and for a second I allow myself to forget about the past and look at the boy who was willing to risk everything for us today.

Lezah was so easy to connect with, even if her past was fuzzy and she wasn't able to give us a full picture of who she was. She was brave, smart, resourceful and she listened to her heart and brain, which I loved. We got introduced to other characters, but I'm keeping them a secret because this book is best going in blind in regards to them. Each one stood out brightly and it was interesting to see how they played into this puzzle. Just know that the love interest? Sigh. He was everything I love in a guy. And the tentative friendships she created with the others gave me the hope and lightness I needed in this story.
“They have to know by now that we’re all gone anyway.” And possibly they know exactly where we are, too.

So while this story was action packed, it was also filled with deception, friendship, lies, trust and love. Breakout was the perfect balance between a gripping storyline and emotional characters that pulled at my heart and grew as the story progressed. Looking back, I loved how Breakout was a maze of twists and turns the whole way through. Just when I thought safety was within reach, I had to think again, because everything would change in the blink of an eye.
“What is this place?”
He turns toward me and tilts his head. “Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?”

This book ended at a fabulous stopping point. Lots of questions were answered and problems were solved. But there's still so much that can happen in this world, so of course I'm hoping for that next book. That way I can get a few more answers and be back with this group of characters that captured my heart. So if you're a fan of The Matrix or dystopian books that have sci-fi twists then definitely pick this one up. I'm so glad I did!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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Profile Image for Carrie.
3,440 reviews1,636 followers
September 25, 2024
Breakout by A.M. Rose is a young adult science fiction fantasy that is a dystopian, futuristic version of our society. The story is one that is rather fast paced as the characters face constant dangers.

Lezah is in prison with no memory of how she got there or if she did anything to deserve being locked up. There are only six days left on Lezah’s prison sentence but she will not be set free when her countdown is over, instead Lezah will be executed.

With a bracelet on that monitors every move and doles out electric shock punishments when breaking the rules Lezah has little hope of escaping. However, when another prisoner finds a way to deactivate the monitoring bracelet Lezah and her roommate act quickly to try and escape before their countdowns are over.

Breakout is one of those young adult novels that I end up having an internal debate with myself on how to go about rating when finished. The thing with this one was that I seemed to be constantly reminded of other series out there with the action that was taking place, most notably I couldn’t help but think the escape reminds me of searching the maze in The Maze Runner that has the pod like areas of Mockingjay, just kind of blending some from here or there. However, I do like the fast paced action so in the end I would give this 3 1/2 stars.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for Schizanthus Nerd.
1,308 reviews274 followers
May 28, 2019
I’ll admit it. I requested to read this book solely because of the awesome spider on the front cover. Yes, I quickly glanced at the blurb so was intrigued by how the prison escape would unfold but really, the spider had already clinched the deal.
This is a place they send people to die when they’ve done something wrong. Really wrong.
Lezah is number twenty-two. She’s in prison but has no memory of committing a crime, and the clock on her metal bracelet is counting down to her expiration date.

Escaping this prison will be harder than Lezah can imagine. She doesn’t know who she can trust and every step of the way is fraught with danger. With plenty of action and countless spiders, Lezah learns that there’s a lot more at stake than she realised.

In a world that could easily become ours in the not too distant future if we’re not careful, climate change has altered the landscape and technology is potentially awesome or scary as hell, depending on who’s controlling it.

The pace was maintained throughout the story and the characters were faced with almost constant danger. The world was interesting and the sequences in the prison were well thought out. I really liked Vaughn and wanted to get to know her more.

The romance didn’t work for me at all; it felt insta and unnecessary. This is probably just me but I tend to find it amusing rather than sweet when a girl has time to appreciate a boy’s eyes or the way he smells when an entire group of people are in potentially mortal danger. I keep thinking they’re wasting time focusing on that when they could be making a better plan to escape; they could ogle to their heart’s content once they’re safe.

I made the mistake of rereading the blurb around the halfway point and realised it spoiled a couple of things characters hadn’t figured out or revealed yet. It wasn’t until I was past 60% before the characters caught up.

I’d encourage you to read some five star reviews of this book. I got dazzled by the cover spider and enjoyed the story overall but I found some aspects of it very predictable. While there were several lengthy info dumps I was left with so many unanswered questions.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled: Teen, an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC, for the opportunity to read this book.
Profile Image for Meg.
Author 5 books241 followers
October 10, 2018
I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of A.M. Rose’s new book, BREAKOUT. Lezah, a prisoner in a dark near future world, is set to be executed in six days. But the prison isn’t a simple place. As she searches for an escape, the secrets she she uncovers changes how she sees everything about her overly surveilled, ruined world.

First of all, the world building blew my mind. I LOVE a good sci-fi and this book did not disappoint. Lezah was a great heroine. I rooted for her from page one, and when Seph entered the picture, I was completely hooked. I loved him! The pacing was so good, I read this in one sitting, flying through the pages to an ending I had to read twice, it was so surprising. The twists kept me turning pages until deep into the night. All in all, Breakout is a perfect mix of adrenaline and heart. If you’re looking for a thrilling, sci-fi adventure, I’d recommend picking up this book!
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,545 reviews69 followers
May 16, 2024
DNF 20% standard angsty YA. I couldn't.
Profile Image for Shannon  Miz.
1,337 reviews1,075 followers
June 9, 2019
You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight .

Breakout was fun and entertaining, but that was about the sum of it for me. It has vibes of The Hunger Games, but I don't fully understand the "why" of the story. I would have liked a bit of a deeper connection with Lezah, but the story is definitely more action-driven. While the plot is engaging, we don't really get a sense for the world in which it is taking place. Obviously some Bad Stuff™ has gone down, leading to underwater cities and random imprisonment of teens, but there's definitely room for more exploration. 

I don't know if this is part of a series, but if it is a standalone, the ending felt a bit unfinished. But the book in general is still gripping, as it seems that absolutely no one is safe in this world. 

Bottom Line: Entertaining, if not particularly memorable. I enjoyed it, but would have been much more invested with more world-building. 
Profile Image for Jypsy .
1,524 reviews58 followers
June 3, 2019
Breakout is a dystopian science fiction story. The story centers around a terrible prison where people who have done terrible things go to die. Lezah finds herself here, but she doesn't know why. The past month of her life is a total blank. This prison is technologically controlled with robots in charge. Each inmate wears a bracelet that counts down to their day of death. Lezah and another inmate find a way to remove the bracelet. They intend to escape. Will they make it out alive? The story is a fast read filled with action and suspense. It's entertaining and an overall good read. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katya de Becerra.
Author 14 books265 followers
September 30, 2018
This is the second book I had the pleasure of blurbing!

I'm super excited for A.M. Rose's BREAKOUT (formerly Not Innocent), hitting bookshelves in early 2019.

Here's my official blurb:

"A.M. Rose's sophomore novel, BREAKOUT, is sure to take readers on a fascinating journey into the distant (or not so distant) future, where technology controls every aspects of life and state surveillance reigns supreme. Part cyberpunk dystopia, part frantic prison break romp, and part science fiction, BREAKOUT will keep you guessing until the last page. A.M. Rose's superb skill of creating engaging characters that readers will deeply care about shines on every page. From the very first sentence, I was cheering for Lezah, the narrator, as she fought her way out of danger and forged bonds with the unlikeliest of allies instrumental to her success."
May 24, 2019
Lezah is at Ironport Detention, but she has no idea why.  No one goes by their names.  They're just numbers.  Each prisoner wears a bracelet that not only monitors their every move, but it also shocks them when they do something wrong.  The bracelets have their execution countdown on them.  When they come to take away a girl across from her cell, they make the prisoners watch as she is tortured.  Lezah has never really talked to her roommate.  But Clara's time is almost up and she realizes that Lezah is going to try to escape.  Lezah doesn't trust her, but she figures she can ditch her later.   The girls find a way to deactivate their bracelets and they take off.  Clara's dad helped build the prison, so she is able to find a hidden door.

The girls have no idea where to go.  They first stumble on Ruthie, the girl who they just watch get electrocuted.  She is somehow still alive and begs to go with them.  The girls are above the rooms in a vent when they happen upon a really nice room below them.  It's a guys cell and it's really nice.  They have food, games, and comfortable beds and clothes.   The girls accidentally fall through the ceiling.  Lezah recognizes one of the guys, Seph and Clara recognizes the other, Trip.  The boys decide they want out, too.  Lezah is less than thrilled, but what can she do at this point?

This is where things get weird.  Well, weirder that it was before. Strange things appear.  They don't all see the same thing.  The prison changes and there are creatures attacking them.  Lezah knows the technology from helping her dad develop WALTERs which are robots that have free will and emotion.  But the WALTERS at the prison are being controlled and they are after the group.  Lezah is determined to remember her past and find out who is controlling this prison.

Things are not all as they seem.  It's hard to trust anyone and there are some weird twists.  I ended up loving this group of friends and I hope there will be a book two.

Thank you to A.M. Rose for sending me a copy for review.  

I gave this 4 stars. 

Warnings for mind control, an abusive parent, and spiders.  Lots of spiders.

Profile Image for Jessica Calla.
Author 18 books397 followers
June 3, 2019
BREAKOUT is an awesome, Young Adult Sci-Fi story set in a dystopian world where technology controls, humanity is scarce, and fear dominates. The main character is Lezah, an inmate in a tech-controlled prison, who is scheduled to be executed but who truly wants to survive. In a world of technology, however, escape is risky, and she's going to need a little help from her friends.

From the very start, this book jumped into the action, and like Ms. Rose's debut, ROAD TO EUGENICA, it soon proved itself to be creative and smart, and unlike anything I've ever read before. Despite the action-filled plot, the character development didn't lack as we get to know Lezah and her friends, and the pacing was quick. I loved how the characters worked together, focusing on their strengths to work as a group. There's even a little splash of romance, which in my opinion helped soften the story emotionally.

BREAKOUT is a page-turner--the kind of book that you'll read in one sitting, because you won't be able to put it down! Although this part of Lezah's story ends and is satisfying for the reader, there is a bit of a tease of the next book, which I'm looking forward to reading. Entertaining, smart, and quick-paced, with BREAKOUT, Ms. Rose is proving herself as a new master of the young adult dystopian/sci-fi genre!
Profile Image for Ale.
103 reviews
August 17, 2020
The Maze Runner vibes, that's what went through my head while reading this book. (a cheap knockoff version of The Maze Runner to be more precise)
There are some elements that set it apart from other dystopian books I've read but I just can't give it more than 2.5 stars. As much as I enjoyed it at times, I also felt like there was something missing and even after I finished it, I still didn't get that feeling of accomplishment.
I expected so much more from this book. When I read the description I was so intrigued and I started reading it just like that *insert finger snap* but it was kind of a let down. I gave it two stars instead of three because I feel like there is so much more potential here. I also kinda figured out everything about the characters and the way it's gonna end at some point in the middle of the book and while i like being right, things would've been better if there was a plot twist or something..
Not the worst book I read but definitely not the best either. I still would recommend it as a light read because it's a cool concept of what the world would be like after WW3 and climate change destroy everything.
Profile Image for Vicky Skinner.
Author 3 books96 followers
December 29, 2018
If ever there was a book with nonstop action, this is it! Not a single dull moment from first page to last! Fans of dystopian novels are going to love this one! Shocking, exciting, and a little romantic!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,419 reviews482 followers
May 21, 2019
*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Young Adult, Dystopian
*Rating* 3.5


A.M. Rose's Breakout is part cyberpunk dystopia, part frantic prison break romp, and part science fiction. This is a story that features Lezah, or #22 of #49 in a maximum prison where she only has 6 days left before she becomes just another number in a much deeper conspiracy. Set in a tech-controlled prison where artificial intelligent roaming servants seem to be in control, it is a place they send people to die when they've done something horribly wrong. There are so many questions when you first pick up this book.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Erin.
4 reviews3 followers
October 6, 2018
A.M. Rose did it again. This book is high tension from the very first page, anytime I thought I knew what was coming next I was surprised. A.M. Rose has a way of leaving breadcrumbs that don't become obvious until the bomb drops. And you're like - OMG - now that I know it's soooo obvious.

As soon as I started reading this book I couldn't put it down. It's about Lezah who is set to be executed in six days unless she can find a way out of a prison that will do anything to keep her locked inside.

If you loved The Maze Runner you will love Breakout even more. It has all the twists and turns and the world building is incredible. (And this ending will not disappoint)

Lezah is a super likeable character and all you want to do is cheer for her. And then she meets Seph (swoon Seph) He isn't the stereotypical brooding hero. He's a real guy and one you just can't help falling for.

I loved A.M. Rose's first book Road to Eugenica, and while this isn't the squeal I was hoping for (will there every be a RTE 2?) it doesn't disappoint.

This book is easily one of my top ten reads of all time.

Profile Image for Kayla McGrath.
Author 6 books44 followers
October 4, 2018
“Twelve’s voice cuts through me like broken glass. That’s basically what she is now. That’s what they’ll do to her - break her into a thousand shards.”

True to an A.M. Rose novel, “Breakout” had a plot twist ending that left me stunned and reeling.

Set in a future where the world has been ravaged by climate change, our protagonist Lezah is locked in a harsh and stringent prison with no knowledge as to how or why. But that’s not even the worst part.

Her execution is scheduled in six days.

Along with several inmates, Lezah navigates the relentless obstacles of the prison in an effort to escape where she uncovers more dark secrets than she could have ever imagined.

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of “Breakout” and I was captivated by the dystopian world created and the words that kept me hooked from the first page. To say I blazed through this book would be an understatement. After less than ten hours the book was devoured. There was never a dull moment and I could not put it down because I was so invested in the story.

I cannot recommend this book enough, I loved it. For anyone not familiar with or iffy on the sci-fi genre, consider this book as the doorway to a whole new world. I can’t wait to own a physical copy and to read more of A.M. Rose’s twisting plots.

Profile Image for Elizabeth.
978 reviews105 followers
June 4, 2019
Sadly I really wanted to like this.book ,I mean look at the cover ,that's what got me to put it and request it,but unfortunately I'm DNF it at 23 % . It reminds me some what along the lines of the Maze Runner and while I did read that book I didn't really like it either. So with that said I want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for letting me at least give it a try , exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Ally.
15 reviews
June 7, 2019
2.5 out of 5 stars.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review of Breakout.

Breakout is the story of how Lezah, a convicted criminal living on a futuristic hellscape death row, breaks out of prison and unwillingly picks up four friends while she's at it. The concept really caught my attention more than the cover did, and it promised a mystery -- one I don't really feel paid off as well as it could have. While the story scraped through passably in the end, I had a lot of problems with it.

I love the promise of a good mystery, but in Breakout, big revelations were fed to me in little, obvious pieces until I had figured 90% of it out by the time the bombshell actually dropped. It wasn't like I was being given clues, which is how this sort of thing can be fun. No, it was more like characters were just blurting parts of the truth (or nearly telling it but getting interrupted) until the whole picture was eventually on the table. Lezah didn't really do anything to gain any of this information for herself, it just slowly comes to her through flashbacks or word of mouth. So the payoff on that wasn't what I expected at all. There is a better twist toward the ending, but if you look closer, it involves logical failings and plot holes and starts to crumble quickly. I don't want to give anything away, but I wasn't saying "what" for the right reasons when I read that part.

I had trouble picturing Lezah's world. Not her immediate surroundings, but rather the world she lived in. At the start Lezah starts talking about technology, giving us some sort of futuristic indication, but nothing substantial. At first I thought that the setting was being withheld for plot reasons -- like in Inside Out, where (spoilers) the world outside the building is unknown because the big twist is that the building is a spaceship and there is nothing outside. Or in the Maze Runner, where the characters are amnesiacs who only learn of their world's fate once they escape. But this never eventuated -- at around 90% I realised that I still had a lot of holes in my understanding. Some of these were thankfully cleared up, but many more were not.

The characters were mostly forgettable. For once, the first person heroine is actually the most interesting character, but this comes at the expense of her being the only one who had developed interests, hobbies, and a personality that wasn't one-dimensional. You have this cool, smart teenager who is practically an engineer and then you have... Some other people. The second most interesting character isn't introduced until the start of the third act.

My main feeling here is that the author gave us snacks instead of feeding us an entire meal. Very few events stressed or satisfied me -- the novel just moves through from scene to scene without any time for reflection, character development or emotion. The first third was definitely more gripping than the second and third, simply because it set up grand things that never really eventuated in a satisfying way. It jumps from concept to concept -- first they are doing a classic breakout, then it suddenly turns into Maze Runner meets The Red Labyrinth (A recent release from Meredith Tate, if you want to know more I have a review up.) The change of scenery is odd but I'm willing to roll with it, because it would be cool if the only way out of the prison is through an impossible maze. Except... The maze isn't the exit. Or the entrance. It's just... In the middle of this prison for no reason that is made clear. It seems to exist to pad out the word count, separate the characters, and give them somewhere to kiss. And then once that's done with at around halfway through, they're back to the escape heist. After that you can find out for yourself, because it would suck for me to give it all away. Suffice to say though, don't go in expecting a consistent theme. I feel as though this is the concept for three books condensed into one -- each act seems to have a new objective and a theme of its own. Perhaps the world, characters and plot would have bloomed a lot better had it been more carefully crafted into a trilogy.

The only character development that is given any real attention is interpersonal relationships, and all bar one receive negligible attention at best; the relationship between Lezah and her love interest, with whom she had so little chemistry that it was impossible to feel invested. Lezah had a more interesting relationship with almost every other character, simply because her impressions of them were happening and adjusting in real-time, whereas all Seph's interesting relationship history with her is just another memory of hers. By the time they meet in the book, we have simply been told of a rivalry we never see and then it's full steam ahead to the mild sexual tension. There is a single reveal about their past later that is the only real piece of tension they experience, and it is resolved within two conversations without much inner dialogue about it from Lezah, if at all. As for the other characters, there are one or two things that come up (trying not to spoil much) but nothing to really make up for the lack of attention they were given as characters.

Toward the end at around 85-90%, a defining character moment of retribution is pushed aside to happen off-screen. This is the kind of scene that would bring some of the character definition and emotional turmoil that side characters in the book tend to lack, but we never see it. Lezah HERSELF even says "Too bad I couldn't be there to see it." Yeah, girl. Same.

This is a recurring theme. Secondary relationships (or one, in particular) develop off-screen and are barely addressed again. Revelations that seem significant are brushed aside as though they are nothing. At one point a character that has information about Lezah's past that both her and the reader have been waiting for just withholds it. Her reason? "You're not ready." We see no reasoning or thought process as to how she concluded this. This seemed to happen purely so Lezah can remember this important tidbit herself for slightly more drama. Frankly, the payoff wasn't worth it.

At this point you might be wondering if I have anything good to say about Breakout. Yes, I do! Despite the sad execution, the heroine and her concept are good. Also, at no point in this book did I EVER have difficulty imagining the spaces the characters were in. Despite all the narrative shortcomings I mentioned, this author really has a knack for letting you know exact where you are without spending eight paragraphs on descriptions. The setting establishment was short, sweet, and succinct. I can picture Lezah's cell, the walls of the maze, the air vents and service passages they used, all of it. Despite my problems, I really can't fault the prose itself. And finally, while the lead up to it was a big old mess, I did find myself enjoying the ending when it finally got to the point. The last couple of chapters were probably the parts I enjoyed the most. It's like everything interesting about Lezah and her world were finally being given to us, even though it did feel a little bit like the end of a Scooby doo episode. The ending actually giving us something is part of the reason my rating is 2.5 and not 1.5 or 2.

This is a classic case of a concept that really could have shone if it had the development it deserved. Why it didn't, I'm not sure and it's not for me to guess. Instead we have a novel that mostly exists within the main character's inner dialogue and we learn little of importance outside of that context. I would have loved to know more about the characters or the world. Rather than following a consistent arc, we get bunny hops until the end. I spent a lot of time wondering where all this was going, and not for the right reasons.

I won't say it was terrible, because I think very few books are truly terrible, and this one had a few redeeming features. It just wasn't anything special. Nothing about it stands out as noteworthy. I feel as though I will have forgotten I read it within a few weeks.
Profile Image for Tammy Oja.
90 reviews5 followers
April 29, 2019
**I was lucky enough to get to read an arc of this on NetGalley. The opinions are my own and in no way do I base them on getting the arc. Books are sacred and I care about the review process and it’s integrity**

Breakout is a page turning fast read that keeps you guessing until the author decides to reveal the twists. It’s unique blend of dystopian and futuristic setting melds perfectly into a story that gives you a glimpse into the what if. From the very first pages I found myself holding my breath rooting for an MC who isn’t sure herself if she deserves her current fate. When she goes against her instincts and lets others join her on a life or death fight to learn the truth - this group of teens take on the corruption of man, the machine, and their own fears, learning that being willing to risk everything is the only way to truly make a change.

With cliffhanger endings that make it impossible to take a break this read not only entertains, it gives you hope for the future and the belief that the impossible is just a word meant to be challenged. I truly loved every character, tearful exchange, and moment of triumph this book gave me.

Highly recommend.
Profile Image for deb,1970,uk_bookrecs.
1,703 reviews19 followers
November 17, 2018
An Entertaining & Pacey Read With Some Darker Elements!😱🔗⚡🌴🌉

This is a fast paced YA Dystopian Fantasy.
We have a group of 3 girls initially, led by Lezah then Clara followed by Ruthie. Lezah & Clara are Cell Mates in Prison & both have been given a death sentence!😳 Lezah can't even remember why she was arrested let alone what she could have done that would've led to her being given the Death Penalty!!😱😢 Their prison Guards are ArtifIcially Intelligent Beings but they seem to be having glitches that stops them from acting in the way that they were meant to, they're meaner and don't show any empathy!😟 With only 6 days left on her wrist band before she's executed, Lezah decides she absolutely MUST escape!!👍

Two heads are better than one - Clara, with only 1 day left on her wrist band, is all for joining in on the escape attempt!! This starts the madness for what becomes a group of friends if not family, as they bump into each other during the girls escape attempt, as they each decide if they want to join them in it too!!😎 Two guys, Trip - who Clara knows as their Dads sort of work together and Seph - who Lezah knows from her time at the highest & most exclusive education centre in San Francisco, both take the plunge!!😉

What follows messes with groups trust of each other, their minds & perceptions. They're put in terrifying situations time & again while fighting for their lives, desperate to escape the Prison!!😭🔗🙏

I found myself engrossed & thoroughly engaged throughout this book!👍 I think it would resonate with fans of 'The Maze Runner' & possibly 'The Hunger Games' and 'Divergent' although this is less blood thirsty and also had elements that reminded me a little of 'Tron' & 'The Matrix'!!😎💥 Its clever and well paced with some small touches of romance 😍 Lezah has faults that we hear about clearly as her voice narrates the story, and we get to hear her inner thoughts, none of these things made me dislike her & if anything they made her more 'real'👍 All of the characters were certainly likable & redeemable ... Well, except a couple of them 😉😂
There were some questions left unanswered so I'm hopeful that we'll be seeing more of this group in the future!!🙏🍀💕

A highly recommended 4 Stars 🌟 for this exciting and entertaining book. 'Breakout' is completely worth your time!!👍🎉

Debbie, 1970, UK
Profile Image for Olivia.
3,403 reviews96 followers
May 6, 2019
BREAKOUT is a thrilling and fast-paced YA sci-fi/dystopian. Lezah is in prison for a crime she cannot remember. This future prison is cruel where the guards are robots and the prisoners must wear bracelets that discipline them with shocks for any steps out of line (even just a movement to pick up something they dropped). When their counter runs out, it seems that they will be killed. Lezah’s bracelet is rapidly approaching zero.

When something unusual happens and Lezah is able to get a small needle, she begins formulating an escape plan. When her cellmate joins in, they begin on a difficult and rough journey to break out of the prison. With lots of twists and turns, this is a book that will keep you guessing. The plot starts off with a bang and it just keeps getting faster and faster along the way. While it is fast, the book is easy to follow, and the main characters will have you questioning who Lezah can really trust.

What I loved: The book is a major page-turner, difficult to put down and hard to guess what will happen next. Lezah and the other main characters were really interesting and great to follow. The journey took a lot of turns I did not expect, which is always exciting in a read. The futuristic sci-fi elements about technology and AI were really unique too, and they added something extra to this prison-break thriller.

What left me wanting more: The plot was almost too fast in places, and there is a lot about this futuristic world that I did not fully grasp. I would have liked a little more world-building and more flesh to the later parts of the book. There are still a lot of unanswered questions at the end, so I am hoping this will be part of a series where we can learn more about the world and the remaining mysteries. I think the book could easy have been double the length to fit in more information, and I still would have loved it, but I do know that skipping some of these details kept the plot particularly fast, which has its own appeal.

Final verdict: If you are looking for a fast-paced thriller with bits of romance and sci-fi/dystopian, look no further! Fans of THE MAZE RUNNER will particularly enjoy this exciting book! While I do wish the book was even longer with more world-building and answers, I am eagerly hoping for a sequel to enjoy these characters and futuristic world even more.

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Francesca.
79 reviews6 followers
April 29, 2019
*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a free copy in exchange of an honest review*

The hunger games meets The maze runner: in this fast-paced book set in futuristic and post-war California, Lezah doesn't remember why she's imprisoned. Escaping from the prison where she's being kept and teaming up with a bunch of other teenage prisoners, Lezah is on the road to discover what is happening to her homeland and what is happened to her.
Good plot (sometimes a bit predictable), well rounded characters who I want to know more about in the next installation, and believable and well-crafted worldbuilding.
Profile Image for Erica Chilson.
Author 42 books437 followers
May 27, 2019
I received a free copy of this title to read and review for Wicked Reads

4 Stars

Young Adult age-range: 12+, including profanity, kissing, and mild science fiction violence.

A.M. Rose is a new-to-me author, and I'm curious to read more in the future. Breakout is not listed as the debut in a series, however I hope there is more to come to answer many threads left untied.

Breakout starts with some confusion, because the narrator doesn't know where she is, why she's there, how she got there, with a large portion of her recent memory blank. Held prisoner, the world-building is futuristic, science fiction, a dystopian vibe.

Lezah is confined in a facility, and she has no idea why, only a countdown timer on her bracelet, counting down to what she assumes is her end. With only 3 days left, Lezah finds a way to attempt escape, along the way picking up four others.

Rapid pacing, nonstop action, Breakout has a Maze Runner and Hunger Games vibe, mixed with a sense of virtual reality of a live-action video game. There was an addictive, page-turner need for answers, which had me on the edge of my seat, but those answers were given as if the reader should just understand/know what the narrator does without it being on the pages.

Along the escape journey, Lezah's memory returns slowly, as she fits the pieces as to how she came to be imprisoned with these specific people. The returned memories are as murky once returned as they were when Lezah struggled to remember- piecemeal, barely fitting anything together.

While I feverishly read the novel, needing to know what happened next, I wanted answers to many questions. It felt as if plots didn't quite fit together, as Lezah rushed along, taking the reader on the journey with her.

At the end of the novel, I'm still not quite sure why everything that happened happened, with a quick resolution that was too easy. The easiest resolution I've ever read, to be honest. There needs to be a sequel to offer a real resolution/explanation. Lezah jumped from A, automatically assuming Q was the answer to whatever question was posed, yet the reader had no idea what B through P were to get to that Q conclusion.

While the pacing was rapid, which kept me engaged and entertained, it was at the detriment of the world-building, character building, and the who/what/where/why/how/when. Reminding me of a plot outline, where the writer is to fill in the gaps to enrich the experience.

With all that being said, I enjoyed the novel, definitely recommend to those who love this genre, and am looking forward to more from this author in the future.
Profile Image for Shelby.
584 reviews8 followers
June 2, 2019
~I received a free copy to read & review for Wicked Reads~

Breakout was an exciting, young-adult, sci-fi read!
My attention was grabbed from the beginning. We follow a young lady, imprisoned with no memory of committing a crime. Fear gripped me, but I had no know what was going on.
This future world is a strange place, where computers walk amongst men and fear dominates all.

When Lezah and her cell-mate agree that they need to breakout before their death-date of 4 days and 1 day, respectively, I was totally on-board. The insanity that follows is best left unsaid, so you get the full impact!

So many questions arise with no resolution. Lezah doesn't really know who she is, she only remembers bits and pieces of her family. Her rag-tag group of escapees all have their own lives, but they seem to remember things. Are these people trustworthy? Are they good guys or bad?

I just couldn't put this down, I was on the edge of my seat throughout the story, and hope there will be a book 2. I enjoyed the ending, but there are still questions that need answers. I will be adding A.M. Rose to my list of authors to read!
Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for WycEd Reader.
2,384 reviews36 followers
Want to read
June 17, 2019
Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Erica – ☆☆☆☆
A.M. Rose is a new-to-me author, and I'm curious to read more in the future. Breakout is not listed as the debut in a series, however, I hope there is more to come to answer many threads left untied.

Breakout starts with some confusion, because the narrator doesn't know where she is, why she's there, how she got there, with a large portion of her recent memory blank. Held prisoner, the world-building is futuristic, science fiction, a dystopian vibe.

Lezah is confined in a facility, and she has no idea why, only a countdown timer on her bracelet, counting down to what she assumes is her end. With only three days left, Lezah finds a way to attempt escape, along the way picking up four others.

Rapid pacing, nonstop action, Breakout has a Maze Runner and Hunger Games vibe, mixed with a sense of virtual reality of a live-action video game. There was an addictive, page-turner need for answers, which had me on the edge of my seat, but those answers were given as if the reader should just understand/know what the narrator does without it being on the pages.

Along the escape journey, Lezah's memory returns slowly, as she fits the pieces as to how she came to be imprisoned with these specific people. The returned memories are as murky once returned as they were when Lezah struggled to remember – piecemeal, barely fitting anything together.

While I feverishly read the novel, needing to know what happened next, I wanted answers to many questions. It felt as if plots didn't quite fit together, as Lezah rushed along, taking the reader on the journey with her.

At the end of the novel, I'm still not quite sure why everything that happened happened, with a quick resolution that was too easy. The easiest resolution I've ever read, to be honest. There needs to be a sequel to offer a real resolution/explanation. Lezah jumped from A, automatically assuming Q was the answer to whatever question was posed, yet the reader had no idea what B through P were to get to that Q conclusion.

While the pacing was rapid, which kept me engaged and entertained, it was at the detriment of the world-building, character building, and the who/what/where/why/how/when. Reminding me of a plot outline, where the writer is to fill in the gaps to enrich the experience.

With all that being said, I enjoyed the novel, definitely recommend to those who love this genre, and am looking forward to more from this author in the future.

Young Adult age-range: 12+, including profanity, kissing, and mild science fiction violence.

Shelby – ☆☆☆☆☆
Breakout was an exciting, young adult, sci-fi read! My attention was grabbed from the beginning. We follow a young lady, imprisoned with no memory of committing a crime. Fear gripped me, but I had to know what was going on. This future world is a strange place, where computers walk amongst men and fear dominates all.

When Lezah and her cellmate agree that they need to breakout before their death-date of four days and one day respectively, I was totally on-board. The insanity that follows is best left unsaid, so you get the full impact!

So many questions arise with no resolution. Lezah doesn't really know who she is, she only remembers bits and pieces of her family. Her rag-tag group of escapees all have their own lives, but they seem to remember things. Are these people trustworthy? Are they good guys or bad?

I just couldn't put this down, I was on the edge of my seat throughout the story, and hope there will be a book two. I enjoyed the ending, but there are still questions that need answers. I will be adding A.M. Rose to my list of authors to read!
Profile Image for Lauren.
250 reviews23 followers
July 9, 2019
Lezah doesn’t know what landed her in prison, or really much of anything else about herself. With six days left before her execution the only chance she has to find out is to escape. And her only chance of escaping requires relying on strangers, possibly dangerous ones, and her former school rival. Can she trust anyone long enough to get out or will they all fall prey to the prison’s formidable defenses?

A. M. Rose’s Breakout is a book that I bounced around on how I felt about it, especially early on in reading it. But once it hit its stride, it worked really well.

The start was a little rough, with what’s nearly a new world entirely in the form of a California that’s been separated from the rest of the US by earthquakes. Special standouts on that were the WALTERS or Walking Computers, essentially robots that are meant to have free will, and the SOULS that everyone is supposed to have that are ID and phone and personal entertainment all rolled into one. SOULS do everything from let their users keep in contact to changing their appearances pretty drastically to being the main way the government kept tabs on citizens. It was all fed to the reader pretty bluntly at the start, which was necessary to a degree but also felt incredibly clunky.

I had a bit of a similar issue when the male characters, Trip and Seph, were introduced. It quickly became clear that Seph was our designated love interest, with his history with Lezah and his sad sad eyes and super competence. The build up to that felt like it took away from the immediacy of escaping the prison for a good bit. It felt like there were big neon signs telling me that this was going to be a huge part of the experience.

Here’s the thing though, both the rough bits from the start and Seph and Lezah’s whole thing, both worked out. The blunt early explanations felt weird because it was stuff that Lezah knew and wouldn’t have had much reason to explain to, essentially, herself but that smoothed out later once the characters were more in the action and things felt more focused. As to Lezah’s crushing on Seph? It wound up feeding character stuff for both of them as well as feeding in some bits of Lezah’s missing memories. The book hit a point in the action where the mystery and the full cast were more important than just those two characters, so it made the moments between Lezah and Seph feel more impactful. It wasn’t just the two of them and a world of card board cutouts.

This all said, the thing that made the book for me more than anything else was one of the antagonists. They were written in so well that I was genuinely caught off guard at the reveal. It was built in really well and makes me want to see how Rose handles other antagonists.

That’s about it. While I’m left wanting to see where things go for Lezah and company from the book’s ending on, it was still a satisfying ending that worked for the story. The things that didn’t work did well by the things I enjoyed. And, at the end of the day, I even wound up appreciating the romancey bits. So, Breakout earns a four out of five from me. I’m interested in seeing what A. M. Rose does in the future.

I was given a copy of this book through netGalley for honest review.
Profile Image for Nancy (The Avid Reader).
2,667 reviews117 followers
February 27, 2019
Breakout begins with Lezah in her prison cell contemplating her escape. The plan is not going so well as she has no memory of how she got there in the first place. Lezah has no memory of the day she was brought into the prison she doesn’t even know what she did to get there. All she can remember is working day in and day out helping her mother take care of her little brother ever since the day her father disappeared.

On her wrist is a bracelet that she has no memory of how or who put it there. One thing she does know is that it has six days on it. Six days is all the time she has left in this world if she doesn’t get out soon. She only has six days until they come and take her away to her execution.

Even if she managed to somehow get the door to her cell opened and to just walk out and by one of the many artificial intelligent guards she would not know in which direction she should go, left or right? I mean if she can’t remember the day she was brought in how can she know what is on the other side of her prison door or which way to go?

But Lezah gets lucky when her cell mate informs her that she can’t stay there any longer and has to get out like now. Clara is in a hurry to leave because her bracelet has one day on it. Clara has knowledge of the prison as her father is the architect or the builder. The way she sees it is that she needs Lezah’s help to get out as Lezah is a very good hacker and can help with opening the doors. Clara figures if they work together it just may be possible to escape.

Lezah and Clara pick up a few other escapees along the way a girl and two guys. With all five of them they hope that their escape will be easier if they put all of their skills and knowledge together. Each and every one of them must face a lot of temptations and trials on their route to the outside. Will all of them put their temptations behind them and past their trials on their way out? Will anyone be left by the wayside?

Breakout is a very intense read that will keep you on your toes and flipping those pages waiting and wondering how they are going to get past each trial. The trials were brilliantly written and had me scratching my head at certain times trying to figure it all out and what was happening. I was rooting for the whole team all the way through hoping they would past their trials and finally make it out. There were times when I wasn’t so sure and it had my heart rate way up just trying to make it through.

I fell in love with all the characters and the world of Breakout so much so that I am hoping that this is not the last we have seen of Lezah, Clara, Ruthie, Seph or Trip. I would love to know more of their world and who they truly are and how they ended up in prison.

I highly recommend Breakout to all fans of dystopian and science fiction with a touch of romance and a futuristic world.
Profile Image for Aly.
694 reviews22 followers
May 1, 2019
Actual rating is 3.5/5 stars.

So! Breakout.

Let me start of by saying that I did enjoy this book for what it was, a fast-paced, dystopian-vibe, prison breakout, YA novel with pretty enjoyable characters.

Things get started right away, like right away. About 5% in we're already getting into escape plans and forming bonds with characters. It starts off fast, and it doesn't ever slow down at all. At some points it gets a little too fast, but it doesn't detach much from the overall story. If you like a slow-burn, this is not the book for you. Period. Even the dialogue scenes between characters move at a much greater pace than what you'd expect.

The characters were pretty enjoyable for me for the most part! I enjoyed most of them, save for Ruthie, who I just never really enjoyed. Trip was enjoyable, but did get to be borderline annoying MULTIPLE times. Vaughn was someone I wish I had more time to get to know, and I'm adding Clare into that mix as well. Lezah and Seph were the ones I enjoyed the most, but Lezah is definitely the one who stands out. I enjoyed the group dynamic they shared, and seeing them connect all the pieces to the puzzle and interact with one another, trying to solve the bigger picture, was fun! They're thankfully likable characters.

So going off of all that...I did have issues. First off, the writing style. Though I liked it, I didn't like that sometimes the information of the mystery would be overly explained to us. I was able to figure it out just fine, but then there'd be just paragraphs, or even pages, of explanations when we already knew all that. Another things: the AI. There are different types of AI in this book, some mentioned and some playing an important part. I know NOTHING about them. That's one thing I would've liked explained. It just felt shoved in and I just found myself thinking "well what are they? what do they do?" and it was honestly annoying. Lastly, I didn't enjoy the ending sequence. It was building and then it just...stops. All this buildup, with emotions running high, and then just a few words makes everything suddenly ok. Like? WHAT!? I was expecting more, and the scene right after this just didn't help since it all worked out way too well and fast. This is where the fast pace just doesn't fit! It ruins the ending, albeit a happy ending, and I wish we could've gotten more.

Despite all that, I did enjoy it. It's a fun, fast-paced read that is sure to keep you preoccupied if you need it! I still do recommend this if the summary sounds interesting to you.

ARC provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews

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