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The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System #1-3

The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System [人渣反派自救系统]

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Can’t I read stallion novels anymore?! [TN: genre with OP protag & harem]

Shen Yuan is reborn into a young man and scum villain destined to die, Shen Qingqiu.

But it must be known that the original Shen Qingqiu was sliced alive by his disciple, Luo Binghe, into a human stick! A human stick!

Shen Qingqiu’s heart is a full herd of grass mud horses running full tilt, yet:

“It’s not like I don’t want to hug this main character’s thighs, but who let this fucking man be so black. The revenge that needs to be taken is some thousands of deeds!

Why is all the romance that should be going to the women in the plot imposed on him?

Why as a scum villain, should he still have to block gun and knife for the protagonist and sacrifice himself?

Shen Qingqiu: “…… _(:□)∠)_I think I can still save him one more time.”

He wants to prove – even scum villains can live, and live coolly at that!

It’s also the story of a small white flower who later became a black flower attacking a scholarly, scum villain type.

This is the story of a master and disciple’s everyday unknowing, very strange, dog-blood process of falling in love.

It’s also a scum villain’s firsthand account of the male protagonist turning from a small white sheep into an overbearing black king, sort of story……

1114 pages, Webnovel

First published January 1, 2015

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Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù

114 books5,074 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,006 reviews
Profile Image for Silvia .
671 reviews1,629 followers
May 27, 2021
"silvia you're rereading a book you gave 3 stars to" yes i am a clown and you should look away

okAY so good news everyone it's possible my reading comprehension in January 2020 wasn't that great (to be completely fair I kind of read it the first time very quickly, especially the ending...and I was so focused on the parts I disliked that I probably failed to see some of the deeper parts of the story)

like I still dislike the romantic tropes used and that's not sth i can change but I think this time i understand more why for example lbh is like that (not that i didn't understand it the first time around because that's something the novel does very explicitly, you don't actually need a lot of reading comprehension for that lol but sometimes your own feelings can overshadow what you understood about the characters, especially when you're just relying on your own memory and you actually forgot like 80% of the story)

also rereading my old review i want to talk about the fact that this time i read it after the donghua was out and i had watched it and i could put a face to most names (lqg, yqy are just two of the characters i am sure in my first read i didn't even Register as important characters and forgot about each time they appeared....now i love lqg so much i can't believe i did him so dirty). I also actually started seeing them as people as opposed to as characters which was something that i also didn't manage to do in my first read, so all of this also helped me care about the plot earlier and keep track of it if that makes sense

so yeah unexpectedly i am raising the rating to 4 stars

Original 3 stars review (January 2020):

What do you rate something by your favorite author that had such a good and fun concept and kept you entertained for almost the full length of it but used so many tropes you absolutely hate and had highly questionable content but you still want to look at fanart and read fanfiction sldhdkdhdk [edit: I went with three stars because I do feel mostly positively about it]

Okay that's basically it but I do want to write a bit more about this so here's a slightly more proper review:

I'm making 2020 the year I stop seeing books as just their ratings and get out my feelings about them first. I liked this book a lot for its entertaining value and I am aware that the complete translation is somewhat lacking in meaning and some of the context/subtext is lost because of it. The retranslation is better but it's still ongoing and not very far at the moment I'm writing this review.

I mostly loved the meta aspect of this. MDZS and TGCF are both fantasy novels and I still had to see the author partly tackle the real world, even just in a meta novel like this one, and it is clear MXTX can engage with readers of webnovels in a clever and meta-critique-ish sort of way (which I suppose is mostly lost on western readers because of the translation and the fact that we don't fully know/understand the context of the Chinese netizen community).

"Modern millennial transmigrates into the villain of a stallion novel and accidentally turns it into a BL cultivation novel" is such a fun concept and this aspect was fully delivered by MXTX and I applaud her for it. Everything that came with it was an absolute gem and I had so much fun reading about it, especially whenever the Self-Saving System popped up a notification. It was truly hilarious and at times it truly felt like being in an RPG (something that I also felt while reading TGCF, although in a different way). I am sure MXTX has played some, it's clear from the way a lot of this novel is written. So, as far as being satisfied with how the premise was handled and executed, I am 100% happy with it.

Now, the main three aspects I consider in MXTX's novels are plot, characters and of course the main relationship. I usually consider her plots to be very well-written and not having many plot holes, as well as being interesting and engaging. Here, I couldn't care less about the single plots or how they built up to the main ongoing plot. Despite my best effort I also couldn't keep track of most of the secondary characters because I lacked a visual reference for them and most of them didn't feel very well-rounded. By the end I could really only connect to a few of them but by then it was too late since I had spent most of the novel not even remembering who they were.

I do think that the meta aspect came in the way of me caring about the characters, especially at first when the S-S System was more present. I just kept seeing them as characters from a different novel (the in-world original Immortal Demon Way) and I was more interested in how Shen Yuan would navigate around them.

Despite this, the overall result was still engaging and kept me curious enough to keep reading every day until the end, even finishing all extra chapters.

I was hoping I would at least care about the main relationship between Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe but I actually found it the worst part of the novel. I did care about sqq and lbh separately as characters but I hated everything else, plain and simple. The tropes used were just some of my pet peeves (age gap, former master/disciple relationship, excessive jealousy&obsession, dubcon etc) and I just hated reading about them. I was hoping at least some of it (the jealousy...) would get somewhat redeemed/fixed but it just wasn't. I also needed a bleach bath for my eyes after reading the p0rn chapter, it was truly the worst thing I've ever read in my life EVER and I'll thank mxtx to never write p0rn ever again.

I was slightly more interested in the moshang relationship that's mostly talked about in the extras, I also loved the friendship between sqh and sqq and basically everything about sqh (I can't spoil but !!!!!!!!!)

Basically the main point of this review is to say WHAT THE FUCK I basically enjoyed everything that didn't have to do with the actual Plot™ so you might see how I am distressed and slightly worried about how the rest of my 2020 is going to go since this is the first book I finished this year sfhsghsfhfgd anyway yeah I would really recommend you go into this knowing that it definitely might NOT be for you but if you're into MXTX and her fandom I do think this is a book that has a lot of uh,,, literary? value. But definitely don't make this the first MXTX/danmei book you read (especially if you can't read the original Chinese).
Profile Image for xebec.
137 reviews
January 25, 2019
i love lbh and i laughed a lot but mxtx writes such awkward scary papapa it rly makes me anxious lol
Profile Image for Saswati.
489 reviews340 followers
August 27, 2021
3.5-3.75 stars

Synopsis: Imagine reading a book and getting so frustrated you literally die. Cherry on top, you're transmigrated into said book as the freaking villain destined to be DESTROYED by the protagonist, but end up banging the protagonist instead - y'all I can't with this book 🤣🤣🤣

However, nothing and I mean NOTHING could have prepared me for how scary that papapa scene was OMG- Lord have mercy on my soul 👁️👄👁️

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Anyway, here's what I learnt after reading MXTX's books out of order ↓

There's a reason people recommend reading SVSSS before MDZS or atleast TGCF, the world-building and romance is so much better in the other two. That being said, this was a pretty good read as well. Just don't go into this expecting an epic romance, or a mind-blowing plot 😅 The comedy was the biggest plus point here, so if you're looking for a danmei book that's on the lighter side, with a little bit of angst as well, this one's it!

Profile Image for anmol.
188 reviews976 followers
January 1, 2023
i read the extras and honestly, the fact that airplane wrote mobei jun exactly like his dream guy and then HE ACTUALLY GOT TO MARRY THE GUY OMG ME WHEN???!!?


“You two are the legendary national homos, do you understand?”


Now see, if you're going into this novel for a good plot with good execution, or perfect characters, or an epic romance, TURN RIGHT BACK BCS THIS IS TRASH.

I loved this book sm I'm never getting over BingQiu. 😭

Am I being biased? Probably. Do I care? No. Istg I've never laughed as much while reading a book as I did while reading SVSSS.

Y'all, BingQiu walked so HuaLian could run. FR BINGHE AND QINGQIU WERE IN A COFFIN. (If you've read TGCF, you know what I'm talking about.)

They even reminded me so much of HuaLian- what with Luo Binghe being a demon king and being downright obsessed with his shizun and Qingqiu being this oblivious fuck for most of the novel.

Was this book as beautiful as TGCF or as brilliant as MDZS? No. It was crazy and stupid and horrible AND SO FUCKING HILAROUS.

Luo Binghe, my sweet summer child, all he wanted was head pats from his shizun IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR??!??

Shen Qingqiu was the most horrendous narrator I've ever had the misfortune to read about but I love my cucumber bro sm hes perfect 😭

Shang Qinghua is a walking disaster but he made the book 100000000 times better whenever he came.

I'm a whore for Mobei Jun even if he was there for, like 10 pages and barely said a word.

Also, I've heard that Mobei Jun and Shang Qinghua are canon AND I VOLUNTEER AS THIRD PLS🧎🏻‍♀️

Gongyi Xiao ❤️

Again, don't expect this book to be amazing- IT IS BUT ITS CRACK. Also- I'm never calling sex, sex again. #papapaforthewin

I've heard many people suggest to read this before MDZS and TGCF and I agree it does makes you like both of those books more after you read this one. But, at the same time- if I've read this before MDZS/TGCF, there's a high chance I wouldn't have liked this so much or would've just dropped the idea of the other two.

Either way, bottom line is- if you still haven't discovered MXTX, you're missing out fr.

I still have the extras to read and I just know the papapa is gonna be traumatizing. 🥹
Profile Image for Monique.
445 reviews201 followers
August 4, 2024
I started reading SVSSS as a fan translation but never finished it because official eng translation books came out then. Below are links to my reviews for each volume. I only miss all those notes that were included in fan translation because they were as funny as the story itself.

The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, Vol. 1 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù 5 'OOC' stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, Vol. 2 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù 5 'Shizun and his baby demon' stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, Vol. 3 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù 5 'together at last' stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, Vol. 4 by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù 4,5 'bingqiu in love' stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐
Profile Image for Jel.
148 reviews41 followers
January 25, 2023
Watched the donghua and read the Chinese novel. The mm1 transmigrates into a book and into the body of the scum villain (a character that tortures the original protagonist and is destined to die a horrible death).

Reason for his transmigration? Simple. He was just an angry reader and his anger was so great that after his death, he went into the book.

He tries to change his fate but the system would not allow him to OOC (go out of character). He is forced to maintain his scummy character and abuse the protagonist (mm2). However, there are some loopholes and he uses it to his advantage to try and redeem his character and be nice to mm2. Leading to some yummy romance.

In the original book, it is about mm2 getting abused as a child by the scum villain then gains powers enabling him to exact his revenge on the villain or anyone that tries to harm him. Then he gains a harem of woman along the way. This changes after the mm1 arrive into the body of the villain and the genre changes from harem to mm or yaoi.

I loved the characters. Witty, funny, and entertaining. Mm2 is very two faced. In front of mm1, he acts like an innocent puppy but he’s not. He’s also very possessive over the mm1.
Profile Image for Liz.
600 reviews630 followers
June 2, 2019
Never before have I loved something so trashy so much.
This one has many downright hilarious scenes and simultaneously it can hit you right in the feels at the most unexpected times.
And chapter 43 is an absolute tearjerker. I will never be over the pain of ch.43 and what poor Binghe had to go through.
Profile Image for 珊.
139 reviews
March 23, 2020
i honestly don't even know what was happening in the end there. you can tell this was mxtx's first novel, it's kinda choppy and reallyyy questionable at some parts. it did make me laugh multiple times, and unexpectedly tugged at my heartstrings at times LOL. the whole transmutation thing is pretty interesting i think i'll read more of this genre. | He was merely a child all along. He walked alone on this earth, ran around in the dark, and fallen countless times. He never asked for much, and yet he always never managed to grab hold of those few he desired.
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
106 reviews
August 30, 2019
It was so meta, I loved that about this book. Shen Yuan's epic irritation with stupid plotholes in a book he bought and spent a month reading... highly relatable. And basically how it shows how fanfiction works. Nice.
As for the rest, omg, it was such a crude crack badfic, which was probably as intended because satire, but it still made me feel like I moved back in time to 2005.
Profile Image for susan.
398 reviews25 followers
April 7, 2020
There we have it, I’ve read all of MXTX. This one is definitely my least fave (I can for sure rank it MDZS > TGCF > SVSSS), but I had a LOT of fun.

Shen Yuan, an avid reader of web novels dies in the real world and gets transported to his most hated book – The Proud Immortal Demon’s Way, a fantasy wish-fulfillment novel where the all-powerful protagonist, Luo Binghe, conquers the world and gets himself 600 wives – as the villain Shen Qingqiu, who is killed by the protagonist in the most violent way possible. He is given a challenge – to survive, lest he return to his dead real-world body, and along the way try to fill the novel’s plot-holes.

For being a parody of 3 genres of Chinese novels that I’m unfamiliar with – Stallion novels, transmigration romances and danmei – I was still be able to be taken along with the story and *find it funny*. That’s pretty big, since usually comedies written by other cultures fall flat with me. You know, there's like, entirely different layers of context *and* the need to translate jokes to another language. Which not all translators can do........ especially fan translators.

It’s definitely MXTX’s first novel though, concieved in high school too, no less. You can tell how much she grew as a writer between this and MDZS. The plot nor characters are as complex as MDZS, but it is also pretty damn sophisticated in themes and character for a young writer, good on ya girl.

It’s also 100% the kinkiest novel lmao let ya freek flag fly. You can definitely tell she well full indulgent for this one, and THEN toned herself down for MDZS. Which is a WILD concept!! I have no idea why

It was just a load of fun. It's just so fuckin funny. Shen Qingqiu screaming internally the entire time, trying to fix this AWFUL novel while being oblivious to making the protagonist fall head over heels with him is just. Such an experience, I loved every moment. The romance was nice, it was just SO funny... but on the other hand, dear god, there was so much of the miscommunication AND yandere tropes, which just doesn’t set me on fire like Wangxian and Hualian unforch.

Plus, I wish there was more time spent on the side characters like Liu Qingge, Liu Mingyan, Yue Qingyuan, Mo Beijun and Zu Zhilang. Seriously, this is the only one of her novels with the biggest OT3 *and* lesbian side ship potential. SO MANY WOMEN.

At least you know she gets better at exploring the world and side characters in her others novels, when she’s not trapped in writing parodies of intentionally garbage novels lol
Profile Image for annie.
300 reviews60 followers
August 5, 2023
reread edit:

This book is a fascinating, twisted web of repression, obsession and miscommunication. It has a ton of parts where my only response is “???” and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s funny as hell. Compared to MXTX’s other works it’s not nearly as developed, especially in the side character department, but it has this fast-paced, unhinged energy that carries the whole thing. Is it technically good?? i don’t know, iirc MXTX wrote this in high school. Its writing is pretty simple, and it’s rough around the edges, but honestly it just keeps growing on me. I’m rating this highly as in “it gives me brainworms” as opposed to “it’s a masterpiece,” but in a way, isn’t this just as meaningful?

(PS I see a lot of people complaining about the terrible sex scenes, which is fair, but I think making the big-dicked-yaoi-wishfulfillment-top canonically, in-universe, objectively terrible at sex — is iconic actually)

old review:

— 4 STARS —

I enjoyed reading this, but was left feeling “what was the point?”

It made me laugh, and I liked quite a few characters, but the plot was very weak — especially compared to MXTX’s later work. I thought it started strong but fizzled out. I wouldn’t really call this a romance — it’s definitely more focused on parodying web novel tropes rather than playing it straight. So don’t go in expecting something Wangxian or Hualian tier.

Anyway, I would absolutely read this again, even if it’s technically not that good. Something about MXTX’s writing is just hard for me to put down, even at her weakest. Her second novel, Mo Dao Zu Shi, is an insane improvement over this one in terms of writing. I am a little sad that I’ve now read all of her books — hope her fourth comes out sometime in my life!
Profile Image for Linh.
288 reviews15 followers
September 19, 2021
Re-read in 09/2021.

There is so much humor in this webnovel series, I found myself giggling until the tragic parts come through like a wrecking ball. But even then, the ending comes like a warm (and hilarious) hug, and I love the message that a person can always be a good person by choice, despite all the trauma that he endured in the past.

I think this may be my favorite book I've read by MXTX, but it's been a few years since I've re-read Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, so I might just return to that one again just to make sure.. 😆

Some of the tropes featured in this series:
✅ MM pairing: teacher/student
✅ Martial/cultivation setting
✅ Human/demon world
✅ Isekai/reincarnation/splash of litrpg

The cultivation setting of course allows for gorgeous character aesthetics. I will be thinking about these boys for a while yet. dreamy sigh

Profile Image for daph pink ♡ .
1,118 reviews3,027 followers
May 26, 2022
So I finished another book by MXTX, the star author. Although it is not on the level of MDZS or TGCF, the author deserves all of the attention she is receiving. Her world building, insane storyline, characters and their relationships and friendship, twists and turns, everything is always so on point. While these were not so craved out in SVSSS, she definitely brushed up on her skills in later books.

SVSSS, on the other hand, has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. I really liked how MC interacted with the system. The idea of being reincarnated in a game as the villain and then falling in love with you gave me major fanfiction vibes, and I loved it. The characters were well-developed.

Here are some beautiful artworks to trick the readers into reading MXTX masterpieces.

All the credits to the rightful owners. They are all so talented and did an amazing job.

Profile Image for Elle✨.
129 reviews104 followers
November 28, 2020
That was an amusing and fun read. Not as good as "grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" but still very enjoyable ❤️
Profile Image for rain.
676 reviews429 followers
September 20, 2021
//buddy read with dija!!

1000+ pages felt like 500 because i really flew through this one. rip my academic obligations.
Profile Image for Bárbara Morais.
Author 15 books506 followers
January 20, 2021
Se acontecer mais alguma coisa de ruim com o Bing-mei eu mato todo mundo e me mato depois
Profile Image for a..
366 reviews48 followers
December 1, 2022
3.5* Why thank you, I did spend several nights reading this instead of sleeping.

It's this kind of trainwreck that is so entertaining to read (and I say this fondly!)
Profile Image for Khadidja .
621 reviews528 followers
September 19, 2021
Compared to mdzs and tgcf,,, this was not as good as them but it was still very entertaining and so funny!

Buddy read with bff
Profile Image for Nessa.
230 reviews74 followers
January 21, 2021
The first half of this novel is something i’ve read 2 times, but each time Bingge falls and returns it quickly loses my interest so I’m considering this completed cause i know how it ends etc.

The first half is def 4 stars worthy, the later half i’d give it 2 stars or less,,,,

There’s a new fan translation that’s better explained can be found at https://faelicy.tumblr.com/post/18503...
Profile Image for jocelyn.
168 reviews17 followers
November 17, 2020
4 / 5
as expected of mxtx, i loved it! i watched the first season (?) of the donghua, and i figured i might as well read the novel. i will admit, it’s not as amazing as mdzs, but it was fun. i really liked the concept of an isekai-type story where the mc dies and gets thrust into an originally villainous character. i thought it was very interesting how the whole story started off as a game almost, and also funny how the mc actually hated the story he ends up getting transported into.
here, shen yuan became shen qinqiu, someone destined to a bad fate as result of being an antagonist of luo binghe, and he’s expected to try to improve the story through his actions as sqq without being too out of character. there are points he needs to accumulate, or else he’ll die... permanently. however, being a good person, he manages to put himself onto a plotline where he doesn’t get tortured by the original mc but instead there’s *drumroll* romance!
sqq is such a fun character. he is so dumb, but... he also deserves better. poor guy :( he also has a clever side, having to find loopholes where he can be “out of character” without breaking the rules, using his (honestly, stellar) memory of the plot and world, and planning ways to save himself from his inevitable demise. binghe’s fine, i think, but i also felt that he didn’t have enough depth for me? i don’t know, i just couldn’t connect with him. he’s also a little bit too much at times, but i’ll always be soft for baby binghe. he deserves better too. outside of the two mcs, i really liu qingge, for like no reason. he wasn’t even there that much, but i love his tsundere ass. i also liked the female characters, and it’s a shame we didn’t see more of them doing cool cultivation things.
i did feel that the plot got kind of muddled the second half, like i knew what was happening, but at the same time, nothing made sense? but the extra chapters helped wrap things up together. i reeeeeally liked how we got more depth in the original sqq’s character. the extra gave all the characters some more nuance honestly—shang qinghua, mobei jun, liu qingge, yue qingyuan—and i thought it was really cool. they hinted at some other possible relationships and i LOVE.
this books is a tad bit ridiculous and a tad bit depressing but it’s definitely a great read!
i only have tgcf to read out of mxtx’s works, so hopefully i’ll start that soon! i want to try reading it before its adaption, because i didn’t do that for the other two works, so we’ll how that goooes
Profile Image for Payal Patel.
137 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2020
Interesting concept BUT terrible..... execution

A reader transmigrating into a fictional world is not a unique idea and appears more frequently in East-Asian works but to take place as a villain and have the 'straight' male protagonist fall in love with originally a villain is not something we see on a regular basis.

The earlier part with Shen Yuan entering the cultivation world, him being exasperated with plot-holes, superficial characters and, his interactions with the system were the best part. However, the novel went downhill the more it progressed. This is the second work by MXTX that I have come across (first one being MDZS) and I hate the way she writes relationships. I know people like to give her a pass by saying that's how the BL genre works or how censored LGBTQ stuff are in China but to me, even the non-physical aspects of her protagonists seem very reminiscent of,old, bad fanfics.

The very first problem that kept me from enjoying the novel is the characters, except for Shen Qingquiu, none of the characters had depth, even Luo Binghe. The relationship between them felt more like a jealousy filled obsession, a fixation that resulted from trauma and abandonment issues rather than genuine love. Combined with the fact that he was an abused teenager when his fixation began makes it more sketchy. Why couldn't the author have made LBH older when he first encountered SQQ, at least that would have made Shizun-Disciple relationship more palatable.

The secondary characters, especially the female ones were just background noise and none of them made any strong impression. Perhaps its because they were limited from the original plotline but the weakness of the original plot stagnated the overall story. The story became so convoluted and lengthy that after a while I was just waiting to see how it all ends.

The worst offender was the sex scene, I wouldn't even call it that it was basically rape and the situation that led to it was so over-done, cliche and, pathetic. From what I've heard from other people weird, borderline consensual, kinky sex is supposedly her thing. I guess its suppose to be edgy and passionate and we boring vanilla people just don't get it rolls eyes.....
Profile Image for Tan✨.
452 reviews39 followers
April 7, 2022
I loved it 4 stars but uhhh something was missing


Anyway, let’s have a look.

Romance: uhhhh no. Was barely a romance(?) we don’t have that many interactions. Not a lot of feelings from sqq’s pov. Lots of miscommunication. Crazy motivations. NO COMMUNICATION. DID I MENTION THAT? Lbh was hard to understand. Felt more like hero worship on his part. And as for sqq this oblivious fuck who keeps insisting he’s straight… fell flat for me. And I’m gonna completely ignore that lemon.

Main motivations: what did sqq want? All he wanted was for lbh to not kill him. And m he spent most of his time doing random shit I couldn’t care less about. He treated lbh better and didn’t accept that these actions could have a butterfly effect, hence changing the “characters” and their actions. He kept expecting them to react the same way they would before he mixed things up. Also the fact that he only started seeing them as HUMANS and not CHARACTERS a lot later into the book. Idk how to explain what I’m tryna say.

Lbh,,,, not to compare you to mr/txj but I feel like he needed a more firm reason for his blind hero worship. Like in erha we had a clear reason for hatred and a clear reason for love. Here,,, it’s a mess to say the least. What made lbh forgive his shizun for how he was treated his whole childhood? We didn’t see that a lot it was mostly literary montage. What was his thought process post abyss? We got a vague explanation but it doesn’t suffice imo. Everything felt a little lacklustre to me.

Forget about communicating with each other, sqq didn’t even communicate with himself. Zero honest inner dialogue. It’s like he woke up and thought as he’s nice. Felt platonic…

But I thoroughly enjoyed it because I LOVE isekai. It’s one of my favorite tropes and bonus points if there’s a system. That was so much fun for me!!! Also cumplane interactions🤍🤍🤍🤍

I’m sure I have a lot more to say but yeah this novel had something missing. I don’t know what it is. But it’s missing.

That bringt said, did I love it anyway? Yeah…

Onto the extras~
Profile Image for Stephanie Hope.
158 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2022
GOSH where do I start with this one!? MXTX truly is one of my favorite danmei authors. Svsss took me on quite the hilarious journey! I had WAY too much fun with this novel, I honestly was not expecting to like it this much. I'm rating it a 5 purely out of the enjoyment I had while reading through it. Our main character SQQ is such a mood, he was my absolute favorite! And seeing LBH go from a fluffy cute and innocent boy to- WELL, read it and find out yourselves! I'm always a sucker for overly jealous gong's so this was RIGHT up my alley. But this gong's sweet side will truly have you melting as well! Also, ALL the side characters are SO lovable, hence what made me adore this novel even more. Thank you Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky-juju ♡
46 reviews2 followers
May 7, 2021
Ame este libro, MXTX nunca me decepciona, es verdad que no es la mejor de sus novelas, pero a mi me parece súper cómica y linda, ha sido la única con la que no he llorado tanto. Me encanto.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,006 reviews

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