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Black Hearts MC #1

His Obsession

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I’ve never been anything but a man’s property.
First my father, then others.
I exist for everyone else’s pleasure but my own.
This is my life.
Loveless. Broken.
Only death will free me from my bonds.
But then a monster steals me from my captor.
At first, I think Kade’s like all the others… but he’s different.
He wants more than just my body—he wants my soul.


She’s damaged in a way I’ll never understand.
She thinks she’s ready to die, but I won’t let her.
I want to corrupt her. Claim her. Make her feel again.
I keep her in a cage not unlike the one I took her from.
I’ll make her scream with pleasure, and with pain.
On her knees, I’ll make her submit.
No one will take her from me.
Because she’s mine.

His Obsession is the first book in the Black Hearts MC series. Each book will feature a different couple and have characters from other chapters of the MC. This story has a guaranteed HEA and does not end on a cliffhanger. It is a dark romance featuring deep, dark themes. If you do not enjoy twisted romance stories, this book is not for you. You have been warned.

174 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 30, 2018

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Violet Noir

6 books15 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren Townley.
151 reviews
October 1, 2018
This review is based on an ARC that I received.

By 70% in at chapter 19, I had to throw in the towel. I just kinda got bored 🤷🏼‍♀️ sometimes a girl just has to quit!

The kindle version that I received had little to none in the way of formatting. I have to be honest, it was actually driving me insane with how badly it was set out! I get if you aren’t a pro it’s not going to be perfect, but at least try!

There were errors with spelling and the occasional dropped letter.
For example: instead of every it just read ‘ever’. Instead of clit it read ‘lit’. I was just getting more and more frustrated as I got further along.

I also don’t believe there was a huge amount of actual story - there’s also very minimal MC aspects. This guy suddenly has a connection with a woman locked in a cage. Okay, I can work with that. This is how a lot of romance novels begin. Then he has to break into a traffickers home to steal her. Not so believable anymore when the guy doesn’t come hunting for you instantly, especially being that she is his favourite girl. Then roughly chapter 18 he gives the girl multiple orgasms. I mean, we’re talking like a gazillion in one hit here, and then he would just chuck cold water on her to wake her up only to give her another one immediately afterwards?... I am all for reading about a lot of dirty and rough sex in my books, but it has to be descriptive and get me hot and bothered at the same time. I wasn’t even mildly warm by this point. I just got bored and I think the only way I actually managed to make it as far as I did was because I was willing something to actually happen.

This book might be the book to get you out of your slump. It might be the book that gets your partner laid. It might even be your book of the year. For me, it was a DNF book that I doubt I’ll pick up again.

Also, I actually had to look back at my kindle and find out what the book was called again because I couldn’t even remember when I wanted to leave this review. That might say a lot about me or a lot about this book. I don’t believe you shouldn’t read this book because of my review. It truly might blow your mind. It just didn’t work for me.
Profile Image for Elle Schroder.
149 reviews9 followers
January 1, 2019
DNF at 35%.

This story stars Kade, who is part of a motorcycle club and definitely on the wrong side of the law, and Elise, who is a victim of human trafficking and forced to be a sex slave. I have read other books that feature victims of human trafficking, and while dark, the hero usually acts with the victim's best interests at heart. While I accept that Kade may change and become a better person as the book progresses, I was unable to accept the way he thought about Elise. It wasn't even the way he treated her, or spoke to or about her, it was the way he thought about her. It seems a character's thoughts should reflect their true self, and I didn't like what I saw of Kade.

'I'd get both me and my property killed.'

Property? Seriously? He truly thinks of her as property?

'I'd have no use for her after all if her little cunt didn't please me.'

That, right there, leaves no doubt about Kade's intentions. He is not rescuing her to save her or for anything so noble. He is rescuing her purely to have her as his own personal sex slave. If he treats her better than her original owner, what of it?

To me, this was not a romance and I just couldn't keep reading. I see that others have not only finished but enjoyed it, so to each their own.
Profile Image for Julie.
194 reviews
October 8, 2018
This is an easy read full of hot and steamy scenes. I enjoyed the story line and the characters.
I had a hard time staying focused on the story. There were parts that just did not fit for me. I had a hard time connecting a guy in an MC also being so rich that he lives in a gated house with servants. At times I felt like the writing was over explained as if I was a child. This is what made it such an easy read but also what caused me to lose interest.
Profile Image for KittyLuvr.
561 reviews45 followers
October 5, 2018
I will easily admit-- I genuinely enjoyed this story, although I personally didn't find it as 'dark' as some I've read. There are however, some dark parts indeed: the beginning while Sapphire/Elise is a prisoner & during her & Kade's flashbacks to horrific betrayals and/or past experiences. Betrayal, pain & torture for Elsie & the same for Kade though manifested in a different way/scenario than Elise's.
Kade is a patched member of the Blackhearts MC & handles the 'set up & follow through' of the MC's drug/gun shipments with Bruno, a Russian who deals in drugs, guns & female sex slaves. Elise is one of these slaves & despite her horrific condition catches Kade's eye. Bruno won't sell her to him though which angers Kade. Kade then begins plotting how to obtain Elise for his own 'doll' to train into complete & total submission.
Although Kade is attracted to Elise physically, his motives aren't pure: he's tortured by his own awful past & thinks if he inflicts pain on his 'doll' that will eliminate some of the pain he's carried inside him for years.
This story is told through both Kade & Elise's POV, & it is interesting how their POV's morph over the course of the book: Elise's goes from being detached, almost robotic to emotional & aware while Kade's go from focusing purely on his physical wants to opening up internally to consider Elise's. I felt the story had a nice flow to it, it having a good blend of sex, push & pull between H/h, action & suspense. I didn't encounter any parts I wanted to skip & I was hoping for the H/h to have a HEA. But then Bruno reappears with a vengeance determined to kill Kade & reclaim Elise in order to torture & kill her. A very good story I liked very much. >>> There are triggers, so please read book description & reader reviews.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Dora Harvey.
1,089 reviews9 followers
October 11, 2018
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This dark and suspenseful romance is about two damaged souls. This story is somewhat dark with gruesome details; murder, mystery, drama, intrigue, suspense, human trafficking, kidnapping, and sex. This story is not for the faint at heart, if you like an easy love story or an easy hero/heroine, run far, far away from this story. It is dark? From the very first page, I was spellbound by these fantastically described characters that you will find yourself falling in love with—or not. This is the first time I read a book by Violet Noir, but I assure you, it will not be the last. Kade was handsome and sexy and a member of the Black Hearts MC. Elise has always had a tragic life since she was thirteen—she was sold to Bruno and kept in a cage. Kade’s MC gang bought drugs and guns from his nemesis, Bruno who also dealt with human trafficking. When Kade saw Elise, he was mesmerized. Kade soon became blinded by his obsession with Elise, and planned how to get her from Bruno for his own selfish needs. The chemistry between them grows more potent the more time they spend together and the sex was off-the-chart hot! There are several twists and turns within the story that makes it interesting. The scenes are well written, fast-paced and flow smoothly from one scene to the next. This story will pique your interest and draw you in from the beginning to the very end.
Profile Image for Tracey.
240 reviews
October 13, 2018
I was drawn into this dark suspenseful story from the very beginning. The awful things that goes on in this story including murder, drama, suspense, human trafficking, kidnapping and sex. Since a tender age Elise has been help captive by some awful men who cage her, drug, leave her in awful living conditions, withhold food and drinks, make her have sex and not only is she locked in these conditions but many other young girls and women are also.

Kade's MC tries to keep decent working terms with Bruno and his people so they can purchase guns and drugs from them in order to sell them and make money for their club. Kade is the one who has to meet up with Bruno to discuss the business arrangement and is brought to the horrific conditions that Elise and the other women are being held. Elise seems to catch Kade's eye and leaves a lasting impression on him

Kade can't get Elise off his mind and decides that he is going to kidnap her to save her from the horrific conditions she has been kept in and wants to keep her in a cage type setting but with much better living conditions. He wants to train her to be his submissive. She has become his obsession.

I recommend you read this book to see if Elise is able to get away from Bruno. Will Kade be able to get her and train to be submissive to him? What happens with Bruno, Elise and Kade? Does Elise's life getting better or worse? Must read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Tammy Callahan.
178 reviews4 followers
October 5, 2018
This is definitely a dark read...the story of Kade, a member of a local MC and Elise, sold by her father at the age of 13 to be a sex slave. The story held my attention and kept me reading right to the end. Kade definitely had two sides to his personality - tough alpha with a much softer side when it came to handling Elise. Elise was the perfect example of Stockholm Syndrome. All she knew for the past 8 years was captivity and once Kade showed her his soft side, she was hooked. I thought they were a very good fit and glad they got their HEA - they deserved it for all they had been through.

My two biggest issues with the book was that it is advertised as an MC book, which I LOVE. There was very little MC involvement in this book, having Kade going off on his own through 99% of the book, which in a true MC world wouldn't happen, regardless of his rank. At least not without some serious blow back from other members of the club. I'm hoping we will see the results of his actions in the second book. The other issue I had was it wrapped up way too quickly and neatly. The ending was just too rushed. That being said, I will get the next book in the series to see if the characters have been developed further and cross my fingers that we get the full MC feel.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Carol 27.
1,009 reviews
October 2, 2018
Not as dark as I was expecting ... 3.5 stars

This is a gritty, captor/captive novella featuring some dark themes. Kane and Elise are both broken and damaged from their life experiences. Both are drawn to each other – kindred souls who recognize a similar darkness about the other. But Elise has been abused and used as a pawn by monsters since she was a teen. As his captive, how can she believe that Kane is any different? As she prays for an end to her miserable existence, she’s assaulted by a foreign feeling – hope. Hope that just maybe Kane is the one man who truly understands her plight and that his compassion can make a difference. This is a quick read that’s well written with some violence, brutality, drama, and suspense. For me, things unfolded at a very quick pace and therefore felt a bit rushed. There was a very quick turn-around in Elise’s outlook and attitude that didn’t seem plausible based on her past. I also would have liked to have known the reaction of Kane’s MC Brothers to these events as the story unfolded. Perhaps that will be addressed in future books.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
534 reviews5 followers
October 3, 2018
This book was fantastic with only minor issues that unfortunately had me give it only 4 stars. The story is one of the best I've read. It's dark and gritty, nasty and evil. Obsession with something you don't have can lead to a path you may not want to travel. In this case, the man who works with the most evil becomes obsessed with a woman who is a victim in a sex trafficking ring. He must have her and he is willing to do whatever he needs to do so.

There is a lot here that may be difficult to read and these scenes may trigger painful feelings in some readers. There is rape, drugging, torture, sex trafficking, bondage, imprisonment, humiliation and so on.

I thought the book tried to wrap up a little too quickly. The story was detailed and had a nice pace until it got down to the last 15%. Then, it was a race to the end. The other issue that stopped me from rating this 5 stars is the number of proofreading errors in the book. I recognize that this may be corrected before the final edit, but I don't know whether it will be and so I include it as a minor factor.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Lynette.
748 reviews90 followers
October 4, 2018
Genre: Dark Biker Romance
Book Length: Novella
POV: First Person; Kade and Elise
Male Lead: Kade is a wealthy biker and belongs to the Black Hearts MC. He’s ex-military, muscular and tattooed.
Female Lead: Elise is 21 and a former sex slave.
Heat Level: Hot
Frequency of Sex (1-5): 3
Angst Level (1-5): 2
Standalone/Series/Cliffhanger: Standalone
Epilogue: Yes, a small glimpse into the future.
Other Notables/Triggers: Sexual slavery, violence and rape.
Would I Recommend? Maybe
My Review: His Obsession is about a biker who finds a broken woman he wants to keep for himself. There is not a lot of development with the main characters, just brief moments into their past. The story is basically a dark, erotic, quick read. In my opinion, the book would have benefited from being longer and the main characters more fleshed out.
Disclosures: I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,915 reviews26 followers
October 2, 2018
This was my first book by Violet and I truly enjoyed Elise and Kade. In Kade’s line of work he deals with the worst of the worst and Bruno takes the cake. He’s got woman and girls stashed away for men’s pleasure. When Kade catches the eye of one of the women, he’s taken aback by the sight of her, and wishes he could do something to help. The guilt of leaving her behind claws at his soul and he wants her, he sees her as is property and he doesn’t even have her. When a deal goes south Kade puts a plan in motion to get the girl, but will he treat her the way she’s been treated since she was 13 years old? Elise has lived a horrible life and doesn’t feel anymore, she sees herself as a vessel for men and their pleasure, she nothing left in her to give. Will Kade help her see that she is worth everything and let him show her? Will she try to escape and go where and do what? Can Elise let Kade show he the possibilities he has to offer? No spoilers here, you need to read this for yourself, loved it and I voluntarily reviewed this book.
Profile Image for Jamie - The Bookish Attitude.
258 reviews19 followers
October 3, 2018
Holy Taledo.
Wow, talk about confrontation. Full disclosure, I didn't actually know what I was getting into here, I love MC books and thats what drew me in for an ARC request. Dark romance isn't for everyone. Please take the time to give it a shot, you may be surprised.

Now with that said, lets get down too it.
Elise pulled at my heart strings in her flashbacks, and I loved the fact that she wasn't as broken as she thought.
Kade theres no doubt his obsession really is his obsession. After first glance his hooked, makes sense.
I really wish there was more action on the MC front, but I couldn't really read much between chapter 4 & 13. I'm not even sure why.
The second half though! I actually enjoyed it. The writing picked up & the darkish themes lift a bit. The dynamic between Elise & Kade change as Elise starts to come into her own, & Once Kade opens up about his time in the army his whole personality changes making it a relationship that may actually work out in the long run and thats what made the story for me
Profile Image for Misty Schott.
4,013 reviews30 followers
October 6, 2018
Kade was the man in the Black Hearts MC that dealt with Bruno, their contact for their drug running and he truly hated Bruno. Bruno was a twisted man that dealt in selling women as well as drugs. Bruno usually controlled the women with the drugs and he was just a vile human being. Plus Kade had his own dark, twisted, vile past and just wanted some peace in his mind, but it never seems to come.

Sapphire/Elise has been a man's property since she lost her mother. First her father's punching bag and then much worse as he sold her at age thirteen. She is now in a cage at Bruno's place and he's working on selling her once again, but even at twenty-one she is still so defiant. Unfortunately she also just wishes for death most days.

When Kade sees Elise he knows under the filth and starvation she is still most definitely a beautiful young woman. He turns Bruno down when he offers to sell her to him, but in the end he takes her from Bruno.

Find out what Kade wants with Elise and if he can tame her by reading their story today. Loved it!!!!
Profile Image for SBee Reviews.
2,417 reviews75 followers
October 10, 2018
~ The caged bird he could’t forget ~

As representative for his MC, Kade walks into the home of Bruno, a Russian drug lord, to confirm a future drug shipment deal, which is immediately followed by an offer to sell Kade one of the girls kept in cages in his “special room.” Kade has no interest at all until his eyes fall on the very last cage, and the girl he spies in there will haunt his thoughts for next month, until Kade decides to steal her for himself and make her his own. Something in her had called to him.

Elise has been sold since the very tender age of thirteen to different owners, and this latest owner, the one who had gone out of way to steal her from Bruno, is no different. Elise is slow to trust Kade and his intentions, but she does, she discovers they have more in common than she realized, and dying is no longer first and foremost on her mind.

This is a dark insta-love romance, between a man intent on gaining submission from his captive and a girl who finds a man who finally wants to keep and love her.
Profile Image for Julianne Macneil.
3,576 reviews26 followers
October 14, 2018
i read this book as part of an arc program. This is a very dark romance between Elise and Kane. Elise was first sold into the sex trade when she was 13 and was recently sold to Bruno. Bruno was also a drug dealer who Kane was using for the MC's supply. Kane was also a former soldier who was held captive while in the Middle East. When Bruno offered to sell Kane a woman, Kane wasn't interested, but when he saw Elise, there was something about her that caught his attention. When the drug deal fell through, Kane wanted Elise to make up the difference but Bruno said no. Kane decided he would have her and set out to get her anyway. When Kane brought Elise to his house, he locked her into a room and tried to get her to submit to him. Elise first wanted to die, but then she thought she could escape. Kane wanted to keep her for himself and train her. Elise began to realize Kane was different from her former owners. This was a dark romance. I really liked Kane and i thought he really loved Elise. I think he wanted to treat her well and protect her. Good one.
Profile Image for Paige Helling.
173 reviews1 follower
October 8, 2018
I had never read Violet Noir before His Obsession, but I liked the sound of it when I read the synopsis, so I decided to give it a chance. There were some rough moments and times when I thought that under different circumstances, I might have chosen to stop reading altogether. I knew that I could finish it though and I decided to stick it out. I’m glad I did because I came to enjoy His Obsession and I don’t regret reading it.

His Obsession felt standard to me in that over-the-top alpha male, strong-sweet-sassy heroine with lots of steam and danger and instalove way. So if you love that and you love dark romance, then I think you’ll love this book. His Obsession didn’t surprise me most of the time, but it did have its unexpected moments. It really made me feel, brought tears to my eyes, and broke my heart, but it also made me smile and warmed my heart. It was a good book and I wouldn’t say no to reading another Violet Noir book.

~ 3.5 Stars
1,423 reviews12 followers
October 9, 2018
Whoa! A “love” story off the axis of love stories…gritty but sweet in an alpha sort of way and HOT
This story is about two damaged and hurting people finding they have things in common. Kade is a former soldier who is suffering PTSD. We get snippets of his imprisonment in the desert when he has a flashback. Not pretty! Elise was sold by her father (!!) at 13 years old for heroin money. From then on “Sapphire” was sold over and over. Now she just wants to die…UNTIL, she’s stolen by Kade from Bruno her current owner. Ms. Noir keeps you on pins and needles about her abduction. Will Kade be successful? He couldn’t stand seeing her in a cage b/c it brings back his own torment. Will Bruno find out who took Elise? If he does, what will he do?
This was a short but very good read. LOVED this story. Yes, it’s dark romance so if that is not your thing, don’t get it. The author has done a good job in depicting the pain these characters endure. I volunteered to review an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Shelley.
2,622 reviews51 followers
October 3, 2018
Thank you to Booksprout and Violet Noir for my advanced copy for which I leave my honest review.

His obsession is a story about two broken people. Kade is ex-Military and currently in a MC. He’s dealing with a middle man named Bruno for a deal that they are putting together. Bruno offers Kade an opportunity to buy one of his girls that he has for sale, which he declines. But one woman caught his eye and now weeks later he is still obsessing over her. So he makes a decision to steal her from Bruno, but will she submit to him and be more?

This book focuses heavily on the relationship between Kade and Elise more so than the MC side of things and on their broken selves, so don’t be disappointed if you expect more on that front.
766 reviews4 followers
October 5, 2018
This was a dark and gritty read. Kade was a damaged character that became obsessed with Elise after seeing her at Bruno's, the Russian mob boss. Elise was sold at the age of 13 by her father for a sex slave. She has been enslaved and abused to the point that she has given up on living. When a deal between Kade and Bruno goes South he decides to kidnap Elise. This book is dark, suspenseful, gritty, twisted and has elements of BDSM. The story was well written and had an engaging storyline. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend to anyone who enjoys reading Dark Romance. Note: This book does contain scenes that might be triggers for some, so keep that in mind.
I voluntarily received an advanced arc copy through Booksprout for an honest review.
Profile Image for _booknerd.4ever_.
1,450 reviews8 followers
October 3, 2018
I really enjoyed this book by Violet Noir. The plot was a little different than the typical. The storyline flowed smoothly throughout. I loved the characters. I felt they were well-developed and easily relatable. What I didn't like was how quickly things were settled. While it's listed as Black Hearts MC Book 1, there really wasn't a whole lot related to the MC like I'm use to. Issues got solved way too quickly as well. I loved Kade and Elise together as a couple. The chemistry build up was really good as well. Again, things happened way too quickly for me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book...
1,628 reviews1 follower
October 3, 2018
One heck of a mind blowing read that grabs you by the throat dragging you through an intense emotional rollercoaster ride that will shock you keep you on pins and needles not wanting to turn the pages but are so mesmerized wanting needing the light at the end of a grueling tunnel to shine a light on the darkness fueling ahead seeking the the HEA to make you feel whole, complete and satisfied after the havoc this fantastic story puts you through! Raw, deep emotionally riveting, dark, twisted, fierce, ugly, chaotic, suspense, Intense and impossible to put down! An amazing must read!
2,956 reviews26 followers
October 4, 2018
I really enjoyed the characters they were very well developed and the storyline was good and I had to keep going to see how Kade was going to handle this tortured stronger then she realizes Elise who I was so proud of that she survived this long being in captivity for so long, brutal situations but not a whole lot of description. Kade who is tortured inside and I really liked hearing from his past very strong minded at first but once they started telling their secrets it all seemed to change and just fall in to place, the perfect couple and I am so happy they both got a second chance that could of went another way.
Profile Image for Zelda.
1,337 reviews
October 5, 2018
Quick read about Elise, who has been trafficked, and Kade, who decides Elise is “his property” & does whatever it takes keep her. The story takes place over a short period of time. While the subject matter is dark, it is not addressed in depth. Both characters have traumatic backgrounds which are briefly touched on. Although it's an MC story, there's not much involvement with other club members, with Kade acting more as a lone wolf. I would have loved to have seen this story fleshed out more. It was okay, with good bones, but left me wanting more in terms of characters, their development, and their back stories.

I received an arc of this book and have voluntarily reviewed it.
Profile Image for Susan Foulkes.
994 reviews3 followers
October 5, 2018

Yes, this story is dark and gritty, but no way is it an MC book...there was little action from club members just brief references.

The hero, Kade, ex military and damaged, was a loner who did it all by himself....and way too easily at that.

Elise is also damaged. Since the age of 13 she has been nothing but property for various men to use and abuse.

Kade rescues Elise and takes her home, but understandably there are problems.

It was interesting to see how they overcame their problems. However, the ending was weak and seemed rushed.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book via Booksprouts.

October 6, 2018
Oh wow was this book so good I couldn't put it down the whole time. This is my first book from a new arthur & I'm so glad I was given the chance to read it. This story is about Elise who was sold into sex slavery when she was young by her Father and has been abused repeatedly it is dark and there are triggers so just a warning, but this girl is ready to give up when Kade see's her and he wants her he just has to figure out a way to get her. That's all I'm saying you'll just need to get the book and read it you won't be disappointed. I would definitely recommend reading it.

This is just my opinion and my voluntary review
Profile Image for Cheyenne.
163 reviews45 followers
October 5, 2018
This was the first book I read by Violet Noir and this was a good, quick read.

This book tells the story of Elise and Kade. Elise was sold at a young age and kept for years. She has never known a life of freedom. Kade is a part of a motorcycle club and is tormented by his past. When he is trying to make a deal for his club he comes across Elise and instantly feels a connection. When the deal goes bad Kade decides on his own form of payment. Will Elise be saved, or is one prison being traded for another?

This was a good start to the series and I look forward to reading more by this author!
1,103 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2018
This book makes me thankful for my life. The emotions it brings forth as you learn about Elise's life and what she has been through is just tragic. The anti-hero, Kade, also hasn't had the easiest of lives but he does what is right in this book There is lots going on in this book and it keeps you reading to see what will happen. Violet Noir is good at painting a picture and you feel the emotion going on in the story.

I voluntarily wrote this review from reading an advanced copy of this book from Booksprout.
Profile Image for Shirley Holt.
565 reviews3 followers
October 6, 2018
I have just finished a very dark romantic thriller. What strong characters Kade and Elise are and what they have had to endure in the past. Reading the story even though it’s fiction you realise that human trafficking is not. I loved the way they interacted together. There was plenty of cruelty and sex but with affection later in the story as they both learned about each other. Very good writing and a very entertaining read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
602 reviews5 followers
May 24, 2019
Enjoyed it, great characters. Recomend
I voluntarily reviewed an arc copy of this book.
I enjoyed this book and the beginning was great exciting and had you hooked. I love the characters Elise and Kade. Elise had the worst upbringing ever and she was stuck in a life she never wanted. Kade came along and took her and he started making her life better but only once she stopped fighting him. As it came to the ending it seemed rushed and I was a little disappointed with the ending. I did enjoy this book. Is worth a read. Recommend
3 reviews1 follower
October 2, 2018
I really enjoyed this book and the pace was was good, nothing was dragged out. Lots of steamy scenes!! This book kept my interest and I finished it in a day! This is the first book I have read by Violet and I will definitely add her to my list of writers that I enjoy! Who doesn’t love reading about a bad boy and the woman that brings him to his knees!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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