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Giant Days collected #10

Giant Days, Vol. 10

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Daisy, Esther, and Susan’s last year at university is getting a bumpy start, with everything strange after Ed’s declaration of love followed by grievous injury, Daisy with nowhere to live, and McGraw and Susan at odds over their new flat!

The final year of university is about to start for best mates Daisy, Esther, and Susan, and everything is going completely off the rails. From finding somewhere to live at the last minute, to broken bones, to the looming terror of the adult world, this semester is one you won’t want to miss. John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrators Max Sarin and Julia Madrigal are our “resident advisors” for this action-packed fall term, which collects Issues #37-40 of the Eisner Award-nominated series.

112 pages, Paperback

First published June 25, 2019

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About the author

John Allison

274 books818 followers
John Allison is the author and artist of the British webcomics Scary Go Round and Bad Machinery.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See other authors with similar names.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
November 3, 2018
Giant Days is my rock. No, not a giant jacked American-Samoan man with a winning personality that makes everyone like him despite starring in one terrible movie after another, but my constant go-to-never-fails great read.

But WAIT - a less than stellar rating for this tenth(!) book?! Is my rock crumbling - is this the end times???? To that I say nay - or maybe yay, but for reasons completely separate from comics - unless artist Julia Madrigal is gonna be coming back.

Not that I begrudge series regular Max Sarin a break. She has been an absolute trooper, drawing every issue after original artist Lissa Treiman left in Volume 2, producing nothing but impossibly consistent high quality the entire time. At this point I’d say she’s easily surpassed Treiman as the defining Giant Days artist - she’s made the title that much her own.

So Julia Madrigal takes over art duties for a couple issues here and… eeeeewwww! I haaated her art! The lines are awfully scratchy like (I suspect) they were drawn digitally, on a screen, on a really shoddy art program. And everyone looks - not right! Too cartoony, too weird. Maybe the jobs fair storyline, Daisy as a residential mentor and Susan and McGraw’s domestic strife wasn’t the most compelling material either but I do wonder if Sarin had drawn these issues whether I’d have enjoyed them more.

Sarin draws the other two issues and John Allison’s writing is mostly top-notch as ever. Daisy and her gran have all the feels after her gran finds out she’s gay. I love how Dean Thompson is becoming the Joker to Esther’s Batman. Daisy learning about unwinnable scenarios featuring three people, Coby, Ash and Maru, was brilliant - Trekkies will geddit.

By far the best was the resolution to last volume’s cliffhanger between Esther and Ed Gemmell, which I really liked and found immensely satisfying. I thought John Allison handled it perfectly and not only ended a long-running storyline wonderfully but began a new one for Ed effortlessly well too. Ed and Esther remain my favourite characters.

The art preferences might just be me but, if I had my druthers, I’d put the series on hold next time Max Sarin needs a break rather than have the title suffer a lesser replacement artist. Then again, Boom gotta make they cheddah so… bah! Alright, enough: Volume 10’s unsurprisingly great and Giant Days is still my Dwayne Johnson!
Profile Image for Andy Marr.
Author 3 books1,038 followers
September 1, 2022
The weakest volume in the series thus far. It wasn't bad, exactly. It was just rather a long way from being good. Hoping for better in Volume 11...
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
October 15, 2019
I have read two volumes, 10 and 11, in a day or so, having gotten behind, so most people have posted tons of information already about this volume. I am with the majority I saw not happy with Max Sarin's taking a break from illustrating for a couple issues. We love your work, Max! Don't do that again, please! I also very much liked this issue, they're my friends, but as with any life, sometimes there are (thankfully) undramatic periods, and this whole volume reflects that kind of period for the group.

It's Daisy, Esther, and Susan’s last year at uni. We see what happens after Ed declared love for Esther (solving broken bones), McGraw and Susan move in with each other, there's a job fair. This will be no one's most memorable issue, but you have to read them all to know the whole story, and this is still entertaining!
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews960 followers
October 24, 2018
Ten — TEN! — volumes in, and Giant Days is still the comic book I love and enjoy the most, month to month. It's hard to believe that I've been reading it for almost four years (well, more like three and a half, but still) since issue #1 came out and I randomly decided to give it a read because the cover looked cute. It's been an important part of my life ever since, and something I eagerly look forward to every single month. I can't express how grateful I am to John Allison, Max Sarin, Lisa Treiman and everybody else who worked and still works on this amazing book. Thank you, guys — Giant Days doesn't ever get old or stale, and I'll be with it until the end.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,878 reviews6,107 followers
October 29, 2019
Vol 1: ★★★★☆
Vol. 2: ★★★★★
Vol. 3: ★★★★★
Vol. 4: ★★★★★
Vol. 5: ★★★★★
Vol. 6: ★★★★★
Vol. 7: ★★★★★
Vol. 8: ★★★★★
Vol. 9: ★★★★★
Vol. 10: ★★★★★

Honestly, if you'd told me a year ago that I would ever find a graphic novel series I could love so much, and that would be capable of holding my attention span this well, I would probably not have believed you, because I typically can't stick to one GN series for more than 3-4 volumes before I start trailing off and losing interest. Not an issue at all with Giant Days. I love these characters so damn much and I'm gonna be heartbroken whenever it ends, but thankfully, that ending hasn't been announced yet, so I'll just be over here, trying to decide if I want to wait for Volume 11's release or to just use up all my month's Hoopla credits on the individual issues so I can stop pining over the next installment. 😭
Profile Image for Eleni Ouzouni (Life is Art).
284 reviews157 followers
November 13, 2019
Έχω αρχίσει να νιώθω ότι την έχουν τραβήξει λίγο παρά πάνω την σειρά! 🤔

Εξακολουθώ όμως να αγαπώ τους χαρακτήρες και να γελάω με τις περιπέτειες τους!
Profile Image for Anete.
507 reviews73 followers
July 6, 2020
Draudzenes pieaug un viņas piemeklē pieaugušu cilvēku lielākas un ne tik lielas grūtības. Labs turpinājums, bet varbūt ne tik jautrs, kā iepriekšējie sējumi.
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,052 reviews995 followers
July 12, 2020
This is by far my favourite volume out of the series yet! I just love these characters so much and they really bring me back to my college days and all the uncertainty you constantly feel. And I just love McGraw so DAMN MUCH, I can’t get enough of him. I also really enjoyed the comedy in this one, it actually made me laugh out loud multiple times which is a rare thing for me when I’m reading! I sped through this volume way too quickly, it’s all coming to an end soon and I’m dreading it!
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
October 18, 2019
This go-round had a little housekeeping feel to it as the status quo of new living arrangements is established for senior year of college. Lots of good moments, but not a series peak for me.

p.s. diatribe: Daisy Wooten? Daisy Wooton? Why does it seem the spelling of her name changes from volume to volume? What's CANON dammit? What's the deal, Shannon Waters? Stupid or careless or deliberately trying to drive me INSANE????????

p.p.s., I'm ashamed I did not catch the Star Trek reference right off and the book had to explain it to me. Much chuckling.
Profile Image for Emma.
977 reviews1,045 followers
July 19, 2020
I'm so glad each of the girls has found a place to stay. I was very looking forward to Ed and Esther's reunion and I was a bit let down by it, I expected a little more, but I'm hopeful that the topic will be picked up again in the next volume. As always, Susan and McGraw are way too cute and funny, I can't get enough of the two of them.
Profile Image for Austra.
725 reviews105 followers
June 23, 2020
Atpaliek no iepriekšējā sējumiņa kvalitātes, bet tik un tā turpinās jaukais cilvēku pieaugšanas stāsts
Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,791 reviews932 followers
July 29, 2022
#1) Giant Days, Vol. 1 ★★★★★
#2) Giant Days, Vol. 2 ★★★★★
#3) Giant Days, Vol. 3 ★★★★★
#4) Giant Days, Vol. 4 ★★★★★
#5) Giant Days, Vol. 5 ★★★★★
#6) Giant Days, Vol. 6 ★★★★★
#7) Giant Days, Vol. 7 ★★★★☆
#8) Giant Days, Vol. 8 ★★★★☆
#9) Giant Days, Vol. 9 ★★★★★

#11) Giant Days, Vol. 11 ★★★★☆
#12) Giant Days, Vol. 12 ★★★★★
#13) Giant Days, Vol. 13 ★★★★☆
#14) Giant Days, Vol. 14 ★★★★☆

Trigger warnings for .

Representation: Daisy (mc) is a lesbian.

BlogTrigger Warning DatabaseStoryGraph
Profile Image for Devann.
2,458 reviews176 followers
December 28, 2018
Another great volume in this series. The only reason I'm giving it four stars instead of five is because I'm honestly getting a little bit tired of the whole Ed/Esther thing and I wish they would just give the whole thing a rest already. I am glad the whole thing with Daisy and her grandma was resolved quickly though, I did not want a whole long drawn out 'homophobic grandma' story line.

Some highlights:

I mean that's the one I would pick


"Boy's sewing machine" such a power move lmao

relatable and true

why is everyone in this series so fucking relatable lol

Profile Image for Lara.
4,191 reviews347 followers
June 27, 2019
Not one of my favorite volumes, but it still has some pretty great moments, of course: .

But I was super not crazy about the artist who did issues 38 and 39, and found her style really distracting. And the whole employment fair bit I wasn't really that into. And the end just sort of very much cuts off right in the middle in a weird way. So yeah, those things took away my enjoyment a tad.

Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
June 20, 2019
Have I mentioned how much I fucking love Giant Days yet? Because after 10 volumes, if I haven't, then I'm doing something wrong. This book just continues to be top quality, absolutely hilarious, full of heart, and just a joy to read, even 40 issues in.

This volume sees Daisy deal with the aftermath of her break-up with Ingrid, while the girls attempt to find a new home for their final year of university, and the return of Ed Gemmell and his Esther-induced broken leg. Relationships continue to evolve, new characters keep both the girls and the reader on their toes, and just jesus christ if you're not reading this book already go and do it, please!
Profile Image for Carmen.
175 reviews54 followers
February 13, 2019
My girls :) Saving me once more from both a reading slump and a terrible day. Daisy is surely the sweetest goofball ever, gaining confidence so fast, Angry Susan is not di angry anymore and Esther... oh Esther... Plus I've just discovered they like Warpaint which only adds to my enjoyment. Almost a life-safer
Profile Image for Sara .
1,216 reviews124 followers
March 6, 2020
I still prefer the original artwork from the first volume and a half, but had finally got accustomed to Max Sarin's artwork. I really didn't enjoy guest artist Julia Madrigal's art - it was waaaaayyy too cartoony and juvenile, especially considering that the characters are dealing with being on the cusp of adult responsibilities.
Profile Image for Ren (A Bookish Balance).
947 reviews104 followers
May 6, 2020
3.5/5 stars

In this volume of Giant Days Daisy is dealing with the reveal a certain someone made to her grandmother, all the while looking for a place to live for the new school year, Esther is trying to repair her relationship with Ed, and Susan is dealing with moving into a less than ideal apartment.

Lately I've had a pretty up and down relationship with Giant Days. The latter volumes aren't quite as charming as the ones that first kicked off the series, and the last few were just plain weird. But I'm glad to see this series is picking back up. Stress over house and job hunting is never not going to be relatable, and I think Giant Days is at it's best when it writes storylines that are easier to connect with. My biggest complaint with the series though, is its not always consistent with the art. It's not my favourite when the artist gets changed for a few chapters of the volume.

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Profile Image for Noninuna.
861 reviews35 followers
August 2, 2019
3.5 stars

Half through the volume, I noticed the change of art style and it irritated me so much because the three main characters seem to behave slightly different from their selves in previous volumes. I still enjoyed the story tho. Totally get what Esther was saying about those career fairs. Some people are just do not want to be in corporate world. Love to see Ed is back on track & glad to see his character grow! And McGraw is such a bf goal!

Profile Image for Hannah.
576 reviews
July 9, 2022
Not my fave in the series but still fun being with these characters!
Profile Image for Cale.
3,817 reviews24 followers
July 13, 2019
There is a lot of fallout from the previous volume, as the women take on new homes and roles in their own lives and their shared experiences. The change in focus could have been rough, but John Allison nails it as usual. All of the characters have strong arcs, from Ed facing down Esther after the events of the past volume, to Daisy's eventful apartment search, which leads to a new role. And the job fair was great. A lot of laugh-out-loud moments, some powerfully moving scenes, and all of the fun and chaos you expect from this series (with good art to boot). Still one of my favorite series.
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,496 reviews326 followers
December 24, 2020
Third year arrives, and with it the careers fair - correctly identified by Esther as "a wake for the death of youthful dreams". Worse, there's clear-up to be done on the emotional carnage left by the last two years. Yet somehow, it stays funny, and never cloys even when these brilliant young idiots are literally hugging and learning. Not only very funny, but also surprisingly informative about the composition of Earth's crust.
Profile Image for Alex Nonymous.
Author 25 books500 followers
April 18, 2021
I feel a bit cheated that the cover and description of this volume so heavily prioritize Ed's reveal in the last volume then make you wait until the very end to even bring him into the plot but other than that, I like how a lot of things played out here. I (like literally every other review I've read) wasn't a big fan of the art style in issues 38 & 39 though.
Profile Image for saskia.
539 reviews
August 23, 2019
Never a dull volume. Continues to be thoroughly entertaining and realistic. Beautifully supportive female friendships and awkward first loves/romances. Anxiety about the future was a prominent theme which I'm feeling sorely at this moment in time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews

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