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Moonshadow #3


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Listening length: 9 hours, 47 minutes

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Thea Harrison comes the final story in her spellbinding Moonshadow trilogy…

King Oberon reigned over his Dark Court in Lyonesse for centuries, until an assassination attempt laid him low. Now he lies unconscious in his snow-bound palace, while his Power battles the enchantment that threatens to end his life.

A skilled trauma surgeon and magic-user, Dr. Kathryn Shaw reigns at the top of her profession in New York. Then comes a challenge she can’t resist—she is asked to cure the uncureable. Just getting close enough to try healing Oberon is a dangerous proposition. When she does reach him, he awakens too soon.

Roused from darkness by Kathryn’s presence, Oberon confronts the beautiful stranger who claims she wants to save his life. But the enchantment has frozen his emotions. How can he learn to trust her when he can’t feel anything?

Oberon’s desire is icy, devoid of all tenderness. Not only must Kathryn match wits with him, she must also fight her reaction to his touch, because there is so much more at stake than her own endangered heart.

For the Dark Court faces its most deadly peril yet. Its ancient enemy Isabeau, Queen of the Light Court, is obsessed with its annihilation, and Oberon must be brought to remember his loyalty and affection for his people.

Because if he won’t fight for them, Lyonesse itself may very well be destroyed…

9 pages, Audible Audio

First published October 15, 2018

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About the author

Thea Harrison

72 books5,410 followers
I write paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and other stuff. I taught myself to read when I was four. That was around the time I tried to ride my tricycle to work. I wasn't sure where work was, but I knew it had to be interesting if people went there every day. Now I combine my love of books with work, and I don't have to ride my tricycle to get there. My Elder Races series began May, 2011. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 297 reviews
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
November 10, 2018
King Oberon and Dr. Kathryn Shaw 

PNR Romance at its finest!

After a cruel attempt against his life by Morgan, the King of Lyonesse (the demesne of mixed-race people), King Oberon becomes critically ill. A magical needle has been inserted in his heart and it is slowly killing him. Oberon manages to stay alive by summoning his shifter part, but this only slows down his death. The desperate king decides to put himself into a coma and as a result Lyonesse becomes also an icy sleeping demesne waiting for its King to wake up. All the citizens scatter and his closest subjects and friends will try to find a cure for their sleeping King who remains in his frosted kingdom.

Dr. Kathryn Shaw is the personal physician and surgeon of Dragos. And she is the only one who can save Oberon. For this reason and as a special favour to Dragos and her friend Sophie (from Moonshadow), Kathryn will abandon her life, her job and her luxurious apartment in New York and she will enter the world of Dark Fairies who are in constant war with the Light Fairies. A new adventure will begin for her. Soon she will realise that Oberon will be the greatest adventure of her life.

“You are an adventure I’ve always wanted to take—and I’m so glad I have. But adventures have consequences…. You know, I’m not sure they would be adventures if they didn’t.”

I had such fun with this book. Oberon and Kathryn complement each other. Every dialogue they had, every interaction, it made me smile. When they slowly realize that they head to a fast unpredictable mating, they will be both be brave and ready.

Many favourite characters from the Moonshadow series and the Elder Races series make cameo appearances. Just be warned that if you haven't read Planet Dragos (Elder Races, #9.8), there will be spoilers about Elder Races.
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews892 followers
October 14, 2018

It's always a treat to dive back into the world of the Elder Races and while the Moonshadow trilogy is a standalone series it is closely connected. So it won't come as no surprise that we get to see a little bit Dragos this time around and damn, was it good to catch up with him! He is and will always be my favorite, arrogant dragon.

With that being said, and without further ado I'm jumping right into my review, Oberon isn't far behind in the arrogance department. He reminded me so much of the enraged dragon when Dragos found out that Pia had stolen something from him.
"Hats off to you, Oberon—even after years of dealing with Dragos, now that I’ve met you I’m surprised to say I’ve never met a more insufferable man.”

Oberon was fascinating because, while he was cold and didn't have the softer emotions in his repertoire due to a spell cast on him who hundred years before, he wasn't completely unfeeling. For some reason Thea Harrison made it so that I still liked him. And after his feelings were returned to him? Pure, male, sweet perfection. He was a good man, sexy, protective, funny and so proud of his mate.

Kathryn Shaw is the doctor who has been asked to help Oberon free him of the magical blockage that made him go cold. Their first interaction was a laugh-out-loud scene - Kathryn puts the arrogant King Oberon in his place with her snark, wit and cunning. I swear, their chemistry was like Dragos and Pia all over again yet it was all their own and oh so delicious. I had an absolute blast with them outwitting one another and their banter was absolutely hysterical. I loved her determination, biting humor and man, did I adore her wyr form.
“I have unanswered questions, Dr. Shaw,” Oberon said.
“We all have something,” she told him. After resting for almost two hours, her voice was marginally better.
“I have a full bladder, but I don’t feel safe enough to pee.”

I have read a couple of enemies to lovers stories in the recent weeks and this is how you do it right. The hero can be a jerk as long as he's redeemable and that's definitely the case here. Oberon is an arrogant douchenozzle but he's also funny and never hurtful in a way that he can't come back from it. And THAT is  is the most important element in the enemies-to-lovers trope.
He had a heart as big as it was wide, her lion. As big as Lyonesse. No wonder his people adored him. No wonder she did.

The second half of the story, how else could it be, changes the whole feel of the book. It becomes more emotional and even a tiny bit angsty. I have to say, Kathryn and Oberon's love story made me a little teary eyed because they had decisions to make that were life-changing and it definitely tucked at my heart to see both of them struggling with their growing relationship.
"I want you safe so much more than I want you with me, because if you are with me and die, I will never recover from it. It will kill me too.”

What I found absolutely hilarious that I was obviously to stupid to figure out Oberon's wyr form. It's on the cover. It's in the title. Yet, the expression on my face must have been absolutely dumbfounded. How that got past me I have no freaking idea.

Gotta say, I wasn't a fan of how Nikolas and his friends treated Morgan - he was under a spell after all and didn't really have a choice but to follow Isabeau's orders. I didn't expect them to welcome him back into their fold but the blatant hostility was uncalled for. However, it's how people would react so I can't even find fault in that detail.

Lionheart is the conclusion of this trilogy and I'm a little sad to close another chapter on the Elder Races but beyond excited that Ms. Harrison will keep on writing stories in this universe. It is truly one of my favorite fictional places to spend time in. If you haven't read the original Elder Races series I can't recommend it enough. This author can do no wrong where I'm concerned. She is one of the best PNR writers out there.

I don't recommend reading these stories as standalones. There are so many details and fine nuances you will definitely miss if you read out of order.

Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
June 17, 2019
Audiobook June 2019: I adored the audiobook for Lionheart. It felt like the first time reading. Very good. Recommend!

Lionheart completes the Moonshadow trilogy by Thea Harrison. I’m sad to see this series end, but I hope we get to revisit the world and see more in the future.

This can be read as a standalone, but many of the characters from Moonshadow and Spellbinder make prominent appearances. I will say the series is best read in order to get the full impact of the world and character connections.

Lionheart is another superb installment. I’m in love with the world and characters created in this novel. It’s intense, action-packed, entertaining, romantic, emotional, and magical.

Oberon is definitely the King. He is beloved by all in his kingdom, Dark Fae Court, but a spell was put on him and over time he slowly; became cold and dangerous. He eventually put himself in stasis, sleep, to slow the spell, but at a cost to his kingdom. I loved Oberon. We see the effect he has had on his lands. We see the coldness that the spell is making him. We see who he was and is. His character was crafted well and I adored ever minute, ever crumb, every thing we got.

Kathryn Shaw, a falcon Wyr and personal physician to Dragos, his family, and everyone. She’s highly skilled in her field and capable. She’s sought after to do the impossible and goes to the Dark Court to cure Oberon; before it’s to late. She’s amazing. I think her experience with dealing with those in Dragos tower and Dragos helped her to deal with Oberon and his kingdom. I loved her character. Harrison made her assertive, but not overbearing. She was perfect and perfect for Oberon.

Oberon and Kathryn butt heads, but they soon team up and deal with outside perils. Their romances was everything it needed to be and more. Perfection.

The world-building is outstanding. It shines. And, the secondary characters are so lovable, redeemable, and interesting. Puck!! Aww, he has issues, but we get to see so much more of him in this novel.

THarrison has weaved a tail that will take you on an extraordinary adventure. It pulls you in and won’t let go until the bitter end. I devoured Lionheart!

Rated: 5 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Thea Harrison with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,758 reviews212 followers
October 15, 2018
Well the last book in this trilogy that features the Fae is simply fabulous and if you loved Dragos than Oberon is definitely the King for you ! Now why do I say that you may well wonder and the answer is simply that Oberon is the ultimate predator and in falcon Wyr Kathryn he has found worthy prey ! Not since Dragon Bound has the author given her readers such a menacing, powerful alpha male and I predict a lot of fans falling for his most menacing yet ultimately satisfying charms .
Now it’s not a one sided story far from it as we get the awesomeness that is Kathryn. Magic user and highly skilled surgeon so you just know she can hold her own and go toe to toe with the best of them . Let’s be honest doctors can usually be perhaps a little arrogant at times but cunningly that’s not the beauty of Kathryn because she has empathy and a ruthless desire to do that which is right. In this story we see her come vividly to life not just as a love interest but as a woman of note. Add in the amazing descriptions of just how she combines magic with medicine and at times I almost forgot the overall plot but luckily this author knew exactly how to take this story and bring it to its glorious conclusion.
For me this is by far the best of this trilogy although I’ve enjoyed the journey tremendously. I’m still left wanting more particularly more of the Puck ooh and if sometime we get Dragos and Oberon together I fear my heart will fly out my chest ! Another amazing story and I cannot wait to read more.
This voluntary take is of an advance copy and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Ira.
1,110 reviews119 followers
October 9, 2018
I didn’t expect this couple in this series before, what a fantastic surprise! ❤️

I love this heroine, our Dr Kathryn Shaw, is one of the best heroine from this Elders Race series.
She wasn’t a lovely and softie type like Pia Cuelebre, but a real professional who is kind, strong and a woman who is fit to be a King’s mate! 😘

And Oberon?
Well Dragos, you’ve got a competitor here! 😂

It’s a fantastic trilogy, and I hope Ms. Harrison will come up with something equally fab.

Btw, didn’t fancy much that cover! 🙄😂
Oh, this is not an ARC review, you can buy this book on Thea’s website and read it now:)

Profile Image for Stacie.
2,293 reviews257 followers
October 20, 2018
5 "You're a Miracle" Stars!

I loved the dynamic between Kathryn and Oberon! They were absolutely perfect for each other. To be honest, the action conclusion to the series was a bit anticlimactic (still creative though), but these two completely made up for it for me. Can't wait to see what Thea Harrison comes up with next! I'll be on it! Happy reading!!
October 9, 2018

The most important thing I have to say about this book: This cover needs to die.

I honestly can't stand it.
I have never hated a cover more and I have read a lot of books let me tell you.

3.5 stars
I'm enjoying this series so much, there was such a pleasant buzz when I finished it.
I kinda wanna read the Elder Races series all over again. *sigh*
All these Dragos/Pia references are killing me. KILLING ME!
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
October 14, 2018
The story was pretty compelling from start to finish. The description of Kathryn's travel to get to Oberon was described so well that I could easily envision the scenery. The storyline was well thought out and I enjoyed the side characters immensely.

I loved Kathryn's character. She was a very strong heroine. Smart, respectable and made reasonable decisions which you would expect from a physician. I enjoyed her fights with Oberon. She really stood her ground when it was needed.

King Oberon had two faces in this book. You get to see the cold and unfeeling man who is poisoned by magic needle and the Oberon he was before and after the assassination attempt. He was beloved by his people and he loved his people with equal fervor. As a hero, I loved his intensity towards Kathryn.

This was so good. I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to follow along since I haven't read book 1 or 2 but I had no issues at all. You learn right away what happens to King Oberon and why Dr. Kathryn Shaw was needed. Granted, this has just made me want to read the first two books even more. I also loved the appearance from Dragos!
Profile Image for Carol.
801 reviews60 followers
April 6, 2023
This last book was amazing absolutely loved all the characters in this story the world building was extremely good it was really easy to image everything that was going on and get swept away in the story.This book and book 2 were and easy five stars.💖💝💟💖💓

After reading these last 2 books I had to wonder why I only gave 4 star to the first book and it boiled down to one thing I perfered the love interest in the last two books more.

Happy Reading 📖 🎀🎁🎈🎇🎀🎁✨🎆🎉🎇🎈💘❣💕💖
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
October 11, 2018
Fan girl squealing here! I didn't think there would be another uber male alpha in Harrison's writing that might keep Dragos from being my favorite, but Oh, boy, does King Oberon give him a run for that title. The instant I finished Lionheart, my mind started playing all these scenarios where Dragos and Oberon have to interact...Pure swooning Joy! Okay, enough fan-girling. Here is what I thought of Lionheart...

Lionheart was an amazing book-cation! Swept away to a world of fae politics, the beloved doctor, who always holds her own against Dragos, has finally met her match in ferocity, stubbornness and pretty much everything else...King Oberon of the dark fae court.

Oberon has been shot by a deadly dart, his only hope is a spell that will keep him in a cryo-type sleep until someone can figure out how to stop the spelled dart without killing him. Even in sleep, the spelled dart is effecting his magic, creating a unlivable and chaotic realm. Dr. Kathryn Shaw is brought in as a last hope to save Oberon.

Shaw can really hold her own. I mean we've seen her face off against Dragos so she was the perfect person for the job, the only problem is the Oberon his subjects loved was overtaken by the evil magic of Isabeau, Queen of the Light Court.

Intense chemistry, intense battling and 100% character connection! What more can a reader ask for in an urban fantasy novel?

I received this ARC copy of Lionheart from Teddy Harrison LLC. This is my honest and voluntary review. This book is set for publication for October 15, 2018.

My Rating: 5 stars
Written by: Thea Harrison
Series: Moonshadow (Book 3)
Paperback: 420 pages
Publisher: Teddy Harrison LLC
Publication Date: October 15, 2018
ISBN-10: 1947046101
ISBN-13: 978-1947046108
Genre: Urban Fantasy | Romance

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lionheart-Moon...
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lion...
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/lion...
August 29, 2020
5 Royal Dark Court Stars!

King Oberon is the well-loved King of the Dark Court who hated evil Queen Isabeau from the Fae court carried out a successful personal attack on Oberon. As Oberon lies in stasis for the last 200 years, he is becoming cold and dangerous while destroying Lyonesse his beloved otherland. He was forced to put himself in a permanent stasis or die from the slow acting spell that is embedded in him.

Dr. Kathryn Shaw is a Wyr Falcon. She’s a highly skilled trauma surgeon and magical healer, and is on retainer to the Wyr Lord Dragos....she’s that good and highly trusted. Dragos summons Kathryn to leave the New York and travel to Oberon and attempt cure King Oberon before he unwittingly kills everything and everyone in his kingdom while in his self imposed stasis.

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Kathryn is tenacious and strong, she refuses to be intimidated (she’s not afraid to put Dragos in check!), which is a very good thing since she��ll have to go toe to toe with the King Oberon. I loved the tension and bickering between Dr. Kathryn and King Oberon, it was fun watching them try to out stubborn each other.

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Lastly we get more Puck, I love this character. We get to see his fierce protectiveness of Oberon, he loves his King and is willing to sacrifice himself or anyone else who intends Oberon more harm. King Oberon makes it very clear how he feels about “his” Puck now Dr. Kathryn has slowly wormed her way into Pucks damaged soul and heart, she now has his love and loyalty as well.

Once again Thea Harrison enthralled me with her magnificent storytelling and her Elder Races World!! Sadly, this is the third and final book in her Moonshadow series. I can’t wait to see where she takes us next. I can’t wait for more!!
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,440 reviews
October 16, 2018
When I chose books, I like to see parity between my heroes and heroines. All too often, the power dynamics between main characters are askew. Heroes often have their superhero power and the heroines are the quirky characters that saves the heroes humanity or some such thing. Meh. I think this is why I love the Moonshadow series by Thea Harrison so much. This series takes place in the Elder Races world. Lionheart is the third book in the series. This is the second time that the author has surprised me with her choice of main characters. We are introduced to a bevy of interesting characters in book one and yet, she chooses to write about the villian, Morgan Le Fae, in book two. Here she writes about our very own Sleeping Beauty, the KIng of the Dark Fae, Oberon. It is both unexpected and brilliant. The heroine, Dr. Kathryn Shaw is Drago’s (Leader of the Wyr in New York City) on-call physician. She is smart, determined, courageous, and knows her own mind. She has mad healing skills and is a renowned surgeon in her own right.

Dr. Shaw is recruited to go over to the Dark Fae demesne to try a wake King Oberon from the coma he put himself in to try and counteract a poison. I do not find him to be an overly sympathetic character with his growly tone and overbearing demeanor, but I suppose I would be cranky too if I had to keep myself in stasis for years. Waking him up starts a chain of events that ultimately leads to a showdown with his arch nemesis, Isabeau, Queen of the Light Fae. The situation gets resolved in a satisfying manner that includes the return of my favorite broken character, Puck.

Oberon and Kathryn represent a mature couple. Both are wise, but rather set in their ways. Both are fairly independent souls that are at the mercy of their mating bond. I like that Ms. Harrison keeps them true to their character. Oberon is the king, the ultimate authority in the land of the Dark Fae. He does not become a puddle of goo just because he fall in love. He is still bossy and demanding, but it is tempered by Kathryn’s forthrightness and devotion. Kathryn’s choice to stay with Oberon is no small decision. She is conflicted about leaving her entire world and career behind to be with the king. Love can conquer all, but it can also exact a heavy cost. I love this complicated world of fae and shifters.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,837 reviews450 followers
June 8, 2021
I loved this one!
Kathryn is the 'go to' surgeon for Dragos. She's a couple hundred year old falcon shifter and she uses modern medicine in conjunction with magic to heal. Loved her character even if she does get a wee bit abrasive. i think she needed that edginess so that Oberon didn't walk all over her.

She follows Oberon's people to Lioness to hopefully save the life of their king; Oberon who has been in a coma for 15 years (in Lioness... 200 on Earth). Before that he battled for years against a poison needle from the light Fae queen Isabeau's assassin hound.

They clash, and even though Kathryn is tiny compared to his huge lion self, she knows her strengths and weaknesses and hides her fear well.
Oberon wasn't just physically effected by the poison needle, but mentally too. And his unconscious self has been battling Isabeau in dreams for decades, turning Lioness into a wintery hell.

I really enjoyed this whole story, but especially Isabeau's downfall. It was succinct and sweet as sin.
I had to rewind and listen to it several times just to wallow in it's perfection.

I have to say that Oberon reminded me a little too much of Dragos, and Kathryn was like a sharper Pia. But I love the formulae and didn't mind.

Safety is fine
Profile Image for Gwen (The Gwendolyn Reading Method).
1,700 reviews477 followers
March 1, 2019
IGNORING the creepy uncle mustache on the cover, this book is WONDERFUL. I tend to like Thea Harrison books, but every once in awhile I truly fall in love, and this is one of those books. The story swept me away in just the perfect way.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews619 followers
February 24, 2019
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy.

Thea Harrison is an author that takes as much care with world-building as she does with relationship building, and LIONHEART is the exception that proves this rule. By nature of the ticking clock attached to Katheryn’s stay and Oberon’s illness, the rush to resolve the plot did make stretches of LIONHEART feel like they take place in a bubble. Despite the hundreds of years of backstory behind these two characters, it is the immediacy of the present that takes center stage, and therein lies Happily Ever After.

Kathryn is a heroine with gravitas, a long-lived Wyr in her prime, well established in her career and her life. She has history and relationships behind her, but has never found a partner she can't live without. She is very quickly moved from her familiar world into Lyonesse, a pocket of Otherland, and from there she is further isolated with Oberon. Having these two mostly interact in a vacuum makes LIONHEART feel pretty isolated, but here is where Harrison's character building and magical mechanics begin to do the heavy lifting in the story. With so much riding on it, the logic behind Kathryn’s magically assisted medicine becomes particularly satisfying. Seeing the Wyr mating instinct smash into a doctor/ patient relationship isn't entirely neat, but care is taken to show that both Kathryn and Oberon chose their commitment with clear eyes and a mature understanding of the undertaking.

And that maturity is one of the most satisfying aspects of LIONHEART. The cover art does a great job capturing the Oberon Harrison writes. An ancient man who has undergone a life changing event, confronted with an intelligent, established woman who has long known the future she is waiting for. Seeing the choices these two make together is what takes center stage, and these characters are more than able to carry the show.

Sexual content: Sex scenes.
Profile Image for Treece.
521 reviews145 followers
June 21, 2019
An Amazing Journey

Rating: 5 stars

I just found my next favorite lovable couple outside of Pia and Dragos.

This book made me cry with joy and sorrow so much I plan to read it again. Honest, sexy and electrifying, this book rocked my freaking world!
Profile Image for Trisha.
325 reviews35 followers
November 26, 2018
Disappointed with this book. I always look forward to TH’s books and while a few are duds most are enjoyable. The characters in this book were bland and the story was so dull I set the book aside several times and I forced myself to finish it. Not good at all 😑
Profile Image for Shanna Matheo.
369 reviews38 followers
October 22, 2018
I enjoyed this so much! I really love Thea Harrison's Elder races world. I need to do a reread of the first series soon.
Profile Image for Aly is so frigging bored.
1,666 reviews270 followers
October 16, 2018
I think this was my favorite book from the latest Ms Harrioson has written. I always wanted to read about the doctor that kept treating my favorite characters, and I did! I loved that she staid true to the character, and that Dr Shaw didn't have a personality change now that she was the main character. In the end, I loved the conclusion to the British Isles trilogy and I can't wait to see what else Ms Harrison comes up with.
Profile Image for Celestine.
952 reviews118 followers
April 17, 2021
Good fantasy novel with a lot of excitement. I enjoyed the characterization. Oberon is a growly king, cranky and moody and a little terrifying. Kathryn is the doctor, who consistently surprised me with her mature and thoughtful outlook on just about everything. Characters overall were great, with the exception of the introduction of a bunch of New York Elders at the beginning that I can only expect were to tempt me to read other novels. I haven't read any Elder Races except the Moonshadow series and the walk down character lane was a distraction. They had literally zero to do with Lionheart.

My dissatisfaction stemmed somewhat from the pacing. An enormous amount of time was spent in an abandoned, cold city. The big confrontation between Oberon and Isabeau was short-changed. I just wasn't satisfied with it. Puck gets his due, but he was a tough character to warm up to.

Overall, I liked book two better.

3.5 rounded to 4 stars.
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
886 reviews236 followers
October 22, 2018
In what begins as the ultimate love/hate relationship, this was a great romance novel. The relationship between Oberon and Kathryn was entertaining and fun to watch. The battle between the immovable object and the irresistible force went on for longer than most novels, there was the smallest bit of insta-love but it was buried beneath a ton of "I hate you" LOL.

While the romance follows a surprising course the real overarching plot between good and evil in this trilogy was finally resolved and I loved it , the ending was surprising and not at all what I expected which I always enjoy. So the only reason for 4 Stars instead of 5? It seemed to me that I did a bit of scanning when the telling of this story became too verbose so although I did not hang on every word I did enjoy the novel and can't wait to see where we go next.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,508 reviews254 followers
October 31, 2018
Enjoyable but not really gripping. It didn't wow me nor made me want to read the series again. The most important thing I can say is that it's pleasant.
Profile Image for Tori.
2,842 reviews480 followers
October 30, 2018
Favorite Quote: “It was good to be free. Good to be home.”

As Lyonesse is slowly being destroyed, it’s ruler, King Oberon, sleeps deep within his palace, the victim of an assassination attempt. His only chance at a cure comes in the form of the top Elder Race surgeon, Dr. Katheryn Shaw. When she arrives, her presence awakens him though he is no longer the man he was before. His only means of survival caused his emotions to be stripped from him. Now Katheryn must find a way to not only cure his body but also his soul. Because Queen Isabeau is coming to finish what she started and unless Oberon can come to care about Lyonese and his people again, it will fall forever.

The 3rd story in Harrison’s Moonshadow trilogy gives us King Oberon’s story and the final conclusion to the war between the Fae Courts. Set in the same world as her Elder Races series, the focus here is on the Fae demesnes and the ongoing war. Easily read as a standalone, you do not have to read the Elder Races to enjoy though I do recommend starting with book one of this trilogy-Moonshadow. If you have been following the series, you will remember that Oberon had vanished and Lyonesse has been shut off from the world by the Light Queen’s Hound-Morgan le Fae. Those who managed to escape are seen in book one, rallying for help while book two deals with Morgan Le Fae and his battle to escape Isabeau’s control.

Fans of the Elder Races, especially Dragos, will definitely love King Oberon (King of the Daoine Sidhe) who exhibits the same sense of power, arrogance, and all-encompassing passion. As old as Dragos, Oberon was celebrating the Winter Solace when Morgan le Fae bespelled him. Oberon was forced to put himself into a coma to save his life and the lives of those around him. Unfortunately, when he went to sleep, his power went unchecked and the city became a frozen tomb. When he realizes his domain has been breached, he awakens with a fury, seeking to destroy that which has dared to disturb him.

Pieces of dried fruit lay sprinkled over the trampled crimson-and-gold bedspread like confetti, and there was the sharp, aromatic scent of cheese. Curious, he pawed at a small, overturned tub. As he flipped it over, one of his claws sank into soft butter.

He licked it off as he took in other details. Amid the rubble was a fur-lined cloak and a strange piece of clothing that looked like a formfitting blue coat, and another odd, lightweight sheet of something that looked like metal but was pliable and made of a foreign substance he had never seen before.
The interloper had planned a ravishment, and she had brought… snacks?

Dr. Kathyrn Shaw has been a mainstay throughout the Elder Races series. She has saved the day on multiple occasions and her assistance in Moonshadow opened the door to the fight that ends in here. One of the Wyn and trusted by the inner circle surrounding Dragos, she has the moxie and strength to hold her own against the bigger creatures who exist. Intelligent and witty, I found her calm demeanor, crisp mannerisms, and innovative ideas quite amusing as she pits herself against one of the most dangerous creatures in the demesnes.

Silkily, he asked, Cat got your tongue?

Very funny. Her grumpy mental voice sounded much better than her physical voice did. Okay, I apologize. I am so very sorry for what happened—

Come down here and face me properly, or are you too much of a coward to do so? He threw out the challenge carelessly. He had no real expectation she would comply. If they stood face-to-face and she was grounded from flight, he had no doubt he could easily destroy her.And she certainly didn’t seem to be motivated to continue the confrontation on the ground. Instead, she told him in a steady, crisp voice, Oberon, you’re going to die unless you consent to medical treatment.

That voice. That sounded exactly like the voice that had wound through his dreams, interrupting his nightmares of Isabeau. He snapped, I did not give you permission to address me by my name.

She retorted, I don’t really give a shit.

When Kathryn and Oberon come to an “understanding” the real work begins.

Harrison does an excellent job in here of not only expanding on the history and politics of the Fae courts without overburdening us with recaps and unnecessary information while slowly building a romance between two strong-willed people. Warriors who are honor bound to care for those around them. The enormity of their precarious situation is tempered by sharp wit and moments of compassion and sorrow. I love that Kathryn gives Oberon no quarter. She treats him like a patient and slaps him down when he gets a little too autocratic. She has served under Dragos for centuries…Oberon is a piece of cake.

“What other symptoms have you experienced since the attack?”
I remember having the emotions, but I no longer experience them. In fact, I only feel two things anymore: anger and lust.”

She stopped writing, suddenly inundated with the memory of yesterday’s encounter. The feeling of his mouth moving so urgently over hers as he speared her with his tongue. The delicious sense of weight as he shifted to lie on top of her, and the thick, heavy feeling of his erection pressing against her hip. For one shocking, mindless moment it had been glorious.

His voice sounded softly in her ear, deep and dark as the ocean and rough with the lion’s purr. “But I do feel anger and lust very deeply, Doctor.”

She had gotten so lost in her reverie she hadn’t noticed he had come around to her side of the desk, and she nearly leaped out of her skin. “For crying out loud, Oberon! Back up and give me some personal space!”

She listened to her own exclamation with deep dismay. That was supposed to have come out much more sharply than it had. Instead of sounding disapproving and offended, her voice had sounded as breathless as a gasp.

“Are you sure that’s what you really want?” Callused fingers traced the line of her jaw, down the side of her neck, and lightly pressed against the very spot where he had sucked so hungrily at her pulse. She remembered. Oh, she remembered it all too well. The shadow of his body fell over hers on the desk as he bent over her, and his lips brushed against the sensitive shell of her ear as he whispered, “Or wouldn’t you rather experiment with just how deep and hard my feelings can really go?”

Oberon had her rattled. He knew he did.

But suddenly she laughed, and the bright, carefree sound broke the sensual spell he had begun to weave over them both. “Did you really just say that to me? My lord, that line was bad.”

She wasn’t funny.

Though heavily driven, the strong narrative and steady bites of action and intrigue keep the storyline flowing at a brisk pace. Favorite characters from both series make appearances to this readers delight. I enjoy any interactions with Dragos and the New York demesne, especially when clues are given to what is coming new. We also meet back up with couples from books one and two. I was a little disappointed we did not see Queen Titania and Queen Tricks. As part of the fae demease, it was odd they weren’t a part of this trilogy. I especially loved the scenes with Robin aka Puck. Heartfelt, his journey has been a tough one and everything he went through to save his king was heart wrenching.

Your king is going to die unless something is done for him. Why didn’t you want to bring Annwyn and the troops with us?”

He stamped at the snow desultory. Other than tangling his mane and tail, the wind and the massive cold didn’t seem to affect him at all. “I wanted to judge you for myself while they weren’t around. If you were a threat, I would take care of you.” He looked at her sidelong to see how she took his words.

He might be old, unpredictable, and dangerous, but he had nothing on a cantankerous, bullheaded dragon. She said gently, “You were looking after your king.”

“He told me to guard his place and watch them. A long time ago, Isabeau took me and held me captive for years. I failed him once. I won’t fail him again.”

Lionheart leaves readers happy with it’s firm resolution to the main conflict yet just enough open to allow her back into this world again. As always, Harrison gives readers an adventure overflowing with action, suspense, humor, romance, and just enough tragedy to make the journey unforgettable.

Grade: B
Profile Image for Ana.
344 reviews165 followers
October 16, 2018
3.5 stars

I was really looking forward to this book. Oberon sounded like such an interesting hero and Kathryn a great heroine whom I greatly admired (hey, it's no easy thing to stand up to a ragey dragon :D) In any case, we have a character I was insanely curious about and a character I really liked.

Unfortunately, something about this book just didn't click for me. I liked the semi-adversarial relationship at the beginning of the book, but then somehow everything (relationship-wise) was happening way too fast.

Also, the plot with Isabeau was also a bit of a miss for me. I know, I know the entire series built up to it, so maybe it was just a bit anticlimactic? Idk.

All in all, I did enjoy the book, but I was just expecting more/different/idek. I know, I know, I'm very eloquent in this review. -.-
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
November 25, 2021
All right. Full disclosure: I'm deeply smitten with the entire Elder Races world and I've adored every step of the Moonshadow books. They satisfy my craving for slightly feral romance and give me enough danger and adventure to make me happy. I just <3 them hard.

So hard.

With this book, we finally get to meet Oberon in the flesh and see the damage Morgan's spell did to him. Oberon is...let's just say he's a little rough around the edges in the beginning. The spell has eaten away at his humanity and left him cold and more than a little wild. Only his immense desire not to succumb to the darkness inside him keeps him from being devoured by it entirely.

Katherine has a lot of hurdles to overcome in order to even try to help him. Figuring out how to remove the spell is only the beginning. Getting the big guy to trust her enough to try what she needs to do is sort of a monumental task. But she's good at what she does and she wants to succeed. So she pushes forward.

And Oberon pushes back.

Yeah. Danger and simmering sexual tension with a guy who's half wild and who you really don't like on top of the challenge of trying to cure the impossible takes a lot out of a lady. Or at least it lowers her defenses enough she starts to contemplate things she wouldn't otherwise contemplate.

These two really are smoking together. He's cold and focused and she's furiously determined. Things go from zero to sixty and back down to zero again in the blink of an eye.

I'm sorry to see this series arc end, but, MAN, what a satisfying way to go. *thumbs up* all around.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,304 reviews769 followers
October 18, 2018


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Lionheart, the third and final book in the Moonshadow trilogy is Thea Harrison's writing at her best.

This book... the writing, story and characters are the reason I started reading
Ms Harrison's work in the first place and continue to
"1-chick" her books as soon as they're available.
She's one of the few authors I tri-buy (paperback, digital, and audio).

Oberon, King of the Dark Fae was an amazing character to read.
Of all the characters in the Elder Races books, Oberon is one of the most powerful, intelligent, loyal, and loved by his people... but it is also these characteristics also make him one of the most deadliest as well.

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Even when he was losing his battle against the poison inside of his body, he knew enough to put himself in stasis in order to survive, but also so he wouldn't destroy the ones he loved.

The other protagonist in the story, Dr Kathryn Shaw was the perfect character to compliment him.
She was strong, intelligent, loyal and compassionate.

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The chemistry, interest, awareness, respect and trust gradually grew between Oberon and Kathryn, but once it did, this couple was unstoppable.

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I loved reading Oberon and Kathryn's story.

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This was an amazing read and a wonderful conclusion to the Moonshadow series.
I highly recommend this book.

"I'm voluntarily reading an ARC of this book which has been provided by the Author."

Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
October 21, 2018
I liked how this one took us to a new place, one that was in turmoil. I liked that Kathryn looked at healing Oberon as a challenge. Heck, just being in Lyonesse was an adventure as the land was almost an enemy as it was so linked to Oberon and he was in peril. Kathryn went about healing Oberon in a good way. First she had to deal with Robin, Oberon's self appointed guard. Once Robin believed she wouldn't hurt Oberon she had to deal with him in a coma, yet still able to stop her from doing much good.

Once Oberon woke up that changed things. It allowed Kathryn to talk to Oberon about the danger he still faced, as she would need his full cooperation to fully heal him. The surgery was brutal, but did what it needed to.

The aftermath was interesting. Oberon and Kathryn sometimes fighting their attraction, sometimes not. People coming home now that the weather in Lyonesse was more stable and a plan to finally go after Isabeau. The plan that Oberon came up with was brilliant in it's simplicity, seeing it brought to life was just plain brutal. The confrontation with Isabeau was great and I'm glad that Oberon have the final say on things. Oberon did get to act all Kingly when he faced a secondary enemy and let his power flow through words and vanquish them.

The ending had me smiling! Loved how Lyonesse was being rebuilt and the leaders at the helm.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
December 30, 2018
I can always count on Thea Harrison to satisfy my PNR itch. Lionheart is the third in her Moonshadow trilogy based on the world of the Elder Races. This story features Dr. Kathryn Shaw, trauma surgeon to Dragos Caluebre and his sentinels. Her hero is none other than Oberon, king of the dark fae.

Oberon has been in something like a magical coma for the past 15. Isabeau, Queen of the Light Court, orchestrated an attempt on his life along time ago and she used Morgan La Fae to do it. Oberon tried many things to slow down the effects of the poison that was used, but eventually he had to put himself in stasis to keep from dying. Unfortunately, his power is leaking out and wreaking havoc on his lands. His cousin, Annwyn, reaches out to Kathyrn, knowing if he is not healed, he may have to die to save everything he holds dear.

Kathryn will have to travel to Lyonesse, his homeland, to do it. And the home of the dark fae operates in a different realm of time than her home world. Weeks there would be the equivalent of months on earth. But she is a scientist and a healer. She cannot simply walk away, so she accepts the challenge and makes the journey. The story follows her efforts not only to heal Oberon, but her unexpected discovery that he is not only Wyr, but her mate.

It took a little while for me to get into the story, simply, I think, because it took a little while before Kathryn and Oberon could meet. But once they did, I was totally hooked. It would have been really easy to make Oberon a giant jerk, someone so powerful that all he had to do with stomp around and bellow orders. And yes, he isn’t exactly warm and cuddly when we first meet him, but once he is cured of the poison, very little of that remained. I loved the way that he valued and respected Kathyrn as a doctor and as a mate. He treated her as an equal and it went a long way for me and my excitement about the pairing.

I liked the doctor a lot as well. She is smart and she knows not only her own mind, but what she wants out of life. And she is not afraid to go after it or to adjust her expectations when necessary.

The supporting characters are great here too. I had so many feelings about Robin, the puck. And there are appearances from the main couples in the other two Moonshadow books. As always from this author, the world building is great and the sex is smoking hot.

If I had any small complaint, it was that Isabeau felt almost like a bit player. She did not have a giant presence, even though she was the villain of the story. And her story resolution was a little anti-climactic for me. But this detracted very little from what was otherwise really a very good story and a great romance. Would recommend.

Rating: B/B+

*ARC provided by author
Profile Image for AlwaysV.
485 reviews
May 20, 2022
Such a totally captivating fantasy between King Oberon of the Dark Court in Lyonesse and the brilliant surgeon Kathryn who brought him back to life and to Light! Loved how she destroyed the killing spells casted on him! What a gifted magic user!

How Kathryn was destined to be Oberon's Perfect Queen was so exquisitely written! This fantasy was packed with gripping elements I loved~ like magic ~ spells ~ heart-pounding fight scenes ~ super romantic ~ sexy scenes ~ and more!

My blood-thirsty heart did a celebratory dance to commemorate the end of the villain!

Sharing one of my favorite fight/romantic? scenes:

. . . the most perfectly shaped, deadly feathered bullet plummeted out of the sky, talons out stretched.

The peregrine falcon did the oddest thing. She tapped the top of Isabeau's head with both talons. He felt a brief, bright spark of her magic, and then she swiped away.

Isabeau's morningstar spell fell apart as her body stiffened. She toppled gracelessly off her horse.

Oberon had no fucking clue what had just happened, but he loved it. He loved the murderous little falcon. He loved her.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 297 reviews

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