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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Light Novel #10

在地下城尋求邂逅是否搞錯了什麼 10

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──【眷族神話(Familiar Myth)】──

412 pages, Paperback

First published May 12, 2016

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About the author

Fujino Omori

192 books202 followers
Name (in native language): 大森藤ノ
Associated Names:
OMORI Fujino
ŌMORI Fujino

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews
Profile Image for Lawrence Caldwell.
Author 41 books14 followers
April 30, 2018
Not bad, but too much action for me. Light novels generally have a complete arc in a single volume, but this volume 10 was actually part 2 of a two part arc, which I've experienced before from other LN authors and didn't like. My main problem with this volume is that there's too much action. The whole book is a giant action extravaganza. But the last twenty or so pages were actually pretty good!

I'd have preferred some pauses between all that action with more character slice of life type moments, but unfortunately the plot just ddn't allow that to happen in this volume.
Profile Image for Casey.
654 reviews11 followers
March 20, 2021
So a fair while back I was reading Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? On the Side: Sword Oratoria Light Novels, Vol. 10 and something happened that didn't make a lot of sense to me because I hadn't been reading these main-line books as much. Not that they're bad, I just really like Sword Oratoria too. So anyhow, I decided I best get off my duff and read some main-line. I am finally caught up and it makes a lot more sense now.

Of course the fall out from everything that happens in volumes 9 and 10 has yet to truly be seen. We get the beginnings of it where the name "Little Rookie" appears to be tarnished and the Loki familia is likely at odds with Hestia familia.

It was an easy 300 pages. I flew through them. A lot of fighting in this one, more battle scenes in this volume than many others combined. And while that makes a lot of sense, I do like the story to progress, but I got enough of that about the creation of the labyrinth and who was behind it and how, and on and on.

There is a lot more to read both here and in Sword Oratoria so I've got a lot more DanMachi to get through.

Profile Image for Mallou14.
303 reviews12 followers
April 30, 2021
"Bref, le 10ème tome de la saga DanMachi – La légende des Famillias de Fujino Omori m’a vraiment pesé. C’était une lecture difficile et très intense, mais nécessaire au déroulement de l’intrigue. C’est le tome que j’apprécie le moins mais mon amour pour cette histoire n’a pas diminué pour autant. J’ai même très hâte de lire la suite !"
Avis complet
9 reviews
November 7, 2018
You don't have to be proud.
You can doubt yourself.
But never ever regret.
Because lives saved by foolish hypocrisy are surely right before you.
-Fels the Fool

As a follow up from volume 9, this penultimate issue lays the set up very well and does a great job as being the bridge between volumes 9&11 in this 3 part epic.

The action has never been this intense, and stakes have never been higher. In this volume we get a better insight into how dark the world of Orario can actually be. The contrast between humanity and monsters in this book is one of the essential themes this time around, and at times it is ironic that the monsters show more compassion and love than humanity itself. While reading this book, I had to put it down due to the atrocious deeds that humans committed towards monster kind. As if this book were meant to be a reflection on our own society and how we often hurt others simply due to differences in beliefs or appearance.

At the center point of all this hatred and violence, our protagonist Bell is left face to face with a decision on whether to side with the monsters or his own brethren and this novel zones in on the internal struggle of knowing that one's decisions can affect the whole world.
Profile Image for Eole.
133 reviews4 followers
May 20, 2020
Déjà 10 volumes dans cette série géniale et aucun n’est en dessous des autres, un miracle quand il s’agit de séries longues ! Ce 10e tome ne fait pas exception à la règle…

Alors que Bell avait découvert les Xenoi et leur avait laissé Wyne, la jeune Vouivre qu’il avait trouvé, il n’arrive pas à l’oublier. De leur côté, les Xenoi ne supportent plus les chasseurs qui les tuent ou les torturent avant de les vendre. La révolte gronde et Bell doit choisir un camp.

J’ai tout simplement adoré cet opus. Comme avec les autres, l’auteur sait se renouveler. A chaque fin de tome je me dis qu’il a tout dit, et à chaque fois je me fais surprendre par la suite. Je suis d’autant plus heureuse que dans celui-ci on revient sur les mystérieuses origines de Bell et j’ai hâte de voir ce qui adviendra par la suite, et comment il vivra avec les conséquences de ses choix.

C’est un opus plus sombre et bien plus sanglant que les autres, loin de l’humour porté sur le corps féminin des premiers tomes. On sent vraiment que Bell a grandi, ainsi que les autres personnages. Il s’affirme et se maîtrise, il n’est plus le jeune garçon qui rougissait dès qu’une femme lui parlait. Il devient leader et ça donne une toute autre ampleur au personnage. J’ai été un poil déçue de ne pas voir plus les autres personnages, mais étant donné que l’histoire se concentre sur les Xenoi et sur le choix de notre héros, c’est compréhensible, j’espère juste les revoir plus par la suite.

En revanche, j’ai adoré en apprendre plus sur Daedalus et sur la Cité Labyrinthe, préparez-vous à être soufflés par les révélations de ce dixième volume car c’est énorme ! La mythologie se complexifie au fur et à mesure, on continue de voir les inspirations des différentes mythologies du monde et je suis soufflée par la manière ingénieuse dont elles sont combinées. C’est passionnant et il est impossible de ne pas vouloir en savoir plus ! Vivement la suite…
Profile Image for Eldon Siemens.
180 reviews2 followers
December 22, 2017
After the new arc introduced in book 9, I was interested to see where this volume would go. Unfortunately, about a third way through things got interesting and I couldn't put it down! Normally I really focus on character development as what makes a story great, yet this one didn't have much, but with many many new characters popping up and the main cast (less Bell) being mere background for the majority of the book, it's understandable. (including the author's indicated frustration on this point in the afterword)

The story was solid throughout, however there were moments where the we went back up to the surface for a couple different angles (Hestia Familia, Hermes, Asfi and friends) and all I wanted was to get back to the core storyline, but they were not without value (liked seeing Lilly confront her past). My biggest worry, after all that has happened in this volume, is how it will affect Bell and Aiz's relationship. She is obviously confused, but Bell took a major stand and will probably be paying for it for at least the next couple volumes.
January 2, 2018
I was oddly disappointed with this one and I think that has more to do with my expectations and the fact that I saw this as another volume than a part two of a single volume.

Profile Image for Scott.
108 reviews
January 23, 2018
Another great addition to the series. Being introduced to the new arc in book 9, this volume was always going to be building the story and plot towards the end of the arc. Unfortunately that means Bell was mostly relegated to the background as this happens.
Overall the book was well done and the breadth view points does well in building up the arc and series.
Honestly can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Ricardo Matos.
467 reviews3 followers
December 23, 2017
Wow, what a great volume! If I had to liken it to something, I would say this is the "Dark Knight" of Danmachi. I've thought quite a few times how to write this review but because this is part 2 of a 2 volume story, I always feel like I'm spoiling. Therefore, just read it, it is one of the best Danmachi volumes so far!
Profile Image for Shane Moore.
673 reviews32 followers
October 16, 2018
The plots are shallow, the characters silly, the combat entertaining but predictable. There is very nearly nothing of value contained in these books. And yet I keep reading them.

Please do not take my continued enjoyment of this series as an endorsement of it. It's bad, it is just also very entertaining.
12 reviews
February 15, 2022
Loved every part

I was glued to my reading chair thru out the entire book. I would never guessed that book 9 & 10 were related until the author pointed it out. Book 9 was the build up, book 10 was all action. To me there were several surprises and unexpected turns. Especially with Dix being able to so easily injure our rabbit.
Book 10 will be hard to beat.
Profile Image for Rinke.
159 reviews
July 23, 2024
A direct continuation from volume 9, all the groundwork was already placed in that volume so this one started and kept running all the way till the end. No moment of rest to be found.

Plot wise Bell had to make a choice and I am curious to see what the consequences will be for his character in the next volume.
Profile Image for Alec Rebert.
236 reviews
January 18, 2018
much better than volume 9, introduces some interesting character dynamics with Bell now possibly having to going against his idol and the Loki familia. it didn't have everything I was looking for but I'm interested to see where this story ends up going

244 reviews5 followers
February 4, 2018
Great story.

Another great book, the story is superb. The author has improved with each volume, delivering great characters, plot twist and making us crave for the next book in this serie.
123 reviews1 follower
July 26, 2018
Another good one

So much action this time. I think half the book is action. I enjoyed the large heart Bell has. I feel his actions speak louder than words. The death scene at the end was really powerful.
Profile Image for Gabriel d'Matos.
376 reviews21 followers
February 26, 2019
Eu estava meio desanimado com os últimos volumes da série mas esse agora mudou tudo! Finalmente aconteceu um desenvolvimento de personagem que tanto esperei e ainda teve um conclusão incrível de arco.
23 reviews
May 12, 2019
Tragic Kingdom

This volume gave some very good and emotional payoff. The stakes were high and I feel like there will be some lasting ramifications for some of the choices made. Great read.
210 reviews
June 19, 2020
With more action and development than the previous book, this volume was a wild ride from start to finish, and many actions will have heavy consequences in the next one. I can't wait to pick the next book now.
Profile Image for David.
23 reviews
May 14, 2022
I just didn’t like the tone of this book. I kept putting it down and having to come back to it. The same as the last book too. I guess the underlying theme kept eating at the enjoyment for me. I didn’t enjoy it as much as the others.
Profile Image for Jennifer Linsky.
Author 1 book42 followers
February 1, 2018
One of the best volumes so far. This changes the direction of everything, making all the characters grow, and setting up an entire new arc.
1 review
February 1, 2018
Very good.

Its probably the best one in the entire saga untill now, the story keeps the same style, but its more mature, you can tell how much has grown. This one is perfect.
1 review
February 9, 2018

It wasn't that easy to read as the plot was somewhat predictable. The volumes before 9 we're slightly better. Either way it isn't a bad read.
Profile Image for Naser Alenezi.
25 reviews
May 2, 2019
I’m rating this book with 5 stars with all confidence of the content that Fujino Ōmori has given in this volume, it was as expected really amazing !
50 reviews
March 9, 2023
dont remember what happened in this one but i think he fought strong people
Profile Image for Shane.
229 reviews
July 2, 2024
I can't with this. It's so much fun to read. It's my guilty pleasure series.
70 reviews
March 3, 2018

After encountering intelligent monsters in the Dungeon, Bell and Weine share a tearful goodbye as Hestia Familia return to the surface short one member. But not long after their parting, the Guild confirms the existence of armed monsters and immediately calls on Orario's strongest to exterminate this threat. Bell is forced to make some of the hardest decisions of his life when he's the only thing standing between a massacre of monsters and adventurers.


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