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到小說家‧曉家裡幫傭的小文。 雖然曉平常看起來兇巴巴。 有時候還會大聲罵人, 但偶爾又會展現出溫柔的一面──。 同居的過程中, 小文開始在意起曉的一舉一動?

196 pages, Paperback

First published November 25, 2015

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About the author

Mika Yamamori

67 books732 followers
Mika Yamamori (やまもり三香) is a Japanese author of manga.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews
Profile Image for Ari.
912 reviews213 followers
August 8, 2023
Welp, the age gap is an issue for me, can't get past it. Love an age gap in a romance, don't get me wrong--it's a favorite trope. But I have an issue when one of the characters is underage, soooooo we're gonna set this story aside.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
January 21, 2023
When her dad decides to fail even harder, Fumi ends up with a second job in a more adult industry. Which leads to some revelations about her classmate Aioi AND Akatsuki. And the distance slowly closes… over… pickled ginger?

Whatever I think of the merits of the story, Mika Yamamori knows how to write something incredibly readable. I can devour a volume of her manga faster than almost anybody else and it doesn’t hurt that I am a big fan of her art style as well.

And so it goes here - I will stop comparing all her work to Daytime Shooting Star eventually, but this does feel like it was literally written to make it up to people who were disappointed with the way things went with its illustrious predecessor.

Fumi is definitely her own character, but her swooning is certainly not that divested from Suzume’s in that other title. At least Akatsuki is just an irascible grump rather than nakedly abusing his position like some other male leads I could name (arguably the employment angle makes it worse, I know).

And the whole hostess gig does ring believably true as something Fumi would do (although the club doesn’t appear to feel like confirming her age or anything) because her financial sense overrides her common sense with more regularity than a bran muffin stuffed in a prune.

If there’s anything that does linger in the air here it’s that she clearly is still a kid and makes bad choices as a consequence. Akatsuki knows it too - he comes to her rescue here, after a fashion, but he’s very abrupt (possibly too much so) because she’s being very irresponsible simply to be more responsible.

This wisely gets all wrapped up before it gets completely out of hand, though it does provide some backstory on why Aioi got all bent out of shape over a ridiculous contest between children that Fumi doesn’t remember beating him over. It turns out to be surprisingly melancholic and more sensical than it seemed.

Our other big set piece this time is the grocery visit, which drives home how much Akatsuki is maybe trying to protect Fumi and that’s leading him down the same path she is (we’ll deal with this whole age gap thing when it happens, not to mention dating the help, but that’s been the obvious route here since the first volume).

The store visit provides the goofy comedy value of some slightly antiquated ‘women be shopping’ that I believe is based on how flash sales at Japanese stores tend to go, but it still amuses. There’s also a really lovely fleshing out of Fumi���s deceased mother and then Fumi continuing a tradition that she shared with her with Akatsuki.

Like I said, this one just goes down smooth. It’s not the next great thing, but it is eminently readable in a way I wish more manga or books were. Not being focused on school life has given it a lot more legs than normal too. The way a rival enters the equation at the end of this book is kind of brilliant because you can get the inkling of where it’s going and then it just heads right for it.

3.5 stars - best, no, very good, sure, sometimes better than that, but not often. These characters are all really good, however, which is definitely one thing that helps. I’m actually looking forward to spending more time with them, just wish the story was engaging me more.
Profile Image for Bine.
716 reviews110 followers
May 1, 2018
Auch der 2. Band war einfach wunderbar! Ich bin wahnsinnig erleichtert, dass (noch) keine Dreiecksgeschichte daraus geworden ist und dass meine Akatsuki-Liebe immer weiter wächst. Ein toller Typ einfach. Es gab vielleicht eine kleine Szene, in der er mir etwas zu bevormundend war... Das kann ich an fiktiven Figuren nämlich immer weniger leiden, aber es war noch im Rahmen. Ich habe den Band nur wieder viel zu schnell durchgelesen und brauche nun den zweiten *seufz*
Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,138 reviews148 followers
February 21, 2022

See also, my review in volume 1
Profile Image for Suppi.
344 reviews7 followers
June 4, 2023
I'm pretty sure this is EXACTLY where i stopped when I was reading this years ago. SO I AM EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES! kibikino is <3 why can't I have a twist of fate love like this MAN
Profile Image for Raven.
526 reviews54 followers
April 10, 2023
Just like the past volume, this volume has a lot of cute moments and you can really see the romance beginning to develop. They were at times I felt like it was developing too fast but I’m glad start to slow down. The grocery visit as well as the night club job or some very enjoyable scenes. I found this volume her age bothered me a little more, although there is yet to be a confirmation on what his age is. She is definitely a lot more naïve in this volume.
Profile Image for Once  upon  a Dream .
253 reviews6 followers
August 7, 2018
carino, nulla di che ma carino e a volte divertente. ora come solito cliché è arrivata la rivale e sono convintissima che a breve ci sarà anche un rivale. staremo a vedere se sarà scontato ciò che succederà nel terzo volume. Comunque Fumi è dolcissima ♥
Profile Image for Booksinvasion.
278 reviews97 followers
May 1, 2019
Questo mi é piaciuto molto di più!!
La storia inizia ad acquisire senso, i capitoli nel primo volume sembravano "sconnessi" tra loro mentre in questo volume inizia a formarsi una trama...
Direi 3 stelline piene☺☺
Profile Image for Jeanne.
Author 10 books25 followers
August 20, 2019
Perfekte Jungs existieren nur in Romanen und Mangas. seufz

So eine niedliche Geschichte. Ganz langsam geht hier die Erkenntnis von statten, dass man verliebt ist. So müssen Liebesgeschichten sein für mich. Bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht. <3
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,718 reviews221 followers
February 10, 2024
I'm not sure, but despite the cute moments this volume had, I am just not getting hooked. Undecided if I should keep reading or not because I don't feel invested enough to keep reading. :/ Wondering if it's because I'm sick or if it's the story itself.
Profile Image for Lena.
303 reviews
February 8, 2018
Ovviamente non poteva mancare la bitch che si mette in mezzo tra la protagonista e il suo amato XD
Non vedo l'ora di leggere il terzo volume!
Profile Image for Valentina.
226 reviews7 followers
April 4, 2021
Es de lo más bonito, aunque Sensei sea algo seco y necesite un poco más de hidratación XD pero ánimo Fumi, adéntrate más en su corazón.
Profile Image for Maia Soria.
487 reviews
July 14, 2024
Estoy fingiendo demencia total sobre la diferencia de edad, porque aparte de ese detalle la historia me parece muy bonita, aunque me siento levemente mal por leer algo así jaj
Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
April 24, 2019
La storia si fa sempre più interessante, visto anche la progressiva evoluzione dei sentimenti dei due protagonisti: in particolare, la giovane Fumi è sempre più affascinata dal suo datore di lavoro, spesso spiazzata quando lui si comporta in maniera gentile. È più difficile interpretare, invece, le sensazioni del maestro, non sempre molto chiaro nel far recepire alla ragazza tutto il suo apprezzamento. Certo è che entrambi percepiscono di nuovo il calore di vivere in famiglia, di avere qualcuno al proprio fianco che ti vuole bene e che si prende cura di te. La distanza tra i due si sta riducendo sempre di più, anche se, a quanto pare, c'è qualcuno che si vuole mettere in mezzo. Menzione speciale per la scena al supermercato, dove entrambi imparano qualcosa di importante sul conto dell'altro.
Parziale redenzione per il personaggio di Isshin Aioi, grazie anche ad alcune informazioni in più sul suo passato. Chiarita questa cosa, ora deve sparire la tizia che vuole accalappiare il maestro. Lasciate in pace la mia ship!
Profile Image for Moni.
57 reviews7 followers
January 25, 2017
Dammit! Why does the art have to be so cute?
I decided to pick up and read this manga again (after dropping volume 1). While I enjoy watching our naive hardworking main try to make ends meet and her interactions with her friends, alas I still have a nagging issue. The whole tension between her and Akatsuki still rubs me the wrong way. I know that many girls develop crushes on older men (hell I did at that age, BUT I actually realized pursuing it was inane) but the author feels like she's setting up a romance between them and like I said in my previous review, it is uber icky. Akatsuki is at least 19 years old (20s most likely) and Fumi is still in high school and his employee, a relationship with this dynamic over their heads would not be good for either of them. I'm glad so far the tension has been in Fumi's head, hopefully it stays that way.
Profile Image for Hisgirl85.
1,941 reviews53 followers
January 19, 2023
Reread manga as newly English publication in print: High 4 stars, leaning towards 4.5. I love this mangaka and her works. The art is great and the humor/heart nice.
Profile Image for Sylwia.
1,229 reviews26 followers
December 11, 2019
I just realized this mangaka wrote another series I loved, and now I'm all fucked up wondering how this will turn out. I'm loving the writing a lot.
Profile Image for Katrina.
1,141 reviews39 followers
September 6, 2024
Second volume got more interesting. There's a short-lived "Fumi gets a second job" storyline - and I'll be honest, for a minute there I'd forgotten that being a housekeeper is her job, so I got a bit confused about why she didn't just pick something up part-time after school like her friend. But Fumi needed adult-levels of money, fast, because her useless dad hurt his back and stopped sending his paycheck to the loan sharks.

So Fumi's solution is, naturally, to work at a watered-down hostess club by lying about her age and to her primary employer/landlord about where she's going in the evenings. Until, naturally, said employer happens to show up at her new job on her first day at work.

A little coincidental but still funny, especially since she also ran into her new classmate, Aioi, there. His young, pretty mom works as a hostess and turns out to be as kind as her son actually is underneath all the initial bullying behavior.

Aioi had been holding a grudge against Fumi for a pretty silly reason that makes enough sense when you tie it to a formative childhood memory and the fracturing of his family. So when he finds out that Fumi didn't have a picture-perfect family life - and that he's actually got one much better parent than she does - he stops bugging her at school and talks to her like an actual friend.

Their rooftop conversation was oddly sweet and really amusing, because Aioi was just trying to bond with Fumi over how much he cares about his mom, but somehow managed to make her realize her crush on Kibikino instead. "That's not even what I meant," Aioi says, sighing after her but giving up.

The crush development was honestly too fast-paced, but that's fixed pretty well by the end of this volume, because Fumi realizes for herself that she doesn't actually know anything about Kibikino. She likes that he's handsome, talented, intelligent, oddly kind, and very charming without ever meaning to be. But all she knows is one of his favorite foods, that he's not very familiar with pickles, and that he has a mother. That's not much to build a sense of "love" on, and I appreciate that she recognizes that - so the relationship will actually have to develop more substance over the course of the series.

The art does get a bit prettier in this volume, and Kibikino has some good handsome moments. (He also notes, a couple of times, that Fumi is pretty/cute. While also accidentally insulting her.) It's nice to have a male lead who doesn't cut off all his lovely hair as soon as the female lead notices him. Yes, I'm looking at you, Horimiya and A Condition Called Love. It leaves room for lots of nice hairstyles, alongside Fumi's experiments with mixing up her look.

We close out the volume with the introduction of a rival love interest slash mean girl, a beautiful bookstore worker who's nice to Fumi in front of Kibikino but a real jerk once he's out of sight. Not sure if this will head in the direction of Kibikino actually dating anyone else for a bit, since he's definitely not seeing Fumi in any sort of romantic light at this point, but it's not surprising he's catching other women's eyes. Like Fumi, though, he doesn't seem to have much time for or interest in matters of the heart. He's got books to write. But even he's bound to notice the people around him eventually.
Profile Image for Mariana Polito Cuellar.
37 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2021
Siguiendo la historia de Fumi y Akatsuki en este volumen, tengo algunas cosas que decir...

Primero, la interacción entre los protagonistas va avanzando y de cierta manera se están conociendo poco a poco.

Los sentimientos de Fumi siguen floreciendo y ahora ella se da cuenta, y de cierta manera acepta, que empieza a gustar del escritor pero por la otra parte él empieza a demostrar cierto interés y obviamente preocupación por su joven ama de llaves de una manera lenta.

Hay que recordar que Fumi es una adolescente que de alguna manera se ha perdido todo esa experiencia y forma de vida de las personas de su edad, cuestión que se le hace raro a Akatsuki y que a su vez lo hace conocer un poco más a Fumi. Ella por otra parte demuestra por primera vez el nerviosismo de cuando a uno le llama la atención otra persona lo cual la hace comportarse más exagerada y que a su vez se empiece a interesar aspectos que antes no pensaba, como lo es su apariencia.

Las cosas van lentas y por lo que parece, se empiezan a presentar obstáculos en donde, sobretodo Fumi, tendrán que enfrentarse a ellos.

De momento este volumen me ha parecido algo "normal" o algo meh... pero aquí la cuestión es que la relación entre los protagonistas se está empezando a desarrollar así que la cosa va lenta aunque eso no deja de que disfrute los bonitos, graciosos y algo tensos momentos entre la parejita principal.

P.D. Akatsuki realmente nos roba el corazón (bueno, al menos el mío), aunque tiene algunas actitudes muy singulares y graciosas que realmente hacen sufrir a Fumi. Enserio es genial.
Profile Image for Mindi.
1,370 reviews265 followers
April 11, 2024
I'm really liking this one. I needed a shoujo, and was having a bit of trouble finding one that I enjoyed, but thankfully I found this one.

Fumi continues to live and work for Kibikino, while going to school and continuing to make terrible decisions. Her father hurts his back, so he's unable to work for a while, which means that Fumi decides to take a part-time job in order to pay his debt back on time. Kibikino is fine with it, but Fumi doesn't tell him that the job is at a host club, and that she lied about her age in order to work there. When his editor suggests going to the club and he sees Fumi working there, he literally drags her out of the place, and Fumi is forced to tell him why she needed to take the job.

This one is really cute and very sweet, and I'm already looking forward to reading volume 3.

Profile Image for NebularBlue.
20 reviews1 follower
April 25, 2019
Mild Spoilers for Part 1

In the second part of the series, the protagonists get to know each other more and naturally get closer.

I liked this part a lot, too. I still really enjoy the art style and just the whole layout.
The story is still my cup of tea, as it is getting romantical, but in a good and interesting way. A few things happened in this book and it left me with a cliffhanger, so that I am thinking about getting to my library asap to get the next tomes.

So... I still highly recommend this manga series a lot. Grab it, if you like plain but beautiful artstyles and romance story, which isn't overly cheesy or cringe-worthy.
Profile Image for Oki Zukii.
444 reviews11 followers
July 15, 2021
Alurnya benar-benar mengalir begitu saja, bacaan ringan yang tidak perlu berpikir keras untuk membacanya. Gaya penulis membuat cerita serta dialog tidak terlalu mencolok. Gambar di Manga ini cukup bagus dalam penokohan, karakter Akatsuki digambarkan simpel berbaju kaos saja tapi terkesan karismatik.

Kesan terhadap manga ini yang saya dapatkan cukup baik karena tidak terlalu banyak deskripsi tidak penting, rasa cemas karakter utama juga tersampaikan begitu saja kepada pembaca.

Kesimpulan saya manga ini termasuk katagori manga favorit saya dengan gaya penceritaan yang mengalir, gambar tokoh yang pualam dan sederhana.
Profile Image for Craig Schorling.
1,305 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2023
I really like parts of this volume. The main character is great and seeing her develop is a lot of fun. I'm curious how the author will handle the age difference because it is clear that she is still very young and naive. It felt a little odd when an adult entered the story and told our MC to back off or else. Overall, this continues to be fun with some good moments with some potential problems on the horizon depending on how the age gap is handled. It's also fair to point out that the age of the male MC has not yet been revealed but it is clear that he is older.
Profile Image for Soobie is expired.
6,730 reviews131 followers
November 17, 2020
Ed eccomi qua, colpevole di aver dimenticato di recensire questo volumetto finito un paio di settimane fa.

Fumi pian piano si rende conto dei propri sentimenti nei confronti del suo datore di lavoro ma non si aspetta proprio di avere una che sembra molto più agguerrita di lei.

A differenza di Ema Tōyama, ad esempio, i disegni sono molto meno curati. Però non sono malaccio.
Profile Image for Locust .
53 reviews
October 29, 2022
Did I binge read the first two volumes in a day? is Akatsuki hot 🥵? am I gonna have a picture of him in a shirt as my wallpaper? do I want to be fumi?


Btw this so cute and fun also like ughhhh I don't want yoh and fumi to become love rivals or something idk I am really tensed about her meeting Akatsuki but then again it already feels like she likes this other guy from their school Soo excited 😆
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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