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196 pages, Paperback

First published September 23, 2016

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Mika Yamamori

67 books732 followers
Mika Yamamori (やまもり三香) is a Japanese author of manga.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Natascha.
73 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2021
If this were a love story between two high schoolers, two university students or heck a freshly graduated woman and her older boss, I would not have a problem with this manga at all.
In my head, Akatsuki was around 22-23, and Fumi 16.

But Akatsuki is 28.
No one at 16 would fall in love with a 28yr old dude, and vice versa. No, just no.
I'm not disliking the story because I like the artwork and the mangakas way of telling the story, but DID IT HAVE TO BE SUCH AN AGE GAP. THAT IS SO CREEPY.
Profile Image for Melanie Schneider.
Author 23 books97 followers
July 11, 2018
Ich überlege gerade, ob ich etwas anderes als Herzen schreiben kann und entscheide mich für ein klares Nein! Also: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for MargReadsManga.
416 reviews68 followers
November 28, 2023
Oh my goodness!!! EEEeeeeeee!!! I was giggling almost the whole time I was reading this volume!! I want volume 6 like yesterday!!!
Profile Image for Moni.
57 reviews7 followers
June 19, 2017
Ok, now I'm getting a bit annoyed with the mangaka and my fellow shoujo readers here. Does no one really understand how bad this setup is? I like how Fumi is being mature about analyzing herself and tries (somewhat) to make it less awkward, but Akatsuki. Damn him for countering his friend about how wrong it is to pursue a high schooler when you have 10 years on them (apparently he's 25) and then he gets talked into it. Nope he's 28.
Profile Image for Raven.
526 reviews54 followers
April 12, 2023
So we finally got a confirmation on the age gap in the story. I know a lot of people are struggling to accept this concept of such a large age gap, they feel weird and are saying they don’t like the storyline because of it. But I think we all need to remember that this is a story that originated in Japan, even though we are reading it in another language. In Japan, the age of consent is 16 (previously 13) and age gaps are not all that uncommon. We need to respect the culture that this manga comes from.

Aside from that, I still enjoyed this volume. There were still many cute scenes and it’s fun to watch Akatsuki struggling to know what to do. Both are awkward and struggling with this new relationship and it feels very real.
Profile Image for Lynn.
10 reviews
March 7, 2017
I'm sad because I have to wait for the translation of the next volume :(( What a cliff hanger that was //sniff :'(
Profile Image for Booksinvasion.
278 reviews97 followers
July 28, 2019
C'è poco da dire su questo volume.....
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
December 5, 2023
Fumi’s sleep talking confession has been successfully glossed over, so why is Akatsuki’s editor, Gorou, all over Fumi like a rash. From dating disaster to dating disaster, it’s clear that fireworks are in the air, plus more than a few sparks.

No shock, in case you missed every other review of this series, but I have issues with this. I don’t instantly dismiss every age gap book, I really enjoyed the heck out of My Darling Next Door, for example, but they definitely start off on the back foot.

And, honestly, I think this premise is no better than teacher/student relations - she is the instigator here, yes, but Fumi is not in a position of power and her employer holds all the cards if anything goes south. Yeah, you aren’t supposed to think about it, but I do anyway.

That said, this is really actually definitely feeling like a companion piece to Daytime Shooting Star, which makes an amusing cameo this volume, for readers who wanted a different outcome there.

It’s a testament to Yamamori’s writing that I not only put up with this, but I honestly really enjoyed it. It doesn’t hurt that it’s unabashedly funny - Fumi is incredibly dense, but it’s clear Gorou is trying to prod Akatsuki into actually acting on his feelings and that involves driving the latter crazy.

Yamamori’s art is on point this volume too, giving you lots of prettyboy and attractive girl stuff and some hilarious reactions from poor Fumi, who can’t seem to stifle anything. This is the second decent fireworks festival I’ve seen depicted in a row now, and that’s no mean feat.

And my actual favourite non-couple, Yoh and Aioi, get all the best parts of this volume as Aioi tries to overcome his cranky nature to get across to an oblivious Yoh how he feels. A lot of this takes part in the gag panels between chapters, but they’re just the perfect little extra.

But when it gets to the dramatic bits, well, our mangaka is no slouch in that department either. One thing I super appreciated was a review of Akatsuki’s dating history, which shows that he’s tried, after a fashion, but nobody saw beyond his aloof exterior.

And, as much as that whole thing from last volume got quickly glossed over, Fumi really takes the strides she needs to towards the end and it’s one of the best fake-outs that I thought was reaching for one of the lamest tropes in manga, but went a better way.

Again, don’t expect me to love this, but I can certainly tolerate it a lot more when a story goes out of its way to at least, if not outright address things, acknowledge that an awkward situation is developing. And Fumi’s response to that is pretty good too.

No, if you despise these stories, don’t expect this one to change your mind. I definitely have enough cracks in my armour and appreciation for certain mangaka that some can get past my wall and this one certainly has. It’s got issues, but it’s got a lot to recommend it as well.

4 stars - it’s as strong as this story has ever been, I think, and I look forward to seeing where it’s headed now that all THAT has happened.
Profile Image for Bine.
716 reviews110 followers
September 3, 2018
Ich liebe die Zeichnungen und Akatsuki immer noch sehr, aber es ist mal wieder ein Punkt erreicht, an dem ich nicht mehr sooo begeistert von der Serie bin... sie verläuft bisher eben sehr typisch. Mal sehen, ob ich sie bis zum Ende verfolgen werde.
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,718 reviews221 followers
February 10, 2024
"Having your feelings get through to the person you like is truly incredible."

This volume took a turn, but I would say in a good way?

I super loved the moments that Fumi had with her friends! It felt so real, which is odd to say, but it was the most vivid part of this volume that I really enjoyed.

Granted, the ending is probably the MOST vivid because Fumi really gathered her courage the closer it got to the end and was extremely impressed!

I'm just nervous about what that is going to mean going forward? We're almost at the halfway point of the series and like surely it's not THAT easy for our leads??
Profile Image for D E N Z.
365 reviews16 followers
November 5, 2020
AAAAAAAAHHHHHH What a great volume overall! The huge (very concerning) age gap aside, Fumi and Katsuki are really good together. I have to say I'm happy that Fumi was matured enough to face Katsuki and not act like how the other girls usually do. Honestly in this volume I'm starting to remember why I liked Yamamori-sensei's work last time. I hope the following chapters continue with this momentum. :)
Profile Image for Quirky Omega.
445 reviews73 followers
July 7, 2017
If I didn't adore Yamamori's artwork, the storyline and the abso-freaking-lutely gorgeous characters, I would dump the manga on its head and walk away without a second glance. The updates are so slow! Scanlators, translators, and editors please forgive me for such blasphemy. I am cheering you on! Keep up the good work. My day is made when I see a new update. ❤️
Profile Image for Kaitlynne.
1,600 reviews53 followers
December 25, 2023
I'm wondering if this series will take the same route as Daytime Shooting Star... that would be nice. I also really like the nod to that series that we get with Fumi's shirt.

I really like the main characters individually, they're both so funny and cute. I'd like them as a couple if they were closer to being the same age... or if Fumi were 18.
Profile Image for Cin Taiana.
59 reviews3 followers
May 24, 2020
Por si alguien no se dio cuenta ya lo leí todo hace unos días. Amo fuerte al sensei.
Profile Image for Mai.
822 reviews79 followers
March 5, 2021
why are they always so dense😩
Profile Image for evie .
590 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2021
Chapters 27 and 30 are the reason for the 4-star rating.

Consists of chapters 25 - 30

Profile Image for Katrina.
1,141 reviews39 followers
September 7, 2024
Honestly surprised at how fast this is progressing. I was expecting at least another full volume of Gorou causing problems and Kibikino trying and failing to figure out who Fumi was crushing on. Showing up at school, meeting her teachers and glaring at them to decide which one Fumi saw as a beloved mentor...there were a lot of fun possibilities. Plus, it's kind of disappointing that the progression in Aioi's and Tobiume is kind of happening offscreen. I was invested in that one!

Really, this is more like 3.5 stars for those reasons, but there is some good emotional stuff mixed in, too. Especially the flashbacks through Kibikino's failed romantic history. You'd think the women were right and that he never particularly cared about any of them, but the last girlfriend showed that wasn't actually true. He didn't do anything to make them understand that he cared, and he was distant and independent and uninterested enough of the time to make any girlfriend think they were a burden.

But the day that girlfriend broke up with him, he was bringing her a gift that he'd remembered from their very first meeting...which isn't something someone does if they truly never cared about you or paid attention to you at all. So like Gorou said, he's just really bad at relationships, but is a deeply kind, caring person underneath all that. And he needs a partner who's gentle and patient and will stick around despite all his rough bits.

Which, honestly, that put-together lady from the bookstore wouldn't have done. She would've been disappointed by the reality of dating a brilliant and reclusive author. So I definitely do see the potential with Fumi, like Gorou does.

But the actual confession still caught me off guard.

The moment itself was handled really well - Kibikino taking his hand away and staring at her in shock - and her friends showed up at just the right moment to let the angst really sink in. Aioi is a good friend, too. Very perceptive and gives good advice.

I was surprised, again, that Fumi went back to the house right away, though, to actually tell Kibikino in person that she was going to be gone for a few days. That's pretty mature of her and shows she can handle really tough situations with a lot of grace, even at her age.

But then the biggest surprise....that ending. I don't know. I get the reasoning, kind of, but it also feels way too fast, both within the plot and with the number of volumes left. So we'll see, I guess. It's obviously not going to be smooth sailing from here.
Profile Image for Mariana Polito Cuellar.
37 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2021
Tan rápido he terminado el 5to volumen y... ¡Lo amé! ❤️

No quiero poner tanto spoiler pero es imposible con tantas impresiones que tuve pero aún así, ¿por qué comenzar?

El primer punto que debo decir es que Akatsuki me ya sorprendido enormemente. Y es que al ser presentado como alguien frío y solitario, el hecho de que empiece a darse cuenta de sus sentimientos hacia Fumi es algo muy inesperado, de cierta manera adorable y definitivamente gracioso. Pero lo importante es que este personaje se ha dado cuenta que sus sentimientos son diferentes esta vez, lo cual después de estar ausente de Fumi es cuando decidió dar un gran paso para el mismo y también hacia su relación de los dos.
Fumi, por otra parte, ha sido de cierta manera valiente y se confesó de nuevo, pero concientemente esta vez, lo cual ha desencadenado a las acciones de Akatsuki, pero lo que si debo de analizar es que ella sigue luchando por lo que debe o no hacer con el sensei y es claro que quiere renunciar a sus sentimientos pero al final es cuando decide seguir adelante.

Cómo dije antes, no quiero mencionar tantas cosas pero la cuestión es que me ha sorprendido bastante el volumen, he sonreído mucho, me he tensado, he suspirado y hasta he anticipado. La relación de los dos protagonistas está desarrollándose más y más, cuestión que estoy disfrutando muchísimo. Todo este volumen ha sido inesperado y hermoso.

* Nota: Akatsuki celoso es lo más gracioso que he podido ver hasta ahorita.
Profile Image for pastelgreenfox.
54 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2022
Nach dem ich schon so begeistert von „Daytime Shooting Star“ war, war für mich ganz klar, dass ich diese Reihe auch lesen muss. Ja, ich konnte einfach nicht anders. Mika Yamamori hat mein Herz erobert mit ihren Shojo-Geschichten und ich liebe sie.
„This Lonely Planet“ begeistert mich bisher sehr. Okay, nach dem Ende von Band 5, bin ich der Reihe total verfallen.
In der Rezension zu Band 4 habe ich die Charaktere sehr ausführlich beschrieben. Hier auf dem Sommerfest passieren wirklich Dinge, mit denen ich nicht gerechnet habe. Ich mag den Umgang der beiden miteinander. Auch wenn es mal zu Unstimmigkeiten kommt. Zu denen kommt es nun mal, wenn man in einem Haushalt lebt. Dieses Gefühl, was mir die beiden geben ist eines der Akzeptanz. Fumi und Akatsuki Kibikino nehmen sich beide, wie sie nun mal sind. Sie versuchen einander nicht zu verbessern, sondern zu verstehen.
Die Idee von Kaneishi, dem Redakteur des Schriftstellers, war so mäßig eine gut Idee. Besonders hier merkt man aber, dass die Charaktere Fumi und Akatsuki sich weiter entwickeln. Nach ein bisschen Drama kommt ein sanfter Moment und ein richtig fieser Cliffhanger. Yamamori-sensei, du kannst mich doch nicht so stehen lassen.
Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
September 12, 2019
Siamo arrivati al vero punto di svolta di questa storia: complice l'aria di festa del matsuri (e qualche spintarella da parte di Goro), la piccola Fumi prende il coraggio a due mani e mette tutte le carte in tavola. La palla passa ad Akatsuki, che ha sempre avuto esperienze non troppo esaltanti in materia di storie d'amore: infatti, se il suo aspetto affascinante attraeva alla grande le ragazze, lo stesso non si può certo dire del suo carattere. Il suo modo di fare un po' freddo e chiuso che gli ha sempre impedito di aprire completamente il suo cuore e di accettare l'affetto degli altri, l'ha reso un partner troppo difficile da gestire. E così lui ha deciso di rimanere solo. Eppure, sembra che la piccola Fumi - anche lei abituata alla solitudine e alle difficoltà, senza mai lamentarsi e farlo pesare sugli altri - sia riuscita a fare centro dove tutte le altre avevano fallito.
Bene, ora che la mia ship si è formata, sono certa che arriveranno un sacco di casini...non sia mai che le cose filino liscie fin da subito, no?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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