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The Daughters of Salem: How we sent our children to their deaths #1

The Daughters of Salem: How we sent our children to their deaths: Part 1

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Colonial Massachusets, early 1690’s. When a young girl in a Puritan town rejects a farmer boy’s gift and instead slips out into the forest to dance with a young man from the Abenaki tribe, it sets off a chain of events resulting in one of the worst cases of mass hysteria in U.S. history, as neighbor turns against neighbor and friends accuse friends of the most terrible things. A fictional re-imagining of the Salem Witch Trials, in which gender politics, religion, xenophobia, innocent games of fortunetelling, and one man’s sinful indiscretion are all factors that lead to the deadly witch hunt.

107 pages, ebook

First published September 21, 2018

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About the author

Thomas Gilbert

27 books2 followers
Born in 1983, Thomas Gilbert spent a year studying the fine arts in Paris and three more at the Saint-Luc Institute in Brussels, specializing in comics, before beginning his career as an author with two series, Oklahoma Boy (Manolosanctis) and the long-running heroic fantasy series Bjorn le Morphir (Casterman). His primary influences came from L'Association, which taught him the importance of the author's perspective in developing a narrative. In the years since, Gilbert has done books for children (such as Nordics with Sarbacane) and other works skewed more toward adults, including Sauvage ou la sagesse des pierres, with Vide Cocagne). In 2018, Gilbert completed Les Filles de Salem (Dargaud; The Daughters of Salem, Europe Comics), plunging himself and the reader into the oppressive world of Salem, in 17th-century New England. His extensive research of the Salem witch trials led to the creation of this work that goes beyond the facts of the case to explore the place of persecution and even hatred in the judicial

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 374 reviews
Profile Image for Coos Burton.
858 reviews1,453 followers
March 10, 2024
Todo en este cómic es perfecto: el arte, el evidente research y agudeza en ciertos aspectos históricos, y la forma en la que esas cuestiones se van articulando a lo largo de la trama, las referencias... en fin, todo. No tengo mucho para agregar, quedé medio obsesionada con esta obra.
Profile Image for Kathy.
440 reviews4 followers
September 30, 2021
"Una vez que pertenecemos al odio en cuerpo y alma... los límites desaparecen."

En esta historia nos adentraremos a Salem Village, un pueblo puritano que guía su actuar en torno al temor y a lo que el párroco del lugar les dice fervientemente.
En este pueblo vive Abigail Hobbs una joven ingenua de 14 años que deja atrás su época de niñez y junto a su amiga, hija del párroco, tienen un gran secreto.
Muchas cosas comenzarán a alborotar la pacífica y siempre temerosa población, rumores, de que en el bosque han visto y sido tentados por una presencia maligna, afectará a todo el pueblo, haciendo que el párroco Parris vea una oportunidad para sembrar el miedo y volver a imponerse sobre la comunidad tomando extremas decisiones.

Una historia de ficción situada en el Salem del s.XVII, con algunas referencias exactas, en la que se muestra la lucha(en varios sentidos), el temor de las mujeres, cómo eran silenciadas y sus actos juzgados arbitrariamente en una época de odio, fanatismo religioso, opresión y paranoia que se desató en 1692.

Me ha gustado cómo se ha llevado a cabo el transcurso de la trama, a pesar de lo corta que es, genera muchas emociones, sobre todo impotencia y dolor, mostrando la crueldad, misoginia, crudeza y sesgo de los habitantes de aquel lugar en el que muchas personas fueron acusadas de brujería.
Es una obra fuerte, que hace imposible no realizar una comparación en diferentes aspectos con la actualidad, a través del potente mensaje que entrega.

Con respecto a la edición y dibujo son espectaculares, realmente los colores que se van utilizando te introducen a la historia y no te sueltan, creando una tensa atmósfera que logra un nivel de inmersión total.
Contiene postfacio llamado "La cuarta ola del Feminismo" de Amorós.
Profile Image for Tiffany Vecchietti.
127 reviews1,825 followers
July 7, 2021
Molto carino, lo stile non sempre mi ha catturata ma rimane una lettura molto piacevole
Profile Image for Jane.
385 reviews618 followers
March 3, 2019
Oof. I knew going in that this was going to be a darker story, but this ended up being just too dark for me. I love the cover art, but do not think it is representative of the story or the art within the pages. I'm left feeling like this is a story I *should* have enjoyed (or at least appreciated), but what I really feel is a bit dirty.

Approach with caution.

Thanks to NetGalley and Europe Comics for providing me with a DRC of this book.
Profile Image for Elly.
417 reviews46 followers
October 8, 2019
Une bande dessinée historique qui retrace les événements qui se sont déroulés à Salem en 1692 où une centaine de femmes ont été accusées de sorcellerie. Une histoire qui fait froid dans le dos et qui nous montre les dérives de la religion et les vices des hommes de pouvoir. Une bande dessinée féministe, aux dessins travaillés qui font passer de nombreuses émotions ! La peur, la colère, le dégoût, la rage, la paix.
Profile Image for Zai.
895 reviews23 followers
October 22, 2020
Esta es una novela gráfica en la cual se relata de forma ficcionada los juicios de Salem, a partir del hecho histórico, nos sumerge en una sociedad puritana donde impera el fanatismo religioso. En algunas escenas he sentido verdadera impotencia.
January 5, 2019
The Daughters of Salem was...not good. It was meant to be feminist but fell into the stereotypes of women's oppression without actually having anything important to say, and was, quite frankly, borderline racist in places. Study of the history of Salem is already historically about understanding female oppression and scapegoating, and The Daughters of Salem simply didn't add anything to that and ended up adding elements that muddied the waters instead.

The writing is too simple, and cliche'd. It's narrated, so the text doesn't build on what the images show, it just tells us the story that isn't conveyed in the pictures. It reads like something aimed at a much, much younger audience than it is. Overall I think it simply lacked any real depth.

There are much better books on the subject matter that tackle it much more effectively. If The Daughters of Salem had not been so graphic in its art and violence I might have recommended it as an introduction to pique interest in the subject for middle-schoolers. But its images have an adult audience in mind, where its text appeals to much younger.
Profile Image for Laura.
317 reviews102 followers
September 16, 2021
Mujeres de Salem es una novela gráfica que os recomiendo encarecidamente. Es seguramente uno de los cómics que más me han transmitido y más me han gustado de los últimos tiempos gracias a un guion inmejorable y a un dibujo arrollador que lo acompaña de maravilla.

En esta obra, el autor nos cuenta una historia que todos en mayor o menor medida conocemos: los Juicios de Salem. Aunque es una novela de ficción y el autor se toma muchas licencias, tanto los personajes como algunos de los sucesos son totalmente reales. Destaca también la mirada feminista con la que se enfoca la historia y que personalmente he agradecido.

Como ya he dicho el guion está perfectamente trabajado, se nota la labor de documentación del autor y presenta y dosifica muy bien la historia, sus dotes narrativas son innegables, pero también las que tiene como dibujante.

La oscuridad va envolviendo la historia a medida que avanzamos y consigue reflejarlo muy bien en las ilustraciones. Cada vez se vuelven más tenebrosas y grotescas, las carga de tintes oníricos y juega de maravilla con las paletas de colores, que cada vez son más oscuras y frías.

Además, dota a los personajes de muchísima expresividad, haciendo que lo que sienten en ese momento traspase las páginas. Hay escenas que se me han quedado grabadas en la mente, es realmente sobrecogedor.

En resumen, vamos a leer una historia trágica, dura, muy sombría, de esas que te dejan un poco hecho polvo y cargado de impotencia. El fanatismo religioso, la ignorancia y el miedo se dan de la mano es esta reinterpretación del proceso de Salem, uno de los muchos acontecimientos vergonzosos de nuestro pasado.
Profile Image for La Coccinelle.
2,254 reviews3,564 followers
March 26, 2019
I didn't like this. I thought a fictionalized account of the Salem Witch Trials in a graphic novel format would be just my thing. But I found it to be a rather weak book all around.

For starters, some of the writing just doesn't ring true. At times, some characters use turns of phrase that sound like they're from the 21st century.

Second, I really disliked the artwork. Everyone is drawn to be haggard and ugly, and as a result, the whole village looks like it's populated by senior citizens. The main character is only supposed to be fourteen, but she looks more like she's forty. Because of this style that permeated everything, I also had a hard time telling the characters apart. The men and women sometimes look so similar that if you can't see their full bodies, you might not know who you're looking at.

Third, this is a graphic graphic novel. I mean, the scenes of violence are stomach-churningly awful. You see brains. You see entrails. You see a man with his face blown off. There are graphic animal killings as well, including a dog who gets his head bashed in. This book is not for anyone who can't stand seeing explicit violence. Reader discretion is definitely advised.

Like many graphic novels, we just start to get into the plot when the book ends. We haven't really seen much in the way of the familiar parts of the Salem Witch Trials story yet. But I'm afraid I don't have any interest in continuing with this series. It's too slow, too modern, and far too graphic for my taste.

Thank you to NetGalley and Europe Comics for providing a digital ARC.
Profile Image for Urbon Adamsson.
1,192 reviews25 followers
August 13, 2024
The title of this book sets clear expectations right from the start.

However, the first third of the book is somewhat slow, to the point where I began to question whether it would turn out to be an engaging read.

I wasn't particularly fond of the inclusion of Native American elements in the story. Their presence felt somewhat unnecessary and didn't significantly contribute to the plot. The main event that drives the story forward occurs later and isn't directly related, although it seems the author used this to justify the accusations of pagan practices against the female characters.

The second part of the book is where the narrative truly picks up. It delves into the darker aspects of human nature, revealing the depths of depravity that some are capable of.

The ending is especially grim and chilling, vividly portraying the cruelty of mankind and the suffering of the innocent.
Profile Image for Myriam.
438 reviews289 followers
October 6, 2018
"Les filles de Salem" est une formidable BD qui revient sur les origines du massacre de plus d'une centaine de jeunes femmes du village de Salem au XVIIe siècle. On découvre petit à petit comment le ressentiment et la peur mènent à la haine et à l'horreur. Comment l'hypocrisie de la religion utilise la crédulité pour servir ses intérêts au détriment d'innocents.
Cette BD historique poignante devrait être lue par le plus grand nombre, pour ne pas oublier, et ne plus se laisser instrumentaliser par d'autres discours attisant la haine de l'autre.
Profile Image for La gata lectora.
350 reviews298 followers
November 2, 2020
Esta novela gráfica nos cuenta los sucesos en el pueblo de Salem, donde mujeres inocentes fueron condenadas por brujería.

Como ya sabemos, estas acusaciones se basaban en la superstición, el odio entre algunas personas, la venganza, la envidia y el uso del poder.

Los dibujos son muy expresivos, se utilizan bien los colores para ambientar las distintas escenas y las expresiones de la personas muestran muy bien sentimientos como la ira, el miedo o el odio.

Es entretenida, aunque también es dura y hay escenas cruentas.
Profile Image for Aurélie.
104 reviews9 followers
May 19, 2019
Je m'attendais à quelque chose de différent, en voyant la couverture et le titre...je suis pas certaine que la scène de viol ait été vraiment nécessaire, et j'ai trouvé que certains passages frôlaient le racisme...le côté dark ne me dérange pas en règle générale, mais là honnêtement bof.
L'écriture est beaucoup trop simpliste, et je trouve que cette BD n'apporte rien de vraiment intéressant ni de constructif sur le sujet choisit...Dommage!
Profile Image for Deborah .
101 reviews13 followers
December 11, 2021
Le illustrazioni mi hanno fatta innamorare, una rappresentazione del più famoso processo alla streghe in versione fumettistica. Una lotta al femminile per la sopravvivenza. Per me, da brivido.
Profile Image for Ivy♌.
74 reviews8 followers
February 6, 2019
Drawn in initially by the inspiration taken from The Salem Witchtrials' which for a modern day Witch (by faith) is a sad time period for our ancestors and the witches who came before us and I am always intrigued to read inspired tales by these events.

This however was so far removed from even a nod to The Cruicible I was left dissapointed and disturbed to say the least. As a fan of dark reads including gore and horror I generally enjoy a very haunting, grotesque work of fiction yet I felt this one went above even my limits which is tough to do.
This is essentially a talking piece on the very real time in history where Puritan women and certainly in this depicted village were not only oppressed and abused but we're oogled like pieces of meat timid prey if you will.

The scene that still sits uneasy with me now many hours after reading is with Abbigail Hobbs our main protagonist where at only 13 years old she is scrutinised pulled away from home at night to be seen by the women's council. The grotesque depictions through the artwork create this dark eerie feeling that leaves you feeling uneasy.
Abbigail is pawed at stripped and grabbed humiliated and terrified betrayed by her mother all to learn she is now 'a woman' very harshly told she will bleed and have a cycle and proceeds to have her hair viciously torn and cut " this is your punishment for being a temptation in the eyes of men" retorted by her own mother as she jeers and taunts with fellow elder women.

The takeaway sadly is a tale steeped in violence. There was so many avenues I felt this story could have taken it just left me with unease and was very difficult and uncomfortable to finish to the end.
Sadly this is not one I'll continue.

Thanks to Diamond Book Distribution and Netgalley for an advanced copy.
Profile Image for Christine.
6,966 reviews535 followers
January 20, 2019
Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Salem holds a strong place in the American psyche. In part, this is due to making students read Arthur Miller’s the Crucible. Perhaps it is the stories that surround the town of Salem itself. The story itself has been examined a variety of ways. Thomas Gilbert’s feminist take is not the first such.

Though it might be the best fictional take.

Gilbert’s story focuses on the young girls in the town of Salem, in particular Abagail, and how the women are controlled by the male dominated society. He also works in the culture clash between the Native Americans and the European colonizers.

It is a harsh story, but the way Gilbert tells it, it becomes a more powerful story. It tackles the issues of how a society views those who are different. The focus on the fear of the other as well as a woman’s ability to reproduce make this story and graphic novel timely.

It should be noted that some of the artwork and content material is graphic. The artwork is a perfect match to the story.
Profile Image for Sara.
300 reviews81 followers
January 16, 2021
Leer esta novela gráfica, remueve cada célula femenina que hay en mi.

Es brutal, dura , despiadada, como lo fue la verdadera historia detrás de la leyenda de las brujas de Salem.

Quiénes fueron aquellas mujeres, por qué las ejecutaron, como siempre la ignorancia, el extremismo religioso y el miedo detrás de cada página de terror y asesinato de nuestra historia.

Obligada lectura.
Profile Image for Estanteriadecho.
509 reviews53 followers
July 8, 2019
Cuando oímos hablar de Salem es inevitable pensar en las acusaciones masivas de brujería que se produjeron a finales del siglo XVII. Con Mujeres de Salem tenemos la oportunidad de conocer el papel que las mujeres representaron en este episodio tan trágico que azotó a la población, aprovechándose para proferir un grito de guerra en pos del feminismo.

La evolución de esta novela gráfica es asombrosa porque la historia se oscurece a cada página, y lo tierno y dulce se torna agresivo para sentir un pellizco en el estómago una vez que la hemos terminado. Un par de subtramas hacen que la obra mantenga nuestro interés, no se haga monótona y nos produzca verdadero horror cuando estalla el caos en Salem. Gran parte de este éxito se debe al poder difusor por parte del autor, pues sabe transmitirnos sendas sensaciones y una historia que pasa por delante de nosotros, usando la cantidad precisa de viñetas.

Mujeres de Salem es una novela gráfica imprescindible, con una historia maravillosa y un dibujo muy expresivo que os embrujará para haceros reflexionar sobre temas tales como la inocencia, el fanatismo religioso y el machismo. Un título que recordaréis por siempre jamás

Reseña: https://laestanteriadecho.blogspot.co...
Profile Image for be ^᪲᪲᪲.
16 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2024
No puede explicar lo que sentí leyendo esta historia. El final me dejó loca, no puedo creer que hayan recibido ese castigo por el simple hecho de ser mujeres pero tampoco me sorprende, en la actualidad vivimos en un mundo donde ser mujer es un delito. Este libro represento lo difícil que es ser mujer y al forma en la que somos castigadas solo por serlo. Ame cada una de las páginas. Este libro es tan amargo,cruel, es simplemente perfecto.
Profile Image for Baptiste.
115 reviews
October 6, 2021
Je sais vraiment pas quoi penser de cette BD. Parce que c’était a la fois assez intéressant et pourtant j’ai eu du mal a complètement me plonger dedans.

Tout le côté sur Salem et les procès est assez fascinant, même si ça reste effrayant, évidemment. Il est terrifiant d’assister a ces procès, et de voir comment la religion menace et manipule l’opinion publique en stigmatisant, comme par hasard, les femmes du village, en particulier celles qui ne se soumettent pas a leur « rôle ». Pour tout ça, c’est assez bon et féministe, ce qui fait qu’on apprend des choses sur cette période et qu’on ne passe pas un mauvais moment.

Cependant, j’ai eu du mal avec les dessins que je trouvais par moment brouillons, et souvent glauques sans grande raison. Je comprends pourquoi ces choix on été fait mais je n’ai personnellement pas accroché. De plus, tous le côté féministe du livre est vraiment assez peu subtil et posé là grossièrement. On peut donc reconnaître l’intention mais l’exécution est assez maladroite et je trouve que ça handicape pas mal tout le reste.
January 17, 2021
Ho così tante cose da dire ma vi dico solo questo: leggetelo. Mentre leggevo la storia, pagina dopo pagina, ho continuato a pensare e ripensare a quanto l'intimità fra donne sia vista in cattiva luce, a quanto le libertà o la conoscenza di certe materie faccia paura se nelle mani delle donne. L'altra grande angoscia è che quando la paura prende il sopravvento può succedere qualsiasi cosa. Insomma chiaro come il sole che mi sia piaciuto molto.

p.s. leggetelo ascoltando questa playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VC...
Profile Image for Jaclyn Hillis.
1,013 reviews63 followers
January 6, 2019
This wasn't what I expected, and honestly I didn't really like it. The writing was very simple, the art was very graphic, and the story line was dull. I don't really see how this could be considered "feminist", but it does show a little how women were/are portrayed, but not with much depth on either side of the story.
Profile Image for Richard.
1,990 reviews166 followers
January 8, 2019
Europe Comics delivers yet another telling graphic novel from the experiences of others and their historical tradition. One story from the early settlement of Puritans in America was the account of what turned a community upon itself in the township of Salem.
It is good that the author has used this background of intense religious fervour and fear of the Devil in their midst to set his story. In his introduction Thomas Gilbert says he was drawn to the breakdown of a society grapling with indians and forging an existence from farming in difficult soil and inclement weather. Where they might except God's blessing and provision but when things get hard and hunger bites, they fragment and pick on the weaker members of the community to scapegoat and blame for all their ills and label them as responsible for the devil's curse.
It is a harsh time and women were less than equals in the family, viewed has chattels but lusted after once entering puberty. The church preaches sin and hell's fires, but the labourers rely more on their own strength at times and resent the money given to the minister and the church when crops still fail and life remains hard.
In making the female characters the most empathetic and compassionate the author raises the issues and places the women in the story at risk. But in showing their wisdom and simple faith he presents an innocence amid the clouds that duly arise from suspicion and ignorance. So when things go wrong it pays not to be different; demonstrate love where the majority have mistrust and fear in their hearts. In this society the weak can be targeted; the crowd can behave without thought, distruction and death can quickly follow on.
The story is creatively told, Abigail Hobbs is a spirited young girl living at a time when women were misunderstood, and not to be valued outside the kitchen and bedroom. Abigail's courage and love of life are at odds with this time and those she is drawn to and cares about leave her vulnerable.
The story is just the beginning; to be continued in future episodes. There is enough here to allow the reader to reflect and consider the lot of women still in the 21st century. A comic book that is dark, a fiction based on a brutal, extreme time, but with a message that should reverberate through every society where people remain marginalised whether due to gender, faith or background and continued to be blamed for problems. Refugees, migration, homeless and the unemployed. Extremism is prevelent still today; intolerance bubbles under a PC facade and mobs are now driven by political dogma as much as radical beliefs.
A worthwhile message is conveyed in these pages.
If we can but see and learn.
Profile Image for Arybo ✨.
1,408 reviews164 followers
February 9, 2019
I’ve never read something like that. The drawings were strange and unique and the colors were astonishing.

This is the first installment in the series and it’s already powerful. Abigail is the main protagonist, she’s fourteen when the story begins. She lives in Salem with her family and her best friend, the daughter of the reverend of the town. Sometimes there are hunts in the forest, looking for the Indians, who are described as the demons of this place. One day Abigail meets one of the Indians and she understands that he’s as human as herself. She’s trying to hide their encounters, but her friend knows her better than anyone else, so she talks to her friend about this guy. The three meet and the story begins: they love singing and dancing while the Indian plays the flute. There’s a very vivid sequence in the book and it’s a beautiful moment of the story. But something is changing in town. When winter comes the food is not so much and the people who are different are attacked and killed, because they have like or with the Devil, according to the reverend.

The book starts with bright colors and than is more and more dark, as the story. The drawings are purely linear and strong, and not always beautiful, but they are powerful. I must say that there are vivid images here and I want to warn about these cruelty’s scenes, because they are important to the story but they are vivid as punch in the face.
This book has a lot of different themes: the rule of the woman in the society, the idea of the woman according to the masculine world, the religious worries and the prejudices about other cultures. Even if it’s set in the past this book shows us the bad face of humanity: now or then, people who don’t understand that every human has the same rights, are stupid and selfish and blind.

I appreciate this book so much and it’s so powerful, not perfect, just illuminating. I totally recommend it.

*I received an e-ARC of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Naiara.
150 reviews8 followers
October 22, 2021
Siguiendo la línea de The Witch (2015) y Akelarre (2020), dos películas que me encantan, Mujeres de Salem es una muestra de lo gótico americano fronterizo temprano y/o gótico puritano que expone y denuncia la violencia e injusticias que, en nombre del ultrafanatismo religioso, se cometieron contra las mujeres, indígenas y otras minorías a finales del siglo XVII en Salem Village.

El cómic no está tan enfocado en las brujas como en la realidad opresiva de las mujeres de la época y de cómo gradualmente, a través de la mirada masculina y religiosa (que junto con los animales, la naturaleza y los indígenas las demoniza), van perdiendo sus libertades hasta terminar siendo condenadas por los prejuicios, supersticiones y creencias de la Iglesia.

Me ha gustado lo bien que aparecen representados los límites entre lo que se considera celestial y demoníano, subrayando con los colores y el dibujo lo bucólico de los demonizados paisajes naturales en su convivencia pacífica con los indígenas y sus creencias y el salvajismo, violencia y brutalidad de la considerada justicia divina de la Iglesia puritana.
Profile Image for Bexx.
156 reviews54 followers
January 31, 2019
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this ARC.
I gave this a 4.5/5 stars.

I really enjoyed this graphic novel. A part of it reminded me of The Crucible by Arthur Miller. I really like reading things about Salem I liked the aspect of the Indians. Since I have some Native America blood. My grandpa on my dads side was a quarter Native American I believe. This was only part one but I’m excited to the next parts. I totally recommend it.
Profile Image for Mara✨.
58 reviews1 follower
September 8, 2024
Una graphic novel che con i suoi disegni ti scuote nel profondo, ricca di sentimenti descritti molto bene.
Mi è piaciuto lo stile dei disegni, ma soprattutto mi è piaciuto il punto di vista femminile nella storia.
Profile Image for La Gran Biblioteca de David.
859 reviews39 followers
May 2, 2021
Este cómic contiene una historia real y dura. La protagonista, o la que tiene un mayor protagonismo, es Abigail Hobbs, una adolescente de 14 años. Ella vive con su padre y con su madrastra, Deliverance, una mujer con fuertes sentimientos religiosos y de recato. Esta le enseña cómo se tiene que comportar una mujer de honor en la época. Su mejor amiga es Elizabeth Parris, la hija del reverendo. Esta tiene una esclava india, Tituba, que es como la madre perdida de Elizabeth.

Además de estas tres, van a tener también protagonismo Sarah Good, una mujer indigente, sin hogar y algo psicológicamente inestable y Bridget Bishop, una irlandesa que regenta junto con su madre un pub donde se bebe y se disfruta, entre otras.

Todos conocemos de sobra los juicios por brujería en la villa de Salem, en Estados Unidos, que tantas veces han sido llevados al cine y a la literatura, pero quizás pocas personas sepan la realidad (o más o menos lo que pudo haber pasado). Gilbert nos lo relata en este cómic muy duro. Todo en Salem es alegría y buena convivencia hasta que Parris, el cura de la villa, comienza a promulgar un total fanatismo religioso, en parte para hacerse con el control absoluto de la villa y, con esto, ganar dinero con las limosnas de sus habitantes a la iglesia. Esta situación cambia cuando se comienza a ver en los bosques a un hombre con la cara negra, símbolo de Satanás que viene a corromper todas las almas de Salem. Abigail y Elizabeth se ven a escondidas con este hombre, que resulta ser miembro de una tribu india de la zona. Todo esto, junto con la ambición de Parris y la falsa acusación de una persona importante en la vida de Abigail, desatará una loca caza de brujas, en la cual la mitad de los habitantes acusa a la otra mitad.

Esta historia refleja muy bien cómo tenía que ser una mujer en la época y cómo se tenía que comportar. Creo que esta frase lo demuestra muy bien:

"La opinión de una mujer carece de importancia en esta asamblea de hombres"

Pero también es una historia donde se refleja una gran crueldad por parte del ser humano, de la falsedad, la hipocresía (especialmente del padre Parris, quien promulga en concreto de actos que hace a escondidas) y la doble moral, del fanatismo religioso y de una lucha entre colonos e indios.

Por último, tratamos sobre el aparato artístico y la edición. Las ilustraciones son preciosas y el color empleado también, incluso hay momentos de terror. Me ha gustado muchísimo cómo el autor ha ido demonizando los rostros de los habitantes de Salem en varios momentos, como por ejemplo los linchamientos, así como los tonos empleados: tiernos y dulces en momentos de felicidad y oscuros y salvajes en los momentos más duros. La edición está muy bien cuidada, con una calidad enorme. La historia cuenta con ocho capítulos y un epílogo. Cierra el tomo con un postfacio de la filósofa Celia Amorós, que me ha costado un poco entender (no soy muy bueno tampoco en filosofía).

En conclusión, una historia que narra en viñetas un acontecimiento histórico cruel con unos personajes femeninos con una gran potencia y carisma. Una trama llena de misoginia, de racismo, de fanatismo religioso, de hipocresía y de un control total de la vida privada. Un cómic con un ritmo muy bueno y unos dibujos alucinantes y muy delicados, con una edición muy bien cuidada.

Más en mi blog La Gran Biblioteca de David (https://lagranbibliotecadedavid.blogs...)
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