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Roar #1

The Land of Roar

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Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9781405293679

The new middle-grade fantasy that will make you believe in magic!

When Arthur and Rose were little, they were heroes in the Land of Roar, an imaginary world that they found by climbing through the folding bed in their grandad’s attic. Roar was filled with things they loved – dragons, mermaids, ninja wizards and adventure – as well as things that scared them (including a very creepy scarecrow. . .)

Now the twins are eleven, Roar is just a memory. But when they help Grandad clean out the attic, Arthur is horrified as Grandad is pulled into the folding bed and vanishes. Is he playing a joke? Or is Roar . . . real?

304 pages, Paperback

First published August 1, 2019

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About the author

Jenny McLachlan

50 books272 followers
I have always loved reading and I studied English at university just so that I could read a bit more. Next I found my way into secondary teaching and discovered that I loved it too: I got to read more books, show off and hang out with very funny teenagers. What a great job!

Teaching English also encouraged me to write. Soon I had planned and started lots of different stories, but they were all abandoned and shoved to the back of a drawer. Then, one day, the plot for Flirty Dancing came together; Bea’s story was so alive it was like a film running in my head and I knew it was a story I would finish.

Over the next few years, various exciting events distracted me from Flirty Dancing: I got married, travelled the world, was chased by an angry elephant (and a pack of dogs) and I had two babies. While I was sitting on trains, swimming in the Outback and raising two crazy girls, I kept thinking about Bea, and her friends, Betty, Kat and Pearl, until I realised I had planned three more books.

In 2013, after attending the Winchester Writers’ Festival, I plucked up the courage to send Flirty Dancing to Julia Churchill, a brilliant children’s fiction agent at A.M. Heath. With dazzling speed I was then signed by Bloomsbury to write the four books in the series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 547 reviews
Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,015 reviews2,615 followers
December 31, 2019
Book Reviewed on www.whisperingstories.com

Whenever they stayed at their grandfather’s house, twins Rose and Arthur would play a game they invented called Roar, which began by them crawling into a folding bed and a new world. Now aged eleven the twins are once again staying with their grandfather and helping him clean out the loft when they come across the bed.

Arthur is not sure what to make of their game, could it have been a real place they went to or was it all in his imagination? His sister Rose knows it was all made up and refuses to even think about the possibility that it might not have been in their heads, she is more concerned with her new phone and the teenage girl next door.

Arthur’s Grandad decides the only way to find out is to venture into the folding bed and see if he comes out the other side, if he does the game obviously wasn’t real, if he doesn’t then he will have found the land of Roar. Arthur watches as his Grandad disappears into the chair and waits, but when he doesn’t come out there is only one thing for it, he has to follow him, but the land of Road has changed and the evil Magpie Crowky has captured his Grandad, there is only one thing for it, Arthur is going to have to travel the land and rescue him, he just wishes Rose was with him but she still doesn’t believe.

The Land of Roar is a fun-filled adventure book for middle-graders set in a magical world filled with mystical creatures, some good, some evil. The residents of Roar have been waiting for the twins to return to the land as Crowky the Magpie has taken over and the world is being destroyed.

The book is easy to read and engaging. I’m sure all children have used their imaginations at some point to take them to another place, be that the ocean, space or a make-believe land so they will find a connection to the story.

Twins Arthur and Rose have found as they have gotten older that they are growing apart, Arthur is still quite young and wants to play games and be a child, Rose wants to act like a teenager and has no interest in anything except her phone, which she is on constantly.

The world-building is superb and the tension throughout is spot on. I love the good vs evil element to it. There are also fantastic illustrations within each chapter that bring the story to life. This is book one in a new series, I now can’t wait to continue the story in book two.
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,200 reviews205 followers
September 17, 2023
3.75 stars

This turned out to be a fun story, an homage to imagination. It’s a portal fantasy featuring a world completely invented by imagination. It has a mermaid-witch (“Mitch”) and a wizard-ninja (“Win”). Ha. The villain is a scarecrow-crow, hard to visualize but thankfully some detailed illustrations bring him to life.

Twins Arthur and Rose played “Roar” when they were little. But they’re getting older and growing apart as Rose is desperate to belong to the in-crowd. The book is as much about their relationship as it is about Roar.

The descriptions of the characters are vague enough so that any child can picture themselves in the story, which I love. When I did NOT love was the tiny font size in this book.

Language: Clean
Sexual Content: None
Violence/Gore: Mild
Harm to Animals:
Harm to Children:
Other (Triggers):
Profile Image for Lieblingsleseplatz .
233 reviews42 followers
October 27, 2019
Ein wunderbares Buch über die Tücken des Erwachsen werdens, Freundschaft und eine fantastische Fantasiewelt mit schaurig schönem Grusel. Perfekt!

Arthur und seine Zwillingsschwester Rose verbringen die letzten Ferientage bei ihrem Opa bevor es auf die neue Schule geht. Früher waren diese Tage bei ihrem schrulligen und witzigen Opa die schönsten des Jahres. Die Kinder waren unzertrennlich und haben sich in ihren gemeinsamen Spielen verloren. Besonders toll waren ihre „Ausflüge“ ins Fantasieland Arro, das man nur betreten konnte, wenn man sich zwischen das zugeklappte Gästebett auf dem Dachboden quetschte.
Doch jetzt sind Rose und Arthur 11 und nicht nur Roses Handy hat die Beiden entzweit. Alles scheint nicht mehr richtig und Arthur fühlt, dass er seine beste Freundin verloren hat. Daran ändert auch Opas Vorschlag nichts, den Dachboden mal gründlich auszumisten. Nicht mal Arthur glaubt daran, dass Arro tatsächlich mal existiert haben könnte… bis sein Opa plötzlich in der vergammelten Gästebett-Matratze verschwindet!
Arthur eilt ihm zu Hilfe und muss erkennen, dass während der Jahre in denen er Arro nicht mehr besucht hatte Kreuch, der schreckliche Scheuch, die grausame Herrschaft über Arro übernommen hat!

Eine Prise Peter Pan und Narnia mit wundervollen Metaphern für Themen die Kinder in diesem Alter beschäftigen. Der Spannungsbogen ist perfekt und der angenehme Grusel genau richtig um die Leser ernst zu nehmen, aber so, dass man nachts noch einschlafen kann – nur flattern sollte nichts vorm Fenster ;-)
Die Charaktere sind unglaublich toll ausgearbeitet. Nicht nur Rose und Arthur – auch die Bewohner Arros wie Minja (eine Ninja-Magier), das gefährliche Schaukelpferd Prosecco oder der Drache Kokelores sind mir ans Herz gewachsen. Und vor allem der leicht verrückte aber liebevolle Opa – so einen wünsche ich jedem Kind!
Ein Romanstoff, der sich meiner Meinung nach ganz wunderbar verfilmen ließe…

Die Moral der Geschichte kommt ganz leise und ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger… Freundschaft und Familie sind wichtiger als Handy und Youtube.
So geht moderne Kinderliteratur, die auch Erwachsenen Spaß macht! Danke!
August 21, 2020
I finished this yesterday, & I loved it! Such an amazing story! The author did an AMAZING job describing this GORGEOUS world! Everything was written in such beautifully descriptive detail, I felt like I was in Roar myself. Such detailing too! Amazing, unique details. The side characters of Roar were so unique & amazing too. Such a great adventure these twins embark on to rescue their grandpa! What a great grandpa to have! I loved him!! Arthur was a great main character. I loved him. I loved seeing him grow in Roar. Realizing he is braver than he realized, & stronger. Rose annoyed me for the 1st half of the book, which just shows great writing. She gets better, & you begin to understand her more as the book goes on. She grows on you, until you realize how much you love her too. 😆AMAZING! Lol Win has my heart & soul..as do the DRAGONS!! 😍😍 I think everyone wished as a kid that the worlds we pretended were real while playing..that they actually WERE real-I still pretend that😆 This made all those wishes come true, & more. This story shows the power in faith/believing in something. Crowkey was such a creative character for a villain. This whole book is just creative genius. I started the sequel last night, & I’m so glad I waited to start the 1st until I had the 2nd. I would’ve hated having to wait to go back to Roar. Such a beautiful cover, but also!-BEAUTIFUL illustrations all throughout the book! Like a LOT of them, more than I’ve seen in a book before. All so beautiful!! I loved that!!😍😍I love these twins & their story, & can’t wait to continue their adventure w/them in Roar. Highly recommend!!💜💜

Synopsis: When Arthur and Rose were little, they were heroes in the Land of Roar, an imaginary world that they found by climbing through the folding bed in their grandad’s attic. Roar was filled with things they loved – dragons, mermaids, ninja wizards and adventure – as well as things that scared them (including a very creepy scarecrow. . .) Now the twins are eleven, Roar is just a memory. But when they help Grandad clean out the attic, Arthur is horrified as Grandad is pulled into the folding bed and vanishes. Is he playing a joke? Or is Roar . . . real?
Profile Image for Iris ☾ (dreamer.reads).
477 reviews1,025 followers
January 22, 2021

En «The Land of Roar» conoceremos a Arthur y a Rose, dos hermanos de once años que van a pasar las vacaciones a casa de su abuelo. Es en uno de esos días que recuerdan que cuando eran pequeños solían jugar a un juego llamado Roar, un mundo mágico imaginario creado por ellos pero que finalmente resulta ser real. Rose es reticente a seguir jugando a juegos infantiles y poco a poco deja de lado a su hermano.

La acción comienza cuando el abuelo de los dos pequeños desaparece y todo parece indicar que ha logrado traspasar la puerta que da acceso a Roar. Dará pie a que nuestros dos protagonistas vayan a buscarlo y se embarquen en una aventura de lo más entretenida. Estos lares son habitados por todo tipo de seres, desde dragones, unicornios, sirenas, cuervos y espanta pájaros.

A pesar de ser una novela middle grade y por lo tanto, dirigida a un público infantil, contiene varios momentos emotivos y centrados en la idea de seguir creyendo en la magia a pesar de que la niñez se nos escurra entre las manos. Un buen mensaje de unión, de amor y amistad acompañado de unas ilustraciones y una edición formidables.

Sin lugar a dudas, es un libro con una narración fluida y con unos personajes muy tiernos. La trama es entretenida, el nivel de inglés es fácil y hacen de esta, una lectura ideal para intercalar entre otras más densas y adultas. Siempre viene bien recordar la magia de la infancia.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,440 reviews154 followers
May 16, 2023
I just got through something extremely hard for me so it was a massive win!!

I decided to treat myself and congratulate myself so I brought this book 😄

What better reason for buying a new book lol. Not that people need reasons but this one sounded so good!

So that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!


14th May 2023

4 stars.

So glad I decided to get this book. Fun, adventure, magic, dragons, a bad guy, humour and of course, the absolute best part, the magical alternate fantasy world!

What more could you want with a middle grade fantasy!?

The storytelling was amazing and sucked me in quickly which is just want I love about books.

My copy of this thought, has a massive printing error on page 275. It's like the real page 276 is missing as the sentence doesn't continue to page 276. Instead it's a whole different paragraph that's not connected at all to the last sentence on page 275. I've contacted the Author so I hope she sees my message and is aware of this.

Overall, I'm pretty sure I can add Jenny McLachlan to my list of favourite authors. Can't wait to start book 2 and I'm about to order the 3rd. Definitely recommend this series and Author.

Update: 16th May 2023.

Just been speaking with the 'Imaginary' Jenny McLachlan. Apparently the publishing error was with the first editions (like mine) but has been fixed. Phew. So glad she knew of it. Was a real pleasure chatting with her. She's definitely an Author to keep an eye on.
Profile Image for Peter.
Author 12 books328 followers
September 11, 2019
I really enjoyed this, it was a super-fun portal fantasy adventure, with two eleven year old twins re-stumbling into their childhood imaginary kingdom of Roar to rescue their grandad who has been kidnapped by the evil villain Croky and taken prisoner there. The adventure is light and fun - nothing too dark - and the characters are well written, especially Win, Arthurs friend and sidekick- who was my favourite. Very funny. I think he's one of the best MG characters I have read in a while.
Profile Image for Elvira Montulet.
32 reviews16 followers
October 28, 2019
2.5 *
Surprisingly hard to get through for a childrens book... Also really quite predictable, then again, I'm not really the audience for this book! I loved Win a lot, and I wish we got to meet Mitch... Probably not gonna read the sequel though.
Profile Image for Arezoo Gholizadeh.
Author 20 books132 followers
January 10, 2021
آرتور و رز خواهر و برادر دوقلویی‌ان که کودکی رو با دنیای خیالاتش پشت سر گذاشتن و نوجوونی پیش روشون قرار گرفته. رز دوست داره زودتر از کودکی فاصله بگیره اما آرتور هنوز جادوی خیالات کودکانه‌ش رو از دست نداده.
حالا چند روزی پیش پدربزرگشون موندن و وقتی پدربزرگ می‌خواد راضی‌شون کنه دوباره به یاد کودکی با هم بازی کنن خودش غیب می‌شه و آرتور و رز باید پیداش کنن و نجاتش بدن و همین سرآغاز ماجراجویی در «سرزمین رور» می‌شه، دنیایی که زاده‌ی تخیلات کودکانه‌ی این خواهر و برادره.
کتاب‌های کودک و نوجوان زیادی وجود دارن که بزرگسال‌ها هم با خوندنشون لذت می‌برن، کتاب‌هایی که ایده‌های ناب دارن یا با نگاه تازه‌ای به ایده‌های قدیمی می‌پردازن، اما این کتاب جزء اون دسته نیست.
به نظرم این داستان فقط یه «داستان کودکانه‌»ست که برای بچه‌هایی مناسبه که در حال گذار از کتاب‌های مصور به رمانن و دوست دارن فانتزی بخونن.
داستان پر از تصویرسازی و ماجراجویی و جادو و اژدها و کل‌کل‌های خواهروبرادریه. نقطه‌قوت کتاب شخصیت‌پردازی قوی و نقطه‌ضعف اون پلات تاحدی آبکی‌شه، طوری که گاهی با خودت می‌گی این نویسنده باید یه داستان رئال خوب بنویسه و بی‌خیال فانتزی بشه.

-بیست‌ویکم دی‌ماه نودونه-
Profile Image for Tim Joseph.
552 reviews9 followers
June 12, 2021
Ugh. Isn't believing in yourself the most intangible goal of kids books?!?

Yet it continues to captivate us. And rightfully so! Whether we were raised on a series of unfortunate events, or a progression of mysteries we had to solve with Frank, Al, Chet or Nancy, or even figuring our way thru a phantom tollbooth or bridges destined for failure, WE made it thru.

THAT is the power of imagination, and that is what this series strives to invoke in all of us.

Sure, does a comfy chair and beverage in the middle of a working class day seem frivolous to some?

That's the misconception.

Do we care?


Welcome to the land of Roar... or whatever you want to call it. It may not be what you expect...

But you will not be dissapointed...

And you WILL change the world.
Profile Image for Angela Groves.
391 reviews8 followers
July 25, 2019
Roar is what you would find if you climed through the back of the wardrobe, and found a mash up of Oz and Narnia, where Mr Tumnus is an inept wizard, and a half decent ninja, the wicked witch is a much scarier scarecrow, and there are more Dragons. I want live there.
Profile Image for Weinlachgummi.
1,033 reviews45 followers
September 4, 2019
Arthur und der schreckliche Scheuch kommt mit einem tollen Cover daher, hier hat Max Meinzold ganze Arbeit geleistet. Ich habe es mir während dem Lesen öfters angeschaut, weil einfach so vieles passend eingefangen wurde. Sei es der Minja oder der Blick von Rose. Perfektes Cover.

Nun zur Geschichte und diese ist fantastisch. Wer hat sich nicht schon in eine andere Welt gewünscht? Eine Welt voller Magie, in der es Drachen gibt und Einhörner und vieles mehr. Die Zwillinge Arthur und Rose haben sich so eine Welt erschaffen, nämlich Arro. Als Kinder haben sie diese Welt geliebt und oft in ihr gespielt. Aber nun stehen sie kurz vor dem Teenager Alter und da ist man doch viel zu alt, für solche kindischen Spiele, oder?

Rose ist auf jeden Fall dieser Meinung, aber Arthur, er hat Arro noch nicht ganz vergessen. Und da wäre noch der Opa der beiden, auch er hat sich seine Phantasie erhalten und glaubt noch an Magie. Was auch eine ganz tolle Botschaft in dem Buch ist. Egal wie alt du bist, erhalte dir deinen glauben an Magie. Du bist nie zu Alt für ein bisschen Drachenfeuer und Einhörner.

Leider wird es für den Opa dann aber ziemlich abenteuerlich, denn er wird von Scheuch entführt, einer Vogelscheuche mit Rabenflügeln. Was nebenbei erwähnt, echt gruselig ist. Stellt euch das mal bildlich vor, also ich habe mich da manchmal echt ein bisschen gegruselt. Und ich glaube, junge Leser ab 9 Jahren, haben da bestimmt ihren Spaß mit.

Arthur muss man einfach mögen, er hat eine tolle Art und wächst innerhalb der Geschichte über sich hinaus. Rose mochte ich erst nicht so, sie macht einen auf sehr cool und dies aufkosten ihres Bruders, aber auch sie durchlebt eine Entwicklung und ich fand ihr Verhalten am Anfang des Buches durchaus realistisch.

Auch wenn ich nicht primär zur Zielgruppe gehöre, fand ich das Buch sehr unterhaltsam und habe das Lesen genossen. Es war eine schöne Reise in eine Fantasywelt, in der es allerlei geniale Ideen gab. Ich meine, ein Minja, eine Mischung aus Ninja und Magier, da muss man erstmal drauf kommen^^

Ein fantastisches Abenteuer für Jung und Alt.
Mit tollen Ideen und einer schönen Botschaft
"Du bist nie zu alt für ein bisschen Magie, erhalte sie dir".
Der Bösewicht überzeugt auf ganzer Linie, wie gruselig ist Bitte eine Vogelscheuche mit Flügeln.
Leicht verständlich geschrieben und mit einem genialen Kopfkino.
Große Leseempfehlung.
Hoffentlich wird es einen zweiten Band geben.
136 reviews42 followers
February 12, 2020
Een heerlijk boek. Het leest heel vlot en er gebeurt van alles, maar gelukkig niet zo eng dat je als kind niet verder durft te lezen.
Profile Image for Volpe Nera.
75 reviews3 followers
April 13, 2024

Чудова та мила історія про пригоди, магію та важливість памʼятати про те, хто ти є.
April 16, 2020
I LOVED THIS BOOK💖💖💖💖 this is definitely my favorite book of 2019. HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!!!!!! I loved this idea of their imagination becoming reality. I wish that would happen to me (well expect the whole probably going to die part). This is An amazing book and I will cherish this book for the rest of my life. I also loved illustrations they were incredible. I highly recommend this if you're 1: Looking for an AMAZING book. 2: look for an AMAZING middle grade or 3: Looking for an AMAZING fantasy read. Definitely 5/5 stars 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Profile Image for Bay T-M.
7 reviews
August 16, 2020
This is such a good book I couldn’t stop reading, Rose and Arthur are the coolest fictional twins I’ve ever come across and I absolutely loved Wininja.

The author manages to think like a child without treating them like idiots as some authors do. The language and the story are so creative. Return to Roar is equally brilliant and I can’t wait for the third in the series.
Profile Image for Jamie.
818 reviews72 followers
March 3, 2021
This was a lot of fun and a super imaginative read about a twin brother and sister who revisit their Imaginary World where they used to frequent when they were much younger and find that many changes have taken place in their magical land and... that Roar is still real!
Profile Image for Jim.
2,795 reviews140 followers
September 19, 2020
This is a strong 3.5, but considering I am hardly close to the MG/YA age group, I am bumping it up to 4 stars. I will say the story took a while to get ant traction with me, but once it got going it definitely kept the pace through to the end. I found myself thinking there was a lack of depth to the proceedings, but I found that enjoyed how things were touched on, with some detail, but then the action took over again. I know readers complain there isn't enough world-building sometimes, but the kids are 11 years old, not Ann Leckie or Clive Barker! So there was enough to make the story fleshed out, but we don't get drowned with descriptions and backstory. The characters made for a fabulous cast, and my favorites were Win (insane!! and funny!!) and The Lost Girls (girls!!! and super-capable and tough and smart and amazing!!!). Oddly, Arthur and Rose almost felt like a supporting duo instead of the main characters. But they were quite realistically drawn, and I liked how everything wasn't all lovey-dovey but they still ultimately respected and cared for each other a lot. Grandpa was pretty sweet too, all old-man-y but still believing in magic and wonder. The creatures-monsters-beasties of Roar were fantastic! I read a lot of fantasy books, and I found Roar to be super-imaginative and rather unique. And there is just enough age-appropriate creepy-scary (dragons! scarecrows! Crowky!, but also unicorns! mermaids! furries!) to make things perilous without being too awful or horrifying. You're pretty sure things will work out, but you're not sure how (Win is quite the wild card!!) and that made this a great reading experience. I will definitely read the sequel because I want to know what happens next...
Profile Image for Celia.
Author 7 books533 followers
May 17, 2020
Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to review this title ahead of its release date!

This book was imaginative, addicting, and downright fantastical! Here we have Arthur and Rose, two twins who spend the summer at their grandfather's house. Back in the day, they'd play a game called Roar, where they'd get transported to a magical fantasy world with mermaids, dragons, etc. Now at the age of eleven, Rose wants nothing to do with make-belief and Arthur is on the fence. While cleaning their grandfather's attic, they discover toys from their childhood and Arthur is taken back with memories that are a little hazy, but intriguing nonetheless.

When their grandfather is suddenly taken, Arthur finds a way back to Roar to rescue him. With the help of a kid-wizard named Win, dragons, a group of feisty girls, and eventually Rose, they hatch a plan to defeat the wicked Crowky and get their grandfather back. But it's not so simple. Something is happening to the Land of Roar, cracks appearing the ground and disappearances everywhere. Arthur and Rose must figure out why and save Roar forever.

Let's talk about books where the protagonists are transported to magical lands. They are, by far, my favorite type of middle-grade (and YA) books, and this one was no exception. With some hints of Neverending Story and Oz, we get land so engaging I couldn't put the book down. This one has the unique aspect of siblings and how growing apart can be a hard, but natural part of childhood.

Both main character's are POC and there are also illustrations! LAND OF ROAR was a surprise hit for me.
Profile Image for Dreximgirl.
1,312 reviews24 followers
November 21, 2019
While I did enjoy this overall I found it weaker compared to other middle grades I have read recently. I think I struggled to connect to the characters especially as I found Rose really unlikeable. Arthur was such a lovely kid but then his twin seemed to have turned into a horrid little girl worried about what other people thought of her and being quite cruel to her brother. I think it was the cruelty with which she treated him and never really apologised for it which got to me the most. Had it not been for her I think I would have enjoyed it more. I would have loved to see Arthur develop his own confidence and self worth a little away from his twin.

The story was interesting though and I liked Roar as a land in itself though perhaps it would have been better if it would have explored the world a little more.

I gave this 3 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Connie.
387 reviews17 followers
August 13, 2019
A fabulous story about imagination.
Twins Rose and Arthur invented a game when they were younger about a place called Roar - to get there you have to climb through the folding Z-bed in Grandad's attic. It's a place where there are mermaids and dragons, and all manor of weird and wonderful creatures.
The twins are now 11 years old and are preparing to go to high school after the holidays, and Rose thinks she's too grown up for Roar... That is until Grandad disappears and Arthur crawls through the Z-bed once more.
Profile Image for Mike Riley.
52 reviews
October 15, 2019
It was the goodest book that I have ever read! I can’t wait for Return To Roar. A written by my daughter G.
Profile Image for Diana Parker.
433 reviews6 followers
November 29, 2021
What a wonderful read aloud for my fourth graders! Definitely has them using their imaginations as the kids go to their own make-believe land of Roar!
Profile Image for Yamini.
486 reviews28 followers
January 23, 2024
Listen to me Roar - the imaginary land that's almost brought to life by the sheer conviction of these 2 children's hearts. But now they are old enough to not believe in such things and Roar was all but a forgotten memory. Until the day their Grandpa decides to clean the attic and suddenly disappears.

The story is surely entertaining and the middle reader in me enjoyed the perspective of the different games that children play. From a reasoning perspective, I was partially satisfied as while the disappearance of creatures was justified, few loose threads were left open that I felt could have been tied together towards the end.

Thank you @netgalley @harpercollinsuk @harperaudio and
Genre: #childrensfiction #adventure #fantasy
Rating: 3/5 ⭐️
Profile Image for Aracely.
858 reviews33 followers
March 1, 2022
Que historia más bonita y llena de valores ha sido esta. Unos mellizos que vuelven a conectar a través de esta aventura en Roar, un abuelo maravilloso y perspicaz que con astucia e ingenio contribuye a esa complicidad que había quedado relegará entre sus nietos. Y luego tenemos a The Land of Roar que está llena de personages de lo más mágicos y otros un tanto malillos, pero que todos ellos viven en un mundo donde parece ser que hay que creer en la magia para mantenerlo activo…. Y real!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 547 reviews

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