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How to Win a Fiancé

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Marianna Halsey has the most boring life in the world. With seven overprotective older brothers, she’s even ended up a virgin at twenty-four. But when a dark and sexy male prevents her from getting her wallet stolen on a Greek vacation, she decides it’s time for some adventure. She’s read a gazillion romance novels. How hard can it be to score a hook-up?

Greek billionaire and stock market whiz, Nico Galinas has built an empire from nothing. Literally. Orphaned as a baby, Nico trusts no one. Especially not the quirky, attractive woman using the worst pick up tricks in history. She wants something, and Nico decides to play along, even when she invites herself back to his place.

But what happens when the beast accidentally knocks up the beauty?

Previously titled Beauty and the Greek Billionaire.

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 5, 2018

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About the author

Stefanie London

114 books968 followers
Stefanie London is a multi-award-winning, USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romances and romantic comedies.

Stefanie’s books have been called “genuinely entertaining and memorable” by Booklist, and “elegant, descriptive and delectable” by RT magazine. Her stories have won multiple industry awards, including the HOLT Medallion and OKRWA National Reader's Choice Award, and she has been nominated for the Romance Writers of America RITA award.

Originally from Australia, Stefanie lives in Toronto with her very own hero and is doing her best to travel the world. She frequently indulges in her passions for good coffee, lipstick, romance novels and anything zombie-related.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
October 30, 2018
Amazon US * Amazon UK

Beauty and the Greek Billionaire was just the book I was in the mood for. Sometimes you just need those kind of cliche'd tropes and that's what I was looking for. The story brings up the virgin heroine with over-protective brother and growly billionaire hero and I found it immensely enjoyable. Was it predictable at times? Yes. Did I mind that? Not one bit. The story had a good pace and kept me intrigued with every turn of the page, and the characters were both likable.

Nico was definitely a beast in this book but he was able to redeem himself and I liked seeing that character growth. Marianna also came out of her shelf some in the story, which I enjoyed seeing as well. By the end I was very happy with how they were able to come together under some tough circumstances and it also made for a very good finish to the book.

Bottom line, this is a book I would recommend without a doubt. I think if you're a fan of a bossy and arrogant hero than this is a story you need to pick up and read.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
October 15, 2018
3.5 Stars

Marianna is a 24 year old virgin. She has 7 overprotective brothers that have made her too much of a challenge for men to get close too. When she accompanies one of her brothers to Greece on a business trip, she is determined to slip away from him and find the right stranger to lose her virginity to. What Marianna doesn't know is that her target is the very man her brother pitched a business proposal and was promptly shot down.

This started out as a very cute story. I loved they way Marianna went about trying to coax a Greek Billinoiare into losing her virginity. She had no idea who he was, just thought he was a gorgeous Greek man. She has no confidence but was willing to risk humiliation. She came off as awkward but adorable.

Nico is practically a shut in. Combine the fact that he was an orphan and has been burned badly with the first family he has gotten close too, he has learned it is best to be on his own except for his friend from the orphanage and current business owner. When Marianna flirts with him, he is immediately charmed by her even if he is confused by the way she affects him.

I absolutely loved Marianna's character. She was just geniunily nice and caring but also very strong. When she learned she was pregnant, she faced it head on and wanted to give her baby the very best no matter that it was the hardest route.

Nico I had a harder time with. I loved how he was in the beginning when he let go with Marianna but when his insecurities took hold of him, he was not a nice man. He took guarding his heart to an all new level. Ultimately, it is what showed Marianna's grit when it came to doing what was right.

Overall, I liked the story and the characters. I would have just loved more time with these two as an actual couple. There is no epilogue which makes me wonder if there will be more books on the side characters. I hope that we get to see Marianna and Nico again. ARC provided by NetGalley.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
October 25, 2019
It is an easy read. Nothing memorable on this book. Story/ plot/ characters development all of it are standard. I found it a bit boring because I skip some part of it. The writing style is OK. I found the character chemistry is bit dry for my taste.

Overall I enjoy this book OK.

3 stars
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,627 reviews477 followers
October 19, 2018
While I didn’t like the cover (more on this later) I did like the blurb. Every so often I just fancy a nice sweet romance.

It started well as the overprotected Marianna finds herself in Greece determined to rid herself of her virginity once and for all. Nico is the handsome Greek Billionaire she picks.

This is all cliched stuff but I was enjoying it. Well at least at first.

After awhile it became apparent this was just following the exact same well trodden path as so many books before it. This wouldn’t have been too bad. After all I didn’t really expect anything else. It’s just that I didn’t really like any of the characters. Even Marianna annoyed me at times. And don’t get me started on Nico. I mean I’m all for a brooding alpha but Nico took it to a whole new level.

I didn’t like Julian either and I felt the conversation between them just didn’t fit.

The cover.

I generally skip books where I don’t like the cover. But here I made an exception (I know, I know one day I’ll learn).
Now Nico looks good but Marianna just doesn’t look right. Her face, neck and particularly her eyes are weird. I don’t think for a minute it’s the model herself the picture has been altered. The end result is not good. Well at least not in my opinion.
Yes I know I’m picky but I can’t help it and covers are important.

I voluntarily read a review copy kindly provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
June 18, 2020
3.5 Hard Walls needing to be Brought Down Stars
* * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
Take a woman who was raised with 7, yes, 7 overbearing but loving brothers. They live in Australia out where there wasn't much happening. This limited our gal's ability to have the usual growth a woman would have had by the time she turned 24.

So an opportunity arrived when one of her brothers was going to Greece to pitch a money man for a new company he was promoting. There the pitch, unfortunately, did not go well. But...it causes the brother to look for another connection away from where the brother and sister were staying. This allows the sister to fulfill her reason for coming to Greece.

She is determined to lose her virginity with a man here. She has studied all the romance novels trying to see how to make this happen and now that her brother is going to be away overnight...this is her chance.

What happens next is the billionaire who turned down the brother saves the sister from a street tourist incident. This leads to them chatting and gives the sister just the person to focus on doing the deed.

There are a couple of secrets our man is hiding but he is attracted to her and her, him... so after a wonderful day and evening, the chemistry takes off. They do the deed, enjoy the freeing moments, and then go their separate ways.

Surprise, she is pregnant and is not going to let this child not know his father.

The focus of this tale is how these two manage together, what walls have to be broken and each needs to trust one another. She was strong and focused on giving the child a true family. He had been through a horrific childhood with abandonment issues with a past hurt so deep, he would do anything not to experience it again.

It took a couple of hot mess minutes for him to get his head together and see what was in front of him while she held strong and showed love for him and her future child. An enjoyable read.

Previously titled "Beauty and the Greek Billionaire"

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,250 reviews117 followers
October 29, 2018
Although I really wanted to love Beauty and the Greek Billionaire (I was in the mood for some cliché romance), there were a few too many things that kept me from really falling in love with either MC. The whole thing came together too quickly with a lot of characters and situations introduced that felt rushed and very 2 dimensional.

The story is about Marianna, who meets Nico while on a trip to Greece with her older brother. Being a 24 year old virgin Marianna hatches a plan to sneak away from her over protective brother and finally loose her v-card to the handsome Greek stranger. Being shy and awkward, Marianna plans to have an anonymous ONS, complete with a fake name and minimal details shared.

She doesn’t know it at the time, but Nico knows exactly who she is, having overheard her and her brother talking in the lobby, where he was meeting and rejecting her brother’s business proposal. Nico distrusts everyone and wants to know why Marianna would lie about her true identity, even thinking that her brother sent her to sweeten the non-existent deal between them but because he is highly attracted to her, he doesn’t out right reject her.

They both hit it off and Marianna ends up getting what she set out to achieve, losing her virginity to Nico. But Nico has some hang ups about virgins, having been burned by one in the past and he pushes Marianna away.

Fast forward a couple of months later, Marianna finds out her one night with Nico resulted in a pregnancy and this is where things went downhill for me.

Marianna heads back to Greece because she believes her child deserves both a mother and a father. Even if they don’t love each other, she sets out to pursue Nico. My problem here was the fact that if she had never returned, I don’t believe Nico would ever have sought her out. He was content to leave her in the past and basically washed his hands of her. Not very romantic, imo.

And I didn’t understand why Marianna was so adamant about forcing a family unit for her child’s sake. She’s supposed to be a smart, independent woman with a very loving and supportive family, so I don’t understand why she felt her only option was to force her way into a loveless marriage with her baby daddy. It seemed contrived especially since she knew nothing of Nico as a person. Why would she risk her health, happiness and safety with a complete stranger?

So after she accepts a marriage in name only, it was an uphill battle for Marianna to win Nico’s trust and affection. Marianna seemed to always be giving in to Nico’s insecurities. She had to always reassure him that she isn’t a gold digger, that she isn’t trying to pawn off someone else’s baby on him, that she genuinely cares for him, and that she can be trusted. At every turn he was questioning her motives, her feelings, her every action. It got tiring after a while.

None of this was helped by the fact that there was a lot of forced drama for the sake of drama. And it came in the form of OM and OW *eye roll*

Would I recommend? Not my jam but others might enjoy the drama and angst fueled read.

* * * ARC provided for an honest review * * *
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Aou .
1,880 reviews192 followers
December 1, 2018
“The word ‘cliché’ originated as a French word and was originally an onomatopoeia because it represented the sound that old printing presses made while making copies.”
Heroine was a child prodigy even if she was not defined as one in the book, though she’d learned lots of languages since childhood besides studying origins of words. :)
The book was full of cliches of course but at the and of the book the groveling of H made me cry and rate this one 3 stars. ☺️
Profile Image for Robyn.
422 reviews106 followers
October 29, 2018
Marianna Halsey is on a business trip with her brother on one of the Greek isles. While her brother, Daniel was conducting business, Marianna had her own business to attend to. She is all set to lose her V card…yes that’s right, her virginity. It’s tough growing up the only girl with seven overprotective brothers. One would think Marianne would know all about men, but she knew nothing of what they wanted in a woman. She really did not have any girlfriends or people she could talk to about sex. Everything she knew came from the romance books she loves to read. But, Marianna is prepared and has her checklist handy. All she needs is a sexy Greek man, a private location, sexy panties and last but not least some liquid courage. While on the hunt she comes close to being pick pocketed, but is saved from plundering by the sexy Nico Galinas. One look at Nico and she knew romance book heroes really ARE true. Greek man found…..check! Fast forward two months later Marianna finds herself pregnant and back on Nico’s doorstep ready to take their relationship from one night stand to forever. But, can Nico give her the happily ever after she seeks?

Marianna is such an easy heroine to love. She is quirky, often spouting fun language facts when she gets nervous (which is all the time). She is a terrible flirt, but it makes her all the more endearing. She is shy around men. She has only been kissed once and it was a complete disaster. Men did not go for women like her. Marianna’s only romantic experiences came from books, so when she decides it high time to change her status quo she takes a huge gamble when she chooses the sexiest Greek man she has ever seen. She fumbles and boy does she fumble, but Nico is enraptured by her innocence and shyness. He finds himself attracted to Marianna even though he doesn’t want to be. Nico is a hermit. Sure, he is a billionaire, but work is work. His private life is just that…private and lonely. Nico had a rough start at life growing up in an orphanage and he was alone for a very long time and established major trust issues as he was growing up. When Marianne announced her pregnancy and how she wanted them to become a real family, Nico had other ideas in mind. The only thing he is capable of giving is a marriage of convenience only for the sake of the baby. Marianne has other ideas though, and she sets out with the hope of changing their marriage of convenience to a marriage based on love, trust and commitment. Nico is in so much trouble!

Have we seen the marriage of convenience, surprise baby, shy virgin heroine tropes before? Yes, in many many books, but no one writes a story quite the way Stefanie London does. She has such an easy knack for drawing you right in with her humor and heartfelt moments with a story full of angst. I found myself deeply invested in Marianne and Nico’s story right from the first page. London’s humor sucked me right in and then she changed the script to a story full of so much love, acceptance, tender moments, and yes, even some moments where I wanted to bop Nico in the head with a bat. Gah, men! There is also a big misunderstanding which had me grumbling because I know if they just talked it would all become clear, but in this case with this story it was more believable because of Nico’s history. I felt that Nico stayed true to character.

One more thing I would like to add is this story is HOT…like bring on the fan you are about to be sensory overloaded (in a good way!). London sure does bring on the steam and if she brought it even harder, I think my glasses might have fogged up. I think I may have melted a time or two…okay maybe more, but who’s counting!

Beauty and the Greek Billionaire blends humor, charm, and pure sexiness into a wonderfully written character driven story. I fell in love with Marianna and Nico and I know you will too. I highly recommend this charming and heartfelt story.
Profile Image for Dora.
766 reviews11 followers
October 9, 2018
To be perfectly honest, I had a really hard time with this book. When I read the blurb of the story I was intrigued, a sheltered young woman, with 7 over protective brothers, reaching out for an adventure. And a brooding “beast” with a horrible childhood finally learning to trust and finding his happiness. Unfortunately it was not as easy as that.

There was part of me that really liked Marianna, she had guts to go for what she wants. I loved that she was a romance reader and it was cute and funny how she was getting lessons on how to seduce a man through her reading. When her circumstances changed, her strength really showed, she knew what she wanted and she went after it. Unfortunately it was too one-sided for too long and she really let Nico get away with way too much. So basically it was Nico where I had a bit of a problem, my heart really broke for him for all he had lost and went through with Alethea and Kosta but how he treated Marianna was so uncool. I understand about having a hard time trusting after what he went through, but it was to the extreme. His words and actions were too much for me.

I would have gone below 3 stars, but at least there was a nice HEA, it was almost too easy for Nico but it just showed the strength of Marianna.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
March 29, 2019
🎁 FREE on Amazon & on iBooks today (3/29/2019)! 🎁

Previously titled "Beauty and the Greek Billionaire"

Marianna Halsey has the most boring life in the world. With seven overprotective older brothers, she’s even ended up a virgin at twenty-four. But when a dark and sexy male prevents her from getting her wallet stolen on a Greek vacation, she decides it’s time for some adventure. She’s read a gazillion romance novels. How hard can it be to score a hook-up?

Greek billionaire and stock market whiz, Nico Galinas has built an empire from nothing. Literally. Orphaned as a baby, Nico trusts no one. Especially not the quirky, attractive woman using the worst pick up tricks in history. She wants something, and Nico decides to play along, even when she invites herself back to his place.

But what happens when the beast accidentally knocks up the beauty?

Profile Image for Aly.
2,712 reviews89 followers
October 6, 2020

For Aussie Marianna Halsey, growing up with many overprotective brothers didn't make it easy to date. So she see her Greek vacation as the perfect opportunity to finally lose her virginity. But when she falls for the sexy stranger who stop a thief from getting away with her wallet, the one-night stand she planned turn into an accident pregancy and a kind of marriage of convenience for the baby's sake. But can her new husband overcome his trust issues thank to his past as an orphan and getting unjustly rejected the first time he fell in love?

I wish I could connected more with the characters but I like the fact that the ex wasn't the usual cliché and the porcelain cat thing that was part of Marianna and Nico's courtship was such an adorable idea!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Neal.
1,684 reviews141 followers
November 5, 2018
Marianna is a twenty-four-year-old virgin, her seven older and very protective brothers having a lot to do with that. When she accompanies one to Greece for a business trip, she sets in motion her plan to sneak away and lose her innocence. She finds the man she wants to take it, not realizing it's the same one her brother made a business proposal to that was shot down. All she sees is a sexy man that makes her feel things and she likes how he is with her.

Nico has literally built an empire from nothing. Orphaned as a baby, disappointed time and time again, the Greek billionaire is basically a recluse who trusts no one. But the woman using the cheesy pick up lines catches his attention with her quirkiness. Nico knows she wants something from him, he just doesn't know what yet.

Nico quickly learns Marianna is exactly as she seems, a sweet woman with a good heart and a strength to her many don't have. He can be himself with her and knows she sees him as a man, not what she can get from him. In fact, she wants to give him something and due to the pull between them, he can't resist, nor does he want to.

Their one-night stand led to more, something Marianna discovered months later and made another trip to Greece to tell Nico. Not having any family as a child, Nico does not want to miss any part of his son or daughter's and offers marriage.

What happens when these two realize who the other is? Will Nico believe it was a coincidence, or will his insecurities rear up and have him doubting her? How will Marianna's brothers react? Can Marianna prove to Nico that he'll never be alone again? Will Nico help Marianna stand up for herself against her family? Will they fight for what they want? Is a HEA possible?

One-click now and follow along as two strangers meet and become so much more. Could've done without the drama from Nico's ex. It's kind of hard to label a man as a recluse when he's recently had a girlfriend.

**I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.**
Profile Image for Helen.
2,586 reviews11 followers
November 24, 2018
I really love a romance with a Greek hero in it and of course set in Greece yes, so straight away MS London had ticked the boxes for me wanting to read this one and wow what a fabulous story, we meet and Aussie heroine Marianna Halsey who decides that her life is boring and at twenty four she needs to lose her virginity and what a better way to do so than on a trip to Greece with one of her brothers, while he is working she sets her sights on gorgeous Greek billionaire Nico Galinas, and two lives are about to change in the best way.

Marianna has really led a sheltered life she has seven brothers and lost her parents young, she has put everything into the study of languages, and now it is time to move forward how hard can it be she has read lots of romance books and goes forward with that information, but hooking up with the gorgeous Nico sets her on a path to happiness and love although not easily there are a lot of bends in the road to get through to Nico.

Nico has never had a family, growing up an orphan and being terribly hurt by the person that he loved makes him almost a recluse he doesn’t mix well with people, but when the beautiful Marianne or Bianca comes onto him he cannot resist even if trust comes very hard for him and that one day together leaves consequences that Nico finds hard to accept but also determined to be a good father, and the way this woman works her wiles on him is turning his mind and heart inside out.

I loved this story Marianne is so beautiful inside and out, I loved her quirky facts that just come out in conversations and I loved her kindness and the way that she understood Nico and never gave up on the love and the family she wanted, and Nico man he had issues to overcome and Marianne was just the person to mend his soul and his heart, she pushed him in so many ways and when he realized he did love her oh it was so gorgeous, there were tears of happiness from me, so thank you for a wonderful story MS London, this is one not to be missed.
Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,557 reviews265 followers
October 31, 2018
Modern day marriage of convenience romance for a couple whose one night stand delivers more than expected! I liked both characters here, with Marianna willing to give Nico the benefit of the doubt and time to come around to the idea of being a father - and a real husband. Bit of drama with the ex and best friend of the couple but all is resolved nicely. The Greek island of Corfu makes for a lovely setting. Sexy and enjoyable!

Note: a copy of this story was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for review.
Profile Image for Bookgyrl.
1,326 reviews22 followers
October 10, 2018
I picked this book despite the cheesy title because I have read one before by this author which I liked and the blurb intrigued me.

However, the storyline seemed a throwback to some 80s romance with the young virgin and the arrogant rich man with a sad story in his history so he can’t trust her. I was a bit surprised at the simple and overdone story as I had expected more. Written well and quite sweet in the end.

I received an ARC via Netgalley and this is my honest and voluntary opinion.
Profile Image for Ayekah.
1,121 reviews
October 11, 2018
Marianna lives in the shadow of 7 older brothers who I can say without a doubt have a wicked overprotective streak. Mari is 24 and has little social contact outside her friend Jules. She's smart, savvy and a need to break free from the constraints she lives with. She gets the opportunity when she travels to Greece with her brother on a business trip. The trip is a bust for him but not for her. There she meet the handsome Nico, their chemistry is steamy and Nico, while he has some doubts about her after she gave him a made up name, and he knows her real name they have a great day and evening together. Marianna is determined to lose her virginity and she does just that with Nico. Nico is livid that she didn't tell him. Too bad she didn't include the Greek word for angry/nasty/ vile in the book. He tells her to leave right after they have sex and off she goes. She returns to her native Australia and 8 weeks later, gets the double pink lines on her pregancy test. She returns to Greece to tel Nico who is not happy. Let me just say that Nico is never happy. Throughout the book he has a couple of moments where he acts half human, the rest of the time he's a bas^&*! Not likable and regardless of his history, he's a hateful, whiny, cloying prick who trusts no one and treats the mother of his child like dirt. Oh the things he says and does....
She went along with it, until she didn't. And you know what goes around comes around.
To say I had mixed feelings about this book is an understatement. I really like Stefanie's books and this one threw me. It's really sad to be honest. It's well written, will evoke those emotions where you want to punch him right threw your kindle and give her a hug. Despite everything she's been through, she's not like him. I wanted to drop a star because of my extreme dislike for Nico and the stomach ache this book gave me (not kidding), but it's well written and the brief epilogue made it worthwhile. I love a good epilogue.

*arc from NetGalley and Publisher for an honest review*
Profile Image for Linda Dunn.
1,152 reviews25 followers
October 14, 2018
Mentanoia…..the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self
or way of life....

Marianna Halsey led a stifled life. She has 7 brothers who adore her, but they also shelter her from a life she craves. She is 24 years old and still has her V-card. That had to change pronto. She was an intelligent beautiful woman who rocked when it came to knowing several languages and spouting quirky tidbits of factual information. But she was an unsure shrinking violet when it came to matters of romance and sex. She resorted to getting her data on the subject by reading romance novels. She has an opportunity to spread her wings when her brother goes to Greece on business. She jumps on that chance with bells on.

While in Greece, she literally crashes into a Greek God of a man. His name is Nico Galinas. He was everything she fantasized about. What she did not know was, he was carrying a lot of emotional baggage within that muscular body of his. Nico was burdened with insecurities that went way back in his life making him very leery of entering into a serious relationship. He asks Marianna back to his place after much fumbling flirting by Marianna. After a passionate session in his pool, things take a different turn when she finds out she is pregnant after their tryst together. Her dreams of a HEA are shot down when Nico suspects that she is just like the rest of the people he knows, only after something from him.

I loved Marianna's fortitude and tenacity throughout this story. I felt compassion for Nico, but also wanted to slap him silly. As always Stefanie brings LOL humor and playfulness to her characters. This reminded me of a fairytale romance with all the feels drawing you in to cheer the characters on to find their HEA.
710 reviews12 followers
October 29, 2018
Marianna Halsey is tired of being the overprotected sister of too many brothers not living the life of a social girl and being a virgin. When accompanying her brother to Corfu for a business deal she decides to use this time to leave the nest. Perfect opportunity as her brother goes on business for leaving her alone . As she goes walking she sees a handsome man across the way but as she is watching him a pickpocket attacks her. Nico Gallinas comes to her rescue at least tries until she tries to punch him out thinking he is the thief. She offers to buy him a drink as thanks and uses a phoney name. What happens is a fantastic day of adventure and a chance to fulfill her wish. Only problem is she has no idea that Nico is the same person her brother was trying to do business with but failed. When he finds out she is not Bianca but Marianna you can only imagine what happens. Nico grew up in an orphanage and his past has shaded his life and makes him a dark person. Can Marianna bring light into his dark life especially when she comes to him pregnant. Trust is a big issue for Nico and finds lies hard to overcome. One of the best stories I have read it has depth and Ms. London's wonderful writing and there are some smiles regarding a small porcelain cat that is an important part of Nico's life. Would give more than 5 stars if i could.
Profile Image for Elaine - Splashes Into Books.
3,686 reviews124 followers
November 23, 2018
Rating 4.5/5

This is a lovely contemporary romance where the heroine is determined to lose her virginity whilst on holiday in Greece. She's travelling there with one of her very protective older brothers but plans on achieving her goal whilst he's in twitch business dealings. Little did she realise that the handsome Greek she chooses is none other than the billionaire who had turned down the opportunity to work with her brothers. Mind you, neither of them foresaw the consequences of their actions! When she discovers she's pregnant, she goes back to propose in the hope they can bring their child up together. However, his upbringing in an orphanage, a failed romance and distrust of others make this a difficult scenario and any love will be hard to win - but so worth it in the end!

This is a well written, enjoyable romance plagued with uncertainty, distrust and dilemmas. The characters are well developed and the plot has plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader turning the pages. This author has a way of connecting her characters to the reader, leaving you wanting to support them in their quest for their happily ever after. I have no hesitation in highly recommending this - and other book by this author!

I requested and was gifted a copy of this book via NetGalley and the review is my honest opinion after choosing to read it.
2,354 reviews14 followers
October 26, 2018
Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) I always tell myself to stick to your gut. So when I saw this book and read the blurb I wasn't interested but I do tend to like some of the this authors books, so when asked to read I did and then regretted it I should have stuck to my first decision. Why, well I am over the virgin scenarios when they are in their 20's and have a problem with it, I don't see the problem with that, then we have the over protective brothers yeah am over them especially when they do what they want and have double standards. Then we have our supposed hero Nico, I like alpha's but I don't like jerks and I don't see or understand why they have to be mean, ok you had some difficulties you went thru that made you the way you are, hard but don't take it out on others, either you get over it and deal or stay away..I wont give it a 2 it wasn't that horrible, but I can't give it more.
988 reviews16 followers
March 10, 2019
The book’s synopsis sounded like Marianna would be full of bumbling pickup lines and awkwardness. Nothing to that degree other than showing a sweet, playful and open personality. Nico was charming then brooding then downright hostile. I loved the cat and it would remind me of his charm and humanity.

This isn’t a play on the Beauty and the Beast story except he was more of a recluse and loner who didn’t want to risk the vulnerability of getting close to people.

A few things I thought were odd... she immediately decided she’d ask him to marry her after she found out she was pregnant. Also, I wasn’t a fan of Julian and would have asked him to leave or get a clue. His part felt forced.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review.

Profile Image for Katrina Berry.
1,015 reviews4 followers
October 8, 2018
I found this to be a sweet romance that incorporated entertaining moments, misunderstandings between the couple, and plenty of chemistry and heat. Well done, Ms. London...on your A-game as always!

An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.
Profile Image for TSN ☮.
1,507 reviews28 followers
November 11, 2018
2.5 stars

Nice, cute and quick. With an adorably quirky heroine with a tendency to spout weird facts about languages that was quite lovable.
And it was so very very very Harlequin'ish. Something I have a soft spot for.

Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews162 followers
October 8, 2018
Nico's wooing skills are just not there, “what if I take you away for a weekend? Two days, that’s all my schedule can afford, and that should appease anyone who asks.” I liked this book, I liked that Nico learned to loosen up.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
890 reviews20 followers
January 7, 2021
This book was previously titled as Beauty and the Greek Billionaire, it's a Contemporary Romance with a virgin and marriage of convenience trope, actually multi-trope. The book starts off great, keeps you engaged, then the story becomes predictable with repetitive bad behavior but the HEA redeems itself to make my rating a 3.5 stars! There is angst and drama, siblings, no cheating, some steam and a Happy Ending...

Nico and Marianna meet in Greece while she is there with her brother, who is doing business with Nico. Mari is a virgin, sheltered by her 7 brothers and is ready for a ONS to get rid of her V-card. She chooses Nico, who is the typical tall dark and handsome man. He is older and a recluse due to his past of growing up in a orphanage. There is an instantaneous spark and the deed is done. Nico becomes enraged when he finds out she was a virgin.
Two months later Mari finds herself pregnant. She leaves everything she loves in Australia and goes back to Greece to propose marriage to Nico. She is willing to marry a stranger to keep her baby in a family unit.
Nico and Mari have their ups and downs, secrets are exposed, love is challenged and they both have to become stronger to fight for what they want...each other and their baby!
Profile Image for Angela.
2,203 reviews10 followers
April 11, 2019

Cute and sweet story. Virgin meets billionaire. She gets pregnant. Huge drama ensues. He realizes he’s being a jerk. Kiss and make up.
488 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2018
Beautiful Romance Reading

This was a wonderful storyline with exceptional characters and a great story. I enjoyed the characters in this story and I think the author did an amazing job of developing this story. The pace of this book and the romance story was perfect.
Definitely a five-star rating, it was exceptionally well-written.
115 reviews1 follower
October 17, 2018
What a fun book! I've always dreamed of visiting Greece, so am drawn to romances and other books that take place in this beautiful country.

This romance is about Marianna, an Australian woman who has lived a rather sheltered and protected life, thanks to her seven older brothers. When she gets the opportunity to travel to Greece with one of her brothers on business, she decides that it is time to become less of an introverted bookworm (who loves languages) and gain some life experience, especially in the areas of romance and sex. She meets a handsome Greek man named Nico and shares a steamy, seductive afternoon on the beach with him. She doesn't realize that Nico is the billionaire whom her brother Daniel is trying to do business with. Although they spend a wonderful afternoon together, Nico realizes that she is Daniel's sister and does not trust her, believing that she and Daniel are trying to manipulate him into a business deal. So their afternoon together doesn't end well.

Two months later, back in Australia, Marianna realizes that she's pregnant. She decides that to be fair to Nico, she must tell him that he's going to be a father. She yearns for a family and decides to take charge, returning to Greece and proposing to Nico, hoping that he will consider marrying her for the sake of their child.

The author, Stefanie London, takes a different approach with this "marriage of convenience" theme. Marianna is a strong heroine, which is somewhat unique. She knows that she will do everything she can to give her child a good life, and hopes that Nico will feel drawn enough to his child to do the same. Nico, as it turns out, also yearns for a family, but thinks he will never have one since he's an orphan. He experienced family life for a short time with his business mentor who took a young Nico under his wing and taught him the in's and out's of the stock market. But Nico made a stupid mistake and his mentor severed all connections with him. He's broken, and feels he could never be the type of husband and father that he should be.

Can Marianna convince Nico that he could be a good father and husband? I guess you will just have to read this great book to find out!

My favorite part of this book: London does a wonderful job describing places in Greece. I felt like I was there experiencing the beauty of this wonderful country!

I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley and Entangled Publishing. Thank you for introducing me to this author. I know I'll be purchasing her other books!
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,295 reviews3 followers
October 14, 2018
**I received a copy of Beauty and the Greek Billionaire via Net Galley and Entangled Publishing in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. The opinions expressed below are solely mine alone.**

Beauty and the Greek Billionaire by Stefanie London was very interesting especially with Nico being so focused on making money and forgetting that fun was necessary to a happy life and thus happy Nico. Ms. London is a new author to me and I'm curious if this will be a start to a new series after there are 6 more brothers who aren't married as well as Nico's BFF Dion to find their HEA. I'd give the entire story 4.7 stars mostly because I felt Nico kept dwelling on Why he couldn't love and be happy with Marianna. His lack of trust kind of bothered me also.

Marianna Halsey is the only girl with seven very protective brothers who watch over her. She's also a whiz at languages with the thought that there's always another one to learn. But when her older brother goes to Cyprus to see funding for his new app, she decides to go along. She loves reading romance books and is determined to lose her virginity while the brothers are at a meeting. But she doesn't expect that the person she chooses is to be the billionaire who turned down her brothers. But when she ends up pregnant she does what she feels is necessary ask Nico to marry her. She has her work cut out with Nico though and will have some heartache before finding her HEA.

Nico Galinas grew up on the streets of Cyprus and its made an impact on his life always searching for more money and convincing himself that love wasn't in the cards. When he was a young adult he'd been mentored by a businessman but getting caught with his daughter landed himself back on the streets. Even though he knew who Marianna was finding out he was going to be a father was a shock but he decided to marry her and give the child a name. Of course there are trials and fights between both of them plus she leaves Nico but somehow they manage resolve their issues. Nico learns the hardest lesson of all in loving someone you must trust first to get the love from another.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 138 reviews

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