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Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life

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In times of crisis, countless women have turned to Simple Abundance for comfort and joy -- and now this mega-bestselling guide is updated and expanded for everyone who loved the original book, as well as a new generation that needs it now more than ever. First published in 1995, Simple Abundancetopped the New York Times Bestseller list for over two years and is responsible for introducing two hugely popular concepts -- the "Gratitude Journal" and the term "Authentic Self." With daily inspirational meditations and reflections, the Simple Abundance phenomenon became a touchstone for a generation of women, helping them to reclaim their true selves, find balance during life's busiest moments, and rediscover what makes them truly happy. Simple Abundance's powerful messages are needed now more than ever, as we navigate the discord and stress instigated by a constant stream of "breaking news" cycles, and our 24/7 social media culture. Sarah Ban Breathnach has refreshed her bestselling phenomenon to address the needs of a new generation, with her signature candor, wit, and wisdom that made her a trusted and compassionate confidant for millions of women.A perennial classic whose time has come again, Sarah's work celebrates quiet joys, simple pleasures, and well-spent moments and reminds us how to find the beauty in the everyday.

616 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 19, 2019

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About the author

Sarah Ban Breathnach

53 books519 followers
In addition to SIMPLE ABUNDANCE, Sarah Ban Breathnach is the author of THE SIMPLE ABUNDANCE JOURNAL OF GRATITUDE, SOMETHING MORE, and MRS. SHARP'S TRADITIONS. She currently resides in California. Please visit her website at www.simpleabundance.com.

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273 reviews3 followers
January 2, 2020
I have been reading the original edition since 1995. I used to say Sarah Ban Breathnach is my spiritual adviser. This book, I think more than any other, had a profound impact on me and made me a better person. I was so happy to hear that Sarah was updating it so it can be shared with younger women. I believe Sarah is now close to 70, but her thoughts are fresh and sharp and should appeal to people of all ages. Each daily meditation starts out with a quote and each month ends with ideas of things you could/should do that month. This is where I first learned about self care. At first I thought I would just continue to use the original edition, but I have switched to this new edition. It is so lovely. I love the updates. I am going to try and not leave coffee and wine stains on this revised edition. This one is quite a bit thicker than the original. Not for everyone, but definitely for me.
Profile Image for Geri.
70 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2020
A little something to read each day to make each day a better place. I love reading and this does it for me. I feel joy and happiness when reading through this book each day.
Profile Image for Virginia.
750 reviews9 followers
December 30, 2020
I absolutely love the first version of Simple Abundance and read it over and over, daily since 1996. I was so excited for the update, but this revision is, well, disappointing. Most of the original remains, but many things have changed. Beloved passages are now gone. I lament the loss of the daily prayer asking for grace.

In the original edition, I made a directory of favorite meditations. For the new edition, the directory is half the original.

And then there is the last day of each month, dedicated to preparing a disaster closet. I found that not just irrelevant, but disturbing in the extreme.

Sure, the original edition came out before the internet and cell phones and apps were a thing. This update takes all that into account which is great. But I am going back to the original edition. This new one lacks the spark, charm and “je ne said quoi” of the original. It feels more forced than updated and revised.

So, three stars only. What remains of the original and the thought of updating it deserve that.
Profile Image for Kathy Duffy.
831 reviews6 followers
December 30, 2022
I have used the first edition of this book for at least 15 years and was hesitant that it had been updated, I felt it was perfect as it was but I was wrong. The updated version has added some daily meditations but all my favorites were still there and some of the new ones felt really important. So even if you have the original-- will little tabs sticking up and notes falling out of it...don not hesitate you will be glad you updated!

December 2021 -- I read this most meditations each day. Here in December while recuperating from surgery and with the holidays approaching, I read several days ahead knowing how bizarre one's schedule gets over the holidays. I use this meditation book most years on a daily basis. And I do now prefer the updated version.

I read this again this year.... making a habit of doing the daily reading in 2022
Profile Image for Julie.
575 reviews
December 31, 2020
I truly adored the original version of Simple Abundance and I really like this one too. It just didn’t reach into the depths though like it’s big sister.
If I’m honest, this is a far lengthier version and I like my daily meditations more concise.
If you want something to inspire and you are of the 90s and 00s generation, I totally recommend this. For us older dames, the original can’t be beaten imho.
Whichever side you are on, this book will provide you with comfort and joy that it’s meagre price does not adequately reflect. Thank you SBB, without you I’m not sure I would still be here today 🙏🙏🙏
Profile Image for Mahsa.
34 reviews
December 31, 2020

I start every day by reading that day's essay. It has become a meditative routine in my hectic day. Now that we are starting a new year I am planing to reread this book. I hope I can find a time to work on my gratitude journal along the way. Happy new year!
Profile Image for Mana.
642 reviews21 followers
November 2, 2023
The book 'Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life' written by Sarah Ban Breathnach is like a precious gem that offers a daily dose of inspiration. Its unique calendar format takes you on a delightful journey toward inner peace. Originally published on January 1, 1995, this incredible book has captured the hearts of millions in over 30 languages.

Dive into its pages and you'll discover a treasure trove of evocative essays, one for each day of the year, specially crafted to empower women to live life on their own terms. Unveiling the path of self-discovery, 'Simple Abundance' uncovers the profound connection between your daily life and your true, authentic self. It beautifully celebrates the magical fusion of style and spirit, revealing that each day holds the key to a happier, more fulfilling existence - a state of grace aptly known as 'Simple Abundance'.

The book is ingeniously divided into six spiritual principles that flow throughout the essays, providing profound meaning to the author's journey: gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty, and joy. Brimming with delightful quotes that are sure to ignite your enthusiasm, this book is filled with contagious positivity.

From the small, simple moments to the grand achievements, 'Simple Abundance' guides you on a creative and practical path towards lasting change and boundless joy. It lovingly reminds you to carve out some precious "me time" and embrace your true self, free from the expectations and judgments of others. After all, you are not merely a human doing, but a cherished human being.

'Simple Abundance' is not just a book, it's a lifelong companion that will nourish your spirit. An absolute must-read!
Profile Image for Teri.
728 reviews90 followers
January 1, 2023
This is an updated version of a daily comfort book I have read many times. Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach may not apply to everyone, but the understanding behind her ideas can lift anyone. Simple Abundance is a reminder to take some time for yourself and to understand the real you, not the you that someone else wants you to be or that you feel you should be (i.e., the perfect wife, mother, etc.).
Profile Image for Kim.
370 reviews12 followers
Currently reading
November 14, 2019
I am excited and honoured to be a Goodreads winner of this book.
Profile Image for John’aLee .
269 reviews50 followers
December 8, 2020
I adore this book! And have been adoring it since it was published in the 90’s. It is the book I’ve bought the most for other people. I’ve actually lost count of all the copies I’ve bought over the years!

I loved this new updated version for the current times, that has added in new essays, but still has kept many of the original.

This is a book for women. There is an essay for each day of the year. It taught me in my 30’s how to be my authentic self, and now on my 50’s gives me new food for thought.🥰

My top 2 books in my lifetime?
The Bible
Simple Abundance

A life changing book for me!
Profile Image for Lael.
361 reviews2 followers
January 16, 2021
I'm not the target audience so take this review as you will. There was something creepy about this book that I'm unable to put my finger on. There is a religious slant that feels old fashioned,insincere and manipulative.
Profile Image for Ghadeer Alkhenaizi.
57 reviews44 followers
November 6, 2021

Why do I write? To find out what i think and feel and Know To lay it all on the line all of the time

لماذا أكتب؟ لأعرف ما أفكر وأشعر. لأفرش ذلك كله أمامي بامتداد الزمن.

سارة بان براناك- بساطة الوفرة

يبدأ الكتاب وكأنه دليل للعيش الهانئ للمرأة التي تحاول احتواء هذا الجزء المتهالك من نفسها، لمن قررت اختراع نفسها من جديد والاستمتاع بالحياة بخلق جنة داخلية مهما كان الوضع خارج كيانها. هذا الكتاب الذي تكتبه امرأة خسرت كل شيء، فاستعادته وأكثر بقوة الامتنان والتأمل في النصف المملوء من الكأس. تكرر الكاتبة تعاليم الوفرة وتقول بأن كل مانحتاج له موجود بحوزتنا بالفعل، فما علينا إلا النظر لدواخلنا ومحيطنا المباشر، عوضًا عن ذلك البعيد صعب المنال. تتحول الفصول بعد ذلك إلى تأملات عن(بغير ترتيب): القيم، التوازن الذاتي، الحب، معنى السعادة والامتنان، الشكر والحمد، النظام والترتيب وغير ذلك الكثير. هنالك فصول تحدثت عن الشكوى و المقارنة، الصراعات التي نعيشها بصمت خيفة أن ينتزع مننا وسام الرشد والنضج. مع المضي في القراءة واستشعار التعاليم، يتضاءل الشعور بالنقص ويكبر شعور الامتنان لكل النعم. أحب حالة الوعي والسكينة التي أدخلها مع الكتاب وصوت الكاتبة الذي يشبه صوت غابي لطيف من راديو مونتي كارلو. صوت أنثوي ناضج بسّام يضخ الحياة في أي جملة يقرؤها.
رغم طول ساعاته (٣٣ ساعة!) إلا أنني شعرت بالحزن عند انتهائه، فقد رافقني لمدة طويلة اعتدت فيها على سماعه في لحظات الهدوء والتأمل.
Profile Image for Louisa Heaton.
Author 265 books54 followers
July 2, 2021
Okay, I get what this book was trying to do. Simple abundance. It’s in the title. Trying to make us take the small pleasures in life, in this busy, chaotic, demanding world, where mental health issues are at an all time high.

But to me, this book almost read like a manual for a 1950s housewife. Keep your house clean at all times. Make sure it’s spick and span and take pleasure in the chores.

If you did absolutely everything in this book, or even just half of it, you’d have no time for an actual life. I don’t want to be like my mother, who scrubbed front doorsteps and swept the stairs everyday, trying to maintain a military cleanliness and order that she was always fighting.

A little dust and a little disorder ain't hurting nobody here! And my kids will remember that I had time for them AND time for myself, without working myself into the ground to maintain outward appearances to guests.
Profile Image for Brittany.
37 reviews3 followers
June 24, 2022
“Virtually every woman I know admits that she wakes up worn out and weary, on edge, and more likely to imagine difficulties ahead than ever before. But this behavior is not normal or healthy, and someone needs to say so. I’ll go first. This is not normal.”

I first picked up this book (or the original version at least) when I was 15, and over the years I have gone back to it every so often as a way of re-grounding myself. I love her perspective and the format (365 mini essays to be read each day) makes it easier to commit to just a couple paragraphs a day to ponder over than trying to digest the entire book at once. I loved it as a teen, and I love the updated version now.

It invites you to excavate your authentic self, to intertwine your spirituality with your everyday lifestyle, and use the “six graces” (gratitude, order, harmony, authenticity, beauty, and joy) to lead a more abundant fulfilling life.
Profile Image for Claire.
116 reviews6 followers
April 20, 2022
Loved it! I’ve a copy of this book since the first edition came out in 1995, a few months after I lost my mother. I was 35 when the book called to me from the end-cap shelf at Barnes & Nobles in Maple Grove, Minnesota.

It was like a comforting and fun Mother to me and still is. The fresh updates in the new edition are excellent. And I was thrilled to discover that the unabridged version of the updated book is now on Audible.com!! I’ve had the abridged version forever, but to finally get the full version truly feeds my soul (as my eyes are not what they used to be.)

Thank you, Sarah, for once again being a conduit for such needed comfort, wisdom, and ideas! ❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Courtney Mroch.
Author 8 books224 followers
December 8, 2022
My only regret is that I'd read this updated version of her original Simple Abundance book in 2020 rather than 2021. I might've been able to cope better.

Still, I was excited for the updates. I'd re-read this book almost every year from 1999-2009. But the last time I read it, the world had changed so much that a lot of her references were dated.

They're all up-to-date now. Many essays were still the same. Some were just revised, and a few were completely fresh in her trademark style that instantly endeared her to me from the first read. Like her original, this version also brings a lot of comfort and joy to my heart and soul.
Profile Image for Mary Huff.
82 reviews
August 31, 2020
Finally finished this huge book. Some days are very, very good, and some days are hard to get through. In this book, Sarah takes you through a year of days and you do learn lots, it is entertaining, educational, at times fun. My only complaint is that she calls God the "Spirit". God has a name, use it, I'm not sure what I expected from this book, but I did enjoy it and did lots of underlining, I will go back and visit pages I marked.
Profile Image for Addy.
249 reviews25 followers
February 7, 2020
I won this from Goodreads. I haven't had the chance to read the original Simple Abundance, but I did read her book Something More, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I am looking forward to diving deeper into this book and reflecting on the updated version in the future. It's a good book to have by the bed side and read an you're able.
Profile Image for Joan.
345 reviews
December 31, 2022
I read her original Simple Abundance when it first came out. Every few years I reread the daily entries. This is the second time I have completed her updated version. I will give it another couple of years before I reread the book. Excellent and I would recommend it to any woman no matter the age.
44 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2019
Won a copy on Goodreads. I own the first version but must say this new and updated book is exactly what I needed. She has improved on all the key points which are facing many busy women currently. Love this book and will use for years to come. Perfect way to start each morning!
34 reviews
January 9, 2020
A great way to start the day by reading Simple Abundance. Simple Abundance is perfect for the busy woman who does not have much time to read. Sarah’s positive messages helped me focus on what I have or can have vs what I do not have.
Profile Image for Sherri Dub.
Author 5 books43 followers
December 31, 2020
This author always seems to come around with what I “need” to read, just at the perfect time.
Absolutely loved this treasure of writing.
I began it on Jan 1, 2020 and read it, each day until done.
Often, I reread quotes, highlighted quips and smiled until I was left sated.
Profile Image for Katherine.
31 reviews
January 23, 2021
I've read this book twice now through 2 different years with a 1 year gap in the middle. This updated version is more inline with the current world (pre-pandemic), but could be a little bit more so. But it always encourages me to come back to myself, ground, and realign when I need the reminder.
Profile Image for Amy Abbott.
Author 8 books12 followers
June 5, 2021
I have purchased this book over and over again, for family and friends. I first read it when it came out decades ago. It is a superlative read and one I keep on my desk to "check into." Highly Recommended.
Profile Image for Judi Krauss.
59 reviews
December 31, 2021
Well, I did it... finished this book, and right on time. It was a wonderful journey, in spite of the fact that I didn't follow through on a single practical exercise... but there's always another year. I have a feeling that I will be rereading this book on a regular basis.
Profile Image for Shari Arnold.
9 reviews
June 25, 2023
I love this book and buy any copy I find at estate sales and give to my friends. I’m on my second year reading it and have also read many books she has referenced throughout this book. It’s a little like a daily vitamin.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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