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Blood and Moonlight #1

Blood and Moonlight

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In Erin Beaty's fantasy mystery-thriller, Blood and Moonlight, an orphan with a secret, magical sight gets caught between a mysterious genius and the serial killer he’s hunting.

Rising above the city of Collis is the holy Sanctum. And watching over its spires is Catrin, an orphan girl with unique skills—for she alone can spot the building’s flaws in construction before they turn deadly.

But when Catrin witnesses a murderer escaping the scene of his crime, she’s pulled into a dangerous chain of events where the only certainty is that the killer will strike again. Assigned to investigate is the mysterious and brilliant Simon, whose insights into the mind of a predator are frighteningly accurate.

As the grisly crimes continue, Catrin finds herself caught between killer and detective while hiding her own secret—a supernatural sight granted by the moon, destined to make her an outcast, and the only thing that might save her and those she loves from becoming the next victims...

444 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 28, 2022

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About the author

Erin Beaty

7 books1,153 followers
***Hello Readers! I just want to pop in here and explain that I do not accept friend requests on social media (Goodreads included) unless I know you in real life for several reasons, foremost being the nature of my husband's military job. I promise it isn't personal, and I appreciate everyone who wants to know more about me!***

Erin Beaty was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, which means she can't drive a tractor, but she won't eat veggies that come from a can. She graduated from the US Naval Academy with a degree in rocket science and somehow always ended up writing her study group's lab reports. After serving in the fleet as a weapons officer and a leadership instructor, she resigned to take care of her growing family. It still amazes her when other people want to hear the stories that come out of her head.

She and her husband have five children, two cats, and a vegetable garden and live wherever the navy tells them to go.

Erin Beaty is represented by Valerie Noble. Her young adult fantasy adventure, THE TRAITOR'S KISS, the first in a trilogy called The Traitor's Trilogy, will be released May 9th, 2017

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,096 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
June 18, 2022
this book is everything!

it has three-dimensional characters, a mysterious serial killer on the loose, exciting moon magic, a sweet romance, impressive old-school investigating, and a really unique setting. the writing has great pacing, flows nicely, and is super easy to binge read. its one of those books where you dont want to put it down and, when you do, you cant wait to pick it back up again.

the primary focus of this story is the serial killer and, because of that, there are a few questions left unanswered when it comes to the fantasy/magic elements. i think there are enough that a second book could be warranted to tie up some of those loose ends, so i am interested to see if that happens.

but overall, this is quite the adventure into the depths of criminal minds, murder investigations, family facades, and small town secrets.

a massive thanks to macmillan childrens publishing for the ARC!!

4.5 stars
Profile Image for abigail ❥ ~semi-hiatus~.
255 reviews668 followers
June 29, 2022
ARC provided by Macmillan Children's Publishing Group. *Let me also start by acknowledging the gorgeous cover and how perfectly it works for this book.*

This murder mystery fantasy novel didn't fail to keep me on my toes. I was making my own theories constantly, flipping back and forth on who I believed to be the killer. This story follows Catrin or 'Cat', an orphaned girl placed into the hands of the Sisters of the Light as a baby, once grown, run away to work with the Architect, Magister Thomas on the building of the beloved Sanctum of the town of Collis. Although we are never told the time period, it is described to be somewhere during the medieval era. Catrin lives with Magister Thomas, along with Mistress la Fontaine and her son Remone 'Remi' la Fontaine. Remi had worked with Magister Thomas as an apprentice for many years and had been gone to train under another to gain even more knowledge and become a Journeyman.

The story starts with Catrin heading out that night to inspect a crossbeam of the scaffolds of the sanctum. Magister Thomas notices her and says he will accompany so she isn't alone, however she prefers to be. Fortunately for her, Perrete Charpentier, a young lady who works on Pleasure Road stops by and demands to speak with the Architect. The Magister allows Catrin to go on her own as long as she wears the safety ropes—which she despises. Now under the moonlight within the Sanctum, Catrin inspects the crossbeam near one of the Gargoyles. It's split and will need to be fixed, it jabs her finger drawing blood just as the wind shrieks through the Gargoyle and something supernatural happens to Cat. Once back to sorts she sees a man fleeing, upon returning to the ground, she discovers a dead body and supposes the man fleeing was connected.

The main plot is the investigation of the killer, we also follow along as Cat searches for answers about her heritage, the magick, and her building romance with Simon who was assigned the Venatre for the investigation. This also touches on many different mental illnesses as well as graphic detail of the murders, so this is not a light read. With all that, this story never ceased to lose my attention or interest and I was ancy to find out all of what was hidden. This novel's ending is bittersweet in a happy way that leaves the future of the characters to the mind of the reader.
Profile Image for ☾.
255 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2022
pre-read: why did i add this? pretty cover, that’s why.


read: 3.9 stars. this actually wasn’t bad (which i say with surprise only because pretty covers always seem like bad omens). was it the groundbreaking and revolutionary read that people are saying it was? no. was it enjoyable? yes. and at the end of the day i wasn’t looking for a life-altering read, so all is well.

side note: LOVED the first 50-60ish%. but then all of this buildup went into an info-dumping chapter that completely detached me from the lil mystery of the story and is the reason i can’t give this four stars.
Profile Image for JustJJ.
170 reviews109 followers
November 18, 2023
This review and others @Bookerification

Rating: 3 stars

Cover: 🌟🌟🌟🌟.5
This cover is simply stunning! The beautiful central image of a woman wrapped in vines and flowers grabbed my attention and refused to let go. The additional details of buildings in the background allude to the story's setting, while blood dripping down her fingers makes the design a bit ominous.

Writing: 🌟🌟🌟
The rich narrative from Catrin's point of view immediately drew me in as vivid descriptions paint a clear picture of each scene and create a fascinating world. Annoyingly, the unique world and magic system are kept simple for most of the book, and I craved more depth and complexity. While this eventually came towards the end of the book, it was given through several information dumps and had little impact.

“…our lives are like the Sun: a gift"

Storyline: 🌟🌟🌟
Within a few minutes, Catrin's character is introduced, and the mystery aspect of the story is launched. The pace is then slowed dramatically as the other characters, romance and world are developed. This made the story far more light-hearted than I had expected and caused the mystery to be less gripping. However, as the climax approached, I enjoyed the constant twists and misdirections that made it hard to guess who the killer was - even though the final reveal was disappointing. I also loved how Erin Beaty gradually explores the subject of mental illness and leaves readers with lots to consider.

Main character(s): 🌟🌟🌟
Despite her intelligence and stubbornness, Catrin was not a particularly interesting character. She is yet another Chosen One protagonist who has every young guy in the story in love with her. On top of this, her character experienced no growth during the story, so had little depth and was hard to connect with.

“…we all live in cages. It’s only the lucky ones among us who get to choose which one.”

Secondary characters: 🌟🌟🌟
Even with the distinct personalities and quirks given to the secondary characters, they seemed one-dimensional, with simple roles to fulfil. The only memorable character was Julianne, who faced compelling challenges and stole my heart.

Romance: 🌟🌟🌟
Initial sparks soon lead to a romance that is too intense, too quickly. While the characters have some sweet moments, it is unclear why they fell for each other, so it was difficult for me to get invested in their relationship.

Narration & Audio: 🌟🌟🌟
The narration by Kathleen McInerney is pretty good. I liked the different voices done for the various characters but thought the emotions in the story were not well conveyed.

Despite the promising combination of mystery, fantasy and romance, 'Blood and Moonlight' was painfully average. The story was entertaining, but there was little that gripped me. Certain aspects of the story remind me of Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody, so those who liked this story should check that out.
July 3, 2024
ೃ⁀➷ dnf @ 33%

➷ fooled by a pretty cover once again 🥲 the premise of this one looked so intriguing to me so I was super excited, but I could tell I wasn't going to love it when I was a few chapters in. I'm sorry but the writing style was so boring- it was confusing and couldn't hold my attention at all 😭😭

I'm sad this one wasn't for me, but onto better books! 🌷✨️
Profile Image for calypso.
168 reviews260 followers
March 22, 2022
this book was so beautiful i’m currently still sobbing
Profile Image for Coco.
172 reviews32 followers
December 31, 2022

¿Alguna vez habéis leído un thriller ambientado en un mundo fantástico? ¡Yo no (antes de esta novela)! Fue un auténtico descubrimiento, el misterio del asesino mezclado con el secreto de la magia me tuvo cautivada durante sus casi 500 páginas.

Hablemos primero de la parte del thriller: aunque tiene escenas duras y difíciles (⚠️ descripción de los cuerpos asesinados detalladamente) es un misterio que me tuvo bastante enganchada: ¿quién es el asesino? ¿Qué motivos tiene? ¿Por qué parece que "protege" a Catrin? Para mí, un buen libro de misterio debe dar las pistas para que el lector pueda descubrirlo a la par que los personajes: ¡y este libro es así! Nada de reservarse datos o de descubrir que al final todo fue obra de la magia o un sinsentido.

La fantasía: este mundo me ha gustado mucho y, aunque no es el género principal, está muy bien desarrollado. Me gustaría leer más novelas basadas aquí, y descubrir más del poder de la Luna y sus fieles.

Los personajes me parecieron muy completos: tienen su introspección y sus motivos. No hay ningún personaje puesto exclusivamente para conveniente de la trama y/o de la protagonista: no, todos se ven reales y con un deje de que tienen más vida y experiencias a parte de las descritas en el libro. Catrin es una protagonista muy humana con la que no me ha costado empatizar. Sin embargo, me ha costado más hacerlo con Simon y por otro lado con el romance.

El final me ha sorprendido bastante, no me lo esperaba nada. Me gustó mucho que estuviera todo explicado y se viera las relaciones con todo (que, repito, el lector es capaz de anticiparse, yo no, porque se dan todas las pistas a lo largo del libro).

Los mensajes de este libro me parecieron muy importantes y creo que siempre es un buen método difundirlos a través de las novelas que leemos. Me encanta este transfondo del libro.

Por si no os ha quedado claro, es una historia que os recomiendo mucho: tanto a los lectores de fantasía como a los de thriller o, simplemente, a aquellos que quieran disfrutar de una buena novela.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,651 reviews242 followers
September 13, 2022
The second I saw this cover I knew it was a book I had to read. From the very beginning I was drawn into the story and I think a large part of that is how much I really liked the main character Catrin or Cat. She is fun, adventurous, passionate, and hard working. I love that her role is to climb high in the scaffolding to check for safety and she has to be reminded to wear a harness. The mystery was very good and I loved the attempt at profiling and the more primitive forensics mixed with a little bit of magic. Cat hears a woman scream and runs to the site to watch a cloaked man leave and a murdered woman. She is drawn into the investigation because of her initial observations. I don’t totally love the way books like this always have love triangles and it was a little over the top in this one, but I ultimately did love the romance between Cat and Simon. I haven’t read anything by Erin Beaty before this book, but I definitely will be looking into more books by her in the future.
Profile Image for Lyra (Cardan's tail's version).
348 reviews614 followers
January 7, 2024
—3.75 stars—

“I’ve never known anyone to fight so hard to protect those they love.”

————about the book————

Age: Young Adult
Genres: Historic Fantasy, Fantasy,
Writing: 7/10
Quotes: 7/10
World building: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
Romance: 8/10
My rating: 8/10

trigger warnings: Death, Grief, Murder, Violence, Gore, Schizophrenia, Body Horror, Injury Detail, etc.

———my thoughts———

Blood and Moonlight was an interesting read.
Somehow, it was both similar and completely different to any medieval-inspired YA book I’ve read before.
(Which is, surprisingly, a lot.)
Catrin, our seventeen-year-old protagonist was one of those characters that I may not have liked initially, but I like now.
And that’s partly to do with how she matured throughout the story.
But mostly to do with how I began liking the entire story more.
Especially in the first fifty pages or so, more information about the world would have been incredibly useful!
I ended up feeling a little lost—and while I understand that Cat didn’t have much information at that point, I still feel like it could have been handled a little better.
It wasn’t even that the magic needed explaining, because that needed its own time to develop, it was just that I was in a new world, and very confused about everything going on!
The murder mystery itself was well written and even if there weren’t many suspects, it still felt like there were reasonable motives for all of them.
Simon, the ‘detective’ and Cat’s love interest, was fairly easy to like and, to me, far more interesting than Cat.
Hopefully there’s his POV as well in book two, because he has a fascinating mind and I’d like to read it first hard.
Anyway, Cat and Simon are sweet together. They’re the kind of couple that makes me smile at the pages, while being slightly frustrated at their hesitance to actually make a move.
Overall, this was such a fun read! I had originally thought it inspired by the Whitechapel murders (Jack the Ripper), but after reading the author’s note, it doesn’t seem so.
Lastly, I wanted to touch on how the author depicted mental health, or more accurately, Schizophrenia.
While it was only side characters that were afflicted, I liked how the author made it something that was talked about throughout the book.
The reactions of others and the attempted cures felt very accurate to the time period this world was inspired by, and (I felt) it was well researched.


“His heartbeat pounds in my ear as he strokes my hair and lays his cheek on the top of my head. “You’re all right,” he whispers over and over, though it feels more like he’s assuring himself. “You’re all right.”

“It’s not very nice to listen to someone’s thoughts without their permission.”

———random extra thoughts———

I love the cover! The second one is even better...

Thanks for reading! ❤️
Profile Image for Stay Fetters.
2,290 reviews169 followers
April 18, 2022
"Death makes a man wax poetic, apparently."

Read 65% and skimmed the rest.

When I first spotted the cover, I didn't need to know anything else about this. It's a hauntingly beautiful cover that captivated me. The blood dripping down the fingers was the real seller for me. The sad thing is that beautiful covers always sucker me in and let me down. That is what happened here.

The moon having mystical benefits was amazing. I loved how certain characters had heightened senses after coming into direct moonlight. It was unique and I wish the story was more about that than murder but we can't always get what we want.

Figuring out the killer was easy. After this certain character was introduced, I knew immediately. Where's the fun in that? No cat and mouse game? No, thanks. The murders were cool and reminded me of Jack the Ripper. We can never have enough of those.

This book sounded like something I would love but I didn’t like the writing style or the main character. Cat was super cringey and her infatuation with another character kind of creeped me out. And don’t get me started on the releasing of a breath she didn’t know she was holding. *sigh* It’s a hard pass.

Blood and Moonlight is going to be a no from me. This just wasn't written for someone like me because I guessed things before they even happened. I was bored through most of it and Simon was the only decent character. That's saying a lot because he even bothered me some. I just didn't like this and that breaks my heart.
Profile Image for Muffinsandbooks.
1,406 reviews1,045 followers
January 18, 2023
C’était beaucoup plus lent que ce à quoi je m’attendais et certains éléments m’ont parus assez peu naturels (genre la manière dont Simon débarque et mène l’enquête). Malgré ça, j’ai été happée et j’ai beaucoup aimé ma lecture. C’est addictif, très bien construit autant pour le côté enquête que pour les aspects fantastiques qui se révèlent lentement. C’est un thriller en fantasy qui m’a surprise et beaucoup plu !
Profile Image for A Mac.
1,060 reviews185 followers
July 1, 2022
Catrin works with the city architect, spotting dangers in the construction and supports of the Holy Sanctum. She’s often out at night for this, and one evening, she sees a man fleeing the scene of a murder. She becomes involved with the investigation and becomes more emotionally involved with Simon and those helping him investigate. Underneath this all, Catrin begins to think she might have magic of her own and must decide how honest she should be with Simon.

This was a fine read. There wasn’t really anything that stood about this book to me though, except for the book cover.

I found it difficult to become invested in the characters, which in turn made it difficult to care about their relationships with each other. I didn’t find Catrin to be particularly interesting or engaging, though I enjoyed the profession the author gave her (I could tell that some great research went into the engineering/architectural details the author included, and it was much appreciated!). I felt the same way about the secondary characters for the most part, though I think that both Simon and Julianne were well written and interesting. I also disliked that everyone was in love with the protagonist, and just how astonished she was every time she found out about it. Cat and Simon’s relationship felt forced and detracted from the work overall.

The way that religion worked in the book and how it was influenced by the types of magic was interesting. I enjoyed the information included about moon magic and how it affected certain people; I wish the book had focused more on this and less of the investigation. I also thought this work would be a bit more of a gothic and dark fantasy read, but it was actually relatively tame despite a couple dark moments.

Personally, I didn’t find the murderer to be a compelling villain at all. Part of this may have been that there was no real reason to care about the victims as they weren’t developed or integral to the story past their deaths. I think the other part was that there were so many different leads to follow and tons of misdirection that I just lost interest; it didn’t keep me on the edge of my seat. For the sake of avoiding spoilers, I won’t get into details about the murderer and their motive other than to say it was quite disappointing for me.

Overall, this was an okay read. I can see why other people might really enjoy it, but it just wasn’t for me.

I received a complimentary copy of this work through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Amina .
868 reviews545 followers
August 29, 2023
✰ 3.5 stars ✰

“We all live in cages. Only those of us who are lucky get to choose which ones.”

I was almost afraid that I was going to fall victim once again to the allure of a beautiful cover, but surprisingly, Blood and Moonlight wasn't all that bad, as I thought it would be. Granted, it had some issues, but despite it's length, it kept me entertained. 💚💚 It had a very appealing Gothic vibe to it, and as I'm always helpless against mysteries, it provided ample intrigue for me. The writing, though simple was engrossing, as it led me through each grisly murder, and as we finally got closer to the reveal of who the serial killer was.

However!! If it had only stayed as a Gothic murder-mystery, rather than throwing in some magical elements to Catrin's , I think it would have been much much better. I will admit that while Catrin was learning about her family's past and her latent powers, my eyes glazed over - I'm sorry, they did! 😩 😩 I liked being on the edge of sleuthing - not deducing how she was born with this abilities and how the realm is divided between those who have the bewitching powers and who don't. 🤷

Catrin may not be any different in regards to her other female main characters, but the writing was so very chipper (if that makes sense) - that I didn't feel that she was all too generic. Wow, is that even possible? Apparently yes. 🥰 She had a quiet determination to her, and a courageous charm to her that I liked. Her job as an engineer was also an interesting and different take and seeing how her bond with the moonlight through the victims' blood played a more pivotal part in aiding Simon was also very well-done. 🤌🏻

“I know I can trust you,” he whispers. “You’re the only one in all this with nothing to hide.”

Simon, too, was an agreeable chap with a tragic backstory of his own; I enjoyed the small hesitant levels of intimacy between the two, the torturous slow burn that haunts every romantasy pair, along with the obligatory break-up of questionable truths. Yes, it happened - but for good reason, which fortunately was sorted out quickly enough. Remi, on the other hand, was a dear and one I favored more. Honest and serious and blunt to a fault, I was always glad when he came into the picture and how he favored the scenes he was in. I'm curious to know if we'll see more of him in the sequel. 🤎🤎

I did enjoy Catrin's relationship with Simon and Remi a lot; they were definitely the highlights for me - polar opposites, but she cared deeply for both of them in her own way. She's attracted to Simon, but she still wants to prove her worth to him - and she did. Remi is like a brother to her, and he won't hesitate to speak his mind or show that she's in the wrong. The other side characters were also likable enough, and had unique personalities that made me suspicious of each of them; that's definitely a plus sign, because I really don't like when the killer is so blatantly obvious. 👍🏻

“Our lives are as short and fleeting as phases of the moon, the architect had said. Nothing is more important than to give people a place of hope and beauty and meaning.”

As much as it is a magical mystery, there is also a deep look at how secrets can destroy families, and how those who have to keep their identities and flaws so hidden, it eventually shatters them. We play a part for so long, we can no longer distinguish, which of us is the real one and which is the sham. And it was those few allusions to these thoughts that play a leading role for the cause of the many murders terrorizing their streets.

There were plenty of twists and turns till the very end that eluded my guesses, till Catrin finally cornered the guilty target. I particularly appreciated, how eventually all the story-lines do cross over, to an action-packed climax that tied all the players into one grand stage. And as morbid as it may sound, I also didn't mind that the murders weren't just described in the air; each victim was a necessary plot device to the story, with enough details to their deaths that truly provided the element of macabre. Yes, I'm in one of those moods. 😅 Despite some faults, the writing suited my palette, the dialogue was engaging, and I'm already head over heels for the sequel's cover, so definitely a decent enough read. 👌🏻🌿👌🏻
Profile Image for Agapibooks.
566 reviews77 followers
January 10, 2023
Un chef-d’œuvre un peu magique qui a su me toucher en plein cœur.

🌕 Au sortir de ma lecture, qu’il est dur de trouver les mots pour en parler. Oui, on peut parler de coup de cœur, mais je n’ai pas envie de résumer Blood and moonlight à ça. Je parlerais plutôt d’un sentiment de certitude, celui d’avoir trouvé tout ce que je cherchais et bien plus encore.

🌕 Je me suis lancée dans l’aventure un peu à l’aveugle, sans connaître les retours des autres lecteurs, et j’y ai trouvé un récit rondement bien mené. J’ai d’abord été agréablement surprise de découvrir que les chapitres étaient courts et s’enchaînaient avec une rapidité folle, comprenant que j’aurais du mal à le lâcher. Je voulais toujours lire un petit chapitre de plus.

🌕 Nous sommes donc sur un retelling autour du fait divers de Jack l’éventreur et forcément, ça m’a parfois rappelée mon attachement pour la saga Stalking Jack the ripper (de Kerri Maniscalco). Le lecteur est directement plongé dans une intrigue emplie de mystère, où un serial killer sévit et doit être arrêté. Honnêtement, j’ai adoré faire mille et unes théories sur l’identité du tueur et me faire avoir à plusieurs reprises. C’était parfaitement rythmé mais également assez graphique (attention donc, en fonction de votre sensibilité !). Ça ne vire jamais dans le gore, mais le tableau était diablement bien dépeint.

🌕 Cet aspect sombre vient se heurter directement à la personnalité plus lumineuse de notre protagoniste. Elle possède cette forme de naïveté dans son regard sur le monde qui la rend terriblement attachante, tout en ayant une intelligence qui pousse à l’admiration. Elle m’a plue, cette Catrin. Et puis il y a eu la rencontre avec Simon, un nouveau book boyfriend qui m’a charmée doucement mais sûrement. Son caractère complexe mêlé à ses airs de gentleman ont eu raison de moi.

🌕 Toute l’intrigue évolue dans un univers franchement fascinant. Le lecteur se retrouve entouré de bâtiments historiques, dans cette ville aux consonances moyenâgeuses, et ce retour en arrière était merveilleux. Et si le binôme principal était dingue à suivre, je ne peux pas ne pas mentionner les personnages secondaires. Ils participent à faire de ce monde un lieu attachant malgré les dangers, et chacun était brillamment construit : ce n’était pas possible de s’emmêler les pinceaux tant ils étaient uniques.

🌕 Et comment ne pas parler de ce personnage (que je ne nommerai pas pour des questions de spoil), alors qu’iel m’a touchée en plein cœur ? Blood and moonlight n’est pas seulement un murder mystery. Il évoque aussi avec brio les maladies mentales et leurs conséquences (sur le ou la concerné.e mais aussi son entourage). La note de l’autrice permet de comprendre à quel point elle y a mis de son vécu personnel, et je suis reconnaissante d’avoir fait la connaissance de ce personnage. I felt seen. Parfois, la meilleure chose que vous pouvez faire pour quelqu’un, c’est de rester.

🌕 En fait, chaque petit aspect de Blood and moonlight a contribué à en faire un premier tome excellent pour les fans du genre. La magie n’est pas l’élément central mais elle rajoute ce petit supplément d’âme parmi la violence. Le pouvoir de la lune sur notre MC était pertinent et bien expliqué, totalement ce que j’aime. C’est addictif, certes, mais également très marquant. Je n’oublierai pas de si tôt tout ce que les personnages m’ont apportée le temps de ma lecture et je sais que le tome 2 sera tout aussi génial puisque l’univers a encore plein de choses à nous raconter.
Profile Image for Kristin Sledge.
343 reviews57 followers
September 27, 2022
4.5 rounded down. A fresh magic system woven into a fun whodunnit. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an AudioARC in exchange for an honest review.

Catrin has always seen better by moonlight, something she has kept hidden as moon magic is often seen as evil. While using the moonlight to her advantage for her job, she witnesses a murderer fleeing the scene of their crime....where she could swear she heard the victim pleading for help moments before....from 25 stories up. Teaming up with the detective assigned to solve the murder, Simon, Catrin must help wade through the waters of visions and hearing victims, but will she ever get to them in time to save them? Or will she find herself caught in the killer's crosshairs?

Blood and Moonlight was such a fun ride! The magic system was unique as was Catrin's origin once revealed. Simon was a likeable character from an interesting bit of the world, which was also great as it often feels like when the authors world build we only get bits and pieces of the surroundings of the main story, not fully recognized other locations. The characters really seem to be shaped by their past rather than their past being shaped to the story being told, which was a real treat. The only thing holding me back from giving this 5 stars is how the author tried to throw readers off of different pieces of the mystery. I can't say much more without spoilers, just know it's not enough to ruin the read, just a eye roll here and there.

4.5 stars rounded down to 4, since Goodreads doesn't allow half stars. Recommended for readers of stand alone mysteries with a kiss of magic. Age recommended for 14+ as the violence isn't graphic, but could be a bit dark for younger readers.
Profile Image for Laura Díaz.
Author 1 book863 followers
December 17, 2022
Es un libro de misterio, mas tipo thriller y novela negra que fantasía. Tiene toquecitos mágicos, pero lo importante es el aura misteriosa y de búsqueda del culpable.

Si nunca has leído fantasía, este es un gran comienzo.
Si lees fantasía y no sueles explorar el género de thriller, es un acercamiento que te va a gustar.
Profile Image for Tara.
320 reviews266 followers
June 29, 2022
never did i think that mixing YA fantasy with Silence of the Lambs style criminal profiling + serial killers would create a book that slays THIS HARD
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,330 reviews87 followers
February 10, 2024
Blood & Moonlight drew me in with the cover. I’ve gotten pickier about my YA reads and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It’s a mishmash of crime, mystery, suspense thriller romance. And don’t let me forget to mention the magic. There’s a serial killer running loose and lists of mystery.
I felt like it dragged a tad in the beginning but over all was good. It had a solid story and I liked the main characters. This also touched on mental illness which is STILL a taboo topic today. I liked what the author shared about this at the end of the audiobook. The narrator was Kathleen McInerney and she was good. I chose to listen to this book on audio and read some of it. I gave it a 4 ⭐️.
Thanks Macmillan Audio via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Mia.
2,532 reviews956 followers
October 5, 2022
Best part of this book is cover, story and characters were lacking.
Profile Image for Sarah | The Marsies.
592 reviews221 followers
March 1, 2023

Un thriller sur fond de fantasy palpitant et exaltant !

Dans une époque médiévale qui fait écho à Notre-Dame de Paris et Quasimodo, nous sommes plongé à Collis, à la construction de son immense cathédrale tout en pierre et échafaudage. Catrin parcourt les rues tantôt sinistres au clair de lune, tantôt illuminées d’un soleil éclatant et nous entraine dans un univers qui pourrait résonner comme le notre si ce n’est quelques touches magiques que même les protagonistes ignorent.

L’intrigue est l’élément central du récit, nous sommes jetés dans un retelling de Jack l’éventreur. Un vrai thriller psychologique se met alors en route. Qui est le tueur ? Quelles seront ses prochaines victimes ? Autant de questions qui nous ballottent au fil des pages qu’on dévore à une vitesse addictive. Si j’ai deviné quelques pages avant la grande révélation qui était responsable des meurtres, la lecture n’en reste pas moins palpitante et intrigante à souhait. Car avant d’arriver à une conclusion, notre cerveau élabore plein de théories possibles. J’ai adoré me perdre en conjectures en même temps que notre héroïne et me faire avoir par tous les mystères et rebondissements !

Le livre suit un bon rythme qui alterne entre l’avancée de l’enquête et les questions sur les origines de Catrin où réside l’aspect fantasy. Les pouvoirs de la jeune fille sont bien originaux et satisfont notre soif de magie même si celle-ci est reléguée au second plan. Cat est une héroïne agréable à suivre et rencontre des personnages tous intrigants et louches pour qu’on en soupçonne plus d’un ! La petite romance était sympathique sans être fascinante et c’est là que je trouve un point faible.

On sent que c’est adolescent sur les sentiments. Certaines réactions, notamment la jalousie rapide de Cat, nous renvoient au jeune âge des protagonistes. Un peu plus de substance et de profondeur dans leur psychologie et leurs relations auraient été appréciable. Il n’empêche qu’ils restent attachants surtout par ce qu’ils traversent. On aborde les maladies mentales, les conséquences de celles-ci sur l’entourage et les concernés, de façon simple et pourtant si juste. La note de l’autrice à la fin m’a assez émue.

Le meurtre est résolu mais il n’en est pas fini de nos personnages car plusieurs questions subsistent. Nous pourrons les retrouver dans une suite AVEC UNE VIBE DARK ACADEMIA OMG LET’S GO !!
Profile Image for Jess.
131 reviews104 followers
June 27, 2022
I am honestly so surprised by how much I enjoyed this. This is definitely a book where you kind of have to trust the process and just roll with it because to be honest I wish this book had a glossary lol maybe the finished book will have one. BUT TRUST THE PROCESS YOU WONT REGRET IT.
I adore Cat. Me and everyone else apparently 🤣
I was getting some serious whip lash with this mystery! As soon as I thought I had it figured out they'd cast so much suspicion on someone else I didn't know which way was up. Trust no one. This was so good. Even if I was thoroughly confused at times, the best mysteries keep you guessing.
Thank you to NetGalley and the Macmillan for this ARC!
Profile Image for Erin Phillips.
Author 10 books891 followers
June 10, 2022
This book was so right up my alley, you have no idea! I love me a good, dark crime thriller, and this one had magic! So, it was perfect, but I am not joking when I say it’s dark and not for the faint of heart…

Blood and Moonlight is a twisting dark mystery in a fantastical world reminiscent of France, and reminded me of Stalking Jack the Ripper, Netflix’s Mindhunter, Criminal Minds, and a dash of magic paired with a Hunchback of Notre Dame setting.

The mystery was extremely, EXTREMELY, well executed! I honestly could not guess who the killer was, and I love how we had several suspects, and it was only when all the pieces fell into place, in the right order, that it made sense and it was so clear. I really appreciate that in a mystery, and Erin Beaty did a fantastic job of sprinkling in clues while always raising more questions. So many questions! About Catrin’s past, about who Simon is, the voices, the Selenae…so many questions, but asked with a trust that the author will reveal all at the right time. There are no loose ends with this story!

It was a very fast-paced story, managing to keep up the intensity while also delivering deep world-building, character development, and a very cool, strict magic system. My curiosity about the world was piqued right from the start, I was immediately pulled into the story, and Catrin was such a incredible protagonist to follow! She has so much spunk and courage, and she didn’t lack relatability and authenticity.

The romance felt very natural—just the way teenagers fall in love. And I guess there was a little bit of love rhombusing in this one, but I truly didn’t mind! In fact, if you can call it a love triangle, it is the best love triangle I’ve ever read, because I didn’t hate it! Or really even think of it that way. It was just two separate situations, without any leading on or playing both sides. Both relationships felt very honest and valuable, and Catrin had very clear intentions with both Remi and Simon.

I also really appreciated the author’s note and Juliane’s character, starting with her strange way of talking, and then learning more about her struggle with schizophrenia. Having had some personal experience with family suffering from this mental illness, I really appreciated the compassion with which Erin Beaty approached the subject, and I think it was very well done. I hope that Juliane helps readers learn not to fear those with extremely difficult mental illness, but to have more compassion for them instead.

Now, the unsavory bits! As I mentioned above, this mystery does not hold back it’s punches, and so it will definitely not be everyone’s cup of tea. I love myself some true crime, so I wasn’t shocked or offended by the content, but those less accustomed to forensic crime (Criminal Minds, SVU, etc.) may have difficulty with some of the content. However, while the content (namely deaths of the victims) are gruesome and disturbing, the descriptions are very simple and not excessive, so you understand what happened without any gratuitous details.

There was something about this book that really grabbed a hold of me and didn’t let go. And it wasn’t just the thrilling mystery. I think it’s that desire for justice we all have, to uncover the truth no matter how ugly it may be. It is only when everything is exposed to the light (or should I say, the moonlight) that we can grieve the truth, process, and find a way forward.

All in all, I have to give this five stars, with a trigger warning. I will definitely be reading this book again when I want a good creepy mystery, or a boost of inspiration! Yeah, I’m a dark soul sometimes…

Trigger Warnings: Rape, Violence, Incest
Profile Image for Inés  Molina.
384 reviews71 followers
July 1, 2022
"We All live in cages, Catrin. Only those of us who are lucky get to choose which one"

This book was full of mystery with a bit of romance. An unexpected turn of events, the whole time you will question if someone is the murderer. I love the romance between Simon and Cat. Cat was such a great character. This book had madness and i was intrigued from the start. Moon magic, a murderer on the loose, so many victims.
Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,105 reviews648 followers
November 28, 2022
El Sagrado Sanctum se alza sobre la ciudad de Collis, y allí trabaja Catrin, una joven huérfana cuyas habilidades están al servicio del maestro arquitecto: solamente ella puede detectar los fallos de construcción del edificio antes de que supongan una desgracia. Sin embargo, una noche, es testigo de cómo un asesino escapa de la escena del crimen, lo que la arrastra a una peligrosa cadena de acontecimientos, donde lo único que saben es que habrá más crímenes. Así, Catrin colaborará con Simon, a cargo de la investigación, capaz de meterse en la mente del asesino. Según avance el tiempo, las muertes continuarán, y ella se verá atrapada entre el criminal y el detective, al mismo tiempo que oculta su propio secreto: unos poderes sobrenaturales que le proporciona La Luz de la luna y que podrían convertirla en una paria, pero que también podrían ser lo único que le permitiera salvarse.

Menuda fantasía, de verdad. Con lo que me gustan a mí las historias sobre investigaciones, que esta haya estado regada de fantasía gracias a los poderes lunares de Catrin, y a esa ambientación tan medieval, me ha parecido interesantísimo y la mar de emocionante. Además, gracias a los análisis de Simon, el venatre a cargo de la investigación, la forma en que llegamos a conocer la psicología del asesino resulta espeluznante.

Por su parte, desde luego que la trama resulta adictiva desde el minuto uno: en el momento en que ocurre el primer asesinato ya estaba enganchadísima, y eso que las descripciones que presenta son demasiado gráficas para mi gusto, y resulta un tanto desagradable, pero logra el objetivo de meternos en la historia y hacernos partícipes de cada avance y pista.

Reseña completa: http://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/202...
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