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First published December 22, 2016

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Mika Yamamori

67 books732 followers
Mika Yamamori (やまもり三香) is a Japanese author of manga.

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Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,138 reviews148 followers
February 22, 2022
That new kid is quite interesting! I've got a feeling tho that he's talking about the Snake lady (geez I forgot her name too! That Fumi's rival before! Haha!) Since, the author gave an opening to a potential "new love" when she finally closed the curtain for that rivalry. Anyway, looking forward to Isshin's confession on the next volume! Let's see how that confrontation turned out! This is really getting so exciting.

See also, my review for volume 1
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
March 1, 2024
Fumi and Akatsuki are finally a couple! This would probably be more momentous if she had ever been on a date in her life and Akatsuki had ever had a clue what love really is. So it’s maybe one step forward, but how many back again?

Mika Yamamori knows how to write interesting characters, even when you’re up against familiar story beats of yesteryear. Having just read another story where the two leads were underwritten puppies in heat, this comes in like a breath of fresh air.

Now that Fumi and Akatsuki have cleared the air, the realization comes in that neither of them are terribly good at this, don’t necessarily understand what they’re signing up for, and they still live together as well. Things backslide to old habits very fast, basically, just more awkward.

It’s an obvious tell, but Akatsuki keeps calling Fumi, “Girl!” the entire volume, pretty much in defiance of his growing attraction to her unique nature compared to all the other women he’s dated. He’s basically as immature as she is in this respect, and very aware that he’s not the best at this.

Still, at least he’s aware, and he does try, plus or minus his fashion choices. He’s got it both ways, trying to understand what love is and whether that applies to Fumi. He’s pretty sure, but not entirely sure, and he already has enough trouble in the tact department.

Basically this volume is all about the tentative first steps, with the added complexity of cohabitation and woeful inexperience. It quietly explores the new normal and throws in a date to boot.

The date is quietly awkward and I love how something is obviously a little off with Fumi’s choice. You can see she’s trying just a little too hard, and where she really wants to go at the end made me laugh because it’s so perfect for her.

Writing something quiet and making it interesting is a skill and knowing when to punctuate something with a joke to deflate things is also a skill. Yamamori is very good at both of these and uses those to make this a compelling volume that has a ton of introspection in it amidst the romance.

Oh, we also get to check in with the other not-a-couple couple, although I wish we spent more time with them. And the evil rival returns for a little softening, but not a lot. She has a real fun moment where she punctures expectations as well, maybe not in a good way.

There are two bumps on the road here. First, I cannot believe we’re actually going there, but we get a second dead-on-a-rival showing up, this time one who seems attractive (and maybe attracted) to Fumi. While this is probably going where we suspect, it is interesting to see her noticing another guy outside or Akatsuki, especially one closer to her age.

Oh, right, the other thing. There was never an age gap that Yamamori wouldn’t lean into, and boy does she lean into this one with the revelation of Akatsuki’s age. I mean, I have accepted where this story has staked its territory and like it despite my better judgement, it’s written that well, but you have been warned. Repeatedly. If you find that creepy, and you should, it really colours this one.

4 stars - it’s not the best Yamamori; I know that Daytime Shooting Star is likely her best work, but it’s okay being second best when your competition is something I would consider a genre classic. Great volume.
Profile Image for Jeanne.
Author 10 books25 followers
August 20, 2019
Bis jetzt habe ich 6 Bände der Reihe gelesen und finde sie wirklich niedlich. Nur langsam baut sich zwischen den beiden eine Beziehung an, was mir gut gefällt.
Fumi ist ein liebenswertes 16 jähriges Mädchen, dass die perfekte Frau darstellt. Sie umsorgt ihn, kocht, macht sauber und ist wahrscheinlich der Traum eines jeden Mannes. Sie nervt ihn nicht, macht keine Vorhaltungen und sagt ihm nicht, was er zu tun und zu lassen hat. Sie entschuldigt sich sogar dafür, ihm ihre Gefühle gestanden zu haben.
Er hingegen ist ein Sheldon Cooper, was Gefühle angeht. Akatsuki ist Schriftsteller und fast 30. Er ist sehr unsicher im Umgang mit Frauen bzw. allgemein mit Menschen. Taktlos sagt er ihnen, was andere nur denken würden. Trotzdem verlieben sich die Frauen in ihn, weil er gut aussieht und eben diesen gewissen Charme hat.
Zwischen den beiden kommt es dann doch irgendwann mal soweit, dass sie ein Liebespaar werden, doch wer glaubt, dass die beiden sofort in die Kiste springen, der irrt gewaltig. Bis jetzt gibt es noch nicht mal ein Küsschen. Selbst Händchenhalten bringt den beiden einen roten Kopf.
Alles in allem eine süße Geschichte mit tollen Charakteren.
Die Zeichnungen sind sehr schön und zart. Actionszenen gibt es keine. Alles wirkt sehr ruhig auf mich.
Manchmal gibt es schöne Zitate über die Liebe und vor allem die Art, wie damit umgegangen wird, habe ich bisher so sehr selten gelesen.
Profile Image for Marianna Rainolter.
1,627 reviews21 followers
April 28, 2018
Kibikino si è dichiarato a Fumi ma questo non cambia nulla nel loro rapporto quotidiano. Ci vorrà un imbarazzante ma dolce primo appuntamento per far aprire lo scrittore ancora di più e noi lettori lo vediamo più chiaramente potendo leggere i pensieri dell’uomo che riflette moto seriamente su Fumi e sul perché le piace. Mi sta colpendo molto questa evoluzione del suo personaggio. La ragazza è come sempre timida e un po’ pasticciona, ma in molte questioni come darle torto (dopotutto mi sono emozionata tantissimo anch’io quando Kibikino ha sorriso, un vero colpo al cuore!)? Mi è piaciuto il finale perché è uno di quelli tranquilli e sereni che sai che deve per forza succedere qualcosa e infatti compare un nuovo personaggio, un compagno di scuola più grande di Fumi con il quale la ragazza dovrà stare a stretto contato per via del festival scolastico. E sarà interessante vedere come reagirà Kibikino alla cosa (io lo voglio vedere geloso, sia chiaro!). L’extra del volume è una divertente e simpatica intervista a Kibino, anche lei mi è piaciuta.
Profile Image for Milena Books.
167 reviews37 followers
January 8, 2019
Sto amando sempre di più questo shojo! I protagonisti mi fanno ridere tantissimo e vederli adesso in questi atteggiamenti mi diverte ancora di più! Non vedo l'ora di leggere i volumi successivi
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,718 reviews221 followers
February 14, 2024
"What I'm trying to say here is dating is about treating the other person like they're special, you know?"

I am still not overly hooked on this series, but man the writing is SO GOOD!

I'm definitely not a person who thinks about how good writing or paneling or anything involving the "mechanics" of manga storytelling, but there is something extremely compelling about Mika Yamamori's work. She really can pull out the emotions in her characters so that as readers we can understand what her characters are thinking. Despite the fact that the majority of the story is told from Fumi's POV, I appreciate the moments we get from Sensei's POV and how it blends in so smoothly with the story itself.

And honestly, speaking of him, I think Sensei is the "make it or break it" for me in this series. While the age gap is a little uncomfortable, I feel the MOST uncomfortable thing is that he is Fumi's boss. He provides for all her needs as the "maid" she is and that bothers me a lot more than the huge age gap between them. Granted, I don't think he'll ever pull a "power play" kind of move, but I think it's the biggest source of discomfort for me.

On the flip side though, I LOVE Fumi's character! She is deeply compelling for a teenage girl and can't get over how her feelings take me right back to being in high school and having a huge crush. I know I've read other manga that also do this well, but I adore Fumi's outbursts of Sensei noticing her and how she gets super embarrassed. It is, once again, incredible storytelling.

I did really like the events of this volume and how there is great communication between the leads. Sensei can be enduring in his own way even if I would prefer him to be less dense, especially for an almost thirty-year-old man, but that is a personal preference. LOL!

I did however really dislike the ending and there being a possible love triangle. I know from some of the later covers which guy is the endgame, but based on some of the things Fumi thinks and says, I feel this new guy really can be a potential love rival.

All in all, I still don't love this series, but I think I may continue just because of the fact I love the writing itself and how compelling Fumi is as a main character. Hopefully, we will get more "high school" moments because those really are some of my favorite (and best) parts!
Profile Image for Moni.
57 reviews7 followers
October 2, 2018
Ok, I'll be blunt and say that this series lost me as a fan a long while ago. I personally think Japan's laws about sexual assault are archaic, sexist and frankly illogical (based on child psychology experts) they only updated 50+ year old laws a few years ago. On that note this probably informs Japanese men and women’s opinions on relationships especially those with age gaps like those depicted in this and other manga. This manga’s relationship is inherently not a healthy one: a 15 year old live-in housekeeper and her 28 year old employer. In America at least this "relationship" would be called "grooming". Plus how the hell can they relate to each other when one hasn't graduated high school yet while the other is at least old enough to have been out of college for a few years?
Profile Image for **Sognatrice di libri**.
1,439 reviews168 followers
March 3, 2023
La storia si sta facendo sempre più interessante, mi sta piacendo molto non vedo l’or di leggere il prossimo volume.
Profile Image for MargReadsManga.
416 reviews68 followers
February 28, 2024
Another great volume but I wish sensei would stop calling her girl! 😦 Sheesh!! Excited to see what the next volume bring!
Profile Image for Bine.
716 reviews110 followers
October 3, 2018
Ich glaube, ich bin langsam wirklich an den Punkt gekommen, an dem mich die Serie nicht mehr wirklich begeistern kann. Es sieht alles einfach wunderschön aus, aber die Story ist so schrecklich generisch. Ob ich mir den nächsten Band noch antue, steht in den Sternen...
Profile Image for Sawn.
182 reviews5 followers
November 19, 2017
Profile Image for Mai.
822 reviews79 followers
March 5, 2021
I like their friends. so supportive 😊
Profile Image for Naidah.
163 reviews
August 23, 2024
4 ⭐️


This series is good so far, I love this kind of romance in manga but at the same time I’m wary of it.

Idk if this is just the authors preference but age gap (referring to authors other series daytime shooting star). He’s 10 yrs older than her. She’s still in high school. But the romance is so sweet and it’s new for the characters.

I just hope everything goes smoothly. I honestly hate confrontation and misunderstandings in shōjō manga. it’s great at times but at the same time it makes me get angry and sad (peach girl anime is one that just 😤 in that whole area). It spices things up to get the ML jealous etc but bruuhhh my heart cannot handle that shit. So far so good for this series BUT new possible LI just showed up in the last new panels, so here we go!! 🫣
Profile Image for Raven.
526 reviews54 followers
April 12, 2023
I mentioned this in my last review, but I recognize that many people are struggling with the age gap of this manga. And I would like to make a note that we need to remember this manga origin is Japanese. In Japan, age of consent is 16, and age gap romances are not that uncommon. It’s important that we respect the culture that this comes from if the story is not for you, that’s OK stop here and don’t continue.

Once again, still really enjoying some of the cute scenes and watching the romance develop. It is fun seeing how awkward the two main characters are with each other as they try to navigate these new waters.
Profile Image for D E N Z.
365 reviews16 followers
November 5, 2020
Hmmm this was a cute volume with Fumi and Katsuki-Sensei starting to adjust with their dating life :) Overall it was an okay volume, I'm not too keen about the introduction of a (new potential) love rival though? 🤔
Profile Image for BookVolchitsa.
699 reviews55 followers
January 15, 2020
Migliora volume dopo volume. Vedere i personaggi imbarazzati mi fa tanta tenerezza e poi, un po' di pepe finale, ci sta alla grande.
Profile Image for Cristina Lotusheart Gabrieli.
145 reviews38 followers
March 7, 2018
E niente! Mi sto prendendo una cotta fotonica per il maestro! Ma quanto è figo in questo volume?
Solo lui si merita 8 stelline!! *_*
E la storia è meravigliosa. La spontaneità di Fumi la rende dolce, impacciata e vera. E LUI!! Quanto è carino nell'affrontare i suoi sentimenti. Un (quasi) ventinovenne che non capisce la strada che sta prendendo il suo cuore. <3
Profile Image for -moonprismpower-.
2,537 reviews12 followers
February 28, 2024
Love is blossoming!!!! Eeeeeee! And yeah the age gap is not ideal but I’m just going to let it slide since it’s fictional and I like the story regardless. Not everything in life has to be so “politically correct”…
Profile Image for Mariana Polito Cuellar.
37 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2021
En este 6to volumen la situación ha dado un gran giro y es que el sensei y Fumi han empezado una relación como novios aspecto totalmente nuevo para los dos.

En estos capítulos podemos ver como los dos personajes empiezan su noviazgo de una manera algo extraña, adorable y hasta incomoda ya que no saben cómo llevar una relación, como comportarse y hasta el como sentirse al respecto.
Me parece algo muy lindo el ver cómo los dos personajes están tratando de llevar su relación, por una parte Fumi es toda una avalancha de sentimientos en dónde le cuesta trabajo relajarse a lado del sensei aunque una vez que se deja llevar demuestra ser una chica sincera, alegre y perceptiva hacía su novio. Por otra parte Akatsuki es alguien quien están constantemente en interrogación hacia si mismo y hacia Fumi, podemos percibir claramente que no es una persona que sepa sobre relaciones sentimentales por lo que se nota que le cuesta trabajo abrirse o demostrar ciertas acciones hacia su novia, pero cuando realmente lo hace, se nota la sinceridad y también la duda de sus acciones que creo que es algo tierno porque al final lo está intentando ya que empieza a notar que su relación con Fumi difiere bastante que con sus anteriores relaciones.

La interacción de los protagonistas es algo bonito de leer aunque debo de admitir que la diferencia de edad de estos es notable en cuento a sus actitudes pero a la vez no es tan drástica ya que Fumi y Akatsuki son similares en varias cosas que al final esa diferencia no se siente tanto como lo he leído en otras lecturas.

Para mí este volumen equivale a 3.5 estrellas (aunque le puse 4) ya que me ha parecido interesante estás primeras interacciones del noviazgo entre los protagonistas, sobretodo su esfuerzo y eso cuenta bastante para que esa relación funcione, por otra parte creo que todavía nos hace falta más desarrollo de estos personajes así que hay que seguir con el siguiente volumen.
Profile Image for Katrina.
1,141 reviews39 followers
September 7, 2024
Hmmmm probably 3.5 stars again? The dating parts feel a little awkward - still too soon, I think, and one-sided in a way that gives me some secondhand embarrassment. It reads very much like a girl with her first crush, living out a fantasy that doesn't quite line up with real life. The tone feels a little off...wouldn't Fumi be more surprised that this is actually happening? Would she really have jumped on the yes that quickly?

With that said, they're dating in a pretty cute way. Fumi is trying her hardest, by enlisting her friend for date outfits help and consulting local tourist guides for date spots. The scene where she found out Kibikino had been doing the same thing as her was cute and funny - like Kibikino, I like when she laughs. It's a level of true happiness she just didn't have for much of her life.

I also appreciated that while Fumi initially said "he did tell me he loved me," she realized later on that was not true. Kibikino basically said: I don't know if I like you in that way, but I want you to be happy and don't want to lose you, so why not try it out. Which is a much more reasonable way for the two of them to start dating at this point, really...it's basically just shifting your perspective and spending more time together to see if the two of you match up.

When Fumi asks Kibikino what he likes about her, though, he has a surprising amount to say. He pretty much outlines everything about their personality and their interactions so far. Again, he's been paying attention, even when it doesn't seem like it. He genuinely likes Fumi as a person. He likes all the pieces that make her who she is, flaws and all, which is a good basis for a lasting relationship.

I still kinda feel like it should've taken longer to get here? But we're getting the rival love interest (for Fumi this time) in volume 6, so I think that must be the piece that helps both Fumi and Kibikino sort out their true feelings.
Profile Image for evie .
590 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2021
I’m not quite sure which chapters are in which volumes this time so I’m gonna take a guess and say it’s in volume 7. It’s chapter 37 and this Fumi girl is starting to piss me off.

I really don’t understand; what does Akatsuki hugging her - his girlfriend - have to do with him not seeing her as a woman? Like I genuinely do not understand! Why are you making problems out of nothing? He can’t hug you because you think he doesn’t see you as a woman...? You two are dating for fucks sake!

( He went out of his way to do things for her, literally ran the whole way to where she was staying so he can ask her to move back into their house, asked her out and was always the first one to initiate physical contact like holding hands; so what part of this is him not finding her as a woman? )

As she got angry? sad? when he hugged her, now Akatsuki is buying sweet foods for her because someone told him it would be a good way to apologise.

Fumi likes to find new issues to throw herself a pity party every fcking volume and Akatsuki has to apologise every single time, and I’m getting FED UP.

Consists of chapters 31 - 38

Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
September 12, 2019
A dominare questo sesto volume è il primo appuntamento tra Fumi e Akatsuki...certo, visti certi atteggiamenti del maestro, non è poi così sorprendente che tutte le sue relazioni precedenti siano andate alla malora. Infatti, Akatsuki a) deve ancora fare un po' di chiarezza nei suoi sentimenti, b) tende a trascurare un po' troppo quei dettagli che sono importanti all'interno di una relazione, c) ha decisamente poco tatto e certe sue uscite sono davvero da denuncia. D'altro canto, Fumi non ha richieste esagerate, vorrebbe solo un po' di considerazione...ovviamente, essendo alla sua prima relazione, la ragazza è molto inesperta, ma almeno fa di tutto per venire incontro al compagno. Insomma, c'è un po' di lavoro da fare.
La fine del volume ci porta un'altra possibile complicazione: al festival culturale della scuola, Fumi dovrà partecipare al concorso di miss istituto e questo la porterà a conoscere uno dei ragazzi più belli della sua scuola...
128 reviews1 follower
September 9, 2018
While I'm a bit hesitant about the whole relationship between the two main characters since the first volume, people here really thought she was just going to find another -in her age- guy and that would be it? That would be the Manga? If you know Mika Yamamori you already know that she writes Manga that involve a younger girl and an older guy. Why acting suprised about something that was extremely clear since the first volume? Ya'll should've dropped it back then.
Other than that I actually liked the volume. It's a bit weird how no one really cares about Fumi being together with a 28 year old, like it's the most normal thing tough. She seems way too young for a relationship at all and if it's really going to work out between them, which I really doubt, I hope she'll mature a bit more.
Profile Image for Mindi.
1,370 reviews265 followers
May 1, 2024
Ugh, this is the last English language volume available right now, and I'm not sure when the next one comes out. I need to look into that.

So now our two protagonists are dating, but life doesn't really change much as the two of them try to figure out exactly what dating means for them. Akatsuki has never had a good relationship, and he spends all of his time trying to figure out what it is about Fumi that makes things different for him. She senses this and tells him point blank that she intends to prove to him that they are meant to be together.

Near the end of the volume a handsome guy at her school comes into her life, and it soon becomes clear that Akatsuki may have a rival for Fumi's affections. (Although, if it were me, that guy wouldn't stand a chance.) lol
Profile Image for Vanessa.
418 reviews3 followers
February 2, 2023
Sì, ma qua non si può andare avanti così. Akatsuki è illegale. È un manzo esagerato. Ho sbarellato di brutto durante la lettura di questo volume. Ditemi dove devo firmare per andare anch'io a lavorare come domestica a casa di questo scrittore impacciato, scorbutico, introverso e dalla lingua tagliente (sì, sono tutti difetti che lui indossa con un fascino irresistibile) e diventare la sua ragazza.

Comunque, volume molto carino in cui vediamo Fumi e Akatsuki alle prese con la loro prima uscita di coppia, tra un momento di imbarazzo e l'altro. Un bellissimo e (forse simpatico?) terzo incomodo sembra affacciarsi all'orizzonte.
November 4, 2020
Sip, ya me acorde, ya en 2014 quede como loca cuando supe la diferencia de edad....bueno...pues ¿Que más se puede hacer? Me gusta la historia y me esta gustando el amor. Me cae bien Fumi y creo que incluso, sentimentalmente hablado, es más madura que Akatsuki que ni sabe que es el amor. ¿Esto en la vida real funcionara? ¡JA! Claro que no, pero, no leo manga shojo para complicarme con la realidad.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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