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Cursed Studies #1

Academy of the Forgotten

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Three haunted young men. A terrible curse. One girl who could break it... if this place doesn't break her first.

From the first time my parents decided that getting their next hit mattered more than keeping me fed, I learned I couldn't trust anyone—until Cade. My foster brother took me under his wing and sheltered me from the worst of the crap thrown at us.

So when he heads off on an exclusive scholarship and everyone around me starts denying he ever existed, Roseborne College has some explaining to do. I'm not leaving until I get answers.

The school I barge into isn't what I pictured. The staff claim Cade's never been here. The students glare like just looking at me offends them. The classes involve more torment than teaching, while sobs and howls fill the night. And three very different, unnervingly appealing guys—one of them a teacher—act way too invested in my arrival.

Some unnatural power holds this place in its grip. The more I dig, the more horrors I uncover. Finding Cade might not be my biggest problem after all. It's looking like none of us, me included, will escape this place alive.

*Academy of the Forgotten is the first book in a gothic paranormal trilogy with shades of Beauty and the Beast. If you love snarky heroines, damaged heroes, dark secrets galore, and reverse harem romance with no choosing required, look no further! Just beware: Once you enter Roseborne College, there may be no coming back...*

276 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 16, 2020

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About the author

Eva Chase

123 books3,225 followers
Eva Chase lives in Canada with her family. She loves stories both swoony and supernatural, and strong women and the men who appreciate them. You can visit her online at www.evachase.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 108 reviews
Profile Image for Marie.
255 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2020
I've liked other series by Eva Chase, like Royals of Villains Academy and Witch's Consorts, but I have to be honest: I really hated this book. From the very first page, nothing made any rational sense. A few examples:

- The school administration has no record of her brother being there yet they allow her to stay on and ask around as if there's a possibility of finding him
- She decides to claim a random bed in the dormitory and no one kicks her out.
- She starts attending classes despite never paying tuition or being told she had to take classes.
- Despite her mission being to find her brother, and then to figure out what's up with the school, she asks questions that go nowhere and gives up immediately when someone gives an obtuse answer.

Schools don't work that way, and people don't work that way, and there's no reason given for why it feels like you're in a dream where all logic is thrown out the window until the end reveal. And even then, it doesn't explain everything. There's simply too much information being held back from the reader until the end, making it way too ambiguous. I seriously started coming up with theories like, "Maybe they're all in hell or purgatory," because it felt too bizarre.

Then on top of that, the romances had no foundation whatsoever. I had no clue why any of the male characters felt attached to her or she to them. This is only partly explained by the twist ending, but it doesn't make for good storytelling.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
April 25, 2020
Ever since I read the first book by Eva Chase I fell in love with her work. She has the unique talent to really bring a strange world, within our own, to life with words. Apart from that she writes layered and unique characters. And after I finished the Royals of Villain Academy last week, it was now time for my next book by her. And since this was the only paperback I had left (more are on the way) I picked this one up without even reading the blurb.

And once more does Chase prove that she can create an amazing atmosphere and setting. This entire book takes place in a castle and Chase really brings the castle, the woods around it and the mystery of it to life. Ever since we stand in front of the gate I got this shill rolling down my spine and that feeling only grew stronger and stronger while reading.

Chase also throws us right into the middle of the story. She doesn't explain things that the characters don't feel like explaining. Of course, that's partly to protect the mystery, but it also helps to make their thought patterns seem natural. Because let's be honest, we're not explaining ourselves in our minds either. I love how she offers us more pieces of the puzzle every time and the closer I got to the ending, the more I moved to the edge of my seat and just didn't wanna stop reading any more.

It also helped that the characters were really interesting and that the romance was a slow burn. I personally like it when characters bond before something happens, it helps me to connect with the characters and to actually enjoy them growing closer. And these characters have a lot of secrets and a lot of things they want to keep hidden for the world and each other. It's therefore even more fun to slowly see more and more of them.

And after the ending of this book, that was just really amazing, I can't wait to read the next book in this series! There are so many questions I need answered and so many thrilling curses that need to be broken. But, the next book isn't out yet. I'm gonna try and wait as patiently as possible.
Profile Image for Tab.
201 reviews2 followers
June 10, 2020
Admittedly I DNF

I just couldn't get into it. Got to 43% with a slow moving, non-engaging, and murky plot that just didn't keep my interest. Trix, the FMC goes to this "school" to find her foster brother whom she had made future plans with after he disappeared from memory of everyone who knew him outside of school. Aside from her. It's just creepy weird and nonsensical how she goes about her search for him. I get it, there is something nefarious going on. No one seems to remember or know her brother, even though the school is so tiny. There are so many weird aspects to the school itself. The classes aren't really classes. The students are emaciated husks for the most part and all have twisted pasts that the school is supposed to help them with? It's not engaging. The mystery is painted thick on this whole story, to the point there is no light at the end of the tunnel. No clues, no hope, just a resigned fate at this point. I don't feel the desperation of Trix and her need to find or fix things. It's all very bland in that aspect, even though it's horrible what's going on. It just doesn't evoke any emotion from me at all. In essence, the plot is just too unrealistic and the story is too dreary for me to waste my time when I'm not being engaged and find zero enjoyment in reading the book.
Profile Image for Angela James.
1,411 reviews14 followers
March 14, 2020
It's got potential

I liked this book but I didn't love it... It seemed to move super slow for me and I almost stopped reading a few times but the storyline was good and the series has major potential, just my honest opinion. I'm happy that I finished and I'm intrigued to see where things go, I'm hoping that now that everything has been laid out for us it picks up quickly in the next one.
Profile Image for ⇝ b ⇝.
1,394 reviews64 followers
March 15, 2020
More like 2.5, but I felt nice and rounded up the stars. I think this story has potential. The foreboding feeling is consistent throughout, but it never hits the mark. I also think the premise was very interesting, it just wasn't executed fully. I also found the heroine slightly annoying.
1,919 reviews11 followers
March 4, 2020
I don’t always read Academy type books, but I took the challenge, read this one and I am so glad that I did. Lots of twists and turns, secrets, lies & mystery. With strange students, strange classes and a determination to get at the truth, Beatrice (Trix) has her work cut out for her. This book grabbed me from the very beginning and kept me turning the pages as quickly as I could to find out what would happen next. I am looking forward to the next book in this intriguing series.
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews40 followers
June 15, 2020
I thought I was going to have to DNF this.. no lie I put it down and had resigned myself to not picking it up again. I rarely if ever DNF something and have never, DNF'd an Eva Chase book. After a break, I decided I wasn't a quitter and that I was going to trudge through no matter what. I'm glad I stuck with it. Eva pulls it out in the end with a real Twilight Zone flourish, that honestly made me want to dive right into book 2 lol. I still don't know wtf is going on with this school but there are all kinds of shady things going on and I'm pretty sure I'm down for the ride now that we know some things. I will say for all those picking this up, the story, the characters and their actions, the little tid bits here and there that make absolutely no sense.. Just stick with it till the end and things become much clearer.

Trix, our FMC, is desperate for some info about her step brother who has disappeared after having received a scholarship to this "academy." While college age kids do frequently go missing, the fact that no one but her remembers him is a huge hint that something is off here, and she is bound and determined to get answers. So here is where the weird starts... Trix goes to this college to ask around about her brother and can tell immediately that something is off. Not only that, but the college just lets her basically enroll and stay for almost free during her search.. I was immediately like.. whaaa? The other characters in the book seem to know her and want nothing to do with her, and at the same time do want to help her. Their main concern is help her get out of here. Everything is a stupid confusing mess up until the ending at which point there is light in the darkness lol. Still don't know the full story but now we are more equipped to proceed onward toward the beginning.....

I'm anxious about heading back to this world because I have no idea where this is headed but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to stay away from this.
Profile Image for Deana The  Queen .
459 reviews42 followers
May 14, 2020
Trix trusts no one other than Cade, her foster brother. Now her only objective is to find out what happened to him. Cade entered the Roseborne Academy a year ago on scholarship, and no one has heard from him since. But finding out what happened to him is even harder than it sounds because the school claims to have never heard of Cade. Could Trix have been mistaken and he is at a different private school perhaps? Absolutely not. And now not only the Academy, but their own foster family, is denying Cade’s very existence.

Trix, with her defiant orange hair and leather jacket, decides to hang around Roseborne to investigate and comes upon her first clue: a painting in the foyer that is definitely Cade’s work. Committed to finding out what happened to Cade, Trix is allowed to stay at the Academy as long as she remains fully committed to the work, whatever that means. The longer she stays, however, the more Trix notices oddities: Rooms of instruments no one is allowed to play, a crumbling swimming pool, students who are injured, tired, or downright unhealthy; horrible food, and unearthly moans during the night.

This was a nice, quick read. I liked the mystery and originality of the story. It was very light on romance but kept me reading. I don’t feel compelled to read the next installment, but it was an entertaining three hours.
3,775 reviews12 followers
March 12, 2020
I thought this was an interesting story. It starts out with Trix looking for her foster brother at the school he got a scholarship to. But then things get weird as no one else remembers him. And so the story begins. It was a mix of gothic, paranormal, mystery, suspense, and a touch of fairy tale as mixed together. The characters were both interesting and scary and weird. It kept me reading to try and figure out what was really going on and what the college was hiding and why. A cool story.
Profile Image for Noemi.
1,195 reviews
March 22, 2021
After Trix's brother disappears and everybody seems to have forgotten about him, she goes to Roseborne College, the last place he was seen. Here she finds a different school than what she expected. Teachers are not what they seems and students just expect and accept the pain and torture delivered to them. But Trix doesn't give up in finding her brother.

I liked how the author kept the mystery throughout the book. We still don't know exactly what Roseborne College is about, but we can only guess. Eva Chase did a really good job in keeping me entertained and on the edge of my seat.
Profile Image for Kayleigh henderson.
1,037 reviews
March 11, 2020
This book had me gripped from the start loved the characters and the story line can't wait to read more.
Profile Image for Da'ad.
1,759 reviews60 followers
July 13, 2021
Pretty interesting and fun. I liked all the heroes, but that's usually the case with Eva Chase. Another steamy reverse harem dark academia plotline that I also enjoyed.

Nothing will surpass the epicness that was The Royals of Villain Academy, but I want to continue with this, too. It looks like it'll be entertaining and the kind of romance I enjoy.
Profile Image for Carole.
1,581 reviews55 followers
September 1, 2023

Trix recherche celui qu'elle considère comme son frère depuis qu'ils ont atterri dans la même famille d'accueil il y a quelques années. Tout le monde semble avoir oublié son existence et pourtant, elle le sait, elle le sent, il a disparu. Elle part donc en quête de réponses au sein de cette mystérieuse académie. Mais une fois sur place, là encore, aucune trace de lui. Mais Trix n'a pas dit son dernier mot et compte bien chercher le moindre indice quitte à s'incruster dans cette académie étrange.

On est ici sur un premier tome de trilogie où le mystère plane tout du long. Et quand je dis mystère, je parle de flou complet. Car, oui, notre héroïne recherche donc Cade, son frère de cœur et débarque dans cette académie très secrète et sur laquelle on ne rentre qu'en étant trié sur le volet. En dehors de ça, on ne sait pas du tout ce qui nous attend. Et pour le coup, ça a un effet assez déstabilisant, car si vous espérez savoir dans quoi vous mettez les pieds avant la fin, détrompez-vous, l'autrice nous plonge dans son univers sans pincette et à l'aveugle. Je pense que ça passe, ou ça casse. Pour ma part, si les débuts flous ne me dérangent pas, être à ce point perdue m'a quelque peu causé des soucis avec ce premier tome. Résultat, je ressors de ma lecture sans trop savoir quoi en penser avec pas mal de bémols. C'est un peu dommage d'être à ce point perdu car l'ambiance du récit est sombre, on est sur du Dark Academia et ça se ressent totalement. Le suspense est à son comble et les indices sont disséminés un peu partout dans ce premier volet. Si vous voulez du étrange, vous serez servis et clairement, c'est le genre de lecture qui est parfaite pour la période d'halloween.

Pour commencer, je trouve que l'arrivée de Trix dans l'académie a du mal à tenir la route. Je m'explique. Elle débarque dans cette école où a priori seuls certaines personnes peuvent y entrer. Pourtant, elle rentre comme dans un moulin. Elle estime être en droit de fouiner et s'incruste, normal. Mais ça ne s'arrête pas là, puisque reste même dormir là-bas (c'est une sorte d'internat) et pose tout un tas de question tout en assistant même aux cours qui y sont donnés alors que pour y aller à la base, il faut être boursier. Du coup, je trouve que la facilité avec laquelle elle y pénètre manque de crédibilité. Et si la conclusion de ce tome apporte un début de réponse, elle arrive tellement tardivement qu'au final, on a eu le temps de décrocher avant.

Côté romance, honnêtement, je trouve les sentiments arrivés un peu de nul part. Je n'ai pas spécialement été séduite par cette histoire d'amour qui débute et puis bon, on sait qu'un Harem Inversé va venir pointer le bout de son nez. Alors certes, il n'est pas encore trop présent dans ce premier tome mais avec les trois personnages masculins qui gravitent autour de notre héroine (et leurs points de vue) on se doute bien que ça arrive. Bon, pour le coup, je n'aime pas du tout ce trope mais comme ici, la romance qui débute concerne surtout l'un des personnages, disons que cet aspect ne m'a pas dérangé tant que ça, c'est surtout dans la suite que ça pourrait me poser problème.

En conclusion, le fait de ne pas avoir cru au démarrage, ne pas avoir réussi à m'attacher à l'héroïne et savoir que le harem inversé arrive avec ses gros sabots font que je ne poursuivrais pas l'aventure. Si ce n'est pas une déception pour ma part, car j'ai tout de même été au bout et franchement, ça se lit bien, je ne pense pas que cette lecture me marquera.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,991 reviews95 followers
March 3, 2020

Note: I received this book from the author and I voluntarily give this review, it is my honest opinion.

Eva Chase is one of my favorite reverse harem authors and I have read almost every reverse harem series (I still haven't gotten to The Dragon Shifter's Mates) that she has written so I am pretty used to her writing style. Eva's new series starts with Academy of the Forgotten and while the story does have an Eva feeling to it something was definitely different in this one. I thought I was losing my mind when I was reading this book, at the very beginning I kinda felt like I was dropped in the middle of the story and I was missing some key element. So my brain was working overtime trying to figure out what was going on and how everything tied to this weird school and I couldn't have come up with the ending Eva has created no matter how hard I tired. The ending completely blew my mind and I can't wait to see where we go in the next book.

The story is told from multiple points of view, the main female character is Trix who has been through a lot but is loyal to her foster brother, Cade, she is determined to find him and is so stubborn she refuses to give up even when it seems like she should. Then there are the guys, sensitive Ryo, cocky Jensen, and courteous Elias, all three are totally different but there is some weird connection each of them shares with Trix. This is a slow burn romance, the story was more focused on the creepy school, the weird students and the mystery that surrounded Cade's disappearance so I didn't get too invested in the guys just yet but after the ending, I am very curious to see where their relationship with Trix ends up.

Academy of the Forgotten is just so weird and not in a bad way. The school is the only setting and it seems like a normal school but with slight supernatural elements to there wasn't too much to build on, Trix had to figure out what was going on through observations but she still doesn't have a clear picture as to what is happening, which means readers can't necessarily figure out what is going on either, at least not until the very end and even then things are still a mystery. I don't know how many books are planned in the series but I can't wait to get more background information about the supernatural element and I have so many questions like are there going to be even more supernatural elements and what is up with the professors and how did this all begin. Hopefully, the next book Academy of the Forsaken will reveal some of those answers.
Profile Image for Anne Gregor.
Author 4 books19 followers
March 31, 2020
I can't remember why I decided to try out a new author when I'm already mooning over thousands, but I'm very pleased I did. The first book in Eva Chase's Cursed Studies series, Academy of the Forgotten, just released earlier this month. In a very teeny, tiny nutshell, Trix (fashionably challenged and tipped with fiery, orange locks) will stop at nothing to find her missing foster brother Cade (who, if I'm not mistaken, she may have not so sisterly feelings for). Cade was accepted into the creepily, hallowed halls of Roseborne College and never seen again. Add to this a spontaneously choreographed amnesia infusion where no one remembers ANY of the collegiate hopefuls and AofF officially becomes a book you can't (won't) put down.

Did I mention that Cursed Studies may or may not have a love triangle?! Or is it a love quadrilateral?!! Love pentagon?!!! FTLoG, what am I reading?! No worries - loving it💯 When there are so many fantastical college series for readers to gobble up, Chase manages wiggle a number of unexpectedly fresh WTH's into the storyline.

*Note - The reason I didn't give this book 5 full hearts - Trix is a wonderfully complex character (most of the characters are though only the surface has been scratched on several). However, I did remain unsure if she was a zero f's kind of gal or if she was all tough exterior, squishy middle, open book or Fort Knox locked, a strong sense of self or faking it until she's making it. I prefer a take no prisoners kind of leading lady. Trix has many admirable qualities, loyalty, forgiveness, and BA lockpicker taking the top spots. I imagine the second installment in the series will wash away any or all doubts.

*Note - There is a certain professor at Roseborne (I'll let you figure it out) that brings to mind cats, pink suits, and zero humor... Definitely a smidge of Prof. Dolores Umbridge haunting the obscure fellowship.

Whiskey & Wit Book Reviews
1,029 reviews
May 5, 2020
I have to say the narration won me over instantly on this audiobook! I think Jason Clarke’s voice is so captivating and 🔥🔥🔥. I also really enjoyed Lidia Dornet’s rendition, she really did a good job bringing the characters to life and making me believe it. Totally was engrossed and finding excuses to listen (this pandemic makes it hard for me to get through audiobooks because I dont commute anymore haha). Cannot wait for more in this series, great job to both narrators ❤️

For the story I would give it a 4-4.5 stars. I thought some of the concepts were so different and I liked the mystery and gothic parts of the books. I really thought the rose part of the story was intriguing (I promise no spoilers!). I kinda called the big twist at the end, but it was still a cool storyline. I think the reason I couldn’t give it 5 stars was because I am still so confused by some things that yes it makes me want to read/listen to future books but it kinda took me out of the story for a bit. I think the relationships with the guys and Trix was odd for me too. I think finding out the twist with one of them was super enlightening and explained so much. Made me finally like him haha. For one of them, I cannot wait to find out his backstory. The more distanced one I thought would be my fav but I am holding judgement haha. I think Trix is pretty awesome and I liked her trying to stick up for the right thing and try to figure out what was going on. I think her relationship with Kade is adorable and gut wrenching and I know I will have to wait for resolution but come onnnnn hahaha just kidding.

I definitely recommend this series already, only just after book 1. I am hoping I get some time off soon to be able to read more, but if not, I know what I am getting the second it’s available ❤️
Profile Image for Shy Gawerecki.
1,691 reviews10 followers
February 15, 2024
Audiobook Review:

This story was very confusing for me in the beginning. I felt like it took a bit too long for me to really get a feel for what was going on and it was a bit off putting at times. It didn’t make me want to quickly rush back to the story in moments I had to put it down for about the first half of the book. But then things started to click, and more things started to make sense and there started being more of a connection between the FMC Trix and who are supposed to be her men.
I think that another less appealing part of the story for me was just how slow burn it is. I’m ok if not everyone falls into inta-lust and am even good with some open hostility in the beginning between the characters who will eventually end up together, but I didn’t love having what I would consider at best civility between most of them until towards the end. Even with more books to come it felt like this wasn’t even a group of friends, let alone more, and I was looking for at least a spark to build the future romance on.
The narration was overall pretty good, but I must admit that while I love Jason Clarke, he didn’t give any variation between the 3 characters he was narrating so I always had to pay close attention to the beginning of the chapter to see whose point of view we were starting from when it wasn’t Trix’s chapters. I prefer when the different characters get a bit of tone variation or their own voice so I can instantly tell who’s speaking or who’s chapter it is. Especially in a RH story like this.
But otherwise, I was entertained and interested enough to continue with the series by the time this book was over. I will at least be checking out book two and hoping for a more positive feeling about it all by the time I finish that one.
Profile Image for Billie.
5,743 reviews70 followers
April 29, 2020
Three haunted young men. A terrible curse. One girl who could break it... if this place doesn't break her first.
From the first time my parents decided that getting their next hit mattered more than keeping me fed, I learned I couldn't trust anyone—until Cade. My foster brother took me under his wing and sheltered me from the worst of the crap thrown at us.
So when he heads off on an exclusive scholarship and everyone around me starts denying he ever existed, Roseborne College has some explaining to do. I'm not leaving until I get answers.
The school I barge into isn't what I pictured. The staff claim Cade's never been here. The students glare like just looking at me offends them. The classes involve more torment than teaching, while sobs and howls fill the night. And three very different, unnervingly appealing guys—one of them a teacher—act way too invested in my arrival.
Some unnatural power holds this place in its grip. The more I dig, the more horrors I uncover. Finding Cade might not be my biggest problem after all. It's looking like none of us, me included, will escape this place alive.

This is a brilliant read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believeable.
Great suspense and action with wonderful world building.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for Mandy.
3,919 reviews41 followers
March 3, 2020
Trix learnt at an early age that she couldn't rely on adults - but she could rely on her foster brother Cade. So when he receives a scholarship to Roseborne College and then disappears. So she resolves to go and find him. When she gets there the staff insists he has never been there, the other students glare at her and the classes are all about tormenting she also meets three appealing guys who are very invested in her arrival and safety. There seems to be an unnatural power over the place and as she investigates she finds worse and worse things which suggest that finding Cade is not so important as it looks like absolutely no one will leave the place alive. Can Trix find Cade, survive and work out the mystery of the college's power?

This is the first book in the series and sets out the situation, people and college very well. You can clearly understand what appears to be happening and how that affects everyone. It's turning into a paranormal mystery that is also a reverse harem and at times can also be a thriller too. I liked the differences in the 3 male interests and the way they all reacted differently with Trix. Clearly described and easy to understand this was a great start to the series and has definitely whetted my appetite as to what is going to happen next in the series. Contains no bad language and only very tame sexual content.
Profile Image for Radhika Bansal.
328 reviews3 followers
August 2, 2021
Eva Chase’s Cursed Studies Trilogy is about sins, retribution, suffering, guilt with a healthy dose of ghosts and magic. This reverse-harem romance keeps you on your toes even as you might only be sitting at a place, lost within the pages of the books. If I do not count the time I had to wait before getting the last book, I finished the whole trilogy within 3 days. Yes! It is that exciting and nerve wracking.
Roseborne itself is the villain of the story as Trix along Elias, Jensen, and Ryo battle vengeful spirits embittered by their own lives. The story itself is not only about this battle for freedom and life but also for getting back to the world to make amends.
Yes, the characters in the book are not innocent and for some, the crimes elaborated in the book might weigh heavily on the moral compass; but the author takes us past that. The story of Trix and her harem shows us the power of love, compassion, and forgiveness. The battle within as each character strives for revival and redemption is almost at par with the war being waged outside as it is up to Trix to fight on the behalf of all who have lost all will of actually living.

Read the full review here: https://crumpledbookshelf.wordpress.c...
Profile Image for MsRHReviewer.
523 reviews5 followers
July 14, 2024
Well... that ended up being a bit of a mindf**k

Not very much happens in this book, but everything is clouded in mystery.

Trix is in search of her foster brother, Cade, who no one seems to have any memory of. She decides to go to the school they dropped him off at, which is the last place she ever saw him, and demands answers. The Dean allows her to stay, but she has to attend classes and put in the work like everyone else.

Something supernatural is clearly going on. There was obviously the case of everyone forgetting Cade existed, but students are getting sick, they get sudden agonizing pains when they act out or break rules, etc. Everyone is telling Trix to just leave. Seeing as she arrived willingly, she should be allowed to walk out, but she doesn't want to give up on her brother.

Right before she's about to be kicked out for causing too much trouble, she decides to try one last thing. This leads to a complete twist that I definitely didn't see coming!

It's a little slow going at times, but I guess this could be considered a bit more of a mystery / thriller, so things will build up in the upcoming books, I'm sure.

Spice: 1.5/5 (Slow burn)
Profile Image for Denise.
3,298 reviews
March 1, 2020
Man, Eva has done it again. The first book in her new series will keep you on the edge of your seat and you will just fall off it at the end. I am not going to give you too many details as they would ruin it for you. Beatrice, it Trix as she likes to be called, arrives at Roseborne College looking for her foster brother. He came here a year ago and hasn't been heard from since. Not only that but she seems to be the only person who remembers his existence. The students and the staff at this strange school say they don't know who she is talking about and try to get her to leave. Three guys seem particularly interested in her: Jensen, Ryo, and Elias. One harasses her, one befriends her, and one totally avoids her. She is not going to let the strange students run her off, but the strange classes might do her in. Her sleuthing doesn't seem to be getting her anywhere, until it does. Be prepared to kick something when you get to the finale...and then sit back to wait for the next installment.

I was given an advanced copy of this book by the author. My review is voluntary.
Profile Image for Jassicca.
685 reviews3 followers
August 9, 2022
Once you enter Roseborne College, there may be no coming back...I might be trapped like the poor students, for I cannot release the latch the story has entrapped me, just like the Bushfell room, there's no key to open the door. But there's always a way to break in, and in my case, I need to finish reading the series!

The story is bizarre but fascinating, for I cannot stop reading to unwrap the mysteries surrounding Roseborne college. The main points I want to know are the questions about what's Roseborne college about, where is Cade and what happened to him, the mystery behind the strange sickness befalling the students, what sort of power the staff has, and most importantly, what are they?

The first book answered almost all the questions plus added shocking revelations about Trix and her previous missions. The next book will be interesting now that we know what to expect and the challenges. The new question would be what can Trix do to help all the students. I, for one, cannot wait to find out!
Profile Image for L.J. Bus.
196 reviews13 followers
September 6, 2020
This is a very, very mysterious academy!

The narrators did a wonderful job so if you’re thinking about listening to this one, I totally recommend it.

As for the story, what was that? Soooo mysterious! It clearly wasn’t a wonderful place though, barely anybody wanted to say anything, they were all so reluctant to interact, what was going on? The students have the worst classes ever, the teachers are even worse, are they even human? It is all so mysterious. All mystery wrapped in the scent of roses with all those neglected rosebushes on the Academy grounds.

I can’t say this book was fast paced so maybe it’s not as captivating as some other books but it was so mysterious that I had to follow along, I had to know what was going on so in that sense it was very captivating. And boy, when you get more and more into the story it becomes enthralling and you just have to know more. Or, at least, I did. I applaud the author’s imagination and can’t wait to see where this story is headed because this is unlike anything I’ve ever read (or listened to) and I so want to know how it will all fit together so naturally I’m already listening to book 2!
Profile Image for Favey_Listens.
838 reviews12 followers
January 16, 2021
Something very dark is going on in this school! This story deals heavily with mistakes, regret, punishment in the form of prolonged torture, and the spiral down to darkness when you lose yourself. This first book introduces you to the school and the different students faculty. As you start to get a sense of strangeness you quickly learn it goes way beyond strange. Thrilling, dark, and suspenseful! The students have all lost hope and the deck is stacked against Trix finding out what has happened, let alone finding a way to fix it. Ryo, Elias, Jenson join Trix to defeat the darkness as they discover ways to come together.

I chose this trilogy because Jason Clark narrates the male point of view. His performance is excellent with the wide range of voices and emotionally charged scenes! Lidia is fairly new to me, but I enjoyed her performance as well. On to the next book to more of the story!
Profile Image for TXBRITGAL.
1,371 reviews29 followers
March 9, 2020
Wow!!! Trix finds her way to the Academy her beloved foster brother Cade got a scholarship to. Moments after crossing the threshold she KNEW something was odd. Considering she'd accompanied Cade when he came here, it was extremely strange that nobody knew if him. Not to mention somehow their foster parents AND all Cade's friends equally had no memory of him!!! What the bleep was going on? Trix was determined to find him if it's the last thing she does. Layers of secrets, mystery, and lots of extremely strange behavior by all the faculty lead her to believe this is far from natural. What's going on! What secrets are behind these walls? Even if the students have a general idea, she's certain they DON'T know everything going on. Follow this fierce, loyal, strong willed young lady try to find her beloved brother and rescue all.the students one mystery at a time!
Profile Image for Ksandra.
591 reviews27 followers
March 19, 2020
4/5 Stars

Another great novel from Eva Chase!

In this book, Trix is searching for her brother, Cade, at the school he'd received a scholarship from. Everyone outside the school doesn't remember him, and everyone at the school is not forthcoming at all in helping her fulfill her quest.

I loved how I felt super invested in the story. The school itself was a very intriguing idea, and I loved how each individual student had their own punishments, even if the reader wasn't sure what it was.

My only real problem was that I didn't feel the need for Trix to have a love interest, let alone three potential ones. I felt like those moments kind of took away from the story, no matter how well written they were.

Suffice it to say, I cannot wait for the next one!

Disclaimer: I had received an ARC from the author.
Profile Image for Toula.
2,425 reviews
April 26, 2020
Audio book review

Book 1 in a new series by Eva Chase. This story is a gothic modern reverse Harem. This one will have you wondering what is going on right until 90% of the story . You will keep on going just wondering what’s going on at the Academy.
Heroine is Trix Her 3 mates are students at the academy. Trix goes to the Academy trying to figure out what happened to her brother, strange things are happening. Once someone goes to the Academy people get their minds altered . The dean and the professors say they never knew her brother. She gets to glimpse her brother , when one of her mates take her out to the woods. Trix can’t believe her eyes of what the Academy did to her brother. Can’t wait for the next one

Both Lidia Dornet, Jason Clarke did a fantastic performance for this audio . They did all the characters great
Displaying 1 - 30 of 108 reviews

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