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The F*ck-it List

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_____________________________'Hilarious' ADAM KAY'Mind-blowingly brilliant' DAILY MAIL'Highly entertaining' EVENING STANDARD'Loved it' ROBERT WEBB_____________________________Frank Brill, a retired small-town newspaper editor, has just been given a terminal diagnosis.Rather than compile a bucket list of all the things he's ever wanted to do in his life, he instead has at the ready his 'fuck-it list'. Because Frank has had to endure more than his fair share of personal misfortune, not to mention having to live through two terms of a Trump presidency.Armed with the names of all those who are to blame for the tragedies that have befallen him, it's time for revenge.

256 pages, Paperback

Published January 28, 2021

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Niven John

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 242 reviews
Profile Image for David.
123 reviews27 followers
June 13, 2024
In the not too distant future this is the sad and horrifying outcome that awaits Americans when Ivanka is President.

It’s depressing but you can almost believe some of the alarming laws that will be in place, but it’s a hoot to see Donald and the NRA being shredded. Dark humour to the fore.
Profile Image for Yvonne (thehorrorhive).
842 reviews348 followers
April 14, 2020
Nothing quite like The F*ck-It List says welcome to a disenchanted America.  I mean welcome in the most sarcastic and seeped in satire way possible.  In many ways this book is a window into the future if things don’t change.  Its nightmarish and I can’t think of anything that would resemble hell on earth.  A life where the most basic of human rights have been extradited.  This book plays on our fears and hopes pulls them taut and suffocates us with the implications.  I had so many feelings whilst reading this book and I did see the parallels between The F*ck-It List and Breaking Bad. 

Frank Brill is both a hilarious and tough as old boots protagonist.  He’s been diagnosed with inoperable cancer.  He decides against treatment.  It’s the last bit of control he has left, and he grasps it with both hands.  He has about 3-6 months left, just enough time to complete his F*ck-It List.  He’s going to die anyway so why not go out with a bang, literally.  So far, so good.  He’s going to be taking name and settling some wrongs.  The premise of the storyline was so relatable that I could feel the earth shake under me, John Niven has created a deathbed revenge thriller and it was everything I had hoped it would be. 

The book is set a few years in the future.  It is both uncannily realistic for a piece of fiction.  I can see the events of the book happening quite easily.  The catalyst for yet more violence and censorship.  Trump has served two terms and has enabled his daughter to take over as President by screwing over someone else over, that person being Pence.  He is the ultimate fall guy.  If you think that things cannot possibly get worse from here, boy are you wrong. 

Detention centres are the norm, recording equipment of both government buildings and of the military/police carrying out their duties is illegal.  You will lose your phone and or arrested, details taken for your social media and you won’t get it back for between 4-6 weeks.  All due to the lovely Extreme Patriots Act.  It’s a future that should only be the context of a dystopian novel but unfortunately seems more than plausible.  John Niven throws punch after punch and leaves your head battling a severe concussion. 

I can’t really express how much I loved this book.  John Niven has accurately depicted the road that Trump has been more than happy to take America down.  I’d love to say that he’s predicted something that couldn’t possibly happen but ya know I fear that its more than possible.  Frank Brill is a character that has many flaws and I think that’s why he is as loveable as he is.  He’s had three wife’s and two children and in one way or another he has treated them badly.  The F*ck-It List is Frank’s redemption arc but with a claustrophic edge.  He has a small-town sheriff on his tail in the visage of Chops.  He is a stringent Trump supporter and has disturbing proclivities and is struck by a healthy dose of karma. 

The F*ck-It List is scandalous, shocking but utterly convincing.  A bird’s eye view of a potential future for America.  The writing was engaging and utterly unputdownable.   
December 26, 2020
Me l'ero regalato per ridere, fermamente convinta che una risata " seppellirà... (li, le, il mondo com'è ridotto )" e su Niven ci facevo affidamento e invece...
Trump & C l'ha fatto incazzare di brutto, l'ha depresso al limite del patologico: chi là (negli iuessei) ci vive ha potuto provare sulla propria pelle tutte le trovate del vecchio Joker, il nemico di Batman e non quello "dell'indiano metropolitano" a cui è affidato il riscatto di noi umani 3.0.

E così Niven ti mette in campo uno che non ha nulla da perdere, un quasi terminale. Lo trasforma in un giustiziere della notte con una lista di cinque stronzi ( uomini di potere e non) da eliminare perché si sono incrociati con la sua vita distruggendogliela: mai l'avrebbe fatto per gli altri anche se è stato un liberal tutta la vita... fino a quando non aveva votato Trump perché la Clinton se la tirava troppo.
La cosa che mi ha più disturbato ( oltre alla mancanza di ironia e di risate a seguito)? Quella di essere stata coinvolta nella storia, tifare perché ce la facesse a mandare all'altro mondo i cinque stronzi del titolo, e nel modo più cruento possibile, e mandasse a farsi "fottere" ( scusate il francesismo) anche il laido cacciatore di taglie che Niven gli mette alle calcagna.
Dimenticavo: lui, l'eroe, si chiama Frank Brill e questo personaggino, dallo spessore tendente al virtuale, costruito a tavolino come prototipo malriuscito dell'individuo che si rifà persona, riesce a scoperchiare il pozzetto nero che è dentro di me ( di ognuno di noi?) e a compattarmi in basso assieme a lui.
Ci vuole tanto poco a farti ritornare alla semplicità del rettile da cui sei (ri)passato quando eri solo un embrione e che, vuoi e non vuoi, sei anche tu un inumano di ritorno?
Profile Image for Frenzi.
72 reviews9 followers
October 27, 2023
'The F*ck-it List: Is this the most shocking thriller of the year?' of John Niven is a raw and straightforward novel with biting irony and dramatic tones as a backdrop. Set in a dystopian world, in a not-so-unlikely near future that, thanks to its similarities with our times, makes everything even more unsettling. Frank Brill is a former journalist who has lost everything in a society deeply transformed under the leadership of a highly controversial former President of the United States. Abortion has become illegal, walls are seen as a solution to xenophobia, and gun ownership laws have been drastically changed. Frank has suffered a series of personal tragedies, including the loss of his family in a school shooting, an event that contributed to pushing the country toward greater militarization, and the recent loss of his daughter, who died after undergoing an illegal abortion. The news of a terminal tumor will lead Frank to reconsider his life and priorities, as he has nothing left but his thirst for revenge.

Frank's self-examination makes us reflect on our role in opposing an increasingly restrictive system, tackling tough themes like violence, hatred, and social injustice. This direct and unfiltered novel offers an emotionally charged experience, alternating between moments of laughter and shock, leaving us with deep contemplation.

It's all fiction, but not too much...

Profile Image for Judith Bateson.
11 reviews5 followers
May 14, 2020
If you like political thrillers with golfing added - you'll love this. I love all John Niven's other books but I hated almost every bit of this.
Profile Image for Gram.
543 reviews44 followers
April 10, 2020
Frank Brill has been given only a few months to live, so he turns to his F*ck-It List. It's a bucket list with a difference. On the list are 5 names of people he believes are responsible for the suffering in his life - the death of his wife and young son in a school shooting and the death of his daughter following an illegal abortion. Putting his affairs in order, Frank sets out on a road trip, determined to avenge those deaths.
The story is set in the near future - 2026 - after Donald Trump served two terms as President of the USA and now his daughter Ivanka is serving her first term in The White House although her father's biggest fans aren't too happy with her, believing she is too much of a liberal.
Frank is a decent man, despite his poor treatment of some of the women in his life. He's former editor of a small town newspaper, gradually sickened by the policies of the Trump administration which oversaw major changes to the abortion law, less gun control and the continuation of racist immigration policies. His trip through America sees him encounter the darkest side of those who constantly mouth the "Make America Great Again" mantra. The USA is close to being a police state with protesters suffering summary justice in the form of beatings and a trip to jail in the back of a police van.
Meanwhile a rogue cop - a really nasty piece of work - is pursuing him all the way, determined to end Frank's quest for justice. And Frank is becoming hardened to the task of killing. Throughout the story there is a growing sense of anger at the changes in America since the Trump brand came to dominate the country. The media is powerless, bullied into submission with cries of "Fake News!" and ordinary people are filled with hate. Fans of Donald Trump and members of the National Rifle Association will hate this book, but I doubt if any of them who give it a try will finish reading it.

Thanks to the publisher Random House UK, Cornerstone and NetGalley for a copy of this book in return for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Toni | Dark Reads.
53 reviews30 followers
April 28, 2020
This is going to be a difficult one to review without spoiling so I will keep it fairly brief.

I would describe The Fuck It List as Satirical revenge story. Set in the Near future, with the Trumps still in the White House. Immigration laws have become awful and gun laws relaxed to the extreme, our main character Frank is living in a rather unsavoury society.

Frank seems to have been unlucky throughout his life and has just received a terminal diagnosis which leaves him with a fuck it kinda attitude. Rather than making a list of things he would love to see and do before he dies, he decides to make of list of those who have devastated his life in one way or another, who he would like to pay a final visit to. The most dangerous people are the ones that have nothing left to loose after all.

Frank and his story reminded me of a cross between Walter White and Arya Stark.

The Fuck It List was well written with really nice dark humour running all the way through. The story is told from Franks inner monologue and flashbacks to various times in his life. This gave a really good insight and understanding of his choices. Having said that I really struggled to connect with him as a character which made me feel a little less invested, I’m not sure why, I felt that I really should have been more invested in Frank, I guess sometimes things just don’t click.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, a dark and disturbing tale of revenge, it is my first John Niven read and I am very interested to read more from him. Would definitely be one to recommend for those who enjoy crime thrillers with dark wit throughout.
Profile Image for Marcel Haußmann.
767 reviews34 followers
October 19, 2020
John Niven gehört zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsautoren der mich damals mit Kill your Friends total abgeholt hat. Klar das ich sein neustes Werk also Pflichtlektüre ist, als ich aber dann noch den Klappentext gelesen hatte war ich total gehyped:

Nach 2 Jahren Amtszeit ist es Trump gelungen seine Tochter Ivanka an die Macht zu bringen (zumindest vordergründig). Politisch ist das Land stark gespalten den die Trump Ära hat ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Frank Brill der gerade seinen Job als Zeitungsredakteur an den Nagel gehängt hat, um den Ruhestand zu genießen, erhält unterdessen eine schwerwiegende Diagnose: Krebs im Endstadium. Doch anstatt einer Bucket Liste mit Dingen, die er vor seinem Tod noch erleben möchte, erstellt Frank die F*ck It Liste. Diese dient dazu sich an den Leuten zu rächen, die für die vielen Tiefschläge in seinem Leben verantwortlich sind. Und so begibt sich Frank auf einen Roadtrip...

John Niven verlegt seine Handlung in ein Amerika der Zukunft das gar nicht so utopisch erscheint wie man vielleicht denkt. Die Trumps haben einen Weg gefunden die Macht innerhalb der Familie weiter zugeben und doch hält Donald noch alle Zügel in der Hand. Das Land ist tief erschüttert, Abtreibungen sind illegal, Waffengesetze gibt es nicht genauso wenig die Pressefreiheit. Die USA ist ein Polizeistaat. Mit viel bissigem und düsteren Humor schafft es John Niven die Missstände in den USA anzuprangern. Doch damit nicht genug, ihm gelingt es seine politische Satire mit einem Rache-Thriller zu kreuzen und herausgekommen ist eine absolut geniale Geschichte die vor Sarkasmus nur so trieft.

Unser Protagonist Frank Brill ist dabei ein Mensch, der für die richtige Sache kämpft. Er verabscheut die weißen Populisten und er musste einige Tiefschläge einstecken: zwei gescheiterte Ehen, eine Frau und 3 Kinder verloren und nun noch Krebs im Endstadium. Durch diese ganzen Tiefschläge kann man gut mit Frank mitfühlen und versteht seine Handlungen und seinen Blick auf die Dinge. Man folgt ihm gerne auf seinem Roadtrip und ist sehr gut unterhalten beim Abarbeiten seiner Liste, bei der nicht alles ganz glatt läuft.

John Niven schreibt hier in seiner gewohnt einnehmenden Art die einen von Beginn an in die Geschichte zieht und einen nicht mehr loslässt bis man am Ende angekommen ist. Der einzige Kritikpunkt, den ich habe, ist das die Geschichte wieder viel zu schnell vorbei war. Gerne hätte ich noch mehr von Frank aber auch über das politische Leben in den USA gelesen.

Mit Die F*ck It Liste ist John Niven wieder eine tolle Satire gelungen. Das Besondere hier war die Mischung mit einem Rache-Thriller, der zwar weniger Thrill bietet dafür aber umso mehr unterhalten kann. Von mir gibt es definitiv eine absolute Leseempfehlung für John Nivens neusten Streich. 5 von 5 Sternen
Profile Image for Alfonso D'agostino.
826 reviews67 followers
July 22, 2020
Dopo la badilata sui denti di “Reality”, cercavo qualcosa di leggermente meno impegnativo che mi regalasse un attimo di respiro. Ho approcciato Niven con la memoria di quello che ha molto amato “A volte ritorno” ed era rimasto un (bel) po’ deluso dai successivi: il famoso “ti concedo ancora una possibilità”, insomma.

Boh, complessivamente mi sa che è stata anche l’ultima. Il contesto narrativo non prometteva male: USA distopici del 2026 con Ivanka presidente, un protagonista che scopre di avere pochi mesi di vita e che stila una lista di 5 persone del pubblico e del suo privato da uccidere prima di rendere l’anima.

Il protagonista oggettivamente funziona, il romanzo si sviluppa alla Un giorno di ordinaria follia ma senza mai sfiorare un minimo di profondità, l’azione scorre veloce seppur con qualche buco narrativo. Senza infamia e senza lode, se non che la satira politica (peraltro più che giustificata!) prevale sul romanzo e lo rende arido proprio dove vorrebbe diventare emozionante (vedi le ultime, chiamatissime pagine).
Profile Image for Gregg.
74 reviews6 followers
August 23, 2021
This book wasn't at all what I expected judging by Adam Kay's one-word cover review "Hilarious". I'm not sure what drugs he's on, but this book is far from hilarious.

It's chilling in many aspects, entertaining, and a summer beach read. But what it also is is a cautionary tale, commentary on where the world is going and the entrenchment of the 'us' and 'them' mentality enveloping American society.

The narrative hits peaks and valleys at the beginning (from suspenseful to expository) but evens out just before midway to roll to the the (perhaps foreshadowed) conclusion.

Not a regrettable read at all.
Profile Image for Raymond Khoury.
Author 49 books1,214 followers
June 5, 2020
A great book.
Scarily-possible, disturbing, moving, witty, cleverly-observed dystopian look at how disastrous life in the US could easily become depending on if Trump wins again this November, told through a very human and touching murder story of a man who's lost everything and wants to go out with a bang.
Read it almost in one sitting.
Profile Image for Laura.
62 reviews8 followers
September 16, 2021
Perplessa. Scrittura sempre visiva e coinvolgente, ma ciò che non mi ha convinta è stata la commistione tra satira e thriller, due generi che in questo racconto spesso non si amalgamano bene. Mi è sembrato di assistere alla visione di diversi film non ben collegati: una storia di vendetta, una distopia trumpiana, un prova a prendermi all'acqua di rose. Niven è bravissimo nel genere comico-satirico, ma stavolta ha messo troppa carne al fuoco.
March 29, 2021
My first read from Niven, and I read it in 24h!
The story takes place in a near future dystopian America where Trump has established a political dynasty - a situation as scary as it seems that it could all be true.
The protagonist, given a terminal diagnostic, will pull out his F*ck-It List & starts taking his revenge on his life of misery.
Overall, a good, quick-to-the-punch writing that takes you very quickly through this twisted thriller with a very dark sense of humour. The build-up to the end is done very naturally and it keeps you entertained and involved all along.
Highly recommend it!
63 reviews33 followers
May 15, 2021
Mi sembra che ogni dettaglio di questa lettura, in un crescendo fino all'esito finale, non solo non costituisca alcuna degna riflessione politica ma finisca in pratica per farsi utilizzare da quest'ultima. E il risultato mi pare alquanto scialbo.
Profile Image for Amy Giuliano.
79 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2021
A mixture of every racial slur imaginable, far fetched characters, golf, and every stereotype ever known. >1 star if it was possible.
66 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2020
I’ve been a fan of Niven ever since reading ‘Kill Your Friends’ and this latest offering throws the same elements into the mix but Niven has matured as a writer and the madness of his earlier books has tempered somewhat.

The story revolves around a bad Santa version of the bucket list. Frank Brill is our, for want of a better word, hero and the story opens in Breaking Bad style with Frank being diagnosed with terminal cancer.

He has suspected for some time that something fatal has been brewing and he has prepared for his final act by writing up his eponymous list. So far so Niven-by-the-numbers. Where this story differs is that Frank has suffered great loss through his life, two dead children and one dead wife.

As the story develops Frank begins working his way through the list, taking revenge on all of those responsible, both directly and indirectly, for causing so much of the woes he has suffered. Frank also battles with the realisation that much of the misery has been caused by himself, through his drinking and infidelity.

Niven handles the threads of the story with maturity and great empathy, the madcap Niven of old sometimes slips into the light but its a more controlled, nuanced version of his former self.

This is the kind of book that pulls you in and doesn’t let go, I know that’s a cliche but it really does.

The last couple of pages are simply fantastically well written and could bring a tear to a glass eye.

This book is brilliant, has a bit of pathos, humour, zaniness and a frightening view of near-future America.

Profile Image for Brecht Denijs.
273 reviews32 followers
August 18, 2024
A satire of the not-too-distant future of 2026 that is described on the cover by one person as "hilarious". I didn't find it funny though, it all fell too eerily familiar to me.

It takes place in an alternate reality where Trump won the 2020 re-election, failed to change the constitution to allow a third term but then secured the presidency for Ivanka who promptly pardoned him for all his crimes and now the maga-cult for all intents and purposes runs the united states, resulting in a nightmarish hellscape. The worst part? None of it sounded far-fetched, everything seemed as if it could have and indeed could still happen (please let Harris win!).

Frank Brill was an excellent main character, flawed but relatable. An older white male American who greatly underestimated the danger of the Trump presidencies until it was too late. But after losing everything and getting a cancer diagnosis, he now no longer has anything to lose. It was absolutely scary how much I could understand this man. A sign of how dire the times have become.

I couldn’t quite give it the full five starts, apart from it making me feel depressed and scared, cause the ending might have been pushing things a bit, even for a satire. We are still talking about existing people after all and I feel there is still a moral high ground we mustn’t lose. The easy path isn’t necessarily the right one, though again, I can’t fault people for feeling the temptation.

A well written thriller with a scary ring of potentiality to it.
Profile Image for Lisa.
133 reviews18 followers
December 14, 2020
Die USA in der nahen Zukunft. Nachdem Donald Trump zwei Amtszeiten durchregiert hat, wurde mit einer überwältigenden Mehrheit seine Tochter Ivanka Trump ins Präsidentenamt gewählt. Die einst Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind tief gespalten und mit einer Demokratie hat dieses Land schon lange nichts mehr zu tun. In dieser bedrückenden Atmosphäre erhält der ehemalige Journalist und Chefredakteur Frank Brill eine niederschmetternde Diagnose: Krebs im Endstadium. Doch anstatt in Selbstmitleid und Trauer zu vergehen und den Schock der Diagnose zu verarbeiten, sieht Frank in dieser Nachricht eine Chance. Die Chance einen schon lang gefassten Plan in die Tat umzusetzen...und eine Liste abzuarbeiten...

Noch vor kurzer Zeit schien das fiktive Ausgangsszenario von "Die F*ck-it-Liste", aus der Feder von John Niven durchaus realistisch. Wer weiß schließlich, wie es mit den USA weiter gegangen wäre, wenn es Donald Trump tatsächlich zu einer zweiten Amtszeit geschafft hätte? Da wir uns darüber im wahren Leben nun keine Sorgen mehr machen brauchen, fällt es umso leichter in John Nivens Zeichnung eines fast schon dystopischen Amerikas abzutauchen, in dem er genau das Wirklichkeit werden lässt. Die Amerikaner werden dazu aufgerufen sich jederzeit und überall zu bewaffnen, Abtreibungen sind verboten und werden unter Strafe gestellt, fast jeden Tag scheinen Meldungen von neuen Amokläufen aufzutauchen, Einwanderer, die in Arbeitslagern eingesperrt werden und die Sterblichkeitsrate schießt in die Höhe, weil es immer mehr verzweifelte Frauen gibt, bei denen illegale Abtreibungen vorgenommen werden und die währenddessen oder kurz danach verbluten. In Zusammenhang mit John Niven's "Die F*ck-it-Liste" taucht immer wieder der Begriff 'Satire' auf, doch satirisch ist eigentlich nur die Verwandlung der Hauptfigur vom kleinstädtischen Bürger, der sich noch nie etwas hat zu schulden kommen lassen zum Wild-West-Revolvermann, der genau diese Verwandlung überhaupt vollbringen konnte, weil es sowohl in den von John Niven kreierten Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, als auch in den realen USA so einfach ist an Waffen und Munition zu kommen, wie noch einmal eben nach Feierabend zwei Liter Milch kaufen zu gehen. Wenn man dieses Buch liest, erscheint es einem einfach: die Handlung ist schlüssig, es ist einfach zu lesen und vielleicht zwischendurch sogar etwas plump, doch es steht so viel zwischen John Nivens Zeilen. Sein Buch ist eine gewaltige Anklage, ein Fingerzeig, ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft, der endlos erscheint, ein so unglaublich eindringlicher Appell an ein Land, das sich gerne als 'freistes Land der Welt' bezeichnet und das sich auf einen gefährlichen Weg begeben hat. 

Und das zu sagen, was John Niven zu sagen hat, das macht er auf großartige Weise, in dem er immer nur ein Stück der Geschichte von Frank Brill, seiner Hauptfigur, vor seinen Leserinnen und Lesern ausbreitet. Immer nur ein kleines bisschen, das einem allerdings umso heftiger den Atem stocken lässt. Das macht er so großartig, weil er immer wieder Wendungen in die Geschichte einbaut, die dann doch fast wieder ein wenig satirisch anmuten und sogar das ein oder andere Mal zum Schmunzeln verleiten. Und das macht er so großartig, weil am Ende seiner Geschichte der absolute Höhepunkt wartet. Der Beweis, das sich bloß eine scheinbar harmlose Entscheidung in etwas nicht mehr Kontrollierbares verwandeln kann. Und wo das große Problem in der Politik und auch der Demokratie liegt. 

Lasst euch also nicht von einer scheinbar vorhersehbaren Handlung täuschen. John Niven's Geschichte kann sehr viel mehr, als sie auf dem ersten Blick zu zeigen scheint. Und sie ist verdammt wichtig. 
Profile Image for Kira.
649 reviews24 followers
October 13, 2020
Thank you to NetGalley, Cornerstone and Random House UK for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

All I have to say about this book is what the HELL is this book? It lives in it's very own genre and it lives there in perfection. This book will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life. I went into this book with absolutely no idea what it was about, or absolutely anything about the premise. But it turns out that this is exactly the book I both wanted and needed right now. The concept is so incredible and I'm so glad I read this book it's literally exactly what I've always wanted to read, but never knew existed. I can't thank John Niven enough for making this book exist, and something I'll never say again. Thanks Trump.
Profile Image for Lynn B.
726 reviews20 followers
April 15, 2020
The book is set in 2026 in an imagined future that doesn't seem that far away. Ivanka Trump is now President of the USA and there are new laws. The Extreme Patriot Act gives the police wide ranging powers including detaining and using "illegals" as slave labour.

Against this backdrop the main character of the book Frank Brill discovers he has a terminal cancer. He decides its time to settle some scores, and he already has a list of who they will be. Frank has had a hard life with his 3rd wife and son dying, which leads to him being reunited with his estranged daughter from his second marriage, only for her to die also.

As Frank travels around America working his way through his list, rather than be appalled I actually was willing him on. Like a row of dominoes you started to see how each one affected the next. Frank has based his list on what he reflects as computations. Like the fork in the road, which one you take has a cause and an effect.

The book reminded me of the Michael Douglas film, Falling Down. I reference this not to detract from the book but to give an idea of the man Frank becomes. Although rather than being on the edge, Frank goes all the way over it. There is also a Cop, like in the film, that puts 2+2 together and is soon trailing Frank.

Towards the end of the book you suddenly realise where Frank is heading - who the last name on his list is. At this point the book becomes almost a farce with misconstrued actions and no one quite knowing what the hell is happening anymore.

I absolutely loved this book. I read it in two sittings, it would have been one but I started late at night and I couldn't keep my eyes open!

I just want to add that the book covers some subjects that people who are easily offended may rather not read. There is a lot of gun violence, a mass shooting description, child abuse and a graphic sex worker scene. There are homophobic, racist and anti-Semitic remarks made by the characters. At times it's very gritty and not in the least sanitised. None of this is gratuitous, but a part of life that goes on, even if we don't like it.

I'm giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. The writing is just brilliant and makes me want to read everything else John Niven has written.
Profile Image for Ian Mapp.
1,273 reviews46 followers
March 12, 2021
Despite the title, this is a very reserved John Niven book. A satirical look at the near future America (Ivanka Trump is in Power, the Don did two terms).

Frank Brill is dying of cancer and conducts a hit list of the people that have offended him - personally and then in a more socio-political way.

His journey across America allows Niven to paint a very bleak but realistic view on where the country could have been going. Extended Patriots Act giving the Police excessive powers, the witch hunts against immigrants, anti-abortionist legislation, increased gun ownership.

When it works, it works very well. The arming of citizens as a patriotic act and escalation of mass murders is great satire - it's funny, as it is (very nearly) true.

Its a short book and largely quite serious - certainly not an expletive laden joke fest that we have got used to.

3 star- and enjoyable read that's a little too obvious in plot and execution.
Profile Image for Fiona.
597 reviews73 followers
April 8, 2021
My 4th book from John Niven and so far the one I liked the least. For me it is neither a thriller, not funny, and also not shocking. But maybe that's because I am not American and topics like Guns and the political system and the president are not something that have to do with my sense of Nationality. I don't know. What I liked was the idea of the personal revenge story and the near-future scenario in a world where Trump won the second vote.
I think this book might be a nice read for everyone that hates America or Trump, but don't expect anything extraordinary here.
Profile Image for Kirsten.
45 reviews
December 31, 2020
John Niven beschreibt in seinem Buch Die F*ck-it-Liste (The F*ck-it List) eine distopisches Amerika in einer nicht all zu fernen Zukunft, die uns anscheinend dann doch erspart bleibt. Es ist 2026 und wir befinden uns in einer 3. Trump-Amtszeit, die allerdings von Ivanka bestritten wird. Dadurch ist in Amerika alles noch ein ganzes St��ck schwarz/weißer, rauher, als es jetzt ohnehin schon ist.
Niven verpackt die Beschreibung dieses Amerika in einen Thriller eines klassischen Rachenfeldzuges eines Mannes der nichts zu verlieren hat. Dabei schafft er es durch die Protagonisten einen Blick auf verschiedene Gruppen im heutigen Amerika zu liefern und dass ganze in eine spannende Geschichte zu packen, der man gerne weiter folgen Möchte.
Sein Schreibstil ist leicht und locker mit einigen sarkastischen Bildern, die einem öfters schmunzeln lassen.

Die Atmosphäre in der Halle ließ sich nur als magisch beschreiben. Hannity bestritt das Vorprogramm und peitschte die Menge auf, brachte sie in Stimmung für den Auftritt des großen Mannes. Chops und Hauser hatten ganz vorne gestanden, als es endlich soweit war:
Er betrat die Bühne ... in gleißendem Licht gebadet, das seinen großen schwarzen Schatten an die Wand warf. Sein goldenes Haar glänzte .. es war, als ob man zu seinem leibhaftigen Gott aufblickte.
Und was für eine gewaltige Rede er an diesem Abend gehalten hatte. Das Herzblut und das Feuer, mit dem er gegen die Linken gewetterte. Diesen Abschaum, diese Tiere, die ihn in die Knie zwingen wollten. Die alle anständigen Amerikaner, Chops, Hauser, das gesamte Volk hintergingen und versuchten, sie ihres rechtmäßigen Anführers zu berauben. Trump hatte Chops und den anderen Anhängern in der Halle eindringlich geschildert, auf welche Höllenfahrt eine Wahlniederlage die ganze Nation schicken würde.
248 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2020
Author John Niven has never been one to shy away from the most nightmarish and deeply unpleasant scenarios and his latest novel, The F**k It List takes us to an America that isn’t too far from our future or, sadly, our reality. In Niven’s (hopefully) alternative future, Trump has served his two terms and has been succeeded by his daughter, Ivanka. Detention centres for immigrants are now the norm, filming any activity will result in your phone being confiscated and white Americans regularly call ICE when they overhear Spanish being spoken. It’s a horrible future, but one that seems more than possible.

A sad citizen in this world is retired newspaper editor, Frank Brill. Frank’s world has been upended many times and the final sick joke is a terminal cancer diagnosis. Frank isn’t a man to go down without a fight, however, and sets about his ‘F**k It’ list, a list of those who have slowly destroyed Frank’s life.

This book is a searing indictment of all that’s wrong with America. John Niven has clearly been keeping a close eye on events in America and his predictions of the road it’s heading down feel pretty nailed on. Frank isn’t a perfect man, he’s made some mistakes but he’s the right character to take this journey with. I loved the masterstroke of putting a sheriff on his tail, a man who operates his own version of the law in his own little kingdom. The book is full of Niven’s punchy prose but is also breathlessly heartbreaking at times. He’s found a real literary playground in America and I really hope he continues to use it for inspiration. This has quickly become one of my favourite novels of his and already I’m eagerly awaiting the next one. Rip roaring stuff.

I received a ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair review.
Profile Image for Marissa Michael.
194 reviews6 followers
May 11, 2020
What would you do when you know you don’t have much time to live in this world?

While we mostly know people who make use of that remaining time by doing charitable activities, make up with their pasts, settle their outstanding debts as to not troubling the living loved ones, and spending more time with their loved ones.

However, there are some people like Frank Brill in this book who chose the other way round: avenge the people who they think are responsible for the loss and misery caused in their life to keep score. In this book, Frank listed the names of people who caused the death of his wife, son, and daughter. His reasons are both personal and political.

This is a futuristic fiction with political satire book set in America. Imagine America in the year 2026. That’s 5 years from now. Oh well, John Niven? You forgot to include the covid-19 in 2020, lol.

I enjoy the political satire in this book and the author did a great job in describing the current President Trump who likes to win. I recommend this book to those who enjoy reading futuristic dystopian fiction books with political satire.

On a side note, while reading this book, I am amazed with the extent of freedom of expression in America. If ever a book like this about the politicians in Malaysia see the light of day, that will resurrects the sedition charge to the author and the publisher.

Thank you Pansing Pte Ltd for the review copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Sephreadstoo.
606 reviews29 followers
January 23, 2021
Da poco è svolta la cerimonia di insediamento di Biden, il nuovo presidente degli Stati Uniti. Non tanto a caso la scorsa settimana ho finito il libro della foto di un autore che avevo già amato per l'irriverente "A volte ritorno": la satira si fa politica e mostra un futuro non tanto distante, anzi...

Siamo nel 2026. Ivanka Trump è appena diventata il primo presidente donna degli Stati Uniti. L'America è in preda all'ultra-conservatorismo più estremo dopo due mandati consecutivi di Donald Trump: l'aborto è illegale, le armi sono vendute come fossero fazzoletti, razzismo, xenofobia e integralismo sono la norma.
Frank Brill scopre di avere un cancro e decide di passare il tempo che gli resta eliminando le cinque persone della sua "lista degli stronzi" che gli hanno rovinato la vita, non ultimo proprio Donald Trump.

Fantapolitica e altissima tensione si mescolano in questo romanzo. È irriverente, una satira non tanto politically correct che avevo già apprezzato in "A volte ritorno", anche se meno scurrile.
Fin troppo realistico, perché ci mostra come sarebbe potuto essere (o potrebbe essere) il mondo in mano all'odio e un futuro orwelliano che è da far drizzare i capelli.
Consigliatissimo per chi ama libri/film su vendette private ma anche "gentili" nonnini insospettabili giustizieri della notte. O chi ha già amato Niven.
Profile Image for Lettore di Mondi.
69 reviews1 follower
January 20, 2023
C’è poco da dire, a me i libri di John Niven piacciono e molto. Sia per come sono scritti per come raccontano la quotidianità dei personaggi e riflettono sulle piccole e grandi cose della vita, per come analizzano la società attuale e poi ovviamente per le storie, sempre ideate alla perfezione.
Questa volta Niven decide di prendere a schiaffi il lettore più del solito con un libro crudo, realistico ed attuale ambientato in una America cupa dei giorni nostri, ma in un presente alternativo che ha visto Trump rivincere le elezioni al secondo mandato e poi delegare il ruolo alla figlia Ivanka per motivi di salute. È importante questo ai fini della trama perché il vero protagonista del romanzo è questa America cupa e crudele in cui, in sostanza, tutti i peggiori incubi si sono avverati e dove a livello culturale e sociale si è tornati indietro di qualche secolo. In questo sfondo si muove il Frank che, dopo aver scoperto di avere un tumore in fase terminale, decide di fare una lista di cinque persone da uccidere che secondo lui sono state colpevoli o complici di alcune delle tante disgrazie della sua vita. Nel corso del libro quindi seguiamo nella sua vendetta personale quest’uomo, poco più che sessantenne, che man mano che diventa serial killer riflette sulla vita trascorsa, sui suoi errori e sulla società rendendosi conto di essere stato anche lui stesso causa di tutto quello che ha vissuto e subito a livello personale e sociale.
Chiudo con una citazione:
“Come si diceva: accadeva piano piano, giorno per giorno, finché una mattina non ti svegliavi e ti ritrovavi in un posto dove l’impensabile era diventato pensabile, poi era diventato fattibile e infine era diventato routine. È solo per vedere che cazzo di faccia fanno”
Profile Image for Lel Budge.
1,362 reviews28 followers
April 26, 2020
Set in 2026, America and Frank’s Doctor tells him he has cancer, but he knew this already….it’s time to get out the list,

This is a tale of politics and hatred, the consequences of these on lives in the real world and a man with nothing left to lose.

The F*ck It List tells of a dystopian America ruled by the Trump family! It’s terrifying in that the US seems to be only one very small step away from the events in this story.

It’s a dark, road trip that’s racing toward a tragic end. Frank is a man who has messed up his personal life more than once, but just when it’s settled and he is actually sober and happy the rug is pulled out from under him, over and over. He’s flawed but likeable and you have every sympathy for him….

This cautionary tale is full of dark humour, it’s tragic, fierce and disturbing and I loved every minute.

Thank you to Anne Cater and Random Things Tours for the opportunity to participate in this blog tour, for the promotional materials and a free copy of the book. This is my honest, unbiased review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 242 reviews

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