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Strange Adventures (2020-2021)

Strange Adventures (2020-2021) #1

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After winning five Eisner Awards and topping year-end “best of lists,” the comic book of 2019 was Mister Miracle. The comic book of 2020 will be Strange Adventures.

The Mister Miracle team of writer Tom King and artist Mitch Gerads are joined by fan-favorite artist Evan “Doc” Shaner to bring you an epic tale in the tradition of Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns, and DC: The New Frontier-a story of blood, war, and love that readers will be talking about for years to come.

Adam Strange is the hero of Rann, a man famous throughout the galaxy for his bravery and honor. After leading his adopted home to victory in a great planetary war, Adam and his wife Alanna retire to Earth, where they are greeted by cheers, awards, and parades. But not all is as happy and nice as it seems, as the decisions Adam made during battles on Rann come back to haunt his family and threaten the entire DC Universe. And now a surprise DC hero will have to choose between saving Adam Strange and saving the world.

A story like no other, Strange Adventures is an ambitious, thrilling, shocking, and beautiful 12-issue saga that will push Adam Strange to the breaking point-and beyond!

31 pages, Paperback

Published March 4, 2020

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Tom King

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Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
May 30, 2020
Adam Strange: war hero - or war criminal? On a tour promoting his autobiography, Adam is confronted with questions about his past - questions he doesn’t have answers to. So begins his journey towards the truth. A Strange adventure… with a Terrific companion.

The creative team behind Mister Miracle, Tom King and Mitch Gerads, reunite, this time with artist Evan “Doc” Shaner, for a new maxi-series on another relatively obscure DC character: Adam Strange. And, like the first issue of Mister Miracle, Strange Adventures #1 is… fine.

The premise doesn’t really grab me and I’ve never been drawn to the outdated, corny even, character of Adam Strange. I don’t really know much about him so I don’t know why he can’t seem to remember his own past - is amnesia part of his schtick? And why is he so popular on Earth when his supposed war heroics took place on Rann with no consequences to the people of Earth?

That said, this is by no means a badly put-together comic. Tom King knows how to write ‘em well. The structure is solid, if a bit repetitive at times, and parts of it were interesting like the murder. I’ve never really loved Gerads’ realistic art so I’m glad to have Doc Shaner’s art alternating throughout - Gerads draws the present-day storyline, Shaner draws the wartime flashbacks. Shaner’s art is so, so pretty - much more cartoony but the clean-line style looks how you’d want a superhero comic to look. Maybe it’s made all the better for being contrasted by Gerads’ art?

I’m not totally sold on the series yet - the story so far doesn’t totally appeal and I’m not a fan of the title character or the one hinted at on the final page. But hey, Tom King at least tells different and challenging new types of stories with these odd characters which I do appreciate so I’m willing to give the title a chance. And at twelve issues there’s bound to be some fun and unusual twists along the way.

Unless you’re a King fanboy, Strange Adventures #1 isn’t going to knock your socks off but it’s not a bad start to a potentially-intriguing story.
Profile Image for James.
2,471 reviews67 followers
March 20, 2020
4.5 stars. Nice 1st issue. Adam is now back on Earth as a war hero doing book signings for his new book. We get to see some flashbacks from this war on another planet. But they haven’t shown us everything. Something goes down at one of these book signings which leads to another unfortunate turn of events. These two incidents have now changed Adams view in the public eye which makes him reach out to a familiar character for help.

Tom King does a bang up job introducing the landscape and what we will be dealing with in this story. He shows just enough back story from the war leaving you wanting to know more to see if it’s all good......or not. I’m definitely hooked and want to know how this is all going to shake out.
Profile Image for Anthony.
259 reviews7 followers
July 18, 2020
Very interesting start, not quite the same as Mister Miracle #1 that’s one of my favorite single issues of all time but this was still good and has potential.
Profile Image for Al.
447 reviews3 followers
April 6, 2020
The quarantine has not only left me with a month's worth of books that I am behind on, but also no upcoming new Wednesday comics. I will be fine but it is weird.

I have seen a lot of comic stores come and go, and I suspect mine will weather this, but the owner is a friend, so it's another hope this ends sooner rather than later.

I never read King's Mister Miracle, but this likely is in a similar vein. King's theory behind this 12-issue series is if Adam Strange is a War hero or a War criminal?!?!?

King does not really explain Strange. I doubt any new readers won't eventually get it, but may have a steeper learning curve.

The art by Shaner and Gerads is fantastic, so that's a strong point in favor.

King has a very accessible story. Like I describe his other recent work, it's got that post-Bendis feel like it is written for a screen. King definitely excels at it.

On the other hand, it isn't quite perfect. Like the recent Heroes in Crisis, there seem to be points here that indicate he might not be able to seal the deal (often a complaint that I have about Bendis, too). Issue 1 itself struggles with feeling overlong, and not maintaining the punch of the opening.

I suspect Mister Miracle readers might tear into it even more.

Still, the ceiling on this remains extremely high. It has the feel of when Morrison was ambitiously taking on the DCverse, and it is anything but the standard comic.

I am looking forward to seeing where it goes. Of course, now I am looking forward to any new comics at all
Profile Image for Sans.
858 reviews122 followers
June 16, 2020
Reading with a healthy dose of skepticism. Is King gonna be back on his bullshit or will this be a spiritual cousin to Mister Miracle? Only time will tell.
Profile Image for Társis .
240 reviews2 followers
January 21, 2021
Li na News do Forasta que esse é um grande trabalho do roteirista Tom King. Uma tentativa de (está bem na moda, né?) "desconstruir" o Adam Strange, um dos meus personagens favoritos. Sim, juntamente com outros personagens do quarto e quinto escalões DC como Homem Animal, Ás Inimigo e Shade. Eu não conhecia (ou me lembrava da arte de) Mitch Gerads e Evan Shaner, que é um espetáculo de bonita. Estou curioso e empolgado.
Profile Image for Matěj Komiksumec.
324 reviews19 followers
May 20, 2020
Další Kingovina která je velmi dobrá. Uznávám, že mám trochu nezdravě rád práci Toma Kinga a leccos mu odpustím, ale jeho storytelling na mě zkrátka funguje. Premisa je jednoduchá, je Adam Strange hrdina nebo zločinec? Bohužel Tomík si nedává moc práci s vysvětlováním prostředí a postav takže já jakožto neznalec Adama Strange jsem se místy špatně chytal. Jinak samozřejmě kresba je zase úžasná a první sešit táhne primárně ona.
Těším se na další číslo protože se to rozjelo dobře.
Profile Image for Cidnya.
145 reviews19 followers
March 5, 2020
I've read Strange Adventures twice and I love the duality of myth vs truth, hero vs war criminal, and colonialism vs sovereignty. This is amplified by the smart and bold choice to have Gerads and Shaner taking their two art styles and creating a gnawing core where the story rests where the lines overlap. Shaner's art sits in the past and Gerads' tackles the present. It causes a jarring experience meant to make you pay attention to the parallel stories occuring.

This book is VERY SMART and VERY GOOD and I cannot wait to see where it goes 🤗
Profile Image for Cameron Howell.
291 reviews
May 18, 2020
The pacing of this issue was incredible. Not every comic can get that much story out in a single issue. A lot of that had to do with the transitioning between the two stories being told in my opinion. This will be a cool sci-fi mystery that is going to keep people guessing. Plus some terrific artwork. This really is a must pick up.
1,142 reviews4 followers
March 11, 2020
Extremely interesting. I really liked this team's Mister Miracle and I thought King's The Vision was even better, so my expectations for this series are pretty high and this first issue didn't disappoint. If the next 11 issues are anywhere near as good as this one, this is gonna be a great series.
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
March 15, 2020
Really loved this. I hope this maintains its unique spin of war hero/criminal etc.
Profile Image for Henry Blackwood.
656 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2020
Jonathan Hickman is my probably my favourite writer in comics right now. He’s at the peak of his powers and having a historic revival run on X-Men, while still pursuing interesting and complex author owned comics on image. If comics were judged like sports, I’d say that Hickman is lebron James right now.

But when it comes to a 12 issue maxi (particularly when it’s a maxi of a under-utilised superhero) there is none better than Tom King at this. So I guess it makes him Kevin Durant of the comic game.

I actually have a lot of thoughts on this and Tom King in general. First of all I’ve liked everything he’s written so far and appreciated what he’s tried to do on Batman. This single issue is probably the best one I’ve read from him. Vision is still my favourite comic he’s written and I think this issue of Strange Adventures is better than anything on that. Which is big to say. I feel like TK is at the height of his powers right now, too, and I’m confident in saying this because he’s become more comfortable to incorporate different panels into his work.

Mister Miracle overused the 9 panel to death, and for me, it was the only downside of that comic (and probably the only reason why I like Vision a little better than it). It really hindered visual complexity at times by constantly using the 9 panels and being so rigid on using them on every page. On Strange Adventures we see TK open up his arsenal a little more and implement the 9 panel only 3 times which all were tasteful.

I’m very impressed with this first issue. TK’s storytelling has always been terrific. The only downside I ever had with him was his over reliance on using 9 panels and here we see that he’s finally come out of his shell and opened up his game. I love 9 panels but I love them how he’s using them in this issue. They’re a sometimes food. Now that he’s become confident with this, i think this might end up being my favourite comic of the year. TK never misses when it comes to stories like these and this start is stronger than ever.

Profile Image for Charles.
208 reviews5 followers
March 25, 2020
Swashbuckling star man or a Colonial murderer? Damn, they've done it again. Feeling that Mister Miracle high again! As opposed to mental health, here's a story where one side of the coin is pure heroism, while the other questions the morality of the hero's actions. Deceit, deception, propaganda, or misdirection? Who knows, but we'll have to wait and see!
596 reviews43 followers
March 12, 2020
What an enthralling mystery. Big fan of all things Tom King- and after his run of Mister Miracle, Vision and Batman, I have never been more ready to step into a new yarn spun by this future master. (People will look back on this cat, just you wait. He's gonna be studied in universities one day).

Now, I don't know jack about Adam Strange. And in all seriousness, I didn't know anything about Mister Miracle either. This fact did not hinder the quality of either works.
It's tricky with serialized storytelling to know if what you are getting into is worth your time. What I find especially unique in this story is the contrast between Adam's time on Raan and his time on Earth. There are different styles of art used to portray each moment in time and there is this foreboding mystique layering the subtext.

It's a feel good comic where something (you can't quite put your finger on what) ain't right. Is Adam Strange a hero? Or did he do something terrible? Who should we believe? Was he framed? Frick, when even Batman won't take on the case, you know shit just got real.

This is gonna be the first comic series I ever start with #1. (In that I will purchase each copy as it comes out). I hope I can muster the patience to wait each month for each new story before the corona-virus destroys the planet... annnnd I've instantly dated my review.

Also. Small little detail. I'm a sucker for art depicting sexual acts as well as romantic acts... I'm only here to report there is some breathtaking art on display here, especially in those regards. But you already knew that.
Profile Image for Doctor Action.
520 reviews7 followers
March 15, 2020
I've not read any Tom King before but am aware of his reputation - I've got The Sheriff Of Babylon on my shelf but yet to read it. I also don't read DC or Marvel in general so this was a strange (ahahaha) choice, but I picked up issue 1 on a trip to my local comics shop on the owner's recommendation.

This was top-class stuff from start to finish. There are two fantastic artists, each illustrating a different period in the character's life, interleaving two stories together - there's a classic, clean 50s pulpy comic style, and a more realistic, painted style that wouldn't look out of place on a 60s catalogue advert or paperback cover.

The dialogue and pacing are bang-on, and the issue read itself. I have no history with the Adam Strange character but it didn't matter.

These creators look like becoming new favourites of mine. Now the quandary is whether to carry on with the single issues or wait until the trade come out... I like that I can sell off trades to second-hand resellers, freeing up space in the house and getting a little return on investment. And trades are cheaper. But floppies are soooo nice to read. Just the right amount to read in one sitting... The paper's lovely, the stapled binding flops open so you can see all parts of the page easily... We'll see.

This was a delight. Recommend.
Profile Image for Benja Calderon.
703 reviews10 followers
March 11, 2021
Adam Strange se ha transformado en el salvador de Rann, y luego de la guerra contra los Pykkts, con su esposa Alanna deciden establecerse en la Tierra, lejos de un recuerdo doloroso.

¿Pero todo es tan bueno como parece? Versiones de lo que realmente pasó en Rann se levantan y luego de un asesinato, los ojos prestan más atención al héroe estelar ¿Ocultará algo Adam Strange?

Si hay algo que maneja bien King, son los remordimientos y crímenes de guerra (sirvió como agente de contraterrorismo para la CIA en Medio Oriente), así que lo tendremos en su salsa en esta serie
El trabajo conjunto con Gerads y Shaner ayuda a armar un primer número sólido y atrayente
Profile Image for Delanie.
342 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2020
Any successor to Mister Miracle would have a lot of pressure on it. MM was a magnificent, well-illustrated series; and like it or not it set the bar for other series going forward. Strange Adventures manages to meet this challenge by being completely and utterly itself. The family at the heart of this story has it's own spirit and life that resonates with you and sets up what looks like a fun series to continue to follow!
Profile Image for Daniel Tothill.
74 reviews
April 14, 2020
Really amazing. Perfectly sets up the mystery. Beautiful art. A lot of the tension and interest is derived from the juxtaposition between these two stories and what they represent. Very excited to see where they both go. Also interestingly minimal scenes are included here. The book reads like an amazing montage but it works because it's a comic, really taking advantage of this storytelling format
Profile Image for Adam Spanos.
637 reviews125 followers
October 8, 2020
The first issue of Strange Adventures was everything I was hoping for and more. It established a mystery and in the last panel we learn that Adam will be getting help from another B-grade character that I feel is massively underrated at DC. It feels like I just read the first issue of a series that will be eventually be historical and I’m psyched that there are 11 more issues to go.
1 review
January 28, 2021
Tom King and Mitch Gerads do it Again

As a brand new parent I found great encouragement in the writing and artwork in Mr. Miracle. Somehow they find a way to pick up where they left off with Strange Adventures. Despite being a completely different storyline they seem to pull at the heartstrings in similar ways. Very well written and illustrated. Thank you both.
Profile Image for Samuel .
9 reviews3 followers
June 15, 2021
Great question discussions of a heroes ethics

Loved the problems & limits this hero has. Just a normal guy with technology and his wits trying to succeed on a foreign planet. Ashe does this and returns home has he committed atrocious crimes during his acts of war as a hero. Are all the possibilities one can imagine against “bad guys” always god’s actions?
Profile Image for Sean Kottke.
1,952 reviews28 followers
March 6, 2020
Only giving 4 stars so there's a meaningful spot to go up as the series progresses. Superior first issue, and I'm glad to have the King-Gerads tea, back in action. Lots of neat parallels to Mister Miracle.
Profile Image for Soos.
33 reviews
March 19, 2020
A brilliant story with eye-catching illustrations. I'll be waiting for the next issue. I have a small feeling this series will be the beginning of the rise of more Adam Strange fans all over the world.
Profile Image for Travis.
260 reviews
April 13, 2020
I enjoyed what I read. It was interesting with the dichotomy in play, and I am a fan of the Tom King / Mitch Gerads team. I would not say I was gripped by this issue like I hoped, but I look forward to what comes next.
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,833 reviews168 followers
December 13, 2023
Based on my experience of Tom King's Miracle Man, Strange Adventures promises that signature King most used tropes of trauma, war hero, and family. King's stories center around family a lot, his work on Vision comes to mind.
Profile Image for Clint.
533 reviews8 followers
March 7, 2020
I’m not an Adam Strange fan, but I am a Tom King fan. The two intertwined story lines are drawn by two different artists, each with unique styles. This is working for me.
Profile Image for Amber.
3,272 reviews34 followers
March 26, 2020
Back at it again with another nonlinear story, brilliant art, brilliant set-up, been ready for this comic for a long time. We love an unreliable narrator.
Profile Image for Jape.
19 reviews
April 22, 2020
This is my first DC comic since I was little. I have to say it's pretty damn good. Dissects the imperialism's John Carter of Mars sort of sci-fi protagonist through clashing narratives.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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