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God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life

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Ronald Reagan is hailed today for a presidency that restored optimism to America, engendered years of economic prosperity, and helped bring about the fall of the Soviet Union. Yet until now little attention has been paid to the role Reagan's personal spirituality played in his political career, shaping his ideas, bolstering his resolve, and ultimately compelling him to confront the brutal -- and, not coincidentally, atheistic -- Soviet empire.

In this groundbreaking book, political historian Paul Kengor draws upon Reagan's legacy of speeches and correspondence, and the memories of those who knew him well, to reveal a man whose Christian faith remained deep and consistent throughout his more than six decades in public life. Raised in the Disciples of Christ Church by a devout mother with a passionate missionary streak, Reagan embraced the church after reading a Christian novel at the age of eleven. A devoted Sunday-school teacher, he absorbed the church's model of "practical Christianity" and strived to achieve it in every stage of his life.

But it was in his lifelong battle against communism -- first in Hollywood, then on the political stage -- that Reagan's Christian beliefs had their most profound effect. Appalled by the religious repression and state-mandated atheism of Bolshevik Marxism, Reagan felt called by a sense of personal mission to confront the USSR. Inspired by influences as diverse as C.S. Lewis, Whittaker Chambers, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, he waged an openly spiritual campaign against communism, insisting that religious freedom was the bedrock of personal liberty. "The source of our strength in the quest for human freedom is not material, but spiritual," he said in his Evil Empire address. "And because it knows no limitation, it must terrify and ultimately triumph over those who would enslave their fellow man."

From a church classroom in 1920s Dixon, Illinois, to his triumphant mission to Moscow in 1988, Ronald Reagan was both political leader and spiritual crusader. God and Ronald Reagan deepens immeasurably our understanding of how these twin missions shaped his presidency -- and changed the world.

432 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2004

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About the author

Paul Kengor

29 books125 followers
Author and politicial science professor.

He is executive director of The Center for Vision & Values, a Grove City College think-tank/policy center.

Kengor has focused much of his work on Ronald Reagan, faith and the presidency, conservative politics, the Cold War, the communist movement, and Catholicism.

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Profile Image for Mark Mortensen.
Author 2 books78 followers
May 24, 2016
Having read an assortment of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs and diaries of President Reagan I wondered if there was enough substance to fulfill a book titled “God and Ronald Reagan”. The answer is absolutely. Additionally I was pleased to see fresh information on the life of Reagan. Through Dr. Kengor’s research it is apparent God was the central focus in Reagan’s life beginning with roots in childhood. Hollywood and politics alters the vision of many however Reagan maintained a steady spiritual path.

I’d forgotten how poor Reagan’s family was during his childhood. As they moved from different rental house to rental house Reagan longed for stability and structure in his life. His mother Nelle, a volunteer Sunday school teacher would guide his way. Eureka College, a Christian based higher education school, would further enhance his respect for God. Years later when he was sworn in as the 40th president of the U.S. on 1/20/1981 he chose to hold his mother Nell’s old Bible.

Reagan called Russia the “Evil Empire” because communism promoted atheism and man over God. The USSR firmly restricted freedom of worship, a cornerstone of American democracy. It was not until President Reagan’s second term in May 1988 that he visited the Russian capital. He’d spent the prior year’s preparing for his Moscow summit and his focus on turning the tide of Communism also served as a missionary trip.

By nature one’s relationship to God is very personal. Reagan’s son Ron chose to not walk in his father’s spiritual path and his daughter Patti was an atheist for much of her life. Reagan found fame and lived a very rewarding successful life however it’s apparent the religious choices of these two children constantly tore at his inner peace as a parent. This book provided me with another perspective of Reagan.
Profile Image for Michael.
1,668 reviews5 followers
May 27, 2010
My earliest political memory is of Richard Nixon resigning from the Presidency. I have vague memories of the end of the Viet Nam War, and I sort of kind of remember President Carter's election in 1976. What I do remember,vividly, is the election of Ronald Reagan. It was 1980; I was eleven years old, and I remember President Reagan as a grandfatherly figure who somehow made me feel safe from the nuclear bombs we were told were threatening to rain down on our heads. I always liked Reagan. I still do.

God and Ronald Reagan is a spiritual biography of the man who stared down the Soviet Bear until the Red bastards blinked. Charting the President's early life, his anti-communist work at the president of the Screen Actor's Guild in the 1950s, his gubernatorial period in California, and his two term Presidency, the book focuses on Reagan's tremendous Christian faith. There are many of Reagan's folksy quotes and verbal quips (he wasn't called "the Great Communicator" for nothing!), as well as a long section on how Reagan's insistence on religious freedom helped to end the tyranny of Soviet Communism. I learned a lot about Reagan's early life even as I was reminded of events that took place while I was in junior high and high school.

Professor Kengor (the book's author) is clearly a conservative, and because of his admiration for Reagan, he tends to ignore some questions that I would have liked answered. For example, how did Reagan's faith influence his decision to back the death squads in El Salvador? How did the President square his belief in the Prince of Peace with his order for the United States Navy to shell Beirut? For all of the wonderful and elevated God talk Reagan produced, some of his decisions as President were...let's say less than peaceful. I'm not talking about backing down the Commies in Russia. I mean training soldiers at the School of the Americas to go home and rape, murder, and oppress illiterate peasants and Catholic priests.

So as much as I enjoyed this book, it is very unbalanced and biased political history. My intellectual nemesis Howard Zinn spent fifty years trying to convince the world that there is simply no such thing as impartial or neutral history, and I have come to agree with him on that point. With that caveat, God and Ronald Reagan is a wonderful book about how one man's belief in God quite literally changed our world. The survey is incomplete, but it is well worth reading.

I can only imagine that Professor Kengor--who has written quite negatively about Hillary Clinton's faith biography, and quite glowingly about George W. Bush's faith--is currently penning a spiritual biography of President Obama. Now I'm sure that will be fair...
Profile Image for Sarah.
46 reviews
October 25, 2010
For anyone that enjoys American history, this one provides an excellent education on Communism and Reagan's role in dismantling a truly evil system. It is humbling to see how Reagan's faith anchored him throughout the Cold War (and his life) and enabled him to stand by his beliefs amid blistering criticism from the liberal left... the same liberal left that today applauds all he was able to accomplish surrounding the demise of Communism. A truly great book about 'practical' Christianity.

My favorite quote from Ronald Regan's mother, Nelle:
"You can be too big for God to use, but you cannot be too small."
Profile Image for John.
26 reviews1 follower
February 29, 2008
While somewhat unorganized in his presentation, Kengor provides an enormous amount of evidence that President Reagan was guided by a deep Christian faith.
49 reviews
September 27, 2020
So good. Highly recommended for anyone interested in Ronald Reagan or the honest life of a fellow Christian. Reagan was president when I was very young, but I had never given him much thought. Through this book, though, I learned a tremendous amount about his life and have gained a great respect for him, first as a fellow Christian and, secondly, as an effective and liberty-loving American president.
Profile Image for Aimee S..
25 reviews
November 2, 2023
It was fairly interesting, I learned a little, but it was a little boring. I think the author's original intentions for focusing on the spiritual life of Ronald Reagan were sadly a little lost in the big picture plans that Reagan had, but that may have been due to how Reagan functioned.
Profile Image for Andrew S..
41 reviews
June 25, 2016
Walk away from the arguments that "Reagan barely went to church during his presidency" and conspiracies over astrology (which have been debunked), and you will find a devout Christian gentleman. In this book, Dr. Paul Kengor guides you from Dixon, IL to the Oval Office in relation to his faith. With the great influence of his mother, Nelle Reagan, Rev. Cleaver, and a book "That Printer of Udell's", "Dutch" is able to have a solid Christian foundation that would sustain him for the rest of his life. In Hollywood, Reagan is able to stick with his faith and discovers the evils of communism during the heart of the second Red Scare. He is able to understand the atheistic nature of communism as he denounces it among his peers, despite the fellow actor's staunch negation of this idea. Reagan is able to understand that God is much more important than conforming to his friends, which is something he will remember as President, too. With Reagan's rising status as an anti-communist and the Democratic Party's shifting views, he became a member of the Republican Party.
However, a party change did not have an effect on Reagan's views on the evils of communism. He became very intrigued with Chamber's book "Witness", and he used excerpts of this book in speeches. Reagan truly realized that Communism was an aggressive, "Evil Empire" fixed on deleting Christ with the government. He took this from a religious perspective as he noted that the question of the Cold War boiled down to three words: "God or Man?". Reagan's firm believe and dependency on God truly assisted in the demise of the USSR and the beginning of freedom for millions and millions of people.
Here are a few of the most memorable moments of this book:
First, Communism's utter repression of God.
From the horrendous torture of people of faith to literal replacement of the Christian Nativity to a terrible and blasphemous communism tale comparing Lenin to God. This really tells one how the USSR attempted to get rid of God and make man as a god. (Also, in an interesting addition, Chambers (?) and Reagan note that atheism is actually the second-oldest "religion". This is from Genesis 3 when Satan says, "Ye shall be as gods").
But the most memorable moment in this book was specifically on Reagan's faith. In an excerpt from a personal account from a Reagan, it says something to the effect of the following:
I [a Reagan] sat next to my dad [Reagan], and I saw him praying. I asked him if he was praying that the plane would not crash. He replied that he was not, but he was praying that whatever God's will is, he would be able to accept it.

What a man of faith! He was a man who not only knew God, but knew his dependency and need to follow His will. He also believed that the USA and the world needed to realize the importance of God in our lives and that we always depend on Him. Reagan was a truly amazing and religious man, and he knew the world needed to remember and follow God's will in order to survive. The world will always remember Reagan even though he is now with God.
Profile Image for Louis Barbier.
136 reviews2 followers
October 12, 2017
This is one of the best books I have read this year! The author Paul Kengor wrote a definitive book on President Ronald Reagan. It was both fascinating and packed with many facts about the president that never had appeared in print. From the beginning the very religious life and his personal relationship with God was revealed. President Reagan upon awakening each day he thanked God. When he started any new project, he asked God for help. His whole life revolved around God first. He also evangelized those who did not know God. He was also a very sincere and thoughtful man who tried to help people he met and often succeeded through God's intercession. He came along for the world and these United States at the time we all needed his type of leadership. From a humble beginning he rose to be the best president of these United States. One of his endearing characteristic was his great sense of humor and his love for his fellowman. He developed at an early age the ability to speak well and this served him well throughout his life. He always thanked those who worked very hard to reach the goal set by him and in addition in closing he would always say "God bless you." His grand legacy was that he brought peace to the world, which was very troubled when he took the office of the presidency of these United States. Freedom of religion and human rights were the corner stones of his accomplishments. He never surrendered or gave up on Russia and as the result they reestablish freedom of religion and better human rights in Russia and around the world. Thousands and thousands of people around the world benefited from his persistence in these two areas. He received mail as if he were a rock star and he always read them all and answered them too. He was the man for our times that accomplished much but never took credit; instead he would always give the credit to his staff or the team that worked on a project that was successful and they deserved all the credit. This book has so much more that the reader will be fascinated by and when he or she gets to the last page will pause and say to themselves that these United States of America were very fortunate to have President Ronald Reagan in charge. Yes, God bless you all who read this book and God bless these United States of America. May President Ronald Reagan rest in peace.
Profile Image for Jeff.
46 reviews3 followers
February 14, 2009
Two specific chapters in this book were among the strongest scholarship I've read. While I loved this without them, they definitely earned that coveted 5th star for this rating. Kengor's chapter on Reagan's 'Evil Empire' speech was among the finest chapters I've read when it comes to historical analysis and scholarship. I even used some experiences from this book in a Sunday School lesson I had to teach last week! Reagan's religion was personal and real. He wasn't merely a religious zealot, and he was certainly not representative of the ultra conservative religious right. He was a man of God, not merely a religion. How interesting to wonder how a book on our current president's spiritual life might read. Ironically, he'd probably censor most of it to remove the racist rantings of his own spiritual mentor for most of his adult life. What a stark and striking contrast between those two men. But current politics aside, this book is worth reading and quite well written. Kengor manages to write a book that is much more than his mere interpretation of facts and speeches, but backs up assertions with hard evidence and personal interviews.
March 26, 2012
I liked it a lot. I learned quite a bit about the spiritual side of Ronald Reagan. He had a strong faith. He felt very strongly about the oppression of the people in Russia in regards to faith. He believed that they had the right to freedom of religion and he did all he could to make that a reality for them.
It was a very interesting book for me because I learned about the history of Russia and Communism, and I was able to learn more about what went on during Ronald Reagan's presidency in regard's to world events.
He believed that God had a plan and purpose and a part for him in ending the cold war with Russia and giving people their freedom. He felt it was his duty, and it was amazing to see how it all unfolded by his being obedient to God even though he was ridiculed.
According to this book, he was a man of strong convictions and he was a great communicator. While he was alive and in office, I didn't pay much attention to politic's, so I didn't know much about him. I enjoyed reading about his life and what kind of man he was.
Profile Image for Missy.
8 reviews
Currently reading
September 5, 2008
About halfway through, I LOVE this book. While I didn't know it when I picked it up (ie. took it away from Chris while he was busy with Anna on our flight to OH) it is the perfect book for me to read:
For random reasons, I have recently read That Printer of Udell's, Witness and Mere Christianity. There are chapters for each of those three books and their profound effect on Reagan in this book. Also, Kengor was my professor at Grove City! And actually, junior year, I purposely scheduled a class with Kengor because a cute guy named Chris told me that he was taking it. About a month into that class, that cute guy asked me to be his girlfriend. So, I have fond memories of Kengor's class. I don't remember a thing about the class, but I know I really liked it, and the people in it, one in particular. =)
20 reviews
February 9, 2010
Wonderful book!!!! I encourage everyone to read this book. Dr. Kengor
has covered the spiritual side of President Reagan and his constant, faithful efforts to share the Gospel with all within the sound of his voice. Mr. Reagan was an un-wavering apologist for the cause of Christ.
I believe everyone can learn much about having courage in the face of adversity when sharing our faith. After all, we are commanded by Jesus Christ to do just that.....

Thank you, Dr. Kengor, for capturing President Reagan's faith and strong optimism and love of Christ and this country. And thank GOD for Ronald Reagan....we need more leaders who are brave enough to follow his example.
Profile Image for Jason.
Author 1 book27 followers
May 17, 2008
There are plenty of books about Ronald Reagan, but few of them address the influence that Reagan's Christian faith had on him, his presidency, this nation, and the Cold War, and none of them like this book. This book is an essential part of understanding Reagan and understanding his view of and strategy in the Cold War. The chapter on the Moscow summit near the end of his presidency is great. The only downsides of this book are that it does get repetitive at points and is completely non-critical (e.g., when Reagan's ecumenism watered down truth).
Profile Image for Jeff.
343 reviews7 followers
July 30, 2011
This extensively foot-noted book gives real insight into what made Ronald Reagan tick. I knew his faith seemed to ground him in many ways, but I didn't realize how deeply his faith impacted his life and decisions, and how far back his Christian roots went. A very helpful book to read in understanding the Reagan years, especially his campaign to help bring Communism to an end, highlighting his spiritual motivation for this over any political motivation. Nice to read about a leader who has a sense of mission, purpose and calling beyond simply getting himself elected!
323 reviews3 followers
January 16, 2019
This book told of how Ronald Reagan’s life remained true to his simple Christian beliefs,he learned from his mother, to lead this country thru ending the Cold War, Berlin Wall removal, an assassination attempt, multiple foreign summits etc. He did all this from the belief God directed his life. I lived thru his presidency so this book was very interesting as I remembered some of the history but never knew how profoundly his faith guided him. An excellent read from a faith as well as a history point of view. Would recommend highly.
Profile Image for Amy.
120 reviews15 followers
February 3, 2011
The premise of the book is very interesting, although not original. I found it to be a bit scattered, and was disappointed by the lack of fresh ideas in the piece. Great for anyone who is clueless that Reagan was a religious man, but the author only sticks to his public statements and addresses, with little evidence that he actually put in the time at the Reagan Presidential Library looking through his papers to give his book the edge it needed.
Profile Image for Mitch.
7 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2014
I found this book to be a fair and honest review of Reagan's religious faith and how he applied to his policies as President. A bit tedious at times, this book is still a must-read for any student of Reagan, Presidential history, or the Cold War. The book addresses the claims that Nancy influenced President Reagan's policies with her astrological beliefs and discusses the impact (or lack thereof) this aspect of Nancy's life had of the Gipper.
Profile Image for Lisa.
230 reviews
November 21, 2012
All of the Reagan bios I have been reading mention Reagan's religious views, but this is the only one that explores where his convictions came from. Kengor describes how Nelle Reagan and their church gave young Reagan the opportunities to learn, serve, lead, and even teach others. After Kengor's description, I found a copy of "That Printer of Udell's" and read it. I'm hoping to read Whittaker Chambers' "Witness" one of these days too.
Profile Image for Anna.
133 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2018
I grew up during the Reagan years. I loved him then. I love him more now. God and Ronald Reagan gives the history and reasoning behind much of what Reagan said during his presidency and famous speeches. The Evil Empire speech was discussed in detail, as was Reagan’s personal faith in Christ and his view that Christianity is a religion that is meant to be worked out in practical ways. Very inspirational and faith building. And very well written. I loved it.
Profile Image for Sarah.
138 reviews
February 22, 2012
I don't care for biographies; I prefer fiction to non-fiction. However, this book was assigned to me in my undergraduate history class and I really enjoyed it! It is very well-written and entertaining, inspiring and honest. It made me rethink a lot of things I had previously thought about congressmen and provided some great insight into such an amazing president.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
76 reviews
May 11, 2015
Enjoyed this book about Reagan and God. Although it should REALLY be called "God, Russia and Ronald Reagan." It starts when Reagan was young and speaks about his faith and where it initiated and how it grew. A great deal of the book reveals how his view of the USSR was shaped by his faith and how he wanted to bring the USSR back to God. Very good book!!
Profile Image for Richard Knobloch.
78 reviews3 followers
October 4, 2015
Great insight on a great man

This book tells Reagan's religious roots and describes how he used God to not only obtain the presidency, but to end communism in Soviet Russia. Great book with great references. A must read for anyone interested in learning who Reagan really was.
533 reviews4 followers
October 12, 2016
What a great book on the spiritual life of a great man. Reagan was great because he was a strong Christian. He knew Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour and he was strong and firm in that belief all of his life. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Gina Herald.
77 reviews3 followers
April 19, 2011
One of my personal heroes. I enjoyed reading about how Ronald Reagan's faith guided his life from his boyhood through the presidency of the United States.
11 reviews
June 7, 2012
We sure could use another Reagan right now!!! A man for all seasons and all people.
Profile Image for Jeff.
5 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2012
Well researched and presented case for a private and not widely known but almost intuitively understood reason for the goodness and decency and clear sense of purpose behind the man.
Profile Image for Rick Hogaboam.
84 reviews
February 18, 2014
A most interesting biography of Reagan and his faith - and how it informed his political engagement, namely his fight against communism.
Profile Image for Patrick.
26 reviews
June 26, 2013
The Driving Force and Inspiration behind the Life of Reagan....God is first....From Start to Finish...A life driven by that Greater Power....Through HIM, with HIM, and in HIM !!!!
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