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Steal You Away

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She belongs to my brother…

I’ve stood back for years watching Dax repeatedly screw things up with Kennedy, as if he doesn’t think anyone could ever swoop in and steal her away.

Breakup after breakup, they always end up back together, even though I’ve always had a thing for her. I’m tired of waiting. He had his chance.

I want mine.

When Dixie’s Alibi — her Grandmother’s bar — needs a new cook for the food truck, I jump at the opportunity, despite the fact that Kennedy Ward hates me. At least, she pretends she does. We both know she secretly wants me and always has.

One way or another, I will get her to finally admit it, even if it involves losing my brother. I plan to play dirty — real dirty — just like he did.

This time I’m going to beat him at his own game. I wanted her first, and he knew that, but our age kept us apart. Not anymore.

Now, I’m grown and ready to take what should’ve been mine to begin with.

279 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 7, 2020

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About the author

Victoria Ashley

38 books5,369 followers
New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author

Hey everyone!! I'm the author of the Walk of Shame Series plus many other titles! If you're into reading about sexy, dirty talking alpha males then you're in the right place!!!

Any books listed under my name that aren't Romance do NOT belong to me! They just keep appearing under my name.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 486 reviews
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
January 7, 2023
reread 1/6/22: was this better the second time around? well no. but it was still entertaining as hell.

though i dabble in reading romance of all genres and tropes, i have pretty specific taste and this scratched an itch. i like messy angst filled forbidden drama.

fucking your shitty boyfriend's younger brother who has been pining for you for ages? yeah i'm very much into that. i stand by everything i said in my review below :)

the most fun i've had in a while

this isn't an award winner or a new favorite, but it was a genuinely good time. the description of this book and the lil tag line on the cover tell you exactly what it's going to be and it definitely delivered. seriously, it hits the ground running from the first page.

you're got a lil bit of an age gap with a younger dude (which is something i've only ever read once in romance) who has been pining for the heroine. some forced proximity. some ~forbidden~ aspects.

there are some things that prevent this from being rated higher from me and i'll be quick with letting you know what those were:

1. i had no expectations going in other than a steamy read so i was able to overlook some things that would be creepy irl. if you're not a big wattpad style story reader this might not be something you can easily overlook.

2. this book probably should have been a novella. i appreciate tension but the first 25% of this book were lead up enough to the relationship that happened. it leaned SO heavily into the boyfriend's brother trope that i don't think the change in tone at the 40% mark really worked for me.

3. if this book were going to really work as a full length novel, it needed a little more development and a little less will they won't they. we knew they were inevitable. i liked some of the tension. but i think some flashback scenes would have helped the story & explaining the "why" of their relationship. and maybe a few mentions of what the characters liked in each other besides "you were always mine" and "i had to have her the moment i saw her at age 12." idk... i just wanted more.

all of that to say: i still liked this. i flew through this book in a way i haven't flown through a book in a while. and it was hot! i'd definitely be interested to read more from this author for a fun escape.
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,954 followers
March 29, 2020

'STEAL YOU AWAY' Is a full length, standalone romance novel by Victoria Ashley. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

On again, off again sweet hearts Kennedy and Dax Bennett have been together since the age of sixteen, whilst she’s helping her best friend and Dax and Colson's sister pack up her room an altercation between Kennedy & Colson goes down, an unforgettable moment that plays like a stuck record round and round on her mind as the years speed by, one taste of him on her lips and she’s never forgotten the feelings he unleashed.

A few years pass where Coltson takes off and they don't have contact at all within that time.

NOW: Kennedy is set to take over her beloved Grandmother's bar as she takes a step back, it's something she's wanted to do, BUT one problem arisen, they are short one cook. Enter Colson who is back. And he's not holding back, he has a few tricks up his sleeve to try and claim something that he deems as his.

He's a forbidden temptation that she fights regularly. But what if something that feels so right could be so wrong, what if she’s with the wrong brother?

The sexual frustration and the angst that came with this was off the charts hot! This was the perfect distraction during my time in lock-down when I found my concentration levels floundering this took me away from the troubles of the world and kept me captivated throughout.

Profile Image for Crystal (Crystalreads2) .
916 reviews870 followers
August 20, 2020
Sweet Baby Jesus did I love this book. Steal her away is the first book I have read from this author, Will not be the last. From page one, I was sucked in and was team, Colson.

Kennedy has been dating Dax since she was sixteen. They have been on and off again several times. Dax's brother Colson has loved Kennedy since they where kids. He was friends with her first and wanted to be with her. Because of their age difference, he sat back to watch Dax date Kennedy and waited for his opportunity.

After an encounter With Kennedy and Colson, which was hot, Dax comes to Kennedy to get back together. Colson then takes off for two years.

Does it feel good to know you’re the first person to get a taste of me?” He grips my throat with his free hand and speaks close to my mouth. “Think about that later when you’re fucking yourself to thoughts of me. Not my brother.”

Kennedy is in the process of taking over her grandmother's bar, her grandmother tells her she hired a new cook for the food truck, and Kennedy already knows him and will have no problems handling him. She is in a shock of her life when she finds out it is Colson. Older, more muscles, and a mouth to boot. Colson is the whole package. From day one, she tries to hide her feelings for him. Colson is f from shy as to what his true intentions are.

”Maybe I missed you and decided it’s time I take you from my brother.”

Dax is my least favorite character in this book. Very immature and cares for only his feelings. Kennedy questions why she took Dax back two years ago on top of trying to stay away from Colson and to do what she thinks is right. But damn the chemistry between the two is off the charts. Kennedy didn’t put up with no crap from a Colson and, He didn’t quit. Colson did everything for her. His emotions were raw, wild, and fierce.

I could talk about this book forever. I highly recommend this book. It's a hot book.

Profile Image for The Book Bee.
568 reviews279 followers
April 20, 2020
"How can I push him away when all I want is to pull him toward me?"

I haven't read Victoria Ashley until NOW but I can honestly say that I am so glad I finally did. This was a whole new experience for me, not all good, but most definitely not all bad either. While the beginning started out a little rough for me, the final push to the end was actually my favorite part of the whole story and it made the entire book for me. I realize my review may sound critical but I ended up actually liking the book. I just hate that it took me a little too long to settle into it. I think there was a lot of give and take in this book. A lot of give on my end in the beginning because by the time I got to 49%, I was ready to walk away - it was going to be a DNF. I couldn't walk away, but I was ready to. Make no mistake on that difference - so that tells me something. That tells me a lot.

The basis for this book was absolute perfection for my little twisted heart. A woman belongs to another, yet she has feelings for the brother? I mean, c'mon!!! This was calling my name!!! I love the forbidden, the push and the pull, the feelings that are ones you just cannot fight. While this book did have some of those elements, if not all of them, there was more to it that made it harder to enjoy than it should have. I honestly think the major trip up I had was that it was reverse age-gap and those aren't always my favorite - but Colson made it work for me. He knew who held his heart. I'm glad because that confidence and arrogance played a huge part in this book.

Some of the things that I made note of:

There was a hysterical level of immaturity that I grappled with regarding both characters, which is a reason why I don't read this genre often. The internal monologue on both fronts was a little much and made her annoying and him slightly egotistical, both of them not being very relatable in the very beginning.

Kennedy being older definitely allowed for me to question some of her actions and common sense. I don’t understand how everyone else saw this attraction AND she clearly felt it, but also pretended not to know how much Colson liked her. So that drama felt completely unnecessary and it made her look like a ninny - I saw it as just another way to ramp up the drama for that scene. The dilemma of him being your boyfriend's younger brother alone ramped it up, but her pretending to not know, yet constantly fighting it, just gave me pause to roll my eyes a few times. Pretending not to know and not wanting to act on it are two totally different things, and this book had both. It felt unnecessary. I did enjoy the fact that she spent so much time in her head counting all the ways he was sexy and how much she hated him.... almost equally. It was comical to a certain degree.

"Who the hell has sex with their boyfriend while thinking about his brother?"

Add to it, Colson had a shit ton of confidence - there wasn't a real given reason for it, it just was. Confidence just oozed out of him in his thoughts, his actions, and in his determination because every girl wanted him and apparently every guy wanted to be him. He came across as narcissistic a few times, not really as a man that knew his worth and his value but assumed it. It’s wasn't sexy all the time, which dragged out his internal praising. Be humble because you know, don’t be an ass because everyone tells you that you are. I will admit that his banter and his comebacks were definitely sexy at times because of his confidence, but there is a fine line on some of them. It was a little boring reading the same mental mantra page after page, because he made mention a thousand different ways, but alas, it was who he was. It did add to his determination, though - and that was admirable. I won't lie that confidence is equal parts sexy and hot - but it has to be in the right context. I'm not saying it wasn't that way in this book, but some tweaking would have helped.

The fighting between Dax and Colson (the brothers) was pretty tiring to read about, honestly. They fought over her as if she was a piece of property and clearly couldn't make her own decision - and they did it right in front of her. That left a sour taste in my mouth, and I didn't really appreciate her standing by while they did it. These two morons were fighting like she wasn't accountable for her own thoughts and wants. It was almost ridiculous. One of them had to be more mature than the other given the ages they were, yet that seemed to be a problem for both of them. It really was frustrating to see. And to top it all off, Dax was a major douche with a drinking problem. To be honest, I wasn't even sure why there was competition. It made zero sense.

Unfortunately, the fighting didn't stop at his brother, because Colson also felt the need to fight with anyone who said something he didn't like - which added another level of immaturity to deal with. There was a factor that it played into, however, and that actually showed his determination with regards to Kennedy. I loved when he was around her because that man was driven to pleasing her and making her smile. I honestly think that's where he was redeemed.

The buildup really lacked for me in the beginning. Instead of something being built up to or upon, it was all told almost in hindsight. I felt like the entire story was being told to me - again, almost in hindsight, not truthfully in forethought. Why does he want her. Oh! They used to do this. Why does he believe she is his. Oh! They once shared this. HINDSIGHT. Write forward, don’t make me chase facts. I feel like the entire time a statement was made, we chased the background to add to it. Set it up, build it up - don’t catch me up. I want a level of background that gives me purpose to their relationship so I can fight for it with them.

Ok....now that I am done bitching, let me tell you what I loved about this book. The LAST 30% was amazing for me. The story came together and the characters were meshing well. The love was in abundance and the drama between them was legit and working towards the story and not against it. I think my favorite thing was that Victoria Ashley did an amazing job showing Colson's desperation for Kennedy and his need wasn't anything he could walk away from. I love when a strong, confident man can actually upend his life because his world runs his heart. Oh and because it was HOT! Holy shite. Hot. Colson had a swaggar to him that outdid his confidence by a mile. He was always on top of his game and had plenty to smile about. This book was all kinds of hot. I can and will say that much.

This animosity between the brothers made Colson shine though, because if one person was going to treat her the way she deserved to be treated and take care of her, it was going to be him. I will admit that Colson grew on me faster than Kennedy did, but by the time this story was over, I was in love with the way he made her feel and the way he took care of her. He paid attention to who she was and what she liked. I just loved that he always put her first. Always. I can honestly say I loved that she was his priority. The way he sold it and the way he made her realize that he was there for her, that melted my heart. That endeared me to him. I watched him put her first and put her on the pedestal he felt she deserved. So admirable. Definitely made me {{sigh}} a few times.

In the end, Colson's overconfidence and strength in his belief that Kennedy was his one true love is what made me smile and keep pushing through this book. To top it all off, her smile blossomed and she had a true sense of happiness when she was with him. So even though some things were frustrating, I couldn’t stop reading. The flow worked and I found myself reading late into the night. I wanted to keep reading it and I wanted to see how it worked out. I wanted to see how they came together, so that says something, a lot even - but doesn’t negate the frustration, hence my rating.

While I may have struggled with some aspects of this book - the give and take, per se, I will most definitely read her again....without a doubt. She can obviously tell me a story, a hot one at that. I'm hoping the drama isn't prevalent in all the books but was due to their age and immaturity, but again - she can write and she can keep me entertained, which is obviously the ultimate goal in this whole experience.

"It was us before it was anyone else."

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Profile Image for agustina.
8 reviews
June 6, 2020
How this book has so many 5 stars is beyond me. It was creepy from beginning to end. All I could think about while I read it was how desperately I wanted Kennedy to get the fuck out of that town and stay away from that family that CLEARLY NEEDS some therapy sessions.

The whole book is Colson (our Nice Guy) being an egocentric ass who talks about sex CONSTANTLY. Like we get it ??? can you stop being an hormonal teenager for like two seconds please ??

I swear if y'all ACTUALLY met someone like Colson or the other brother (I don't remember his name lmao) you'd hate them instantly or maybe get them a restraining order. I never write reviews 'cause english isn't my first language but I NEEDED to get this off my chest. There's more I'd like to say but I feel like I'm writing everything wrong lol.
Profile Image for Tricia Bartley.  #AuthorStalker.
1,283 reviews99 followers
March 30, 2020

Somebody send a fire extinguisher cuz this books is fucken HAWT!!!

Let me tell you, if you are a huge fan of Victoria Ashley's books, then you know that her books will definitely make your Kindle's spontaneously combust cuz they are that dayummm HAWT!! I love LOVE LOVE when she has a new release cuz I know I am in for one smoken hot.. ass read!! Get your one click fingers ready, but I want you to know that Colson is mine, mine, MINE I tell ya!! lol

Kennedy is staying at her besties house due to they were about to move in together. The only thing is, the bestie has 2 hot ass brothers. One of them, Kennedy had been dating off and on and he wasn't the perfect boyfriend and the other was younger, and he was definitely the hotter of the two. Kennedy knew she didn't need to mess with the younger brother, but it didn't hurt to look right?? lol

Ohhh but then the bestie had a date, Kennedy told her friend to go on, she promised she would just stay locked up in her bedroom catching up on some shows.....

Well..., you know she had to venture out sometime....right y'all??? haha

Here comes the beginning of some HAWT ass scenes that will stay with you forever. I am telling y'all, that Ashley is sooo badd ass at writing these romance scenes and paired with the story of her Alpha men...gahhh I can't get enough!!! The banter and the push and pull is some of my FAV!!!!

Thank you for another 5 Star Read Victoria Ashley!!!

Sorry y'all, I can't share anything else, just make sure you one click on release day and find out for yourself how Amazing this book is!!!
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,062 reviews826 followers
April 6, 2020
Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy at no cost from the publisher/author. All opinions in my review are my own.

This book was so fantastic! Holy hotness, this book kept me on my toes. It was so addicting!

I have never read anything from this author before but she is definitely on my radar now. I really loved her writing style. The narration was crafted beautifully with a smooth flow that felt so natural.

These characters were plotted out really well. The main characters have a history with each other and it makes the entire story feel so emotional. You can feel the emotion in the characters. They were easy to relate to and I felt such a connection to them. The characters felt so realistic and I loved that their problems weren't black and white. I loved the growth that the characters experienced in the story. I was also thrilled with the secondary characters and I can only hope that the author decides to share their stories at some point in the future.

The romance in this story was so emotional and so impactful. The shared history that the main characters have together really makes their feelings for each other intense. I was really rooting for them the whole time. Their chemistry was evident from a mile away.

The plot of the story wasn't overly complex but there was definitely a lot of drama. There were emotions flying everywhere and the intensity of the story was palpable. I really loved the direction that the story took and I was pleased with the ending. This story definitely keeps the reader glued to the pages. I really couldn't get enough of these characters and this story.

Overall, this was an emotional and steamy read that really stood out to me. I loved every word of this story and I fell so in love with the author's writing style. These are characters that I don't want to let go of. I can't wait for the next book from this author! She's definitely got a new fan.

More reviews on my blog: Novel Nerd Faction
Profile Image for Paperback Princess.
992 reviews70 followers
April 26, 2020
DNF somewhere in the middle...

I really wanted to love Steal You Away because I love this author but if I had to read how “hot” the hero was one more time I was gonna smack myself with this book. Then there’s the whole younger brother wanting his older brothers girlfriend thing...sigh!!! Surprisingly enough that’s not what bothered me..it really felt like neither of them gave a shit about her and that it was more like a pissing contest between them. All three of these characters were immature as hell and I just come to realize this book is not for me unfortunately.
Profile Image for MissPetiteBrunetteBookBlog.
1,150 reviews226 followers
March 26, 2020
Colson Bennett’s brothers loss is his gain...He Hopes! Kennedy Ward has been on and off with Dax Bennett forever. Kennedy is trying to run her grandmother’s bar & food truck, Dixie’s Alibi, but finds herself short a cook. Too bad for her the one that gets hired is her ex’s sexy & infuriating little brother, Colson, who is back in town. She says she cannot stand him but is that really true? Colson always had a thing for Kennedy but she was off limits. Now that they will be working in such close quarters will things change between them? She is trying to make it work with Dax but can she ignore her true feelings? Colson is a delicious specimen of a wicked man! The chemistry and banter is so well written and off the charts. Kennedy better buy a chastity belt to protect her from this one. I think I need a cold shower. This is a fabulous and tempting read. It has been a while since I smirked so much reading a book. Told in dual POV

📷 Teaser Collage by Miss Petite Brunette Book Blog
Profile Image for Kerry Fletcher.
582 reviews7 followers
April 7, 2020
Holy throat grabbing hotness! Sex on a skateboard. Cocky cook. Sultry life long stalker. All the smoking hot things! Colson is life! 🔥

Read this book in a day. I refused to go to sleep before i had finished. It took hold of me and refused to let me go! Bloody loved it! Once again Victoria Ashley brought all the heat!

Kennedy is about to take over her grandmothers bar. It's something she's always wanted. Two weeks before this is due to happen her grandmother hires her boyfriends younger brother who has whooshed back into town after being away for a few years. Kennedy always found him tempting even though he's younger than her. Now he's all grown up he sets her on fire. She knows she's drawn to him but because shes dating his brother he's a no go zone. Ever.

Colson has been waiting for his time to get Kennedy for years. His brother doesn't treat her right. They keep having breaks. He knows his time has come to get his girl. Nothing will stop him. She was his from the start he just needs her to realize it. He's relentless in his pursuit. He will never give up.

Kennedy struggles with the consequences of her feelings for Colson. Who is she going to choose? Comfortable Dex or exciting Colson?

Freaking loved it so bad! Engrossed from the start i just refused to put it down till the end! Loved the whole push and pull, well lots of pushing from Colson anyway lol. The story had me excited and the anticipation nearly killed me but it was sooo very worth it.

Colson is quite possibly Victoria Ashley's hottest hero! Even hotter than Slade! If he threw anymore heat off the pages i would have needed the Fire Department to put me out! I mean not gonna lie he borders on stalker, but what a stalker to have! His dedication to Kennedy is swoony, his words will have you loosening the clothing round your neck, the way he looks will ignite the spark and the absolute certainty of his feelings will burn you like an inferno! I just loved everything about him!

I really felt for Kennedy. I mean what a predicament to be in. I did feel her angst over the situation, she had been with Dax for years and their sister is her best friend so i get why she was torn. She didn't want to be the cause of family rifts but.. i swear if it was me... i would have junk punched Dax in a heartbeat n run off with Colson into the sunset! But that's me lol She's obviously a much nicer girl.

I loved them together. The absolute joy you will feel when it finally gets to the end will give you the biggest smile! It was perfect!

Loved every word, the balance with the push and pull was perfect. Not too much, just enough to grip you. The heat level was hotter than hell! Victoria Ashley knows how to get you all hot and bothered. Just brilliantly written i can't fault a thing.

Gotta be top of my reads this year! Highly recommend! Loved! 😍
Profile Image for Cara.
1,645 reviews
April 18, 2020
Colson’s Over the top, all consuming obsession and love for Kennedy, from the time they had been kids, was fascinating for a while. But his pull and Kennedy’s pushing away got pretty repetitive and boring after a while. Nothing much else happened in the story, so it was just scenes and dialogue over and over until they finally got together. All the cigarette and joint smoking in this one was a turn off.
Profile Image for Gracie.
177 reviews77 followers
April 25, 2020
Don't know how to feel about this book.
The amount of immaturity these characters carry is insane. Dax and Colson were annoying; they always argued about Kennedy. I was like, boys come on! You don't own her.
Profile Image for Tiff.
489 reviews51 followers
April 23, 2022
When looking for my next read, I decided I wanted something with a Jerry Springer feel to it (if ya know, ya know!). Then I saw this book and thought, perfect!

Kennedy has been best friends with Blair for most of her life. She’s been on again, off again with Blaire’s older brother, Dax. But the entire time Blaire’s younger brother, Colson, has been in love with Kennedy. Colson has no doubt in his mind that Kennedy is it, but because he’s three years younger than her he decides to wait, giving his brother Dax the perfect opportunity to swoop in and claim her for himself.

Now that he’s older, and Dax keeps messing up, Colson decides to steal his Kennedy away from his brother.

This was almost a four star book for me. It’s like a 3.95, right on the edge! I just feel like something was missing. The first half of the book felt like an enemies to lovers. Colson was cocky to, and crowding, Kennedy. Colson didn’t gain my support until later in the book. I was completely blind to Kennedy and Colson’s bond that they had, and I wish that there were flashback chapters showing how close they used to be, because according to the story, they were like best friends, and I’d loved to have seen it.

I also wish we saw more of Dax and the ways the him and Kennedy were ill fitted. I feel like Dax was just a background character letting it all just happen, but he was also passionate in his possession of Kennedy. I wanted to dislike Dax, but in the end all I could hold against him was that he was mediocre. That was probably the authors intent, but I’m looking for Jerry Springer up in here!

The second half of the book was better than the first, in my opinion. Colson’s character really came out to shine and I loved him for it. At times it felt a little corny, but I ate it up.

This was a fun time! It gave a bit of drama and I enjoyed it. It’s not a new fave, but I liked it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jen (jensdreamylittlereads).
903 reviews108 followers
April 9, 2020
Victoria Ashley brings out the heat and angst to epic levels in Steal You Away. A best friends little brother romance with a twist. The angst and sexual tension was in this is completely off the charts hot and I loved every moment!

Colson and Kennedy’s story is captivating, steamy, emotional and angsty. The push and pull between these two was intense and their chemistry was on fire. I adored how much Colson had loved her from afar for years.

I loved this book. Victoria Ashley has a way with words in creating characters that pull you in and hooks you into their story, and makes you feel. Hot chemistry, angst and a sexy man who is willing to do whatever is necessary to claim the woman who has always had his heart made this a riveting and entertaining read.
Profile Image for Greta.
459 reviews
April 28, 2020
It was us before it was anyone else.

Ho bisogno di un Colson nella mia vita, un hero così perfetto non lo leggevo da secoli, ha tutto ciò che mi piace in un uomo, sopratutto sa cucinare divinamente. Uomini così non esistono neanche morti.

Anche la storia mi è piaciuta tanto, sin dall'inizio sappiamo che Kennedy è fidanzata da tantissimi anni con Dax - il fratello maggiore di Colson - e Colson è sempre stato innamorato di lei, ma il fratello, essendo sempre in rivalità l'uno con l'altro, gli ha soffiato la possibilità di stare insieme a lei e da lì è nata una sorta di guerra fra i due. Ma Colson non ha mai smesso di essere innamorato di Kennedy e ora che è in crisi con Dax fa di tutto per rubargliela. E ci riesce eccome, io ero un cioccolatino sciolto al sole perchè quel ragazzo è TUTTO, davvero, è fantastico.

Adoro i triangoli e anche questa parte è stata strutturata bene, c'è il forbidden, le scene steamy che ti fanno un po' aspettare ma quando arrivano, wow!
Scrittura semplice e deliziosa quella di Victoria Ashley, le cinque stelline più facili della mia vita.
Profile Image for Annie Emerson.
27 reviews8 followers
April 9, 2020
’Steal You Away’


She belongs to my brother…⠀⠀⠀
I’ve stood back for years watching Dax repeatedly screw things up with Kennedy, as if he doesn’t think anyone could ever swoop in and steal her away.⠀⠀⠀
Breakup after breakup, they always end up back together, even though I’ve always had a thing for her. I’m tired of waiting. He had his chance.⠀⠀⠀
I want mine.⠀⠀⠀
When Dixie’s Alibi — her Grandmother’s bar — needs a new cook for the food truck, I jump at the opportunity, despite the fact that Kennedy Ward hates me. At least, she pretends she does. We both know she secretly wants me and always has.⠀⠀⠀
One way or another, I will get her to finally admit it, even if it involves losing my brother. I plan to play dirty — real dirty — just like he did. This time I’m going to beat him at his own game.⠀⠀⠀
I wanted her first, and he knew that, but our age kept us apart.⠀⠀⠀
Not anymore.⠀⠀⠀
Now, I’m grown and ready to take what should’ve been mine to begin with.⠀⠀⠀

•• REVIEW ••

Steal You Away, is my type of angst. Straight up wanting with no apology.

Colson comes off cocky. But as I read further into the back story, I got the cocky and was all for it.

”There’s nothing wrong with me touching myself for you, Kennedy.”

He runs his bottom lip over my ear, causing goose bumps to break out over my entire body.

”I won’t tell anyone you enjoyed it if you don’t. My brother never has to know… unless you want him to.”

Fuck me.

Kennedy is the older girl (couple years, nothing crazy) who is dating Colsons older brother Dax. She’s the girl that Colson has had his eye on for from a young age. They were great friends and spent loads of time skateboarding together. Colson's set from the get go that she would be his girl, he just had to bide his time until the age gap closed a little.

A young Colson, tells his big brother Dax that one day Kennedy would be his. Fast forward to Dax being a compete dick.

Kennedy had openly found Dax attractive and Dax decided to take advantage of the fact and ask her out.

Dax had never shown interest in Kennedy before but asks her out to spite his little brother, just to show him he could. Dick.

The rest they say is history.
Until it's not.

One encounter during another Dax & Kennedy ”break,” has Colson putting his foot in the ring and unashamedly stepping in to fight.

”... We should just do each other a favor and touch each other.”

It’s his turn to play dirty.
It's his turn to convince Kennedy that she was always meant to be his.
It's Colsons turn to right a wrong and prove to Kennedy, completely, unashamedly and with no fear, that they are inevitable.

Victoria Ashley is one of my favourite authors, hands down. She does angst the way I like it. Rough, dirty and unapologetic. She doesn't hold back when it comes to her characters and I love her dialogue.

I loved how I came to love Colsons unapologetic love for Kennedy. Like I said, he's cocky AF in the beginning, but he’s fought for this girl, cared for her and respected her for years without her knowing.

With most things though, light begins to shine on the truth and Kennedy has a choice... Be brave or stay stuck. Either way, neither Bennett brother is willing to give up pulling her in opposing directions.

Kennedy is a strong female character. Even though she has feelings that push and pull in both directions, she doesn't necessarily let these two Bennett brothers get away with their alpha angst, and has the balls to push back.

I loved this book, I adore this writer. She deserves more attention than she gets and she is a top five One-Click wonder author.

Check out Steal You Away today and be prepared to have the tingles in all the places. ALL THE PLACES!

”You don’t think I’m capable of doing that and making you scream in the bedroom? You really have no idea how good I’d treat you if you were mine. There are so many things I’d do for you and to you. After all this time, you clearly underestimate my feelings for you.”

Profile Image for brayshaw_love.
359 reviews34 followers
March 27, 2020
Steal You Away by Victoria Ashley is a sizzling slowburn romance that will have you wishing for your own Colson Bennett (good cook and sinfully hot skateboarder, what more could you ask for... did I mention he is all about making sure her every need is met, both in and out of the bedroom). I could not put this book down once I started reading. Colson is wild and unpredictable in the lengths he will go to win Kennedy's heart. He is such an intense character and you can literally feel his heartbreak over missing out on his chance to be with the only girl he's ever loved. Kennedy allowed herself to give up things she loved in order to keep Dax Bennett happy, which only resulted in her own unhappiness. Can she break free from the situation she's in and take a risk, or will she sacrifice her own happiness and continue to ignore her true feelings.... you'll have to read it to find out for yourself.
I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa  ❤️ bookaddict_fanatic .
1,045 reviews103 followers
June 1, 2020
I've loved every book that I've read from Victoria Ashley and this book was absolutely no exception! Steal You Away is angsty, raw, sexy, hot as hell and really, how could you go wrong with the swoon-worthiness that is Colson Bennett! What do you do when your older brother is dating the girl of your dreams, knowing you wanted her from the beginning? You STEAL HER AWAY, of course! If you love a bestfriends brother romance, you'll most definitely want to read this one!
Profile Image for All Booked Out.
464 reviews23 followers
April 7, 2020

Victoria Ashley is a new to me author and holy smokes can she write a steamy, angsty and beautiful story! Steal You Away has a little bit of everything from an ex’s brother, friends to lovers, best friend’s brother, and even a little bit of a forbidden romance.

Colson has been in love with Kennedy from the moment he first saw her. Unfortunately for him, she choices his brother. Finally getting his chance, he stops at nothing to lower her defences and take what he has always wanted. God, I loved him so much. He’s protective, an alpha and always puts Kennedy before others, even himself and he cooks and is a dirty talker. I mean seriously, what isn’t to love about him.

Kennedy has been in a toxic relationship for almost a decade but when Colson steps up and makes his feelings and desire known, she begins to question her feelings and emotions and her happiness. It was so hard to see her battle with her shame, guilt and conflicting feelings towards the two brothers.

Colson and Kennedy’s sexual tension is steamy and all consuming, but they also share such a beautiful friendship that when the two collide, neither can control their desires, wants and needs. The two share similar passions, support each other’s decisions and dreams wholeheartedly and are just like two jigsaw puzzles that fit together perfectly.

Overall a fantastic read and I’m really hoping that Blaire gets her own story.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Amy [Book Addict Reviews].
2,411 reviews172 followers
April 5, 2020
Kennedy and Colson were best friends growing up. However, things shifted when she started dating his older brother. Colson saw her first, he wanted her, but his brother, Dax, stole her from him. He took away his chance to make Kennedy his. Kennedy and Dax have been on and off for years, really they never seemed to fit together. Will Colson ever get his chance the girl of his dreams?

Kennedy is working hard to take over her grandmother’s bar, only to find out Colson is back and her grandmother hired him to work in the food truck right outside the bar. This is where the fun begins and Colson starts to act on his plan to steal Kennedy away from his brother.

I loved the chemistry and the banter between Kennedy and Colson. It was there from the very beginning and only seemed to grow. Colson would do anything he could to get under Kennedy’s skin and it worked most of the time. It was off the charts! Colson knows what he wants and he is doing anything and everything he can to finally get it. Colson is Kennedy’s forbidden temptation and she is slowly getting closer to giving into those temptations.

Steal You Away is HOT, angsty and a great forbidden little treat.
4 reviews
April 1, 2020
Colson Bennett... COLSON FRICKIN BENNETT!! Damn i think I need a cold shower after that amazing book 🥵
Holy hotness this book gave me all the feels. I fell in love with the characters straight away. 12% in I wanted to marry colson. He was cheeky, playful and always teasing Kennedy. And dayyuuum let’s not forget about his dirty mouth 😏
He was determined and he fought like helI for what he wanted. I loved how he never gave up and pushed all of Kennedy’s buttons. She tried hard to hide her feeling but they where always there. There chemistry and love for each other was beautiful. There like a power couple and they skate together. Totally awesome.

Victoria Ashley has done it again. She is such an amazing writer. This is one of my most favourite books to have read this year and I’ll definitely have a re-read!!

LOOOOOVEEEEDD and 100% recommended 🖤
Profile Image for Lindsey King.
842 reviews31 followers
March 29, 2020
I’m lucky enough to get all of V’s books! Huge fan and even better than that she’s an amazing friend. I have devoted her words for years so when she started this one I got hyped! So excited that she was writing and getting back in her groove. Kennedy and Colson were super hot from the beginning to the end. I loved their chemistry and the angst. The back and forth had me frustrated and ready to throw my kindle. But the ending was soooo worth it! I loved the way the story came out and every up and down in between. Colson is hotter than hot and he knows what he wants. And for damn sure he isn’t afraid to go after it. Victoria writes epic alpha males that make you swoon and your heart skip a beat. Loved this one hard! Great job V!!!
Profile Image for Donna.
76 reviews
March 29, 2020
I’m an avid Victoria Ashley reader and she just continues to take it to the next level. Colson is the ultimate book boyfriend. #ColsonisMINE
64 reviews6 followers
March 26, 2020
Once again, not that iam surprised. Victoria NAILED IT.
The angst, the tears and lawd have mercy the dirty talk and sex. I mean every book just keeps getting better. Hope the sister gets a book. Hint hint
Profile Image for Hart's Reader Group.
849 reviews39 followers
March 26, 2020
I have gobbled up every Victoria Ashley book and have loved them all, so when I was offered an ARC of Steal You Away I was ecstatic. Then...I started reading it and my excitement died a slow death.

This book lacks all the emotional and sensory depth of her other books. So much TELLING and very little showing. By the time the HEA came around, I wasn't really convinced Kennedy actually loved anyone but herself. She was CONFUSED and BITCHY the whole damn book. She spent 90% of the book pushing Colson away because she couldn't wrap her mind around something as simple as being attracted to her on/off again boyfriend's brother. There was so much time and energy lost in Kennedy being a hay-brained harpy that there wasn't enough time and energy to devote to making the connection between Colson and Kennedy feel real. Yeah, they were friends as kids, but that never translated into any kind of emotional connection--at least one that felt like it could withstand years of banging the hero's brother.

All in all, this book was a disappointment. However, I will read whatever Victoria writes because I know she can do better than this.
May 6, 2020
Okay, so first of all, I neeeeeeeeeeeeed me a Colson Bennett. Like wow, does the man know how to not give up on what he wants... and what he wants? His older brother’s on again/off again girlfriend, Kennedy. The kicker is that he was in love with Kennedy first and while he may have sat back the last several years, he’s done waiting now.

I definitely fell for Colson. His persistence and willingness to fight for Kennedy until the end was something and it was obvious from the get go that he should have been the only choice.

I wish we could have seen more angst and more conflict between Colson and Kennedy, but I suppose Colson paid his dues. The characters were fun and I overall it’s an enjoyable light read.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,106 reviews32 followers
April 18, 2020
I didn’t like this story at all. Very immature dialog. I skimmed a lot. Colson & Dax are both assholes with short tempers. They enjoy pissing each other off whenever their around Kennedy. Colson was the bad boy and it drove me crazy how many times we have to be reminded about all the girls in town wanting him. I also didn’t like him constantly biting & grabbing Kennedys neck.
Profile Image for Alecia (The Staircase Reader).
1,062 reviews71 followers
April 7, 2020
Steal You Away is a standalone contemporary Romance by Victoria Ashely. This novel is also told from both Kennedy and Colson’s point of views. 

Kennedy is stuck in a rut. Not only is she working her ass off to prove to her grandmother (Dixie) she’s ready to be the bar manager, She’s also realizing her eight year relationship to Dax is slowly sinking down the drain. But what bothers her even more is the fact she can’t seem to stop staring at Colson, Dax’s younger brother…. And Colson can’t stop staring back.

Colson has loved Kennedy for as long as he can remember. But given the fact he’s a few years younger than her, he decided to wait until he was older to tell her how he felt. Too bad his big brother caught wind of his crush and decided to swoop in and sweep her off her feet before Colson could. Colson is waiting in the shadows, biding his time and waiting for Dax to screw up. He told himself he would give Dax one more chance to rewrite his wrongs before he was coming in and making Kennedy the person she was meant to be, his. 

Now Colson is back from California, and Kennedy’s guard is slowly being lowered. Will she give in to temptation or will she play the safe route and stay with Dax…. The ball is in her court.

My Thoughts:

I went into Steal You Away the way I normally go into a novel written by Victoria Ashley, completely unknowing of the content that is hidden within the pages. All I knew was a woman was about to get down and dirty with her boyfriend’s younger brother. And usually with a theme such as this one, there is room for loads of drama. You all know I’m all about the drama! I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this story. And after reading it, I have to say, Victoria Ashley did not disappoint!! I want more Colson and Kennedy!!!

Colson…. Colson…. Colson…. This man made my heart swoon. He was everything a book boyfriend should be and so much more. I couldn’t get enough. From his alphamale ways and his skater boy appeal, everything about him captured my attention. Victoria Ashley sure knows how to create sexy bad boys with a heart of gold. 

At times I was annoyed with Kennedy’s character and her wishy washy attitude. Being on the outside of this book and looking in, I just wanted this woman to wise up and pick Colson. I didn’t like her and Dax together, everything was forced with them whereas with Colson everything came easy. They didn’t have to work at it. So basically I was Team Colson from the start!

I loved how sexy this book was. The sexual tension could set a kindle on fire! Colson is sex on legs, and I loved the fact that this sexy man wasn’t a manwhore! Most times with tropes such as this one, the man waits for the woman to get the hint and while she’s thinking things through he goes off and sows his wild oats, leaving the readers to question his feelings.

Colson is an open book when it comes to his feelings for Kennedy. He’s not afraid to put it all out there in the open and show everyone that he loves this girl. I actually respected his character more for being true to himself and not settling.

Now onto why I rated this book the way I did. The only reason why I rated this novel a four instead of a full five star rating is due to the fact I wanted a bit more feeling and emotion from Kennedy. I wanted to feel the moments and the angst when she realized her relationship was over. I wanted tears! I wanted to ugly cry for and with Kennedy, and that just didn’t happen with this novel. 

Overall, I really enjoyed Steal You Away by Victoria Ashley! I loved the romance, the friendships, and all of the relationships surrounding this novel. I loved the overall vibe. 



Find me here:
The Staircase Reader
Profile Image for Aundi Living That Book Life.
689 reviews61 followers
March 29, 2020
5 Fated Crowns

Victoria Ashley Slayed this Enemies to Lovers/Brother’s Girlfriend Taboo Romance. From start to finish this book is chock full of heart aching angst and hotter than sin sexual tension that will melt your Kindle. I simply could not get enough of this angsty perfection!

The Bennett brothers are going to ruin me if I let them, but I’m not sure I’m strong enough to stop them.

Colson and Kennedy are Flawless, their chemistry is off the charts hot. You can physically feel the tension between them every time they’re in the same room together, growing and expanded filling every crevice with them. That next level tension build-up is enough to have you breathless just waiting for the moment when they can’t fight it anymore and succumb to their need for each other. And let me tell you when that happens you are going to need to take a cold shower to calm your racing heart!!!

His sexy mouth controlling mine, nibbling and sucking at just the right moments as if he knows when I’m about to moan for him. He’s ruining me for all other men, right here, right now.

Colson is my new book boyfriend. This man is Alpha Possessive in the best freaking way. And does all he can to let Kennedy know how he feels about her. He doesn’t let up one iota no matter how much she pushes him away. This man is dangerous, he knows what he wants, and he goes for it! One of the things I loved most about Colson is that he shows Kennedy all the way’s he’s been paying attention to her over the years. Every time she said something or loved something he remembers. He remembers her favorite foods and music and goes out of his way to prove to her how right he is for her. Every time he did something like this my heart would ache with how adorable it is. Who doesn’t want someone who’s spent years watching you and learning every single aspect of you, so that they can treat you the way you deserve to be treated (Swooning all over the damn place).

I’m his and I think I always have been in some way. Now I just want him to be mine.

I loved every bit of this book; the angst and tension were the perfect balance that had me devouring this book from Cover to Cover in one sitting. I could not wait to find out what was going to happen next furiously speeding through the pages. Victoria will have you falling in love with Colson and his Cocky way’s immediately, there’s no way to fight against it, you will love every aspect of this man. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride because this one is filled to the brim with all the tension you and your Kindle can handle and enough steam to melt the pages.

Voluntarily Reviewed an Advanced Complimentary Copy
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