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Call of the Night #2

よふかしのうた 2 [Yofukashi no Uta 2]

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ふたり たのし よふかし青春ラブストーリー、第2巻!

192 pages, Paperback

First published February 18, 2020

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Profile Image for Beth.
1,213 reviews179 followers
July 25, 2022
As often happens with manga serializations, the first volume of Call of the Night spent a number of chapters establishing its central situations, and felt a bit tentative in places. This volume solidified the series' tone and focus in a satisfying way.

"The call of the night" has a few connotations now: Nazuna and the vampire life; sexuality and sex work (whether obliquely or overtly); drinking and parties; deserted, empty streets where you can stand in the middle of the road without danger.

There are some minor wobbles that keep this from quite getting full marks. We see the lure of the night without much of its negative side, for one--especially when it comes to the ability of women to move about without interference or outright predation. Kiyohomi's story at the end of the volume doesn't sugarcoat how oppressive Japanese office life can be for a woman who doesn't already have the protection of a male partner, and I imagine author Kotoyama will not stop there. It isn't an omission so much as something they haven't gotten around to yet, I think.

I'm not thrilled that the main point of view character is fourteen years old. I understand "why Ko" versus, say, somebody a few years older, though. He can observe night life as an outsider, can be thrown (sometimes literally!) into various situations without fully understanding what the repercussions are, which adds to the comedic effect. Especially true as he bounces off Nazuna, who may or may not have a greater understanding of adult subjects, but also has her own naivete and shortcomings. I was mistaken in my review of v. 1 when I thought that Ko might be asexual. As of this volume, it's evident that isn't the case, but he does indeed seem to be aromantic. Either way, I am completely disinterested in exploring the sexual feelings of a 14-year-old. Blech.

This is quite funny and I was surprised to find how emotionally affecting the last episode in this volume was. The fanservice is mildly annoying, but I've absolutely seen worse. With its unique feeling and outlook--which also doesn't stray too too far from the manga ideal of a central cast who meet each other by chance and support each other through thick and thin--I can easily understand why it was chosen to be adapted into an anime. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews104 followers
June 10, 2021
This was honestly just really cute and really fun, I liked it more than I did when I read it as scans before and I can’t wait for volume 3! It’s just so easy to readddd
Profile Image for Irene ➰.
885 reviews85 followers
August 1, 2023

I didn't enjoy this as much as the first one but it was still fun to read.
I have to say this one was a little bit heavier and it took me quite a few time to finish it.

There's not very much of a plot development in here but we do get a few more characters that look interesting so far and I'm very curious to see how the author will include them in the next volume.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
June 15, 2021
Ko and Nozuna are back exploring the city after dark. Turns out that there’s a lot of mischief two friends can get up to when there’s nobody around, which is to say nothing of how strange it gets when other people are added into the mix.

Is this story an after dark travelogue or the tale of a depressed kid taking a different path in life? Maybe it’s both, maybe it’s a love story, maybe it’s the story of two people who don’t know exactly what they want spending time together. You can interpret Call of the Night any number of ways right now and I kind of like that.

I mean, Ko’s straight up running from a life where nobody seems to give a crap about anything he does (how is he fourteen and dropped out of school and nobody notices!?), but for all her supernatural allure, Nozuna definitely spends a lot of this volume wrapped up in the mundanity of it all.

I really liked where they went with Akari, who is incredibly suspicious of Nozuna (with reason - vampire and all), but turns out to be far less the jealous friend and just, well, an actual friend. It’s nice that she sits in the story as the one thing that tethers Ko to his old life.

Ko and Nozuna continue their little dance and it turns out that neither one of them is terribly experienced at love, which was kind of obvious considering how touchy about the subject Nozuna gets. Despite the characters’ inexperience, there are definitely some lessons about life being imparted here.

Still, Nozuna knows how to push Ko’s buttons and I seriously appreciated the way the book took on the pool party the pair crash in terms of fan service. It is the rare book that knows enough to make the point that what is hinted at is often more tantalizing than the reveal and it sticks to its guns the whole way.

The last section focuses on Nozuna’s side hustle, infinitely less terrible than you might be imagining, when one of her former clients comes calling after a night being beaten down by her obnoxious male colleagues.

This section’s a bit bizarre, in terms of its messaging and Ko’s very strange approach to enforced helpfulness. It seems to work, but it also acknowledges that reality in the working world is not bent so easily as it is for people who have yet to step in there.

It just doesn’t appear to add too much to the story, as tales of overwork in Japan are literally a dime a dozen and they also tend to involve otherworldly experiences.

4 stars. Divested of the delightful originality of the first volume, this one comes down to being a bit more of a portrait of two souls adrift in the night. Luckily they’re two interesting souls, so I won’t complain too much. There is something oddly compelling about this series and I really enjoy it.
Profile Image for Valérie_Valcoolbooks.
238 reviews40 followers
April 7, 2024
Manga shonen où on suit un adolescent de 14 ans qui vit de nuit et veut devenir un vampire, ainsi que sa nouvelle « camarade nocture » qu’il espère le transformera en vampire.

Dans ce 2e tome, Kô essaie toujours de tomber amoureux de Nazuna, l’ingrédient manquant pour qu’elle puisse le transformer en vampire lorsqu’elle boit son sang. Nazuna collabore de son côté, car le goût du sang du jeune homme lui est tout particulièrement délicieux.
C’est donc à travers le parcours de Kô pur atteindre son objectif et ses rencontres lors de ses ballades nocturnes qu’on suit l’évolution improbable d’une relation entre un adolescent et une vampire, mais qu’on aborde également plusieurs thématiques plus sérieuses relativement à l’adolescence : les relations sociales, l’amour, le but à la vie, se trouver une passion, la recherche de soi, … Les rencontres que fera Kô auront autant un impact sur eux que sur lui, et pousseront plus loin ses réflexions.

L’ambiance de ce manga est un mixte de divertissement avec ses touches d’humour et l’aspect paranormal de l’histoire, et de « réflexion / vie réelle ». Ce n’est pas un maga rempli d’action et de risques. Toutefois, Kotoyama parvient à adresser des thèmes plus profonds tout en restant dans la légèreté.

Malgré que, encore une fois avec ce deuxième tome, j’aurais aimé me sentir avantage investie auprès du personnage principal et ressentir plus, le potentiel de l’histoire s’est davantage développé ici et le livre se conclut en nous laissant percevoir plusieurs possibilités pour l’évolution de cette histoire. Il faut dire que je ne suis tout simplement peut-être par la clientèle cible pour cette série.
Concept très intéressant. Encore une fois, si le style vous parle, soit un mélange d’humour, de paranormal, de réflexions et de « quotidien », tentez le coup!.

*Manga shonen : mangas destinés à un public adolescent/jeune adulte, principalement masculin.
Profile Image for Lea Saurusrex.
517 reviews45 followers
March 24, 2024
J’ai eu raison de persévérer. Ce deuxième tome est plus clair que le premier, l’histoire commence à s’ouvrir un peu et aborde des choses intéressantes. J’ai même rigolé a un moment en particulier.

Il y a toujours ce petit moment de gêne quand on se rappelle que le héros n’a que 14 ans, mais c’est contre-balancé par la narration et j’attends de voir comment ça évolue. On navigue un peu sur une limite, et j’espère qu’on restera du bon côté.
Profile Image for Shae.
2,921 reviews343 followers
May 11, 2021
I have to be honest, and I didn't enjoy volume 2 as much as I did volume 1. Having 2 really jaded teens taking up teaching other people about their jaded thoughts is currently rubbing me the wrong way right now. I want to give it at least one more volume to know my full thoughts on the series.
Profile Image for Gabby.
118 reviews2 followers
July 9, 2022
I'm loving it so far. Dark but lovely, what vampires should be. ❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Clar.
267 reviews10 followers
August 15, 2024
VALORACIÓN: 2 estrellas

Que la obra se desarrolle 100% de noche me gusta. Que traten determinados temas me gusta. Que estos temas se traten con un menor implicado pues la verdad que no me gusta nada. Y en este tomo ya hemos pasado de las insinuaciones a que Nazuna le bese (sin su consentimiento, claro. Que aunque lo tuviese sigue siendo un menor, así que todo mal).

Mi amigo me insiste en que continúe la historia. Última oportunidad al tercer tomo, pero hasta ahí. Tengo mil obras pendientes y maravillosas esperando.
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews156 followers
July 30, 2021
While there was more perversion in this volume than last time, something I appreciate is that its handled well (by manga standards). Yes, there's fan service, but it's not in your face gratuitous, and yes Ko feels a lot of sexual feelings towards Nazuna, but no sex occurs and its clear that Ko's feelings are due to him being a hormonal teenager.

I also love how crude Nazuna is and how Ko's constantly trying to get her to watch her language, but at the same time he's dealing with puberty and trying to differentiate lust from love. Its not totally subtle or original, but it is a nice touch. Also Akira is still the only sane one present and I love her.

Kiyosumi's section was an interesting discussion on the differences in responsibilities between kids and adults. I loved Ko passionately telling Kiyosumi not to put up with her boss's crap and to leave her job because it speaks to how naive Ko is. He's young and doesn't have many responsibilities, so he doesn't understand that entering the "adult world" means giving up the freedom you had in your youth. Yes, its sad, but that's the reality of adult life-its sad and filled with hardships, but you keep moving because you have to.

Anyway, this was a great second volume and I am officially in love with this series. Can't wait for more!
Profile Image for HowardtheDuck95.
154 reviews2 followers
August 27, 2021
I liked the first volume, but I like this one even more. We learn more about each of our protagonists’ lives, get even richer emotional connections, and it all continues to captivate me as it does all this with a deft touch. There’s a pool party, massages, and misunderstandings (but nothing too severe.)

As for their lives, we see other sides of the biting (and witty) vampire, with her profession of choice being brought up. This provides depth to her inner workings, as well as some comedy. As for the insomniac hero, he’s torn on what he wants to do, besides his wish for vampirism. Does he truly comprehend what love is? Is he ready to handle that emotion? Is she?

These emotional questions surprised me, and I quite liked it. He has his first flashes of jealousy at the pool party, in a moment I’m sure some unsavory fan works might exploit. But it doesn’t dwell on this, thankfully, but does play it through in a way that feels natural. His childhood friend (ah yes, that chestnut) of course grapples with her feelings about him and the vampire’s arrangement, and how she feels about it. This story really seems to be about a quest for feeling something deeply, and what that means. I know that sounds…obvious and weird, but it isn’t. A sort of depression metaphor, maybe.

This is all brought together by, again, stunning artwork, with even more variety this time. Come for the vampire, stay for the art.
Profile Image for Alex.
134 reviews
January 9, 2023
Really enjoying this fun manga so far. Makes me laugh and the characters are likable, yes, even the vampire who’s casually hanging around with a teenager. That should be weird and it is kinda weird, but you go with it for the laughs and insanity they get into.
781 reviews4 followers
July 22, 2021
This series is really, really interesting. The cast grows, too.

Enter Kiyosumi, a 24 yo OL who's completely jaded with her work superiors, her job, and life in general. So, she shows up at Nazuna's pad for a nice cuddle and massage with Nazuna However, Nazuna isn't up to doing it, so she half forces, half cons Ko into giving the OL a massage. He does, they talk, she bursts into tears, Ko tries to console her, Nazuna comes in wanting to know what happened, then suddenly, Kiyosumi goes flying backwards out the window! Like 18 stories up! Ko then quickly (and willingly) goes after her, knowing if he can grab Kiyosumi, they'll both be OK, as Nazuna will save Ko. Eventually, things seem to end nicely with the OL, but I doubt we've seen the last of her. I sense Akira will soon be making another appearance, too.
October 16, 2022
Call of the Night feels more like an exploration of what mental health and overall abandonment effect the youth of the world. Based on comments made by other people within the world of this version of Japan, many young people become insomniacs, roaming the streets of Japan at night with less than a care in the world.

This novel they continue the story of Ko and his classmate Akira, and later on interact with a office worker who used Nazuna’s services in the past. Shenanigans ensue, and the impact made on her life I’m hoping will lead to a better future for that woman.

My thoughts are stuck still on a solid 4 Stars. It still feels a bit closer to the creepy side, but I’m glad that even though Ko wants to “fall in love” with Nazuna to become a vampire, Nazuna doesn’t take advantage in any way other than her need for blood- she seems to care for him.

Overall, as stated I’m giving this a 4 Star rating, and I have volume 3 at home. This is one of a few series of manga I started accidentally collecting now that I’m back to reading.

This also marks the end of my original goal of 15 Books Read for the 2022 Challenge I set myself! Woohoo!

Thank you for reading this review, and I hope you enjoyed. I plan on creating longer form content in the future on our social media @thelibraryfromscratch .

Be safe, and happy reading!
Profile Image for Ali.
933 reviews141 followers
July 27, 2021
Like I mentioned in my volume one review of Call of the Night, I was heavily disappointed with this series. I love vampires, but volume two was even more disappointing than the first.

Volume two of Call of the Night continues the story of Ko and his new vampire friend. It simply just follows more adventures in the night, more over-sexualized blood-sucking, and new introductions of childhood friends and tired, sleep-deprived adults. Their relationship continues to grow. Although I don't like the series, I do think the characters and artwork are cute.

This volume got 2/5 stars from me. I enjoyed it less than the other, but I only give 1-star reviews to books I absolutely dislike. Will not be continuing the series, but I am happy that the books at least look cute on my shelf.
Profile Image for Doc.
1,919 reviews30 followers
June 7, 2024
Emotional Exploration

I know some people get upset by the seemingly common trope of bath/and or showier scenes in manga especially if one of them is 14 year old characters (and even characters that appear younger but are actually older) so just dropping this here that both Ko and Nazuna get a public bath scene though nothing is shown and it is at separate times so nothing too shenanigan is going on. Honestly although there are some naughty elements this series is pretty tame to many titles I have seen in the past so this warning is only for the most sensitive of readers.

Picking up after the first volume Ko is experiencing new feelings after being kissed by Nazuna making him believe he is really in love with her however love is a tricky emotion and he has to actually love Nazuna if he is ever going to become a vampire. Honestly as Ko continues to explore the world of the night he continues to not only experience new things but also affects those that he meets in the night. For example Ko's childhood friend gets some time in the manga considering she is not giving up on him but is happy he has a dream even if it is to become a vampire. We also see some information on massage therapy and meet a possibly recurring character in Shirakawa whose past connection to Nazuna and the troubles of her present life bring her to the dark doorstep of the night.

A little bit sexy, a little bit awkward, and a lot of fun this series continues to explore the pleasures of the night (in a mostly harmless way.) In fact one part I really found amusing is when Nazuna drank from Ko in front of Akira upsetting him which is not the amusing part so much as Nazuna and Akira's response. If you are curious what I mean its on page 41 2nd panel down from the top. :)
Profile Image for brightredglow.
481 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2023
I am hoping that my local used book shop still has Vol 3 for "Call of the Night" because when I saw it, I hadn't started Vol 2 and I was still on the fence of continuing.

It took me awhile (because I had to read some other books for review/eval), but I am finished with Vol 2 and I really enjoyed.

It was actually a fast read once I got some time with it. The breaks in between when I had to read something else and the return, made me appreciate the paneling work more than I normally would. The paneling makes for smooth reading. Kotoyama also keeps his background work pertinent but not distracting so it is easy for me to focus.

In Vol 2, Ko's quest to become a vampire seems to be met until it isn't. The 'vampire' metaphor is used interestingly in this series and gives Ko room to think about his behaviors, his observations, his fears, and the not-so-subtleties of growing up. And it is done with cheeky humor and familiar awkwardness but with also a surprising gentleness. Or as gentle as can be with a Nazuna around.

The story also expands to include more people in Ko's world as he makes more friends. The simple plot also starts to show the beginnings of a bigger plot.

Overall, it is the volume that really makes me want to read more.
Profile Image for Marisa.
305 reviews
July 10, 2022
This manga makes it seem really easy for minors to access alcohol in Japan. Like anyone can just go to a vending machine and get a beer. It can’t really be that easy to get a beer there can it?
It seems like Nazuna is encouraging Ko to be possessive, she tried making him jealous at the pool and pointing out people who’s blood she’s had. She had said various emotions add flavor to the blood but encouraging him to act like a jealous boyfriend isn’t good for him. She’s encouraging him to stay out all night and not go to school, overall she’s a bad influence on him. I think she’s just lonely and desperate for a friend, even if it is with a middle schooler.
The pool guys kept going on about how hot and cute she is but she looks so childlike, it’s creepy. The author kept showing close ups of the women’s butts at the pool but they’re all so flat it was more funny than sexy.
The 14 year old has a 24 year old love interest.
This manga may have a teen protagonist but it seems more aimed at adults.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paige Johnson.
Author 44 books57 followers
November 5, 2023
Glad Ko is making friends even if I find their interactions confusing (they seem too familiar and not at the same time, like there’s behind the scenes context). The pool party idea is cool but we don’t see anything too neat, not any exciting floaters or foliage or lights, etc. This felt forcefully stretched, meandering. I don’t mind it because the world at night is pretty and the element of her tasting his emotions can be played with later. What an ugly, disproportionate cover btw. The last third picks up where we learn she used to lure in potential “drinks” by posing as professional cuddle Buddy and masseuse. The end was entertaining but had no rational reactions, so was a bit dumb when it could have been done more realistically with the drama of someone finding out vamps exist and then accepting it and getting the adrenaline rush/her hyno-eyes to think it’s cool.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
May 6, 2023
Call of the Night stays good but never great.

Basically it's more of the same as the first one. Ko still visiting Nazuna, wanting to become a vampire, while working on "falling in love with her" to do so. Which is probably bullshit made up from Nazuna but it makes for a fun relationship. We have Akira come into the picture, Ko's childhood friend, and she also loves the night life. Then a pool party and a older lady who visits Nazuna at night who wants to get a massage. Yeah, it's weird.

I don't dislike the series, but it feels isolated and strange, I guess like a empty street at night, and for that it probably works for some people. It's fun, but also not sure how I feel about a 1000 year old vampire getting a bit sexually charged from a 14 year old boy. Weird.

A 3 out of 5.
Profile Image for CharlyyGentlePhoenix.
668 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2023
Que j'étais pressé de lire le Tome 2!! Je l'ai même acheté directement à la Librairie du coin!!;). Même si évidement j'ai déjà vu le début de l'anime... Vous parlerais je du personnage de Nazuna? Elle dévoile son ventre et ses jambes dans ses tenues à faire pâlir d'envie Kate Beckinsale !! Mais tout son dos est masqué par une grande cape genre... Batman.
Touchant! Cet être immortel, c'est en fait avec Kô, aujourd'hui, qu'elle échange son premier baiser! Kô! Tu ne vas pas pouvoir lui faire la leçon!
Ce tome2 Marque l'arrivée d'un nouveau perso, "Kiyosumi", qui nous rappelle à quel point être un vampire est synonyme de liberté et d'indépendance.
Profile Image for Teresa.
Author 4 books88 followers
May 18, 2021
Thank you to NetGalley, VIZ Media, and Kotoyama for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Just like I mentioned when I reviewed volume one, I really like the different take on vampire lore that this particular manga has. Ko still wants to be a vampire, even though he is only fourteen. He wanders the night and finds enjoyment in the different perception of the night. In order to become a vampire, not only must one drink his blood, but he has to be in love! Figuring out feeling and what love is can be quite complicated. When another girl comes on the scene, Ko has some new feelings--not love, exactly, but the compassion of connecting with another human being living with similar troubles.

I found this manga to be fun and fast-paced. I enjoy Ko's quest of becoming a vampire one day, and I very much want to see how his feelings change over time and how he learns what love feels like.
Profile Image for Ursula.
216 reviews14 followers
August 21, 2021
Hi Gemmies, I have a new manga review for you. Call of the Night Volume 2 by Kotoyama is a creepy, funny, and awkward read. We get to learn a little more about our two main characters Nazuna and Ko. I honestly don’t know how to feel about them or this story. I think the main issue I have is with their ages and the situations they get into. The story continues to keep me engaged even though I’m not a fan of the art style. I’ll give this one the three volume rule to determine if I’ll stick with it. So far Call of The Night remains a three star read for. On to volume three! Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Blake Herondale.
286 reviews3 followers
November 30, 2023
Buah que entretenido y ligera se me ha hecho esta lectura.
Una de las cosas que mas me gusta es como se describe la tranquilidad que hay por las noches en los lugares y que a pesar de que algunas veces puede ser peligroso, es una gozada sentir la tranquilidad y la libertad que te proporciona ir por ahí de noche.
Es una de las cosas que más me fascina de este tomo, además de que tirara a esa señora por la ventana xd

Las ilustraciones también son muy chulas, están muy logradas y las versiones chibis en momentos graciosos son maravillosas
30 reviews
May 11, 2021
The furthering adventures of the human Ko and the vampire Nazuna. Ko is still convinced he can fall in love with Nazuna so she can turn him into a vampire but so far no dice. The triangle between him, Nazuna, and childhood friend Akira is rather interesting. It is really hard to tell how Nazuna really feels about Ko so it is hard to predict which way the story will go. There are some funny moments if you don't mind salacious humor and sexual situations.
Profile Image for JCRD.
313 reviews10 followers
January 30, 2022
De verdad que no es normal lo mucho que mola leer esto de noche. Solo me hace falta una bebida calentita, una manta y jazz de fondo para tener el mood adecuado.

Nazuna es un terremoto de carisma y aunque Ko sufre de alguna que otra japonesada (es decir, no interactuado con una hembra humana JAMÁS), cada capítulo es disfrutable y se lee en un suspiro. Es muy cuqui esta clase de costumbrismo, slice of life o como quieras llamarlo. Me tienen ganadísimo.
Profile Image for Juan.
73 reviews
March 13, 2023
Uno de mis volúmenes favoritos, me encantan los pocos personajes que hay en la serie (Son justos y necesarios hasta ahora) y el como se están desarrollando los personajes, he visto el anime -A medias- y es un poco pesado leer cosas que viste animadas... Pero los paneles del manga se sienten frescos y simplemente se ven hermosos, claramente puedes ver un gran trabajo del autor y el cariño que el autor le tiene a los personajes.
Profile Image for Emily Grace.
Author 1 book5 followers
July 31, 2023
I still feel icky about the "romance" building up between Ko and Nazuna. Nazuna is technically an adult I think, and Ko is only 14. I get that he needs to fall in love with Nazuna to become a vampire, but I would feel less icky about it if he were at least 18...

That aside, Nazuna with her hair down looks better in my opinion...and I felt bad for that 24 year old woman (forgot her name...) but her job sucks...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews

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