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Fanny's Hope Chest

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How old is too old for a hope chest?
When Ellie starts a new job as a home health aid, she doesn't expect to meet a woman in her eighties looking for her hope chest, nor a house as messy as Ellie's own emotional state. But as she cleans up Fanny's house, she begins to wonder if Fanny's hope chest might hold the answers to her questions about disappointed dreams and holding on to hope.
That is, if she can face both the mess and her own heart.

60 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 14, 2021

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About the author

Sarah Holman

44 books456 followers
Sarah Holman lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, Scott. When not working on her next novel, she can usually be found hanging out with her family, reading, or hiking at state parks with her husband. If there is anything adventuresome about her life, it’s because she serves a God with a destiny bigger than anything she could have imagined. You can find out more about her at her website, www.thedestinyofone.com.
To keep up to date on releases, join her newsletter at http://eepurl.com/bitBIf

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 44 books456 followers
February 24, 2021
I'm overwhelmed by how God is using this book to impact others. To Him be all glory.

This story is one that sprang up one day when I was wondering if I should get rid of a couple of boxes of items I have as my "hope chest" the idea of me as an eighty-year-old still having them made me laugh (and also hurt). Being a writer, I knew that image would have to become a story.

Ellie's struggle is my struggle, but the answers she finds are timeless because they are truths from God's very word.

I'll be sharing updates on the progress of this book and I cannot wait to share this story with all of you.
Profile Image for Amanda Tero.
Author 26 books530 followers
January 14, 2021
When it comes to fictional stories for middling single women, there don’t seem to be many out there. I’m glad this one is now on the shelves! It was a little slow to begin with but the ending had such a powerful and true message that I know will bless other older singles.

I found myself as eager as Ellie to hear more of Fanny’s story. Actually, as a reader I liked Fanny’s story best. But then, Ellie’s story was just too realistic to really fault. And the combination of both Fanny’s and Ellie’s journeys gave a greater impact for the message.

I personally liked how the author didn’t force the practice that Fanny did on others but was super clear that just because God led her to do one thing (which oh my goodness! All the feels!) doesn’t mean He’ll lead others down the exact same path.

So yes, this is a sweet little story I highly recommend to all readers (though older singles may appreciate it more than teens, the message is good for all ages).

*I received an ARC from the author and happily provided my honest review*
Profile Image for Rebekah Morris.
Author 112 books247 followers
January 19, 2021
4.5 stars
This story was so good. It was full of the struggle of letting go of your dreams, but it offered hope and joy. I liked the glimpses into Fanny’s life and how Ellie was able to be encouraged by the life of someone else. While this story wasn’t overly long, it was well written and kept me reading.
I would recommend this book to any single young lady, and to married ladies as well.
Profile Image for Kellyn Roth.
Author 29 books1,091 followers
February 8, 2021
This novella just wasn't for me. I couldn't relate to a lot of the ideas and thoughts shared within its pages (on my Kindle). We don't talk about marriage/future relationships in the same way in my house, I suppose - or else I just don't think about it in the same way. I'm not sure which.

The idea of a hope chest, to me, seems antiquated. The idea of placing that much hope into a future marriage to me, seems entirely societal, and I don't understand it despite the fact that I have in the past placed a lot of hope in relationships.

I also don't prefer to spend any time preparing to be a wife/mother (other than the accidental preparation that life brings us as we grow closer and closer to Christ - and other than the time when I was pursuing a relationship, during which I did do a lot of prep, but it didn't end up working out) because ... I don't know that that'll happen. I pray it will! But I assume I'll need a career and a way of being independent and all, rather than assuming that opposite.

At any rate, this book just wasn't for me. I felt somewhat disappointed in the main character for being just a bit ... lackluster. I just couldn't find myself rooting for her or relating to her because she seemed so stuck, and I'm nothing if not active. I'm always on the move - I create busyness for myself. And though I often feel stagnated, it's for other reasons.

In conclusion, I didn't find the main character or situations laid out in this story to be particularly relatable. However, it was interesting! I think a lot of my friends will really enjoy this story, and in fact, already have!

I received this book in exchange for honest review. All thoughts were my own.
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 27 books261 followers
March 17, 2021
5+ stars & 6/10 hearts. This story came just when I needed it.
It is a great book for singles. Really. There is so much hope and good advice and help. But it's also a good book for ANYONE. I've been struggling hard with my dreams and giving up on them or having them change. This book really touched me and helped me realize some things. The topics of faith, hope, and trust resonated so much with me. This book is just jam-packed with good quotes!! I totally recommend it for anyone who is struggling with feeling God is taking your dreams from you or not letting them come true. <33

A Favourite Quote: “How do you let go of your dreams?”
“Daily, that’s how you do it. There are big and small ways that this life disappoints us: things that hurt, and often our plans get thrown out the window. We have to remember that through every one of those moments, God is not only with us, but He has a plan.”

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*
Profile Image for Erika Mathews.
Author 28 books165 followers
January 17, 2021
I signed up for a pre-release copy of this book on a whim. I think it was actually God’s doing. Wow, I was not expecting this story to be so powerful, so convicting, so amazing.

FTC disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. No review, positive or otherwise, was required. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

Ellie was such a relatable character. She’s near my age and she’s discovering that life doesn’t always go like you hoped and planned . . . And that’s hard. Now, while she might be mourning her singleness, I find myself struggling with the exact same things in other areas of life... and in both cases, the answer is the same.

Ellie was so well written and realistic. I also enjoyed getting to know Fanny. The twists of Fanny’s story, told gradually, really built up my interest in her life and that mysterious hope chest.

Ah yes. The hope chest. During the early chapters of the story, I was a bit biased. I never had a hope chest, and never wanted one, because it seems that it is easy for a hope chest to encourage “hope” in the wrong thing: namely, marriage and a family when that may or may not be God’s plan. A hope chest would only fuel meditations on romance, marriage, and a home that might not even be in my future and would only encourage wasted daydreams on building a castle in the air that would crumble to dust. Now, there’s NOTHING whatsoever wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother and nothing wrong with preparing one’s self for that potential calling one day (and indeed it’s wise!), but for me, I didn’t want to dwell on possibilities before God said yes. And in this book, I witnessed how all the time, energy, and money the characters put into filling hope chests indeed led to temptations to discontentment and to planning an unknown future.

HOWEVER. As the story unfolded and Fanny kept talking, I began to Suspect. And while I didn’t guess the ending, my heart started exploding with the possibilities for a TRUE “HOPE” chest. When the ending was revealed, I was smiling and almost crying. It was so beautiful, so meaningful, so Biblical, so full of true HOPE and surrender and trust and love and blessing and joy and peace... wow. I loved this little book and its message and everything. I loved how the hope chest became a TRUE hope chest! I loved how God turns every moment and memory of pain into something precious and beautiful and good and eternal!

Single ladies (and gents!), read this book. Married people, read this book. You will be blessed.
Profile Image for Olivia.
692 reviews129 followers
January 28, 2021
I'm so honored to have read this book as part of Sarah Holman's launch team and I was greatly blessed by this beautiful story. She weaved Fanny and Ellie's stories so well, humbly sharing the true feelings of single woman and showing that God has a purpose. I'm the first one to hesitate about reading books about singleness but this one dealt with it so well, without sounding cheesy or encouraging things like "If you do this set thing, a guy will come."

I highly recommend this story and it is only ninety-nine cents until it's released on Valentine's Day. Grab a copy <3
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Krispense.
Author 1 book90 followers
February 16, 2021
Who has a hope chest? *raises hand* I do! Or...at least...I have hope chest items. Stored in random little plastic tubs and cardboard boxes. *sheepish grin* So when I saw that Sarah Holman is releasing a book about hope chests (among other things), I thought it looked super interesting, and when she invited me to join her launch team, of course I said yes! (Why not? Supporting a fellow indie author, early access to a review copy, that COVER *heart eyes*)

The story itself was super sweet and encouraging. I related with several of Ellie's and Fanny's struggles, and the message woven throughout the book was uplifting and spoke to me. It did not, however, really hook me. I understand that this book was not supposed to be fast-paced and suspenseful; I knew that before I began reading. But it didn't...engage me, I suppose? I don't know, maybe I'm just too used to suspense novels. Being a novella, this book didn't really have time to dive deep into a major character arc, but at the same time, I found it very hard to connect with the characters.

Being thirty years old and still single has made Ellie and emotional wreck. I'm definitely not as old as Ellie, and therefore I haven't been a single adult as long as she has, but even so, I found it difficult to relate to her constant attempts at holding back tears. Do I want to be a wife someday? Of course. Am I going to be an emotional wreck until that happens? Probably not. That's just me; I'm someone who doesn't put a lot of stock in emotions (just ask my family; I've been told I have no heart, muahaha), so to see Ellie holding back tears so much was...I don't know...not very relatable to me.

But. What did I like about Fanny's Hope Chest?? *grins* I'm glad you asked! (and even if you didn't ask, I'll tell you anyway. You can thank me later.)

My favorite thing about Fanny's Hope Chest is Fanny herself. She actually reminds me a lot of my own grandma, and just some of the things she said made me smile, 'cause I could totally imagine Grandma saying it! Seeing Ellie interact with her was super fun. Plus, the way she interacted with her two siblings was so fun to watch. (That bit with her brother hugging her for the first and probably last time in years? LOVE. So accurate. *cackles*)

Despite that mini rant about Ellie's emotions, I really did enjoy Ellie's character. The way she cared for elderly people and accepted the job as a home health aid, even when it wasn't where she necessarily wanted to be in life, was inspiring. She went where God lead and trusted Him even when the going got rough and she didn't understand. Trust is something I've made no secret about struggling with, so this part of the book especially resonated with me.

Overall, if you've ever been discouraged about being a single adult—whether you're 18 or 80 years old—this book is super encouraging! Shoot, I've even been told that it's encouraging for married ladies.
Profile Image for Michaela Bush.
Author 30 books95 followers
January 28, 2021
4.5/5 stars. I signed up to review this a bit on a whim, and especially because the main character's job is my own day job -- so I was excited to see some representation haha. What I wasn't expecting was how hard I would be impacted by this story...not only about the single-ness aspect, but of letting go of hopes and dreams and ways you expected life to go. I've been going through that kind of thing in waves, and I didn't expect to see those themes gently and biblically presented in this sweet little story. Not to mention, the storytelling was clever. I easily read it in one sitting and definitely recommend it for folks who enjoy a nice, heartfelt, clean story.
Profile Image for Hannah Foster.
Author 9 books140 followers
February 2, 2021
While I'm a total romantic and much prefer a book to end with a “and they lived happily ever after.” I was curious to read a novel that was focused more on singleness. Why? Because I was single once, I have lots of friends who are single, and because being single is not a bad thing. Being single is beautiful, fun, good, and enriching if you are only willing to make it so.

Fanny’s Hope Chest was super sweet. I loved seeing Ella’s growing relationship with the elderly woman, Fanny, who she was caring for. Fanny is a super lovable woman, as well. It was fun to read the story of her hopes and dreams of being a wife and mother. Even when that didn’t happen, she still found meaning and purpose in life. Also the way that Sarah Holman unfolded Fanny’s story was super fun. The ending I think was the most special to me and a good reminder to hold our dreams loosely in the palm of our hand because God may have something different for our life.

We all have hopes and dreams for our life, but those dreams don’t end after one gets married or after a dream is fulfilled. There will always be more dreams and hopes. So I found the lessons in this novella to be very encouraging for anyone, whether single or married.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author\publisher for promotional purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions. 
Profile Image for Caity.
Author 1 book30 followers
January 30, 2021
This little story is bigger than it seems and is itself a hope chest of sorts.

I know I needed to read Ellie and Fanny's stories, and that any other woman (whatever your age) who is struggling or has ever struggled with singleness will be encouraged both by the feeling of not being the "only one" like we so often lament, but also by the exhortation and truth that remind where our hope must be founded.

I appreciated that while the reminders are clear and helpful, the reality of this being a real, ongoing, emotional rollercoaster for many is also there! The reminder isn't a "one and done", and we should never feel - and certainly not make others feel - like there is weakness or shame in needing a word of encouragement, understanding, and ultimately perspective-adjustment now and then and even often. God talks so much about desires and His comfort and provision during times of loneliness, despair, frustration, and discouragement that I think it's safe to say He knew this would be an area His children would need Him and His Word often.

That being said, read this! It's a quick read but flows well and is packed with so much emotion, truth, and restoration.
Profile Image for Malia Saldaña.
288 reviews18 followers
May 12, 2022
This was such a sweet,short story. I liked how Ellie was a home health aide. Fanny was so sweet. I liked how we would go in the past to learn a little lesson from her. Overall,it was a cute story.
Profile Image for Tara Savanna.
145 reviews15 followers
February 14, 2021
This book focuses on the struggles of Ellie, a thirty-year-old single woman whose desire is to be married and use the things she’s collected in her hope chest.

As a woman in my mid-30s who is still single, I have a great appreciation for this book. In my teens, it never occurred to me that I would still be single at my age, much less that it may be God’s will for me to stay single. So the fact that this book exists is amazing, not only showing that God’s will may not be our own, but also that it’s ok to struggle so long as we trust in and lean on God.

With that being said, I found myself fully relating to Ellie, even to the point of nearly crying as she worked through her feelings on being single and whether or not to keep the things in her hope chest. I’ve been there, so it really hit home for me. So obviously this book was written very realistically and I appreciated that.

I also enjoyed the flashbacks of Fanny’s life. They were well done, flowed well with the story and also pulled at my heart strings.

But even if you are not an older single, or not single at all, please read this book. The ending alone will be worth it, trust me! And maybe you have a friend who is still single and this book can help you relate to and understand them better.

*I received a complimentary copy from the author in hopes of an honest review. I was not obligated to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Jenavieve Rose.
Author 0 books16 followers
January 31, 2021
This was such a beautiful story. I adored Fanny and Ellie, and was just as eager as Ellie to know the rest of Fanny's story. The way the two stories interwove was entralling, though I did love Fanny's parts a bit more than Ellie's, and how both woman interacted was a blessing to read. The message of hope and trusting God with your dreams is perfect for any woman struggling with her life not going the way she thought it would. I don't normally cry during a book, but this ending brought more than just a tear or two, it was a wonderful reminder that God holds me and my dreams and He knows far better than me as to what is for my good.
I signed up for the launch team and was given a pre-release copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Faith.
Author 42 books265 followers
February 6, 2021
This book is written to single women, but that doesn't mean married women can't read it too.

I wish I'd had this book to read before I was married. I was younger than Ellie, but still getting discouraged. This book could have helped me back then.

Now that I am married, I can relate since I got married a bit later than many, but I also drew other things out of it. Like this favorite quote:

"How do you let go of your dreams?" Ellie smoothed out a wrinkled paper, something about embroidered napkins for a women's tea.
"Daily, that's how you do it. There are big and small ways that this life disappoints us: things that hurt, and often our plans get thrown out the window. We have to remember that through every one of those moments, God is not only with us, but He has a plan."
Profile Image for Grace Elizabeth.
141 reviews18 followers
February 15, 2021
Fanny's Hope Chest

So, my sister accidentally pre-ordered this book on my Kindle account instead of hers (I have no idea how that happened) so I read it on the release day! (I think?)

There were some beautiful passages about trusting God, not just about marriage- I mean, obviously that's mainly what the book is about- but it is so applicable in other areas of our lives! I always need reminders that God is in control of my life and wants better things for me than I can want for myself!

It made me laugh when Fanny said, "It's not like God woke up one day and thought, 'Oh, I forgot to make a guy for Ellie and Fanny!'" (That's not an exact quote)
But, yeah, God is never surprised or shocked by something that happens (or doesn't happen) in our lives, and Sarah Holman shows that in this sweet book.
Profile Image for H.S. Kylian.
Author 9 books22 followers
December 30, 2021
2.5-3 stars.

I’m not entirely sure what to think of this story. I liked it and didn’t like it. I liked Fanny and what she did with her hope chest, but I didn’t really like Ellie?

However, the thing that kept it from five stars was Fanny’s remark that being a wife and mother is a Christian woman’s highest calling.

While marriage and parenthood are indeed high and noble callings, they are not a Christian's highest calling. A Christian's highest calling-or chief end-is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

But Fanny is never corrected about this, which is disappointing. It’s probably why Ellie’s development felt rushed and incomplete to me. Like Fanny, Ellie is never actually reminded that her purpose is to glorify God in all that she does.

Another thing is that it’s never mentioned to either Fanny or Ellie that marriage, parenthood, and singleness are gifts and God is the one who determines who receives which gift.

Some are given the gift of marriage, but not of parenthood. Some are given both marriage and parenthood. Still others are gifted with singleness.

As an aside, I did find it strange that Psalm 139 would be used when, looking back, Colossian 3:17 would have made more sense.


It’s a nice novella, but it’s not for me.

Profile Image for Bethany M. Griggs.
Author 5 books35 followers
May 4, 2022
I enjoyed this story! It has a beautiful lesson of surrender. The girl in the story is struggling to surrender her desire for marriage, but the lessons would apply to other areas of life as well.
I loved what Fanny had in her hope chest!! It was worth the wait for Ellie to find it! That was such a beautiful idea, and it was lovely to see how Fannie was content and not bitter over not receiving what she had so desperately wanted. The way Sarah wove together Ellie's and Fanny's story was really nice and kept things flowing well.
There is some discussion about Abraham and Hagar not being married when they had a baby together. Because of that and the general theme of the book, I wouldn't recommend this for young readers. But, I enjoyed the story and would like to read it again someday!
Profile Image for R.A..
Author 32 books91 followers
July 11, 2022
Oh wow! This was so good!

I knew before I read it that it was definitely going to be uplifting, and I wasn't wrong! What wonderful lessons to learn!

I love that the entire book was focused on the Lord and trusting in Him through every area of our lives! <3
February 13, 2021
This was such a good story about waiting on God and His timing for your life, as well as a reminder that each season of life is equally as important and precious as the next.

Sarah Holman always creates such vibrant and realistic characters and this book is no exception.

I feel Christian Ladies - whether Single, Dating, Engaged, or Married can find wisdom and encouragement within the pages of this book.

I recommend this book if you are looking for a faith-filled read and if you haven't read her work yet, this is a wonderful introduction to Sarah Holman's writing.

***I received an ARC of this book from the Author. I was under no obligation to leave a review, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.***
Profile Image for M.L. Little.
Author 13 books47 followers
February 25, 2021
I really enjoyed this story and how it doesn’t give a happily ever after ending. Instead, it realistically tells us that we might not get we want.

I want to say that lately, I’ve really had a heart for people who want to get married but just don’t find it happening. I feel for them, and often don’t know how to encourage them without making it awkward. I know what it’s like to want something so badly, and it’s COMPLETELY out of your control when what you desire is a marriage and biological children. That must feel so hopeless and helpless.

I am different from Ellie, because it’s no secret I don’t want marriage and that getting pregnant is my worst nightmare, and that I’d love to be a foster parent one day but let’s face it, I’m just as happy raising my dog (she’s literally a child...). But because of the hurt in my heart for these kinds of people lately, I really felt for her. I wanted her to have a happy ending, actually!! But the book was more realistic the way it was written.

I could also relate to Ellie’s story, because I also am in a period of waiting—I want to be a homeowner, and while this is, relatively speaking, totally in my control, I’m not getting there as fast as I thought I would financially. Also I never would have thought to call it a “hope chest” but I have a crate full of stuff waiting to move into my house. So I loved reading about the items Fanny and Ellie had in their chests.

I did feel sooo sad for Ellie though! Girl, you can still get an apartment or a house! Or get a pet. Or another nanny job to have more kids to love😭 She needs something of her own. I wanted her to find happiness even if it wasn’t the kind she expected. But that wasn’t the point of the story either.

This was a good book about finding joy and contentment right where we are, even if isn’t where we want to be. We all can learn from that, no matter what we dream of or what kind of path we walk.
Profile Image for Faith Gilliosa.
135 reviews12 followers
April 30, 2021
Sorry...I know I lot of people loved this book. I just couldn't finish it. So this is on my DNF list.
I'll probably need to try and finish it someday. I mean...I was super excited about it coming out, so I guess it was just kinda disappointing.

If you're wondering why I couldn't finish it, I'd say it was primary because the MC was so emotional at the beginning. Like, I get being a little emotional every few months about not having your dreams fulfilled...but like being full-on emotional when someone mentions your age, when you think about...a set of dishes(?), while you're getting into your car, when a client mentions they can't find their hope chest, and when you realize anew that there are *gasps* 60+ people who never got married and/or still have a hope chest??? I'm sorry...I tried, I really did.
I love emotion in stories. But for some reason, if I can't relate to emotion, or at least understand it in some surface-level way, I simply can't stand it.
I probably would have enjoyed the book if I had finished it. If her attitude changes and her emotions get back in balance then maybe it would have even earned a 4-star rating. And I love Sarah Holman books!!! But I simply couldn't get past paragraph after paragraph being on how emotional she was about not being married. *ducks head* I probably being super insensitive...marriage is awesome. Sometimes I get emotional about it...but yeah. Sorry! Wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Raechel Lenore.
Author 4 books26 followers
February 20, 2021
This was such a delightful and refreshing novella. And extremely relatable for those of us who have been single for quite some time, wondering "How old is too old to keep a hope chest?" alongside Ellie.While a short read, I found "Fanny's Hope Chest" brilliantly written with relatable characters and a beautiful message. It was especially encouraging as I have asked myself the same question, and it's easy to lose hope as a single young woman waiting on God for "Mr. Right". I loved how deep the story got, while still having a light-hearted feeling about it. I was drawn in from the beginning, and loved the entire read. Highly recommended! It brought tears to my eyes, and was such a good and encouraging read.
Profile Image for Eva-Joy.
510 reviews46 followers
February 15, 2021
God has big plans for you, plans that won't fit even in that hope chest.

I am quite leery of self-published books, not going to lie. But this book? I kinda loved it.

Now, full disclaimer, this book will definitely not be for everyone. It's written from a heavily Christian perspective and it's all about waiting to get married, trusting God, and so on. So not everyone's cup of tea. ;) But for me, as someone who is currently going through the whole "I want to get married RIGHT NOW" struggle, it was a perfectly timed, excellent story.

The writing style was solid (something that can be hard to find in self-published books). I really appreciate how the cover matches the story almost perfectly. The back and forth between the two characters' stories really reminded me of Lynn Austin's generational novels, which was great. The mystery of Fanny's hope chest had me pleasantly intrigued/in suspense.

I would almost call this novella 'nonfiction fiction' because, while definitely fiction, it's filled with a lot of important truth that would work well in a nonfiction book about singleness as well.

Definitely made me tear up more than once. And now I'm inspired to study Joseph's story more in-depth!

If you're a single Christian girl/woman who's finding the wait hard, tedious, and frustrating, I would highly recommend this book!

Oh, and also I found the aspect of Ellie's job interesting because, while not a home health aide, I do work as a housekeeper in a seniors' home. There were enough similarities to hold my interest and make me relate to Ellie even more. :)
Profile Image for Clarissa Choo.
Author 1 book17 followers
February 11, 2021
This story conveys the encouraging truth of giving up our dreams for God's and that He has a purpose for everything. There are not many stories on singleness so this would be a refreshing and touching story for some people.

However, I'm disappointed that Ellie didn't also learn contentment as it appeared to me that she kept comparing herself with other people. Hence, the ending of her character development seemed incomplete to me.

(I received a copy of the story in exchange for an honest review. A positive review was not required.)
Profile Image for Raquel (Silver Valkyrie Reads).
1,510 reviews48 followers
February 4, 2021
The first chapter or two made me think this was going to be a four star book. You know, the "that was enjoyable, good reminders about life, but nothing really life changing" kind of book.

I still might not call this book life changing, but it did have a couple of moments that really struck deep, that made me go "Yes, THAT!", not just in memory of my single years, but related to my current struggles with infertility as well.

The story was simple, but still had me wondering about the hope chest Fanny so badly wanted to find, and I found the ending very satisfying.

Thanks to the author for providing a review copy. This review reflects my honest opinions.
17 reviews1 follower
June 13, 2021
I enjoyed this book so much. It was very well-written and a great challenge to find hope even in the hardest points of singleness. I appreciated the interactions and real-life struggles this book displays. I would highly recommend this book to any girl who is starting to get discouraged about not having a “Prince Charming” in her life. “Fanny’s Hope Chest” was a sweet, easy, and enjoyable read with a great message.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,428 reviews35 followers
June 3, 2024
I asked on Instagram for recommendations where the FMC doesn’t get married. I love a good romance but I wondered if there were books about living life well single. This was recommended and it soaked into my heart. It’s full of the questions and emotions and fears I deal with almost daily. It’s so nice to read a story by someone who gets it. And this is also so encouraging. I also appreciated the recommendations at the end.

I mostly related to Ellie but I’ve lived out some of Fanny’s experience! My great-grandmother’s guest book is my main example but I don’t want ti spoil things so I can’t say anymore ;)

Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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