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Steele Raiders MC

Bleed for Her

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Reynolds Walker has had enough drama and heartache to last a lifetime. Finally back on track, she’s looking forward to the quiet life she’s built for herself. When she comes home to discover her almost-fiancé dead and his killers hunting her, she’s left with no choice but to run. Little does she know that the past she’s fought so hard to escape is about to catch up with her.

Clay Buckson has carved out a new life for himself. As a member of Steele Raiders MC, he has everything he’s ever wanted, except for the one woman he can’t have—Reynolds Walker. When his world threatens to destroy hers, he has no choice but to step in. Can he save her before it’s too late, or will he lose her again forever?

Sometimes you have to fight for love, but sometimes you have to bleed for it.

158 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 22, 2019

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About the author

R.B. Hilliard

23 books1,193 followers
RB Hilliard lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her husband, two kids, and crazy dog, Oscar. She loves books, music, red wine, chocolate, and writing suspensefully twisted stories. Hilliard published her first novel in 2014 and has since published multiple novels across several different genres.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 103 reviews
Profile Image for Doris.
2,971 reviews120 followers
October 22, 2019
Talk About Amazing!!

I just finished this book in one sitting and my brain is a jumble. It’s due to this book and everything that had me excited, mad, sad and totally enthralled. This is Buck and Reyn’s story and it’s everything I could hope for in an MC read.

People are broken but there is hope in the fact that these two fight through so much and don’t lose sight on the feelings that are going on inside of them which also includes strong chemistry. I highly recommend this book to any MC lovers out there who can take on the dark and dirty!! I can’t wait to see what comes next from this author.
Profile Image for Sara Oxton.
3,569 reviews16 followers
December 22, 2019
Bleed For Her by RB Hilliard a five-star read that you would bleed for. I am a huge fan of RB Hilliard and this one is my favourite and I think it is my favourite read of the year. This has made me laugh, it made me cry and it made me want to punch a bunch of people. But most of all it made me smile and forget that I have the flu. This is the first novel in the Steel Raiders series, and I need more brothers in my life, they are a band of brothers that need to shout their stories from the rooftops or just whisper into my ears, I don’t mind either way. Clay Buckson, you can save me any day you like. Reyn please, please, please come and be my friend, I need someone like you in my life. This is a great story, the characters are warm and funny, but not overly soppy, they are people you want in your life. There is enough drama and mystery to keep you hooked, but not so much that its overdone, this is a great story and one everyone needs to read.
Profile Image for Aurelie Gordio.
306 reviews10 followers
October 17, 2019
It’s been a long time since I have read a MC book that grab my attention from page one.
I have read this story in one sitting. The 5 stars are way more than deserved.
I have no words to express how I feel.
I am writing this review just minutes after finishing the book and I think I should have cleared my head first.
I felt everything. The author is really good. She managed to make me go into the story and be right beside all the characters.
I felt sorry for Reyn because she didn’t deserve what she got. I loved how she wants to be strong. She is totally the kind of character I like to read about. It’s good to not have just the poor girl crying and moaning all the time.
Buck is doing what he can and even sometimes he may have gone a bit too far, I can totally Understand him and would have reacted the same way!!!!
I love them together!
All the brothers from the MC are awesome.
I really hope we can read about them all because they deserve their own story.
Profile Image for Julie Jackson.
2,249 reviews10 followers
October 18, 2019
Reviewed for SNS

Reyn has has a horrid few years and she hasn’t really started living again. When her boyfriend is killed, she realizes exactly how much danger she is in. Buck watch her go all those years ago and he wanted her to find peace. He always kept an eye on her but this latest stunt makes him see red. He steps in for protection knowing fully that he shouldn’t have feelings for her. This book was delightful. I love the relationship that these two grow into. Excellent writing 😀😀
Profile Image for Sara.
359 reviews17 followers
September 2, 2020
The story kept me engaged, but would have benefitted from a good editor, who would have helped the author get to the next level. Then the characters wouldn’t have felt a bit flat & the plot a little thin. It wasn’t a bad read, but it was so close to being good that I feel bad fo her that she couldn’t get it there.
Profile Image for Dramirez1987.
150 reviews
October 18, 2019
All Hail R.B. Hilliard!!

First off, not only is she an absolutely stellar writer...she has to have the patience of a saint and a monk all rolled into one. Not only did I blow up her phone today while I was finishing the book (she of course was sweet as pie and answered my questions), but I’m pretty sure I single white femaled her in the months leading to her sending out ARCs.

This is her first venture into the MC world, and LAWD have mercy did she just blow past dipping her toe she cannonball’d into that niche like the b**a** she is! 👏👏👏

If you haven’t read the first series that Reyn was a supporting character in (MMG), what are you doing?!? Back out of this review and go read that entire collection right now! This review will still be here and I’ll probably still be panting and fangirling over this book.

When I first read MMG (feels like years ago), I always wanted Reyn to get her happy ending; she like the other characters who were effected by Dooley Shane deserved it. (Spoiler Alert - RB delivers) The book starts off by giving a glimpse of all the insanity that Dooley caused five years ago, as the book comes to present day we get to know a new Reyn who was created out of pure grit from surviving all that she endured. She’s not the same girl she was, yet she is at the same time she’s just more guarded and part “little ninja” now. The action kickstarts this book from like page 5, so hold on to your knickers..or your ankles if you go commando (no shade in letting your downstairs breathe). Of course, our angsty hero comes in and intervenes to save Reyn from a life or death situation.

As the book continues while bullets fly, you learn what a martyr our deliciously lovable Buck is. The body count rises and the plot thickens; you learn along with Reyn what she means to Buck and how he has just as many emotional scars as she does from the fall out of Dooley. You also learn what Buck put on the line in attempts to spare her life and from pain.

The chemistry between them was there from the beginning (back when they met in the second book of MMG). Newsflash it’s still there now and it’s become an inferno; the angst between them is enough to make you want to yell at your book/reading device. When they finally came together, I’m surprised my device didn’t shut itself down in fear of overheating.

In the end, when s*** hits the fan Reyn learns that not only can she count on herself, her man, but she can also count on her MC family as well. I wish I knew what more to say; but it’s like when you’re really excited about something and all you can do to explain it is make odd
/high pitched incoherent noises and largely dramatic hand/arm gestures...just please read it then message me so we can gush about it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, while I go take a never ending cold shower and “patiently” wait for the next installment.
Profile Image for Kerry Fletcher.
582 reviews7 followers
October 23, 2019
Wooo hooo New MC series to love and cherish!

Reyn has had a bad few years. After escaping her past she thinks that, that part of her life is over until it once again lands on her doorstep. For years she's settled for the boring life. Safe. Zero danger. Now all that has gone. She's once again on the run.

Buck's life is pretty settled. He's a member of the Steel Raiders MC and he loves it but his heart still holds guilt for the girl he should have saved years ago. He's never forgiven himself for not saving her and he still keeps eyes on her now. He always wished he'd claimed her that first night he set eyes on her. She's the woman of all his dreams.

When her life once again is in danger this time Buck doesn't hesitate to step in but will she let him save her. With years having passed will Reyn give him the time of day?

For the first toe dip into the MC world RB has excelled herself. Some of her other books have stepped into grey areas so i had a feeling she would do well but this exceeded my expections and i have a feeling as the series goes on it will get better and better!

I loved these two! Buck absolutely stole my heart. Strong and dependable but a caveman to boot! He's the whole package. I loved his little self doubts moments because it showed his heart.

Reyn was amazing. She ran the line between normal girl and badass ninja! She was definitely no victim! She had me rooting for her throughout.

The chemistry between them was sizzling and i gave a little whoop when they finally got it on.

The storyline and plot was enaging and gritty. I didn't know who the bad guy was and i loved i had no clue.

The other members of the MC already have my mind going into overdrive. I can't wait for their stories! I think Ax might be a fave! Or Arson... or Loco... or Steel... bloody hell who am i kidding? I know i'll love em all!

Great start to a new series which i hope will be a long one! Lots of hot bikers... yes please!
Profile Image for Jayne Wheatley.
420 reviews10 followers
October 24, 2019
Fantastic MC romance
This book had me hooked from the beginning fight the way to the last page.
I never want RB Hilliard’s books to end, I don’t know how she does it each and every time but she manage to write amazing stories that interlink but could also be read as a stand-alone.
Reyn was a wonderful character that had insured a painful past being beaten and abused by her ex, Buck always loved her from afar but essentially saved her life , this we saw in a previous story. (MMG series)
Role on five years to Bleed For Her and we see a different Reyn but underneath the same. Now she is not only a sweetheart but a bad ass sweetheart.
I loved seeing her character grow and find out the MC lifestyle.
Buck was a wonderful man with unfounded guilt, such a protective man, I loved that about him the most, he just had protective alpha down pat!!!
Without spoilers
The MC showed loyalty indeed loss and danger coming together always.
Highly recommend reading this
October 31, 2019
What an introduction to the Steele Raiders MC! I loved this book and couldn't put it down. Trying to figure out who is behind all the turmoil, danger and loss is something that kept me intrigued and I was surprised by it all. Getting to know the characters kept me entertained and engrossed.

Reynolds and Buck have gone through so much. Buck feels so much guilt and responsibility towards her pain and she is fearful of trusting and getting close to anyone again. Just when she thinks what she is currently facing with her boyfriend is the worst, along comes danger and so much more. Buck isn't about to let her go through anything again but she isn't going to make it easy and she may push him away. He has been wanting her for years and has been protecting her but she may push him too far.

Can't wait to see what R.B. Hilliard has in store for us next. This was such a great intro to this series and I am really looking forward to the next!!
Profile Image for Ashley Carr, LSoR.
4,710 reviews61 followers
October 30, 2019
This is the first book I have read by this author and I will definitely be reading more from her! The story has so many twists and turns right from the beginning it had me glued to my kindle. Buck is beating himself up over a woman that he believes he failed 5 years prior but when a chance arises for him to step out of the shadows and protect her that is just what he does. Reyn has been working on putting the past 5 years behind her but to no avail when she has to confront her past and trust in Buck. Reyn is feisty and sassy a far cry from where she was. Buck is all alpha male and he is determined to protect Reyn now from the escalating threat to her and the MC, but being in close quarters to him is messing with Reyn’s head. They struggle to be together but will it all work out in the end? I can’t wait for the next installment of this series!!
Profile Image for Robin.
931 reviews24 followers
October 21, 2019
I was so excited when I heard RB Hillard was writing Buck and Reyn’s book and staring a new MC series.
I absolutely love RB’s writing style.
Buck is very strong Alfa male character who has some demons from his past and Reyn has been through some horrific things in her past. Buck and Reyn have crossed paths 5 years earlier and a recent tragedy has them crossing paths again.
I loved both Buck and Reyn. These characters are strong and had amazing chemistry. I loved all the secondary characters and I’m looking forward to Bucks brothers getting their own books.
I really enjoyed this story and did not want it to end. There’s angst, heat and a great cast of characters. RB hit this out of the park. This is a must read!
Profile Image for Brandy Roberts.
2,082 reviews60 followers
October 22, 2019
Oh my flipping god Rb Hilliard has done it once again I loved everything about this book that characters and story line . This can be read as a standalone but you may run into some spoilers from Not letting go which is a part of the MMG series and if you haven't read it you need to as soon as possible . We only get a little mention of the hero it that book and the heroine does have a major part it in . I really loved the couple together they just made perfect since and just had me wanting more . I can't wait to read more from the these characters and of coarse more books by one of my favorite authors .
Profile Image for Spunky N Sassy.
5,240 reviews114 followers
October 19, 2019
Spunky N Sassy Rating: 5.0

~~~~~~~~~~Julie's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review~~~~~~~~~~

Reyn has has a horrid few years and she hasn’t really started living again. When her boyfriend is killed, she realizes exactly how much danger she is in. Buck watch her go all those years ago and he wanted her to find peace. He always kept an eye on her but this latest stunt makes him see red. He steps in for protection knowing fully that he shouldn’t have feelings for her. This book was delightful. I love the relationship that these two grow into. Excellent writing
Profile Image for Pamela.
88 reviews21 followers
October 20, 2019
We met Reyn & Buck wayyyy back when Piper & Gage were fighting for their HEA.
I always remember thinking Reyn & Buck should have been a thing
5 years later, and our questions are answered
Reyn has been living the safe life, boring boyfriend, work, and just basically living.
Buck never really let it go, he always felt responsible for Reyn getting hurt.
When shizzle starts happening Buck and his Club run to rescue Reyn, question is will she accept the help?
THIS story is just absolutely amazing
RB perfectly put this story together, and I can’t wait for more!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kelli.
263 reviews
October 18, 2019
I am a lover of MC books and this was RB Hilliards 1st and I absolutely loved it. Buck and Reyn are both very strong characters that you will fall in love with as well as a list of supporting characters that that you will love and hate. There’s never a dull moment in the Steele Raiders MC world as the past comes back to haunt both Buck and Reyn as their paths cross again. This book is a must read!
Profile Image for Sue.
1,214 reviews
October 17, 2019
I love RB Hilliard and have been so excited waiting for her new Steel Raiders MC series. Bleed For Her is the first book in this new and amazing series. I loved it, I loved it, did I mention I loved it? It provides all of the emotions along with some drama/ intrigue which makes for the perfect read. A definite must read and a thousand stars.
Profile Image for January Apted.
230 reviews9 followers
October 24, 2019
From the second I started reading this I was hooked! I love the way RB Hilliard writes with so much emotion that you immediately feel like you are in the story witnessing it first hand. The connection between the characters jumped off the pages and gave me goosebumps at times. I can’t wait for more.
Profile Image for Lizzie Mercer .
45 reviews1 follower
October 22, 2019
I absolutely loved this book! I think Buck and Reynolds were perfect for each other. This book made me laugh, cry and even pissed me off at times but to me those are the qualities that make a book amazing and keeps your attention. RB Hilliard did an amazing job with this book. I can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Paula D.
1,580 reviews54 followers
October 17, 2019
Angst filled Mc romance! Reyn is one complicated woman she’s still scorned from her ex and now dealing with another death. Buck has loved Reyn from afar for years and now will do anything to help her. Great romance with some drama and suspense that you never want it to end. 5/5 stars
October 22, 2019
I haven’t enjoyed a good MC romance in a long time. This had everything-brothers bond, unity, and realness. I love the heroines kick a$$ness. I have a feeling I’m going to read more of this series. I. Highly recommend
Profile Image for Tina Taylor.
149 reviews3 followers
October 24, 2019
Great read

Wow I loved the MMG series and this book, has some characters from that series.
Buck and Reyn, loved the characters and the storyline, brilliant piece of writing from the author, loved it.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,052 reviews13 followers
June 20, 2020
This is a short, fast paced and really exciting MC read. It's about second chances and redemption from some past misunderstandings. This is my first book by this author and it will not be my last. Sometimes a quickie is just what I need.
Profile Image for Roxs Reads.
752 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2019
RB Hilliard has tossed her writing pen into the MC genre ring and turns out it is a great fit! I thoroughly enjoyed the Steele Raiders club and their own way of banding together to protect their own. I’m not normally an MC fan but I am a fan of RB Hilliard, so I did not hesitate to go down this road with her. So happy I did! It’s action-packed, suspenseful, and chocked full of intense scenes that brought out a gamut of emotions. I look forward to reading more about all the Steele Raider brothers.

Bleed for Her gives us a glimpse into the past right off the bat, grabbing your attention and holding you hostage. It leaves you curious and eager to learn what has transpired that led the characters to the here and now. Some of the MC brothers have been together since they were very young and this has created some strong relationship bonds. Every character has his own personality; his own strengths that he brings to the table. As a group, they band together like a good family should, to protect the members of their club and the ones they love. These supporting characters helped to create the ‘family feel’ of this club and I couldn’t help but endear myself to all of them. I felt like I belonged to this tightly-woven group.

The main characters in Bleed for Her are Buck and Reyn and they are on fire together. Neither one is weak, neither one outshines the other. They are both a force to be reckoned with on their own accord and it made for an amazing story. I like strong female leads who stand on their own two feet, so Reyn met the bill here perfectly. She has spent five years protecting herself, surviving her past, and she is not about to sit back and let anyone take her down without a fight.

Clay Buckson, aka Buck, knows the life of an MC brother isn’t the best place for a woman, and so he determinedly kept his distance from the blonde goddess named Reynolds Walker. Protecting her was first and foremost on his mind, but his parts that live below the belt kept up their incessant knocking when Reyn re-entered his life in danger once again.

Reyn is very cautious about who she trusts, and Buck is not exempt. As he tries to keep her safe and under the club’s protection, she does all she can to regain her freedom as she tries to protect the club from the threats of her past. Buck and Reyn have a tumultuous journey that tries Buck’s patience on every level. Their path is paved in sexual innuendo and seduction, and when Reyn is finally claimed and the two collide, sparks fly.

Bleed for Her is full of suspense and surprises. Each chapter reveals more of the secrets and answers more questions about who is after Reyn and why? As Buck’s past comes back to haunt him on Reyn’s backdoor, he will stop at nothing to make sure she is safe and finds her way into his bed. There is no doubt in his mind that he would even Bleed for Her.
Profile Image for World Of Books 65.
2,737 reviews49 followers
October 21, 2019
Bleed for her is a brilliantly written book by RB Hilliard. She truly has the mixture right when writing an MC book - it was one of those books that you didn't want to put down; I didn't and read it in one sitting.

5 years ago innocent Reyn meet and had a relationship with bad boy Zeke - but Zeke wasn't all he seemed and after awhile Reyns life became that of a battering ball for Zeke when the chance to escape from the live that was going to surely kill her the only thing that stood in her way was Buck the man that was working for Zeke and who Zeke had asked to keep an eye Reyn to ensure she never left his home. But Buck from the first moment he meet her wanted her and when the time came to either make her stay or let her leave Buck do not hesitate in letting her go which didn't end happily for him or for the Zeke that matter.

Fast forward 5 years and Reyn has made a life for herself she has a boyfriend a lovely home the past is where it should be in the past - well nearly Buck has secretly been keeping taps on Reyn since she moved into his town 3 years ago - he tells himself that he just wants to know that she is safe.

When Reyns best friend lets it drop that her boyfriend is going to propose she goes into a tail spin - forever was never for a girl like her and now she must fact him and hopefully let Charles down gently. Only when she gets home she is meet by men who are hell bent on killing her but why? Zeke and his team are long gone surely it can't be anything to do with her past? Unfortunately the path to uncover the truth is going to get very bloody. And only one man and an MC will be able to help.

Buck has made a vow that he will protect Reyn but when you don't know who is the good guys and who are the bad guys things just get a whole lot more complicated. Buck wants to protect Reyn but she isn't the girl he remembers she is wary and bitter but underneath it all there may still be some of the old Reyn so he brings her into his world the world of the Steele Raiders, is she ready for this life, how many more people will die before the truth is an unearthed and the past can go back to where it belongs in the past. Is Reyn the target or is it more complicated than that? Download the book now to find out you won't disappointed

Thank you RB Hilliard for another 5* read - I can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Ana Rita.
1,717 reviews40 followers
November 2, 2019
Oh my God... It's been so long since I had a book from this lady that I couldn't stop smiling...
I simply adore this author and she knows it.
R. B. Hilliard is not only an amazing author but a spectacular person. She's kind and sweet and her writing will take you to places... Just saying...
She has the most fantastic books I've ever read and now she is writing MC... MC... Guys, you know what this means don't you?
MC... My absolute favorite genre... She's writing it... Oh boy...
Bleed for Her is her latest release and tells the stories of Reynolds and Clay.
Reynolds just wants to forget her past and live her future to the fullest. She's happy with what she has and just wants to keep living a simple and quiet life.
Until the day she finds her fiance dead and his killers on the hunt to kill her too.
Clay has it all. He has the life he always wanted with his MC family. His life hadn't been easy but he just kept living.
He can have anything he wants but not everything he desires... And when he sees himself protecting Reynolds...
Oh my God. I was speechless when this book ended.
Wanna know why? Because this was brilliant. Like I knew it would be, coming from this author and all that jazz.
Superb plot, very well written, super engaging, dark and with so much drama in between.
It was chapter after chapter of suspense, forbidden things and desire... Yep... You'll find some pretty hot stuff in between. Dayum...
There were two things he that made me read this book. The most important one was the fact that it was written by one of my favorite authors and the second one was that it's an MC... MC the genre I freaking love... I can't get enough...
These two are stubborn as a rock and you'll fall in love with them, cry with their tears, laugh with their jokes but most importantly you'll fall in love with them.
RB. Woman... You rock. This book... Jesus this book spiked my curiosity and now I want the entire team. I need to know more about them.
Will Ax be the next? Please say yes...I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Kimberly .
55 reviews
October 22, 2019
There are many good stories out there, but only a few really great story tellers. Those who get you excited to read and be a part of whatever world they open up to you through their words, RB Hilliard is one of those for me.

This story is about long standing love, survival and loyalty. It’s about the family we choose in life rather than those given to us through biology.

Buck belongs to the Steel Raiders motorcycle club. They are his family, his brothers and there is nothing in this world he would not do for them. Reynolds Walker is a part of Bucks past, someone he knew, someone he cared about. Someone he allowed to escape when he knew that she was being destroyed, slowly, being mentally and physically abused.

But Reyn is a fighter. She took her chance, she got away, she made herself strong again. She learned to defend herself and took her life back. She never forgot her past or what had been done to her and she vowed to NEVER allow it to happen again. Neither would Buck.

But now, someones trying to kill Reyn......watching her feeling the fear, but determined to stand on her own, Buck is just as determined to protect this woman he’s cared so deeply for. He wants her, wants to claim her as his own, to make her a part of his world. But he isn’t sure he can. She’s been through a lot to just survive. Will she be able to see the real him? To see the man he is and to accept that he and his brothers aren’t the same kind of men who hurt her years ago?

This story is a page turner from beginning to end and you will love it. I hope we will get more stories from the Steel Raiders in the future. Until then this ones a must read.
Profile Image for Comfy Couch Book Reviews.
634 reviews45 followers
October 20, 2019
I am not usually a big MC romance fan, I have just one other favourite but I know that this is going to be the second and I hope that it is the first of a new series (pretty please RB). Whew what a freaking ride this one was. It felt like it being on the back of Buck's motorbike riding the Pacific Coast Highway!

Seriously though, as I would expect from RB this book was intense from page one. It grabbed me and wouldn't let go, and was an all-nighter! It starts with the sudden murder in their home of Reyn's soon to be fiance by strangers. This stirs up memories of the past that she has spent the last five years trying to forget. When motorbikes start roaring up her driveway she totally panics and falls down the raving at the back of her garage. Reyn is totally confused and angry when Buck who she hasn't seen for years climbs down to rescue her. He takes her to the headquarters of his motorbike club to keep her safe. She fights him and the club every inch of the way almost to the point where Buck will have to choose between the woman he loves and his club.

This is a hot and sexy love story but is also a thrilling mystery as the bikers try to discover who has targeted Reyn and the members of their club and unfortunately blood has to be spilled before the conclusion. There is also a feel-good facet of the story as Reyn finds family in an unusual place and love with a guy who will do anything to protect her.

Another superb book from RB not to be missed and I would give it more than 5 stars if I could.
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,680 reviews17 followers
June 25, 2020
Let's start off by saying this is a first time author for us and we really enjoyed our first read by them.

This story started right off with a bang and preceded to be action packed and intriguing to the very end.

Reyn was a character who was fun,sassy,a little bit broken but, also a women who suffered so much pain it made her into a strong and independent women but, also one who has closed off her heart and its going to take an amazing man who is up to the challenge to break those walls down she as built around her.

Buck was a character you fell instantly in love with .We loved his protective instincts and brawn and how he showed us his softer side but, we also saw just how deadly he could be but, the perfect match for Reyn in every way.

Reyn and Buck's chemistry was off the charts from the moment they meet again they were both drawn to each other life a moth to a flame. "Smokin hot together !"

What we loved most of all we saw both of these characters evolved Reyn even more so as Reyn actually started healing from her past and was becoming more and more the women Buck used to know.

We loved the plot as it kept you interested and intrigued and was a bit of a mystery to the very end.We also loved the characters and we are so looking forward to getting to know them better next time around.

Recommend read to all !
53 reviews2 followers
October 25, 2019

I guess dreading to come home because you know your live-in bf is going to propose is proof enough that the relationship is just about over. But finding said bf dead on the kitchen floor is definitely a, well.., relationship stopper.

Reyn went from a highly abusive relationship to a totally safe but boring relationship. Buck is the guy who have always wanted her but could never have her. Until, Reyn is forced to be under his protection when trouble comes knocking on her door again. Being in close proximity to each other seems to stoke the ambers turning it into a fire that, hopefully, would not burn out at the first sight of trouble.
Having to depend on Buck and the Steel Raiders MC to keep her safe certainly did not sit well with Reyn. However, Buck refuses to fail her again.

Their story makes me wanna wring some of the MC members' necks at time, or shove a club girl into a wall and definitely makes me wanna lock Reyn and Buck up in a tiny room so they would just fight it out or release all the pent up tension.

It is a great start to a new series by the great RB Hilliard. As usual, I wait oh so not-very patiently for the next book.
Profile Image for Megan Mary.
1,059 reviews14 followers
October 21, 2019
So much YES!!! Seriously, I may or may not have screamed (loudly) when I saw that RB Hilliard was writing an MC Book/Series. I've been wishing & hoping that an MC series would happen after reading Piper & Gage's book and let me tell you she did NOT disappoint!

5 years ago (In the MMG Series); Buck saved Reyn's life from an extremely abusive relationship. He always loved her from afar; but never let her know how he truly felt. So when she returns to the town she left behind; Buck vows to always protect her even if he has to do it secretly. But when a particularly dangerous situation occurs involving Reyn; Buck is forced out of the shadows to protect her. These two were just everything! There are so many twists and turns to this story, so many truly wonderful secondary characters that I can't wait to read more of & some seriously off the charts 🔥🔥🔥 chemistry. I honestly cannot say how much I LOVED this book and I cannot wait to see where RB Hilliard takes us next! ❤️

***ARC Provided in Exchange for an Honest Review/ Megan Scandalous Book Blog***
Displaying 1 - 30 of 103 reviews

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