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The state took me away from my mother when was I twelve and sent me to live with an uncle, who worked on some fancy estate.

That's when I met Ash, she was ten and the daughter of the man who owned the estate. She thought I would be her new best friend but I only wanted to be left alone.

For years she was always there, always annoying me, always wanting more from me. But our roles were clear. She was the princess and I was the chauffeur's charity case.

I told her not to fall in love with me...she didn't listen.

180 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 22, 2020

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S. Doyle

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,803 reviews537 followers
April 29, 2020
A new trilogy that caught my attention right from the start. I'm always caught in one that begins with kids wrapped up in an awkward friendship that becomes more as they grow older. This one has a bit of a dark side and some rough patches along with some bumps in the road. And well, the worst of all -- a dang cliffy leaving readers wondering what will become of these two and a relationship that seemed to be on solid footing.

Solid writing with a little twist to the usual. I'm ready for the second installment due for release on May 6.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
419 reviews47 followers
June 30, 2020
Review is for the entire trilogy

This trilogy kept my interest, and I actually liked it was short books that still felt pretty full of story. Unfortunately, I didnt care much for the MCs. Ash was such a pathetic like character when it came to Marc. I got what the author was trying to do, but it just didnt work for me. He was just so damn mean to her, and she just kept asking for more. I think I would have liked the story more if she had more moments where she felt like she deserved to be treated better. Even in the end when he is trying to win her over, she only isnt with him because she thinks he can never love her because she blames herself for everything he went through in the story. There was never a moment where I felt she built a backbone and stood up to him that she deserved better. She never had interest in any other man, but in his head we had to hear about all the girls he had fucked that were hotter than her, like come on. She saved her virginity for him (while he slept with a bunch of OW) which also is just an annoying plot choice that needs to end. So much focus on giving him her virginity, she practically begged him to take it, and of course he loved that he was the only one to touch her even though he let tons of OW touch him. I still cannot believe women write this sexist shit. Why not let her at least go on a date with someone else?

The inner thoughts of Marc also didnt soothe my annoyance at how mean he was to her. It wasnt till about 60% into the third book that he FINALLY tries being nice to her, and yet still all he focused on was having sex with her rather than emotionally soothing all the damage he had done to her self-esteem. I just wasn't impressed. Yes I understood why he was the way he was, but the cruelty he showed her was just too much, and paired with her pathetic need to take whatever crumbs he gave her just made me sad for her on top of her father being horrible to her too.

Some examples of things he told her:

“Are you serious right now? Are you that pathetic?”

“I didn’t. I’ve fucked already. Made girls come. Made girls suck me off. I’m going to be eighteen in a few months, and then, of course, you officially become jailbait. But here’s the thing, Ash. And I want you to understand this clearly. Even if you were eighteen and as hot as Kaitlin, which you’re not, I still wouldn’t touch you. Because you’re nothing but a useless, spoiled princess who doesn’t know shit about anything bad that happens in life.”

She probably thought she needed to lose her virginity to someone else, if for no other reason than to keep things equal between us. That made me smile because I knew she wouldn’t do it. I knew she’d wait for me. For a hell of a lot longer than she’d already waited.

All that was just glossed over, almost killed her bc she had an asthma attack from crying so hard, but she forgave him immediately because she was told he was hurting and didnt mean it, so she took that dumb advice to heart and let him continually talk to her like this.

The mystery angle is what kept most of my interest, but even that was wrapped up too neatly and easily.

I think these three books can be summed up by one quote from the heroine where she finally displayed some awareness she deserved better:

"I don’t know if I can continue to be this well of love you drink from, but never give back."

That was followed by one I love you from him, and she forgave him immediately 🙄 we read romance for the grovels and romance, it is not romantic to read a book about a guy who gets everything he wants, when he wants it and the heroine is just there to be his reward.

I think I will be avoiding this author from now on, because she has very sexist and antiquated ideas of women, and what they should have to subject themselves too for love, and that just doesnt work for me in a romance story anymore. It's time for us to expect more from romance authors, and support ones who want to evolve the genre more than keep churning out these sexist, tired, and cliche stories.
Profile Image for Lolina ⋆ .
986 reviews49 followers
July 28, 2022
- 2.5 stars -

Marc was the definition of an irredeemable manchild, with little to no likable qualities- but 2.5 stars because there's something about toxic men written by women 🤷‍♀️.

This definetly was not my favourite, but I'll try and refrain from judging too much until I've read more.

The lack of self-respect from the heroine, and lack of groveling from the hero was actually painful- but onto the next one 🤡.
Profile Image for Auj.
1,504 reviews112 followers
May 11, 2020
I liked it, and it was definitely sweet Ash loving him, waiting for him, wanting him to be the one to take her virginity. But at the same time I started thinking how desperate she was for his love and attention and it kind of became pathetic after a while. Surely she couldn't find someone else who would be as into her as she was? I don't really like books where the heroine has to convince the guy to love her, when she's the one chasing him, instead of the other way around.
He seemed to only be interested in her body than personality. The only thing he seemed to appreciate about her personality was her loyalty. By the time they had sex, I felt he could have been fucking any beautiful girl. That that was why he was finally having sex with her. And because she was so desperate for him.
Yes, the author hints that he feels strongly for her, but he represses these feelings of needing her. I honestly wish some of the heroes I've been reading recently who were possessive as fuck and over the top could learn from Marc, and he could learn from them too.

This book reminded me of Sick Fux even though that book was crazy dark and luckily there was no major abuse happening here, so the story was nowhere as dark, because there are two young kids living on a huge estate, and the girl is the daughter of the rich man and the "princess" of the estate. And it also reminded me of "The Bride", the first book by S. Doyle I read, with the time changes (i.e. 6 months later, a year). Not much in the way of plot happened in this book to be honest. It was just a progression so you could get a feel for their relationship. And nothing happened between the characters before Ashleigh was 18. I liked Ellie in "The Bride" better. She was less desperate than Ashleigh and seemed to have more of a backbone.

I need to read some of the other reviews, see if other people agree with me about Ashleigh being so desperate that it bordered on being pathetic. I thought that because of another review I read for a different book of a character (might have been Ellie lol).

Also the first time they have sex it's actually surprisingly realistic. Even if that makes it less hot.

I feel like the dad is sending her to finish school so she can be the perfect bride for Evan whatever his name was. I think there are more depths to the dad, I feel like his worst is yet to come, and I'm interested in him as a villain but not a totally evil one. The author wrote the dad's character very well.
Profile Image for Melanie Cesa.
950 reviews34 followers
April 17, 2020
What a great start to this series! I love Marc and Ashleigh!

This story starts from the time Marc and Ashleigh were kids through to their age of college. I loved watching the growth of their friendship. I felt for both Marc and Ashleigh. They both lead very different lives, and each had their own struggles in different ways. I love how full of life Ashleigh is and how she’d always push Marc. She is his light and rock in all things, even though it takes him some time to come to terms with his feelings and all he’s been through, watching him slowly let his walls down is heartwarming.

This story is written to make you feel so much. I had a knot in my stomach so many times. I was anxious to know what was going to happen and how things were going to turn out. I can’t wait for the next book as I’m sure dear old dad isn’t finished yet.

Fantastic start to this series and I’m looking forward to the next book!

“Because I was starting to understand something else she’d been right about. I needed her like air.”
Profile Image for Abby.
1,920 reviews60 followers
April 22, 2020
WOW. Completely captivating and I couldn't put this book down. Full review to come.
This book!!!! The push/pull between Marc and Ash was strong. Their lives couldn’t be any more different but these two had something between them. Ash was a princess banished to her castle, while Marc was the kid with unfortunate circumstances, with a chip on his shoulder. And Ash could always read him, even when he didn’t want her to. Their friendship was unique and the emotions were INTENSE! I craved all the words and I didn’t want this book to end! Looking forward to Don’t Hate Me!
Profile Image for Camille.
199 reviews
June 12, 2021
This just wasn’t for me.

It’s one of THOSE books where the h never has any interest in another man whatsoever and saves her virginity for the H who regularly screws countless other women. The H was boring and one dimensional despite what was supposed to be a traumatic upbringing. The h is one of the weakest I’ve read in a while. The writing was bland. Unfortunately I had little interest in the plot given these other issues. I won’t be continuing the series.
Profile Image for AJ Martin.
534 reviews13 followers
October 2, 2021
Once again, I judged the book by its cover. The color scheme and font combinations drew me in, and I honestly don't know what to think. I want to hate it, but I just can't.

The characters are a bit of a mess in my opinion. Marc is your typical bad buy with hidden feelings; Ashleigh is the typical innocent girl with a hidden dark side. I usually love this trope, but it felt a bit weird with this book. The contrast between the two was a bit overwhelming.

Some of the dialogue and actions were unrealistic and made me partially uncomfortable at times. Ashleigh's persistence was also a little weird, and there were several times when it kind of annoyed me. Likewise, some of the things Marc says, thought, or did were very odd to me.

I believe that Arthur, Ashleigh's father, was written amazingly, though. The way S. Doyle wrote him made me absolutely despise him. Whereas I typically sympathize with characters if they realize they did something wrong, I still hated Arthur even as he cried for forgiveness.

I did like that she included both Ashleigh and Marc's perspectives of specific events. It was nice to be able to know what exactly they both thought of each other at any given moment. The alternating perspective's was easy to understand and was done exceptionally well.

Even with the small issues I had, I still couldn't put the book down. It held my attention fully from page one, and I still find myself wanting more after it ended. I do think S. Doyle is a fantastic author, and I'll definitely check more of her books out soon. Perhaps I just picked the wrong book to start with, or maybe I was just in the wrong mindset going into this book. Either way, I did love her writing style, and I'll probably still read the rest of the series.

I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
80 reviews
September 19, 2022
Will not be finishing the series and that rarely happens. Marc was a complete and total asshole that never showed any redeemable behavior towards Ash. And Ash was a spineless pushover that let Marc use and verbally abuse her for years and still thought he hung the moon. Couldn’t stand either character and not willing to waste time to see if either improve at all in the next book
Profile Image for Fatmata Sankoh.
1,276 reviews4 followers
May 19, 2020
Hmm. I don’t know of what to make of this read. I’ll give the next a go as although it’s not my style of read I am curious of what happens next.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2 reviews
April 15, 2021
Just sad

This book had so much potential. The lead female character was just damn weak! No substance what so ever! Terrible!
Profile Image for JadeReads.
310 reviews28 followers
June 13, 2021
I hated this book with passion, the heroine is so weak and the Hero is a fucking cruel asshole
Profile Image for Tricia.
445 reviews
April 19, 2020
Don’t Love Me is a wonderful and hugely enjoyable start to this trilogy. Fortunately I didn’t take any notice of the title and did in fact love it!

Ashleigh and Marc first meet as children, when they are 10 and 12 years of age respectively, and Marc comes to live with his uncle. They have very different backgrounds but both are a little lost and lonely, both have their own sorrows and struggles to deal with despite their tender years. Although Marc has his protective walls firmly in place, Ash is determined and tenacious when it comes to offering her friendship. She doesn’t let his sometimes mean words and offhand comments put her off and often deals with them by way of humor, or pays them no mind. At no point did I feel that she was a doormat, however, probably because in those early days she chose not to take his comments to heart. Kind and caring, she knows exactly what she’s doing and in fact what Marc’s doing too, and why for that matter. She sees him for what he is and in my opinion this makes her extremely strong and resilient, albeit in a quiet and unassuming way. A little naïve due to her upbringing but a strong young woman nevertheless. She’s the light to his dark, his rock, offering stability and solidarity and I loved her.

Over the course of the book these two grow up together and the progression of their relationship through to their late teens is heartwarming. Marc is determined to deny his true feelings and I really hoped that for him realisation would dawn before it was too late. Its quite an emotional story and I thought it was all very well written. The pacing of the story for me was just right too.

At one point, however, the story starts to take a slightly darker turn, one which had my senses on full alert. There’s some psychological manipulation being used by one particular devious character which gives the tale a definite edge. It’s all something of a mystery and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen there. I feel this person has not yet done his worst.

Of course being a trilogy book one ends on a cliffhanger. I must say, I love this author’s writing style and I finished Don’t Love Me hugely invested in the wonderful characters she’s created. I can’t wait to find out what life has in store for this couple and Don’t Hate Me can’t come soon enough.
Profile Image for Camila.
53 reviews5 followers
October 15, 2020
I found this author because of her "The Bride" series and as soon as I finished that one, I was looking for another one. This "My secret boyfriend"series was the one I chose and I am so glad I did. I enjoyed this book so much! Much more than all the Bride series.

Doyle writes in a way that grabs your attention and you can't put the book down. I read all 3 books in one day!

This first book is the best one in my opinion. It was refreshing to read a book where we get to know the couple since they were kids and it did not get boring. Usually I don't enjoy when books are like that, but it was so well written that it worked.
I loved Ash. She was really sweet, innocent and caring. She would do everything for Marc even when he didn't deserve. She was sheltered and exiled all her life and since the beginning I though her dad was weird in a creepy way. The way he kept her inside this gilded cage "protecting" her was not normal but we don't get to see a plausible explanation for that and I came the conclusion the reason we do not get that is because there is not one! He was just this way! All Ash ever wanted was to be loved and that's why she fought so much to make that boy like her. Don't get me wrong, Ash is no doormat. She fights and pushes back and knows what she wants! The more important is that she was a wisdom beyond her age that makes her know inside what battles to fight. She sees when she has to push and when she has to retreat! It's really refreshing.

Marc, ah Marc. Marc was this angry boy who was abandoned by his mother because she was a drug addicted who didn't care for anything. He goes live with his uncle who works for Landen, Ash's dad. That's where our story begins and it's delightful to watch them grow together. They were both way mature for their age but it's understandable because of the them had gone through, each in their own way.

We get to watch them from 12/14 years old to grow and mature together. We see they develop their bond even tough Marc fights it all the time. It's no possible not to like them. Marc was a bit blunt and rude sometimes but Ash understood him so well that she made us understand him too.

I loved this book and the author!
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.7k reviews150 followers
April 13, 2020
I am loving on Ash and Marc's story so hard right now. This is only the first book in this couple's romance, so of course that means having to deal with the waiting and the being left hanging. After reading this book I feel that the wait and the craving will be well worth it. This is a very well written book that offers up a engaging blend of emotions, drama and angst. I would say that it is a mash-up of friends-to-lovers and the enemies-to-lovers. trope. Which it is really depends on from whose opinion you are looking at it from. If it is from hers it is the former and if it's from his it is the latter. Regardless, I feel that you will quickly find yourself attached to these two as each of them easily sneaks into your heart. The roots of this couple's history start in childhood and that is exactly were this book begins. I felt the pacing was good and fit perfectly with the story being told. Considering that close to ten years pass during this book I suppose that you would classify it as a slow burning read because steam wise things don't heat up and get a bit kinky (spanking) between these two until just about the end of the book. Again though, I thought that worked. The author had plenty of time to develop these characters, their relationship, the complex feelings they had for each other and layout the groundwork for that ominous cloud of strife and doom that is building over their heads. If you are a reader that enjoys investing time in a couple and their evolving relationship this looks to be a series that will be well worth the time commitment. However, If you want fast-paced and some instant satisfaction, you had best keep looking. As, just so you are fully aware, there is some content in here that may not appeal to all readers. There is a scene of physical abuse (not graphic) and an overall feeling of mental abuse. So, if this might be a trigger for you be warned. As for me I totally enjoyed it and I am very eager to continue Marc and Ash's romance when it picks up in book two. This is my independent, Impartial review.
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,100 reviews55 followers
April 22, 2020
Don't Love Me is an angsty kind of beginning to this trilogy. S. Doyle knows how to draw me in, one page at a time and the way she creates characters who you can't get enough of, is why she has become a favorite author of mine. With this latest book of hers, Marc is the ultimate in arses. But yet since we know the pain he has endured, we can understand right along with Ash, why he says and does the things that will no doubt cause some hurt. And his target is the innocent Ashleigh, the literal girl next door, two years his junior.

Although their living arrangements are a bit unconventional, the rich girl and the poor boy have this love/hate kind of relationship that only gets more muddied as they get older. I wanted to throttle Marc more than once but watching as Ash fully understood him and could see the better in him, showed me that perhaps he could eventually be more than just her constant bully.

The story goes by at a good pace as they grow up before our eyes and the attraction between them seems to intensify even as Marc denies it over and over again. We are left on a cliffhanger of sorts as an uncertain future away from one another could mean the end of a hopeful beginning for both of them.

There is a ton of emotion laid bare with each of them having parents who have disappointed them whether or not it was the best for them in the long run. I love how Doyle crafts a story that has the right amount of push and pull and deep feelings felt even when it is almost excruciating to do so.

Looking forward to the next installment, I happily give Don't Love Me a solid 4 stars!
179 reviews
April 15, 2021
This is a review for all 3 books in the series.
I give the series a solid 3 stars.

The first book, Don't Love Me, is a good 3-3.5 stars. It starts off well and draws you in with Ashleigh, a sheltered rich kid meeting Marc who comes to live with his uncle who works for Ashleigh's family, when they are 10 & 12, respectively. The characters have growth and I want to know what happens with the characters. It's mostly well written, and good character development. There are a few editing errors but nothing major.

The second book, Don't Hate Me, is slow and gets boring. The characters are no longer growing. The storyline becomes contrived. The editing errors are more frequent; the use of Even instead of Evan as in "Author and Even". Double negatives "I would never not ...", by the end it was starting to get sloppy:
"'... It looks worse than it,' she said".
The word "is" is missing, and it was the end of them talking so a period instead of a comma.

The third book, Don't Leave Me, is even worse, hardly a one star. Book 2 ends in a cliff hanger you saw coming and was easily able to figure out. The storyline is even more contrived, and now unbelievable. The drama and the main problem is solved and wrapped up too easily and too fast. Marc forgives too quickly, with no rhyme or reason, and since it's dual POV, we have access to his thought process, and he has no reason, just does. And now Ashleigh is the standoffish one, again without reason. Their characters switched ideals, but it's completely against their personalities, and we aren't privy to why, so it's unbelievable. More editing errors: "Marc did know. and, truly, I didn't know what that meant." It's like the author wasn't even trying and there was no editor.

Overall, the 3 book series could have cut out some of the fluff and made it into 2 slightly longer books, we really didn't need it stretched out in 3 books.

Even with the strong start, unfortunately, because of how the 2nd book is, and then the last book, I would not recommend starting this series.
Profile Image for Bookiechick  Reviews.
723 reviews21 followers
April 20, 2020

I was pleasantly surprised by this. S Doyle is a new author for me and admittedly I had never heard of her before now, so I’m so glad I jumped at this!

There’s so much to unpack with this book. A story of abandonment, lack of trust, persistence, caution and a real and deep love. This was so captivating I literally felt like I consumed this book.

The characters are so black and white yet still with more hidden depth. Marc, who is our broody male character, is so intriguing. You would think he’s like any other broody male character but he really isn’t. There’s so much layers to him. It was fascinating reading his POV, so much depth to him it was truly beautifully watch his growth and development through the story.
Ash, she’s not your typical sheltered innocent. There’s so much hidden worldliness to her which makes no sense but at the same time is fascinating to discover about her. With every hit she is dealt with she comes back more assured of herself and her wants it’s truly spectacular to read.

I would have like some added drama just to keep it more alive but I also feel like it wasn’t entirely necessary and I think it’s just because for me I like to be given some level of anticipation.

This is such a angsty yet sweet read that I feel like anyone will enjoy it no matter their preference in troupes when it comes to romance.

Definitely a pleasant surprise of a read for me. I look forward to the next book.
689 reviews3 followers
September 13, 2021
Marc and Ashleigh

This is my first time reading this author and she did an amazing job with this first story. Marc was surly and grouchy towards Ashleigh from the beginning even though he was fourteen and she was twelve. He was taken away from his mother because of her drug abuse and they lived in a crappy apartment, but he knew she loved him. When his uncle George brought him to live in the cottage house with him and he saw the mansion where Ashleigh and her dad lived, he automatically assumed she was the spoiled princess, but her dad had tutors brought in for her and she never left the property because of her asthma. She eventually talked him into letting her go to the public high school and then she wanted to go to Princeton. Marc worked his butt off to get into Princeton with his own merits, but her dad didn't want her to have anything to do with what he called the drug addicts son. Totally a rich, snob and pompous ass. Her dad is instead sending her to Switzerland for her studies and threatened to get Marc kicked out of Princeton if she didn't comply, see total pompous ass. Happy reading and looking forward to the next story.
Profile Image for Jeanne Stone.
859 reviews4 followers
April 15, 2020
Doyle always gives us complex characters. Their not always likable in the beginning though we learn to love them. Marc is rough. He's horrible to Ashleigh. He's smart and driven though. Unlike Ash, I wasn't able to forgive him for his mean words and dismissive attitude toward her. She's unique though in that she takes very little of it personally and is persistent in always being there for Marc.

It's rewarding though to see the small breakthroughs where Marc shows how much Ash really means to him. When the book ends, they've finally come together but there's a lot of unfinished business with Ashleigh's dad to leave their future in a big, dark cloud. Dad's always been a bit of an enigma but now there are a lot of questions as to his character and plans for Ash.

The ending of this book left me frustrated. I can't wait until the next book comes out to see where these two star-crossed lovers go next. There are enough hints to lead me to think it's going to be much worse for them before they get their happily ever after. If they even get one.
Profile Image for Gwen Pendley.
252 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2020
My first book by S Doyle but definitely not my last! This book was described to me as a bully romance, and for that reason, I thought twice about reading it, but I am so very glad that I didn't.

Marc & Ashleigh meet as children. Ashleigh kind of looks at Marc with a hero worship. As they grow into their teenage years, their unusual friendship grows and gets tried. With 2 years between them, Marc sees Ashleigh as a baby and is constantly pushing her away. The harder he pushes, the more Ashleigh does. He gets cruel and cold and she dishes it back just as good.

Despite every cruel thing Marc says, she loves him that much harder. Once she turns 18, Marc lets the wall down a little bit and lets her in. They finally are going to be together at college, but Ashleigh's father has other ideas and sends her to Switzerland. At such a tender age, can the two survive?

This book is a cliffhanger and I am already ready to get my hands on the next book in this series. I devoured this book!
Profile Image for Sjolander.
43 reviews
April 18, 2020
Okay. Honestly, I loved this story. It is a 2 part story that continues in another book, but the 1st book ended in a transitional spot. The main characters (Marc and Ash) met as children. I like how she had this puppy love that held on no matter how he treated her. I think he discovered that he could depend on her never to reject or abandon him no matter how hard he push her away. She was his constant even though he didn't want her to be. I just say that there was a twist with her father, so I hope that there is a reason for his behavior. It won't excuse it though. I found myself pushing for the story to go faster, but I was happy to read along at the pace of it. I am so ready to dive into the next book to see where their story takes me. This book has the preview into the next book, but I didn't read it because I rather just jump right into the full book. (ARC)
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.8k reviews90 followers
April 25, 2020
Marc may not have had an easy childhood but being uprooted from everything he knew to go and live with his uncle when he was a child wasn’t much better especially when Ashleigh ignores all his attempts to push her away. Ashleigh is the daughter of his uncle’s employer who is drawn to him and understands his pain so she isn’t about to just walk away.

Ashleigh’s determination to win Marc’s heart finally pays off and they are planning a future together but someone in their lives have other plans and is determined to keep them apart. We will have to wait for the next book in the trilogy to see what the future holds for this couple.
Profile Image for Daisy Sauceda.
1,809 reviews22 followers
April 25, 2020
This is a great book with a great story. You have Ashliegh and Marc who were brought together under some unforeseen situations. However, Ash has been sheltered due to other reasons. So what is going on with these two. Marc, seems to have a chip on his shoulder and Ash just wants to help him. Only as they grow older, feelings change. But for who? One fights the attraction and one just does everything to get noticed. However, someone is going to do anything to keep them from having a relationship. What will happen? I loved this book because you get to know both Ash and Marc. This story is sad but can they happiness. You need to read this to find out. I loved it.
Profile Image for EMMA  White.
32 reviews
May 1, 2020

I have been trying to put off reading this until just before the 3rd book comes out so I could read them all together, but it was sitting in my library taunting me, I told myself just one chapter to keep me going.....needless to say I didn’t stop after the first chapter, and now I’ve finished it!

I love Ash! I liked Marc too, even when he was being a knob to her! It was lovely to see another side to him towards the end of the book, and I’m so excited for the next part as I know without doubt, when he lets himself go and admits to his feelings towards her, he’s going to be one hell of a book boyfriend!!
Profile Image for Christine Jalili.
1,935 reviews35 followers
April 25, 2020
This is a really great book, I couldn’t stop reading it. I felt for Marc as he has to live with his uncle because his mom is an addict. Ashleigh ( Ash) was excited about his living on her family estate. This book really gutted me, and I cried so hard. Marc seems mean to her while she’s so persistent and loyal, she’s always loved him. When will he realize he loves her? The book does have a cliffhanger and I can’t wait for the next book. I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy and I highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Ellie.
545 reviews150 followers
June 30, 2020
DNF @92%

Nope. Nope. Nope.
With 8% left I could have finished.
Except, no.
I have no plans to continue this series or to ever read another book by the person who wrote this, so why bother finishing.

I don't do spanking. I loathe it. I think it's sickening 🤮. Therefore, it's a hard limit.
Jesus I wish writers would get tired of it already.

Pity. I was kind of into this story and would have liked to see it play out.

No rating, despite nearly making it to the end. It's a decent read I think - minus the content that advocates repeatedly striking someone during intimacy.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,915 reviews26 followers
April 15, 2020
Love Marc and Ash’s story and I can’t wait for more. Their story will have you reeling with emotions, drama and some angst, but what’s a story without a little angst? These two have known each other since they were kids and life happened, feelings crept up and now what do you do? Can these two have a future together or will Marc always feel like he’s less than she deserves? I received a copy of this book.
Profile Image for shannonbookishlife.
1,065 reviews
September 7, 2020
This book!!!! The push/pull between Marc and Ash was strong. Their lives couldn’t be any more different but these two had something between them. Ash was a princess banished to her castle, while Marc was the kid with unfortunate circumstances, with a chip on his shoulder. And Ash could always read him, even when he didn’t want her to. Their friendship was unique and the emotions were INTENSE! I craved all the words and I didn’t want this book to end! Looking forward to Don’t Hate Me!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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