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Silent observer.

Life was in the details. The weight of a government issued rifle, the trajectory of a bullet, the speed of the wind—those details were crucial in the Marines. But outside the military, that level of observation was currency, and I was selling my skills to the best security firm in south Florida.

Except I wasn’t on a job when I noticed the nervous brunette pushing through the crowd. Her hair loose, her shirt borrowed, she stumbled in too-big shoes before looking over her shoulder. I didn’t follow her glance. I didn’t have to. I’d already spotted the muscle after her. The question was if I was going to do anything about it. Before I could decide, her pursuer took aim. It was the wrong move.

Now everyone was going to find out how callous a bodyguard could be.

*CALLOUS is the sixth standalone book in the Alpha Bodyguard Series.

The Alpha Bodyguard Series:
SCANDALOUS – Tank’s story
MERCILESS – Collins’s story
RECKLESS – Tyler’s story
RUTHLESS – Sawyer’s story
FEARLESS – Ty’s story
CALLOUS – Preston’s story
RELENTLESS – Thomas’s story

276 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 9, 2019

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About the author

Sybil Bartel

47 books1,152 followers
Sybil Bartel is a USA Today Bestselling author of unapologetic Alpha heroes. Whether you're reading her dominant Alpha Elite mercenaries, her protective Alpha Bodyguards, or her page-turning romantic suspense, all of her heroes are sexy-as-sin and unwaveringly Alpha!

Sybil lives in South Florida, and she is forever Oliver's mom.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
September 7, 2019
Intense. Broody. Possessive. Protective. Cold. Calculated. Broken. Emotional. So many feels and they all came from Preston Vos. This author SLAYED me with Preston Vos.

I'm honestly in a bit of shock right now. My favorite has always been the Viking and Preston just knocked him down to number 2. I can't believe I just said that. Is it possible to have two equally favorites? I can't let go of the Viking but all I can think about is Preston after what I just read.

I haven't read all of Sybil Bartel's books yet, but I'm very close and this is her best book yet! This book took me through so many stages of emotions. It was thrilling and exciting, sad and depressing, emotionally gut wrenching and then just overwhelming love. I honestly didn't want the book to end.

Mercy was a great heroine but I'm gonna admit, it's always about the hero for me. She's great, that's all you need to know. No seriously, I did like her as well. I was sad and disappointed in her in the beginning but I actually don't blame her for what happened. And honestly, you learn so much about what these two where thinking later in the book that you really can't be mad at either of them for their start.

Another piece to my Preston loving puzzle was seeing him interact with Mercy's son who is deaf. The coldest heart will melt at those two. After everything you learn about Preston's past, it just blows me away how he was with both Mercy and Nash. I loved it.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,223 reviews823 followers
October 8, 2019
I love a hero that has autistic, OCD tendencies. One that struggles with their emotions, or lack thereof. Add in the lack of being able to communicate their thoughts and I’m completely hooked. Such was Preston. He was so intense in everything he did. His thing was numbers and advantages. He took stock of everything around him, every breath, every second that ticked, every heartbeat. And all of it revolved around Mercy and his plan to have her.

’Counting time, measuring distance, forecasting variables – I could detect patterns in anything from weather to animals to human behavior, and I catalogued all of it.’


Mercy was one tough cookie with a sailor’s mouth. She’d lost so much in life that she was afraid of wanting more because losing it would just be another wound to her heart. But Preston’s stoic determination eventually wore her down.

’I’d never felt like he was merely talking to me. When Preston spoke, he was offering up his own brand of a gift.’

I struggled with something that Mercy had done seven years ago but because Preston was so perfect, even in his own acceptance of her actions, I could do nothing less than forgive her as he did. Despite their past and the pain it had inflicted upon them both, this couple found a way to move forward.

Preston was definitely the star in this story for me, but Mercy’s ability to change helped me to fall a little bit in love with her as well. And then there was Nash, who I absolutely adored! Every scene with Preston and Nash together totally stole my heart.


This is romance in its truest form.

Dual POV
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews234 followers
September 17, 2019
Originally posted at:

Based on how this novel started out I thought it was going to be amazing but then it just wasn't. Before the pitchforks come out let me explain! It starts off with a prologue type of situation which I was excited about. The present story starts off nicely with the heroine telling us about present hero and action-packed-problem hits and.... then proceeds to get resolved within a chapter?

I guess it was wrong of me to think that all the books in this series would follow the pattern all the other books have set. It was just weird to have the couple interact because they wanted to and not because there was a big bad after one or all of them.

Most of this author's novels feature insta-love and she's one of the few that make me not hate it. Mercy (at least in the beginning) seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. She was sassy, mouthy and knew that she would put her son above anything else. Though in the last third of the novel she got this annoying tick where she started running off when small problems would come up with Preston instead of talking to him about it even though they always made up afterword anyways.

Speaking of her son, (even though I dislike children in novels) I would have loved to have known what condition he has (or if he even has one?) that caused him to be born deaf. I can already imagine the future story he could have if/when the author ages him up.

Preston was a whole other ball game compared to the other heroes this series has featured in past books. He's broken due to happenings in his childhood and the way he's found to circumvent that is control in every aspect of his life and his surroundings. Counting and calculating is a way of life for him. If there was anyone who would benefit from talking to a therepist it would be him. Living like that is not what I would call living at all. As much as he is controlling he's also secretive. Getting personal information out of him is like pulling teeth. I would have liked to have gotten to know him more.

The ending was sweet! Considering there was no big bad (remember that ended almost before the present story began), it was just that: sweet. I'm not excited for Thomas's book to be next. The way the heroine Summer was presented didn't make me like her one bit. I'm still on the bandwagon of let's-give-Neil's-cousin/nephew(I forget who he was only that he was presented at the beginning of another character's book) a book for himself!

My Favorite Quotes:

"Bad sh*t happened in odd numbers."

"Our experiences shape us."

"Feelings are never wrong, they just are."

Profile Image for rj.
700 reviews330 followers
October 17, 2019
have i been bamboozled? lol

there are SO many glowing reviews but they failed to mentioned that

Profile Image for Meg H.
78 reviews58 followers
February 1, 2022
Insta love ex military

I enjoyyed this booj. It deviates from the patterns of the first five books - no large drams ir rescue mission just focused on the couple the history and their relationship
Profile Image for 🦉Maggie Whitworth.
3,117 reviews100 followers
August 13, 2021

Brilliant, a moody, controlled, and satisfying alpha male who completely takes over the book and his friends sisters life.
Fine line here between protecting and stalking, love and obsession.
As long as you come down on the love and protect sides you will love this book.
Profile Image for Shelley.
123 reviews16 followers
February 6, 2022

Well, I've been on a roll with Sybil Bartel's alpha bodyguard series for several days now and it's been quite a ride. I've pretty much read these books back to back and for the most part it's been time well spent. With this installment, though, I've found the first story of hers that I didn't like at all.

I loved that the main focus was on the romance here, as opposed to Fearless where the romance kind of took a back seat to everything else. We had ample amount of couple time, but too bad Mercy, the heroine, was awfully frustrating for me to read. Not only did I resent her for what she did to Preston early on in their acquaintance (as well as the fact that she has the gall to blame him for her selfish actions), I didn't care for her personality. She was immature, self-absorbed and impulsive. She does and says things without thought of how her behaviour might affect those around her, esp those she claims to care for. She was also a damn hypocrite, always lashing out and hounding Preston for having bad communication skills, but she would turn around and misinterpret shit left and right, jump to conclusions and act impulsively without ever communicating her issue to those involved. Furthermore, she was another one of those Bartel heroines who liked to cuss ... way too much. She got on my last damn nerve.

Being a nurse & having a child with special needs, she should have clued in on the fact that Preston may have had some sort of learning disability based on his weird of way of communication. But no, she was too wrapped up in her own bullshit to think about anyone else, while he, on the other hand, was her shadow ... always taking care of her & her kid and making sure they were okay. Normally the way Bartel's men show love through very heartwarming acts of service is something I love, but she didn't deserve him. It irritated me that such a great hero was wasted on her dumbass.

I loved Nash! Sybil Bartel really does a good job of incorporating children in her books. Where many authors struggle to write convincing child characters - either making them too mature for their age, too bratty or just using them as props - Bartel has a knack for making her child characters relevant, cute and age appropriate.

Then there's Preston ... he was such an interesting, endearing hero, despite some of his more odd and darker behaviours. I think he suffered from a learning or psychological disability, maybe both, but was very high functioning. Some people might identify his condition as OCD or autism. Whatever it was, it really made his character rather unusual in a positive way.

Anyhow, despite some positives, Callous almost became a DNF because of the heroine and how Bartel chose to develop their relationship during the course of the book. I started skimming pages after a while because I was getting fed up with Mercy's selfish, bitchy ass, piss poor attitude. And I didn't like that Preston was too fucking pussy whipped to put her in her damn place. I really, really hate it when authors make heroes become martyrs for a heroine's poor choices & actions when it is not warranted.

Another issue I have is that I wish Bartel would actually SHOW her heroes vulnerabilities on the page. She often tells us about feelings and traumas they have, but we rarely, if ever, are able to experience how these traumas affect them and how they deal with it. She scratches the surface, but never shows us anything in depth. Yes, they're battle-hardened and can probably absorb trauma quicker and easier than most civilians, but they're still human. This lack is especially stark because these guys are former military men who have seen combat so you know some or all of them must have trauma of some kind.

In Scandalous, it is mentioned that Tank still suffers from PTSD, but we saw no signs of it throughout that book. I'm not saying their psychological issues have to overtake the whole book because I get it ... it's not that kind of book. It's nice with all these badass alpha heroes who seem invincible, but sometimes they come across as too fantastical. It can seem like they only exist to take care of the heroine, cook for her & pleasure her in bed. The ultimate dream man, sure, but more like an alien alpha sex robot ... rather than a real person.

These actions are often not reciprocated by the heroine, at least not on page ... which, for me, makes their relationship not as heartfelt and meaningful as it should be and want it to be. Relationships are a two way street and I want to see the couple taking care of each other, not just TLC going one way.

I mean, I like fanservice just as much as the next person, but if you go too overboard with it and it starts to feel too unbelievable, my eyes are gonna start rolling and I'm going to start checking out of the book.

Another gripe I have is that all her heroes are alpha in the exact same way. Sure, they kind of have different personalities & if you're truly alpha you're going to have some things in common - but they all kind of do everything the same? They all love the heroine in the exact same way; they have sex the same way, in the exact same positions, doing all the same actions. Where's the fun in that? It's starting to feel like once you read one sex scene you've read them all. No creativity whatsoever. Ugh ... boring! Change up those positions, let them do different things, fuck upside down for fuck's sake! Instead of the same dick in vagina, flood her with cum missionary action over and over.

And finally, I definitely felt like there was too much telling and not enough showing in this book and that definitely took away from story. Some examples:

While I didn't dislike Ariel from Neil, I did find her annoying at times. I didn't think any other Bartel heroine could be more annoying than her, but that's because I hadn't yet met Mercy. I was also able to tolerate Ariel to an extent and not skip through her book; I seriously couldn't stand Mercy and I skim-read from 60% - 100. And it's not just because she fucked another man. That certainly didn't help, but it's mostly because of her personality why I didn't like her. She was too immature and full of entitlements, her way of atoning for her fuck-ups never felt sincere or genuine.

Sadly this story/plot just did not come together for me. I think with a different kind of heroine, I probably could have enjoyed it more. It's a real pity that Bartel chose to pair two of her most intriguing heroes - Neil & Preston - with such annoying, unlikable (in the case of Mercy) heroines.

I won't be reading book 7 because I have no interest in reading about a 23 yr old hero (who is often described as a fresh-faced kid whose balls are barely hung) with a 36 yr old divorcee heroine. I'm not a fan of the older woman/younger man trope. Therefore, I hope book 8 will be a stark improvement upon these last 2 books (6 & 7). Apparently the heroine is Summer Amehurst who did not make a good impression on me in Callous so I'm just praying she isn't another bitchy ass twat who is going to try my last damn nerve.
Profile Image for Renee.
100 reviews
September 10, 2019
I will start off saying I love anything Sybil writes. Callous is no exception. Preston however is a fantastic exception to the standard alpha character. An amazing alpha character whose love language is silent...acts of service, not words of affirmation or physical touch. I understood Preston from the beginning as acts of service are my love language. Those who are not as observant to acts of service misunderstand the lack of words and touch as Mercy did. I have always thought no one would top Neil in Sybil's gang but Preston just may edge him out. I am afraid anything I say will not do Preston justice. There's a new book boyfriend in town and his name is Preston. Hail again to Sybil, the Queen of the Alphas.
Profile Image for Ziezie.
752 reviews36 followers
June 16, 2020
Omgggggggg I love love love Preston!! My heart broke for him and swelled with love for him. He is perfect for Mercy and Nash. Nash is the sweetest!! I want more chapters or even a novella about them. Please Sybil!!!

I love Sybil Bartel’s heroes but Preston has now been inducted into my all time fav book boyfriend list!!!

Profile Image for Cheryl O'Harney.
1,233 reviews22 followers
September 9, 2019
ARC read in return for an honest review.

Sybil Bartel has only gone and smashed it out the ballpark with Callous.

In this brilliantly written intense, emotional gut wrenching five star read we get to know more behind the cold and calculated man of mystery Preston Vos, what’s his story? What’s made him the broody, possessive man that he is today? Like I’ve already said we get to know more of him and his background, we’re also introduced to Mercy and her young son Nash, those familiar with Ms Bartel’s previous work may remember her as Ty’s sister but we get to know more about her as well as falling in love with the adorable Nash, just wait till you read about Preston and his interactions with him, your ovaries might just be in danger of exploding, I guarantee you than even the coldest of coldest hearts would be at high risk of melting when it comes to the pair.

It may have taken Preston and Mercy the long road to finally get together, and a few hurdles had to be jumped by the pair but finally love really does conquer all and they get the HEA they both deserve.

Buckle up and enjoy the craziness when it comes to this amazing five star read by the super talented Ms Bartel.
398 reviews6 followers
September 14, 2019
Did we read the same book?

## How did this book get all these amazing reviews? Omg, this book was frustrating beyond belief. The hero couldn't make up his mind! His hot and cold act, his secrets, his running off, never answering any questions...I wanted to smack him. He was insane, constantly spouting nonsense. I'm not talking about his OCD counting, I get that, but all the other things that didn't make any sense. He was secretive and evasive. The heroine kept telling him that she wanted him, yet he kept saying "she doesn't want me". Over and over. And why was the 22yr old blonde even following him around? Of course the heroine would get mad. Who wouldn't? Needless to say, neither hero nor the heroine were very likeable.

Sorry, I can't recommend this. It just made me mad. The only reason I gave it an extra star was the little boy Nash. He was adorable.
Profile Image for Mia Searles (The Muses Circle).
318 reviews52 followers
September 9, 2019
Holy Mary Mother of God...what did I just read? I can't remember the last time I felt so consumed by a story and the characters that drive it. I loved Preston when Sybil Bartel introduced him as a secondary character in a previous Alpha Bodyguard book. But in Callous, I fell IN LOVE with Preston. Hopelessly. Irrevocably. Instant and all-consuming.

Preston and Mercy have history. It's sort of a second chance romance. Bartel opens the story with how they first met and the instant attraction they felt for one another (although we find out that Preston had already developed a sort of attachment to Mercy through pictures that her brother Ty had of her while they served together). Preston makes Mercy some promises in his awkward, formal, eccentric alpha way, promises that require Mercy to take a leap of faith since Preston is unable to deliver on these promises until he finishes out his time in the Marines. Mercy, just coming out of a bad breakup, has trust issues which leads to a big shocker that had me initially hating her. Yes, I said it, I literally had to shut my kindle off for a bit as part one came to a close. But after cooling off, I realized something. I trust Ms. Bartel. There is not one book of hers that I dislike (and I have read everything she has put out) therefore, I needed to trust her, to allow her to take me on this journey and to try to reserve my judgment until the end. And what a ride!

The ride I'm talking about is not one filled with suspense and tons of action like many of Sybil's previous Alpha Bodyguard books. CALLOUS is more of a character piece, filled with pain, guilt, lust...love. As part two starts, Preston and Mercy have to overcome 7 years worth of mistakes and misunderstandings. I won't get into anymore details as far as plot goes but Preston...he is so different from any alpha that Ms. Bartel has ever written and I love everything about him: everything from his completely tatted body (and oh the meanings of some of those tattoos that are revealed at the end! My heart!) to his unique mind and way of controlling the things that are uncontrollable. The way he loves...the man is loyal to a fault and while he might not be a man of flowery words, it's his actions that prove how much he absolutely, thoroughly loves Mercy.

I'm just glad my hate for Mercy turned into admiration and understanding. It takes a special kind of woman to accept someone as eccentric and exceptional as Preston. He's a man that requires a lot of TLC and by the end of CALLOUS, I could see how they compliment each other. I don't know if Sybil will be able to top Preston in upcoming books. That man just ruined me for all other alphas.
50 reviews1 follower
April 25, 2022
DNF@31% I couldn't stand the Heroine. She's supposed to be a grown woman, but acts like a hormonal tween. Also: How the heck is this rated with 4,34 stars??!
Profile Image for LianaReads blog.
2,522 reviews227 followers
September 9, 2019
My second husband ❤️

Each person has a story to tell, each one of us has decisions to make along the time, some will bring us joy and happiness some will bring us sadness and hurt. Nevertheless we have to live with it. If a second chance at changing one of those moments in our past comes along, don’t waste time and just do it. That’s what I’ve felt learning again from Preston’s story.
It’s a story full of angst and more emotional than most of Sybil’s books, a story that will give you a lot of feelings of why and when and how and why not. But it will also bring swooning and awning and everything in between.
Preston is alpha and demanding but also carrying and more of a show man then tell what he really feels. You just wait and see for yourself.
Now Talon is awesome and we all know how his nicknames are making us crack up every single time.
As for our heroine, I can’t say much without spoiling it for you because I wasn’t expecting it 🤐
Brilliant as always Sybil . Love this story so much and I already claimed Preston as my second husband, on the same place as Viking now ❤️
Also cupcake??? LMAO
Profile Image for Nessa.
3,463 reviews55 followers
October 19, 2020

OMFG. NO. The female lead didn't do it for me because she rubbed the wrong way, entirely. Personally, I just don't like girls like her. Mercy gave me the feeling that the entire world owes her, and she's so angry...it got on my nerves.

And when she let her brother's friend fucked her when she's clearly interested in the other guy not a few feet away...and fast forward, she got pregnant? WOW. SUPER IRRESPONSIBLE and she had no excuse. Pretty sure she was older than 18.
Profile Image for Zephyrfl.
144 reviews
September 12, 2019
Great book.

This was the first book I've ever read from this author and I will definitely be reading more. The story was fast paced and kept me interested the entire time. I started with book six in the series because it was in New Releases and I couldn't resist the cover. Now I'll go back and start at one.
60 reviews
September 12, 2019
Second chance winner

Loved the story, but I wish he had gone after her. All worked out for good in the end, of course.
20 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2019
True Love and Fate verses The Test of Time

First off I want to tell you that I absolutely love this story. Sybil takes you on a ride with this book “Callous” that is filled with so much emotion. You feel everything from sadness, betrayal, longing, loss, heartache, regret, angst, excitement, suspense, happiness, laughter and more. Sybil outdid herself when writing this amazing book.

Preston is a mysterious complicated man plagued by the things he has seen and experienced in his lifetime between his childhood, war, and his security job. He keeps things to himself to protect the ones he loves. So much so you hurt for him for the burdens he bares on his own shoulders. He is a man of few words that struggles with control and struggles with communicating his true feelings but more than makes up for it in his actions. He is an exceptional man that plans his life for years around Mercy and her son to protect them and make a life perfect for them that he feels they deserve. He promised her he would come for her and he is a man of his word it just took longer than expected but he never gave up as he watched over her. He is truly their guardian angel in so many ways.

Mercy is the sister of Preston’s best friend Ty. She is a fierce, feisty, strong, and an exceptional single mother that works so hard to keep them afloat and deals with raising a deaf child. She made the wrong choice the night she met Preston but struggles with feelings of regret because it resulted in giving her the best thing in her life. She cannot help but feel that choice cost her Preston the only man she truly loved. She has known for years that he watches over her but will not make a move on her no matter how hard she tries. She sees how deeply she hurt him and feels they will never get past it.

True Love and Fate verses The Test of Time. When Preston and Mercy do come together it is explosive. The love and the sexual chemistry are off the charts. I do mean ALPHA HOT and you know Sybil never lets you down when it comes to that. If you have not read Sybil Bartel’s books then you are missing out and this book is no exception. She tied in Andre, Neal, Ty, which I love them all and my favorite ALPHA Talon in the story. I have to admit Preston gives Talon a run for his money as being the top ALPHA in my book just in a different way meaning totally opposite personalities. I can honestly say that I have truly loved all 14 books Sybil has written about these APLHA HEROS and I have purchased every book she has ever written and absolutely have not had a single regret. She is a very talented and is one of my top favorite authors and she never fails to deliver. Thank you so much Sybil for sharing your gift of writing with all of us. I know that Thomas is coming next and I am already so ready for it. PLEASE PLEASE keep these books and men coming!!!! Please do not stop these books after Thomas. Do not think for a second that we will ever grow tired of them........... I promise they do not in any way seem repetitive and they are all unique and have different stories and you know we all love hearing about all the past ALPHA men we have read and we always are telling you that. Your fans just keep wanting more so that should tell you everything………
Profile Image for KittyLuvr.
561 reviews45 followers
September 10, 2019
Once again Ms. Bartel delivers a superior, intense emotionally gut wrenching romance for her readers.
Preston Vos (Hero), a Marine is huge, gorgeous, muscled & virtually silent. And when on rare occasion he does utter a word or two, his deep voice enthralls Mercy (heroine) & sets all her senses a-tingle.
But the 1st time Preston & Mercy meet, he is a Marine on short leave staying the weekend with his commanding officer Ty Asher (Hero in Fearless) & Ty's sister Mercy. Ty warns Mercy away from Preston & threatens Preston with bodily harm if he attempts to approach Mercy. But Preston is laser focused on Mercy & Mercy is irresistibly & intensely drawn to Preston.
But Preston has severe & dark demons that plague him, demons that dictate how he rigidly regiments & locks steel control on his emotions & actions, on his words. And in order to maintain his this control he compartmentalizes his emotions & focuses his senses on EVERYTHING around him to a frightening degree: surroundings, people, passage of time, automatically counting everything & filing it away.
And Mercy doesn't understand Preston, doesn't understand his reticence, doesn't have the maturity to see past his stoic front to sense the damaged man underneath. And thus, Mercy misunderstands Preston's extremely subtle verbal & non-verbal cues during their night out together with Ty & a fellow Marine, Sam.
And this misunderstanding & the ripple effects affect Preston & Mercy for the next 7 years.
Seven years later, Preston is out of the Marines & works at Luna & Associates Security along with Ty Asher.
And outside events swirl around Preston & Mercy, forcing them together in order to protect Mercy & causes them to reassess the past & their potential for forgiveness, understanding & a relationship . . . .
The plot includes heartbreak, loss, anger, danger, intrigue, action, steam, romance, love & the potential for forgiveness & new understandings. The author smoothly transitions from Preston's to Mercy's POV's, from action & danger to contemplative discussions to steamy interactions. And all along the way pulls the reader deeper & deeper into the lives of her characters, intriguing them with each snippet into Preston & Mercy's past & therefore their present. The reader cares about the characters, is invested in them, hopes for them to find a HEA together.
This book sucked me in, I needed to know what would happen next, what would happen with Preston & Mercy, bounced my emotions from angry, to sad, to worried & concerned, to hopeful & happy, on tenterhooks until the end.
A wonderful, exciting, steamy second chance romance I greatly enjoyed.
And an absolutely thrilling sexy Alpha Hero I loved.
Profile Image for Em.
327 reviews3 followers
October 26, 2019

When the story jumped five years, and it seemed they had both moved in with their lives, I put the book down. Thankfully I went on bookreads and read a review that convinced me to keep on reading.


This book is so good, so strong, so gripping, so well-written, so painful, so harsh, so honest and oh so beautiful.

It did involve a trigger I seriously can’t handle, but the story never went into details or lingered on it, so I managed to still feel connected to the story.

I loved him. I loved her. I even loved her son. I will always, as they did, feel heart broken over the fact that he wasn’t his, but the story would never be as good if it were made to be any different.

I seriously feel that the writing in this book is nothing like I have ever read before. The author writes with such honesty that I really felt like I was there with the characters. It wasn’t just a book. It wasn’t just a couple and a love story made to entertain. It felt more than that.

Also, how the author writes the hero and his way of thinking. So amazing!

Spoiler alert!!

The girl, Mercy, meets her brothers friends when they are home on leave from being in the marine. She hits it of with both of them, but only feels a strong and serious connection to one, Preston. He has a trouble past, and refuses to be with her until he feels he is ready to fully commit. Her, being recently hurt by a cheating ex, is vulnerable and takes his rejection badly. Her brother’s other friend takes advantage of the situation, and they end up having sex. She’s immediately heartbroken and full of regret, and Preston is blaming himself for not going after her in the first place. Seven years later, Preston saves a girl from being killed by a sex trafficker while Mercy is home with her brother and her now six year old son. Her sons father was killed in battle, and she is raising him on her own. Preston has been keeping an eye on Mercy ever since he returned home from deployment, and is using his time to win her back. After saving the girl, Mercy and her son is in danger because the sex trafficker wants his girl back. Preston takes both Mercy and her son in for protection, and realizes he is done waiting for the right moment. After some miscommunications and fights, they end up together. Six month later, he is set to adopt her son and she’s pregnant.
Profile Image for Jeriann Fisher.
696 reviews
September 6, 2019
Book 6 in Sybil Bartell's  Alpha Bodyguard is something  of an enigma, like the hero. Overall 5 stars.

This story is not quite so high octane action of the previous Alpha bodyguard books. There's some action in the beginning that sets up the story but as the story takes off its really a dive into the mind of the hero Preston Vos. He is the man of few words who has been a supporting character in the previous books.

There've been hints of Bad Blood between Preston and Ty, the hero of book 5, and in this book the story starts off 7 years ago and sets up where that bad blood started. Ty brought home from the Marines two of his buddies, Preston and Sam, and gave both strict orders to keep their hands off his younger sister, Mercy. Only one of them follows his request. Mercy ends up pregnant and now 7 years later, Ty believes Preston is the father of her son, Nash. Mercy never has revealed who fathered Nash and Preston is the only other living person who knows what happened.

This book dives in to what makes Preston tick. He is calculating and that means he uses words sparingly he often speaks in riddles because of the amount of calculation and statistics that are going on in his head. He's rather OCD on calculating and predicting outcomes, which makes sense when you find out how he made his millions. But he has to learn and accept people aren't predictable, especially  Mercy. His devotion to Mercy and Nash is unquestionable but he's kind of broken and wounded and he doesn't go about showing his affection in a direct way. He tests people, which is why everything fell apart that night.

As usual the sex is five star spicy. I would have liked a little bit more about Mercy. But the story really is about Preston. This book is a little difficult to read but highly enjoyable and I give it a full five star rating.
Profile Image for Misty (Reds Romance Reviews).
3,221 reviews6 followers
September 8, 2019
It only took seventeen minutes for Mercy's life to change forever, one little mistake in a vulnerable moment that has haunted her everyday since... one that cost her a chance at everything should could ever want. Or has it?

The moment Preston Vos's landed on her face he knew she was the one, the one woman who may just be able to sneak past all his defenses, and give him the life he has always craved. But before he could make his move he had some things to do, so he asked her to wait for him, thinking that the moment they shared was meaningful enough to convince her to wait. But things didn't quite work out that way...

Once again Ms Bartel has created an alpha that aims to please, goes to impossible lengths to protect what he loves, and comes armed with all the goods to steal our hearts and weaken our knees. The moment Preston came into my view I knew my heart was in trouble, he was all alpha most of the time, but every once in a while a softer side would slip out and make an appearance and that is the man I really fell for. His intentions were pure and good, but sometimes the route he went to make them happen wasn't so smooth, and it landed him in trouble. And I have to say it was fun to watch him find his way back into Mercy's good graces, she really made him work for her time and forgiveness! I loved every single second of this beautifully penned tale, it evoked emotions, tugged on the heartstrings, and made me smile and swoon... in other wards it was the perfect literary escape! Highly recommend!!

Profile Image for Rock N Read.
253 reviews7 followers
September 9, 2019
Yes, yes, yes! Callous is absolute perfection.

One mistake. Seventeen minutes.

Holy angst, this book had me from the first line.

Mercy is Ty’s sister. A sassy heroine with a feisty mouth. A mother. Her heart is big and broken.

Preston is the damaged hero. Tragic background. Rough exterior. A man of few words. Every word he breathes hold such deep meaning and is spoken with purpose.

He protects from the shadows. But what happens when seventeen minutes changes everything? One mistake. Years of regret. Years of hurt.

This story absolutely crushes you in the prologue and slowly puts you back together chapter by chapter.

I absolutely loved Mercy and Preston’s storyline. There is so much to unpack here without spoilers. I lived for the interaction’s with Mercy’s son. I will always swoon for an alpha hero who exhibits teddy bear tendencies with children. Especially when using ASL.

This book lacks some of the intense action seen in the previous books from the Alpha Bodyguard series, but it is not lacking a single thing.

Sybil Bartel continuously surprises you with the characters in this world. I cannot get enough of them.

And as always from my reviews, my top quotes of the book:

“Eight seconds and she stole my heart.”

“I don’t do this often.” “Do what?” “Allow people to see me.”

“Every single time, he’d looked at me like he was looking at me right now. Possessively. Dominantly. Completely.”

“Do you know my favorite number? ………….Twelve.”
Profile Image for R. Beach.
Author 6 books8 followers
July 8, 2020
OMG Preston and Mercy's story was one of the best I've read of Sybil's books. Tops for me is Alpha Antihero (Tarquin/Shayla) Series. This book at least ties with Thrust, which was my first read of hers and still remains one of my favorites.

I really enjoyed the fact there wasn't a ton of action which I didn't miss at all. And Mercy wasn't acting TOO stupid about her safety. Nice break from the heroine always being at risk and fighting stupidly about being protected. Preston was just plain hot. And I for one didn't have any problem with his reactions. He shut down when he felt like he wasn't welcome or desired. Being the same way with people, I felt an affinity towards him.

Preston was such a hottie and everything he did from his very first meeting with Mercy was because he'd fallen in love in eight seconds. Though he came off a bit stalkerish, luckily Mercy returned his interest or this could have ended badly. I found it very plausible how Sybil explained how he became the way he did, a coping mechanism that worked out to his advantage in his military life and later for making money easily.

Mercy tended to be a little flighty for me but finally, finally she started acting more mature and realized he had a reason for every little thing he did, how his past affected the way he behaved. Most importantly, how his every reaction wasn't all about her but about how he'd grown up and been treated as a child.

Great Story. Loved Nash, such a sweet boy who loved his mom and embraced life fully. Could have done without Summer and Thomas' crap and like others
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mack Black.
Author 7 books31 followers
September 6, 2019
WTF did I just read?? With each new book added to the Alpha Bodyguard series, Sybil outdoes herself. I waited so hard for this book. I wanted Preston's story like no other before him.
I wanted inside that head of his because he was a man of few words and the words he did speak were sort of riddle like.
I don't know what I expected coming into this book but Sybil BLEW me away.
Preston is so much more than I bargained for. Hes everything and nothing all at once. His riddles. His calculations. His passion. HOT DAMN.
Mercy was nothing short of a fire cracker. Every interaction between them made me ache for more. I can't even begin to talk about how amazing this story was. I can't even begin to give it justice. I swear with each new book that Sybil writes I wonder how she isn't worldwide famous on tv and movies by now. This book would make a hell of a movie.
Mm mm mm Preston. All tatted up and full of crazy nonsense riddles. All man. I'm jealous of sweet Mercy.
I live for these books. I cannot wait to see what she writes next.
I wish I could give this infinite stars because hot damn it deserves them all.
1 review
September 11, 2019
When Sybil Bartel puts words on a page they come to life. Her stories are so raw and so intense that you can feel them in your mind, heart, and soul. You can feel the touch on your skin and you can feel the emotions in your heart like you are there feeling it, breathing it, and living it. When I was reading callous there were times when I would get aggravated and wish I could Reach through the pages and shake preston and mercy because neither of them could see what was right in front of them. Then there were times my emotions got the best of me and my heart would hurt and tears would flow. Then there were times I could Feel the passion and my body would ache with need. When an author can gut you to the core....there are no words.... Sybil has out done herself with this book. After reading everything she’s ever released I always Refused to choose a favorite book boyfriend because she makes you fall in love with all them in one way or another but now preston has completely taken my breath away and blown my mind and stole my heart. Well done Sybil!!! I cant Imagine how you will write Thomas better. You have your work cut out for you going forward from here!! LoL 😝 🥰😍😘😏
Profile Image for Kristin.
302 reviews15 followers
September 11, 2019
Powerful, Heartbreaking, Compelling Story + Love = Callous
5 Stars

Callous is a captivating and exceptional story! It will take the reader on a rollercoaster ride from beginning to end. I absolutely love Preston and Mercy. Both Preston and Mercy have their own insecurities and doubts, but together they make each other stronger. Preston is a heavily tattooed Marine with a heartbreaking past. Mercy is his military buddy & friend’s sister. Callous is a unique story with realistic characters, lots of sexual chemistry, suspense, vulnerability and action. It has everything that you look for in an amazing book. There is an alpha hero, love, a feisty single mother, doubt and angst. My heart broke for Preston. You will go through every emotion while Preston and Mercy fight for love and a happily ever after. Preston and Mercy had to grow, learn to trust each other & fight for love. I fell for these characters and this wonderful world that Sybil Bartel has created in Callous.
The path to trust, acceptance and love is a powerful thing.
Profile Image for Peggy.
2,076 reviews2 followers
September 9, 2019
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I am such a huge fan of this author. I started reading Sybil’s books when she first put out Talon and I fell in love with her books and have been a fan ever since. I don’t even care what she writes about, I just pre-order and book time off to read undisturbed. Callous is a little bit different then the rest of the series. We first met Preston in Sawyer’s book, Ruthless. This story centres around Preston, a very complicated and mysterious, yet all alpha hero male bodyguard and ty’s s Sister, Mercy along with her little son, Nash. Mercy has wanted Nash for many years and has felt slighted by him not knowing that he was there the whole time, waiting patiently for the perfect moment. Finally, when the calculating man realized there would never be a perfect moment he makes his move. The story is filled with mystery, actions, intensity and a love story that will make your heart squeeze. Don’t miss this author, she deserves to be number 1 as her books are amazing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews

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