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Date Me, Bryson Keller

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What If It's Us meets To All the Boys I've Loved Before in this upbeat and heartfelt boy-meets-boy romance that feels like a modern twist on a '90s rom-com!

Everyone knows about the dare: Each week, Bryson Keller must date someone new--the first person to ask him out on Monday morning. Few think Bryson can do it. He may be the king of Fairvale Academy, but he's never really dated before.

Until a boy asks him out, and everything changes.

Kai Sheridan didn't expect Bryson to say yes. So when Bryson agrees to secretly go out with him, Kai is thrown for a loop. But as the days go by, he discovers there's more to Bryson beneath the surface, and dating him begins to feel less like an act and more like the real thing. Kai knows how the story of a gay boy liking someone straight ends. With his heart on the line, he's awkwardly trying to navigate senior year at school, at home, and in the closet, all while grappling with the fact that this "relationship" will last only five days. After all, Bryson Keller is popular, good-looking, and straight . . . right?

Kevin van Whye delivers an uplifting and poignant coming-out love story that will have readers rooting for these two teens to share their hearts with the world--and with each other.

336 pages, Hardcover

First published May 19, 2020

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Kevin van Whye

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1 review
April 15, 2020
It's really offensive to take a Japanese woman's work and try to pass the story off as your own. You can write #ownvoices and critique Japanese queer works without stealing another author's plot. Give credit where it's due.

EDIT: The author only provided justification after the comments called him out on being heavily inspired by SEVEN DAYS. This is still a hard no from me. The Japanese gay comics industry is riddled with issues, but you have no place as a Westerner to take this work and reclaim it as your own. Your work is not more valid and realistic than the original when the premise isn't yours to being with. Regardless, justifying this novel like this as a critique of the Japanese comics industry is quite laughable when you are writing for a Western audience IN THE FIRST PLACE. Own up to these issues with your novel without making excuses for yourself.

Future readers are better off reading fanfiction if they want to read something derivative.
Profile Image for Alice Oseman.
Author 64 books88.1k followers
June 26, 2022
Such a sweet and warm story. I think people who enjoyed Heartstopper will really enjoy this!

Big thanks to Penguin for sending me a copy ages ago (even though I ended up reading it on audio!)
Profile Image for Anna.
1 review
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February 8, 2019
I'm tired of male authors profiting off the ideas of women of color... This is extremely reminiscent of Seven Days by Tachibana Venio (author) and Takarai Rihito (illustrator).

Seven Days is a two-volume Japanese graphic novel series—otherwise known as manga—that features a high school romance between two male characters. The plot follows the most popular boy in school who has a reputation for dating the first person who asks him out on Monday morning, then breaks up with them at the end of the week. Despite this, he acts as a kind, devoted boyfriend the entire time he dates them. When another boy asks him out, their week begins and both of them end up developing feelings for each other. The similarity is uncanny.

Seven Days: Monday → Thursday
Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 10 books82.4k followers
May 12, 2020
This book was ADORABLE.

First of all, I love the fake dating trope, so I was excited when I read the synopsis! And the book itself did not disappoint.

It's about this teenage boy, Kai, who is in the closet, he hasn't tell anybody that he's gay. Then there's this guy, Bryson Keller, who is very popular and is currently on a dare in which, each week, he has to date a different person. The most important rule is that the person has to ask Bryson to date them, and he has no choice but to agree.

This is a school dare and every girl in dying to date Bryson, but with just a few weeks left in the semester, Kai unexpectedly asks Bryson to date him. Bryson agrees and HERE IT BEGINS.

Just as I said at the beggining, this book was just too adorable and cute. I also would say is lighthearted, but it approaches some serious themes too. Near the end my heart was breaking for these sweet boys.

I also loved Bryson Keller with all my life, he was like a Golden Retriever kind of person, I swear! He was always so supportive and kind and honest and HE HAS NOT A SINGLE BAD BONE IN HIS BODY. Which made him unbeliebably perfect. It was kind of unsettling for me, to be honest. On one hand I was enchanted by him, but on the other it bothered me a little that he had NO flaws. Not in the inside or in the outside. He was simply perfect.

The other thing that sometimes bothered me was that there where scenes that really made me cringe because of the dialogue. I don't think real people talk like the characters in this book. And I'm usually not bothered by dialogue! But in this book there were some specific ones that really roll my eyes.

Other than that, I really liked it and would recommend it. It will make you smile and your heart will melt. A more in dept review will come soon in my Youtube Channel.

* ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
813 reviews287 followers
November 20, 2023
I'm completely baffled. The writer of this book stole another author of colour (Tachibana Venio)'s unique prose from a manga called Seven Days and claimed it as his own without giving credit until he was called out for plagiarizing. He claimed this novel is "born from [his] own critique of the work," ??? If your intent was to critique an original, published, well loved story using it's exact creative concept, fan fiction is the route to go. I can't believe this book was published as an original work when the synopsis' are identical, and no written credit to Seven Days was included in the book.

These are the blurbs from both works, which sound extremely similar.

Seven Days: "It is rumored that Touji Seryou, one of the more popular boys at school, would go out with anyone who asks him out on a Monday morning." (published in 2010)

Date Me, Bryson Keller: "Everyone knows about the dare: Each week, Bryson Keller must date someone new--the first person to ask him out on Monday morning." (published in 2020)

This author, when trying to justify plagiarizing Takarai's premise, stated that "There were themes that I wanted to explore in a western setting and as an own voices writer."
Reclaiming an asian work as one of your own to supposedly "critique" it does not sit well. Trying to perfect another person of colour's work by contextualizing it for a western audience is so wrong. This simply isn't 'inspiration', it is ripping off the hard work of another author without giving credit where it is due. The fact that he would have said nothing about his supposed 'heavy inspiration' if people didn't catch him speaks volumes. This author thought he could escape and profit from stealing someone else's work.

I have read both this book and Seven Days, for context. Removed my rating for this one.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,397 reviews1,547 followers
December 13, 2020

This YA story was without a doubt one of the most fluffy, adorable, feel-good tales that I've read in the last year, and I completely fell in love with both Kai and Bryson.

Unlike the usual jock/nerd trope, Kai wasn't a brainy social pariah. He was just an average, awkward, mixed-race kid with dreams of becoming a writer.

Also, Kai wasn't initially all closet case swoony over Bryson. Instead, for years, he had been interested in one of Bryson's terminally-straight soccer teammates, Isaac.

So I never was quite sure why Kai, on a complete whim, decided to make use of Bryson's "I'll date the first person to ask me out every Monday" bet to ask his private school's most popular "It Boy" out; however, that scene totally gave me goose bumps, as I would've never found the courage to do the same back then.

One of my very favorite aspects of the book was how completely comfortable Bryson was in his own skin, even when he found himself contemplating dating a boy, and then again when he found himself liking said boy. That unrelenting, unflappable courage was extremely refreshing to see from a jock character in YA.
I promise we’ll talk more.” Our eyes lock. “Soon.”

I say as I climb from the Jeep. I watch as Bryson drives off. He stops in front of the neighbor’s house and reverses. Bryson rolls down the window and I bend to look into the car.

“To answer your question,” Bryson says. “Yes, I think I might be.”

Kai though, after hiding in the closet for years, fearing rejection by both his religious parents and his bullying peers at high school, may have been momentarily brave when asking Bryson out, but he was much less sure about letting his secret out for general consumption.

A large part of the moderate angst in this story was derived from Kai's fears of coming out, which sadly, turned out to be fairly well-founded when the shit inevitably hit the fan.

The proverbial Bad Guys here turned out to be an overly-privileged, entitled, rich girl who wanted Bryson for herself, willing to go to any lengths to get him, and another person close to Bryson. I may or may not have wanted to light them on fire by the end of the book. Allegedly.

As far as side characters who were safe from my incendiary thoughts go, I absolutely loved both of Kai's younger and Bryson's older sisters, who were teasingly awesome on quite a few occasions.
Yazz sighs. “You know what trope I really hate is when the main character decides to give up on the person they love in the name of protecting them. That’s what you’re doing right now. You’re trying to protect Bryson, but you don’t realize you’re hurting him instead.
Same, girl. Same!

So yes, there was a *brief* bit of martyr behavior in the book, which thankfully wasn't allowed to linger for very long.

Another thing that I liked about this story was that, in spite of the fact that it was a YA Coming Out tale, at least for me, it did not read like a preachy "How To Be Gay" manual, for which I was extremely grateful.

I was mostly okay with the Happy For Now ending, but I would've killed for an epilogue from a few years in the future, with them in college, still together and living in the same city.

I was also desperate to find out if The Bad Guys fully got their comeuppance, and if Bryson had to ride the bus for the rest of the school year, after losing the bet, but oh well...

As you could probably tell from my enthusiastic review, I found this story both refreshing and entertaining, so I'd rate it at around 4.5 stars and recommend it to fans of YA who are willing to blow a whopping $10.99 of their book budget for a single M/M story.


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Profile Image for anna.
662 reviews1,959 followers
December 31, 2021
rep: mixed-race gay mc, mlm li, gay side character, Indian side character
tw: homophobia, bullying, fights, outing, another very public outing, unsupportive parents

ARC provided by the publisher.

In a word, in a phrase? It’s a preachy bulshit. If you’re looking for a light, cute gay romcom, you should keep looking. This book is not it.

The thing we can all agree on is that stories need angst to actually make sense. You can call it conflict or whatever else, but something in the plot has to stop working for a while, for the whole book to start working in the end. The problem is, the cause for that can’t feel like bordeline tragedy porn, can’t feel like kicking one already down, repeatedly.

That’s what Date Me, Bryson Keller failed to grasp.

Kai, the mc, is a closeted gay high school senior. So far so good. He’s terrified of coming out to his parents, mostly because his mom is Catholic and very religious. Still fine. He never came out to his two best friends he met at the beginning of high school, because when he was thirteen he came out to his best friend at the time and was ghosted. Kind of a lot for a kid not to have a single person he’s comfortable with, but that is sometimes our reality.

But then, what else happens to this kid? He gets outed, multiple times, including to his mother and to his whole school. His mother turns out to be as homophobic as you would expect from a straight Catholic, and needs literal days to come around. Both he and his boyfriend get in fights with homophobes.

Oh, and all this in the span of three days. (The whole books takes two weeks, so we don’t have a lot of time.)

You could say, well this still happens to LGBT youth! To which I say, you’re totally right! But it’s a matter of choosing how to write about those things. Books are not real life, they need to have some balance. If you have unsupportive parents, consider having another supportive figure in mc’s life from the start. If you decide to out your mc, stop to think why are you doing that. Is it solely to show the few characters who are better than the asshole who did the outing? Is it so those characters can make a speech about how bad outing someone is?

All the bad things that happen in Date Me, Bryson Keller feel like they only happen so that someone can condemn them. (Also so that Kai feels more lonely.) I said the book is a preachy bulshit and that is exactly what I meant. No opportunity is wasted to include a paragraph or two of someone defending an idea, and all of them have the subtlety of getting pummeled in the head with a sledgehammer. It’s also present in the narrative at other times, when Kai explains to readers how difficult it is to be a gay teen and how he hates it because love is love.

Throughout the whole book Kai keeps asking himself if Bryson can possibly be gay, too. That is because so far, during the dare, Bryson only dated girls, but he also held Kai’s hand without being asked. Not once does Kai consider that Bryson might be bisexual or pansexual. Over 300 pages and Kai keeps thinking of sexuality as a binary: you’re either gay or you’re straight.

He does that to other people as well. He has a crush on a boy whom he never really talked to and knows nothing about. (Which is the nature of crushes, of course.) And the whole time he just assumes that said boy is straight. Because straight is the default and people can ever only be straight or gay, right? He actually gets called out on it, but then just keeps doing it for the rest of the book.

The word “bi” is used once (!) in the whole book. Not even bisexual, just bi. And not as an actual label someone decided on, just thrown in as a possibility in a stressful situation and never brought up again. Not all of us use labels, obviously, but Kai is very adamant about using “gay” to describe himself (to the point where he’s afraid kids will only see him as “the gay one”, instead of his actual personality) and yet his love interest never gets to have a label. It would be different if it was actually addressed by the narrative, but alas.

Having a personality is actually another problem in this book. No one really feels… like they do… It’s more like a few traits slapped together to make a shape of person. A quirk here or there, because those are supposed to make characters more believable. And that’s the best case scenario. The worst? Making a character a racist, homophobic caricature because the author needs them to do something shitty to move the plot forward. Meet Shannon. Meet Dustin.

Kai is obviously the best example of that, though. We’re told (by him, since the book is written in first person pov) that he’s shy, but then we literally not once get to see it. We’re told he’s not popular, but his two best friends are part of the popular crowd and he gets invited to parties thrown by those kids, and the most popular guy in school knows his name. It’s impossible to pin down anything actually real about Kai. (Apart from the fact that he’s a pretentious asshole, like a lot of teenagers are, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t actually author’s intention.)

All this to say that Date Me, Bryson Keller is just very poorly written. Not only in terms of nonexistent characterisation, but also the style itself. The dialogues read like the author never heard teens talk before in his life. The descriptions are overly detailed, even in places that don’t really need any descriptions at all. There are constant repetitions of words, phrases and ideas, usually in space of a few pages. As if the author wasn’t sure we got what he was going for the first five times.

The tone is very preachy, as mentioned before, but also basic and not nuanced at all; sounds more like an adult telling the story. The most important part of writing YA books is nailing down teens’ voice and this book failed at that miserably. It’s cringy and embarrassing, and takes a lot of effort to get through. That Steve Buscemi “How do you do, fellow kids?” meme? That’s exactly this book’s energy.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some cute parts in this novel! Kai and Bryson go on dates, have fun, get overly romantic & sappy. It’s sweet at times! Bryson’s mom and sister are very cool with him not being straight (in stark contrast to Kai’s mom). It’s not all bad.

Is it worth to read the whole thing for a few cute scenes, though? Well.

At the end of the day Date Me, Bryson Keller feels like it was written not so much for closeted gay kids who might need something good and shiny in their life, but for the straight audience to teach them a lesson. I thought we’re past that.
Profile Image for shizu.
2 reviews5 followers
February 7, 2019
man are we ripping off manga now. sorry but this is literally seven days by takarai rihito. even the synopsis sounds the same
Profile Image for Sahil Javed.
295 reviews283 followers
July 18, 2020
Date Me, Bryson Keller is a contemporary upbeat and heartfelt gay romance. At Fairvale Academy, there’s a dare. Each week, Bryson Keller must date someone new, the first person to ask him out on a Monday morning. Not many people think he can do it, but Bryson has been consistent with the dare. That is, until a boy asks him out, and everything changes.

This book made me realise just how much we need cute gay contemporary romances. We need so many more books like this and I’m so glad we’re finally getting them. So, the novel starts with introducing this dare that Bryson Keller has agreed to do, which is to date someone new every week, whoever asks him at the start of the week. And Kai Sheridan, who is currently in the closet, decides to ask Bryson on a date. And he’s the first boy to ever do so. These two characters were unbelievably cute and I can’t express just how much I loved them. I’m so glad the author didn’t turn Bryson into one of those cliche jock-type characters, because although he plays sports and is really popular, Bryson couldn’t have been cuter if he tried. He was beyond lovely, really understanding about Kai’s wishes not to be out yet, and just the sweetest character I’ve ever encountered in a contemporary novel. And Kai. I think Kai is basically me? Daydreaming about potential events with his crush? Me all over. I really, really enjoyed Kai as a protagonist, all of his anxieties and worries over his own personal problems and Bryson just felt so real and it was refreshing to read about.

I have to announce that Kai Sheridan and Bryson Keller are my OTP and I am hopelessly in love with both of them. The amount of cute moments between these two were never-ending and I literally swooned so many times. I read this book within a day, as soon as I finished it, all I wanted to do was erase my memory so that I could read it all over again for the first time. The cute moments between the characters, the dates they went on, the realistic issues they both discussed with one another, all of it combined to make such an enjoyable novel that was so much fun to read. I recommended that fans of Jenny Han and Becky Albertalli absolutely pick this one up. You’ll love it.

My favourite aspect of this book was its honest portrayal and discussion of sexuality. I like reading books where sexuality isn’t a big deal and where labels aren’t given much importance. Kai doesn’t think that he has a chance with Bryson because he thinks Bryson is straight and Bryson himself just says that he likes girls and now he’s realised that he likes boys as well because he’s formed a connection with Kai. And I loved that. I liked that it wasn’t a big deal and that there was no pressure for Bryson to label himself immediately. There was also this moment when Bryson asks Kai why he assumes that every guy is straight and I honestly loved that conversation. The refreshing view of sexuality in this book warmed my heart and made me feel unbelievably happy.

Overall, Date Me, Bryson Keller is one of the cutest contemporary novels I have ever read. The characters were really well developed and felt really good together, the discussion and portrayal of sexuality was really honest and authentic. I would recommend that everyone picks this book up when it comes out on May 19th. The cuteness will overwhelm you and the minute you finish it, all you’ll want to do is read it again. Kevin van Whye is seriously an author to watch out for.
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,792 reviews29.6k followers
July 2, 2020
This adorable, good-hearted debut novel by Kevin van Whye totally hit the spot! It was the perfect antidote for all of the heaviness and emotion I've been experiencing lately.

Bryson Keller is captain of the soccer team at Fairvale Academy and the most popular guy in the senior class. He’s never really dated anyone because he isn’t sure he believes in love, and he's afraid of hurting people.

One night at a party his classmates come up with a dare: he has to date the first person who asks him out each week. They're to date Monday-Friday, then when the next week rolls around, he'll date someone new. If he falls in love or says no at some point over the three-month period, he has to ride the bus to school. It becomes quite a contest, and soon every girl wants to ask Bryson out.

While the rules weren’t explicit, he’s certainly not expecting Kai to ask him out. And Kai, who is closeted and blushes at the drop of the hat, shocks himself by asking Bryson out. But rules are rules, and Bryson is willing both to keep Kai’s secret and show him a good time for a week.

The more time they spend being fake boyfriends, Kai realizes there’s so much more to Bryson than he thought. And even though he knows Bryson is straight and this whole fake relationship thing is just for fun, Kai starts falling for him. But a little piece of him can’t help but wonder. Is Bryson straight? Is it just for fun?

This book mostly follows the path you imagine it will but it has such a wonderful heart. There's drama, bullying, some family dysfunction, and lots of sweet moments. I love how Kevin van Whye incorporated so much of his own life, including his South African heritage, into this book.

What a lovable and fun book for Pride Reads!!

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2019 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2019.html.

Check out my list of the best books of the decade at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/my-favorite-books-of-decade.html.

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Chelsea (chelseadolling reads).
1,519 reviews20.3k followers
June 10, 2020
3.5 rounded up to a 4 bc this was VERY FUN. It was the perfect mix of light hearted fun and sassy drama and honestly it was exactly what I was in the mood for. Highly recommend if you want to read something that is the best kind of fluffy YA rom-com.
Profile Image for jut.
528 reviews202 followers
September 3, 2021
that was.....terrible, it even had potential but then the author just kept plagiarizing the manga seven days: monday-sunday and it was so obvious that it became ugly and painful! ew.....
Profile Image for Meags.
2,324 reviews592 followers
September 9, 2020
5 Stars

This was a read-in-one-night kind of book—which are far and few between for me these days, and subsequently deserves all the stars for entertaining me so completely.

I absolutely adored and devoured this sweet, funny and heart-warming LGBT themed YA book. Featuring relatable characters and telling a fun and romantic, but also very poignant and relative story, Kevin van Whye has delivered a wonderfully memorable debut here—one that might just take the cake as my favourite YA release of the year.

The story tells that of a queer, mixed-race teenage boy named Kai, as he experiences the highs and lows of an unexpected first love, in what is ultimately his coming-out journey, filled with moments of joy, hopefulness and a show of great personal strength and resilience in face of social adversity.

I adored both Kai and his love interest Bryson, who initially came together in the midst of a well-meaning, fun-loving high school dating dare, wherein Bryson was dating the first person who asked him out each week, just for that week. Although the situation was new and unexpected for both of them, Kai and Bryson built a quick but powerful bond, falling hard and fast for one another with blissful ease, making those dare rules all but obsolete.

I loved the bravery constantly shown by Kai, even when didn’t feel so brave, and I loved how completely accepting and eager Bryson was, not only in embracing who Kai was upon coming out, but also in embracing his own new and unexpected feelings towards another boy. Bryson unashamedly accepted his attraction to Kai with grace and humility, going with the flow and following his heart above all else, and I adored him for it. He was a bit of a dreamboat and a total sweetheart, and I can’t help but feel cheated that I was never lucky enough to know a Bryson Keller when I was in high school.

Despite, for the most part, being a fun and romantic story, it also managed to pull at my emotional heartstrings. It had me smiling and swooning one minute, and raging and rallying the next. Although I referred to this as Kai’s coming-out journey, disgracefully, for those responsible, many of his significant coming-out moments were stolen/forced on him by other people, and for that I became a total rage-monster of indignation and disgust on Kai’s behalf. No one should ever have such a personal and meaningful experience taken away from them, but poor Kai did so on more than one occasion. To this, all I can say is that, however frustrated and heartbroken I was on Kai’s behalf, I was also proud of the way he handled himself and I was thankful there were enough supportive people in his life to rally around him.

At this point, I want to give a special shout-out to Kai’s thirteen-year-old sister Yazz, who was an absolute champion of a secondary character, acting as Kai’s biggest support and most vocal advocate to his fundamental right to simply be himself without fear of rejection or judgement. She was something truly special and we should all be so lucky to have family like her in our lives.

Kai’s and Bryson’s story was an absolute pleasure to read and easily one of my favourites of 2020. I enjoyed every single minute of this reading experience and I now await Kevin van Whye’s next offering with overly-eager grabby little hands!
Profile Image for tappkalina.
685 reviews516 followers
May 24, 2023
24 May 2023


19 June 2020

You know you spent your time wisely when the book you've just finished makes your whole body grin.
Also, Bryson is on the sweetheart boys list with Nathan from I Wish You All The Best.

At every 10 percent I needed to post how this is the softest shit ever, that I'll die from softness and I'm too sigle for this. If that hasn't convinced you to pick this up, I don't know what will.

I have to tell you, I hesitated to pick this up despite being one of my most anticipated reads, because I saw a one star review that said something about outing. It's my fault probably for not reading the whole thing, but I didn't want to read any spoiler and all this time I thought the love interest will out him. I was so nervous through the whole book but fortunately it didn't happen. I mean, the outing did happen, but not the love interest did it. He was a sweetheart.

To say something serious, too, I'll leave here two quotes.
'And every gay kid has heard the stories and watched the movies. We’ve been told we aren’t normal for so long, been punished and ridiculed, that hiding who we are is second nature to us. Sometimes hiding is the difference between life and death. It’s why the closet still exists. It keeps us hidden and, more important, it keeps us safe.'

'My coming out might have been less than ideal, but even so, I know I’m one of the lucky ones.
I will survive this.'

When the bar is so low you only have to survive to count as lucky...

All in all, if I had to describe this book with one word it would be sweet. ❤

13 November 2019

I really don't want May to come, because I'll have exams, but I need this book in my life.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,790 reviews3,925 followers
June 29, 2020
Where's the com in this romcom?

I was waiting for it. I wanted it. But not one chuckle did I have.

Ironic since this story bursting at the seams with social justice issues one of which being how queer kids never get the romcoms, HEAs and the like, instead being relegated to the funny friend or killed off. So I was surprised that not only was Date Me, Bryson Keller not funny but Kai, our protagonist, was put through the gauntlet.

Don't get me wrong the relationship between Bryson and Kai is sweet and romantic which I enjoyed and kept me engaged but (a) I wish it was more the focal point and (b) every time I turned around Kai was being subjected to yet another awful event in his short life.

Kai is the narrator and, though his narration is a bit choppy and oddly formal for a 17 yr old initially, he is likable which integral to this story. He's tenderhearted, loves his friends and family, is awkward in that adorable, blushing way and is terrified of being rejected once he comes out. Bryson is king of the school who was dared into "dating" anyone who asks him out on Monday for one week. Though we don't get his perspective it's clear he's kind, generous, honest, loyal and incapable of artifice. I liked him a lot. I also loved the secondary characters: Priya, Donny and Kai's amazing and possibly preternatural sister, Yazz.

Where the quibbles arose for me is... probably my annoyingly erratic inability to suspend disbelief. So the location of this story which is (as far as I can deduce) about 15-20 minutes outside Los Angeles in contemporary times. They attend a prestigious private academy wherein all the students are vying for spots at places like Stanford. California is arguably one of the most liberal and open-minded states in the union and these students are the new generation so the notion that the vast majority of the student body would not only be homophobic but viciously so was a bit hard to swallow in California. Maybe Alabama or Idaho but Cali? Big city, intelligentsia Cali????

I also found it far-fetched that Kai's parents didn't have an idea whatsoever given all the telltale signs pointing to his sexuality.

However, what I did appreciate about this story was the differing trajectories of Kai and Bryson coming to grips with their sexualities; the bit about there being no right way to get to the destination I thought an important one.

And did I mention how sweet they are? They are cute together so much so I wouldn't be averse to catching up with them in the future.

Even though Date Me, Bryson Keller wasn't perfect I did enjoy the journey and will be on the lookout for this author's sophomore offering.

Triggers: homophobia, violence


An ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Emma.
977 reviews1,045 followers
May 21, 2020
The ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

4.25/5 Stars

Trigger warnings for homophobia, bullying, a character being outed

Full review HERE

This was such a heartwarming and fluffy read, it's definitely the feel-good book I needed right now and I'm so glad to have read it!

The premise was quite fun and interesting, but what really did it for me were the two main characters, Bryson and Kai. I just liked them so much! Even though this book takes place in just two weeks I appreciated how Bryson and Kai's relationship started and then developed. Also, I was surprised to see that to me it did not feel rushed, it felt quite organic actually.
Their interactions were everything and on multiple occasions I found myself laughing alongside them and deeply caring for these two young boys.

Even though it was a fluffy book for the most part, there were also some awful moments that Kai especially had to go through. It was devastating to read and I'm quite glad with how things turned out in the end, even though some resolutions felt a bit rushed and easy.

Overall it was a great read that I truly recommend!
Profile Image for eri b.❀.
441 reviews40 followers
August 23, 2020
I’m expected to look a certain way or act a certain way or like certain things. It’s like there’s a list of things I’m meant to be, and if I’m not, then I’m not authentic enough.

I really, really wanted to love this. Alas.

This isn't because of the similarities between Date Me, Bryson Keller, and Seven Days -a manga I read before reading this. I think what the author said was true: he took the idea of "dating for a week" thing, everything else is quite different. Still, it doesn't sit well with me that the author took this idea completely and the authors of Seven Days barely got a mention in his book. Like sure, the execution was different, but just how literally can you take an idea? Because it's different to say "fake-dating" and "we are fake-dating for a week exactly and the entire school knows about this dare". So. Yeah-uhm. Not a fan.

edit 23/08/2020: I just saw the review by the author where he states that he wanted to "explore the themes in a western setting" and like. That just. Makes it worse. As I said, the book BARELY had a small mention in the acknowledgements' section along with some other "inspiration sources". He literally took the main idea. I can't lower my rating, but I wanted to say this is... bad. He didn't care at all for Japanese people, and the idea of having to "fix" work from another country is just patronizing and full of prejudice. "Not a fan" didn't cover it.

Actually, I'm not sure if "fake-dating" should be used to describe this book. They are certainly fake-dating, I guess, for a day or two at most -in secret (???) and both of the characters fall in love almost immediately, senselessly, profoundly. This was so unbelievable that made the rest of the story difficult for me. So yeah, there wasn't the slow-burn I love in the fake-dating trope, just... full romance.

I also disliked the characters, quite a lot. They were all one-dimensional and plain boring. Their jokes, god. We were told several times by Kai himself that he was shy, but never saw a shy person. Bryson was just this perfect thing: kind, lovable, smart, funny... he was everything Kai needed and nothing bad could come from him. I don't know Donald's personality besides being in love with Priyanka. Priyanka, though, was quite alright, and the only character that I enjoyed reading about. Then we had the villains: their only characteristic was to be a villain. No depth, nor anything. All the characters could be divided into two groups: angels or assholes, without a middle ground, depending on their accepting of Kai's sexuality and Kai and Bryson's relationship. Not that this is a bad categorization, but when the only trait of the character is being an asshole to move your plot... maybe don't do that?

The drama of this book was nothing new. Also, the general theme of the book felt a lot like "straight people, please think of how hard is the life of a gay kid!" and none of the queer romance story I was looking for.

Few notes on the things I didn't like:
* bi erasure
* barely a mention to the authors of Seven Days to credit them for the main idea
* *takes a lot of tropes* there you go a book
* why all the ex-girlfriends/prospective girlfriends had to be a pain? or not memorable at all? actually I'm mostly mad at this part:

“Me not having to wait for anyone. I’m so used to being late because of the girls I’m dating,”

And when he said that Kai coming to his games was different from any girl coming... like I get it we have to paint Kai as the perfect, obvious choice, but why doing it at the cost of degrading the girls that dated Bryson to fangirls?
* they really fell in love by spending four (4.0) days together uh
* *blushes*
* the nepotism line by the end lol
* unnecessary random descriptions. I don't know why we learnt that Kai was a bad driver once but I guess that the knowledge I'll die with.

Anyhow... I did not enjoy this story, but I do hope we can still see work of Kevin van Whye that is not a rip-off.
June 9, 2020

It’s all so unfair:
because you’re so-called different,
you need to stand up
and say that you’re so-called different.
What makes everyone else normal?
Who gets to decide that?

Story 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Bryson Keller thinks dating in high school is stupid. So a bet is placed.
Bryson will date for three months,
each week it’s a new person
and it only lasts from Monday to Friday.
No attachments. No touching.
He will date the first person who asks him out. He can’t ask himself.
Everything seems fine until Kai comes along and brings chaos with him.

That was so so cute. I really really liked it.
It was an cute romcom with serious topics like racism and homophobia.

People have an idea of what love should be, and my parents loving each other doesn’t fit into everyone’s perfect vision.
Dad has always said that racists are sad people trying to make the rest of the world just as sad.

Character 🌟🌟🌟🌟

For me, though, it feels like I’m waiting for my very own letter to my very own Hogwarts. Magic and adventure await me, too, in a city where no one knows me, and where I can be my true self.
It’s a powerful fantasy.

I’m not so sure what to say about the characters.
On one hand I loved Kai, Yazz, Bryson, Priya, Donny... I cared what happened to them.
But I’m not so sure I loved them.
I can’t explain why.
I did love Bryson Keller. He was the perfect boyfriend, supporting, caring - a nice understanding cinnamon roll.
I would’ve loved to have a boyfriend like that in my high school time.

Relationships 🌟🌟🌟🌟

I don’t have a Prince Charming on a white horse.
Instead, I have one in a white Jeep.

Have you ever seen a movie or a tv show where there are two people (like two girls or two boys) and there is this sexual tension everybody probably feels between them?
And those two had a lot of tension going on.
I liked it. I loved those super cute moments between them. It made me so happy and giddy.
But sometimes it felt like too good to be true.
Still it was nice to read it and to believe in something so pure and cute.

Writing style 🌟🌟🌟
Even though I had fun reading this book, I think the writing definitely could’ve been better. It was like someone was telling me a story word by word.
When you start reading the book, you’ll probably get what I mean.
It was a pretty simple writing.
Still serious topics were mentioned and put into the spotlight.

All in all I liked this story and can recommend it you want to read some cute fluffy story.

I know that my family loves me,
but I’m a puzzle that’s incomplete.
If they ever see the full picture,
will they feel the same way?
Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
595 reviews35.1k followers
Want to read
February 16, 2020
Ohhh this sounds exactly like my kind of book!
A dare and two guys dating?
For only a week and they begin to like each other?
I'm so here for this!!!

Why is May still so far away?!
(I swear I didn't mean to rhyme again! It's totally coincidental. It just... happens. *lol*)
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,674 reviews9,123 followers
May 20, 2020
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

If you know me you are aware that I’m not much of a television watcher. Especially since the invention of subscription services - mainly because I’m terrified that I might become one of these people . . . .

At this point in quarantine I’m finding myself easily getting through a book in a day and since I am an old lady my eyeballs be B.U.R.N.I.N.G. and begging for a reprieve. Now comes dilemma #2 – the husband and I have remained (fairly) happily married for nearly 25 years due to the fact that we accept that we are complete opposites and don’t attempt to fix things that aren’t broken. I’m the reader, he’s the television/movie watcher. We come together for the occasional Survivor episode, but he pretty much just wants to watch shoot ‘em ups or films where only about five other words aside from “fuck” are used in the dialogue and me???? Well . . . . .

And if you think there’s any chance of our old fat asses indulging in some “Netflix and Chill” you are sadly mistaken . . . .

The good news? Kindle not only provides me easy breezy reading at the push of a button, but I just discovered there’s also a Netflix app. Now we can sit in the same room, he can watch his mafia hitman do their thing and I can watch movies meant for teenagers.

And when I find myself needing moremoremoremoremore of the light and love while I’m trapped at my computer waiting for work requests to be emailed? That’s where books like this come in. A tried and true trope of “dating on a dare” turned into a possible lurrrrrrv match. This time starring two boys. It’s just the thing my old miserly heart looks for in a teenage romcom so I thought it was adorable.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
June 9, 2021
So cute and heartwarming! From the start, I loved Kai's character. He's gay but he hasn't told anyone that he's gay. Bryson Keller is roped into a dare where he has to date a new person every week or else he has to take the bus to school for the rest of the year. In the spur of the moment, Kai asks Bryson out to be his boyfriend for the week and Bryson says yes. Bryson has only ever dated girls, so he's not sure whether he likes boys too. The way Kai and Bryson are friends first was so adorable and I loved how they turned to each other for everything and when things got hard. Both Kai and Bryson have family stuff going on and I loved how they were always there for each other. The last part of the book turned super emotional and I just wanted to hug both Kai and Bryson! I loved Kai's best friends and both Kai and Bryson have such fun siblings. This was just so cute and I could not stop listening to the audiobook!
Profile Image for MaDoReader.
1,349 reviews163 followers
Shelved as 'nope-por-una-buena-razón'
May 24, 2020
¿Para qué voy a leer Date me Bryson Keller? Si quisiera releer Seven Days, voy a la estantería y cojo mis tomos de la obra de Venio Tachibana y Rihito Takarai (de la que hay hasta un live action), no me pongo a perder mi tiempo con una novela que es un plagio. Porque, querid@s mí@s, esto, es un plagio, por mucho que una vez que han pillado al autor con “el carrito del helao” ahora hable de “inspiración” y que mejora los aspectos del manga y tal.

No voy a indagar más en este tema por no cabrearme, pero vamos, me parece muy fuerte que el/la autor/autora pase esta historia como propia, cualquier lector de BL sabrá de qué estoy hablando. VERGONZOSO.

Y es que no pensaba hacer un rant de esto, pero viendo todas esas reseñas tan happys, me hierve la sangre, que ya está todo inventado, vale, pero es que la sinopsis es IGUAL que la del manga joder. Y encima se atreve con un peso pesado como es la Takarai, con las malas pulgas que tiene Sensei, espero que alguien se lo diga y le meta una demanda de cojones. Se la merece.
Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews235 followers
August 23, 2020
A charming and upbeat debut by an author I hope to see more of.

From the blurb:

Everyone knows about the dare: Each week, Bryson Keller must date someone new -- the first person to ask him out on Monday morning. Few think Bryson can do it. He may be the king of Fairvale Academy, but he's never really dated before. Until a boy asks him out, and everything changes.

That brave boy who does the asking is the POV character, Kai Sheridan. And it wasn’t actually bravery on his part, just an impulsive (and immediately regretted) moment of exasperation. Kai has long known he’s gay, but always intended to keep it a secret until he was away at college and starting a new life. Coming out to anyone — much less Bryson, whom he barely knows — was never part of the plan.

But once their fake (and secret) dating is underway, it swiftly acquires a momentum that sweeps them both into uncharted territory.

I loved Kai’s combination of confidence and vulnerability. Although you can't tell by the cover -- #coverfail -- he's mixed race, with a black South African father and a white American mother. Sometimes YA characters feel off to me, but I found both Kai and Bryson credible -- even though the latter was perhaps a little too perfect to be true. But I forgave that because he was so adorable. They were both adorable. There was a lot of adorability to go around, and I was here for it.

There’s also a strong supporting cast of friends and family members, some of whom are quite perceptive, some oblivious. They’re well-drawn, and even the “villains” are more than caricatures. Although I do not like the device of

The most significant weakness, for me, was the nature of the big crisis near the end. There’s simply no way that particular action could have happened outside the realm of adult supervision. I couldn’t suspend disbelief, and I was sad to see the story stumble that late in the game. Still, overall this was a treat, and it made me glad I hadn't given up on reading contemporary YA, like I’ve so often sworn I would do.

A note: The author has pointed out, and some readers have picked up on, the fact that this story was inspired by the manga Seven Days: Monday–Sunday. Recycling story ideas is as old as time (which is probably why ideas aren’t copyrightable). Transposing stories to new media, and into new settings, makes them available to a new audience. For example, plenty of people who were never, ever going to sit down and read a Jane Austen novel got to experience Emma by way of Clueless. I see this book in the same light. I sampled Seven Days, but I’m extremely sensitive to art style, and the manga aesthetic is not for me. I'm happy that Kevin van Whye creatively reimagined the concept into a Western setting and a written format.
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
June 15, 2021
This whole situation honestly wouldn't have caught my attention if not for the way the author decided to justify why he wrote this book. I'm unable to find his original response on Goodreads, but in my opinion, the degree of similarity in actual content aside from the overall premise is irrelevant here. It’s not a mere “inspiration” if you take someone else's story, rewrite it as a supposed critique of the work and of BL manga in general, and proceed to profit off of your westernized bastardization without mentioning the source of your “inspiration” until people call you out on it—it’s called plagiarism.

If you needed an outlet to address your urge to fix an original Japanese BL story by putting it in a western setting, fanfiction was always an option. Or you could've explored those themes with a unique story of your own, without reclaiming the hard work of a Japanese woman.

Yes, Japanese BL has its fair share of inaccurate, fetishistic depictions of LGBTQ+ individuals and relationships that are far removed from reality, but it's important to realize that Japanese BL is written by Japanese women for Japanese women as a retreat from the expectations of a misogynistic society, and I'd laugh if it weren't so sad when people come along critiquing it as if it were written for a western audience.

I cannot read this in good conscience and will not be supporting his future work. I hope everyone who's read this story or plans to will reconsider their support as well.

Seven Days: Monday–Sunday
Profile Image for kal.
260 reviews96 followers
September 13, 2020
"It was real then. And it's real now. I wish you were here."

I thought I was so over with all these cheesy YA romances but look at me now!!

The story all started with a dare to Bryson Keller, famous star athlete at Fairvale Academy. According to the dare he has to date the first person who asks him out every Monday morning until Friday. In short, different person every week. What happens when a guy named Kai Sheridan asks him out?

Basically nothing new just cute and swoon worthy romance. Two teenage boys being each other 'pretend' boyfriends within five days. The romance between Kai and Bryson of course was cheesy at best. But at the same time it was dreamy as hell. The fact that this book brought this huge grin on my face and made me crave for something I wouldn't really want in real life was definitely a fun time.

"Let me?" With ease, he places the book in its rightful place. He pauses and whispers, "What's the point of having a tall boyfriend if you aren't going to use him?" The absurdity makes me smile.

Originality is not the strongest attribute of the novel and characters are nothing but carbon copies of other YA characters. However, when it was time to get serious to discuss some serious things, it hit the spot for me. The emotions and the heart were there. The struggle that can be seen in the eyes of the person having a hard time to be in terms with his sexuality to me felt very raw and real. I wouldn't get tired of these stories as long there are still kids out there getting bullied or beaten up for living their truth.
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,394 reviews1,845 followers
July 9, 2020
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