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Lords of the Armory #2

An Unexpected Earl

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Fans of Bridgerton will love this feminist, steamy historical romance from award-winning author Anna Harrington.

Brandon Pearce, former brigadier and now the Earl West, is determined to help the girl he once loved save her property and the charity she's been struggling to build. But he'll have to deceive her first...

Twelve years ago, Brandon Pearce had to give up the girl he loved, Amelia Howard. Now Amelia is a grown woman with a past she desperately needs to keep hidden in order to save her brother Frederick's reputation. In an effort to avoid blackmail, Frederick needs to place a list of gentlemen into government positions, and for that, he'll need an ally in Parliament—Pearce.

Pearce has been investigating Scepter, a criminal group the Armory believes is behind the government appointments. Pearce must pretend that he sides with the blackmailer—keeping someone else's secrets—even though it means breaking Amelia's heart. But Pearce is willing to do anything he can for a second chance with her, even when he discovers she's been keeping secrets of her own.

Get out your smelling salts: This sexy Regency romance features a second-chance romance between a former military commander who stubbornly thinks he knows best and a strong-headed heroine who will fight tooth and nail for those she loves.

384 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 23, 2021

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About the author

Anna Harrington

40 books745 followers
I fell in love with historical romances and all things Regency—and especially all those dashing Regency heroes—while living in England, where I spent most of my time studying the Romantic poets, reading Jane Austen, and getting lost all over the English countryside.

When I read my first Regency romance in 2012, I was hooked and longed to create my own independent and spirited heroines and dashing heroes. The best part of writing historical romances is falling into history—to live in the world of Regency England through my characters, with dazzling balls, beautiful dresses, and gorgeous houses that I would otherwise never be able to experience. I love the period’s rich history and find that all those rules of etiquette and propriety can be worked to the heroine’s advantage…if she’s daring enough to seize her dreams.

In addition to earning my degrees in the U.S., I have studied theatre in London, Mexican history in Guadalajara, and Spanish in Ecuador. I am an avid traveler and have enjoyed visiting schools and volunteering with children's organizations in Peru, Ecuador, Thailand, and Mexico, and I have amassed thousands of photos I unleash on unsuspecting friends who dare to ask about my travels.

I love to be outdoors! I've been hiking in Alaska, the Andes, and the Alps, including one week spent dangling off the via ferrata in the Italian Dolomites, and I love whitewater rafting (when I don't fall in!). I earned my pilot’s license at Chicago Midway (To all the controllers in Chicago Center—I greatly apologize for every problem I caused for you and Southwest Airlines), and it is my dream to one-day fly in a hot-air balloon over Africa.

I adore all things chocolate, shamelessly dive into ice cream of any flavor, and guzzle Kona coffee by the gallon. A Doctor Who fanatic (everyone says my house is bigger on the inside), I am a terrible cook who hopes to one day use my oven for something other than shoe storage. When I'm not writing, I like to spend my time trying not to kill the innocent rose bushes in my garden.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 201 reviews
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
July 2, 2021
4.5 stars

While the beginning of this book took a bit of time to pick up, holy cow did this book get good. Brandon and Amelia had a relationship when they were teenagers, but Amelia's family found out and Brandon was forced way. Now he's an Earl as the extended relative of the Earl who died and he's in town trying to investigate a criminal group Amelia's brothers may have ties to. Amelia is trying to uncover who is blackmailing her brother and ends up intertwining with Brandon again. The two fall for each other all over again, but Amelia has secrets that prevent them from truly being together. The romance turned out so cute and I was rooting for Amelia and Brandon to get together and finally be happy together. There were so many secrets that came out near the end and I was just eating this book up. I couldn't put this book down! I can't wait to pick up for 3!
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,251 followers
June 2, 2021
*3.5 stars*

An Unexpected Earl was a solid read from Anna Harrington and works well as a stand-alone, even if it had its flaws.

I enjoy a second chance romance, so I jumped into this series at book 2, and I had no trouble following along. Anna Harrington's writing style was really enjoyable, even if the book took me a bit to finish, and I think she did a lot of things right with the story.

But the female MC was just so damn gullible.

There is a lot of action, and the male MC was strong, but I kept thinking that Amelia just didn't ever do her homework. I wanted to like her more than I did. She was trying so hard to be independent but she trusted people too blindly. I think their chemistry together was good and built over time, but I just felt like something was slightly off about the story.

I think this romance was *almost* there, so I'm looking forward to reading the others in this series.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,681 reviews192 followers
February 8, 2021
Series: Lords of the Armory #2
Publication Date: 2/23/21
Number of Pages: 320

This author always imbues her stories with all of the “feels”, and she has certainly outdone herself this time. Harrington has managed to squeeze a beautiful second-chance romance together with a suspenseful mystery that will keep you reading well into the night. I thought it was beautifully romantic, poignant, and heartbreaking when you learned what these two had been through – yet, they still loved each other after years of separation. It is definitely a sigh-worthy read!

The time is just after the Napoleonic wars and the English soldiers have returned to England. Many of them have a hard time adjusting to civilian life after the stress of war, but no help is offered. Many have lost limbs, sight, hearing, or suffer from what we would call PTSD today. Life after the wars is definitely not what these dedicated, loyal men would have chosen for themselves. There are few, if any, jobs available and many of the former soldiers were forced to live on the streets (sound familiar?). Now, there is a new threat to the realm – one nobody even knew existed until the sinister organization came after the Duke of Braddock’s sister. After his sister’s death, Braddock (An Inconvenient Duke), a former general, formed the Armory. The Armory is a place where soldiers from his former command can find sanctuary and maybe even help – and where they will band together to find and stamp out the sedition group known as Scepter.

Twelve years ago, Brigadier Brandon Pearce, Earl of Sandhurst, was an eighteen-year-old orphaned ragamuffin who lived with an innkeeper uncle in Birmingham. Being caught with a neighbor's sixteen-year-old daughter was both the making of him – and the shattering of him. Her father was a rich merchant, and after beating Brandon, he banished him. Brandon’s distant relative bought him an officer’s commission and his career was born. Brandon always loved that girl – and never forgot her – but knew she was above him and they could never be together. He always assumed she’d moved on, married, etc. – until he saw her across the room at a masked ball in London after he returned as a war hero – and inherited a title he didn’t expect. He quickly realizes his feelings haven’t changed, but she doesn’t trust him, treats him as an enemy, and is keeping secrets. He’s investigating her brother Frederick because the Armory is sure he is part of Scepter – is she also mixed up in it?

Amelia Howard was totally and completely devastated twelve-years-ago when she was torn away from the boy she loved and was sent to the far reaches of Scotland. She was threatened with terrible retributions if she dared to try to get in touch with him – and she knew her father would follow-through on those threats. She has loved that boy ever since – even though she’s tried to move on with her life. Fate just seems to have a vendetta against her – and it has shown itself in full-force when she meets Pearce at a ball in London. Goodness, how she’d love to be able to resume their relationship – she knows she still loves him – and always will. But there are things he can’t know – secrets she must keep, so she must avoid him at all costs. However, the persistent man won’t let her avoid him. He is everywhere she is – and her brother Frederick is pushing her to influence Pearce for him.

Pearce will do whatever it takes to keep Amelia safe, to protect her, but he has to learn all of her secrets before he can make a plan forward. I loved seeing Pearce doing all he could to regain Amelia’s trust – and that was no easy task – with good reason. I also loved seeing Amelia grow from Fate’s victim to Fate’s master. She grew from an accepting victim to someone who was strong and independent. I loved seeing the two of them overcome the obstacles that stood in the way of their HEA, but I wasn’t in love with the final solution of how they were going to be together.

I can highly recommend this book, this series, and this author. However, for me personally, had it been absolutely any other author, I would have bypassed the book as soon as I read the references to ‘feminist’ in the blurb. Yes, I firmly believe in being equal, but I detest that term that has, for me, become a negative. I loved the story and I’m glad I read it, so I’m glad I didn’t see that blurb before I just automatically requested the book.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,139 reviews898 followers
January 4, 2021

The first book in this series was one of the most pleasantly surprising historical romances series I have ever read. So it only stands to reason that this one couldn't quite reach its predecessor. I mean, my expectations were too high. So really, there wasn't any one thing that I can put my finger on, that made this less enjoyable. It's ineffable 🤷‍♀️ But I still really enjoyed this book and will look forward to rest of this series.

👍 What I Liked 👍

Sceptre: As with the first book, I really enjoyed the mystery of the Sceptre. It adds such a great substance to a historical romance series that I really like.

2nd chance at love: I am always a fan of second chances in historical romance. Honestly, this wasn't the greatest representation of that trope, but it still got me excited.

ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for ChasingLeslie.
416 reviews83 followers
February 19, 2021
"Orphaned tavern rats...weren't meant for beautiful daughters of wealthy industrialists." Brandon Pearce had to give up the girl he loved in order to save her reputation. He made a career for himself as a brigadier and later became the Earl of Sandhurst. Twelve years later, Amelia Howard's world is still in chaos. Her brother is being blackmailed and he's trying to use her property to "fix" it. Pearce comes crashing back into Amelia's life as he investigates a mysterious criminal group that has ties to politics and high society.

This is the second book in the Lords of the Armory series. It is named for the training facility/social club that the previous hero establishes for former military men. While this book can mostly stand alone, there is an overarching investigation through the series that began in book one. The individual pieces are resolved at the end of each book, but the larger intrigue continues.

I really enjoyed this book, but it was a bit like making a dessert: you have to have some patience while it bakes. There was a good deal of set up of Pearce's and Amelia's backstories, the Scepter, and the blackmail. It does payoff though...sparks fly when they're together! There's great push and pull in their relationship as Amelia and Pearce try to trust each other again. There are also some excellent author notes at the end!

Tropes: Childhood Sweethearts, Second Chance Romance, Spy/Govt Work

Eggplant Rating: 3 (two full scenes and one interrupted scene)

* I received an ARC and this is my honest review. #AnUnexpectedEarl #NetGalley
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,394 reviews1,845 followers
July 24, 2022
I'm starting to think this series might not be for me since even the first book I gave it a three stars. I don't feel the chemistry between these characters or the angst of second chance. I just see more mystery and action aspects and unfortunately that's not what I want right now.
Profile Image for Morgan Many Books.
211 reviews71 followers
February 28, 2021
3.5 Stars Because I Don’t Know How I Felt.

First off, I should say two things: 1) I like Anna Harrington’s writing and general approach to historical romance a lot. 2) I rarely enjoy a second-chance romance. This meant that I did look for issues a little, but I entered trusting Harrington to deliver a well developed and unique story filled with intrigue, emotion, and steam. She always does, in my opinion.

Did she deliver? I would say, yes. Did I love it? I kind of just didn’t ever feel invested, but I remember not attaching to the first book (An Inconvenient Duke) in this new series too (which might be because I don’t gravitate to the ‘Fight the Dark Underbelly of London’ stories). Up until now, Harrington has tended towards relatively grounded stories even when dealing with revenge tales, external threat, and military and I think she is continuing in this vein for her Lords of The Armory Series. Here, I thought this was a great example of how a second-chance romance should be handled. In order for this trope to be interesting, I really think there has to be external conflict/threat otherwise there is very little plot. Some good examples of this are Nobody's Duke and A Scandalous Marriage. And I think An Unexpected Earl is another one.

That said, I really didn’t attach to either Pearce of Amelia. I didn’t feel like either had an arc, which I usually don’t mind, but they weren’t even interesting. But then, I absolutely adored that Harrington didn’t force some easy and unrealistic resolution to the big, big spoiler (so beware). So 10s Across The Board for being a rebel with regards to Amelia’s predicament. It was refreshing.

Which leads me to—yes, you guessed it— a TANGENT. I pretty much always hate ‘underground debauchery parties.’ They feel trite, and like weird fantasies women have of the past. That’s not to say masquerades didn’t happen, and bacchanals weren’t a thing (they even play a realistic role in this book), or that there weren’t underground sex clubs—we know there were… But why does every nobleman, their sister, and their aunt have to go to one? The masquerade at the start of this book didn’t need to happen. Even with everything that comes after. It wasn’t needed, and I think would have helped me like the character’s relationship arc more if it hadn’t been there. But really... It is starting to feel like an obligatory scene for every historical romance series released after 2010. The following I write as if it were a Monty Python skit circa season 1: “Good afternoon madam, you wish to publish a historical romance novel? And it is a part of a series? Excellent, may I see your Historical Romance Stamp Book? Ah—here, I see you are missing a Gaming Hell Owner Story Stamp, and you haven’t met the minimum requirement of one Forbidden Party Scene. I see, too, there are no official Hoyden Heroines or a Street Urchin in any book? Hmm. You need at least one of all of these in the series m’am, otherwise the Historical Romance Gods will smite you! We wouldn’t be wanting that now would we? No, no. I thought not. Sorry to say, m’am, but you’ll have to return to the writer’s room so you can get your stamp book filled and try again later! A good day to you. Next author in line, please!” ANYWAYS! I think we should ban this too. No more weird sex parties just to tick a box. End Tangent.

So yeah, I have very mixed feelings. I don’t really gravitate to these types of HR series, which felt in the realm of Christi Caldwell’s brand of HR (and one I openly dislike). Objectively, I think there is a lot to love in here. It’s well paced, isn’t convoluted, is easy to follow. The mystery and truth reveals were good. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. I would highly recommend if you like second-chances (this is a good one!), mystery, underground societies, or organized crime themes in HR series/stories. I will still read/listen to the next story either way, because I like Justine Eyre as a narrator and I continue to enjoy Harrington’s writing... and I’m curious about Merit.
Profile Image for Niki (mustreadalltheromance).
1,174 reviews96 followers
February 16, 2021
After being caught in a compromising position, Brandon Pearce was separated from Amelia Howard, the girl he loved, and sent to the army. Now, twelve years later, Amelia is all grown up and with serious problems. Her brother, Frederick, is being blackmailed and she desperately needs to keep her past secret to keep him out of prison and ensure no harm is done to the reputation of her charity shop. To satisfy the blackmailer Frederick must use his influence as an MP to place several men into government positions. To do so successfully he’ll need help in Parliament and Pearce is just who he needs.

Brandon Pearce, now the Earl of Sandhurst, is working to adjust to civilian life after his position as a Brigadier in the Napoleonic wars. He and his fellow former soldiers of the Armory have been using their skills to investigate a criminal group known as Scepter which has been quietly engineering fatal accidents for government officials and replacing them with its own choices. Pearce must walk a fine line, appearing to agree with what the blackmailer wants so he can learn who’s really pulling the strings, even though this hurts Amelia. Regardless, Pearce wants a second chance with Amelia and won’t let anything come between them this time, even her own secrets.

This book was quite well-written, and I loved the mystery aspect and the whole concept of Specter and the Armory. It felt a bit like a Regency James Bond film but with less action. I loved Brandon as a hero because I’m a sucker for a war hero trying to acclimate to civilian life. Even so, his character felt a bit one dimensional and we didn’t get much from his perspective as compared to Amelia’s. As is so often the case for me with ‘strong,’ feminist heroines, I found Amelia to be a bit of a pill. I totally understand her hesitancy to trust men after she had been taken advantage of, but Pearce had never given her any reason to doubt him, quite the opposite in fact, yet she still unleashed vitriol on him at every turn. This made no sense combined with the fact that she trusted her brother so implicitly even when he treated her so poorly. She didn’t think or make decisions logically, so her fierce independence just came off as stubbornness for the sake of being contrary. I wasn’t really sure about the connection between Brandon and Amelia and it would’ve been more romantic for me if there had been more of a chance for their chemistry to come through rather than just his longing and her constant enumerations of reasons, she couldn’t trust a man and they could never be together. Her many thought processes in this vein grew repetitive very quickly for me. In another vein, I also found it frustrating and a little off-putting that Amelia only called Brandon by his given name twice or so, otherwise calling him Pearce, yet the brothel owner he got information from called him Brandon during their entire conversation. Not sure why I fixated on this so much, but it undermined their relationship for me, or at least Amelia’s investment in it. Issues aside, I love the concept of this series and the writing style. I think the suspenseful elements, though fairly brief, added depth to the story and an additional factor that will appeal to many, especially if they’re just dipping their toes into romance. I enjoyed the premise of this story and will read more from this author.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Blog link: https://mustreadalltheromance.blogspo...
Profile Image for Lisa.
465 reviews38 followers
December 9, 2020
Thanks to NetGalley for a arc copy for a honest review.

An Unexpected Earl, was an enjoyable read Brandon and Theodora , they were childhood sweetheart’s they were separated and saw each other again 12 year’s later. The story goes on from there 4 star read

Happy Reading
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,108 reviews291 followers
February 21, 2021
Scandalous, sinful, and romantic!

An Unexpected Earl is a lighthearted, spirited, second-chance romance that introduces the kind, troubled Amelia Howard who loved, lost, and made some costly mistakes in the past, as well as the dashingly handsome, Earl of Sandhurst, Brandon Pearce, who after twelve years of separation will still do whatever it takes to protect his first and only true love.

The prose is sultry and sweet. The characters are strong-willed, determined, and resourceful. And the plot is an arousing combination of family, friendship, heartbreak, secrets, action, adventure, societal expectations, wicked intentions, tender moments, and unconditional love.

Overall, An Unexpected Earl is a provocative, entertaining, delightful read by Harrington with a little bit of suspense that I really enjoyed. This may be the first novel I’ve read by this author, but I can guarantee you it won’t be my last.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,882 reviews90 followers
July 15, 2022
Suddenly realised I’d missed this title in the series. Another step in the road to tracing the leader of the revolutionary organization Scepter. With a whole heap of romantic entanglement along the way. This time Brigadier Lord Brandon Pearce, Earl Sandhurst, is reunited with his one true love, Lady Amelie Howard who carries her own dark secrets. Of course the two become involved in the hunt.
Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,333 reviews131 followers
June 19, 2022
This world keeps getting more interesting by the second. I can't wait to see how the Armory takes down Scepter.

In this edition we have Pierce and Amelia. Childhood friends who lived one another and figured they'd be together. Amelia's father had Pierce sent away to join the army and Amelia's life went to shambles. I won't go into detail because you need to read this and find out. Ooorrrr, you could listen to it like I did. Justine Eyre read this and I have to say, she is one of my favorite narrators.

On to the next...
Profile Image for Julie - One Book More.
1,199 reviews211 followers
February 22, 2021
A wonderful second-chance historical romance, the story focuses on Pearce and Amelia, childhood sweethearts who are brought together under dubious circumstances. Pearce, a newly appointed Earl who worked for the crown, is working to uncover corruption, and Amelia’s brother is a suspect. Amelia knows her brother is being blackmailed and will do whatever she can to protect him. However, the more Amelia learns about her brother and Pearce, the more conflicted she becomes.

Amelia’s entire life has very much been dictated by men, and, betrayed by several men in her life, she hesitates to trust. Even though she’s been through tremendous heart-break, she has a fierce dedication to helping others, and I like how selfless she is. She’s determined to help other women gain independence, which is propelled by her inability to break free from the patriarchy. There are some great messages here about a woman’s worth, sense of free will, and gender inequities. Other messages about the confining dictates of society, as well as societal inequities, are also prevalent.

Pearce is a great character as well. Sent away after a scandalous tryst with Amelia, Pearce works his way up in the military before becoming an Earl. He is an honorable man with a tremendous amount of patience, and his feelings for Amelia are clear. I love how he fights for her and accepts her no matter the consequences. Like Amelia, Pearce is selfless, and his quest for truth and justice is admirable. Plus, he is incredibly smitten with Amelia, which I loved!

Pearce and Amelia have amazing chemistry, and I really enjoyed their second-chance romance! The couple has a long and complex history, and there are a lot of buried feelings between them. Neither forgot or moved on from their first love, and seeing them reconnect and face their past while still dealing with their present was fantastic. I love Pearce and Amelia’s easy way with each other, and the dialogue between the pair is fantastic. They have a deep and profound love that time and distance didn’t erase, and I wholly rooted for their happy ending.

The mystery surrounding Sceptre is also really intriguing. Pearce and the other members of The Armory are trying to solve a case that involves members of Parliament. Sceptre is a nefarious and mysterious group, and I enjoyed how this aspect of the story played out.

I really enjoyed this interesting and swoon-worthy historical romance can’t wait to read more by Anna Harrington. Though it is the second book in the Lords of the Armory series, An Unexpected Earl can totally be read as a standalone. Thanks so much to NetGalley, Anna Harrington, and Sourcebooks Casablanca for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
February 14, 2021
Anna Harrington returns to Lords of the Armory, her series about ex-soldiers who join forces to uncover evil plan of a secret organization to thwart the government.

An Unexpected Earl focuses on Brandon Pearce, former brigadier who is now Earl West and the woman who is his former first love twelve years ago. Amelia Howard needs to stop her brother from turning her only possession, a land under her own name, to be put on turnpike trust. In order to that she has to find who has been blackmailing her brother. Unfortunately, Brandon Pearce seems to get in her way.

This book has second-chance romance between childhood friends. Gah. My weakness 😍. It's my favorite trope and I think Ms. Harrington writes the story well. I love that Brandon is determined to help Amelia - and to have her back in his side. I can believe that Brandon is still in love with Amelia and vice versa. Because the event that forced them apart twelve years previously is heartbreaking.

For me, Amelia feels a bit gullible though. I mean, everything that happens is because she trusts people easily. Sure, she has kind heart and maybe that's why she's so trusting. But the author also seems to want to make Amelia sounds smart and sassy, unfortunately, this clashes with her not suspecting anything at all.

However, I enjoy the book in overall. There's an excitement chasing scene in the middle too, involving boat and the River of Thames. Wow, that will look awesome on screen! Plus the Armory soldiers find out more about Scepter's schemes. I'm so happy that Merritt will have his book out in about four months. I'm curious with his "night" activities!

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.
Profile Image for Lisa.
465 reviews38 followers
December 9, 2020
Thanks to NetGalley for a arc copy for a honest review.

An Unexpected Earl, was an enjoyable read Brandon and Theodora , they were childhood sweetheart’s they were separated and saw each other again 12 year’s later. The story goes on from there 5 star read

Happy Reading
Profile Image for Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff.
1,648 reviews148 followers
March 8, 2021
I got this eARC from Netgalley in exhange for a honest review
I really liked this one! Amelia and her love interest both had character development and it took some time before they really got together, it was a bit of a slow burn and the story tied the strings together nicely. It has enough drama and romance and nothing overpowered each other. It was a pleasant read.
487 reviews3 followers
December 3, 2020
This story is pleasant tale of childhood sweethearts separated by a combination of fate and malicious manipulation, who reunite by chance 12 years later. It is the second book in the series, but while there is a storyline that seems to weave through the series (the criminal organization Scepter), An Unexpected Earl can be read as a standalone.

Pearce and Amelia are likeable characters, though I felt like Amelia was a little too willing to sit back and be rescued (even though the book's description claims she's "strong-headed). Also, I am not convinced that their separation had to have persisted that long.

For me, the storyline dragged at times. I also felt like character development outside of the main characters was missing. Amelia has a maid that she's claims to be close with, but we only see her at the very beginning and then very close to the end. Partway through, Danielle, the heroine from the first book, and her sister-in-law Claudia meet Amelia at a ball and seem to befriend her, but then they too disappear until the epilogue. It's harder to get to know a character of we don't see how she interacts with others. Pearce, on the other hand, is frequently seen in the company of the other men who are part of the Armory.

The storyline involved several secrets, but I figured the main one out pretty quickly. What I wasn't sure about was how the main secret would be resolved. I don't want to risk spoiling the ending, so I'll just say that while there is an HEA, I'm not entirely satisfied that the book arrived there in the best way. (Sorry, kind of oblique...)

Overall, it's a decent read, but it isn't a keeper book for me.

I received an ARC from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thanks!
Profile Image for Michelle Rupe.
357 reviews25 followers
December 26, 2020
I received an advanced reader copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The blurb made this book sound so interesting, but sadly this book did not hold my interest the entire time I read it. I was a little disappointed. It was well written, it had a decent plot that surprised me at parts, and even characters that I wanted to get their happy ending, but something big was missing for me: THE LOVE STORY.

Amelia Howard and Brandon Pearce were young and in love when they were separated by her father when they are caught in a compromising position. 12 years later, their lives intertwine when Amelia is involved in a blackmail scheme by her brother that Pearce is investigating. In my honest opinion, I could not feel the love or heartbreak from either one of these characters. They barely had any conversations, both of them were fine with leaving each other years ago, and then they were jumping into bed together. It did not feel believable to me whatsoever. Absolutely zero real chemistry.

The parts I did like were the dialogue. I thought there was some really fun banter in some parts, but not enough to carry this into what I would deem a great book. I also thought that who ended up being the villain at the end was a great addition because I didn't expect it. Sadly those two things could not overcome the complete lack of true chemistry in this book.

If you want a decently written book, and you have read her stuff before then give this a shot. I think fans of hers will enjoy this, but sadly it wasn't for me personally.
Profile Image for Caitlyn Lynch.
Author 87 books1,829 followers
February 26, 2021
I haven’t read the first book in the Lords of the Armory series, but I don’t think it mattered particularly. It was easy enough to pick up that the Lords are a bunch of former soldiers who have returned to London after the end of the Napoleonic Wars and started making themselves useful to the government, investigating a shadowy group called Scepter who are definitely Up To No Good - even if the Lords of the Armory can’t quite figure out what.

Investigations lead to Brigadier Brandon Pearce, now the Earl of Sandhurst, running into a lady he is startled to recognise - Miss Amelia Howard. Twelve years earlier, when Amelia was just sixteen, Amelia’s father caught Brandon in her bedroom and he was forced into the army to silence any gossip, Amelia’s hand reserved for whatever lordling her father could catch. Now it seems Amelia is both still unmarried and in some kind of trouble, hanging about in places she shouldn’t be and trying to talk to men she definitely shouldn’t. Pearce can’t help but step in.

Amelia’s troubles are far deeper than she can share, a massive scandal in her past causing her to be utterly dependent on her brother, who shows from the beginning that he’s untrustworthy, leaving himself vulnerable to blackmail. Desperate to maintain her small measure of independence and continue to support the charity for war widows she founded, Amelia will do whatever she can to get her brother out of the hole he’s dug for himself. Even if that means asking Pearce for help.

The chemistry between Amelia and Pearce is off the charts from the beginning, the romance between them very believable. I definitely liked that Pearce didn’t try to sideline Amelia, involving her in solving the problem when she made it clear she needed to be part of it, and it was great that Amelia actually got to be there in the final confrontation with the villain, allowed to vent her feelings and have a say in what justice was meted out. I did see the villain coming (though I won’t spoil it here) because a few things in the story didn’t quite add up for me, but I admit I was shocked by the extent of the fraud which had been perpetrated.

This is a great story, and I’ll definitely be looking out for more books in the series, as while Amelia’s immediate issues were solved, the Armory didn’t get to the bottom of the Scepter mystery yet, so obviously there is more to come. Five stars for a very good historical romance with some intriguing mysteries at the core!

Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this title via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Grace.
1,315 reviews42 followers
April 9, 2021
There were moments between Pearce and Amelia that I liked - their banter at times was excellent - but for the most part, this just didn't work. This was a real slog to get through. The Spectre stuff is a bit convoluted and just doesn't hold my interest. As to the characters and relationships, from the very beginning, it was clear how toxic and awful Frederick was, so Amelia continually being so insistent that he had saved her just didn't seem like good enough justification for anything that followed between the siblings. Plus, the fact that Amelia and Pearce had been separated for so long, with her in particular lamenting what had been lost, just wasn't something I was into. I love second chance stories, but the obstacles here were too external and just too much. They hadn't seen each other since they were 16 and 18, and nothing else had really changed??

I got why Amelia's feelings were what they were, given the impossibility of her situation, but the fact that her sham marriage was the major obstacle in their relationship was made even more frustrating by the eventual resolution on that point. It obviously wasn't going to be legal, but the idea that in lieu of getting the actual annulment, Merritt just stealing the page from the parish register so they could burn it was underwhelming from a storyline perspective and also I'm a lawyer. That's not how this works!!

Profile Image for Jen (That's What I'm Talking About).
1,592 reviews304 followers
March 2, 2021
I’ve been a fan of Ms. Harrington’s historical romances for a few years now and have been looking forward to reading An Unexpected Earl since finishing the first book in the Lords of the Armory series a year ago. The story picks up with Brandon Pearce, current Earl of Sandhurst, a member of the Armory. He’s undercover, attending a party filled with known associates of Scepter, in hopes to get an invite into their depraved group. At the party, he sees a masked woman wearing a familiar locket, and realizes it’s Amelia Howard, his former best friend and first love.

Amelia Howard, sister to the Honorable Fredrick Howard, Member of Parliament, is at the party because she knows her brother is being blackmailed. Amelia doesn’t know what her brother is doing or what his secrets are, but she wants to help him and make sure their family isn’t ruined. When Brandon discovers that he and Amelia are connected via her brother’s scheming, the pair has to decide if they can trust one another and work together to help each other.

I love me a good second-chance romance, and An Unexpected Earl doesn’t disappoint. Right from the start there is a subtle yet powerful sexual tension between the pair. I needed them to reconnect badly, to share their innermost secrets and work together. Amelia is a smart woman and she mentally calculates the pros and cons of trusting Pearce. I like how she thinks it all through rather than just running on instinct. Yet, Amelia has a painful past and the memories keep her guarded, sometimes grieving for all she’s lost. There is some back and forth between the pair, but ultimately, their foundation is strong and their mutual trust allows them to move forward. I loved this pair and was completely caught up in their romance.

I also enjoy the whole Scepter aspect; it adds a depth and darkness to the stories. I appreciate the Amelia and Brandon work together to solve their mutual problems and hope that this trust and openness continues in future titles. There is a lot going on, but I was able to follow along easily. I also enjoyed a fun twist near the end of the book, figuring it out in time, but only due to the clues Ms. Harrington presented in the narrative.

Overall, I truly enjoyed An Unexpected Earl. It is exciting and action-filled. Second chance romances are one of my favorites, and Ms. Harrington excels with Amelia and Brandon. There is still much to discover and uncover regarding the evil Scepter, and I cannot wait for the next title!

My Rating: A Loved it!
Originally posted at That's What I'm Talking About
Review copy provided by Netgalley
Profile Image for Elodie’s Reading Corner.
2,515 reviews141 followers
February 13, 2021
An Unexpected Earl: Brooding Lord Gets a Sexy Second Chance with a Headstrong Heroine in this Feminist Regency Romance
Lords of the Armory Series #2
Anna Harrington
Release Date 02/23/2021
Publisher Sourcebooks Casablanca


Fans of Bridgerton will love this feminist, steamy historical romance from award-winning author Anna Harrington.
Brandon Pearce, former brigadier and now the Earl West, is determined to help the girl he once loved save her property and the charity she's been struggling to build. But he'll have to deceive her first...
Twelve years ago, Brandon Pearce had to give up the girl he loved, Amelia Howard. Now Amelia is a grown woman with a past she desperately needs to keep hidden in order to save her brother Frederick's reputation. In an effort to avoid blackmail, Frederick needs to place a list of gentlemen into government positions, and for that, he'll need an ally in Parliament—Pearce.
Pearce has been investigating Scepter, a criminal group the Armory believes is behind the government appointments. Pearce must pretend that he sides with the blackmailer—keeping someone else's secrets—even though it means breaking Amelia's heart. But Pearce is willing to do anything he can for a second chance with her, even when he discovers she's been keeping secrets of her own.

𝗠𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄

Will she be able to unburden her shame and still get the Prince Charming ...

Reunited after years apart, they are no more their younger self. Time took its toll and now they must move on their own path at their own pace.
Why when circumstances bring them together, they find themselves both on one side of the road.
Entrap in a web of lies and deceits, they struggle to find their way out and whom to trust or not.
Amelia has spend her life under the vicious clutches of her father then her brother. Nothing she does is left unchecked, she has no freedom outside the managing of her charity. And even this is under scrutiny and threatened if she does not behave as asked.
So when the few things she still has hold on is jeopardized, she is lost in an ocean of muddy water with leeches and deceit at every corner. So whom to trust when her faith has been broken and made her wary of men.
Pearce let go without a fight the woman he loved all this years ago because he believed he would never have been able to provide her with the life he think she deserves. So what a shock he has when he meet her again disguised as a courtesan and still unmarried. And while he works undercover for the crown to expose a dangerous society of villains, he agrees with himself he can’t let this second chance at rewriting their affair go to waste.
Yet it is difficult to help the woman he has loved for years if she keeps him at arm length, hold some vital informations and refuses to share her own burden which could be devastating for their own future.

This book was my first read by the author and while it standalone, I needed a bit of time to grasp all the nuts and bolts of the hero’s team and the villains circle. After I liked the many supportive characters, they are fun and meddling in the right way.
Amelia and Pearce relationship moves fast from the initial surprise to a game of cat and mouse until she surrenders to the love she never forgot and finally trust him with her worst secret.
Their romance scorches the pages and sizzles through the words.
I just would have like to see Amelia a bit less gullible and able to see through the lies earlier.
4 stars

𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹 onscreen detailed lovemaking scenes.

I have been granted an advance copy by the author and publisher Sourcebooks Casablanca, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

Profile Image for Bookreviewgirl_xo.
780 reviews72 followers
April 3, 2021
*The ARC of this book was provided by NetGalley for an honest review*

My Rating - 2.5/5

Pearce and Amelia had parted their ways on bad terms when they were caught in a compromising position by Amelia's father. A lot had happened since then. They met again after a long time in a masquerades ball. Amelia's brother, Frederick was being blackmailed which was why Amelia wanted to help. But Pearce found out that Frederick got mixed up with the wrong crowd which was why he wanted to protect Amelia. She, on the other hand, was adamant that she didn't need his help or protection. Anyway, Pearce wanted to take actions against the organization named Scepter along with his friends. Both Pearce and Amelia still had feelings for each other but couldn't really be together because of Amelia's umm... 'situation'. One thing led to another and their lives were at risk. Secrets were exposed which shook their entire world. But everything worked out for the couple.

My feelings about this book is neutral. Didn't love it but didn't hate it either.

Quote -

“When fate brings us love, we have to hold on tight with both hands and never let go.”
Profile Image for Lindsay  pinkcowlandreads.
615 reviews86 followers
February 22, 2021
Amelia Howard has family secrets and her brother’s blackmailer to foil when she runs into the last man on earth she wants to see right now… her childhood flame, now the Earl of Sandhurst, Brandon Pearce. He broke her heart twelve years ago when their families tore them apart. She has moved on and has no room for love in her life.

Brandon has never forgotten his first love, Amelia, and what he runs into her at a disreputable masquerade ball, he feels the same sparks as before. But he’s working on a secret government mission to stop an elusive criminal group that her brother may be linked too… he needs to keep her at arms length, unless he wants all their secrets out in the open.

I found that this book had a slow start, but picked up speed as it went on and the drama intensified. By the end of the book I was on the edge of my seat! I really enjoyed Amelia’s character. She had been felt some pretty hard obstacles, but remained steadfast to her family and har mission of helping others. She acts rashly, but had an underlying maturity about her decisions. Brandon was perfect hero for Amelia. He is steadfast and craves loyalty above all else. These two are hesitant at first, but after twelve years they have plenty of history to get over before they can truly come back to each other.

This is the second book in the in the Lords of the Armory series and continues the investigation into Sceptre, the criminal gang infiltrating England that began in book one, An Inconvenient Duke. I feel that this book does a sufficient job catching up the reader and can be read as standalone.

An Unexpected Earl by Anna Harrington released February 23rd, 2021.

I received a complimentary copy of this first chapter from Sourcebooks Casablanca through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Blog link: https://pinkcowlandreads.blogspot.com...

#AnUnexpectedEarl #AnnaHarrington #NetGalley #pinkcowlandreads
Profile Image for Marti.
3,090 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2021
An Unexpected Lord by Anna Harrington is the second book in the Lords of the Armory series.
The novel follows a group of men who returned from the war with scars and memories from the war. One of them with the help of others designs a different type of men’s club called The Armory. It is here, the men can unwind with other men struggling with their ‘normal life back.

Brandon Pearce is now an earl. He is shocked when he is tracked down to take over the role. He was in love with Amelia a long time ago and is surprised to run into her again. Interestingly, she seems to be embroiled into a situation with her brother Frederick. Pearce is investigating a secret group called the Scepter. Frederick is a key person in the investigation. What Pearce doesn’t know is that Frederick is being blackmailed and is insistent his sister Amelia give up her last piece of land from her dowry.

Not only is Amelia and Pearce’s second chance love story wonderful, but the perfidy of the blackmailers and her brother are also important to the story line. An Unexpected Lord by Anna Harrington was a good read.
Profile Image for Lisa C.
985 reviews21 followers
December 13, 2020
Amazing story of childhood friends torn apart, but reunite to love again, solve a mystery, and right some wrongs. Brigadier Brandon Pearce, and now the Earl West, has returned from the fighting, and with his group of friends at the Armory, is trying to solve a case concerning the government dissident group Scepter. Amelia Howard has always loved Pearce, but knows with the secrets she is keeping about herself and her brother, they can never be together. But as the saying goes, never say never. The intrigue will keep you turning the pages and the love story will keep you sighing. Can be read as a standalone, but part of a series you will want more of. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Jessica .
220 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2022
Two childhood sweethearts torn apart to be kept from scandal finding their way back to one another, Amelia and Pearce are thrown back into each other's circle when Amelia's brother is being blackmailed, putting Amelia's future in jeopardy. I loved Pearce and Amelia's romance, and the struggle of reconnecting with one another after over a decade apart. It was sweet and heartbreaking at times but developed in a way that made it believable. I enjoyed reading more about the investigation into Scepter and the action in this book was great. The ending was fantastic with people getting their just desserts, too! Looking forward to the next in the series.
Profile Image for Aj.
1,957 reviews
February 24, 2021
I loved everything about this story, the Lords of the Armory is proving to be a great series by Anna Harrington and An Unexpected Earl book 2 in this series doesn't disappoint.

I love the back story that the Lords of the Armory are dealing with, the criminal group underlying this series but even better are the romances. Pearce and Amelia are wonderfully passionate and their scenes together are beautifully written with angst, passion and emotion. Their second chance at love is worth everything!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 201 reviews

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