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Call of the Night #3

よふかしのうた 3 [Yofukashi no Uta 3]

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新章開幕! 新たな夜に新たな人物!!



「ようこそ 少年。手荒なマネしてすまないね」



208 pages, Paperback

First published April 16, 2020

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Beth.
1,213 reviews179 followers
July 26, 2022
After a very promising couple of volumes, the first part of this one lost me a bit. I'm sorry, I'm just not going to remember, much less care about, all these vampire women if all they have to offer the story is a name, an appearance, and a love language. On top of that, the story suddenly--and arbitrarily, by my reckoning--imposes a deadline of one year for Ko to be sufficiently in love with Nazuna and transition to being a vampire. It seems engineered to add suspense to the last part of this story, but who knows when that might happen? Ten volumes from now? Twenty or more?...

I ended up liking Seri, another vampire introduced separately from the "gang of four," a lot, though it did take a little while. I especially liked how she showed her vulnerability in the story featuring Aki at the end of the book. I could sympathize with her weariness as a "popular girl," being limited to sexual attraction in her interactions with men, and never having the chance to know one only as a friend. I didn't sympathize because I'd been there myself (pffffft), but because her dilemma was portrayed well.

(The ending of that episode was equivocal for me----though it's good that .)

It may seem odd for me to say so, but I liked Seri's interactions with Nazuna, which involve a lot of ambushes and brutal violence. Maybe because it makes the vamps less girly? I dunno. They do have their own ways of getting along which often aren't in alignment with what one would expect of humans. I also liked the mess of a date night that Ko has with Nazuna, on Seri's advice, showing how stagey, perfunctory, and essentially unfitting contemporary dating rituals can be to a developing relationship.

As has been the case throughout the series so far, Kotoyama's depiction of night life is excellent. The festival and the scenes in the karoke bar were both great.

In the short author's afterword, Kotoyama says that they "took a different approach to telling this story," and wonders what readers will think. I didn't particularly care for the new elements that were introduced in this volume, but I do appreciate that they made a conscious effort to keep things fresh. Whatever they come up with next could work better for me, and I'm interested in seeing what it'll be. Volume 3 is more like three and a half stars than four, but I'll round up just because.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews104 followers
June 30, 2021
This series is honestly such a fun interesting concept, I’m really enjoying it. We got to meet more of the vampires in this one and learn a bit more about them (there was some good reveals toooo) and idk it was just really fun to read! The art is super nice too!
Profile Image for Shae.
2,921 reviews343 followers
July 26, 2021
Well, I am sad to say it, but I am officially going to drop this series. The further we get into the series, the less I enjoy it. I loved the premise and really enjoyed the first volume. From there, it has done some things that don't feel right to me. Granted, I am not at all the target audience here.
Profile Image for amelia.
86 reviews
March 12, 2024
nowe wamipry!!!! Nadal troche dziwne...
btw nie podoba mi sie ze ta manga zacheca do włóczenia sie w nocy po miescie i szukania niebezpieczenstw, for real nie zawsze trafi sie na fajnego wampira...
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews156 followers
August 10, 2021
Wow, there is a lot to unpack here, but I don't have all day so let me discuss the two biggest aspects of this volume (at least to me).

1. We FINALLY get more lore surrounding vampires! Yes, THANK YOU Kotoyama! I understand this is a slice-of-life series, but with a premise like, "14 year old boy wants to be a vampire," I feel like there needs to be more lore given to take this premise seriously rather than seeing it as a gag. While I wasn't totally happy with the mild girl hating that occurred during Ko's meeting with the other vampires, I have to admit it fits with the tone really well and fits with how blunt all the characters are. I also liked how each vampire had their own way of picking up guys, all ways that normal humans often use, and how they fit with their individual personalities. I want to talk more about the themes of not wanting romantic love, not understanding love as a whole, and how society treats those that fit into those categories, but I want to hold off until I've read more before discussing my thoughts on them.

2. At first, I was put off by the depiction of "mental" people when Aki goes to find Seri, but I was genuinely surprised with the direction Kotoyama took that discussion. Ko wants to talk to Aki about what's going on, while Seri just wants to kill him and get it over with. However, Ko figures out that Aki isn't actually "mental," he just needs someone to talk about what he's going through and calm him down. While this is an oversimplification of mental illness and obviously this won't work for everyone (some need professional help), it does show that often people snap over something and need someone to talk to them about it; however, others (like Seri) would rather take the "easy" way out and try to kill them or ghost them because they don't want to deal with their own emotions or the consequences of their actions. Again, not a perfect example of how to handle mental illness, but considering anime/manga's track record regarding it (and as someone who suffers from mental illness), I think this was handled relatively well.

Oh, and as usual, Nazuna is the fucking best, Ko is a delight, the artwork (especially setting and scenery) is amazing, and I love this series. Thank you for reading through this long-ass rant, I appreciate it,
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
August 17, 2021
Ko is a snack, literally, so it makes sense that he can draw the interest of other vampires besides Nazuna. Turns out his turning might take a turn, as Nazuna left a wee detail out. Then Ko takes dating advice, which goes about as well as expected, and tries to fix a relationship, which might show where his true talents lie.

I still don’t know what the intent of this book is, nor necessarily its genre. Obliquely it’s about the slow-burning affection between Nazuna and Ko. But it’s about Ko’s school life and his abandonment thereof. And also a fight book. And a comedy.

Whatever the heck it is, I still find it darn enjoyable. There is something compelling about this book that I can never quite put my finger on, but love nonetheless. There’s something about strange people in odd circumstances finding one another that I like.

There is no question that the best part of this book comes when Ko gets abducted by a cadre of vampire women who basically run the spectrum of every possible female trope in manga/anime (there’s probably an unintentional commentary there on how these types are timeless).

In addition to some interesting plot advancement - we learn that Ko’s under a strict time limit if he actually wants to be turned - we get a really fun sequence of him fending off various advances just by being, well, Ko, while also enduring a lot of tea being spilled about poor Nazuna. Her dramatic entrance being wrecked by a case of the feels is excellent.

I like that Nazuna and Ko are both loners, but they’re loners who enjoy one another’s company and while others might look down on them, they themselves and the book proper do not. They have a valid, perfectly fine relationship (within the context of a vampiric age gap, Ko’s lack of insight on romance, and Nazuna’s ridiculous outfit that I somehow barely even notice any more).

I cannot pin down what I love about this series, really, but it never fails to fascinate me. Ko’s ridiculous attempts at a date (after Nazuna’s hilarious initial refusal), prompted by somebody he should know better than to have asked, end on a really sweet note and a proper lesson about just being yourself.

Better still, Ko manages to help out his advisor later, which is an interesting through line the series appears to be following, as Ko tries to assist the people he comes across. I’m not sure karaoke is a suitable celebration for the events in question, but whatever.

This section does take some odd looks at mental illness that aren’t the best take I’ve ever seen, but it’s also not the worst either. Its terminology and use thereof is part of the problem, but it does get explained a bit better (and possibly tied into the vampirism or maybe just some serious communication issues) than I expected. I’ve done some stupid crap for love and also have a few mental health concerns, but I didn’t feel super offended myself. It is a little weird if you are easily ticked by that sort of thing, mind, so be warned.

4 stars, almost bumped up higher because of that great chapter with the female vampire brood. As long as I’m enjoying this as much as I have been I don’t particularly care if I ever figure out exactly why.
Profile Image for Lea Saurusrex.
517 reviews45 followers
March 24, 2024
Plus 3,5 que 4 étoiles.

La première partie était aussi surprenante que gênante, mais on avance quand même dans la bonne direction, et je sens qu’il reste pas mal de choses à unfold. J’ai été un peu moins engagée dans ce tome que dans le précédent mais j’ai l’impression qu’il introduit surtout la suite de l’histoire qui commence à s’étoffer.
Profile Image for Cat.
168 reviews5 followers
August 5, 2024
This series is by no means great, but it is cute and gives me the smilies. I get a little nostalgia from when I was in middle school and we were all silly for love.
Profile Image for CharlyyGentlePhoenix.
669 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2023
Kotoyama – Call of the night (3) – Tome 3 sur 6 – Kurokawa – 2022
Bien le Bonjour, bienvenue dans le mois de septembre mes p’tits Phoenix au Chocolat ;- )…
Déjà, la couverture est grave stylée !!
Call of night ça a été mon gros coup de cœur de cet été, alors pour bien démarrer septembre, je vous chronique la Suite.
J’ai lu ce Manga en Anglais pour Une Fois.
Yamori a promis à une fille de la changer en vampire pour qu’elle échappe à sa condition de Larbin bouc émissaire…
Je dois dire que ça apporte un vrai plus par rapport à l’anime !! ;- ) …
Quand Yamori se fait racoler par une vampire autre que Nazuna…
"Hey, I'm bored, man. And I play with guys because I'm bored. Pretend Love, Y'know."
(Hey. Je m'ennuie, man. Et je joue avec les garçons parce que je m'ennuie... Faire semblant d'être amoureuse, Tu vois...)
Alors que sa séductrice est sur le point de le croquer, Nazuna arrive juste à temps et lui coupe le bras (ça repousse !!).
« Human Boy » est enlevés à Nazuna (supérieur en nombres) et présenté devant une assemblée de femmes Vampires. Il n’est pas censé vivre en connaissant l’existence des vampires sans être un servant… Tel le pacha dans son Harem, chacune d’elle veut en faire son accessoire de mode x -)… Son « Vampire »
Kô continue de crier sa fidélité à Nazuna… Jusqu’à ce qu’elle débarque pour le sauver une nouvelle fois (Enfin … « Sauver » c’est relatif il est quand même entouré de 4 top modèles qui veulent toutes le b*…)
(Mais bon c’est encore un enfant…)
Apparemment Nazuna n’est pas très populaire au sein de son propre clan.
Un très très bon manga !! Tout est parfait : les personnages, les dessins ,l’intrigue, l’enjeu, le scénario, l’originalité.
781 reviews4 followers
August 16, 2021
Huge plot twist! Several, actually!

We learn that there's a group of female vampires in this town. They're all hotties in one way or another. They all know Nazuna, and detest her. Turns out our sweet little Nazuna is an oddball to the other vampires. Annnndddd... it seems Nazuna has broken some big-time vampire laws by hanging out with Ko, yet refusing to turn him. Some fights happen, Ko nearly gets killed, and the hot undead girl's club makes a truce with Nazuna and Ko. Later, Ko devises a plan to find out what Seri's REALLY up to. She acts like a psycho, and she goes on and on about being stalked, but after a turn of events, it seems Seri is the obsessive one! Seems Seri's just like Nazuna - she, too, has a human male she's very interested in, but doesn't want to turn. Well, things finally get resolved, and the volume ends with the gang out for karaoke. At first this series was kind of creepy, and a bit messed up. Now, however, it's becoming more like an undead version of Dr. Phil meets Jerry Springer, with Ko playing the part of the good doctor, and Nazuna unwittingly playing the part of the Great Ringmaster. Be kind to one another. LOL.
Profile Image for Teresa.
Author 4 books88 followers
July 12, 2021
Thank you to NetGalley, VIZ Media, and Kotoyama for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Once again, another humorous, quick-paced story of Ko and his quest of having Nazuna turn him into a vampire. When some other vampires show up, explaining that Nazuna is breaking the rules by feeding off Ko and not turning him, as vampires do need to reproduce in such a way, they take him!

Ko's response is quite expected when he gets an offer from multiple female vampires to change him into one of them, seeing as being human is a threatening liability and all. One of the vampires, Seri, becomes something like a love guru to Ko, or tries to be anyway. Ko just wants to know what it is like to be in love, as his goal is to fall in love with Nazuna to become a vampire!

This was another quick volume that makes for a light-hearted, enjoyable, and easy read. What a great series!
Profile Image for Ursula.
216 reviews14 followers
August 22, 2021
Hi Gemmies, I have a new manga review for you. Call of the Night Volume 3 by Kotoyama is so much better than volumes 1 & 2! We still get the awkward, creepy, funny, vibes. But we also get to meet more vampires and learn a little more about vampire lore in this world. Nazuna and Ko also learn a little more about themselves and their motivations. There was a lot more progression in the storyline and I found myself more engaged. The art style isn’t my favorite but it fits the storyline and characters. This is very much a coming of age story and about the pressures of fitting into the norms society sets for us. I’ll continue on with the series to see if Ko gets his wish to become a vampire. I give Call of The Night Volume 3, 4 gems! Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Stephen Johnston.
Author 4 books6 followers
February 1, 2023
An enjoyable read, but can be visually underwhelming if you've watched the events in this volume in the anime first. The artwork is still quality, but the colors and lights of the anime really make it all come alive. The other vampires introduced in this volume are all interesting, especially Seri; at first she seems like just a habitual flirt, but then you learn later on that being so has become tiresome for her. There's something with Mahiru (also introduced in this volume) that I don't fully recall seeing in the anime. I'd have to check.

Update: I'm pretty sure this one character, Kiku (who Mahiru has taken interest in but doesn't know she's a vampire...yet) has not appeared in the anime.
Profile Image for Juan.
73 reviews
May 2, 2023
Decia que el segundo tomo era mi favorito, pero la presnetación de nuevos personajes, los diseños de estos... simplemente me encanto. Este subio para convertirse en mi tomo favorito actual.

Había comentado que vi el anime a medias, y fue este tomo que me hizo ver un capitulo más solo para verlo animado. Y la verdad los planos del manga son hermosos, y el trabajo que se hizo en el anime esta muy bien logrado.

La historia avanza a un ritmo decente y se empiezan a prensetar problemas para nuestros protagonistas principales (esto pues esta acompañadao con la inclusi[on de los nuevos personajes), pero hasata ahora todo a estado muy bien.
Profile Image for JCRD.
313 reviews10 followers
February 1, 2022
Kotoyama ha volado en pedazos la premisa inicial y aun metiéndole toques harem la serie me sigue funcionando. La parte costumbrista es tan divertida como en los tomos anteriores y las vampiresas que se suman a la historia me tenían en el suelo de la risa. Cada vez que abren la boca es un no parar entre cómo reaccionan a lo que dice Ko y sus pensamientos maquiavélicos para que los hombres se enamoren de ellas. Y qué decir de Nazuna, es tan maravillosa como este manga.
Profile Image for Anju.
11 reviews
August 11, 2022
great volume that progressed the story and premise, although not much development on the actual romance aside from a handholding scene

kinda mixed feelings on how this volume ended - im not sure whether what kind of message/lesson was trying to convey during akiyama's sub-arc, but kiyosumi's was done way clearer

really wanted to at least give this volume at least a 4, but honestly just not satisfied with it as much
Profile Image for Emily Grace.
Author 1 book5 followers
July 31, 2023
My favorite volume so far.

I'm starting to like Seri more. Her and "Aki" starting off as friends and then him eventually falling for her is sweet. Unlike Nazuna and Ko, I'm pretty sure Aki is a college student (correct me if I'm wrong), so I don't feel as icky about him and Seri compared to Nazuna and Ko...also I feel bad for Mahiru. He seems like a nice enough guy, but that girl vampire is clearly using him. I wonder if he knows she's a vampire...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paige Johnson.
Author 44 books57 followers
November 14, 2023
Turns out there’s a sorority of vampires & you’re either supposed to kill or reproduce w/ what you eat. So Nazuna hasn’t been following the rules (and they don’t even know how willynilly she tells people she’s a creature of the night). Nice modern balcony scenes, some action and deeper lore—limbs even come off! A decent amount about Nazuna’s biggest but maybe harmless rival. Her sisterly foil, even.
Profile Image for Anna | the.perks.of.being.anna.
1,262 reviews91 followers
April 25, 2024
38 reviews
May 22, 2023
Add a number of beautiful rival vampire ladies to the mix and you get another enjoyable and worthwhile installment of Call of the Night, a serial about a boy's quest to both win a vampire girl's heart and become a vampire himself. I look forward seeing what trials lay ahead for the manga serial's protagonists.
Profile Image for C..
236 reviews
August 24, 2023
I enjoyed both parts of this volume, but I like the second one just a bit more. It took me a while to finish reading this volume for some reason since not much happened in the first part, so the second part saved it for me. New characters were introduced, something was added to the plot, and we got to see more of this world's vampire lore.
Profile Image for Gretchen.
1,205 reviews27 followers
July 6, 2021
In this volume, we meet a group of female vampires who know Nanakuza. Ko learns that Nanakuza has not been entirely honest with him and that he only has one year to fall in love with her so he can become a vampire. #CalloftheNightVol3 #NetGalley
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Craig Schorling.
1,305 reviews4 followers
August 12, 2021
This is the payoff I was waiting for. We finally get to see the story develop and get a good sense where things are heading. We meet a slew of new characters that add depth to the story. I am very eager for volume 4 now.
Profile Image for Tabby Blockeel.
54 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2022
Unfortunately, I think I’m going to drop this series here. Personally I thought that this volume kinda dragged on and was kinda boring. I think that it is a good idea however I just can’t get into it. The pacing is just to slow and this one just lacked the flare I was looking for.
Profile Image for Blake.
57 reviews
February 26, 2022
Definitely the best volume so far. So much fun with all of the new characters. The first two volumes were a slow burn, I almost thought about giving up, but this one has definitely changed that for me. On to volume 4!
Profile Image for Jono.
24 reviews
March 13, 2022
Oh! This volume just stepped the story up a notch! We meet more vampires, the stakes of Ko and Nazuna's relationship are revealed, and the results of the other vampires' actions are examined a little (not too deeply though). Looking forward to see how this story keeps developing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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