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The Last Halloween: Children

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For every human on Earth, there is a monster connected to them.

Now, the barrier keeping them out of the human world has been broken, and they're all loose, wreaking havoc across the planet.

Chased out into the Halloween night, 10-year-old Mona meets some very strange new fellows: a ghoul, a vampire, and her own monster. Together, they search for the only human who can restore the barrier, save the world, and keep this from being the Last Halloween.

446 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2016

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About the author

Abby Howard

11 books85 followers
Abby Howard grew up in North Carolina and has been drawing comics since age 13, spending her summers locked away in her room working on one project or another. She attended McGill University and studied Evolutionary Biology, but after being a contestant on the web reality show Strip Search, was able to follow her dreams of becoming a cartoonist, and ditched all that book learnin'.

She's worked as a full-time cartoonist for nearly a decade, publishing collections of both The Last Halloween and the now-retired Junior Scientist Power Hour webcomics as well as the educational book series, Earth Before Us. Iron Circus Comics has just published her first collection of short horror comics, The Crossroads At Midnight.

Abby recently made her debut in video games, having founded a game studio, Black Tabby Games, with her spouse Tony Howard-Arias. Together, they're working on Scarlet Hollow, an episodic horror game co-written and fully illustrated by Abby Howard.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 164 reviews
Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,320 reviews10.8k followers
September 2, 2023
That’s it, Spooky Season starts NOW because this was surprisingly delightful. The Last Halloween from Abby Howard is a gross, very dark and unsettling graphic novel that also happens to be quite funny, fun and oddly heartwarming. Book 1 of Howard’s webcomic appears here in print and follows the story of 10-year old Mona and her ragtag group of...well, monsters as they try to restore the balance between the human and monster world once they’ve been unleashed into the human world and are quite graphically and violently killing literally everyone. Howard seems to perfectly balance multiple plot threads and gives each the space to breathe and progress which makes for a well-rounded and spooky good time, covering a lot of territory, exposition and general frights.

What really drives this story is Howard’s wonderful art. It is simple black and white ink art that is really fluid and detailed in the right places, granting a wide variety of expressions to her characters without needing much but also detailing shocking scenes of decapitations, disembowelment, gross looking monsters and other horror sights. This book isn’t for the weak of stomach I fear, and some parts rather disturbed me. But it is spooky season and that's the fun, and it really works how well she ties the violence into the general dark humor of the book.

This book is also wildly inventive with a really clever and fun plotline that also grows into a bit of a mystery (this book ends pretty abruptly but you can keep going in her webcomic: https://www.last-halloween.com/). The friendships develop along with character growth and it was surprising to see how many emotions Howard could build on the ‘found family’ type theme working in a shock-horror genre. It helps that Mona is unbelievably charming, often reminding everyone she is only 10 as if to lampoon the child-hero/chosen one cliche. Mona displays fear often in the book, which offsets her general precociousness and makes you really root for her. And just as endearing as Mona are her sidekicks, particularly Robert the Doll.

Overall, this is just a really fun and satisfying read that will shock and spook you. The plot takes many surprising, and rather graphic, twists and the characters are so very addicting. It also features a non-binary adult and pushes towards a romance plot with a vampire dad that I am eager to see play out in Book 2. Kickstart Spooky Season, this book is wild!

Profile Image for Cameron Chaney.
Author 8 books2,088 followers
June 10, 2021
So, yeah, this was kind of awesome. Halloween, insane monsters, goofy characters, blood and gore . . . It's like Tim Burton directed Over the Garden Wall. With extra doses of insanity. I can't wait for the next volume! 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,878 reviews6,108 followers
October 13, 2020
What a bizarre, twisted beginning to a story.

This was... fantastic. Morbidly hilarious, dark, sad, creepy, and full of found family fuzzies and odd little monster critters. THE MONSTERS! There are so many, and they're so varied and fun and gross and I adore them. I love Susanna more than words can describe, and also, I want a little Robert doll in my life. Even if he would probably bring only despair and then murder me in my sleep, or something.

The only reason this isn't getting a full 5 stars is because the ending felt very abrupt, but I'm definitely planning to continue the series and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes weird, humorous horror. I got a lot of Roman Dirge vibes from this in the best way, so if you like his work (or Jhonen Vasquez's), you might dig this, too.

Also, can we talk about how great it was to see a nonbinary parent?! I don't think I've ever read anything with a nonbinary parent figure, and they were absolutely delightful, and I am so here for all of the Parent/Vamp Dad OTP moments in the future. *wistful sigh* Precious babies.

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Erin.
3,365 reviews473 followers
October 17, 2020
Thanks to NetGalley and Iron Circus Comics for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

This YA graphic novel filled with monsters and humans and a very memorable Halloween really won me over. I cannot wait to read more from Abby Howard! The graphic novel includes a character list, early sketches and the evolution of the story from its early days to this publication.

I love a reluctant protagonist who would rather just sit at home and watch others fight like warriors, but eventually realizes THEY are the hero. Mona, you're a darling and I cannot wait for your next adventure. Along the way we are introduced to a cast of intriguing characters who do offer a variety of adventure and comic relief( Robert, Ringley, and Doctor Fugue- I adore you all). I also enjoyed the budding attraction between Mona's nonbinary parent and Ringley's vampire father. That's one pairing I hope there will be more of in the 2nd volume.

#TheLastHalloweenIronCircusComics #NetGalley

Goodreads review 17/10/20
Publication Date 27/10/20
Profile Image for Mir.
4,914 reviews5,233 followers
January 7, 2021
This graphic horror novel is free online. I didn't realize that when I bought the paper version -- I found out when I discovered that my copy was missing pages 17-48 and went looking for publisher info. If you also have a paper copy with missing matter, do go online and read it, especially if you're missing those same pages, because it turns out that's where all the plot expositions happens! Woo, boy, was I confused there for a few minutes. Also, the page numbers online and in the book don't match, so there's that. It's really fun, though! Er, for a value of fun in which most humans die horrifically.
Profile Image for Meisha (ALittleReader).
242 reviews59 followers
October 18, 2020
My all things creepy and Halloween loving heart absolutely adored this! For a graphic novel, the characters were all very well fleshed out. All of them were unique and had their own personalities. That’s not easy to do in a book but much less, a graphic novel! I fell in love with all of the characters. I especially had an appreciation for Robert the doll. You can tell from the get go that the inspiration for his character is from the real “Robert The Doll.” I really enjoyed seeing him incorporated into the story.
The author also did a fantastic job at intertwining horror and humor. The graphic novel had the perfect amount of both and kept me engaged because of it. The art style also really helped with my engagement in the story! The illustrations were so creepy and interesting to look at. There was always something new to see on every page.
I really don’t understand why more people aren’t reading and talking about this! Especially those that have a love for horror, humor, Halloween and graphic novels. If you haven’t picked this up yet, I highly recommend doing so. Halloween is right around the corner and this would be the perfect quick read for Halloween night!
Huge thank you to Netgalley and Abby Howard Comics for the arc!
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
February 1, 2023
An overly long and super meandering story about monsters trying to take over the world from humanity one Halloween . . . umm . . . the last Halloween. A 10-year-old girl teams up with a vampire, an animated doll, a ghoul and a were-opossum to stop the apocalypse in their own clumsy and faltering way. Things don't go well and don't get wrapped up as this is the first book in a series.

I'm sort of confused by what the intended audience is. It's fairly shallow and action-packed as if meant for children, but I think quite a few parents and children would be appalled by all the gore, deaths, and downbeat tone.

I just found it dull myself. I liked Abby Howard's The Crossroads at Midnight, but I'm not sure I'd bother with more of this.

All of this book and the start of Book 2 are available online for free:

p.s., While indexing this book, I discovered that the characters of Robert the living doll and his human owner, Robert Eugene Otto, are based on a real allegedly haunted doll and person of the same names. Their story is also told in Ghostly Encounters: True Stories of America's Haunted Inns and Hotels and Robert The Doll as well as a horror film franchise called Robert. Some info is available on Wikipedia:
Profile Image for Barbara Behring.
428 reviews162 followers
October 19, 2021
This is a very well drawn, entertaining book for middle graders. It was fun to read, but I don't plan on continuing the series.
Profile Image for Sassy Sarah Reads.
2,111 reviews289 followers
February 7, 2021
The Last Halloween: Children by Abby Howard

5 stars

The monster apocalypse has arrived and on Halloween no less. Ten-year-old, Mona, finds herself the new savior of the end of the world with her random band of monsters (a ghoul, a vampire, and a voodoo doll). In this world, each human has a monster that is trapped in the shadows, but when the guy who keeps them in check dies the monsters come out of hiding and if they eat their human, they are granted immortality. This graphic novel is pretty dark and I don't know why they are marketing it to kids because this is definitely not for most kids. I can see teens digging this, but some of the storyline is pretty advanced and for higher level thinking and I don't think a lot of kids will appreciate it. However, I LOVED this story. It's heartwarming, full of giggles, and absolutely gory scenes. There was even a callback to Courage the Cowardly Dog, which is my all-time favorite cartoon and thinking about that show in connection to this mythos actually makes sense and makes me happy. I loved the art and the characters were all a delight. Mona was adorable and spunky while being realistic that she definitely cannot save the world. Her monster friends were a joy and I loved her parent- they were awesome and that little romance with the vampire dad was something I was starting to ship because I needed some light giggles amidst all the blood and gore. I recommend this to any horror fan or graphic novel fan. I think even though the main character is 10, this is a story that will resonate with readers from all ages. I LOVED IT. The Last Halloween was a delight even though some of the images were not.

Art Scale: 5

Whimsical Writing Scale: 5

Character Scale: 5

Plotastic Scale: 5

Cover Thoughts: I love that monster. It protects Mona so well *tears*. This cover honestly doesn't draw me into the story, but it captures the essence of what you can expect going on.

Thank you, Netgalley and Iron Circus Comics, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU RELEASE VOLUME 2. PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
Profile Image for Erica.
1,420 reviews480 followers
November 9, 2020
This is adorable.
If you've read other stories in the same vein, such as Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things or The Bloody Best of Lenore, this is all standard fare but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Non-standard content includes the introduction of a nonbinary parent + vampire romance and a group of "friends" so that 10-year-old Mona doesn't have to be a loner.
There are some pop culture references and some good, old-fashioned monsters-eating-faces so a bit of something for everyone.
Profile Image for Morris.
964 reviews174 followers
March 12, 2022
I loved everything about this book! It’s funny and clever with a well-executed plot. It’s also genuinely scary- even for an adult. It’s definitely not for kids who are young or scare easily. Highly recommended!

This unbiased review is based on a complimentary copy provided by the publisher.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,976 reviews88 followers
October 3, 2020
This is a funny book about the end of the world. I know that doesn't sound right, because there are monsters and death, and the undead.

Mona's parent is missing their wife, who committed suicide, and is trying to find her via a spiritual adviser on halloween, leaving her alone by herself, which is when the monsters arrive, and her world changes. The monsters have come to kill their humans, and Mona is the reluctant heroine. He meets Ringly, a young vampire, Shirley, a ghoul and eventually her monster, Susannah, a giant furry thing, with a skull for a head.

Weird things happen, and people die, and still Mona continues on.

Mona and her friends are trying to find the Phagocyte, which could stop all these monsters, the only problem is, they don't know where he is.

Weird as it is, it is still fun.

Thanks to Netgalley and Edelweiss for making this book available for an honest review.
Profile Image for Whitney Jamimah.
707 reviews64 followers
October 9, 2023

I picked this up on a whim from a recommendation off Jess and Kristen's Omnidog and Omnicat live chat not really knowing what to expect but, hey, it's Spooky Season and anything with the word Halloween in the title is fair game at this point. The Last Halloween turned out to be everything I wanted plus some.

The synopsis, cover and general style of art made me think this was probably going to be a middle grade or maybe young adult book and I was ok with that, YA graphic novels tend to work where novels are starting to slip away from me more often than not. Don't be fooled though friends, this book is definitely not middle grade, it's not even really young adult, there is a plethora of adult subject matter within the pages of this delightful work. Yes, the main character Mona is 10 years old but that's about it for the kid stuff. We get a lot of social commentary for the times along with plenty of blood and guts.

The art style fits the whole style of this book so perfectly too. Abby Howard gives us a black and white comic on all black pages which instantly provides an ambiance to the book as most comics, black and white or color, are printed on a white background. It just creates this Halloween night gone rogue vibe even more strongly than if it were printed on white background. Each panel is beautifully rendered. So so so many panels were so beautiful besides just the splash pages I can't even imagine how long this took Howard to put together. I also loved how a different "font" was used for each of the characters talking so I didn't even have to looks where the speech bubbles were coming from because I learned to recognize the font style per character which, again, was just a super nice touch and something I haven't seen regularly in reading comics and graphic novels.

My only problem with this amazing story is that it's not finished. I picked this up thinking it was a one and done type graphic novel and it is not, the story is not complete on the last page and I want it all now! I don't know how I'm going to survive until the second volume comes out, someone send help!
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,620 reviews14 followers
January 17, 2023
Graphic novel horror for kids. But for adults. Does that make sense? The blood and violence is huge here but the rest of it is pretty juvenile, in story and character. I appreciate that, as if the author was going to write this the exact way they wanted. Better than it should be but takes a long time to come together. It's also huge, and the large size makes it genuinely difficult to read. Really wavering between 3 and 4 stars here. I kind of want to see where it goes though?
Profile Image for Wayne McCoy.
4,104 reviews27 followers
October 24, 2020
'The Last Halloween: Children' by Abby Howard is a graphic novel about the monster apocalypse and the ragtag group that is supposed to save us all from it.

Little Mona is lonely on Halloween and stuck at home. Then a monster shows up and Mona is now outside her home running for her life. She makes some odd new friends and learns of an imbalance that is causing monsters to kill people. Ill equipped for the job, she is sent out with other ill equipped friends. Do they stand a chance of winning?

I liked this ghoulish and funny graphic novel. The story is fun, the characters are unique and the monsters are pretty scary. I really liked the black and white art and it's detailed line work. This was a lot of fun to read.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Iron Circus in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
Profile Image for Jonathan Pongratz.
Author 5 books186 followers
October 4, 2021
What a horrific and humorous graphic novel!

It's Halloween night ... and the world is ending! Mona, left home alone by her parent, is terrified when a monster appears in her house. And when she goes outside, it's only worse. Fleeing the massive beast, she finds unlikely friends in a cemetery, but can they protect her? What's happening to the world, and can they stop it before humanity is destroyed?

This is my second read by this author, and man oh man did I love every second! It was the perfect blend of horror and humor.

I could probably fanboy my heart out about this book all day, but I'll try to keep my wits about me.

The characters really made this an adventure worth reading. Mona is a reluctant hero, and she's pretty much dragged along the entire journey, protesting at every stop. I found her to be very relatable. I would be extremely irritable if I was expected to do something to help save the world when I was just minding my business at home. I loved all the crazy little faces she made along the way (and all the crazy faces everyone else makes). It reminds me of myself and my other goofball friends when we get together.

All of the friends she made were very interesting, but the bestie trophy definitely goes to Ringley. The way he was drawn and expressed himself reminded me greatly of The Normal Show and how those characters were drawn. He is the silliest pizza-eating vampire I've ever met, and I love him to pieces! He is not very useful, but definitely keeps things light in a morbid way (if you don't understand now, believe me you will when you read it!). I deeply hope to see more of him in future books in the series.

Given how awesome the main cast was, I do have to say I'm disappointed by Mona's parent. Though they play a relatively minor role in things, they were extremely selfish and a bad parent to Mona. Hopefully they make a true effort to make amends in the future.

The plot was amazing! An apocalypse with monsters running around killing everything that moves? Sounds like so much fun! I loved the story and following Mona and other characters' journeys. They were all bloody and entertaining, and I couldn't get enough! I will say that the ending was a bit abrupt like other reviewers have pointed out, but seeing that this is part of a series it's more forgivable, so long as we get to see some more books soon. Pretty please?

Last but certainly not least, I can't not mention the great artwork. Howard has wonderful talent, and I loved the way things were rendered and how she switched it up occasionally, like the bit with Ringley's dad's story. So amazing, and I can't wait for more!

If you're looking for a horror graphic novel that doesn't take itself too seriously, then you've found the perfect book here.
Profile Image for Çağla.
13 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2020
book review • The Last Halloween, book 1: Children by Abby Howard 🎃 (4/5 ⭐️)

🎃 happy halloween! still looking for the perfect read for this holiday? I’ve got you covered! 🎃

on Halloween, monsters have invaded the human world and are slaughtering humans everywhere. when 10 year old Mona is on the run from these monsters, she runs into a group of rag tag undead kids and suddenly finds herself on a quest to try and save the world from monsters, hoping that this will not be the last Halloween.

this YA horror graphic novel is SO MUCH FUN! I enjoyed every single page and couldn’t put it down. it’s surprisingly funny, the plot is so intricate and I loved the characters. the art style was beautiful and the images gory, and the black and white colour palette fit the story so well. something that I also really appreciated about this graphic novel is that it includes a non-binary character, and mentions depression and suicide (TW).

this is the perfect Halloween read (and for the rest of fall too really!), and especially if you’re looking for a spooky read that isn’t too scary but more on the fun side of things, I’d highly recommend this one!

thank you to @ironcircus & @netgalley for this e-arc!
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,507 reviews514 followers
September 26, 2021
Read for my 365 Kids Book challenge. You can see all the books on their own shelf.

And since this book is very nearly all the things, I also read it for Halloween Bingo. I am using it for the Halloween square which had been giving me trouble, but it is also fine for Dead Lands, Dem Bones, Doomsday, Gallows-Humor, Ghosts, Gothic, Grave Or Graveyard, Haunted-House, Horror, In The Dark, Dark Woods, Mad-Scientist And Evil Geniuses, Monsters, Murder-Most-Foul, Paint-It-Black, Spellbound, Supernatural, Trick Or Treat, Stranger Things, and Vampires. It is set on Halloween when 10-year-old Mona flees a monster in her house, takes a short cut through a graveyard to get to the police station, and falls in with a some other kids. It is a bit creepy: there are so many monsters at least one will disturb everyone. But it’s funny and hits so many of the tropes in unexpected ways. I look forward to more volumes of kids trying to save the world.

Sometimes I grab a book for its cover and it is even better than I hoped.

Library copy
Profile Image for Çağla.
13 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2020
thank you to @ironcircus & @netgalley for this e-arc!

on Halloween, monsters have invaded the human world and are slaughtering humans everywhere. when 10 year old Mona is on the run from these monsters, she runs into a group of rag tag undead kids and suddenly finds herself on a quest to try and save the world from monsters, hoping that this will not be the last Halloween.

this YA horror graphic novel is SO MUCH FUN! I enjoyed every single page and couldn’t put it down. it’s surprisingly funny, the plot is so intricate and I loved the characters. the art style was beautiful and the images gory, and the black and white colour palette fit the story so well. something that I also really appreciated about this graphic novel is that it includes a non-binary character, and mentions depression and suicide (TW).

this is the perfect Halloween read (and for the rest of fall too really!), and especially if you’re looking for a spooky read that isn’t too scary but more on the fun side of things, I’d highly recommend this one!

Profile Image for trufflebooks.
287 reviews113 followers
October 18, 2020
Absolutely loved this graphic novel! The art was quirky, the characters were so memorable and there was so much humour! Loved the sarcastic, dry jokes mixed, plus the deeper themes and experiences intertwined in the story. Mona was so cute and funny, my favourite was definitely Fugue though. The world was set up so well, I did not see the plot twists coming and this was a perfect halloween graphic novel for an October read. This was overall such a fun and engaging adventure that I'd highly recommend - I cannot wait for the sequel and would love to get my own copy one day.

Thank you to the publisher for sending me a digital copy for review on NetGalley.
Profile Image for Dani.
756 reviews25 followers
July 16, 2022
Total fun with an imaginative story that kept the pages turning. I want more.
Profile Image for Pelks.
275 reviews23 followers
August 26, 2018
Come for the art and stay for the art, but there's actually a good story and some great humor to be found here too!
Profile Image for Sam Boehm.
72 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2021
This book is a bunch of genres in one, plus it is LGBTQ-friendly. The book has multiple plot lines - but my favorite plot line is Mona's. She is the main character who is running away from the monsters that have taken over, and she seeks help from some friendly monsters who take her on a journey to save the world. I look forward to reading the 2nd book in this series. Lastly, I LOVED the dark, sarcastic humor :)
Profile Image for Rachael.
201 reviews45 followers
November 12, 2020
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Iron Circus Comics for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved this Graphic Novel. It is wonderfully imagined, entirely quirky, bizarre and surreal, and quaintly morbid (yes, morbid can be quaint when done well), also, the artwork is beautifully crafted and a perfect fit for the story being told. It is marketed as a YA book, and it is certainly suitable as such, but I think this also has a much wider appeal.

It is the ideal read for spooky-season, full of monsters, vampires, ghosts, you name it, they're all here! It is also surprisingly funny, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but with a good solid plot, this story won't let you down.

This is quite lengthy for a Graphic Novel, so you get a good amount of story here to leave you feeling satisfied, and I absolutely can't wait to read the next instalment.

5 fantastic stars! Highly recommend!!
Profile Image for Erica.
568 reviews
December 16, 2020
absolutely de-fucking-lightful!!! I think I'm actually going to buy this. only flaws - too heavy and hurt my delicate wrists haha...also, I don't know what type of paper/inks this was printed on, but it was pretty fragrant...smelled good at first but then gave me a headache...none of this has to do with the story/art so JUST GO READ IT ALREADY.
Profile Image for Ellon.
4,062 reviews
January 17, 2021
So I got this book because of the SLJ best books of 2020 list. I had no idea what I was getting into. I almost DNF after the first 40 so pages because it was so gory and weird but I'm glad I stuck with it. It is more gory than I like but I ended up enjoying the humor. There were a lot of jabs about patriarchy and other timely topics. I think the inclusion of a nonbinary parent was interesting as well and I like that the parent was just the parent. There wasn't a big deal made.

The plot picked up close to the end but I'm not sure I care enough to continue the series, especially since the second book isn't out yet and I'm sure I won't remember enough about this book by the time it is.

So overall, a decent read. You might enjoy it more than me if you like scary things, which I do not.
Profile Image for Geordie.
408 reviews29 followers
March 19, 2022
'The Last Halloween' is a comedy horror graphic novel. I enjoy black humor, but the comedy in this book is a repetitive goofy humor that just grates on me. A sophomoric random humor where yelling 'pancakes!' spontaneously is joke and punchline. And meanwhile most of the population of the world is being horribly massacred. It's really a shame, to me, because the horror parts are intense and scary. This could be an excellent story, but the attempts to be funny are grating and distracting. The art is a similar problem, the monsters are creative and disturbing, one of the best things about the book. The main character looks like a refugee from Charlie Brown. How am I supposed to suspend my disbelief when there is no reality to her depiction?

Combine these two big problems with flat characters, and a plot that drags out for far too long, and this book ended up a chore to finish.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 164 reviews

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