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Night Rebel #3

Wicked All Night

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Set in the Night Huntress World, ancient deities are poised to wreck havoc, unless vampires Veritas and Ian can stop them!

A gift from the gods… 

Veritas and Ian have finally defeated their worst enemy, but the power it took to pierce through to the netherworld has unexpected consequences. Soon, Veritas is forced to rely on the last person she trusts—a golden deity named Phanes, who seeks far more than a temporary alliance with the beautiful vampire.

Can unleash hell…

But an escape from the netherworld soon pits Veritas and Ian against supernatural beings seeking to rule over mortals once again.  Now, they must rally friends and foes alike—if the vampire council doesn’t execute Veritas first. Plus, a wedge between Veritas and Ian threatens to destroy their love. Can they stand together against the unearthly powers about to be unleashed? Or does their love—and humanity—not stand a chance?

368 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 23, 2021

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About the author

Jeaniene Frost

68 books26.8k followers
Jeaniene Frost is the New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of the Night Huntress series, the Night Prince series, the Broken Destiny series, and the Night Rebel series. To date, foreign rights for her novels have sold to twenty different countries. Jeaniene lives in Maryland with her husband Matthew, who long ago accepted that she rarely cooks and always sleeps in on the weekends. Aside from writing, Jeaniene enjoys reading, poetry, watching movies with her husband, exploring old cemeteries, spelunking and traveling – by car. Airplanes, children, and cook books frighten her.

For information on Jeaniene's books, book trailers, free reading, contests, creature mythology, and more, please visit: www.jeanienefrost.com

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Profile Image for MischaS_.
782 reviews1,427 followers
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June 6, 2020
November 24th 2020
January 26, 2021
February 23, 2021
May 9, 2022
3.5 fell flat stars

Reread: Liked it a little better the second time around

I'm going to keep this short and to the point since I have to leave in an hour to take my mom to her dr app. I just finished listening to Wicked All Night and It did not live up to the other great books by Jeaniene Frost. To start out with I am so not a fan of the god/goddess story plots. I feel like when you start adding gods and goddess it gets chaotic with all the mythology, over the top story lines and god powers. It just gets bogged down with info dumps and sometimes the over the top god powers become unbelievable. That is what happened in this book. I didn't care about the plot at all. Didn't like or care about gods/ goddess or their plans to take over the world. I was just bored. Then because this book had so much going on with the over the top bad gods plot we readers didn't get much in the way of romance with Ian and Veritas. That was disappointing. Also there was cameos from all the other JF character favorites, Bones, Cat, Vlad, Spade, Denise, Mencheres, Marie and even Tyler yet they fell flat too. They were just brushed over like props. The ending was rushed and I don't feel like that is the end of Ian and Veritas' story. So as much as it breaks my heart to say it this book was just meh for me. I still love Jeaniene Frost, and I will still read every book she writes.
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
723 reviews1,153 followers
June 10, 2024
I have so enjoyed the night rebel series by Jeaniene frost! Ian has been one of my all time favorites from the beginning and seeing this randy vampire not only brought his knees but fall hopelessly love has been a treat. This is the last book in the series and was wrapped up very nicely. And I loved that besides veritas and Ian that some more of her fabulous characters from the night huntress series showed up like Vlad, and bones and Mencheres and the rest of the gang and even the queen of ghouls Marie!!! Awesome storytelling and many laugh out moments like veritas being hungry and wanting to snack on spade's wife Denise because she smelled like a Cinnabon flavored arterty! Had me about pissing my pants from laughing so hard. And the sexy and mischievous demon and half brother to veritas Ashael was back as well. When Mr asshole and self lover Phanes a minor god and ex fiance of veritas heals Ian and strikes a deal to take her to her father The Warden of the Gateway to the Netherworld and her father who is supposedly lock away in the Underworld for helping Ian, she has no idea that its a lie and that phanes is double crossing her and Ian so that he can help two powerful gods escape and together they will take over the world. Lots of action,laughs and some really hot steamy sex make this one hell of a read. If you haven't read any of Jeaniene frost's books your missing out on some really awesome paranormal romance reads. And her vamps are so to die for😉 Until next time Luv's💗💋
Profile Image for Beatrice.
18 reviews
February 27, 2021
I’m so sad to write that I was severely disappointed in this book. Ian and Veritas are my favorite couple, and I’d been looking forward to the release of their concluding (I’m assuming?) adventure for months. I’ve read everything in the Night Huntress Universe and Shades of Wicked could be my very favorite book of them all.

However, most elements of Wicked All Night fell flat to me. I never got invested in the plot, and Veritas constantly over-explaining what was happening in her thought processes made her character lose so much of the strength and intelligence I’ve loved about her. The whole, “I’ll protect you, no I’ll protect YOU!” between she and Ian got stale quickly, and all the resolutions felt very contrived. I felt like we didn’t get any growth in the relationship between Veritas and her father, and the engagement plot line could have been explored with more depth.

It might seem odd to say this about a paranormal romance, but it seemed as though all of a sudden everyone is SO much more powerful in a way that didn’t feel plausible. When Vlad had to burn through stone walls to get to Szilagyi in one of the Night Prince novels it was SUCH a big deal, but now he can do [everything he did in this book—no spoilers] with no notice and no consequences? It just seemed like the nuances of the plot that I usually love about Jeaniene Frost’s work were missing this time, and that people’s abilities (what people could do or not do and under what circumstances) were all a little too convenient.

I did enjoy getting to know Ashael a little bit better though, and I’m am wondering if he and a certain vampire council member might have some of their own stories in the future? I’d definitely read those if they did :) And of course it’s always nice to have cameos from our favorite characters of the past.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll keep reading everything in the various Night series and spin-offs, but this long anticipated story was sadly underwhelming. Sigh.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
January 25, 2022
I don't think I have to tell you how much I've enjoyed the three books that make up the epic love that existed between Ian and Veritas. I don't have to... but I will!

At the end of the last book, Ian and Veritas finally took down the baddest of the bad. At least as far as they knew. No one (not even I) could guess that things could get so much worse. I'm talking the apocalypse is coming worse.

A self-important, arrogant, evil, and kinda had to go demon was bad enough. Having to hide her true nature was bad enough. Worrying about losing Ian was bad enough. But when Veritas unwittingly lets free three lesser known gods to wreak havoc on the world... yeah, no one was prepared for that.

So I loved these books. I loved Ian. I loved Veritas. I loved their friends and family. I loved the plots. I love the worlds that were created. I loved the author's words. I'm just really feeling the love right now. And while I didn't exactly love the way this particular book ended (I'm greedy and needed more of a happy ending), I'm in love so it doesn't change a thing.

I'm in love with the lengths Ian and Veritas would go to keep each other safe. Their love is everything in these stories, even if the plot is what takes up most of the space. It's their feelings, their emotions, the fact that they were each other's first... THAT'S what kept me going.

And don't even get me started on the side characters. I'm told most of them had their stories told already and I cannot wait to dive into them! Can someone tell me if there will be more for V's brother, Ashael? I want to see him again and again and again. I also hope this isn't the last time I see Ian and Veritas. They need to make several appearances in the future. And please... someone please... can we get a petition started for their dad's story? I'm intrigued by this male. Seriously, I'm desperate for him to get a story. The way he talked about how their kind loves... yeah, I need all of that.

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Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews908 followers
February 28, 2021

AUTHOR: Jeaniene Frost
SERIES: Night Rebel #3
RELEASE DATE: February 23, 2020


Every time I read a new book by this author I remember how much fun her characters are. Veritas and Ian are so darn awesome and just another memorable couple I hope we get to see more of in future books in this universe.

If I have one issue, it's that toward the end I still wasn't sure if that is the last installment in the Night Rebel series. The last 20% so much happens in preparation of the big showdown and the ending felt a little rushed and abrupt. However, the chemistry between both main characters remains strong and Ian always makes me laugh. He has this complex personality that leaves you a little dazed. With Veritas Jeanine Frost couldn't have written up a better heroine for this bad boy. She is such a badass and so protective of her Ian that it sometimes seems reckless. So on that field they are definitely even.
No wonder I lost my mind on a regular basis when it came to Ian. Everything else could be replaced. He couldn’t.

With these books and the complex storyline it's always a good idea to re-read the previous books before release. Unfortunately I didn't have time for that this time but the author does a great job reminding you of key events so that I remembered most.

Well, it seems we need to say goodbye to this couple but I'm sure they'll pop up again and we'll get to enjoy Veritas and Ian's hilarious banter. And can we please, pretty please have a series with Veritas's half brother Ashael? He is such a charismatic demon and fits right in with his humor.
“Shut your bloody face hole!” Ian shouted.
“You should have shut yours!” my brother roared back. “But like a naughty toddler sticking everything into its mouth, you took the most dangerous relic ever and ate it!”

If you have read Jeaniene Frost before don't hesitate to grab this series. I really loved it. If you haven't go and catch up - Cat and Bones are just as awesome - and make your way through this world. You'll have lots of fun and an awesome time.
He was my real home. He was also my deepest love, my wildest passion, my truest friend . . . he was everything I’d never dared to dream for, yet now had.

Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,494 followers
March 22, 2022
This series took a long walk off a short pier.

Ian turned into the world's biggest Gary Stu. Veritas was already a Mary Sue, she expanded in size too. The plot became totally meaningless and meandering. Everyone just kept powering up and getting more powerful to the point where it stopped making sense. I'm so thrilled the series is over.

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Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,919 reviews564 followers
April 21, 2021
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.

I really enjoyed this book! I am a huge fan of Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress Universe and Ian has been a favorite character since his first appearance. It’s no surprise that I have been having a great time with the Night Rebel series featuring Ian’s character. I decided to start reading this book when I felt like I was starting to fall into a reading slump and it turned out that it was exactly what I needed to get back into the reading groove.

At the start of this story, Ian is in bad shape and Veritas is afraid that he isn’t going to get better. She asks for help from an unlikely source, Phanes. As payment for his help, she agrees to go to his home and this is when the trouble really starts. Ian shows up and he is rather unhappy but doesn’t hesitate to jump in and help out with the plan to rescue Veritas’s father. When they get back home, they realize that the situation is even worse than they had feared and it will take everything they have to save the world.

I found this book to be very exciting. It was fun to catch up with characters that I have grown to love in this universe and watching them flex a little muscle was like the icing on the cake. I loved the way this group of friends were able to work together as a team. There were a few times that I was worried that things would not work out the way that I hoped and I found myself reading just a little longer just to find out what happens next. It has been fun watching the relationship between Ian and Veritas grow over the course of the series. They always seem eager to protect each other but are learning to listen to each other and work as a team instead. Plus, they have fantastic chemistry.

I would highly recommend this book to others. I had a great time stepping back in the Night Huntress Universe for just a while. Ian and Veritas are fantastic lead characters and I am hoping to see more books in the Night Rebel series.

Initial Thoughts
I really enjoyed this book and it was just what I needed to get me out of the slump that I was slipping into. Ian has been a favorite character for a long time and Veritas is a perfect match for him. I loved seeing what each of them were able to do in this book and I appreciated the fact that they were learning to work together before the book drew to a conclusion. I was pleased to see so many favorite characters from the Night Huntress Universe play important roles in this book.

Book source: purchased
Profile Image for Kristin.
975 reviews109 followers
Shelved as 'set-aside-for-now'
December 7, 2020
I set it aside for now b/c I’m just in funk and I can’t get over comparing this book to the first 2 in the series. Veritas has turned into such a dumb mess. I miss smart, badass Veritas.
April 28, 2021
“Even unconscious, Ian was still fighting. I could feel it in his power, simmering beneath the dark magic that was trying to destroy him. Some days, feeling the faint pulse of his power was the only thing that kept me from going insane.”
- Veritas


“Leave me once to protect me, shame on you. Leave me twice, shame on me if I put up with it. (...)
That’s not a partner. That’s a pet, and I am no one’s bloody pet.”
- Ian


“Love is the worst of curses for our kind. That is why I sought to protect you from it. I knew you could never love someone such as Phanes, so I promised you to him to spare you the pain our kind feels when we lose someone we love. Phanes also cannot be killed, so with him, you would never be alone, and once inside his realm, none of the gods who seek to use your power for themselves could reach you. Phanes was not meant to be your trap, daughter. He was meant to be your shelter.”
- Warden of the Gateway to the Netherworld


“Ninety-nine percent of the time, nice people don’t make deals with demons. Only terrible people do, barring the rare exception. So, when those people die and their souls go straight down? Boom! Reinforces our claim that we had the power to damn them. But we don’t. People damn themselves by their own choices. We have nothing to do with it, but far be it for us not to take the credit.”
- Ashael


“I never thought I’d have this! In all the years of my life, I hadn’t even dared to wish for it. No wonder I lost my mind on a regular basis when it came to Ian. Everything else could be replaced. He couldn’t.”
- Veritas


“Someone has wanted to kill me since my youth as a human. If I cowered in fear at every new attempt on my life, I would never leave my bed.”
- Marie Laveau


“He was my real home. He was also my deepest love, my wildest passion, my truest friend . . . he was everything I’d never dared to dream for, yet now had.”
- Veritas
Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
February 24, 2021
Another solid story from one of my favorite paranormal authors. I couldn’t really get into the escaped Gods theme and the ending was SUPER abrupt (would love to have at least seen them happy at home for a second.) But the entire gang makes cameos and it’s still a fun way to spend an evening.
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews233 followers
May 24, 2021
Originally posted at:

As much as I loved the ending to the last book in this series this one was an average read. I think it was more of me being in a weird mood thing than an actual problem with the book and story.

Ian was just as charming and foul-mouthed as he always is and I loved every second of it! Though his quota of innuendos was not reached in this book, so I suggest a revision *wink wink*. In all seriousness, I loved that he finally found his match in more ways than one. He's evolved so much since we first met him in the Night Huntress series. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend at this point.

Veritas got better as this series progressed. I wasn't a fan of her right off the bat but she eventually kinda-sorta won me over because I like that she makes Ian happy! That came out weirder than I thought it would. She continued to be a bad*ss in all ways in this novel.

The ending felt rushed but it did end up working out in a way that was good. The last few moments in the story with Veritas and Ian going on their merry way were bittersweet in the best way. I hope the author continues to write in this universe for future book releases. Though at this point I don't even know what character's I'll like a story on. Maybe Bones has another long-lost friend we can meet for a new story?
Profile Image for Alexandra.
1,879 reviews10 followers
November 27, 2020
I received an e-ARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. Review along with more ARC reviews can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

Holy wow! What can I say about the action and the amazing story! Even weeks after devouring this book I still want to immerse myself in this amazing world Jeaniene Frost made! I loved her mythological references, especially the greek ones, how Ian and Veritas were glorious together both as a couple and in the cases they went on murdering their enemies mode :P

I would like to see another series too, featuring Marie and Assael this time. I think there is a backstory here and that demon is also a very interesting character!

I couldn't have read a better ending to this series! And you are all in for many surpirses when this is released! ;)

And if you haven't read the series yet please do!
Profile Image for Talia (Red Hot Ink).
577 reviews129 followers
March 2, 2021
Very fast paced and engaging story. It didn’t feel as epic as the previous ones and I sorely missed some quiet moments between Veritas and Ian. In the entire book they had maybe one occasion to talk alone without someone from the gang being present and plotting the next move. Still very enjoyable, and I wonder if there will be more.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
May 13, 2023

The conclusion to Veritas and Ian’s story was a good read. We started this with complications caused by their previous battle and Veritas now goes to extreme measures to try and solve this reverting to form and going solo leaving Ian once again to do his usual search and rescue on the heels of his errant wife.

Here we are fighting a whole new set of enemies but this time around both Ian and Veritas don’t make the same prior mistakes and instead, this time enlist the assistance of their friends and family. The whole gang makes an appearance here and that was my favourite thing about this, all of the past characters we got to hang out with. I also loved that we got to see so much of Veritas new demon sibling and how loyal he was to them both.

There was less innuendos and spice in this third book and this was more about the action. I enjoyed this it’s not quite up there with the first two books in the series but was still a great read.
This series is definitely one of my favourites and each book shines I’m slightly sad that I’ve nearly reached the end of the line and it’s one I definitely recommend reading.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,781 reviews1,590 followers
March 15, 2021
Ian would marry the only woman in the world that would leave him behind in a fight for his own good. Veritas is a powerhouse and since Ian was a little incapacitated after fighting Dagon in Wicked Bite, she decides she can deal with her unwanted suitor without him.

Phanes, the golden god has come to collect the bride promised to him by Veritas’s father before she was ever born. They make a deal, well actually a few of them but the first one takes her to Phanes’s home where she learns a little about his past and why she was promised to him. In order to escape his realm and possibly save her father she will need to take a little jaunt into the underworld.

Ian isn’t going to let her go alone and there will be twists and turns a plenty both in the underworld and in the aftermath of what they release from death. Ian also is a tricky sucker and he seems to always find a way to both put himself in great danger and figure out a way to get out of it as well.
He snorted. “You’re saying I overreacted in order to protect you? If gods struck hypocrites with lightning bolts, your arse would be on fire right now.”

I think this is the final book in Ian and Veritas’s story. While the ending was slightly abrupt for that the main story lines were tied up nicely. There were plenty of cameos from characters I’ve loved from the Night Huntress series including Kat and Bones, Denise and Spade, Menchares and Marie. The epic battle at the end was fantastic and worthy of being the final fight to their series.
Profile Image for Rachel Grace.
417 reviews14 followers
February 24, 2021
This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and I’m obsessed with the first two books in the series. This one was such a let down compared to them and I’m so sad about it. It wasn’t bad by any means but it just felt rushed and too short to wrap up everything. I also wanted like more moments with Ian and Veritas. I’m almost hoping this isn’t the last book in this series because if it is I’m so disappointed. I feel like Jeanine Frost isn’t great at conclusions.
Profile Image for Sheena ☆ Book Sheenanigans .
1,450 reviews433 followers
January 5, 2021

Veritas and Ian have finally defeated their worst enemy, Dagon, but the power it took to pierce through to the netherworld has unexpected consequences. Soon, Veritas is forced to rely on the last person she trusts—a golden deity named Phanes, who is her original intended betrothal.

But an escape from the netherworld—an attempt to save her missing biological father—soon pits Veritas and Ian against supernatural beings—ancient deities— seeking to rule over mortals once again. Now, they must rally friends and foes alike—while all in the midst of fighting the wedge between them that threatens to destroy their love. Can they stand together against the unearthly powers about to be unleashed? Pretty sure… yeah.

I must say, all in all, this was a decent conclusion to Ian and Veritas' story though this novel was not as fulfilling as its counterparts. The built-up to the epic climax I was anticipating fell short. The abrupt ending—WTF was that, seriously?!—was anticlimactic. If the epic battle was a tad bit more drawn out, this will surely fall in par with the other books in the series.

Despite that, I still very much enjoy this. The strong connection, commitment, chemistry, romance, and just about everything else with Van and Veritas' relationship was impeccable and definitely held this story together. The character development was an added bonus and a pleasant surprise. More so, we get to see old faces: Vlad, Cat, Bones, Spade, Mencheres, Denise, and more but the true standout character for me was Veritas' half-brother, Ashael. Every scene he appeared in—he brought the wit, the humor, the fun times. I especially loved the scene where he damn neared domesticated Naxos, a Minotaur from Phanes realm. I hope we get to see more of him (possibly a future series?) and the other characters in the great, epic fantasy world Jeannie Frost is known to create. It’s quite obvious she is not done with this series and I know there is more storytelling in store for readers.

Profile Image for Jude: The Epic Reader.
688 reviews80 followers
November 13, 2022
Is this the last Night Rebel book? 'Cause I kind of feel like this ended a bit abruptly. Everything wrapped up technically but I also feel as there should be more.

Anyways, the good news is that this was way better than the second book. I had brought down my expectations for this book because of the disappointment of its predecessor but it was actually very entertaining. Not as good as the first book but I got a feeling that that one is going to be hard to beat. It still seemed as there was a repeat of antagonists but there was enough of a difference that it didn't bother me, this villain was more entertaining than that Gregory dude.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
January 28, 2023
Left in a dire place for Ian back in Wicked Bite, Wicked All Night picks right up where it ended. Night Rebel has been shaping up to be my surprising favorite of the Night Huntress World spinoffs and now for the conclusion to the series.

And, yes, that means the series must be read in order and Wicked All Night isn't standalone. In fact, the rest of the review will include semi spoilers for the earlier books so be warned if you plan to read the series.

Taking out Dagan left Ian messed up and Veritas can't simply stand by so she lets her would-be fiance strike a deal that seems way too easy for his help with Ian that involves going to the minor god's home. She's gone long enough for Ian to come looking.

Turns out Veritas' dad is missing and some big bad gods are stirring up trouble wanting to rule earth. Veritas and Ian take turns ditching each other to 'protect' out of love when they are both fairly indestructible and capable of getting out of a tight squeeze. It takes them a bit of rinse and repeat on that to work out the whole 'stronger together' and better yet 'stronger when they stack the deck with a winning team'.

Slam-bang action pacing and excitement that rushes to the end, some hot and spicy play and snort-worthy verbal shots mostly from the irascible Ian. Cat and the sexy times scene had me nearly in tears of laughter.

But, if you didn't pick up on it, this was an okay, but not fab entry in the series for me. Maybe it was the bringing the gods into the fight that staled me on it or too many times when Ian and (mostly) Veritas weren't playing it smart, or that odd rushed ending that was an end, but not a fully developed epilogue type end that a series ender usually has. Or, all the above. But, I felt that this was a surface connection to the book at best.

I love Tavia Gilbert's narration work and it was my first time listening to the series. She voiced those characters so wonderfully well that I had no trouble adjusting to the voices my reader imagination provided to her rendition. Her work was definitely a plus to the story.

So, I liked, but didn't love this one which was disappointing more so because I loved that first book so much and loved seeing an Ian I could get behind and loved these two as a pairing. Worth the read and the series over all is even better.
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,025 followers
September 28, 2021
Wicked All Night is a stunning conclusion to an edge-of-your-seat series featuring Veritas and Ian. Now I know this series has gotten quite a few mixed reviews, but to be honest, I have adored Ian and Veritas together. While they aren't my favorite couple of the world (Vlad and Leila are still reigning supreme) I had a delightful time with this one. But also this edition was the new paperback and I found it so easy to read (I personally struggle with mass markets).

Wicked All Night continues directly right after book two, so if you haven't read the previous two books I would recommend not reading this review unless you like spoilers.

Wicked All Night begins with Ian injured and Veritas working night and day for weeks to find anything to help him heal until she makes a deal with her fiancee, a man she would avoid at any cost except that he can save Ian's life and she is willing to make a bargain with the devil to get him healed and whole again. It will just cost her one night but her fiancee has his own goals and plans and she will find herself betrayed, and now she and Ian and their band of friends will have to work overtime, to defeat two great demigods who want to conquer the world and destroy much of humankind in the process of it all. Ian and Veritas will also have many challenges to overcome, in and out of their relationship, but together and united they will find the greatest power-true love

Wicked All Night was such a delicious read and love the conclusion (I think its the conclusion) to the Night Rebel series. I simple am so happy that this author wrote Ian's book and what a delightful journey it turned out to be. There were so many depths to this that I just adored. But one of my favorite aspects is seeing Veritas having to learn to work with Ian and not against him in being so independent. There are times throughout the story here, that she goes rogue and yeah Ian is having none of that and I respected that he stood up to her for it. Because they are a partnership in all things, and not just when it's convenient. And Veritas has to learn to trust in Ian, in all circumstances and to adapt to her changed relationship with Ian. Its definitely a story that shows beautiful personal growth and I had a blast in seeing what Ian and Veritas are capable of as a team and as lovers.

Overall I found Wicked All Night a joy and a delight in every aspect, its an epic finale of Ian and Veritas, its a story that will keep you on edge with its plot developments, the sensual moments will place fire in your blood, and the fierce fighting love that is showcased will have you pounding the floor with thrills and excitement.
Profile Image for Steph.
2,080 reviews301 followers
February 25, 2021
Wicked All Night wraps up Ian and Veritas' story. Wicked Bite ended with the pair defeating Dagon, yet leaving Ian in an unexpected condition. Veritas has been trying, with the help of her half-brother/half-demon Ashael, to reverse his condition. When Phanes, her unwanted celestial fiancé, suddenly appears she realizes he can help her where all else has failed. His cost requires her to once again leave Ian and travel into the netherworld. As you'd expect, Ian's none too pleased when he realizes what Veritas has done.
❝ Choose us. Together, we can defeat anything in our way.❞
Spade (Charles) and his wife Denise, Vlad, Cat and Bones, Mencheres, Marie Laveau and Tyler (Cat's friend, the medium) all reunited to help fight the bad guys. It's always nice to have our favorite main/side characters return for finales. However, I was shocked by the abrupt ending. WTH was that?

All that said, I feel it was a decent wrap up to Ian's trilogy. He and Veritas are a seriously kick-ass couple, power-wise. I always found it funny that it was Ian, not Veritas, who had to constantly remind her they're stronger together, he's not safer left behind nor is she, he will follow her anywhere ... including the netherworld with no sure plan to come out alive (oh Ian, you big, lovable, softie!). As Ian said,
❝... don't act as if you don't understand doing anything to protect the one you love. Yes, saving you might mean my death. If so, been there, done that, wasn't so bad. ❞


PS: Can we please get a trilogy about Veritas' half-brother/half-demon, Ashael? I'd definitely read that!
Profile Image for Lien.
296 reviews238 followers
April 13, 2021
2.5 Stars

What I liked
— Ashael

What I didn't like
— Veritas

➔ 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
#1. My review of ➞ Shades of Wicked | 5 stars
#2. My review of ➞ Wicked Bite | 3 stars
#3. Wicked All Night | 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Courtney Saba.
348 reviews39 followers
April 1, 2021
Wow. I never thought I would be giving lower than a 5 star for a Jeaniene Frost book, but here we are.
Listen. I enjoy Frost's Night Huntress world immensely. It's one of my favorite series of all time. But this one had some serious flaws.

****warning: spoilers ahead. Proceed at your own risk****

1) everyone was overpowered. Ian did a stupid thing with a relic, became unbelievably powerful with a potentially lethal consequence, and was saved in the end VERY conveniently. I love seeing power and being awestruck by abilities, but it has to be believable and have flaws/consequences. Yes, there was a lethal aspect to the relic, but we never really saw it. So it lost its meaning and deadliness. It just became a convenient plot device.
Ranging from Mencheres, Vlad, Bones, to Veritas herself, everyone was overpowered and doing things so easily when before they struggled to do so much. They also felt like caricatures of their previous personas, all of them. Saying B movie shit and acting unlike themselves.
I get it, immortal god plot, but come on. The overpoweredness threw out Frost's previous writing and rules. Frost's prior installments were so well done, with believable plots and action packed situations and steamy romance, but this story was bogged down with convenience and made me feel exasperated most, if not all, of the time. Shame.

2) romance took a backseat. There was one sex scene, I think. Maybe a short second one? I don't need a lot of sex, but a paranormal romance IS a paranormal romance for a reason! And all Ian and Veritas could do was yell at each other because of their respective overprotectiveness. Repeatedly. It got old real fast. They are one of my favorite couples in this world because of their willingness to do anything just because they want to and because of their delicious wickness. I didn't see this as much in this installment. Shame.

3) it was entirely too rushed. Everything was extremely convenient and the ending was dull. Frost tried to add too many things into this when she should've just stuck to the style of her previous books. Teleporting became a thing and now every one can be in a place super quickly, overpowered people again, easy wins and little losses. I remember her prior books having consequences and losses that HURT (still not over Rodney), and this book had no stakes or risks. Veritas was caught in a net for the entire battle and so she couldn't use her abilities (after all the talk about how powerful she was, a demigod in a vampire's clothing, and then she doesn't even live up to the hype?? What?? DISAPPOINTING). They got rid of one of the gods suuuuuuper easily, so it made the hype about their powers meaningless. This book just felt like Frost didn't put much effort into it, didn't follow her own book canon, and needed to spit out a book for a certain deadline. That's it. Shame.

4) loose ends kept loose, re: the vampire council (what's gonna happen with them and all the prejudiced laws they abolished? Which was also pretty convenient and unbelievable since these laws had been in place for thousands of years. I get it, the risk of not doing it could be catastrophic for the world, but the build up until that point was stupidly convenient), the Cain cult (they brought Timothy to the forefront in book 2 a little and then forgot all about him for the rest. I get it, other things to worry about, but still. That's a threat. Maybe Frost has plans to write more with this plot point in the future), Veritas and her father (definitely wasn't resolved or left at a great place), all of our favorites and the outcome of the vampire/ghoul alliance and the battle...(Ian and Veritas left waaaaaaay too quickly. Frost normally has pretty abrupt endings, but this one takes the cake for the most sudden ending of all her books. I needed to know about the aftermath!).

5) the overprotectiveness and the lack of trust between Ian and Veritas. This was annoying. More annoying since we're in the third book and these two should've gotten over these things and worked through them already! They were worse than Bones and Cat, and they had some definite issues, too. The back and forth of "no, I'll protect you, NO, I'll protect YOU" got tedious and they didn't just trust one another! They had to constantly say "trust me" just for the other to calm down. There was a bit of a lack in communication too, and both of them weren't very forthcoming with their secrets, so it became a whole ordeal in the book and it was just so dramatic and irritating.

6) Veritas and Ian becoming stupid, reckless, dumb messes that weren't as intelligent as they were in the past. They weren't THINKING. They didn't make the best decisions and they let impulsivity and recklessness take control. Ian is known for these things, but he's also a master manipulator, clever, cruelly designed, and extremely calculating. Veritas used cold logic and rationality her whole life, for 4 thousand years, and now she's this stupid puddled mess of stupidity? She forgot about her own powers, for God's sake! They both made out-of-character decisions, making the whole book exasperating. I missed who they were in book 1, and really, who they were in the prior books when they were first introduced.

7) plain and simple: the evil, world conquering gods plot. I didn't enjoy this plot. It was exaggerated, boring, unbelievable, and just too much! I remember Frost's first book of the Night Huntress world, Halfway to the Grave, and that was about stopping an evil vampire who was involved in human/sex trafficking (!!!!!!). That book's plot was simple and uncomplicated and REAL. Maybe it's because she's on the 14th(?) book of this world and so she has to come up with more stuff to write about, and the further you get into a world, the more complicated it gets, but still. Though, the books after book 5 in Cat and Bones's series weren't as entertaining either. So maybe it's Frost losing momentum the further she gets into a certain series, I don't know, but this one was disappointing. Shame.

Book 1 and book 2 of this series were worlds above this one. Not to mention, the other books in this world were so much better as well. I'd say stick with the previous books, read book 1 and 2 of this series, and leave this one alone.

Happy reading, Goodreads fiends.
Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,867 reviews
March 13, 2021
Trying to get my head together for a review but am a bit out of it today. Recovering from my second vaccination shot. Anyway, loved the book and loved Ian and Veritas and all our favorite characters. There was laughter and sadness and excitement and swoon worthy moments. Ian is wonderful and his asshole self as always and I loved it.

Some great quotes and great banter between all the friends. Oh and my beloved Vlad! I loved him in this, as always.

Just too tired to do it right now. 🥱 But great book. Only one complaint, it ended way too abruptly and did not have an epilogue. Give us an epilogue!!!
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