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Before Summer's End: Stories to Touch the Soul

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Home should be the place you run to for shelter from the world, but what if the family members who should love and protect you are the ones who have hurt you the most?

Johnnie Alexander -- A Stranger Comes to Springlight
Brenda S. Anderson -- Hot Cocoa Summers
Eleanor Bertin -- Grounded
Sara Davison -- Ten Bottles of Sand
Deb Elkink -- Blue Genes
Stacy Monson -- A Summer of Reckoning
Marion Ueckermann -- In an English Vintage Garden

When trust is shattered between brothers and sisters, parents and children, or husbands and wives, will God bless their tentative steps back to each other by healing and restoring the most important relationships in their lives?

375 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 1, 2020

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About the author

Johnnie Alexander

36 books389 followers
Johnnie Alexander is a wannabe vagabond with a heart for making memories. As a bestselling, award-winning novelist, she has written more than thirty works of fiction in a variety of genres.

She is a Mosaic Collection author, co-hosts a weekly online show called Writers Chat, serves on the Mid-South Christian Writers Conference Executive Board, and is a regular contributor to the HHHistory.com blog.

A fan of classic movies, stacks of books, and road trips, Johnnie shares a life of quiet adventure with Rugby, her raccoon-treeing papillon. Connect with her at JohnnieAlexander.com.

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Profile Image for Lori.
1,892 reviews124 followers
August 7, 2020
This is an awesome book with 7 different stories from each Mosaic authors. I love how each story has it's own charm and personality.
There's a little something for everyone here and you can read each story in the order you want.
There's love, forgiveness, charm, and healing or whatever the case may be.
Yes, family is supposed to be the ones that you can turn to but I've found that that's not the case. In fact, I've experienced it. It's not fun but extremely hurtful. Forgiveness is even harder but it can be done. Especially if it can give you peace for yourself if not for others.
Sometimes it's hard to ask for forgiveness and even harder to accept it. Especially when we're set in our own ways.
I liked Nancy's story the best. Nancy is one of those closed-minded people until Patrick comes along. I too fell in love with Harvey the dog. He's so sweet!
Sometimes it's the animals that are the best therapy for people and of course too reaching for God to help us too. He's really the best therapy.
I have read each of these author's other stories but there were a few new ones that I loved being introduced to. I will be looking for more by the new ones that I was introduced to.
I highly recommend this book.
My thanks to Just Reads tours for a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own..
182 reviews
July 27, 2020
Although I had enjoyed novels by most of these wonderful authors and as I’m not usually a fan of short stories, I didn’t have real high expectations on this compilation. Wow, was I proven wrong! Each story touched me in different ways, whether it was laughing out loud or crying, or just stimulated emotional contemplation. They’re stories of forgiveness, love, developing faith, and learning how to just be yourself. And while I loved them all, Ten Bottles of Sand by Sara Davison was my favorite – what an inspiring, albeit emotional story. This is a book I will return to whenever I need a little encouragement and inspiration.

I received a copy of this book from JustRead Tours and was under no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Ruth Ann Lingwall.
Author 1 book34 followers
July 31, 2020
I love that this short story collection is about the importance of home and that lives and relationships can be healed by God. It was interesting to see the different moods these excellent authors created with their different writing styles. Reading Before Summer's End will give you hope for your own family. It did for me!

Grounded by Eleanor Bertin   

Nothing good can come of Lissa’s new life plan but she squelches the warnings of her conscience until a worldwide calamity sends her to her room to think about what she’s done.

Lissa finds herself alone during the Convid19 pandemic. She left her husband and two children leaves husband and two children to live on her own. She had hoped to create a new relationship with her boss but that ended when the quarantine began. Her job is locked down and she is stuck in her apartment alone with plenty of time to think about life choices.

This shorty story is complete with a very unexpected happy ending. I was impressed with the well thought out plot and emotional conclusion.

Ten Bottles of Sand by Sara Davison  

Nancy Williamson has always lived her life according to her mother’s Four Keys to Success in the World—education, a career, careful financial planning, and a strict aversion to any kind of romantic entanglement. When she is unexpectedly fired from her job, for the first time in her life Nancy makes a spontaneous and completely frivolous decision. A decision that will change her life forever.

Wow! This novella took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The author’s careful use of details sets the vibe throughout the story. It starts with a melancholy lonesome feel and transforms gradually to a brighter joyful aura.

Both of the main characters had experienced trauma from their fathers’ choices. It was beautiful to see how God could heal them both in different ways. The rest of their family members were still unable to forgive or let go but there was hope that they could grow too.

When Nancy Williamson suddenly loses her job, she is unsure how to use her time. She is not in touch with her inner desires. Then a memory of a photo she saw once in a newspaper of Sunset Beach surfaces with forgotten desire to see the sunset in person. She leaves behind her monotonous life for a few days for a life changing vacation.

Nancy was unable to give up her carefully planned life despite meeting someone handsome and exciting. She returns from the beach to her lonely life and gets another safe but monotonous job. Another opportunity at a more fulfilling life comes when she begins exchanging letters with her new friend.

The Book of Ruth Ann
This reminded me of a time when I was dating my future husband. Clint had emailed me but the university changed all students’ passwords so I didn’t read it until I got a new password several months later. I was excited to see his email. He jokingly wondered if aliens had abducted me. We began dating again after our communications were restored.

There are a lot of great reasons to read this story. I enjoyed reading about the characters overcoming fears, letting go of control and need for internal safety, forgiving, and allowing other people in to their heart. It ended sweetly and then there was the epilogue. It completed the metaphor but was a complete surprise.

A Summer of Reckoning by Stacy Monson   

Dawson Dunne has been stuck in the angst of his late teen years—with a long rap sheet that highlights his many bad decisions. A last-chance offer from the judge sends him to Outlook Adventure Camp where he learns there’s far more to life than poor choices and jail cells. But is he brave enough to reach out and grab it?
~ Prequel to When Mountains Sing and Mountaintop Christmas

Dawson doesn’t believe he can change because ‘he is his father’s son’ and doomed to follow his example. This was surprising to me because I don’t believe we are doomed in life to misery. I loved that he had so many people who believed in the goodness they could see in him. Their influence helped him get another chance.

I like hiking in the mountains though we don’t do it often. It was almost like a vacation in the mountains reading about Dawson’s trip. I am very glad that I’ve never experienced some of the things he did.

As a prequel, it interested me in reading the other two books Dawson is in.

Originally posted on Book of Ruth Ann!
11.7k reviews172 followers
July 28, 2020
What a heartwarming and touching selection of stories of people who search for love They expected to find it with their families but unfortunately that’s not always the case. Loved each and every story.
1,572 reviews28 followers
July 20, 2020
Before Summers End is a Collection of seven stories from seven authors who have written stories for the famous Mosaic Collection. Each of these stories are about love, forgiveness, redemption and restoration of lives and broken relationships. Each story bringing it's own uniqueness to the collection. I have read books from a few of these authors, and the others are new to me authors, which I enjoy because it's fun meeting new authors. Some of the stores are better than others for me, the covid19 one was hard for me so I couldn't finish, it's difficult reading fiction about something that's so heartwrenching to our present situation the the world. But that's just me. It has nothing to do with the wonderful penmanship of these authors.

If you haven't read any if the Mosaic Collection books, this one is a good start for you. It gives you an insight about the authors, their writing, and the wonderful reads you will find in this collection. So why not give this book a try.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
928 reviews6 followers
June 30, 2020
This is a great collection of books!! In the first book, A Stranger Comes to Springlight by Johnnie Alexander, we meet Elmira McElhaney-Smythe and Lemora McElhaney-Smythe. This was a really wonderful, funny story, that has a happy ending for Amethyst McBelle and The Handsome Stranger! What a delightful read!!
In Hot Cocoa Summers by Brenda S Anderson, we meet Chad the barista and Jennifer. Jennifer is meeting Thomas when she first meets Chad, though she doesn't find out his name for quite awhile! Jenny has to find out that liking someone because they have a good job, can offer security, and someone else thinks is "perfect" doesn't mean that's God's plan for you, and that love needs to be in there somewhere! Chad had to come to Christ, and boy, when he does, he becomes even better! When both figure things out, watch out!! Great story!
In Grounded by Eleanor Bertin, we meet Lissa and Mark. Lissa's the main focus of this story, and boy, did she need to grow up! She's thinking she needs a change, and that change is going to come in the form of an affair with her boss. Until the Covid Pandemic hits, and then she gets a very rude awakening! However, that helps her to finally get her head on straight and figure out that what she really needs to do is get her focus off of herself and stop being selfish, and to turn to God, her husband, and her children. Marks's there when she learns her lessons, just like God is there for us when we learn ours.
In Ten Bottles of Sand by Sara Davison, we meet Nancy and Patrick, and Patrick's dog, Harvey. I loved this story!! Patrick showed Nancy the way to Christ, helped her understand Him, and how He loves and forgives us, and that He will work things for our good. He also helped her to see that a lot of what her mother had taught her wasn't the full story. It had a different ending, but it was great in that it proves God will always be with us, and that part of that is our response, and if we can respond by putting our faith in God, we'll do fine.
In Blue Genes by Deb Elkink, we meet identical twins Jenny and Gwynne. Identical on the outside, not so much on the inside. One has fully accepted Christ; the other has embraced the party crowd since they've arrived in college. One has decided to try to bridge the gap. Where will it lead them?
In A Summer of Reckoning by Sara Monson, we meet a young Dawson Dunne. This was a great story!! Dawson blames everything that happens to him on everyone but himself. However, once he meets God, and totally opens himself to knowing him, he finds out just how much good there is in himself, and how God can use him. Family doesn't always have to be blood, sometimes, it's all heart.
In In A Vintage English Garden by Marion Ueckermann:
Ellen received a surprise inheritance, but it surprised her mom, Lillian, even more. Especially since there were some important secrets that she wasn't ready to tell, after keeping them for so long. I really liked that Ellen was open to hearing the secrets when Lillian was forced to tell her. In some ways, I was sad that she didn't know them before, but in others, this was right timing. Of course, God's timing is always best, and Ellen was mature enough to hear them now, and Lillian still had a little more to learn to get to the point where telling the secrets was right for her, too. I'd love to have more, to find out how Ellen and Linton do, and to find out if Magnus and Lillian get together, too. And, Flanders was a great touch, too!!
This is a great set!!! Some of these were new to me authors, some were old friends! Found a couple of books I'll be checking out!!
Profile Image for Laura.
430 reviews29 followers
August 21, 2020
Before Summer’s End is a recent release by the Mosaic Collection Books; the collection is the result of a group of authors who wanted to share stories of human interest, resolving difficult relationships, and restoration through forgiveness and God’s love.

When The Mosaic Collection first began writing stories, I determined I would read every single release; somewhere along the line I’ve missed a couple but I am so pleased I did not miss Before Summer’s End, an anthology of 7 short stories.

Using their empathetic understanding of the human condition, and all it’s foibles, the authors have written a collection of stories that will be sure to warm your heart.

I have a favorite or two out of this collection of stories; Ten Bottles of Sand by Sara Davison tops the list. This story hit me in a piece of my romantic little old heart; a piece I share with few, somehow the author hit the nail on the head with this one. Further, I too have a collection of tangible items many consider dust collectors; as in the story, many of my “dust collectors” have special memories that are taken out to review and enjoy.

I highly recommend this book, Before Summer Ends. Oh, I almost forgot...a couple of the stories just might have some familiar characters, and one story is a prequel to an upcoming release!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Just Read Tours, and am not required to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions therein are solely my own, and freely given.
659 reviews
June 6, 2020
Delightful reading.

A wonderful collection of short stories that were a joy to read. Most of these were new authors for me. I look forward to reading more of their books. Each book touched me in a different way. I laughed as well as shead some tears. I recommend this collection.
Profile Image for Terry Silva.
318 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2020
I knew this book was going to be good but WOW I didn't know it was going to be this good. Just traveling to an English cottage just felt so romantic to begin with and then add in wonderful, charming, ok and gorgeous characters and now you have my attention and then Marion slips in mystery and I am just a goner. Oh one letter had me in tears my husband thought I was nuts. When he realized I was reading he said oh another great book. He knows me by now. This book is beyond amazing it just shot up to one of my all time favorite books ever. I want to go back and read it all over again but slower this time and I mean right now and I just finished it. I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Marion you blew me away with this one. Absolutely amazing. “I received ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.”
Profile Image for Jane.
1,164 reviews35 followers
June 7, 2020
I have been enjoying reading the books in the Mosaic Collection as they are released. Before Summer’s End is no different. The seven authors represented in this anthology have a variety of writing styles - from the story shared in serial format (that is how it was originally published) to novellas written with chapter breaks to short stories which tell their story with no breaks. I especially liked the stories that dug deeper into the plot lines developed in the author’s longer books - “A Summer or Reckoning” tells some of Dawson’s back story from When Mountains Sing and “Ten Bottles of Sand” tells some of Nancy’s back story from Lost Down Deep. I also enjoyed the fact that “Grounded” was set in the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the stories deal with relationships, whether it be relationships between siblings, spouses, parent and child, or potential mate and there will most likely be at least one relationship represented that the reader finds herself in at some point in her life. If you are looking for a book that you can read in short segments on a lazy summer afternoon, Before Summer’s End might just be for you.
While it is a book written for adults, there is nothing in Before Summer’s End that would keep it from being added to a K-12 Christian school library. I think some high school girls might enjoy it.
I am on the Mosaic Collection Launch Team and received a complimentary copy of Before Summer’s End. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Marta Aldrighetti.
503 reviews1 follower
June 16, 2020
A summer anthology from The Mosaic collection, different good authors, short stories you'll love.
1) A stranger comes to Springlight - Johnnie Alexander
Two extravagant twins sisters and their colored, strange world were interrupt by an handsome man. Usually Springlight is a charming, quiet town, but..
2) Hot cocoa summers - Brenda S. Anderson
The story is set in Cuppa Truth coffe shop, Chad is the barista, always smiling, available to hear and help people in need.
3) Grounded - Eleanor Bertin
Finally Lissa has her own apartment, what a good feeling! a charming little place, where she can live far from the farm and her family. this is a good thing or a mistake?
4) The bottle of sand - Sara Davison
Mama has 4 rules that her 4 girls must strictly seek and some saying, such as "God is busy. Let him take care of the wars, the droughts, and the deseases. You take care of yourself".
5) Blue genes - Deb Elkink
The strange, lovely world of two twins girls. "As identical as we look, I guess we have preferences, individual choices. Our thinking and our beliefs can differ."
6) A summer of reckoning - Stacy Monson
Prequel of the book WhenMountainSing,where you'll meet Dawson Dunne. "He'd head to California to warm up. And start over. Away from everyone sho expected him to become a saint or something".
7) In an english vintage garden - Marion Ueckermann
Sometimes the past (and also emotions, friends, memories, thoughts of the past) comes in the present and changes upside down the lives of the people.
Profile Image for Jackie.
30 reviews15 followers
August 24, 2020
I loved this set of short stories. It was so fun to read about the sisters and their relationship. My favorite part of the set was how similar the sisters were while at the same time they were in such opposition to each other in the first set of stories. Then in the second set I really enjoyed Jennifer and how she evolved throughout her set. I loved the connection between Chad and Jennifer but definitely felt this set would have read better as a novel. I felt the third and fourth stories were the only stories in the set that seemed as though they were actually short stories because the stories at the beginning and end of the collection felt more like short novels instead of short stories, which made the collection a little hard to get through. I also didn't see any connection between the stories other than that they were all set in summer. I would have liked there to be more connection and for the longer stories just to be novellas or novels of their own.
Profile Image for Kendra Neal.
1,389 reviews30 followers
August 18, 2020
Before Summer's End is a collection of several stories by several authors. The stories all have a common theme: Healing Broken Relationships.

For me, reading the book came at the most PERFECT time. I truly know that God had his hand in me reading this book during this time. My family: Mom and Siblings, have been going through a broken relationship for the past year. Well, for many years, but this past year truly broke all relationships.

Before Summer's End is full of stories of families, siblings, parents, friends, spouses, all with struggling relationships. I read this book and shed a a few tears, thinking how so many have strained relationships, even in books. The stories gave me hope that the broken relationships in my family can be restored.

The stories are short, but have a great message about making amends with those whom you have a broken relationship with! I HIGHLY recommend this book!
784 reviews8 followers
June 15, 2020
This is definitely an AWESOME group of stories. I skipped around in the reading order of these books. I couldn't get into one book, yet the next one kept me chuckling, there was the one that had me crying heartbroken, sisters who are the same yet in other ways so different. I couldn't say that I liked one better than another and they each touched me where I was at the moment. I have actually read books by 3 of these others and one was just a couple of weeks earlier. This Mosaic group of books definitely touch the soul and I'm sure everyone will glean something from these very assorted and strikingly different stories, but In the end they are full of God's love and unfailing Grace.
I received an ARC copy of this book, but this is my voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for Randi Sampson.
1,274 reviews61 followers
August 13, 2020
Before Summer's End is a collection of stories written by several authors from the Mosaic Collection. Each story is completely unique but all have messages of faith, family, redemption, etc. If you have read the previous books in the Mosaic Collection and enjoyed those authors, this will certainly be one that you'll want to check out to revisit them. If you have not read any of those books, this will be a great introduction to both the Mosaic Collection AND the authors featured in it. This is one of the big reasons that I am personally drawn to collections such Before Summer's End--- they allow me to discover several new authors in one fell swoop.

I must admit, at the time of writing this review I have not read each and every story included... but I am absolutely loving what I have read. Each author has their own unique style, so there is a good variety between the stories. There are certainly some I like better at all, but so far there are none I do not like. Overall, it is a really great collection and one that fans of both the Mosaic Collection and/or Christian fiction are sure to want to add to their end of summer reading list!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Cheryl Wood.
315 reviews11 followers
August 18, 2020
Before Summer’s End is a collection of short stories by the authors of The Mosaic Collection. Each short story has a life changing event in the characters’ lives.

I liked the theme that God is present in each of our lives, through struggles and hard times and how He draws us closer to Him. He loves us regardless and uses each day to teach us to grow closer through our relationship with Him.

I received a copy of the book from Just Read Tours in exchange for an honest opinion. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Marylin.
1,131 reviews29 followers
June 5, 2020
So far I've only read one of the stories. In An English Vintage Garden by Marion Ueckermann Here's my review for that and I'll review the others later.
Life and past mistakes can cause all kinds of problems if those mistakes stay hidden. The old saying, “And the truth will set you free,” is one saying the characters in this book find to be true, yet it takes a lot of pain to finally bring it out and healing to begin.
In an English Vintage Garden, is a wonderful portrait of God’s redeeming love and goodness. It’s a story of how He can take the things we think are deep dark bad choices and make them beautiful. It’s also a story of a mother and daughter’s never-ending love for each other.
Marion Ueckermann, she has a delightful way of blending words together. This story was beautifully written and flowed smoothly, so smooth that at the end my heart was deeply touched, I know it will stay with me for a long time.
One of the most important lessons I came away with is, can I trust God with my pain and mistakes, knowing He will heal them and forgive me?
I truly enjoyed this endearing story, and highly recommend you get it.
I was given this book by the publisher which did not influence my review in any way, all thoughts and opinions are my own
Profile Image for Margaret Lawton.
128 reviews3 followers
June 9, 2020
I enjoyed this collection of short stories. There is something for everyone and each story has the theme of God working in people's lives to weave together His purposes for them. I was not disappointed in any of them. I received a complimentary copy of this book, but have freely chosen to offer my own thoughts and opinions.
260 reviews2 followers
June 9, 2020
A delightful collection of short stories to add to your summer reading. Stories by some great Christian authors with a variety of genres including playful humor, romantic, contemporary, and thought provoking drama. Topics touch upon forgiveness, personal growth, appreciating our everyday and oft taken for granted blessings which can quickly and without warning be wisked away, and the risks and rewards of love. I recommend this collection of quick to read, clean stories that can easily be fit into a busy schedule or to provide a pleasant interlude when between heavier reads.
Profile Image for Nati.
2,518 reviews16 followers
June 13, 2020
A wonderful collection of short stories that will warm your heart. Real people who struggle with their faith while trying to find happiness and love.
1,288 reviews33 followers
June 25, 2020
A delightful collection of stories

I have enjoyed the various Mosaic Collections. Before Summer's End is no exception! The variety in the stories is vast. While the faith element in some of them was more subtle than in others, and though I liked certain ones more than I liked others, I recommend this collection. If you find a story you don't care for, skip to the next. There are stories here to please a variety of tastes.

Johnnie Alexander's A Stranger Comes to Springlight had the feel of an old-fashioned small town that could have placed it at almost any time in the past century. I loved the voice of the story and the style of the writing, which is vastly different from the other stories of this author's that I've read.

Brenda S. Anderson's Hot Cocoa Summers was a wonderful story of redemption. I appreciated the way I first loved and then was disgusted at Chad, the charming barista. Though a short story, it covers the passage of several years and did that extremely well, not covering important details and still conveying the sense time had passed.

Eleanor Bertin's Grounded is the first story I've read that deals with the mandatory self-isolation due to the Coronavirus. It was humorous to me that Lissa was even more out of touch with things going on in the world than I often am and how she wasn't even aware things were shutting down. While I didn't care much for the choices that left her alone in her isolation and those she made while in isolation, I loved the ending and felt it was well done.

Oh, my heart!! Sara Davison's Ten Bottles of Sand was such a treat! As with Hot Cocoa Summers, it covers several years. It was such a beautiful journey with Nancy learning to trust and to see things differently than her mother had always taught her. She learned that living in a way that is always "safe" doesn't necessarily mean truly living.

In Deb Elkink's Blue Genes, twin sisters who had grown apart are thrown together and are forced to deal with the events that had divided them. This was not as much to my taste as the other stories and the "resolution" felt like it left much to be resolved.

Stacy Monson's A Summer of Reckoning is the prequel to When Mountains Sing and tells Dawson's story. His transformation was slowly revealed. I appreciated that the author didn't make things easy for him and that his wasn't an "insta-conversion". It was very believable and very touching.

I loved the start to Marion Ueckermann's In an English Vintage Garden when Ellen saw the email about the inheritance she had received! Her reaction was just what mine would have been. And hopefully yours - if not, please be more careful with email you receive from unsolicited sources. :-) While I know that it is highly unlikely that attorneys will contact anyone regarding a legal issue via email, it did add a touch of fun. The secret Ellen's mother, Lillian kept from her was hinted at enough that I wasn't surprised but that didn't diminish my appreciation for the story.

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Ebos Aifuobhokhan.
614 reviews70 followers
July 7, 2020
A Stranger Comes To Springlight by Johnnie Alexander
First off, I just loved the twins names; Elimira and Lemora! Fancy!!!
Witty filled with humor and a relaxing story! The wonderful world of the McElhaney- Smythe sisters and their quaint town of Springfield. Beautiful story.

Hot Cocoa Summers
Awwws sweet Chad and Jennifer. Beautiful heartwarming story of love, faithnam consistency. I loved Jennifer's patience with Chad especially when he was trying to get his act together. I liked how they dreamt together. The story is even better with hot Cocoa involved.

Grounded by Eleanor Bertin.
Beautiful short story about not allowing our emotions to rule us.

Ten Bottles Of Sand by Sara Davison
My God! I loved this story in its entirety. Beautiful, heart touching, heart wrenching, amazing, captivating, inspiring, full of the deep love of God. I admired Patrick so much, I love his patience and love with Nancy. I loved how he introduced her to God. Nancy! She was a darling. I admired her courage to change.
It is just so amazing how many lessons one can learn from one short story. Offering our hearts to worth is worth it.
"Righteousness not coldness protected the heart." Isn't that a less for everyone to learn!

Blue Genes by Deb Elkink.
A heart touching story a a broken relationship fixed by the forgiveness and grace God makes available.

A Summer Of Reckoning by Stacy Monzon.
I've followed Dawson from When Mountains Sings to Mountaintop Christmas. This beautiful short story took me to the beginning of how it all started; his faith, patience with kids and what made him, become the God loving man he became. I loved the story surrounding Dawson finding God and purpose.

In An English Vintage Garden. By Marion Ueckermann
This story was absolutely delightful!
I love meeting Lilian, Linton and Ellen. I love the history surrounding them and God's redemptive power at work in their lives.
Profile Image for Janice Dick.
Author 24 books52 followers
June 30, 2020
Before Summer’s End is a delightful collection of short stories perfect for a summer read. The seven stories by seven authors offer a wide variety of genre and style. Here are my brief comments on each story:

A Stranger Comes to Springlight by Johnnie Alexander
This zany tale starring eccentric twin sisters Elmira and Lemora McElhaney-Smythe reminds me of Stephen Leacock. The names give you a clue as to the mood of the piece, described in the dedication as “whimsical wordplay.” This includes overdone alliteration, narrator intrusion, omniscient point of view, and surprising little tidbits like the one below.
Eg. “Be assured that the handsome young stranger is not Lemora’s long-lost son…No way, never, huh uh!” (Location 469)

Hot Cocoa Summers by Brenda S. Anderson
What a great short story. Condensed so it’s a quick read, the journey of Jennifer and Chad contains all the perfect elements of a good romance. Light but meaningful. Loved the irrepressible character of the barista, Chad Taylor.
Favourite quote: “She’d known too many whose faith was as flimsy as a paper boat on the Mississippi.” (Location 1464)

Grounded by Eleanor Bertin
This is the first story I’ve read that’s set in the time of COVID-19! At the age of thirty-eight, Lissa leaves her predictable life behind and moves into a small apartment in the city, to be closer to work and a budding relationship that lures her there. She cuts her ties, only to be isolated from everyone and everything, including her misinterpreted dreams. Is there redemption for Lissa in this time of unpredictability?
As the author states in the Dear Reader section: “Quarantine is God’s way of sending her to her room.” A fitting analogy for this story.

Ten Bottles of Sand by Sara Davison
Nancy follows all the rules to a successful life as laid down by her mother, to make sure her life and future are safe and secure with no surprises. Her plan works fine, until she realizes the emptiness that goes with it, and until she meets Patrick, who gently leads he to question the current trajectory of her life. This story touched my heart.
Favourite quote: “Isn’t everyone upset about being fired?...Not if they know, deep down that they weren’t where they were supposed to be, or doing what they were meant to do. Quite often they’re relieved, as if they were suddenly forced to make a decision they’d secretly wanted to make for a long time.” (Location 2448)

Blue Genes by Deb Elkink
A fascinating glimpse into twinship. Identical twins may look alike, but in the case of Jenny and Gwynne, that’s where the similarities end. A term in college brings out the differences, along with much heartache to two lives that used to function as one. Only through forced togetherness does forgiveness and reconciliation come.
Favourite quote: “Head to head, the two animals mirror each other, my mare’s strong neck swaying in fluid tempo to the thrusting of the heifer’s horns. Their rhythmic movements—the heifer’s jutting and Buck’s checking—remind me of Thursday’s game, when Jenny and I took the finals in women’s doubles.” (Location 3549)

A Summer of Reckoning by Stacy Monson
This short story is a prequel to Stacy’s novel, When Mountains Sing. Dawson Dunne is highlighted in this short story as a teen people would class as a lost cause. Nothing keeps Dawson Dunne on the right track until he’s sent to Outlook Adventure Camp to learn more about life. There he is introduced to camp director, Walt, who is not afraid of him because he used to be very like him. In my opinion, this could have been a novel in itself, but it was condensed to include the predominant points of change in Daws’ life.
My personal favourite quote is this one, because I’ve lived it too: “Eyes suddenly burning, gasping for breath, he scrambled out [of the tent] on his hands and knees. His foot caught a rope and yanked the tent forward until it collapsed behind him…” (Location 4212)
I also marked this one: “Don’t be so smug, pal. In about ten minutes you’ll be 45 and wondering where the heck all the years went.” (Location 4465)

In an English Vintage Garden by Marion Ueckermann
Every time I see this title, the tune to a similarly titled song comes to mind. Ellen Oakley lives with her mother in South Africa, then inherits an English country house from a man she’s never heard of. The reader gathers there’s much to the story that Ellen’s mother knows but has never divulged to her daughter. They eventually agree to travel to England to see the cottage, and the past collides with the present. A delightful story on all fronts.
The takeaway that resonates for me is: “The truth will set you free.” John 8:32, and the fact that sometimes a lot of breaking has to take place before healing can begin.
Profile Image for Michaela H.
3,256 reviews33 followers
June 4, 2020
A Stranger Comes to Springlight - Johnnie Alexander
This was a whimsical story with unique, weekly installments. There was a bit of mystery and sisterly competition.

Hot Cocoa Summers - Brenda S Anderson
Having three years boiled down into a shot story is a tall order. Crazily, it really worked out well. It was pretty perfect. I loved the coffee vs hot cocoa bantering. I’m 100% noncoffee and my hubby pushes the coffee so it was a homey feel. Beyond all of this I’m super excited and waiting on the edge of my seat to read more of these two in some months!!

Grounded - Eleanor Bertin
A short story taking place during Covid19. There is definitely something heavy to this story. It’s good for us to take a step back, in quiet, to reevaluate.

10 Bottles of Sand - Sara Davidson
This was a good and long, slow burn relationship that touched on family and loss and trust and choosing a future. It was very well done.

Blue Genes by Deb Elkink
A sisterly story. Twins who are identical on the outside and anything but on the inside. Returning home during a college break and being faced with their actions and whether forgiveness is warranted or can be offered.

A summer of reckoning- Stacy Monson
I enjoyed this troubled teen novella. I’m on my way to read the rest of this character’s story in two other books before finishing this anothology - I can’t help myself! Daws has found himself a place in my heart and I can’t wait to see where God leads him!

In an English Vintage Garden - Marion Ueckerman
I enjoyed this novella. Two strong female characters have their lives turned upside down. Long past history returns. New chances at futures. I enjoyed walking through this adventure with mother and daughter.
Profile Image for Renate Deutsche Oma.
1,227 reviews
June 4, 2020
An inspiring anthology about healing relationships and restoration. As an avid reader, I am familiar with two authors: Brenda Anderson and Marion Ueckermann, so I read their delightful stories first. At this time I have only read three of the stories.
Johnnie Alexander -- A Stranger Comes to Springlight (Haven't read yet, but was intrigued that this story was written installments).
Brenda S. Anderson -- Hot Cocoa Summers - Unique premise of drinking hot chocolate in summer. Loved that this takes place the summer of 1998, 1999, and 2000.
Eleanor Bertin -- Grounded - Interesting contemporary story with a Covid 19 setting. Well written for this unusual time.
Sara Davison -- Ten Bottles of Sand
Deb Elkink -- Blue Genes
Stacy Monson -- A Summer of Reckoning
Marion Ueckermann -- In an English Vintage Garden - This was the first story that I read. Intriguing characters. Two stories in one (daughter and mother). Interesting perspective is it vintage or antique. An English cottage, garden, china, tea and my favorite scones. A great anthology of stories.
Profile Image for Jemimah “Stories and Scribes”.
47 reviews16 followers
July 15, 2020
Before Summer's End: Stories to Touch the Soul

The book Before Summer’s End is a collection of amazing Mosaic Authors that have blown my mind. I thoroughly enjoyed the books. I really longed for more from the stories and had to remind myself that they were novellas.

I totally enjoyed the journey from twins and their quirky ways to how true love must be enjoyed and not be formed because of the convenience of it to understanding that love has its season but home is the best.

I loved how i saw God as Jehovah El – Roi, the God that sees Me, loves me and is interested in Me and while circumstances try to define us, God’s love colors our lives and no matter how short love is, it’s worth having. I watched how twin sisters learn that while we evolve the depth of love is in things we do together. I loved the theme of second chances but how we must cease that opportunity ourselves and true to life we are largely responsible for our lives.

Hum what can I say, it was crowned with Tea, Vintage Cottage, Luscious Gardens and Love. What a way to end “Before Summers end”.
767 reviews15 followers
June 9, 2020
I loved these stories by the Mosaic group authors! It felt like true summer reading, of sitting on the front porch with a book and iced tea! So enjoyable! Hardly feel like you’re going from one story to the next, as there was such continuity. I’m going to recommend this to all my friends.
Profile Image for Anna Jensen.
Author 26 books64 followers
August 5, 2020
'Before Summer's End: Stories to Touch the Soul' is a wonderful collection of short stories by a group of well-known Christian authors.
I am not generally a reader of light Christian fiction and so was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed each of the stories on offer. Rich characters and engaging storylines prompted emotions ranging from pure joy to teary empathy.
I particularly enjoyed the gentle way each of the authors introduced the good news about Jesus, His love for us, and His role in each of our lives. This is done in a way which is both real and relevant. 'Before Summer's End: Stories to Touch the Soul' is a fantastic book to buy as a gift for a friend who may be searching for a great read with a deeper meaning.
Profile Image for Sherry Ferguson.
72 reviews2 followers
June 12, 2020
Before Summer's End (The Mosaic Collection):

"In An English Vintage Garden"
By Marion Ueckermann

Wow, this book was everything I thought it would be and more. I was definitely not disappointed. A beautiful seaside cottage in England with very lovable characters and a lot of mystery. I would really love to see a series come from this book.
I received an ARC of this book and a positive review was not required.
Profile Image for Aminata Coote.
Author 39 books55 followers
June 25, 2020
Before Summer’s End is a collection of novellas and short stories by the authors of The Mosaic Collection. A part of each story occurs in the summer and sees something life-changing happening in the lives of the characters.

There is a strong theme in Before Summer’s End that God is always present in our struggle and is using the events of our lives to draw our attention to Him.

I enjoyed reading these stories--some more than others--as I looked forward to seeing how the theme would be played out.

Before Summer's End was a reminder that time passes whether we use it wisely or not and we should make an effort to live out our purpose.

This applies if you own a pawn shop, work in an office, live on a farm, attend university, or are out of work.

Every moment we live is one that we won't be able to reclaim. As I read some of the stories in Before Summer's End, I was amazed at how God loves us. He uses the complex and the mundane events of our lives to teach us about His love and to draw us into a saving relationship with Him.

I received an advanced reader's copy from the publishers; a positive review was not required. Read my full review: https://aminatacoote.com/before-summe...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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