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Called by a Highlander #2

Highlander's Hope

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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B08CJFJLL5

He’s fighting the demons of his past. She’s defending her home and her son. Can two warriors from different centuries find a loving future?

Scotland, 2020. Former Marine and bodyguard Konnor Mitchell is on a whiskey tour through the Highlands. But a woman’s cries for help lead him tumbling down a steep ravine. Before he can get his bearings, a Highland faerie pitches him back in time to 1308. Wounded and confused, Konnor is confronted by a breathtaking woman brandishing a sword.

Scotland, 1308. Entrusted with holding her clan’s castle while her kin fights for King Robert the Bruce, Marjorie Cambel discovers a secret plot to attack her stronghold and kidnap her son. She swore never to let another man victimize her. But when she sees a wounded stranger at the bottom of a ravine, she helps him. Despite her attraction to Konnor, she’s not sure she can trust him.

As Konnor’s feelings for the mesmerizing warrior grow, the horrors of his childhood remind him he can never the husband Marjorie deserves or the father her son needs. And while Marjorie’s heart lifts at the war veteran’s courage, she struggles with the memories of her own violent past.

Can two wounded souls forge an alliance that leads to lasting love and win the battle of their lives?

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 9, 2020

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About the author

Mariah Stone

47 books619 followers
When time travel romance writer Mariah Stone isn't busy writing strong modern women falling back through time into the arms of hot Vikings, Highlanders, and pirates, she chases after her toddler and spends romantic nights on North Sea with her husband. Mariah speaks six languages, loves Outlander, sushi and Thai food, and runs a local writer's group. Subscribe to Mariah's newsletter for a free time travel book today!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
546 reviews128 followers
December 13, 2020
Excellent series love all the characters. Great storyline, never disappointed with this author.
Profile Image for El Olimpo Entre Libros.
576 reviews52 followers
June 15, 2022
Seguimos con nuestra maratón de highlanders, esta vez con la segunda entrega de la saga «Al tiempo del Highlander». Trataré de hacer la reseña libre de spoilers.

Tenemos a Marjorie, una protagonista fuerte y decidida pero con una gran herida. Se entrena ferozmente para no ser vulnerable de nuevo, proteger a su clan y a sus seres queridos.

Luego esta Konnor, un hombre hecho y derecho. Con un buen trabajo, honor pero con un pequeño secreto… algo que lo atormenta desde pequeño.

¿Qué tienen en común estos dos personajes? Sencillo, el río del tiempo los separa y con un pequeño empujoncito pueden llegar a conocerse.

En lo que ya hemos leído es generalmente la chica quien hace el viaje en el tiempo y tiene que pasar por varios obstáculos para poder sobrevivir en esa época, sin embargo la autora nos da una grata sorpresa cuando vemos que es Konnor el que realiza el viaje.

Él tiene que luchar contra sus sentimientos, sus deberes y su secreto para poder amar libremente. Así que tenemos un entretenido tira y afloja entre ambos, derribando los muros que alzaron en sus corazones y conviviendo como iguales ante las amenazas que hay en ese tiempo.

No te aburres en ningún momento, suspiras por las frases y te dan ganas de entrar al libro y hablar con Marjorie, apoyarla.

El final tiene toda la tensión del mundo 😂🤣, no puedes con la emoción y ese epílogo te deja con una sorpresa que te aseguro no esperas. Creo que yo todavía no me recupero de ese giro en los acontecimientos.

¿Fans de Outlander? Amarán este libro
Profile Image for Natalia Baeza.
85 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2022
Segundo libro de la saga “called by a highlander” y como era de esperar sigue en su linea, es un libro que te mantiene muy entretenida.
Me encanta que se entrecrucen las historias de todos los libros pero que los personajes principales vayan cambiando, me parece una idea genial.
Como diferente esta vez es un hombre quien viaja al pasado y no una mujer, que ya iba tocando tambien una historia asi.
Desde luego estoy segura de que acabare leyendome toda la saga.
Profile Image for Carole Burant.
1,228 reviews32 followers
August 25, 2020
Personally, I think Mariah Stone is the "Queen of Time Travel Romance"!! Where do I start with this story.....well, you get romance, of course, but you also get a story that deals with kidnapping and sexual abuse and how the hero gets the heroine to get back her power of self worth and confidence in herself. She in turn teaches him that love IS real and that his tragic past makes him stronger, not weaker. There's also a bit of a twist in this time travel story as it's the man who travels back in time and there's another twist at the end:)

I loved Konnor and Marjorie's characters, both have hurting souls and even though they are from different centuries, when they do get together, it's immediately sensed that they are meant to be together. Marjorie's son, Colin, is also a sweetie:) Lots of adventure and lots of personal healing, I honestly loved this story.

I received an ARC of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,273 reviews215 followers
September 30, 2022
Vanilla_91 - per RFS
Il segreto dell’highlander è il secondo libro della serie Al tempo degli highlander di Mariah Stone.

Proprio come accade nel primo romanzo, la storia è basata sull’espediente del viaggio temporale e ha come protagonista Marjorie Cambel, che avevamo già conosciuto nel precedente racconto.

Ci tengo a precisare che seppur vi siano vari accenni alla storia di Amy e Craig, il libro è auto conclusivo e può essere letto anche come stand alone.

Durante un viaggio in compagnia di un amico, Konnor, ex marine, finisce in un burrone. Viene soccorso da Marjorie, ma è del tutto inconsapevole di aver compiuto un viaggio di circa 700 anni ed essere finito nella Scozia antica. L’ex soldato crede di essere stato accolto in una sorta di gruppo amish, o in una comunità che interpreta giochi medievali, ma giorno dopo giorno è costretto a scendere a patti con quella che sembra una realtà impossibile e ad ammettere la forte attrazione che prova verso la signora del maniero. Konnor si ritrova invischiato in una feroce lotta tra clan, ma non gli importa di rischiare la vita tanto è forte l’istinto di protezione che nutre verso la donna.

I due protagonisti condividono un passato di violenze e sono figure che facilmente entrano nelle grazie del lettore, per le molte caratteristiche positive e soprattutto per la forte determinazione nel voler ricominciare una nuova vita. La giusta combinazione di forza e fragilità ha reso Konnor e Marjorie personaggi con cui è facile entrare in empatia.

Rispetto al primo libro, Il segreto dell’higlander ha una narrazione decisamente più casta, con un’assenza quasi totale di scene erotiche e un’esposizione concentrata prevalentemente sullo sviluppo romantico di un rapporto complicato, pertanto la storia è adatta anche a una fascia di lettori più giovani.

È stata una lettura piacevole e d’evasione, che mi ha regalato molti sorrisi e un po’ di giusta tensione nei momenti clou.

Una piccola pecca, tuttavia, l’ho trovata sull’editing, dato che nel testo sono presenti un po’ di errori di sintassi e/o traduzione. Non sono così tanti da diventare un vero e proprio elemento di disturbo, ma non passano del tutto inosservati. Inoltre, per un mio gusto personale, ho notato in alcuni punti un dilungarsi su elementi poco importanti, finendo così per appesantire un po’ la lettura con pagine e precisazioni che allungano la minestra ma non hanno impatto sulle vicende.

Profile Image for Raizabel Isabel.
134 reviews4 followers
September 20, 2021
Konnor y Maryori:

Este me lo leí rápidamente en dos días aproximadamente, estaba a la espera de este libro ya que ya me había leído el primero y al igual me gusto bastante.

Dos protagonistas que fueron violentamente tratados y que estaban cerrados al amor, una por repulsión el otro por pensar que no tenia la capacidad de amar a nadie, ambos se encontraron a 700 años de diferencia y aprendieron a entenderse y abrir sus corazones.

Mi tema favorito son los viajes en el tiempo y este libro no me decepciono, solo algunillas cosas que faltaron para mi parecer como un posible encuentro entre los viajeros del tiempo que ya había en la época.

La concepción del libro cambia a otros de este tipo porque esta vez quien viaja en el tiempo es un hombre y no una mujer, y el final es totalmente distinto a lo que había leído hasta ahora, la posibilidad de que puedan regresar a su tiempo y decidir que es realmente lo que quieren y necesitan me gusto mucho....en fin un muy buen libro....ahora a esperar por el próximo que por lo que leí es el del Primo Ian.
Profile Image for Lori D.
4,026 reviews116 followers
January 5, 2021
Konner, a former soldier and security firm owner finds himself transported back to Scotland in the 14rh century to present day. Wow you say? Well yes, and he is set to meet Marjorie, a warrior of her time. She has been through so much after being abducted and defiled. She is left with a child and emotional scars that have been hard to get past. Konnor understands her because of his abusive childhood. Two souls that understand each other.

Their journey to happiness is fraught with danger, battle, building trust and forever kind of love. Loved it!
Profile Image for Megan.
1,654 reviews204 followers
April 1, 2024
In the first book we knew the overview of what happened to Marjorie, but not all the details. After reading this book I'm glad Alastair was killed, but I despised him even more for his actions. Marjorie is a strong woman who didn't let it define her, though it left her unwilling to marry.

Konnor is a caring man, who had a history of abuse in his family that left him afraid to marry.

It was nice seeing a man from present day travel to the Past.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
654 reviews
August 27, 2020
Marjorie was kidnapped, raped repeatedly, rescued by her Clan and then had a child. To recover she trains to become a warrior, so that she never feels weak and can defend herself should someone try to take her again. She knows that no man will want her as she sees herself as damaged. When she overhears a couple of MacDonald spies talk about taking her son to his grandfather, the man who stood by while his son raped her, she panics and runs back to the castle, meeting Konnor on the way.
Konnor’s stepfather was abusive to both Konnor and his mother, leaving Konnor thinking that love was a lie and he could never have a lifelong relationship and a family as he didn’t know what one was like.
Whilst on a whiskey stag do with his friend Andy in Scotland, Konnor hears a woman calling for help. He falls down a ravine, badly damaging his ankle, and the lady turns out to be a fairy who then sends him to the past so that he meets and can help his ideal partner.
Marjorie is very suspicious of Konnor thinking he might be a MacDonald spy come to steal her son. She takes him back to her castle so he can heal. She doesn’t believe he is a time-traveller until her healer says she has seen the magic stone and felt the magic in the air. Over time Marjorie starts to trust and have feelings for Konnor. Feelings she has never felt before.
When he meets Marjorie he can’t believe how beautiful she was. It takes a while for him to believe he is in the past and by then he is determined to help Marjorie defend her castle before he must return to the future. He is drawn to Marjorie and is tempted to stay but he must return for his mother.
Marjorie and Konnor are both damaged in their own way and need each other to help them mend and trust again. Their characters are well developed and you are drawn into the book from start to finish. It was great to read about the man time travelling instead of the woman for a change. Can’t wait to see what happens next in this series.
I voluntarily received and reviewed an ARC copy of the book.
Profile Image for Denise riemer.
89 reviews4 followers
September 9, 2020
This story is the second book of a series, first book is Highlander Captive and I would recommend reading this one first,to understand the family members and how this story happens. Marjorie Cambels was kidnapped by Alasdair MacDougall in first story,she was raped and beaten by Alasdair for a week ,then her family rescued her! It has taken her a long time to be able to cope with her every day life. She is a strong woman who is in control of the castle while her family is away fighting with Robert the Bruce.Marjorie has a son Colin,a result of the rape that took place twelve years before. This is the year 1296 at Dunollie Castle in Scotland, and Marjorie hears spies say from the MacDougall clan they were going to lay seiges to her castle. In year 2020 in Lochawe Scotland Konnor Mitchels and his friend Andy were on a hiking trip near Glenkeld castle, Andy had went ahead and Konnor heard a woman cry out and Konnor went to help her. The women was Sineag who is a fairy who likes to mess with humans lives, Konnor had put is hand in a print in a rock and time traveled back to 1308 Scotland. Connor had hurt his ankle and Marjorie helped him to her castle, the men looked at Konnor with doubts about what He was doing at the castle. One night men from the MacDougall clan got in the castle to kidnap Colin while he was sleeping. Konnor heard them and caught the kidnappers. Marjorie asked Konnor to stay and help them when they are attacked,as Konnor has a security guard business and is a ex marine,so he knows what he is doing. This story is so exciting to read ,has drama, romance and the plot is fantastic. Marjorie and Konnor are both very strong people,with the same lookout of life.You will really enjoy this Time Travel story as I feel Mariah Stone she is one of the best authors writing Time Travel books. I was given this book as ARC for my honest opinion, I love all of Mariah Stone books they just keep on getting better than the last one. Would recommend this ebook for a Time Travel ,historical Scotland book,you will not be sorry.
Profile Image for molly.
222 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2022
3 stars in my romance novel rating system :). I just can’t compare romance novels to other styles of novels; they’re their own creature for me. I enjoyed it being a man to travel in time - into the woman’s world - for once!
Profile Image for Emma.
2,863 reviews35 followers
September 12, 2020
What a story. What a romance. Marjorie lived-in war-scarred Scotland in the year 1308 when Konner from the year 2020 ended up in her time. I admired Marjorie's story after a terrorizing event in her life she was learning to leave the darkness behind and tentatively step into the light after being secluded within the fortress for twelve years. She trained as a warrior and she was so good she trained the men of her clan. She steeled her heart against romance and men that were not family or like family. She was broken and felt she would never be whole again. Then Konner shows up and still thinks he is in 2020 at a Scottish medieval reenactment location. Slowly he came to realize he had traveled back in time. Konner was like Marjorie emotionally broken due to a traumatizing childhood. He resolved never to have a relationship, never marry and have children. Konner's Marine background came in handy when Marjorie discovered that a siege was coming. Her dark past was coming to meet her son and she would have none of that. Between Marjorie, Konner and others they fortified the best they could. Marjorie for some unexplained reason felt comfortable with Konner and shockingly was surprised to feel attracted to him. She never in her wildest dreams ever thought that could happen after what happened to her. Konner similarly felt attracted to Marjorie but scolded himself for feeling that way. He felt he could never be a normal loving husband or father. When one evening they disclosed to each other their dark past they realized they had more in common than they thought. They both considered whether they could heal each other. The problem was despite what Konner felt for Marjorie he needed to return to 2020. He had his mother to think of. He had his security company to run. He really wished he could stay but felt he was not the right man for Marjorie. This book had me on pins and needles. There were twists in the story that were unexpected and unpredictable. I could not stop reading this book. It had me captivated from the very beginning. The characters were well written. I loved that fact that Marjorie was in her late twenties and Konner in his thirties. I really appreciated that the author wrote about a mature couple. It sets the tone on how they behave and react. Their feelings and emotions were so realistic that it moved me when Marjorie and Konner disclosed their dark history to each other. This is a must read. You will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Debora M | Nasreen.
589 reviews77 followers
August 2, 2022
No, questa volta non ci siamo.
La strategia dell'autrice nel gestire il gap temporale fra i due non mi è piaciuto.

Dico... Ma scherziamo?
Abbiamo un tipo, pescato nella foresta, che appena arriva al castello parla di tutto quello che gli passa per la testa (telefoni, televisioni, telecamere, agenzie di sicurezza... AMERICA).
Così, a buffo.
In mezzo a gente nel 1300!
E nessuno fa una piega. Scuotono le spalle e se la prendono con la botta in testa?
Andiamo... la tolleranza va bene ma fino ad un certo punto.
Da valutare anche il contesto: tutti sapevano che a breve sarebbero stati attaccati dai nemici (faida ventennale) e niente, accantoniamo l'idea che possa essere una spia.
E ovviamente nessuno sbrocca per un tizio con scarpe e tuta mimetica che girella per il castello?

Accettiamo che venga dal futuro!

Per favore... Il primo libro della saga aveva fatto qualche scivolone, ma questo è stato da MEH!

In ogni caso, anche quando il tipo FINALMENTE capisce e accetta di essere nel passato continua a parlare come se fosse nel 2000.
Okay, ci becchiamo... Per favore? Anche meno.

E come non citare che quando fa la sua "confessione" alla donna amata (ehi, bella, vengo dal futuro!) quella non fa una piega. E neanche il figlio dodicenne.
E, trallallero, leggendo attentamente, anche il popolo del passato usa spesso il TU (come forma colloquiale), forme lessicali moderne ecc.

No, bocciato, dopo il primo mi aspettavo di meglio!
Profile Image for Rosie Trzewik.
713 reviews5 followers
September 7, 2020
Mariah Stone has outdone herself! The story is well written, I couldn’t put it down. It’s been a long time since I read practically the whole book in 1 day. The series continues with Marjorie story set in medieval times. She is the sister that was kidnapped in the 1st book, fast forward and decade later. Marjorie is still trying to overcome the abuse she endured during her captivity, which gave her the greatest joy in her life, her son Colin.
Konner is from 2020 and is hiking and exploring Scotland with his best friend Andy. A storm hits upon them, Andy and Konner gets separated when Konner hears a cry for help. Being a ex-Marine he starts searching to see if he could find whoever is calling out. Finding a women who has fallen in a deep ravine, he removes his backpack for the climb down. Slipping and falling in the ravine he hurts himself and finds out that the women was faking being hurt. He was lured by a matchmaking fairy, who sends him into the past. The name echoing during his fall into the past is Marjorie.
Waking up in the ravine with his leg and ankle hurting like the devil, now it’s Konner calling for help!
This is a must read! If you like time travel, Highlanders, dealing with pain and learning to overcome abuse, this book is for you. I can’t wait for the next book.

 I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story.
3,346 reviews34 followers
September 8, 2020
Konnor and his Highland Queen: great action and emotion🏰

This story was a refreshing change to the standard time travel romance that sends a heroine back in time. In this instance, Konnor, a former soldier and owner of a Los Angeles security firm, finds himself transported back to 14th century Scotland to encounter one great heroine. Marjorie is a trained warrior, a single mother and a survivor of sexual and physical abuse. Her emotional scars have kept her in limbo and Konnor recognizes in her a reflection of the hurt he and his mother suffered at the hands of his alcoholic stepfather.

With a deadly clan feud coming to a boil, Konnor and Marjorie's story has lots of fighting action that cements a strong, trusting relationship as they battle to repel the MacDougall incursion and keep Marjorie's son and clan safe and secure.

Author Mariah Stone brought two deeply damaged people with seven centuries between them together and their story is full of emotion and hard decisions. I thought it was especially gratifying that Marjorie took up the challenge and made her own choice about how their romance would end. I really enjoyed it, from beginning to happy end.

I really enjoyed Stone's Viking time travel romance series and this one is just as good so far, maybe better😊.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
8 reviews
August 26, 2020
This book is the second one in a series although I have not read the first. It is a pleasant enough read with some loose facts within its contents but they are not actually thrown or rushed into the text.The story is roughly of a modern day man who has grown up with some issues within his life which makes him believe he is unable to find his life mate, he and friends visit from America, Scotland where upon he happens on a faeriie who is like a none paid dating agent. She sends him back in time to middle age Scotland to where he meets a Scottish princess who has also suffered personal trauma and believes she will never be with a man for as long as she lives. They go through days of mistrust which gradually grows to more and eventually they both begin to heal. The problem, he is from modern time and is needed there and she is from middle ages and is currently the head of her castle whilst her father and brother's are away fighting with most of their soldiers along side Robert the Bruce. Not a earth shaker of a book but is well written.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Evelyn Cuellar.
972 reviews25 followers
June 13, 2022
Reseña completa en Books FD

El Secreto De La Highlander es la segunda novela de esta serie, donde veremos que cada viaje en el tiempo es por una razón, en esta ocasión sanar dos corazones que habían decidido dejar de sentir y enfocarse en los demás, olvidándose de sí mismos. Marjorie por la ambición de un clan vivió uno de las peores pesadillas que cualquier mujer debería vivir, pero ahora que tiene a Colin, tiene una razón para luchar, en su camino conocerá a Konnor que trae una carga del pasado debido a la relación de su madre que le traerá maltrato y por eso es que ha decidido enfocarse en el trabajo y su madre, pero cuando ve la situación de ella, terminará involucrándose. Sentimientos que no aceptan ninguno de los dos al inicio, harán que sus planes cambien y deseen ambos una nueva vida. Con una pluma ligera, fluida, buen perfilado de los personajes y situaciones que los pondrán en peligro y otras donde no podrán ocultar sus sentimientos, ha sido una lectura que me enganchó desde el inicio y me dejó con una sonrisa en los labios al final. Buena lectura y recomendada!!!

#LcOlimpo #LeamosCL
Profile Image for Libra.
154 reviews5 followers
August 28, 2020
Recommended, but with caution

Marjorie's story is a hard one to read, and so is Konnor's and his mother's. If this is going to trigger you, please don't read it.
Marjorie was abducted beaten and raped for a week before her family was able to find her and rescue her, and kill the attacker. Now twelve years later, she's in danger of losing the only good thing to come out of that. Her son, Colin. The a$$hole's father, who allowed the abduction and attack to happen, is trying to take him from Marjorie by force.
Konnor, is an inactive US Marine, who now runs a security firm. He's seen first hand how cruel men can be. While he's on a whiskey tour through the highlands of Scotland with his buddy, he tries to save a woman in a ravine... Who doesn't actually need help, and ends up in 700 years in the past. Then he's rescued by a dark-haired beauty, he feels the need to protect.
This is a well-written story, and is a beautiful tale of love and strength and working past your issues. However, I really can't stress enough that if you have any issues with sexual attack of any flavor, this probably isn't the book for you. I just don't want to recommend this for someone who might be triggered by Marjorie's recount of her attack, though it doesn't go into details of the sexual attack the way sex scenes do.
Profile Image for Cindy C..
1,103 reviews11 followers
August 30, 2020
Wow!! What a Awesome story! I haven't read a Time Travel novel for years.

Gripping and Suspenseful, Highlander's Hope takes off right from the start and will keep you spellbound from the moment you begin the journey with Konnor and Marjorie. Mariah Stone has outdone herself and is not afraid to write a story that is heart rendering, heart stopping and a romance that takes you on a rollercoaster ride of heights of passion swirling down into a vortex of darkness of abuse in this story that brims with tension-building twists, characters that come off the pages and will pull you into their tale, a strong plot that is well written, great dialogue with setting descriptions and action sequences that are wonderfully vivid which brings this read together perfectly. Konnor a hero that is swoon worthy and Marjorie a heroine that will do anything to save her son, both with emotional scars, will pull you into their tale of desperation, longing, sadness, hope and new beginnings as your heart races wondering what will happen next!
4 reviews
September 1, 2020
An interesting plot of a broken heroine and a former marine-bodyguard , who travels through time and is placed in medieval Scotland.

An absorbing and interesting story of a feisty heroine and a broken ex-marine. The characters were intriguing and their life stories and backgrounds are believable. Although they were born in different centuries the author focuses of emotions that are common regardless of age or time , love, pain, suffering, joy, emotional healing, self respect, honor, sense of responsibility, Through different experiences Marjorie and Connor , the main characters, start to bond and the story unfolds naturally.I have found the secondary characters were well developed also.

I also liked how the author voiced the thoughts of both Connors and Marjorie's throughout the whole book. Overall a well written book I highly recommend it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,919 reviews11 followers
September 7, 2020
Great addition to this brilliant series. I liked that the time traveler this time was a man, this doesn’t happen too often from my reading so far. We met Marjorie in the first book and learnt a little of her situation, this story expands on that and gives us more of an idea of the traumas she encountered during her abduction. I love that this author has given Marjorie the skills needed to climb out of her depression and regain her self-confidence and self-esteem. Konnor has experience his own brand of abuse and is empathetic when he learns the truth. Can these two damaged souls come together and help each other or will time draw them apart? I loved the ending.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Jenny.
309 reviews
September 9, 2020
Konnor does not believe in love after a rough childhood and while on a trip in Scotland, he gets more than he bargained for when he is transported back in time to 1308. Marjorie has a distrust of men after suffering a terrible ordeal at the hands of a monster and when she comes across a wounded Konnor, she feels duty bound to offer him care at her castle until he can recover from his injuries. But as they spend more time together they start to help each other heal and out of deep respect grows a burning love that even time cannot dissipate. When the castle is threatened, Konnor does his best to help Marjorie in battle but with his wounds now healed, will Konnor stay or travel back to his life in the future?

I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
3 reviews
August 26, 2020
I have read quite a few of Mariah's books and she never fails to impress me. This time she sent an ex marine back to 1308. Konnor thought that he had been brought into a cult that was pretending to live as earlier people had. Imagine his surprise when he realized that he really was back in 1308. He had been brought back to a castle by a lovely young lady named Marjorie He soon fell in love, but the future called to him because he had left loved ones behind that he was worried about. He did however save her castle with the help of her people and also her son Colin.
Profile Image for Katherine Jordan.
588 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2020
I love the Highlands and I love time travel, this book combined both and I loved it. You have a broken man who travels in time 700 years back to early Scotland. He meets a broken woman who has been subjected to the worst thing a woman can suffer. They heal each other as they learn about each other’s time. He has to leave which causes hurt all around, she has to stay. All around it was a great read and you will love the conclusion!!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Marcy G.
349 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2020
This is not just another time travel story. It is so much more. The issue of abuse for a child, a wife, and rape do not change No matter what time we are in. The emotions , the pain, and the healing was so well written you could feel it as you were reading along. Marjorie and Konnor’s story was a an act of true love. That in it self gave the courage and strength to overcome all that happened. So much involvement in this story to keep from not wanting to put it down, What a Great Story. Highly Recommend
2,459 reviews
March 5, 2023
A reasonably good Scottish time travel romance. I believe people in 1308 were far more superstitious than this book portrayed. That was problem number one. Problem number two was the inability to keep modern language out of Marjorie’s thought. Example: admiring his pecs — seriously? Someone who understands ancient warfare would be able to see how accurate the weapons were. I’m not that knowledgeable, but I have suspicions about the accuracy. (I don’t doubt the swords, claymores, chain mail, and padded leather.) I enjoyed the characters. I enjoyed the plot. I will keep reading the series.
Profile Image for Kat Tolle.
636 reviews12 followers
August 30, 2020
Great Story and Series!!! Highlander's Hope By Mariah Stone is book 2 in the Called by a Highlander series and I am so enjoying this series. Mariah writing is easy to read and very creative. Though in a series this time traveler story can be read as a standalone but I do recommend you read book one to get to know all the character and their stories. This story has dark secrets, abuse, rape, a strong heroine, trying to kidnap ones grandson, fear, kindness, mistrust, battles, jealousy, willing to risk ones life for a child and yes, love. I highly recommend you read this book. It has it all!

***This book was gifted to me and I am voluntarily reviewing.
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807 reviews34 followers
June 14, 2022
Igual que el anterior libro de la serie, tiene los mismos problemas: hay una mezcla de español estándar con español latino y además le falta una última corrección, ya que hay frases que cuesta entender...

No le pongo menos de 3 estrellas porque es una historia de Highlanders y a mí siempre me gustan, pero ya no voy a seguir con la serie porque no soy masoquista... y las tramas no son nada del otro mundo...
1,315 reviews6 followers
August 25, 2020
Who doesn’t like time travel? Unlike most time travel, this time it’s a male who goes back in time to Scotland in 1308! Through the author’s words, we read of morals brought to life, of becoming stronger after defeat, loss, pain and despair. There are smiles and there is sadness, but most important, there is healing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews

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