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Mage Errant #4

The Lost City of Ithos

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Half a millennium ago, Kanderon Crux and her allies banished the city of Imperial Ithos from the world of Anastis, in a desperate attempt to defeat the Ithonian Empire. Her dread weapon, the Exile Splinter, even erased the memory of its location from the universe. Now it's returning, bringing the Exile Splinter back with it. The great powers of the continent are desperately hunting for the site of the lost city, knowledge lost even to Kanderon herself. None know what ancient Ithonian weapons and enchantments might still be found in the ruins, but even the Exile Splinter alone would be a prize justifying war.

Hugh and his friends find themselves dragged along on the search, where they'll face enemy warlocks, sea monsters, liches, unnatural storms, and even a man-eating tiger. There's something they're not being told about the lost city, however.

Something that has even Kanderon and the other great powers terrified.

443 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 12, 2020

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About the author

John Bierce

13 books1,087 followers
John Bierce is a fantasy novelist, history and science buff, SFF fan, and general all-around dork. He is currently traveling the world as a digital nomad, but spends a lot more time observing the urban ecology of drainage ditches in other countries than visiting glamorous tourist destinations. (Did you know that Southeast Asia has freshwater crabs? Who are apparently fantastic parents, unlike basically every other crab species ever? It’s definitely surprising the first time you see a crab wandering around in a ditch hundreds of miles from the ocean.)


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339 reviews5 followers
May 9, 2021
A solid book, but definitely not the best in the series.
Profile Image for Dea꧂.
457 reviews
November 26, 2022
I liked it even though it felt like a +500 hundred pages filler.
Profile Image for Travis Riddle.
Author 14 books362 followers
July 20, 2020
Full of intrigue, excitement, horror, and wonder, this is a breathtaking journey showing off one of the most richly-crafted fantasy worlds I've had the pleasure of reading. The characters are painted just as vividly as the world, each of them going through a tumultuous emotional journey that is packed with humor and heart. The best entry yet.
Profile Image for Andrews WizardlyReads.
306 reviews586 followers
September 26, 2023
Some of the best character interactions in the whole series. But the progression aspects of the fantasy mostly all happen off screen. The characters just develop new powers. Still a great book though!
Profile Image for Sha.
994 reviews38 followers
October 6, 2020
06 Oct 2020

Plot: Two master mages and their four apprentices go on a hunt for a lost city with both (a) an ancient superweapon and (b) the potential to bring unstoppable eldritch horrors into their universe.

1. The romance continues to be mostly meh. I realize we are trying to explore Hugh's feelings of inadequacy, but I'm not sure how far that's succeeded? We'll need to like go back to Emblin for this to have actual impact.

2. That said, everything else was excellent. I loved every single great power we met. Liches are FASCINATING. The cold minds and the history of Ithos and Kanderon were also very good. There were a lot of great battle sequences with beautiful improv and application of core concepts towards the end (but we really need to up Sabae's skillset already). Just watch me radiate general appreciation for the worldbuilding.

3. The whole sequence was both chillingly disturbing and heartbreakingly sad. This bit in particular.

Companion Short Story: Murder at Ras Andis (5 stars)

1. More worldbuilding! Illinia being a badass who still gets beaten at cards and investigation by another old woman! Man I'm totally in to the idea of her being life partners with her.

2. I'm just impressed by how this story managed to showcase how badass Illinia was (VERY) while also having her I'm also very fond of that poor Prince. He's under so much stress he wants to run away and become a fisherman. Which is a valid reaction to Illinia tbh.

3. I just want like ten short stories about the great powers politicking is what I'm saying.
45 reviews
August 15, 2020
Another Fantastic Book!

This book deals with a lot of personal feelings for some of the characters and I really like that development. There's more explanations into the magic and affinities which is always great. Overall if you enjoy fantasy in all it's glory this book and series is for you.

Also the ending of this book is just great!
Profile Image for Sasha.
60 reviews
March 10, 2022
10th March 2022:

This was straight out the best book of the series for me. Maybe I would change my mind after reading book 5. Or the other future books. But for now this was the best in the series. 

It got really really dark when Ithos was being described. Usually when places like Ithos are talked about in stories is makes me itch so much to read about this history. But that was less with Ithos, not because of bad writing but infact quite the opposite. Everything was described so well. Mage Errant wasn't a series that ever struck out to me as dark but in this particular part of the book, everything was so eerie and horrible. The Ash piles, the darkness and cold, the graffiti that described feelings of the people as they had been trapped by the exile splinter. 
It was uncharacteristic but not odd. And so well executed that my curiosity was well quenched.
Even the matter about the cold minds and the heir!

The characters as always out did themselves. As the story got dark it effect the relationships but personally it was handled very, very well. 
Though I would admit the 4 four apprentices may at times appear unnaturally mature, but it is certainly not a huge problem for me cause I'm not fan of immature characters. 

Another fact I loved about these books is that the matureness of the characters infact made me rethink the normal mindset to have in fantasies. Cause if you're always up facing one battle on another, why not have the people save time over pointless and needless miscommunication and just have healthy relationships?

The ending made me have so many emotions and really was mind blowing.

Would be the editing. There's many typos that I wish could be addressed.

Despite the editing my final rating is 5/5
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
47 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2020
Final Review 3.75

It starts out with the MC moping about his ex.... considering I disliked her completely in the last book that was a pretty bad start for me But it was needed to provide a vehicle for his emotional growth.

Talia is by far the best thing about the book. Hands down. Her perspective is always interesting and her fighting is fun. Additionally, Some of the best moments if not the best moments are the MC's interactions with kanderon.

For someone in training for two years the MC still comes off as pathetic at times. I know he is damaged mentally but ... we are in book 4 and its starting to get old.

Magically, it would be nice if hugh could do more than 4 spells and then be back to ward guy... The warding itself is interesting at times but man thats about all there is to him and that gets tiresome.

The MC is probably the least interesting character in the story. I really hope his offensive powers drastically grow and becomes more interesting. The team acquired basically no new items by the end even after fighting hordes of mages. We really didn't see any interesting growth besides emotional from the MC. No new bonds. Could have used the tiger?

I'll keep reading but Im hoping for a serious training montage. There was so much interesting stuff to be done with the really cool teachers and creating custom spells. More than anything i look forward to the growth of kanderon and the MC's relationship.

The last 15-20% was really well done.
Profile Image for Arundeepak J.
117 reviews63 followers
December 23, 2020
Better than Book 3 but not as good as the First 2 books...



Exotic locations,

Giant monsters,

Cool weapons,

This book starts with a BANG than a slow built-up for the climax battle,

How the author handled the relationship and romances between the characters.


The climatic battle felt a little dragged.

The constant shift of POV in the middle of a chapter didn't really work for me. I got confused more than once who's POV I'm following.

And the thing that stopped me from giving this book a five is Hugh, the main character of this series felt more like an Extra than the lead character. It felt like Sabae, Talia and even Godrick are the lead POVs and Hugh is just a side character, that put me off.

Being a big Progressive book fan I always like how the lead character grow from zero to hero in neatly paced manner. In this case, Hugh's power grew for sure but his characteristics didn't change at all. Sure he's not feeling as useless as he felt in the previous books but he never once make a decision or question a decision, he just follows others and do what everyone tells him to do and that doesn't feel like a lead character's quality.

I jumped into this book as soon as it came out because I had high hope for this book but for The Siege of Skyhold (Book 5) I'll wait for the reviews before starting.
Profile Image for Ryan McCoin.
179 reviews8 followers
August 16, 2020
Fantastic Addition

John Bierce doesn't slow down in this series. The action and interest mounts and just keeps coming. Very well paced with good character development and very interesting plot progression points. The action in this series is epic and on a whole other level than what you see in books of a similar genre and style. This series is a must-read.
Profile Image for Dichotomy Girl.
2,122 reviews160 followers
June 21, 2021
I just couldn't seem to get into this one, it seemed to drag and wander around listlessly. I'm not sure if I will continue with this series.
Profile Image for Mike.
25 reviews1 follower
October 5, 2020
Fantastic installment of the Mage Errant series, bringing together the best bits of Bierce's writing with an interesting story and fantastic world building.
Profile Image for Tim.
5 reviews
May 8, 2021
A good author getting better.

The Mage Errant series is in some ways a stereotypical coming of age story. Young person is thought useless, attends school where bullying happens, meets good friends, becomes uniquely awesome.

Bierce has taken many of the tropes however and tweaked, turned, or just kept them fun.

Where book three seemed a little slow to me, and book one was certainly a (very good) freshman effort, book 4 seems to come into its own a bit more.

The action, always fun, is getting even better. The outrageous things our team of hero's face is both more ridiculous and mundane. There are I think some missteps, but it's a great fun read.

Ultimately, I am more than satisfied. I am happy with my purchase, and the arc that Bierce's skills as an author are taking.
2,213 reviews52 followers
December 23, 2020
A fitting end for what terrible series.

The promise from book one is completely lost by book four. The overblown, convoluted story is just absurd. The using of the students is ridiculous, that it is still allowed and mostly unnoticed is unbelievable. The writing has become so boring, I had to force my way to the end. I am done with this series, it has just gotten progressively worse.
Profile Image for Todd.
1,827 reviews8 followers
May 24, 2021
A city out of phase with reality for 500 years is coming back. Hugh and company are still apprentices but their power is growing. Kanderon the sphinx sends they and their intstructors to check on it.
They take a sea journey to get there and are attacked by a group called the Havathi.
A good battle royale, but at least a full quarter of the book is filled once again with needless overly intricate details on how magic works. And too much romance
7 reviews2 followers
August 22, 2023
re-file under bad teen romance section

Shame the series devolved into a painful teen romance story, the magic was mostly original in nature I felt…was hoping to see how the ancient enemy worked into the story…I understand it’s a coming of age story…but every other chapter has now turned into long slow scenes of poor romance writing….about teens…couldn’t finish this book, won’t bother with the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Donny.
265 reviews
April 13, 2021
I ended up taking a break from this book and read others before getting back to finish it. I'm not sure I'm going to continue the series. This book just really did not catch my attention.
Profile Image for Andy Zach.
Author 10 books96 followers
February 19, 2021
Author John Bierce delivers his most entertaining book of the series. He begins slowly with main character Hugh of Emblin moping about because his girlfriend split up with him. As an unobservant teen, he doesn't notice his fellow mage Talia is wildly in love with him. They, along with Godrick and Sabae, the other teen mages, get involved with various battles before the main event.

The city of Ithos is re-appearing after 500 years. They were the dominant empire before they were defeated and sent into another universe. Now what?

That alone is enough, but the current Havath empire seeks to get there first. They're the most powerful empire on the planet, with hundreds of mages, archmages, and dragons under their control.

The battle lines are set, but the result is not at all predictable. Lovers of fantasy will love this one.
Profile Image for Rinaldo.
267 reviews50 followers
September 26, 2021

Great continuation of Mage Errant series, if a bit meandering.

This book is basically a long quest to find the titular Lost City of Ithos, with the looming threat of Havathi Empire creeping closer towards Hugh’s crew.

While the main plot itself is a lot of fun, I find myself really sold to the explorations of different forms of great power. Bierce offers an interesting speculative concept of geopolitics constellation consisting of magical beings and creatures. The idea of lichdom is absolutely fascinating, reminds me of Craft Sequence-style divine-ruled cities. There are plethora of mysterious being spread out all over Anastis with some dash of refreshing cosmic horror.
17 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2020
Romance killed the story

Ok the good:
Every element about this series is spot on and great. The characters are well thought out, I love how the story arc moves through the polictical and magical landscapes. This as the potential to better than good it could be great.

The bad:
Too focused on the romance. Yes the audiance in towards the younger crowd, but a great story is almost always kill with romances. Especially ones that don't make the storyline better but actually makes it cliche.

Overall, I like this little series and may rating is really 3.5 and I will definitely read the the whole series as they come out.
Profile Image for Shona.
33 reviews
October 4, 2021

The one word that affected me the most about this part of the series is Forgivess.
And there were so many to choose from. Some questions answered. More questions spawned. Secrets revealed Intense battles. More intense survival. Surprise. Fear. Joy. Pride. And so many more....

March 31, 2021
I love this entire series and couldn’t wait for this one. I am not mad at the continued development.
Profile Image for Isabella.
35 reviews
August 29, 2024
Profile Image for Diego.
43 reviews
February 9, 2023
I really like how this series handles the friendship and the emphasis it has, as well as all the insecurities and self steem stuff in the head of a group of teenagers. This book has a bit more romance, but it's well handed as a part of life, and not something that gets in the way of the plot.
The amount of different types of magic and enchanted stuff is super cool too.
Profile Image for Steven Brown.
388 reviews7 followers
January 6, 2021
A good seires weighed down by virtue signaling.

I really think this series had a possibility of being something great. And it is still very interesting. I have no doubt I will be able to reread the series once the next book comes out and possibly a sixth to complete the series according to the author endnote. It is for me going to remain a Kindle unlimited book and series. it is a well written story for the most part save for way too many point of views, a few plot holes that appeared in this book and the previous, as well as the tenancy shift the story from the one you think you're reading to the one that ends up being climax.

it has plenty of humor and some really interesting characters that throughout the action are compelling and I almost feel the author had too many choices in the direction that they went with a series. Giving every side character from book one a point of view throughout the series treated some unique moments but in the short, relatively short, size of the story is more distracting than entertaining at times. It gets confusing trying to follow all the characters or trying to figure out three paragraphs in who you're actually following.

Another issue I have with the story is how meta it gets when referring to story styles or mysteries. Having characters consistently refer to what happens in novels in a given situation, and having them say this is not a novel, ruins the joke and gets old real quick. Even the ending of this book which ends two new point of views one setting up the ground for the next direction of the series another that was basically a poking eye of the reader. The latter being an omniscient point of view that sort of was obvious and didn't really feel worth the setup.

I've noticed a few times in the series and particularly this book where the author goes out of the way almost not to reveal the sex of a random character they're speaking with until a few paragraphs into a conversation. That's just sort of weird and feels almost forceful.

As exciting as a story is it is the romantic elements, which I feel are an awesome addition for most stories, that I think the author struggles the most in. We don't really get to stay too much into the main character or his love interest points of views long enough to actually feel as if it is real and matters. We see more almost from other people's perspective about it than actually from theirs and that is actually highly disappointing, because if you're going to have it in a young adult or any real fantasy that sort of depth and framing makes the consequences that much more important.

I do not want to rant but I think the story overall has been weakened because the author wants to virtue signal and in a way sidelines social commentary. First book is set up as a typical young adult fantasy almost similar to Harry Potter but in a more medieval mystical world. The problem is the author decided to have multiple povs in books two three and four and do not focus on any one love interest too hard even the main character. We are given several filler romances as well as the reveal that three out of the five main characters are bi or gay.

Because there is a lack of depth actually to it it feels more like a gimmick than an actual part of the story. it feels dishonest in a way because how the author wrote the first book is not how he wrote this second third and fourth books. I was notfully sure until this 4th book what the author was doing. It became blatant when the character of Sabae was the one giving random filler romance and also once again reveal to be bisexual.

it seems obvious in book one who's the main characters love interest will eventually be. But the story was written almost in such a way that again early Harry Potter comes to mind. The friends don't really think too deeply about such things. But suddenly they get much more mature to the point of drinking to get drunk and having magic spells that prevent pregnancy in the next few books. Well at the same time keeping it mostly a young Harry Potter type feel getting a bit more dangerous as each book goes. Everything sexual and important or deep happens off screen for the most part. It just feels like a story that is unbalanced in and of itself instead of focusing on a few characters and giving them depth all the way around and not a blow by throwaway virtue signal.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 221 reviews

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