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An Emotion of Great Delight

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From bestselling and National Book Award-nominated author Tahereh Mafi comes a stunning novel about love and loneliness, navigating the hyphen of dual identity, and reclaiming your right to joy--even when you're trapped in the amber of sorrow.

It's 2003, several months since the US officially declared war on Iraq, and the American political world has evolved. Tensions are high, hate crimes are on the rise, FBI agents are infiltrating local mosques, and the Muslim community is harassed and targeted more than ever. Shadi, who wears hijab, keeps her head down.

She's too busy drowning in her own troubles to find the time to deal with bigots.

Shadi is named for joy, but she's haunted by sorrow. Her brother is dead, her father is dying, her mother is falling apart, and her best friend has mysteriously dropped out of her life. And then, of course, there's the small matter of her heart--

It's broken.

Shadi tries to navigate her crumbling world by soldiering through, saying nothing. She devours her own pain, each day retreating farther and farther inside herself until finally, one day, everything changes.

She explodes.

An Emotion of Great Delight is a searing look into the world of a single Muslim family in the wake of 9/11. It's about a child of immigrants forging a blurry identity, falling in love, and finding hope--in the midst of a modern war.

248 pages, Hardcover

First published June 1, 2021

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About the author

Tahereh Mafi

53 books57.8k followers
Tahereh Mafi is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Shatter Me series. She was born in a small city somewhere in Connecticut and currently resides in Santa Monica, California with her husband, fellow author Ransom Riggs. She can usually be found over-caffeinated and stuck in a book. Shatter Me is her first series, with television rights optioned by ABC Signature Studios; Furthermore, her first middle grade novel, is on shelves now, and Whichwood, its darker companion, will be on shelves November 14, 2017.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,502 reviews
Profile Image for Angelica.
871 reviews1,193 followers
Want to read
July 26, 2020
The title: An Emotion of Great Delight.
The desription: "a really sad book".
Profile Image for dana sun.
197 reviews44 followers
July 4, 2021
I started this book because it was Ramadan and I figured I could read another book with muslim rep... and I hated it.

I’ve felt weird about Mafi’s muslim (hijabi??) rep in the past with Nazeera from Shatter Me and how she regarded the hijab as an accessory without actually speaking about the religious significance of it properly. I was hoping to see her representation the religion better in this book but I was just really disappointed.

The setting of this book is after 9/11 but honestly this book could just be me living my life in 2021 so there’s nothing “historical” about it.

The conversation that the main character has with Nate about the burqa was just overall really unnecessary. I still don’t know why it was written like that because the things Shadi said are consistent with what I have heard from islamophobes and those uneducated about the burqa.

I feel like this book tried to talk about a lot of important issues... but it didn’t really address any of them. So many things happened and this book deals with so many important themes but it doesn’t really talk about them well or at all.

As a Muslim American myself, I wanted to see myself and my religion well represented and I just didn’t get that from this book.
Profile Image for hillary.
739 reviews1,543 followers
September 25, 2021
3.5 stars

I felt my heart grow harder as I moved through the halls, felt it get heavier.
One day, I worried, it would simply fall out.

I personally prefer AVLEOS over this book because I think the former was more developed, but I’m not complaining: An Emotion of Great Delight has a charming melancholic atmosphere and a romance you can’t help but root for. This is the most Tahereh Mafi’s style has reminded me of dark gritty YA contemporaries I love to read. I knew she had the potential and the skills to go there and I’m so happy I can see her full abilities on display. I was torn on that rating for a long time, but for how much I liked this I can’t overlook the fact that this was too short. I even liked that the ending was so abrupt, but I’d have liked to have fallen in love with Shadi a little more. I also feel like the toxic friendship plotline got too repetitive and took too much of a center-stage for such a short book. I believe though, that if I’d read this book in the right mood and mindset I would have loved it. That’s why I’m definitely planning on rereading it sometime soon (meaning in two to four years? Lol I hate that I can’t reread without getting bored anymore).

Things I absolutely loved about this book:
- Shadi’s character and the conflict with her family
- the post-9/11 setting and the repercussions on the Muslim community
- the Muslim rep
- Ali (he has my freaking heart)
- the cute but steamy romance I was dying for (can Tahereh write an adult romance already? I would literally need a grave yesterday if she’d dare to step that hard on me)


*cheering from the sidelines because Tahereh Mafi is finally free to write new books outside of the Shatter Me series*

*screaming of joy because this is a new sad contemporary and she’s a bomb writer who deserves to write good books*
Profile Image for S the Reader.
27 reviews14 followers
January 31, 2021
"Like, you know what a burqa is? Those gross tent things the Taliban forces women to wear in Afghanistan?" *


Look, whatever our main character's beliefs are, it is irresponsible, as an author, to throw out something as damaging and misleading as the above and not address it again. While there is no doubt that many in the world, Taliban or otherwise, force particular groups of women to wear the burqa, there are many other women in the world who wear the burqa as an expression of their faith and probably don't need books like this consolidating the idea that their garb of choice is a "gross tent thing". Not all practice the religion to the same degree, or in the same ways. It's extremely silly to suggest one form is somehow superior or more liberating or less "gross" than the other. We can condemn those who misuse religion and not alienate and insult a group of others at the same time.

As a Muslim, there are parts of this book I connected to quite well, namely Shadi's experience of not quite belonging, of always being at an arms-reach away from her peers. I liked the blend of Eastern and Western culture and faith, and seeing a realistic portrayal of their constant intertwinement. There were other parts, from a religious standpoint, that I felt a little separated from. For example, there is a lot of sin in this book, but it feels like it is only barely acknowledged. . At one point, the sins of Shadi's brother are compared against those of her father's and Shadi states that she's quite certain, that in the eyes of God, her brother was a better person. Like most Muslims, I believe God is the ultimate judge, and it's little moments like this in the book that made me take a step back.

One thing I remain unsure of is whether or not I like Mafi's writing style - a problem that I had with her previous books. There are moments when it feels just right, with sweeping beautiful sentences laced with all the needed emotions. Despite my misgivings throughout the book, I did keep going quite effortlessly, and I think that's down to the strange compelling nature of her words. There were other moments, however, when I thought it was a fraction too dramatic, too messy, too loaded with quirkiness. I don't know. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

The weirdest part of the book for me was the ending. It's vague and abrupt and feels like it's missing a chapter or two. There's not much conclusion or resolution in this book, and maybe that was intentional, but the effect is a bizarre one. It doesn't feel realistic really... just kind of pointless.

*Quotation taken from ARC and may therefore be different in final copy.
Profile Image for Dana Al-Basha |  دانة الباشا.
2,274 reviews926 followers
February 10, 2023
[April 4, 2020] Joy... happiness?
[May 26, 2021] The character's name Shadi which means Happy in Farsi but in Arabic it's شادي this name is for males and it means a singer with a beautiful voice, it could be applied to birds and humans, if you want to name a female we add a ة and it becomes شادية.

[June 2, 2021] That's a first! I didn't like this book. I really disliked Shadi. First time I didn’t enjoy a book by Tahereh. I found the book full of nonsense sometimes and at other times full of pain and unreasonable anger. When I say unreasonable I mean the true anger should not be on her father. I must add that no, there's no mistake in translating Quran, God is a He, I'm an Arabic speaker.

Shadi is an angry teen, she places her sadness on others, her siblings, her parents, and her best friend. I found her weak, passive, and very pessimistic. First, that girl isn't her best friend, any friend who has a HUGE problem with you being with their sibling is a red flag. Secondly, her dad has every right to be sad and mad at his son, the guy was bad. In Islam, we have this story in Quran about a couple who loses their son early, the conclusion it's better for them, God wouldn't have taken that boy after the father was mad at him unless he was a bad boy. If your faith doesn't allow you to see that as Shadi is blinded by anger, she shouldn't have wished her dad dead, the mother is completely dependent on him.

My problem with Americanized foreigners isn't that they feel patriotic to the country they live in (that's just human nature), is that they get mad when local people say they don't belong. Well, so what if you don't? You can't belong to a land fully when the country isn't the same as how you were raised, or your values and religion are making you an enemy of the local people, even if you were born there. I understand how the media intensified that, but living in a country that vocalizes hatred so publicly toward Muslims should make that feeling stop, or at least for one to live in constant caution. One's civic duty and nationality aren't always in sync, ask any Palestinian. Living in a time where passports are bought doesn't guarantee loyalty just a fresh start. Even if you like your new home, it doesn't mean the locals are hospitable, that's why it's very complex for Muslims to blend in a foreign society, not because they don't want to, but because they are labeled "not local", "different", "dangerous", and so on; if, as Shadi implied in the attack on her in the street, you can't fight back, then are you really a part of that society? You will always be the "other". When the country's laws don't protect you because you are the "other", is it really where you belong?

I must add her characters don't seem Muslim, they make fun of the hijab, and niqab, and they kiss and smoke; the disappointing part is that the hijab isn't a religious statement to her, just an attention-seeking fashion tool. I'm seriously disappointed with this book.

In any case, I felt that the book ended when it was becoming sweeter. Which is sad.
Profile Image for not my high.
341 reviews1,184 followers
March 20, 2022
Ta książka nie opisuje zapachów, kolorów, emocji. Ona JEST zapachem, kolorem, emocją. Jej faktura: namacalność łez, potu i oddechu jest powalająca i może właśnie dlatego zostawiła w moim sercu taki ciężar.

Chciałabym przytulić główną bohaterkę. Chciałabym przytulić jej mamę i tatę i siostrę i byłą przyjaciółkę. Jestem na nich wszystkich tak wściekła, ale to chyba tylko potęguje głębokie, bolesne współczucie.

Traktuj tę książkę jak wyrywek z życia, nie jak pełną historię. Chaotyczny kłębek strachu i beznadziei. Po raz kolejny odkryłam, że zachwycająca książka to coś więcej niż ładnie splecione słowa. Prawdziwy zachwyt pojawia się wtedy, kiedy czuję łzy w oczach, ból w sercu i ucisk w płucach. Kiedy mogę poczuć jak pachnie słoneczny dzień i posmakować samotności.

Z całego serca polecam!

TW śmierć, żałoba, samookaleczanie się, rasizm, przemoc
Profile Image for Asiyah.
39 reviews40 followers
April 9, 2023
I think often art requires no prior knowledge. This book however may need some context. Tahereh wrote the first draft of this book in a week. She had wanted to write this story of pain, she wanted it to be brief and end in hope not necessarily a resolution. She wanted to emphasize the realness of the pain young people experience. How beneath our muslim identities we experience grief, sorrow, joy, helplessness and pain the same way. With that context in mind the book is a masterpiece.

It is the painful portrait of a human family - breaking. The relationship between Shadi, Her father and her brother to me was relatable. I have a father like hers, and I have a brother, one who often was deemed sinful. The amount of resentment she has towards her father for his actions is something I think people without this trauma will simply not understand. They will not understand that you want to hate people but cannot. That you still love them, of course, but still you blame them for their lack of understanding. Lack of empathy towards children and their pain. Parents who yell and shout and push us away until we have no other coping mechanisms except ‘sinful’ ones we can’t escape alone. This book is a powerful painful portrait of that. I hope people who read this - especially those significantly older than the protagonist can understand that.

I saw many people complain about the lack of resolution, with Zhara or the plot in general. I hate open endings. But this book is not about fixing everything and making it perfect, life is never like that. The moral of the story is learning to reclaim hope and joy, learned that life goes on after grief. As for Zhara, This book is a window into a world I have known for a long time. Even in simple terms its complexity is hard to explain and Tahereh Mafi took it upon herself to peel the layers for us. Not everyone will understand the message, but those can are those who can understand and admire complexity. Those who can look through the window and realize that they are seeing only part of a story, perhaps the most important part.
Profile Image for Saajid Hosein.
134 reviews704 followers
February 7, 2022
Compelling, heartbreaking, hopeful. Really enjoyed it. I'm not going to review this book, but rather defend it because I'm starting to realize that a lot of people aren't too fond of the story for reasons I disagree with. All opinions, however, are valid. So if you hated this book, you're not wrong. These are just my opinions.

I'm seeing a lot of unfair critiques of the book from especially Muslim reviewers, who don't feel like the book properly represented them. While representation is great, representation politics has one major flaw - the idea that we EXPECT to be represented by books that seem to be about characters that are like us. Just because this is a Muslim-American story does not mean that it is MEANT to represent all Muslim-American experiences. I don't think that authors and their stories (especially those underrepresented in literature) should be burdened with the weight of having to properly represent the groups that their characters belong to. We are collectives but we're also individuals and should not expect that a story about someone with a similar background is going to fully reflect our own experiences. Besides, I think seeing yourself in a story is consequential. It's an added bonus, but it should not be something that you expect from an author nor should it be something the author is required to pander to.

I agree that there's an oversaturation of YA Muslim novels that talk about political issues, racism, Islamophobia and problems within the Muslim community while simultaneously not talking about Islam. Books like ALL AMERICAN MUSLIM GIRL and LOVE FROM A TO Z are rarities in the sense that they are two of the only YA Muslim novels that actually talk about the main characters' relationship with the faith of Islam itself, as opposed to just representing Islam as a socio-cultural identity sans religiosity (like most Muslim YA, including this book).

But here's the thing, Tahereh Mafi does not owe us that. If she wants to write a story about a Muslim character who is not religious or whose religiosity is not explored on the page, that's her prerogative. I do not think that this book leaving out the 'Islamic representation' is an inherent flaw in the story. In my very humble opinion, these critiques are less about the quality of the story and more about what reviewers are subjectively expecting from it. It's okay to be disappointed that the book didn't go there, but that doesn't make the story objectively bad. I think the issue is that publishing is afraid to put out more 'religious' Islamic stories, and would much rather ride the current trend of 'political' YA when it comes to publishing Muslim books.

I understand that many Muslims will have issues with the book - the lack of religious exploration, the main character being a smoker and having pre-marital contact with a boy, her brother being a substance user, etc. But none of these things make it a bad story. And just because the book is not ideologically aligned with you, does not make this any less a valid Muslim story. Surprise, some of us are not perfect and it's okay for Muslims to write stories that explore that imperfection and complexity.
Profile Image for Fer Bañuelos ✨.
798 reviews3,744 followers
April 26, 2021


Thank you netgalley for providing me with an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I'm stuck between 2.5 and 3 stars. It's been a long time since I've been this conflicted about a book.

We follow Shadi, a muslim girl living in a post 9/11 America. She struggles to find balance between her beliefs and her feelings, having a lot of problems at home. She takes us in an extremely emotional journey, one that you can't leave without feeling the weight of it in your heart.

Something that I really enjoyed about the story is how powerful it is. Every emotion that Shadi feels you feel it too as you read her words, packed with anger and hope. Tahereh's writing style has always been of my favorites. Her way with words is so distinctive and I always enjoy reading her work. Shatter Me and A Very Large Expanse of Sea are some of my favorite books because of that.

Another aspect I quite liked was reading about a culture completely different from my own. To be honest I'm not that aware of Iranian culture but I really liked learning more form it, even it was in little amounts, from the book.

That being said, I had some problems with the book, but I feel most of them are due to some personal preferences.

I've never been a fan of stories that take place in a few days. Sometimes they start to feel a little rushed to me and that's what happened with AEOGD. On the other hand, "slice of life" stories are some of my favorites, and I was hopping this book could reach a happy medium with both of them. That didn't happen though.

So many things happened, a lot. That would not had bothered me as much if they were somewhat resolved at the end, but I just felt a little unsatisfied when I finished the book. I completely understand why the author did it, there's a beauty in how the story wrapped up and how we say goodbye to Shadi, but I just wanted a LITTLE more. Overall that made me feel a little disconnected with the book, not only with Shadi as a character but with everything else that happened.

I think that maybe I will be in the minority here. An Emotion of Great Delight is a beautiful but heart-wrenching story that I could foresee myself returning to in the future to give it another chance, but as of right now it isn't my favorite of Tahereh's work sadly.


Tengo que decir que no estoy seguro si es un 2.5 o un 3, hace mucho que no estaba tan conflictuado con la calificación de un libro. Y también estoy triste de decir que este definitivamente es una de mis decepciones del año.

Ya saben que AVLEOS es uno de mis favoritos de la vida, entonces cuando vi un nuevo contemporaneo de Tahereh yo tenía las ganas por los cielos. Pero al final este libro no me terminó satisfaciendo como yo esperaba. De hecho, me dejo medio abrumado.

Lo bueno del libro es algo que nunca falta en un libro de Tahereh: está bellamente escrito y cada emoción planteada es inevitable que no la sientas tú también. Es una historia que, a pesar de corta, trae un golpe emocional consigo muy fuerte y tuve una experiencia bastante diferente mientras lo leia. Podría decir que si me dejo mucho al terminarlo.

Pero, diciendo eso, si tuve problemas con el libro.

No me encantan las historias que toman lugar en pocos días, porque siempre me quedo con las ganas de tener más desarrollo que unos cuantos días no me puede dar. Y, con eso, en este libro está sucediendo mucho, demasiado. Eso no me hubiera molestado si hubieramos tenido un poco de resolución para ellos al final, pero cuando lo terminé quedé muy insatisfecho. Entiendo el porqué la autora tomó esa dirección, de hecho creo que hay un cierto tipo de belleza en la forma en la que se da el final, pero me quedé con ganas de más.

Si podría decir que AEOGD es un libro al que, posiblemente, le de una segunda oportunidad en el futuro y volver a visitar a la historia, especialmente ya que tenga la copia final ya que este se lanze, pero puedo decir que es mi libro menos favorito de la autora por mucho.

Donaria ambos de mis riñones y mi nalga izquierda por una copia avanzada de este libro
Profile Image for marta (sezon literacki).
311 reviews1,350 followers
February 17, 2022
Smutna i piękna jednocześnie. Napisana niezwykłym językiem, odrobinę może niepasującym do powieści młodzieżowej, momentami zbyt egzaltowanym, ale dla mnie właśnie w tym tkwi sedno tej książki. "Gorzki smak jej wielkiej radości" to smutny przykład tego, jak rasizm i mowa nienawiści oddziałuje na jednostkę.
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,904 reviews2,685 followers
July 29, 2021
I absolutely loved A Very Large Expanse of Sea and thought that it had so much to say about race in America today. Unfortunately, this one did not resonate with me in the same way. I felt very uncomfortable with some of the statements made, and after reading a couple of reviews written by Muslim-Americans I can understand why I might have felt that way. I can't even begin to speak from their point of view, so I encourage readers to seek out the reviews from members of that community for a more authoritative and knowledgeable analysis.

Otherwise, I did get some of the same emotions as I have with Mafi's previous books. She has a beautifully eloquent way of writing and it makes the scenes come to life in an incredible way. Her writing style is unique and really connects with the reader.

I am very much NOT a fan of books with hazy resolution, and this book didn't have much in the way of wrap up at all. I like answers, and this novel doesn't provide them. I do recommend this book if you come into it knowing that all of your questions are not going to be answered. You should also read some of the more critical reviews from Muslim reviewers to understand a few of the controversial elements. I will continue to read books by this author in the future because her voice is distinctive.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for marwah.
494 reviews1,129 followers
September 13, 2022
[ 2 stars ]

“I lived, always, on the uncertain plane of a hyphen.”

guys I'm fine I'm doing absolutely amazing
no I'm not Tahereh Mafi why why why

I wanted to love this.
no I knew i was going to love this.
I trusted the high ratings here, everyone called this book an "amazing" and a "absolute must-read" after reading this I do agree. Taherehs description of grief and sadness is written so beautifully and truthfully but that doesn't make this book magically perfect when it has possibly the worst Muslim representation I have ever read in a book.
As a Muslim myself I love seeing healthy and halal relationships in books *cough* love from a to z *cough*
I just wanted to say I understand these characters are supposed to be damaged and flawed and always an excuse for bad muslim rep
I know that books like these have "damaged/lost " characters but at least respect the more religious aspects next time :)

I feel like so many issues were tried to be discussed in this book but didn't really address any of them at all. this was not it at all.
Profile Image for imman 🎃.
47 reviews
February 12, 2021
It is so hard to read a book so close to home, so close to me as a person, and to walk away feeling so conflicted. I wanted so badly to like this review, to follow Shadi's journey. But there is so much done wrong in this book, that I felt so frustrated.

The first problem I had with this book is that there is just way too much going on, in a short amount of time. We meet Shadi, and we learn the following
* Her Dad is in the hospital
* Her Brother has died
* She lost her best friend
* She likes her ex-best-friend brother
* Her Mom is depressed
* She lives in a post 9/11 world

I just felt like everything was too much, and because we had so many problems, nothing was adequately explored. We didn't find conclusions to ANY of the problems addressed, which left me feeling angry. I don't think it's okay to introduce so many problems but provide not a single path to healing.

Additionally, I think Mafi didn't tackle the idea of Muslim Identity well in this story. I do not expect Shadi, a 17-year-old girl, to have herself figured out as a Muslim-American, and to expect so would be unreasonable. However, Mafi switches back and forth between Shadi being totally in tune with God and religion to someone who found it to be excessive and strange. I understand the feeling of dichotomy and feeling so divided, but I think that some of the thoughts she had were just irresponsible. For example, the talk she has with Noah about the burqa is just so wrong on so many levels, and I found it ironic because it is no different than what people say about Muslims wearing a hijab.

This book had so very little to do with post-9/11 America. It was mentioned like once or twice, but overall this story could have taken place in 2020 with no problem. I think that it was a mistake to market it as such. It would have done way better to market this book about a girl's problem with identity and grief, which is at its core.

There is also a BIG problem with Mafi's writing. I have always disliked her writing style because it has always felt flamboyant with a lack of substance. And reading the first chapter gave me such a hard whiplash because what teenager even talks like this? At all? I was once 17 not that long ago, and I have a sister who is 17. Her descriptions and style become so much it's suffocating, and it really takes away from the idea that Shadi is a teenager.

The ending was so rushed it hurt, and the whole plot with Ali was such bullshit I can feel it hot in my blood. I hated how fast the ending happened and how the ending gave us absolutely NOTHING. Zip. Nadda.

I can go on and on about what I had problems with, but I just feel disappointed. I can tell that Mafi wrote from a place of genuine hurt and pain, but it is just too complicated and hurried. Most of all, as a Muslim-American myself, I did not love what was being written and I could not see myself in the story. I wanted so badly to love this book, but it's just a depression ride with very little clarity, direction, and insight.

ARC was provided by NetGalley and Publisher in exchange for a fair review
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
December 31, 2022

“My sadness had made me noteworthy. Beautiful. Had imbued in me a kind of dignity, a weight I could not uncarry”.

Si les gustó el primer libro contemporáneo de Tahereh Mafi, A Very Large Expanse of Sea, este también les va a encantar.

En An Emotion of Great Delight nos encontramos con la historia de Shadi, una chica musulmana que vive en Estados Unidos con sus padres y su hermano. Todo esto sucede en el 2003, cuando el 9/11 ya ha pasado, Estados Unidos ha declarado oficialmente la guerra en Irak y la islamofobia está más fuerte que nunca. A pesar de todos los malos comentarios, los empujones y los malos tratos que recibe, Shadi siempre intenta mantenerse fuerte, en su mundo y rodeada de su familia y amigos para no caer en provocaciones absurdas. Pero el problema es que su vida familiar se está desmoronando, hay una pérdida muy fuerte que no ha logrado superar, su amiga se ha vuelto la persona más tóxica del mundo y la persona a la que quiere está casi que prohibida.

La historia de Shadi está contada en dos tiempos, pero no puedo revelar uno de ellos sin caer en un gran spoiler. Sin embargo, creo que este libro comunica muchísimas cosas tremendamente poderosas sobre una sociedad dividida, sobre los miedos que sienten las personas que son partes de comunidades vulnerables, sobre lo difícil que es encajar cuando no eres parte de la mayoría, sobre los problemas que se ocultan en casa, sobre las cosas de las que es mejor no hablar por miedo al qué dirán, sobre lo problemáticas que pueden ser ciertas amistades a las que no dejas ir por no sentirte sola, sobre lo frustrante que es querer a alguien y no poder demostrarlo. Tahereh Mafi encapsula en 250 páginas un montón de sentimientos que solo ella es capaz de escribir de una forma tan pura, sin filtros y real. Incluso aunque no seas parte de las personas que ella representa en esta historia, el libro es capaz de hacerte poner en sus zapatos, y eso es algo valiosísimo.
Profile Image for Ksia_zkowe Oliwia.
458 reviews455 followers
November 13, 2023
Tak jak serce Shadi jest złamane tak i moje, rozumiem ją. Krótka książka, ale emocjonalny, wielki rollercoaster
Profile Image for Kasia.
141 reviews85 followers
January 18, 2022
Czy za drugim czytaniem da się pokochać książkę jeszcze bardziej? Otóż tak. Uwielbiam to w jaki sposób Mafi potrafi zawładnąć sercem czytelnika, zaangażować go w historię i pozostawić z masą pytań i uczuć. Uwielbiam tę książkę i oficjalnie trafia na listę moich ulubieńców życia.
Profile Image for Ania.
202 reviews2,189 followers
March 24, 2022
Piękna, smutna, łamiąca serce kawałek po kawałku. Nie wiem czemu z początku założyłam, że ta książka mi się nie spodoba. Fakt brakowało mi w niej czegoś, jednak naprawdę mnie zauroczyła.
Profile Image for Ranaaa.
93 reviews20 followers
October 6, 2022
1.5/5 ⭐️ uh..it’s definitely a book. and it has words…
What was the point?? Where was the plot?? I don’t understand what I just read. This whole “book” was just super depressing. And wtf was that representation..at this point you can’t even say the main character is Muslim. She wants her dad dead, like she’s literally praying for him to die..and her and this other character kissed…
Someone help me out cause I think I lost a few brain cells. Like I literally don’t know what I just read. This book sucks, sorry not sorry.
At least the cover is pretty..🤷🏽‍♀️💀
Profile Image for MA.
358 reviews218 followers
August 11, 2022

To bardzo ładna, eteryczna książka, zachowana w dosyć specyficznej konwencji językowej jak na powieść młodzieżową - i ta warstwa naprawdę mi się podobała. Czasami była lekko przesadna tylko po to, by wpasować się w schemat, który sama sobie narzuciła, ale jestem w stanie przymknąć na to oko. Natomiast tym, co mi się nie podobało były portrety psychologiczne bohaterów, które sprawiały wrażenie wyłącznie zlepka upostaciowionych problemów.
Uważam też, że za dużo jest tu społecznie ważnych tematów, by zgrabnie zmieścić je 240 stronach, oddając każdemu odpowiednią cząstkę historii.
Wątek romantyczny nie był nachalny i nie wywoływał we mnie mdłości, więc można uznać go za plus lektury.
Cała ta powieść jest spiralą niewypowiedzianych cierpień i mglistych trosk o drugiego człowieka, która eskaluje na przestrzeni fabularnej.
Podsumowując, moim największym zarzutem jest objętość książki i spłycona wizja osobowości bohaterów, a największą zaletą - styl pisania Mafi.
Profile Image for enne ౨ৎ (ia).
59 reviews74 followers
May 8, 2024
dnf page 72
so far it's beautifully written but i'm just bored
i'm just kind of in a slump rn and this book isn't helping so....
but dw I will come back to it !!!
Profile Image for julka disco book.
177 reviews20 followers
April 28, 2023
„W tej samotności nie miałam schronienia. Byłam za mało irańska dla Irańczyków i za mało amerykańska dla Amerykanów. Byłam za mało wierząca dla ludzi w meczecie, za mało świecka dla reszty świata.”
wyjątkowa, mądra i potrzebna młodzieżówka. przepełniona emocjami, smutkiem, samotnością i żalem. cieszę się bardzo, że w końcu po nią sięgnęłam💛
Profile Image for el.
265 reviews1 follower
June 1, 2021
i did not expect to cry as much as i did with this one but here i am still, in fact, crying.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,502 reviews

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