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Brides of Karadok #3

The Consolation Prize

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Princess Una harbors no illusions about her claims to Karadok’s throne. The last of her ill-fated line, she is just grateful she emerged from the dark days of war with her head still on her shoulders. After three years under house arrest, she is keen to start her own life afresh, hopefully in relative obscurity. What she does not realize is the extraordinary scheme the King has devised to find her a suitable bridegroom.

Armand de Bussell is a rogue who shirks his duties and does as he pleases. How anyone could think him fit for a princess is a mystery to him. He neither wants nor needs a wife in his life. At least… that’s what he always thought before he met the Blechmarsh princess.

The Consolation Prize is a stand-alone novel of over 99,000 words and is set in a medieval style landscape in the fictional kingdom of Karadok. Please do not purchase if you are offended by strong language and or sex scenes.

331 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 27, 2020

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Alice Coldbreath

21 books1,721 followers

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Profile Image for Sometime.
1,703 reviews155 followers
February 26, 2022
2/2022 Re-read changed my rating from 4 to 3 stars because I didn't like the H's playboy past and his constant thoughts about past OWs and his "type."

When this book opens we discover that our H Armand, is a con man. He is competing in a tournament and it reminded me of a WWE wrestling match where they put on a great show, but it's all fake. He has a con running where he competes and does really well in a few tournaments and then he throws the match and he and his accomplice share the money they won gambling. He suddenly finds himself blind drunk and married to Una, the former princess of the North Kingdom.

There isn't a lot of action in this book. There is the odd action scene, but mostly it centers on the relationship of our H/h as they get to know each other in their arranged marriage. Armand believes himself to be a selfish playboy and Una sees he has more depth. It was fun to watch them figure things out together. Una was an amazing h and I loved her! There were some great secondary characters, Una's brother Otho and many of the servants at their estate, as well as Armand's nightmare of a brother and sister-in-law.

I really like Alice Coldbreath's writing style and I love reading books centered in medieval times. In fact, Alice Coldbreath has become an auto-buy author for me. This book wasn't one of my favorites, but I enjoyed it much more than a lot of other books I've read recently.

Profile Image for Ira.
1,110 reviews119 followers
August 30, 2020
4.25 stars.

Oh boy! I don’t expected a hero like this in this book and he end up with a princess! 😳🤦‍♀️😂.

His characters, is the absolute awful from Alice’s collections of heroes so far, er no, this is not a spoiler. You will find about him from the first chapter.

However, there is a good thing when you get a character like this, you will read an amazing character development through all your reading time and with a heroine like Una? Sir Armand don’t stand a chance and definitely became a change man at the end! 😘


Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,193 followers
September 21, 2020

“When did you become everything to me?”

Another winner from Alice Coldbreath. I will say though, she took quite a risk on this hero. Just as the heroine apparently did. He was not a good person. A bit of charlatan, really. In fact, in the beginning, I kind of felt sorry for Una in getting stuck with the bastard. I will admit, as well, that it kind of bothered me that she refused to acknowledge his misdeeds. But as the story plays out... that all comes back to her 100-fold. There is a grovel-fest at the end that is just delicious. It's all quite predictable, but none-the-lesss enjoyable for it.

I am really enjoying this series. I'm hoping there will be more to come. ;)
Profile Image for daemyra, the realm's delight.
1,076 reviews37 followers
May 24, 2022
Dear Alice Coldbreath,

More Brides of Karadok, please 🥲

Loved Princess Una finding her husband in Armand, a scoundrel of a tournament knight… who, of course, turns into a faithful husband almost immediately, but the way AC writes them, the heroes are still so hot. I found this sweet and charming, nothing too angst-y but pleasant to read. After a surprising turn of events when Armand wins Una as a “consolation prize” in a tournament that was put together for the purpose of finding an eligible knight to marry Una off, they quickly set off for Armand’s rundown estate. They clean house.

Back story: Northern King tried to unite Karadok kingdom under one rule but was vanquished by the Southern King. Princess Una was the king’s legitimate heir (all sons were bastards) and held under house arrest and then at the Southern Court.

Despite seeing a lot of violence, Una’s ambition is to be left alone instead of to be used as a symbolic figurehead for the North. The Southern King has a big soft spot for Armand de Bussell, most likely because he has the look of a tournament champion. Armand comes from what was once a prominent noble house that is now a bunch of provincial yokels that are uptight and cheap, and he is just vibing, throwing some tournaments to win a bigger pot, so Una doesn’t have the highest impression of his skills as a knight or fighter.

Ok but when Armand got a little rage jealous at the end 😏😏😏 That shift was going to get ripped sometime!! Also, although not angst-y, it was still steamy. Nothing explicit but you know it’s good when a look or a jealous sentence gets you like 🥵🥵🥵

Loved how practical everyone was, meaning that Armand didn’t expect to be married but made do after a reasonable conversation. Una was quite diplomatic and reasonable about Armand being a cheat. I find that I like these moments of normalcy, as they show how the characters can be decent without harping on about their virtue. I also like these moments because typically they would be used as sources of contention that would be boring. Not everything that can be used for drama has to be used for drama.

On that note, I thought the treasure seeking would have a bigger call-back but I am glad it didn’t go that way. It didn’t feel meandering to me, although I could see it being interpreted that way by some readers. I am partial to plots that involve fixing up rundown estates, meeting interesting side characters.
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
October 1, 2020
We remember Una from the previous book and there she's just an ugly pawn. Here we see Una in a completly different light! And it's such a wonderful thing!

What I like from Ms. Coldbreath books is the characters that starts bland, ugly, unlikable for various reasons, but you just cannot end loving them when you finish the book!

And that's true here too!

We see Una's POV and you understand that her ugliness and blandness are just a cover for a very, very likable woman!

Also Armand is excellent character! He starts as a wastrel and his only goal is do get most by doing less! He tries to weasel out from committing, but end with a wife! LOL

At the end he's so grown up that he's alsmost unrecognizable!

A wonderful, funny, sweet book!
Profile Image for Inna.
1,602 reviews348 followers
April 27, 2021
Second time around, I’m raising my rating to 4 stars.

I saw that the audiobook of this was available on hoopla, so I decided that I would listen to the story and see if it changed my opinion of this story. Surprisingly, it really did. Maybe it was my mood, or that I knew what to expect, but I really did enjoy the story more this time.

Alice Coldbreath really never disappoints. Now I’m just looking forward to her next book!

Original review:

3 stars. I’m feeling conflicted about the rating for this book. I enjoyed the story overall, it was an entertaining and easy read. I also was pleasantly surprised that Alice Coldbreath continues to write unique characters in all of her books. I feel like it’s common for authors to unwittingly write the same hero and heroine (with different backgrounds), which is not the case here.

This is the story of Una and Armand. She is the king’s cousin, who has a claim to the throne. Instead of having her killed, they decide to marry her off to a lesser noble, and she becomes the prize in a tournament. Armand throws the fight, and comes in last place, but thanks to the manipulations of Earl Vaudrey (hero from book 2 of the Vaudrey brothers series), the hero is awarded Una as his bride and forced to marry her. They have a very very awkward wedding night scene, that frankly would have been easily forgettable except the author harped on it for the entire book. The constant mentions made me grow quite the distaste of that scene very rapidly. The hero and heroine eventually grow closer and figure their feelings out, ofc. And they got a nice HFN ending with a really sweet epilogue.

I really like Una as a heroine, she is basically as good natured as they come, even if she’s a little too trusting at times. The problems I have with this book all revolve around the character of the hero. I think this is more a “me” thing... but I felt like he was slimy and untrustworthy. Even though he was treating the heroine pretty well throughout the entire story, I didn’t feel like I could really trust him. I much prefer a hero who’s grumpy and less apt to be fake.

I also felt like there was an unneeded amount of focus on his past sex life. All about how he liked being “playful in bed” and some mentions of past partners being sooooo different from Una. I just couldn’t get the idea of him having all sorts of STDs out of my head. THEN... there’s a scene when he got all jealous thinking the heroine might have some experience with OM in the past. I almost lost my mind reading this part, because HELLO HYPOCRISY. He’s been with countless OW but loses his shit over her possibly being with others? That’s not cute or sweet or anything, but just wrong. If she’s expected to accept his past, why shouldn’t he do the same?

This book is safe, but it has aspects that bothered me (see above). Heroine virgin, hero man whore.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
November 2, 2020
3.75 stars

Same consistent, well-crafted historical romance from this author.
Strong, interesting characters, a bit of drama and very little angst.

Will continue to read this author's work. So far I've read 4 of her books and they've all been a sure thing.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,826 reviews6 followers
August 31, 2020
2.5 stars.

I really enjoy Alice Coldbreath's writing; there's just something about it that really is so engaging to me. However, the heroes in her past couple of books haven't been my favourite, and this one continued the trend. I can sort of understand and even empathize with a flawed character if he has a good reason for being that way, but the hero of this book is a cheater, brawler, and womanizer for no good reason except that he can. There were also way too many mentions of what he prefers in a woman and references to the fact that he wasn't a monk before he married the heroine. If there is a huge disparity in the experience between the MCs as there is here, I really don't want to hear about it at all. At least there was no OW drama. Overall, I gave this 2.5 stars for the heroine, her brother, and the dog.

ETA: The cheating mentioned above wasn’t in relationships but in the tournaments that the hero competed in. Lol.
Profile Image for girlwithhearteyes.
1,205 reviews127 followers
September 6, 2024
5 stars — I had the silliest smile on my face by the end of this audiobook!

Sir Armand did not expect to win Princess Una’s hand (as he threw the first match in the tournament), but a turn of events led to them being married. Una on the hand just wanted her new husband to take her away from the royal court where she’s been under house arrest, so she can start a new life.

I looooved this book. Armand was unscrupulous but toward Una he was considerate and plain smitten, Una was quietly courageaous in a way that made me root for her, and their story was an entertaining ride with thrills, intrigue, giggles and heart eyes mixed in there.

But let’s be honest, it was an automatic 5 stars as soon as we got to 🤣🤣🤣
343 reviews73 followers
February 21, 2021
Sweet and steamy tale of a deposed princess who wants nothing more than a normal, quiet life and a roguish knight who is not above a con if it serves his ends but who becomes a better person when called upon to take care of his own. Loved the characters, who were very distinct from the MCs in Coldbreath's other books. Una especially was really appealing, with a sweetness that hadn't been lost in the course of her sad and difficult life as a political pawn but someone who was well aware of the uglier side of life despite her royal lineage. Lots of quiet angst that was not OTT but very effective in understanding the heroine's nature and choices. Hero Armand was equally appealing, a scoundrel with a good heart and a twinkle in his eye, but who has a capable and formidable side, not to mention the possessiveness and sexual dominance that make her heroes so hot to me. There's never any doubt for long of the MC's feelings in Coldbreath's books!

This has all the elements that have made me such an Alice Coldbreath fan: the very alpha hero (despite his sunnier-than-usual (for a Coldbreath hero) nature; a sweet but not cloying heroine; steamy sex scenes; intense focus on the relationship between the MCs; lots of humor; and some memorable secondary characters. I love Coldbreath's mix of spice and sweetness and can't wait for the next one in this series!
Profile Image for Petra.
346 reviews34 followers
September 9, 2020
The book starts off so funny. I was pleasantly surprised to find Armand to be a schemer and found their wedding night interesting in a way Una was perceiving it. She is such a good soldier :)
Together they were cute and the book is basically centered around them bonding with each other.

““Gimme a taste.”
“You’ve already had a taste!” Una replied shrilly, though her color rose. “You must proceed now to the next step!” He glanced about them in confusion. “Step? S’not a staircase, love. S’a bedroom.”
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,316 reviews301 followers
April 13, 2021
4.5 stars

The Consolation Prize is book 3 in the Brides of Karadok series and another winner for me. As I've said in probably all my reviews, I love this authors books and I fall in love with all her characters. Una and Armand were no different. While Armand was definitely different from the other H's from this author I loved him just as much and watching him grow into the man he should have been was wonderful. Una was lovely, all she ever wanted was freedom from her title and to live her life. Overall another great addition to this series and I look forward to more.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
983 reviews141 followers
October 1, 2021
It took me a little bit to warm up to both Una and Armand but when I did I truly enjoyed their story.

After a romp that Armand doesn't even remember because he was much to far in his cups things felt a bit chilly between he and Una. But Una is one steady woman and stayed the course with him and things started to warm up. When the roll playing started boy oh boy things heat up in their bed chamber. Una was the Dragon and Armand the Knight! LOL

Alice Coldbreath delivered a rather sweet and comical story that was tied up nicely in the end. ❤

Wonderful narrator too!
Profile Image for RLbooks (on a break).
828 reviews313 followers
May 7, 2023
I loved Alice Coldbreath's stoic, grumpy, non-communicative heroes so I sat on this book for a while knowing that Armand (H) was not her typical MMC. He's a conman, playful, enjoys taking chances, and he's actually pretty talkative. But I surprisingly enjoyed him a lot! I knew that I would like Una (h) from the first time she was described in earlier books since she's the former princess of the other royal line in Karadok who's led a pretty tragic life of civil war and house arrest, but simply wants to move on and have a regular life with a family of her own. Una was so level-headed and just rolled with the punches, but had an inner need to feel safe for once. These two end up forced together after a surprising turn in the tourney to decide Una's future husband and they agree to make the best of their situation. Most of the book is them adjusting to the other and working together to establish their new life. Written in third person, dual POV. No ow/om drama (although H was a ladies man and has a reputation that was frustrating; H also gets jealous a couple times over h despite her not being experienced), h is a virgin and H was not.

I loved how Armand would pick up on little cues that Una gave to help him figure out her true feelings. I also loved that Una accepted the parts of Armand's personality that others had judged him for. There were some excellent details woven in to their characters like Una's love of sewing clothing since she wasn't able to do anything else while under house arrest, Armand's need to be playful in bed (others might not enjoy their role playing but I thought it was adorable while still being steamy), and the shift in Armand's vision of what their married life would look like. The steam was plentiful as usual with some awkward moments but great intimacy too. Their wedding night wasn't the best and it does get brought up several times throughout the book because Armand doesn't really remember it so worries over what he did or didn't do. I thought once they got to the deeper emotions that the development felt natural.

Like all of Alice Coldbreath's books, side characters are plentiful and important. In this one there's Una's half-brother, a flighty servant, other household workers, Armand's family who could not be more different from him, and of course some of the members of court like the King, the Queen, and Oswald Vawdrey. There are some villains in the book and occasional moments of danger as well.

The epilogue is several months in the future with Armand competing in another tourney and them happily settled into married life and in love. The ending was very sweet and I felt brought their romance full circle leaving me happy and hopeful that they might pop up in the background of the other Karadok books just for a glimpse.
3,079 reviews60 followers
April 22, 2023
Finally we meet the Northern princess, who is exhausted and bored, bored, bored by the politics of her station. What she wants most is an ordinary life. The H is a clever swindler, not at all political. He's not happy about her being in his life so offers little more than a good time. Their romance is wonderful, full of interesting characters and a great HEA.
Profile Image for Cristina.
1,199 reviews232 followers
November 25, 2023

It pains me to say I couldn’t get into this story. Really enjoy this author so maybe it’s me lol
Profile Image for Kristina .
964 reviews699 followers
October 7, 2022
Sorry to say this one was pretty boring. I could have gotten into it more if I hadn’t just read the previous book which was extremely similar. It��s a story about a woman who’s been relegated to a certain position by others in her life and she breaks free by seeking marriage to a knight. This knight Armand was not that appealing to me. I usually like Coldbreath’s grumpy heroes and that’s probably why I didn’t enjoy this one as much. Armand was a slick ladies man type hero, former man whore who gets stinking drunk to get through their wedding night. He does grow as a character and redeem himself in the end, but overall this book was just very lacklustre. It’s just too similar to Lenora’s story without any of the funny moments and grumpy gruffness. I can’t decide if the whole “Sir Lusty Loins” role playing was funny or cringe. No angst or anything, may be just a calm read for fans of this series.
Profile Image for Irene.
856 reviews109 followers
December 8, 2020

Hilarious at the beginning but progressively sweet and romantic, the story of how princess Una found her prince charming in the face of a con man (with a little help from the king's spy-master of course).
I loved them both, but also all the side characters. It's always a delight reading Mrs Coldbreath's stories and I can't wait for more in the future..

"Do you want to play dragon and knight now?"
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,835 reviews450 followers
July 23, 2022
I enjoyed this but it wasn't difficult to put it down and read something else.
Not sure why... I think Una and Armand fell in love too easily. Maybe the whole story was too 'easy'?
too predictable. too meh.

Una is the princess of the defeated king. Her family was mostly a-holes so no great loss there. She is happy to NOT be a princess. Actually that's been her greatest wish for most of her life, and when the king forces Armand to marry her, she gets her wish.
Armand is kind of a feckless grifter until he weds Una. Then he kinda falls into the life of landed gentry with a rag tag group of servants.
The shining light for me in this book, was Una. I loved her character. She's confident yet unsure at the same time. She takes her lemons and makes lemonade, but not the sickly sweet kind ; )

I love this author's writing style, but her books seem to be getting more and more cookie cutter similar.

safety is fine
Profile Image for Joan.
467 reviews52 followers
August 13, 2023
The Consolation Prize was another excellent in stamens in this series Prince Una, (she was born of royal blood and I refuse to think otherwise) was such a kind, empathetic character and while at first Armand seemed such a wastrel manho, Una brought out the best in her sort of scoundrel/cheat husband.

The secondary characters were wonderful…Otho, Rose, even that rapscallion Furlick.

I took away half a star because I hate that the formerly abused pup was put in danger again. I cried with rage when the villain kicked the little dog and it took me out the story. Nevertheless, this was an exquisite read and recommended.
Profile Image for Zero (semi-hiatus).
582 reviews24 followers
December 22, 2023
1st read: March 2022
2nd read: November 2023

I really enjoyed reading this, but I don't think I loved the romance as much as it did during my first read. The story kept my attention really well, so I'm tempted to still give it 5 stars, but it feels like a 4 star book now.

I still love how the characters were respectful and kind to each other while they were "traveling companions" and eventually their relationship grew into a romance.

Original review:
I adored this book, which isn't a surprise because I love Alice Coldbreath's books.

I liked the main characters so much. Una has been used and pushed around for her whole life, and now she just wants to be free to have a life of her own. She is a pragmatist and doesn't expect much from others, but I wouldn't describe her as a pushover, even though she isn't very assertive.

Armand isn't the most morally upright man. He has shirked his responsibilities and taken the easy path all of his life. But, he is kind to Una from the get-go (except for a few idiotic moments). I really liked seeing their opinions of each other change throughout the book. At the beginning they were thrown together and were just respectful allies, and I loved seeing them grow together in a really believable way.
485 reviews27 followers
September 17, 2020
I pretty much read whatever she writes...

This is her mildest story to date with two rather sweet MCs. The villain is not much of one and is swiftly done away with. After "The Unlovely Bride" and the "Bride for the Prizefighter," both much heavier in tone, this was probably a bit of a break for the author. Overall a nice escape for awhile though it kept making me want to re-read about the Vawdry's, especially the youngest brother Roland who always struck me as "stupid smart" and made me laugh.
Profile Image for Lissa.
1,255 reviews135 followers
December 6, 2021
Yay! Another Alice Coldbreath book, and it's set in the world of Karadok, which I adore.

I've been looking forward to Una's book for quite some time, and I was NOT disappointed. I read this book in one sitting, and even though it was over three hundred pages long, it felt like it was too short. I wanted it to go on forever. :D

I loved the character of Una. I loved Armand. I loved them together.

And I loved Otho !

And I'm thrilled beyond words that the author is continuing the Brides of Karadok series AND the next hero is Lord Kentigern! I'm all ready to devour that one. Hurry up and get here, 2021!

I will hopefully come back and write a more coherent review for this book later. I'm just full of squishy feels for this book.
Profile Image for Bookadmirer.
367 reviews220 followers
May 29, 2021
I have no problem with foreplay but what was the dragon and knight thing?

Very funny and not sexy at all.

I know most Heros of this author is douchebag who turns softie for the heroines. However for this book it just didn’t worked well for me.

Profile Image for lily.
1,266 reviews
August 3, 2021
3.5 stars
Their weeding night was a disaster 🤦‍♀️ and some parts were boring a little bit...but in general I liked it and enjoyed it
Profile Image for Chels.
353 reviews473 followers
April 26, 2022
This one was so sweet! Princess Una is the figurehead of a failed war. Since there are always people who want to use her for political gain, which could have fatal consequences, she's not able to rest easy. The King is the one that would most likely order her head on a platter, but instead he demands her presence at court so he can marry her off.

Enter Armand, a crooked knight who throws matches on purpose to fatten his purse. He flubs the tournament for Una's hand, and is shocked to see the rules have changed on him. Losers win now, apparently!

Most Coldbreath books start with a marriage, with the couple working backwards to intimacy. This one in particular felt very rewarding!
Profile Image for Eliza.
711 reviews41 followers
November 6, 2023
I love Alice, but damn some of her books are boring AF!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews

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