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Squirrel and Bird

Der Blätterdieb

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Das Eichhörnchen ist stinkwütend! Gestern noch hingen so viele schöne bunte Blätter an seinem Baum: rote, orangefarbene und sogar goldene. Doch heute sind ein paar davon spurlos verschwunden. Das kann nur eins bedeuten: Sie wurden gestohlen, und der Blätterdieb ist noch immer auf freiem Fuß! Das Eichhörnchen sucht unter Steinen und hinter Büschen und fragt schließlich seinen besten Freund Vogel um Rat. Ob der weiß, wer hinter dem Blätterklau steckt?

32 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2020

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About the author

Alice Hemming

80 books73 followers
Alice Hemming is the author of over fifty books for children, including the bestselling Dark Unicorns series (Scholastic), and picture book, The Leaf Thief with illustrator Nicola Slater (Scholastic 2020), which has sold across the world and been translated into nineteen languages. Alice lives in Hertfordshire, UK with her husband and two children, and works in a writing shed at the top of her garden.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 310 reviews
Profile Image for Darla.
4,095 reviews954 followers
July 28, 2021
Squirrel is noticing something suspicious. He knows every leaf in his tree and now a leaf is missing. He calls for help from his friend Bird. After several days of leaves diminishing, they see that the wind is making the leaves fall off the trees. It is Fall, after all. This happens every year. Included at the end of the book is additional information about the season of "The Real Leaf Thief." Love the charming and whimsical illustrations by Nicola Slater (Charlie Chooses). Bird is reading about bowling when interrupted by Squirrel. Fellow forest friend Mouse has a leaf boat. Squirrel does yoga and takes a bath in a big nut shell to relax. And more. . . Enjoy!

Thank you to Sourcebooks Jabberwocky and Edelweiss+ for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Avada Kaddavra.
423 reviews70 followers
November 20, 2021
Sehr niedliches Buch, aber noch etwas schwierig für meine Jungs😁
Trotzdem sehr lustig und unterhaltsam, auch für die vorleser*in😄
Profile Image for Milton Public Library.
705 reviews19 followers
August 30, 2021
Squirrel loves the red, orange, and yellow trees in his tree. He loves them so much that as soon as one goes missing, he recruits is friend bird to help him look for it. Bird assures squirrel, as he does every year, that no one has stolen his leaf and that this happens every year come Autumn. This book is a fun look at the change of seasons between Autumn and Winter. My daughter had fun watching squirrel freak out only to realize in the end that losing leaves is natural...every year. The book itself was beautifully illustrated, with captivating scenes. As an adult, I loved that there was an entire back story for bird hidden in the illustrations. Parents and teachers will both find this book educational with some pages at the end reserved for explaining why leaves change colors and fall to the ground. A delightful read!

Find it today: https://ent.sharelibraries.info/clien...

Ashley C. / Milton Public Library #CheckOutMPL
Profile Image for Tessa.
457 reviews32 followers
September 22, 2022
Oh wat een heerlijk prentenboek! Eekhoorn telt zijn prachtige blaadjes; rood, goud, oranje. Maar dan ontdekt hij dat een blaadje is gestolen! Hij roept vogel om hulp, maar die vertelt hem dat het heel normaal is om blaadjes te verliezen in deze tijd van het jaar.
Eekhoorn is er niet gerust op en de volgende ochtend zijn er nog meer blaadjes gestolen! Wie doet dat nou?!

Een prachtig geïllustreerd prentenboek over bomen die hun mooie rode, goude en oranje blaadjes verliezen in de herfst. En dan dat einde, hardop gelachen om de laatste bladzijde.
Leuk inzetbaar om te praten over seizoensverwisseling !
Profile Image for Matt Lillywhite.
198 reviews74 followers
March 14, 2023
I'm going to keep this review short and sweet.

How could I not give an adorable book with a squirrel on the front five stars? It's heartwarming, funny, and worth reading if you have kids/young siblings. Or, if you just want something quick to read, it's worth every second of your time.

Five stars.
Profile Image for debbicat *made of stardust*.
801 reviews117 followers
September 22, 2022
very cute! With the first day of fall coming Sept 21, we were in the mood for a fall read, even tho it is 97 degrees in Mobile, AL this week. (2022). Sigh...

This has characters you love and beautiful illustrations. Add it to your shelf for fall reads. Very enjoyable.
Profile Image for Jess | thegreeneyedreader.
179 reviews87 followers
March 5, 2022
cute, sort of.

I like that it teaches toddlers about wind, but the wording is choppy. It’s not sing-song rhyme-like, nor does it especially flow well. The dialogue is just a bit choppy sounding to me and awkward. The story itself (as a concept) is quite good, but I wish the illustration of the squirrel looked more like a squirrel in all of the pictures. Some of them would be hard for a toddler to look at and know that it’s depicting a squirrel.
Profile Image for AMY.
2,675 reviews
September 8, 2022
A frantic squirrel is on the case trying to figure out who has stolen his leaf. He questions every animal he can find and is completely stressed out by its disappearance. The illustrations are very cute and whimsical. Kids will enjoy the progression of the investigation. It is super funny. Highly recommended for Grades K-2.
Profile Image for Katie Reilley.
934 reviews37 followers
October 2, 2021
Thank you to Sourcebooks for providing an early copy to read and review.

This vibrant, hilarious picture book teaches young readers about autumn and adapting to change. Squirrel loves the colorful leaves in his tree. One day he notices that one of his leaves is missing! He teams up with Bird to discover who the leaf thief could be.

The magic of autumn is beautifully captured on each page as readers join Squirrel on his forest adventure. Perfect for a discussion of change and the feelings it may cause. Back matter includes an explanation of the changes that happen with the seasons.

Published in August 2021.
Profile Image for Amanda French.
12 reviews1 follower
February 14, 2022
This book is an adorable way for a primary approach to science and the changing seasons. The curious way the squirrel uses his prior knowledge of what it looks like when something is gone or missing is very similar to how a small child would rationalize some thing like this. I would read this with a primary class and periodically break from the story to hypothesize (also touching on the scientific method) on what might happen next. We would talk about the leaves, the changing weather, the turn of the year and then eventually the snowfall. After, maybe a coloring page on what the trees and leaves look like in the spring or the fall, they could choose the season and color accordingly. Cute story!
Profile Image for Kinga (oazaksiazek).
1,321 reviews154 followers
January 31, 2023
"Złodziej liści" to zabawna historia wiewiórki, której ktoś kradnie liście z drzewa. Jednego dnia są, kolejnego już ich nie ma. Jak to się dzieje? Do czego doprowadzi ta sytuacja?

Piękne, kolorowe ilustracje i mądry tekst idealny na jesień.

Profile Image for Holly.
198 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2022
did I read this just to boost my Goodreads goal? Yes. Was it freaking adorable anyway? Yes.
Profile Image for Caron.
4 reviews
September 18, 2023
Toddler Book Review
Me: “What did you think of the book?”
3 yo: “It was really great”
Me: “What did you like about it?”
3 yo: “I want to play with the squirrel but give it one but so it doesn’t bite me.”
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews410 followers
June 1, 2022
A hilarious book about a squirrel who thinks someone is STEALING his PRECIOUS leaves. Guaranteed a lot of laughs~

I read this book in Dutch but just have to share my feelings on this hilarious book with my English readers! Because I would HIGHLY recommend this book. I laughed so much.

Meet Squirrel. He is not exactly the smartest as we will soon see. He loves his tree and he loves the leaves on his tree. He is especially enamoured by their pretty autumn colour! But then, DISASTER, one disappears and chaos happens. Yep, the older readers here will know what is happening and will have a laugh at how Squirrel is all flustered over that leaf. Like, boo, it is the season! I loved that he had a friend he could go to (loved his little house btw) and who tries to explain it to Squirrel (with increasing frustration which was very relatable). Which leads to even more chaos as Squirrel apparently just has a sieve in his head. XD Yes, really. Because throughout the book we see Squirrel in complete chaos and not just that, he is also accusing EVERYONE of stealing his LEAF. How dare they! Doesn’t matter that bird tries to convince him that no, that didn’t do that. I was just laughing so hard each time we flipped that page and a new chaotic thing happened. This squirrel!

Given how he was each time I really thought this was his very first autumn… but if we have to go by what bird said near the end… he has been through more autumns… sieve in his head, a big sieve.
The ending, OMG, those last two pages were just perfect. I loved that the author went for this, I was just rolling off my chair laughing. This was just the best!

I absolutely LOVED the art! It was so pretty and the colours were just wonderful. The pages just popped!

All in all, a fun book about the changing of seasons and what happens then, you will laugh yourself silly reading it!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Tina Hoggatt.
1,173 reviews8 followers
September 28, 2021
This author NAILED the personality of a squirrel, the hyper, busy, worried and forgetful mode of looking at the world. Good old bird next door is there to sort it all out. Fabulous illustrations by Nicola Slater, and a wonderful author's note in the back (how clever to use the endpaper!) gives information about how and why trees lose their leaves.
Profile Image for Molly Cluff (Library!).
2,437 reviews44 followers
August 26, 2021
Hooray, a new funny, fall picture book on the block! Squirrel is appalled that "someone is stealing his leaves" (even though the leaves are just naturally falling and blowing away). I love the dialogue/speech bubbles back and forth with exasperated bird--and the hilarious last page when "someone stole the grass!". Will be a popular seasonal title, and I'm sure will be snatched up by storytellers.
Profile Image for Hannah.
689 reviews48 followers
November 2, 2021
This was really cute and funny! It's sweet that Squirrel's friend Bird explains autumn to him, but in a slightly more understanding way would have been a little better.
Profile Image for Beau Zee - Maton.
93 reviews16 followers
January 7, 2022
'De blaadjesdief' is een prentenboek dat je perfect kan voorlezen in de herfst. Hoeveel kinderen zullen er een antwoord willen weten op de vraag waarom een boom zijn bladeren verliest in de herfst? Dat is precies waar dit boek antwoord op geeft.

Het verhaal in dit boek start in de herfst en eindigt aan het begin van de winter. Een pluspunt bij ditboek is de extra uitleg aan het einde van het boek over (het begin van) de herfst en waarom een boom al dan niet zijn bladeren verliest.

Door het hele boek heen zijn kleurrijke illustraties te vinden die je aandacht trekken. De kleuren zijn perfect gekozen en creëren de herfstsfeer die dit boek uit moet stralen.

De Eekhoorn en de Vogel in dit boek zijn buren, vrienden maar ook twee uitersten van elkaar: de Eekhoorn die snel in paniek raakt en de Vogel die zijn hoofd koel weet te houden en de Eekhoorn weer tot rust weet te brengen.

'De blaadjesdief' is een leuk prentenboek voor kinderen tot en met groep 3 van de basisschool.
Profile Image for Melanie Dulaney.
1,825 reviews101 followers
May 27, 2021
Terrific book for toddlers through 1st grade, especially during the Fall. Poor Squirrel is confused about where his beautiful red, gold, and orange leaves are going and is certain that someone is stealing them. His friend bird helps him remember that every year the wind blows them from the trees, but then the snow falls and befuddled Squirrel worries about where the grass has gone! Bold illustrations will keep readers’ attention from beginning to end and back matter by Hemming includes more information about the changing seasons for the older students in the target age range. Thanks for the preview copy, Sourcebooks!
164 reviews16 followers
August 19, 2023
Children’s picture books are always a treat to read. The illustrations in this one are so pretty. Loved the colors and the story itself. The decor of bird’s nest was perfect in terms of attention to detail and then the little mouse. 🥰 It is simply perfect for little kids and also for adults to melt their hearts with its cuteness or even just for the sake of going down memory lane of their own childhood days.
Profile Image for Aimée.
Author 5 books7 followers
October 19, 2023
Gemütlich zählt das fleißige Eichhörnchen seine Blätter - doch was ist das? Da fehlt ja eins! Wer kann das nur gewesen sein? Sein bester Freund, der Vogel, versucht ihn zu beruhigen, doch am nächsten Tag fehlen noch mehr Blätter! Was soll das nur?! Und so lernt ein eifriges Eichhörnchen den Herbst kennen... ultraniedlich geschrieben, man kann das arme Hörnchen direkt zucken sehen und der genervte Vogel, einfach herrlich.

Profile Image for Anu-vinkkari.
1,333 reviews27 followers
September 24, 2020
Neuroottinen orava panikoi kun puusta alkaa kadota lehtiä. Kaverit rauhoittelevat ja ongelma ratkeaa. Seuraavana päivänä alkaa sama show: nyt joku on pöllinyt nurmikon. Daraamallisesti näppärä, uskon että toimisi oikein hyvin syyssatutunnilla. Tästä olisi helppoa jatkaa keskustelua siihen, mitä luonnossa oikeasti tapahtuu syksyllä Kivat kuvatkin.
Myös nuketus tai muu visualisointi olisi helppoa.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 310 reviews

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