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Alyssa Locke is no stranger to dealing with danger. As team leader of the nation's number one personal security company, Troubleshooters Inc., she's seen more than her share of action, survived plenty of close calls, and holds her own with the best of them-and against the worst of them. Guarding lives is her game, and no one plays it better. But her toughest challenge will be protecting herself from a serial killer she's been after for years-known only as The Dentist-who is determined to make her his ultimate trophy.

The assignment was supposed to be an easy one: teach self-defense techniques to a newly elected assemblywoman and her chief of staff after a political controversy generates a blizzard of hate mail-including death threats-from hotheads and cranks. But as soon as she mobilizes her squad of moonlighting Navy SEALs in New York City, Alyssa begins butting heads with the hard-case cop who thinks that the Troubleshooters are chasing shadows.

Until they discover a dead body. And then another. Now Alyssa really has her hands full-bodyguarding two independent, busy women, managing a murder investigation, and trying to find time for her husband, Troubleshooters operative Sam Starrett, and their infant son. Meanwhile, it wouldn't be a Troubleshooters operation without romantic sparks and heated rivalries-and any time the SEALs of Team Sixteen are involved, there are plenty of both.

But then, while investigating a suspect, Alyssa is ambushed and suddenly finds herself imprisoned by The Dentist. Cut off from everyone she loves and relies on, Alyssa must call upon all of her strength and skill to survive this final confrontation with the sadistic monster, meanwhile trusting that her Troubleshooter teammates, led by her beloved Sam, will reach her before it's too late.

398 pages, Hardcover

First published July 28, 2009

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About the author

Suzanne Brockmann

225 books3,522 followers
After childhood plans to become the captain of a starship didn’t pan out, Suzanne Brockmann took her fascination with military history, her respect for the men and women who serve, her reverence for diversity, and her love of storytelling, and explored brave new worlds as a bestselling romance author.

Over the past thirty years she has written sixty-three novels, including her award-winning Troubleshooters series about Navy SEAL heroes and the women—and sometimes men—who win their hearts. Her personal favorite is the one where her most popular character, gay FBI agent Jules Cassidy, wins his happily-ever-after and marries the man of his dreams. Called All Through the Night, this mainstream romance novel with a hero and a hero hit the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list. In 2007, Suz donated all of her earnings from this book, in perpetuity, to MassEquality, to help win and preserve equal marriage rights in Massachusetts.

In addition to writing books, Suz writes and produces indie movies and TV including the award-winning romantic comedy The Perfect Wedding. Her recent feature, Out of Body, is streaming on Amazon Prime.

In 2018, Suz was given the Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award from the Romance Writers of America. Her latest projects are Blame It on Rio (Tall, Dark & Dangerous # 14), available in print and e-book from Suzanne Brockmann Books, and Marriage of Inconvenience, a six-episode LBGTQ rom-com TV series, streaming on Dekkoo in April 2023.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 326 reviews
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,364 reviews1,191 followers
March 23, 2023
the setup…
Troubleshooters Executive Officer Alyssa Locke agrees to take what she believes is an easy assignment as a favor to her friend Savannah, one that will allow her to bring her son Ashton and fellow Troubleshooter operative and husband Sam Starrett along with her. But from the start the job of teaching self-defense techniques to a newly elected New York assemblywoman and her chief of staff becomes problematic. After a disastrous confrontation with a misogynist local detective, the team discovers something gruesome in the office that later leads to a dead body. Then another. Thankfully, her team includes a group of Navy SEALs who are moonlighting until their next op and she needs all of them to help with protection. Soon it becomes increasingly clear to Sam that maybe the assemblywoman isn’t the target…and the killer’s actual focus is on Alyssa.

the heart of the story…
We learn from an extremely chilling prologue that Alyssa is most definitely the target as it’s delivered from the killer’s point of view. Effective move on the author’s part as that weighed heavily throughout the story as I felt at any moment she would be taken. That just ramped up the tension to great heights and it never let up. Meanwhile, Dan Gillman from SEAL Team 16 is part of Alyssa’s team and, due to the stars being misaligned, so is Izzy Zanella, his nemesis. Handsome Dan though hooks up with Jennilyn (Jenn) LeMay, the assemblywoman’s chief of staff, a woman far different from his typical liaisons. I’m no fan of Dan (pun intended) so color me skeptical for most of that romance. Making the whole situation even more spine tingling is the knowledge that the killer is someone among them. I gave everybody a side eye.

the narration…
I’m loving the pairing of Lawlor and Raudman! She absolutely nails Jenn in this story and he does Izzy and Sam proud. This reread via audio makes this feel like it’s my first time.

the bottom line…
It’s been about ten years since I first read the story and I couldn’t remember the identity of the killer! I also came away with a completely different opinion of Dan Gillman’s investment in his romance with Jenn LeMay, thinking he showed up better this time. The tension really was palpable and I saw the boogeyman around every corner. I loved the narrators’ performances as they made this feel like a unique reading experience. And, I loved the Alyssa & Sam time with a taste of Jules & Robin. The girl power moments just iced the proverbial cake. 4.5 stars

Posted on Blue Mood Café
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,445 followers
March 10, 2010
Loved it! I'm doing a happy dance here, because I'm already anticipating the next book in the 'Troubleshooters' series. Ms. Brockmann left a couple of storylines wide open in this one, but said in her author's notes that she will be following up on those couples who haven't gotten their HEAs in this one. I guess maybe they haven't suffered enough yet, but that's okay because one of the couples is Izzy (who used to irritate me) and Eden, and the other is Eden's brother Dan (Gillman) and brand new girlfriend Jenn. Dan and Jenn were the romantic equation of this romantic suspense, and they were firey hot together! Who knew that SB could get down and dirty like she did with them? Whew, but they were passionate together, but there's much more to explore in that relationship, and I can hardly wait!

The suspense part of the story reminded me of something that Karen Rose (who does diabolical killers so well) would write. Kudos to the talented SB for weaving such an interesting suspense plot about a gruesomely twisted homophobic serial killer (nicknamed "The Dentist") who likes to extract the teeth from his victims. Creepy.

The basic plot (which takes place in one week's time) is that Troubleshooter Alyssa Locke is called by her friend Savannah ("Out of Control") to help teach some self defense techniques to Savannah's good friend, newly elected New York state assemblywoman Maria Bonavita. Maria's been getting some hate mail and death threats (which for some reason doesn't overly concern the NYC cops), and Savannah thinks it would be a good idea if Alyssa and her husband Sam (and a team of moonlighting SEALs) look into the situation. What looks like an easy assignment guarding Maria and her friend and assistant Jenn, turns into something much more serious when dead bodies start turning up. Someone's out to get Maria--or is it Jenn? Or is there another possibility? Alyssa, Sam and her team soon have their hands full, and it's not long before the services of the F.B.I. are needed (cue Jules Cassidy). Things get mighty complicated, as Alyssa, Sam and Jules try to put their heads together and come up with a list of possible suspects. It's not until late in the investigation that they know who they're dealing with (thanks to Sam's clever thinking), and why. Looks like Alyssa's old nemesis wants a final showdown with her...

That about sums up the suspense part, and there's plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader occupied. We get to hear the killer's thoughts, and why he became a killer, but we don't know who (out of the possible list of suspects) he is. SB tosses out a couple of good possibilities, but I had him pegged early on. But she still leads the reader on a merry chase all the way up to a nail biting conclusion (complete with a little gore), and I swear if it wasn't for the heroics of Sam Starrett (who out-thought everyone) that the body count would have been a lot higher.

While I enjoyed the suspense part, what I really enjoyed was the romance that blossomed between Maria's assistant, Jenn, and Navy SEAL Dan Gillman. I never paid much attention to Gillman before--he always seemed to be one of those characters who was in a perpetual bad mood, kind of humourless, and always fighting with fellow SEAL Izzy Zanella. But wow, SB gave him a bit of a backstory, complete with a totally dysfunctional family, and the reader gets to see why he's the way he is. I loved reading all that, and I loved the chemistry he had with Jenn. Although I thought he was a bit too calculating in his seduction technique, I somehow knew that Jenn would be able to handle herself with him, and maybe teach him a thing or two.

I loved Jenn. She was not your typical romance heroine. Size 14, attractive but not pretty, tall, bad dresser, smart, hard working but not as successful, rich, or beautiful as her friend Maria...I was rooting for her all the way, and wanted her to get the hunky guy! I wasn't too happy with Gillman at first (even though he was wildly attracted to Maria, he thought he had a better chance of 'scoring' with average girl Jenn), but I knew (even though he didn't) that he would lose his heart to her. I loved that she brought some 'humanity' out in him, loved the conversations they had, and oh boy, their sex scenes...hot--especially that kitchen scene...But, being a SB SEAL, you know he's bound to do something stupid, which he did (which made me tear up). Now the question is, is there a future for Dan and Jenn? Jeez, I hope so!

Thankfully, the reader gets to check in with some previous characters, including Izzy (as amusing as ever, but hiding his pain), Lopez, new SEAL Tom (with a surprising secret), Robin and Jules, and there's an update on the families of a lot of previous characters (lots of name-dropping) in the series--love to read about who's having kids and who isn't. And oh yes, I almost forgot adorable baby Ash--Alyssa and Sam's 10 month old--he also gets a lot of face time in the book, and has lots of male babysitters! Brockmann also makes her usual case for gay rights (which fans have come to expect), but nothing too heavy handed here.

I loved this book, and thought it had the perfect blend of romance and suspense, with some very witty dialogue. It moved very quickly, and I was reluctant to put it down, yet I wanted to savor it-- that's a keeper in my book. I doubt that fans will be disappointed. 5 stars
Profile Image for Robin.
1,849 reviews85 followers
March 19, 2023
Troubleshooters Team Leader Alyssa Locke thinks her next assignment is going to be a piece of cake. She, along with some Navy Seal friends who are currently on leave, are traveling to New York City to teach self-defense to an Assemblywoman and her staff who have been receiving threatening letters. Alyssa has even asked her husband Sam to go with her and bring their eight-month-old son as a sort of working vacation. But there is no vacation when dead bodies start turning up outside of the Assemblywoman's office. It's all hands on deck when the Troubleshooters must protect the Assemblywoman and her Office Manager, while helping the FBI catch a killer.

It's nice to have Sam and Alyssa featured in this book. They are my favorite couple in the whole series. Even though they popped up throughout several books in the series, I can't get enough of them. Along with Sam and Alyssa, we also have a romance between Navy Seal Dan Gillman and Office Manager Jennilynn. I thought Jenn was a great character. I still haven't warmed up to Gillman. Maybe it will take a couple of books. There is a lot of action and a long list of suspects in this one. It's another solid entry in the Troubleshooters series. My rating: 4.5 Stars.

2023 Re-read: I'm re-reading the series with a Goodreads group. This time around, I had a hard time getting into the story. It felt like we spent a lot of time with the new characters, Assemblywoman Maria and her Office Assistant Jenn. Neither of them were that interesting. I'm used to diving right into the Troubleshooter books, but this one dragged a bit. Once the bodies started turning up, it caught my interest. The mystery was good and there were a lot of suspects to work through. I'm not a fan of Dan Gillman. Jenn should have drop-kicked him into next week. What a jerk. My rating this time around is 4 Stars.
Profile Image for Theresa Alan.
Author 10 books1,138 followers
May 18, 2020
I read the complete Trouble Shooters series a while ago completely out of order based on what was at the library. Now, I appear to be re-reading this series out of order based on what deals I find on Bookbub. (Although I might have to break down and just buy them IN ORDER at full cost.)

I do love this series, obviously. In this one, the security team run by Alyssa Locke staffed by Navy SEALs is called on to help protect an assemblywoman. What they think is going to be an easy job is quickly made far more dangerous after bodies are found. Alyssa doesn’t know if the assemblywoman is the target, but she and her team start interviewing suspects. Alyssa’s husband, Sam, thinks Alyssa is the target. He’s right, but no one believes him until things are perilous.

As with any Trouble Shooters novel, there is rocky romance between one of the members of the team and, this time, with one of the assemblywoman’s assistants. I love the combination of suspense and romance between flawed human beings.
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
January 8, 2015
5 stars – Romantic Suspense

This features one of my top favorite romantic heroes and all-time favorite romantic duos, Sam Starrett (aka Hot Cowboy Dad) and Alyssa Locke) from Gone Too Far, as one of the story's two main profile couples, which made me all kinds of tickled pink! Sam and Alyssa are now happily married with an active 10-month-old bundle of joy, son Ashton, and are trying to juggle and balance the 'married with a kid' life with the demands of their stressful, dangerous careers as agents with security firm Troubleshooters, Inc.

This time around, a seemingly routine security briefing op for a New York assemblywoman turns into a search for a maniacal killer known as "The Dentist" (very Karen Rose style creepy!), who's possibly targeting Alyssa for his ultimate victim.

There's also a hot secondary romance between SEAL Danny Gillman (who I haven't really cared for that much in previous books since I tend to be Team Izzy in the Gillman vs Zanella feud) and the assemblywoman's office/campaign manager, Jenn LeMay, whom he's been assigned protective detail for. Brockmann leaves some character relationships unresolved that she's assured will be addressed in the next TS book, TBT #16, which will finally give us Zanella's story (YAY!) when it comes out in Feb'2011.

Hot Pursuit is another thrilling installment in the amazing Troubleshooters series that is truly one of the very best in romantic suspense. 5 stars!

Here's a touching scene that demonstrates why I love Sam and Alyssa so much as a romantic couple.

"Ah, God, Lys" he breathed, and she opened her eyes to look up at him. She was the love of his heart, his true partner in both work and life, and the idea of losing her to the violence of the world they lived in scared the living shit out of him.

But her smile lit her eyes, her face, and he pushed the darkness away and let himself grin back at her like the damn fool that he was. This moment-now-was perfect, and he wasn't going to let his fears interfere.

Especially since it was only 2100. This perfect night was still ridiculously young.

Profile Image for Jan.
991 reviews215 followers
September 7, 2020
A little different from other books in the series, as the plot was based around catching a serial killer. Fortunately didn't dwell too much on his craziness.

Another fast-moving, gripping read in this terrific series. But it's definitely best to read them in order for maximum enjoyment. I enjoyed the ensemble cast and the revisits wth beloved characters from other books in the series. I liked the new character Jenn, and I liked her with Dan. It ends with a HFN, but I'm sure they'll get back together in a future book.

Brockmann is good at taking a fairly unlikeable secondary character from a previous book (in this case, Dan Gillman) and showing you what's underneath the layers, so you change your mind and start to like them.
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
August 17, 2009
Rating: 2.5 / 5

I had a tough time deciding what to rate this book. My opinion of it seemed to go back and forth. So in the end, I settled for middle ground at 2.5 stars.

In this fifteenth installment of the Troubleshooters, author Suzanne Brockmann brings two past characters back into focus: Sam & Alyssa, along with a host of other recurring characters.

The Troubleshooters and a few moonlighting SEALS from Team 16 travel to NYC to help Assemblywoman Maria Bonavita with security measures since she has gotten a few threats. Alyssa heads the team with her husband Sam as her second. They bring baby Ashton with them, thinking it will be a quick, low-intensity mission and a bit of a vacation for them. Joining them from the SEALS are Izzy Zanella, Dan Gillman, Jay Lopez, Dan Gillman, and Tony Vlachic.

Once they arrive in NYC it's not long before they realize that the threat is much more serious than they previously thought. A heart is found in Maria's assistant's (Jenn's) desk drawer. It turns out to be a human heart so now the team must scramble to figure out what it going on. FBI Agent Jules Cassidy gets the case and he brings his husband Robin with him.

The investigation commences and the various characters interact with each other. Sam worries about Alyssa, Alyssa worries about Sam, Gillman pursues Jenn for a two-week fling, Izzy and Gillman clash, etc. It all comes to a head when Sam realizes the killer they are looking for is actually The Dentist, a serial killer Alyssa has been looking for for years (and who was featured in a Sam/Alyssa short story a while back). And now he's got his sights set on Alyssa.

So...what did I think of this book? Well...it didn't entirely work for me on several different levels. I'll start with the simple ones first.

Dan Gillman and Dan/Jen: This one's pretty straightforward. I can't stand Gillman. He was a total asshole in prior books and my opinion didn't change in this one. He completely manipulates Jenn into a two week relationship because he wants to get some. And he goes for her because she's the "chunky" friend of a beautiful woman, therefore probably desperate for attention. So wrong. Then he cries on purpose to get sympathy and to keep her from second guessing sleeping with him.

Really, this is the kind of character I'm supposed to like? Brockmann, I suppose, tries to soften him and make readers sympathetic to him by giving him a very dysfunctional family and currently suffering from a head injury and/or PTSD, but that didn't change the fact that he was a world class jerk. At least to me. Jenn deserves much better than him.

Because of all that, I didn't have much interest in the chunks of the book featuring him. It was kind of like watching a train wreck.

Sam/Alyssa: Okay, I didn't really have any problems with them or how either were presented. I did enjoy getting to catch up with them and "seeing" them together. They're one of my all-time favorite H/H's and so I never mind reading about them.

At the same time, with them being the focus of the book and no new H/H (Dan and Jenn don't count), the level of romantic anticipation really went down for me. I missed there being a new romance with an HEA at the end. Which is, I suppose, why I've never really been interested in those Eve Plumb, JD Robb running series with a single heroine or H/H.

Robin/Jules: Again, I was okay with this part. I think those two are so sweet together. Maybe you could say Jules doesn't have utter and complete trust in Robin and baby's him a bit...but ya know what, it's warranted. Robin is a recovering addict who could very easily slide back into past habits. If Jules has take actions to keep that from happening then I have no problem with that. But aside from that, I enjoy reading about those two. Jules is a fantastic character and one of the best things about reading the Troubleshooters series.

The suspense plot: Honestly, it was just okay for me. A little to low-intensity, not enough detail and a bit too secondary in the story. I just thought it could have been a much stronger element of the book.

Now, moving on to the more nebulous reason that I felt sort of disconnected from this book. I guess you could call it a lingering hangover from what was the Sophia/Dave/Decker fiasco in Dark of Night. Or maybe it's that I've lost some faith in the author because of DoN and some of the author's comments. I fell into the camp that had been fully expecting a Sophia/Decker pairing, that the things I'd read in previous books were leading up to that point. I know not everyone felt that way, but that's the way it came across to me.

And so now I find myself utterly leery and wary of any multi-book romance that the author is writing. Because how can I get invested in a couple - as I did with Max/Gina and Alyssa/Sam - when the author has so recently shown that she'll go whatever way suits her fancy, even if it goes against earlier writings?

That's how I felt while reading the sections of this book dealing with Izzy and Eden. I really like those two together; they seem to suit each other. So I'm hoping they'll be able to work things out. And there were parts of this book that appeared to be very pro-Izzy/Eden...with Izzy saying he loved her, wanted her back, had gone to try to see her, etc, etc. Which made me happy, and yet I kept thinking back to Sophia/Decker and what the author did there. It left me with little faith in believing what direction the author was going. Especially when Brockmann added the awkward scenes between Izzy and Maria. It just left me envisioning a book where Izzy and Eden part ways and the author later stating something along the lines of 'how could you expect those two to stay together when they married for reasons other than love, when Eden was barely 18, and went through what they went through' as she did with the whole Sophia/Decker thing.

And all that fosters that disconnected feeling I had while reading because I no longer have faith in where the author is heading with the multi-book romances. It's a disappointing thing, for this reader, because I've really loved this series up until the previous book. Gone Too Far and Breaking Point are two of my all-time favorite books, and Max/Gina and Sam/Alyssa are two of my all-time favorite romance couples. So to end up at this point, where I'm so disappointed with what's going on with the series, it just really disappointing.

Will I read the next book, which will be the last Troubleshooters book for a while? Probably. I've come this far, might as well read one more. After that, who knows?
Profile Image for Sandra Hoover.
1,343 reviews223 followers
March 4, 2017
Reviewed at Cross My Heart Writings & Reviews
An "easy" assignment & a mini-vacation turn into a desperate search for a serial killer when Sam & Alyssa, with baby Ash in tow, head to NYC. Alyssa has been asked to teach some self-defense classes to a newly elected congresswoman who is receiving threatening notes - piece of cake, right? While there, she plans to enjoy some get down and dirty time with her sexy husband, Sam. But things are never that simple, are they? As dead bodies begin to stack up, Sam strongly suspects that someone other than the congresswoman is the real target of this sadistic serial killer. If he's right, the ones he loves most are in serious danger.

An obsessive, homophobic serial killer from the past makes a return visit in Hot Pursuit. This time, he won't stop until he gets the one he wants most. Intense suspense builds as the story unfolds - impending danger around every corner. Believing the congresswoman to be the target, Alyssa has brought in some of the other Troubleshooters/SEALS (Izzy, Danny, Jay, Tony) to help protect the congresswoman and her assistant Jenn. As things spiral out of control, she also calls for FBI Agent Jules Cassidy who also brings along his mate Robin.

As always, multiple support characters and their relationships are masterfully developed throughout the story. The volatile dynamics between Izzy and Danny are explored taking an interesting twist. But it's the "side couple" of Danny and Jenn that I found most intriguing. Brockmann has a way of taking on social issues and weaving them beautifully into her storylines. In the case of Jenn, it's a weight/size issue . . .the perception that a "large" woman is desperate for attention from a man and thus "easy" to manipulate for sex is expertly portrayed. Yes, it makes Danny come off as a bit of a sleazeball at first as he plays on the sympathies and insecurities of Jenn. But man - does he have a lesson to learn! Well done, SB! I can't wait for their story to continue.

Hot Pursuit is an intriguing story featuring the best of the series! Gorgeous, hunky SEALS protecting ladies and babies - Yes, please! I'm a goner! A Must Read!
Profile Image for ♡Karlyn P♡.
604 reviews1,265 followers
July 31, 2009
Overall a great reunion book staring many fan favorites. You get a romantic suspense story that includes a blossoming new romance featuring Dan Gilman, plus a super-sized eeeeeeeeevil villian that hides in plain sight, and the brilliant sleuthing and lots of tender moments between Sam/Alyssa and Jules/Robin.

First off, who is in this book? This book reunites fans with Sam, Alyssa, their 10-month old son Ash, Jules, Robin, Izzy, Danny G, Jose 'Jay' Lopez, and Tony (the new gay SEALs team member.) You will get a brief update on other members such as Nils (leading a new SEALS team 12), Max, Gina and their two kids (Emma now 2, and a new baby boy), and Sophia who is now pregnant. Savannah is the glue that brings everyone together, but she is only a minor character. (Her husband, name escapes me as I type, recovers just fine from the accident he received in the book DON.) We are also introduced to two of Savannah's friends, the ultra-beautiful Maria, a New York assembly woman, and Jenn, Maria's plain-Jane and a bit plump assistant. Plus there is a slew of secondary characters who all become suspects, leaving the readers to struggle while guessing which one of them is the dentist. The UPS guy? The cop? The intern? The brother? The homeless guy? The campaign donor? Since I guessed all of them during one time or another, I was just glad when he was finally revealed! I couldn't guess anymore.

While this will not go down as my favorite in the series, it was a really good read. Sam, Alyssa, Jules and Robin felt like old familiar friends, so it was great to have them back leading the suspense part of this story. The romance part of the story involved Danny G and Jenn. From previous books we know that Danny G is Izzy's brother-in-law and not always a nice guy. Danny does become a likable standup kind of guy in this book, but Brockmann keeps him in full character so he does turn into a jerk in one big scene. However, without giving any spoilers he redeams himself the best we could possibly expect so I was more than happy with his storyline.

I hear the next book will (finally!!) star Izzy, and include more of Danny and Jenn. I can't wait.
Profile Image for Arch .
97 reviews45 followers
June 24, 2015
Warning: I am not trying to make people avoid reading this book. A person should never go by my reviews to determine if they are going to read a book, because we have different opinions and what I may not like, the next person might and what the next person likes, I might not like. So please read the book and make your own judgement.

I think that Suzanne Brockmann is a good storyteller.

Sam and Alyssa gets 3.5 stars

I have a lot to say about this book, but where should I start? I don't know, but maybe it's just me, at times it didn't seem as if I was reading about the same Sam and Alyssa that I have fallen in love with in Gone Too Far. That was the first book that I have read by Suzanne. Even the Sam and Alyssa from Defiant Hero and Over The Edge didn't seem to quite match the Sam and Alyssa in this book. I understand they are married in this book, but whatever happen to the prior Sam and Alyssa?

I'm sorry but I honestly don't believe that the Sam from Gone Too Far would have allowed a man to talk to his wife crazy in the front of him and definitely not let him insult her behind her back. Sam would have put this man in check right off the bat, but in this book, he waited until after the man made a few insults, before he did something. Not only that, Sam allowed a detective to break one of his ribs.

In this scene, I've found Sam to be soft. That's how he was written in this book. I know someone probably disagree, but we see things differently.

Another thing that I didn't like in this book is that Alyssa didn't have much scenes with her son. She only held him once to breast feed him. Unless I have missed something. Someone can correct me. Ash was basically in Sam's care and I honestly don't see why, because he and Alyssa were staying at the same hotel. Ash should have been shared between both parents. Even in Dark of Night, Sam spent more time with Ash than Alyssa. She only held him once, when they went to that safe house.

In this book, Ash spent more time with Izzy and Robin than his mother. Come on! I don't believe that Alyssa was that busy that she couldn't have more book time with her son.

Another thing that I don't like and that is, Alyssa is going to go do an assignment for the president. Yes, I've said that she's going to go do the assignment, because according to this book, it's has been written in stone. Sam would be left behind to babysit, because he's not needed on this mission. Alyssa is going to be going for a month. She thinks it will be less than that. I know that Alyssa and Sam are fictional characters, but I couldn't help but think about divorce or even separation. Yes, I have thought that about my favorite couple, period! I know that their love is stronger than that and Mrs. Brockmann would never write that. I wouldn't even write that. I just hope that they don't spend too much time apart on any mission. Too much time apart can put a strain on a marriage.

Marriage between a woman and a man is serious. That's all I am going to say about that.

I really wish that Sam or Alyssa was the one that help aid Ash into walking and not Robin.

Ash called to Sam in the book, by saying "Da" - not once did he called out to Alyssa and called her "Ma".

You can tell that Alyssa doesn't spend a lot of time with Ash. When Ash stood up in his crib, she asked Sam if that was his first time doing that.

I wish that he had more book time with Alyssa. Maybe in another book.

I've read that Suzanne plans on writing more about Sam and Alyssa. Okay, they are married people and I know that they are fictional characters, but how much more can you write about a married couple, without getting into reality.

All romance books have a touch of reality in it. A HEA is a reality. That's not make believe. Now how some come about can be unrealistic, but still love or lust is real.

I can't see how Sam moved around like he did with a broken rib. He didn't want to go see a doctor. What's $50 to go get checked? I'm sure that Sam has paid more for booths or something else. Not once did I read him taking any aspirin for his pain.

Oh, and I don't understand why would Sam and Alyssa leave Ash with Jules and Robin if anything happens to them, when he could go stay with family. Alyssa's sister (Tara)and Sam's cousin Noah. I would think that family would be chosen first and not a friend.

Moving along. I've laughed how Sam was making fun of Max and his children and how Jules said that he had a picture of Ash, when he was a few weeks old, looking like a sumo wrestler. Ash was a big baby. He weighed 9 pounds. He's still a little chubby.

Sam can't get it out of his head that Alyssa use to see Max and have kissed Max, in the front of him.

Gillman is in love with Sophia. He really did fall hard for her, but too bad, because she's with Dave and Jenn is a sweet person. They seem like they would make a good couple.

Izzy is in love with Eden. She needs to get her act together, if she's going to be with Izzy. He might just wind up with Maria or someone else.

Unless I have missed something about Carol, for some reason I'm picturing her with Lopez.

Okay, I'm finished.

Wait! I want to make it known that Alyssa and Sam are one. They can speak to one another without saying anything and that's what I like about them. They very much compliment one another. I was only expressing what I didn't like in regards to them. They have showed how much they love each other. Teasing was present between them. They made time for connecting time. I know that I don't have to say what connect means. - I love them!

Date Started Book: 08-06-09

Date Finished Book: 08-09-09
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,604 reviews259 followers
January 2, 2016
*** 2.5 Stars ***


Let me start by saying that I loved the opportunity to catch up with Sam, Alyssa, Jules, and Robin. They are still some of my favourite characters from any M/F series ever, so getting to see how far their relationships and lives have come over the last eight or nine novels was lovely. I also thought that the suspense angle of the book was pretty well written - it certainly kept me guessing at The Dentist's identity until the very end (so many red herrings and likely suspects!).

Unfortunately, this wasn't even close to my favourite installment in the Troubleshooters series.

I think the main reason for my ho-hum reaction to this book was that I've never liked Dan Gillman's character in any of the previous books in the Troubleshooters series, and I couldn't care less if he ever got a HEA. As far as I'm concerned, Danny's a smarmy, me-first douchebag whose treatment of Izzy and Eden has always rubbed me the wrong way.

As for Dan's relationship with Jenni in Hot Pursuit? Well, the whole thing was so... calculated (e.g. bang the chubby chick with the pretty friends; she won't have enough self-esteem to say no, and she'll take whatever scraps of attention and affection you give and be thankful for it). It was disgusting. He cried on cue to get her to sleep with him again, for Christ's sake!

Now, I'm not saying that Danny's thoughts, feelings, and, um... seduction tactics have never been employed by men before (you can pretty much see this in practice during last call in any bar in any city on any night of the week), but romance novels are supposed to offer up a little bit of escapism to their readers. They're supposed to tap into a fantasy. How does this slick, manipulative blowhard earn leading man status in a romantic suspense novel aimed at female readers? What's the message being sent here? Why am I, as a chubby chick myself, supposed to root for Jenni to fall in love with someone who would look down on her but sleep with her anyway? #SorryNotSorry, but I just don't have it in me.

So, when the book ended the way that it did, I didn't know whether to rage or cry or gag. One thing I did know for certain is that I wish that I could unread the author's note at the end of the book in which she promises to follow up with Dan and Jenni in a subsequent novel. I really wish she wouldn't. I really wish that she'd just relegate these two to the back burner of her series as a failed experiment and move on - preferably with more Alyssa, Sam, Jules, and Robin.

Note about the rating: The mystery aspect of the novel completely deserves a 3 or 3.5 star rating, but the romance and leading characters were each only 2 star-worthy for me, so I've averaged it out to give an overall rating.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,379 reviews195 followers
March 23, 2023
03/22/2023 Reread - Dan Gilman is a total complete jerk. From the way he has always treated Izzy to the way he takes advantage of Jenn. A more selfish, entitled pr*ck you are not likely to find. While he did show vague glimpses of remorse at the end, I'm sure Brockmann wants us to believe it just took him a horrible situation for him to realize he really loves Jenn, I'm not so sure.

Aylssa and Sam are just the most wonderful of Brockmann's many wonderful couples. They are so in tune with each other and the respect for each other is a wonder to behold. They work so well together and the way they love and care for little Ashton is beautiful.

03/11/2013 - At the end of the paperback a couple of books back there was a short story about Alyssa and the Dentist. It was chilling and I hoped that it never would become a book plot. I lost. This is a really hard book for me to read. Serial killers are so not my thing and to have one of my favorite characters caught up with one is terrifying to me.

The Dentist has been obsessing about Alyssa since she and Jules almost caught him some years ago. He has researched her and devised an elaborate plan to trap her and kill her. Then he is going to kill Sam and kidnap Ashton and raise him as his son. Very sick and all because of... who knows what's in the mind of a psycho.

Maria, a friend of Savannah von Holf, Ken (Wild Card) Kamondy's wife, has won a State Assembly seat in New York, NY. The Dentist worked in the campaign, and it looks like he has manipulated events to bring Alyssa, Sam and a backup group of SEALS to do bodyguard duty and security work for the Assemblywoman.

Danny Gillman connects with the chief of staff, Jenn, and sparks fly. Hot, Hot Hot! This book is a real page turner, and the romances are off the charts. Gilman is looking for a 2 week leave lay. Jenn is smart, funny and not the most beautiful woman, but he mucks is up.

Izzy Zanella is with the team also. He is still driving Dan crazy, but I think a lot of that is to hide the pain that Eden won't even talk to him. Izzy and Maria, the Assemblywoman, have a few intimate chats and Maria, the sexy, hot babe, puts the moves on Izzy. She all but flat out asks him to marry her. She is on the move politically, needs a family and thinks Izzy would make nice husband material.
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
April 22, 2023
Hot Pursuit
4 Stars

Alyssa Locke, along with her husband, Sam Starret, and their son, Ash, travel to NY to provide self-defense training to a local assemblywoman. But the relatively easy assignment soon takes on a sinister edge when a horrific message arrives, and a mutilated body is found. With reinforcements from a team of moonlighting Navy SEALS, Sam and Alyssa find themselves tracking an old nemesis whose real target is very close to home.

Serial killer plots are catnip for me, but this one is rather weak. To begin with, Brockman uses the prologue to present Alyssa as the real target, and the reader spends much of the book waiting for the attack to come. While this technique is useful for ratcheting up the tension, it is also problematic as the reader is constantly on alert. Books require lulls in the tension otherwise, they soon become exhausting.

There is also very little actual investigation - neither Sam nor Alyssa is a cop and Brockmann's forte is military romance, not police procedurals. In fact, the other serial killer focused book, Into the Storm, is also lacking in this area. Moreover, it is easy to guess the villain based on the scenes from their POV, and the red-herrings are futile. Despite these issues, the eventual climax and resolution are exciting and satisfying.

In terms of the romantic elements, Alyssa and Sam's relationship goes from strength to strength with each installment. Their obvious love and mutual respect for one another are clearly evident in their interactions, and the inclusion of the adorable Ash is an added bonus.

The other focus is on the romance between Navy SEAL Dan Gillman and Jennilyn LeMay, the assemblywoman's chief of staff. To be honest, Dan has never been a favorite and his behavior in previous books, as well as in this one, leaves much to be desired. Nevertheless, it soon becomes clear that he has met his match in the intelligent, thoughtful and caring Jenn. Time will tell if he ultimately matures enough to deserve her.

All in all, a solid addition to the series.
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,736 reviews82 followers
November 3, 2013
More maniacal than a James Bond Villain. Able to convince himself that his prey desire death by his hand. He's insane! He's obsessed! It's the Dentist! The Dentist has plotted and committed multiple murders across the country in an effort to bring TSI's number two into range so that he can fulfill "her" ultimate desire and raise her son as his own. Not likely with the delectable Sam Starrett and some of SEAL team sixteen's finest looking out for each other and Alyssa Locke Starrett is definitely one of theirs.
The team takes a field trip to New York to help a newly elected assemblywoman and her chief of staff Jennilyn LeMay shore up security and get to the bottom of the malicious threats. Adding heartburn to this mix is New York Detective Mike Callahan, whose charm is all in his mind, keeps popping up to ensure everyone is clear that he is in charge. Jules puts in an appearance to flex the necessary FBI muscle as the seemingly simple assignment devolves and spins out of control on multiple levels as the Dentist captures Alyssa, several dead bodies begin to appear, overlapping jurisdictions, Jenn & Dan begin a shaky romance, anatomical clues and all with baby Ashton and Robin on this "simple assignment" as well. I liked that there was a bit of SEAL interaction with the team members that are generally in the background.
This was a really full installment with a lot happening and a lot I really liked, but I wasn't necessarily pleased with the pacing including the rushed feeling ending. There was so much set-up in the beginning and we went so long without The Dentist having a name I wanted to hurry through those pieces. I liked Jenn's wit, humor and multi-layered personality and thought she made a really good match with Dan Gillman. Gillman's still the immature, petulant jerk he's been in past installments but maybe this relationship will help him mature, I rather liked that their relationship was unresolved here and Jenn's resolution was great. Another high note was when The Dentist' identity was finally revealed and "SEAL-ed", he was a great villain - sufficiently deluded.
I know this series is going on hiatus and there's a long break between the next two installments, but I'm already anxiously awaiting the return of Troubleshooters, Inc & SEAL team sixteen-there are so many yet to be partnered off!
1,341 reviews
August 15, 2009
I really had resigned myself to not liking this book. There have been so many negative reviews and longtime Brockmann fans have criticized it (and her), especially after she didn't write the Dark of Night (Dave/Sophia/Decker) storyline/romance the way people expected. And while I have loved all of the Troubleshooters book, I am a romance fan first and foremost, and her books are high on intensity and suspense and sometimes lacking in romance. This one was no different. In fact, aside from a love story emerging between Dan Gillman and a new female, there's not much in the romance department.

For me, though, this whole series is like a big, warm family that I love to come back to. Sam & Alyssa and even Jules & Robin were pretty prominent in this book, and even though they've been done and overdone and done some more, I really, really like returning to their lives, so having them involved in this plot wasn't exactly a hardship for me. There are two things that impress me about Suzanne Brockmann. Number one - her characters are REAL. Every heroine isn't the picture perfect supermodel wannabe girl next door. And her heroes are awesome, but very diverse and very flawed. Gillman (in this one) is a jerk - completely. This series has older men with younger women, older women with younger men, mixed-race relationships, short SEALs with even shorter women, plus-sized women, etc. All of the relationships are different. Number two - while the "formula" for her books might be the same, every single one of them (for me) works. The intensity builds and the plot thickens and sometimes they are insanely unbelievable and sometimes they are grisly (like this book), but each book lures me in and creates a world of action and intrigue and romance that makes it impossible for me to put the book down until I see how it ends.

I was fully expecting to be disappointed with Hot Pursuit and I wasn't. At all. I loved it, and I'm almost sad that the next book (Izzy's) will be the last Troubleshooters book. I know some say that Brockmann has written this series to death, but IMO, you can't have too much of a good thing.
Profile Image for Colleen.
301 reviews15 followers
August 3, 2009
I absolutely loved the latest in the Troubleshooters series. You get to catch up with many of your favorite past characters and there are a few new characters thrown in the mix as well.

Jules/Robin had me cracking up at several points in the book. Alyssa/Sam still have their dream relationship in check and it's great seeing them as parents to little Ash. We get to also catch up with Izzy and all he's going through with Eden. Then there is the romance between Dan Gillman and Jenn. I loved their relationship, even though Dan initally plays some serious games just to get in her pants, but he comes through in the end. Of course their story is sort of left with a cliffhanger - do they stay together or not?!? I cannot wait until the book comes out to see what happens between Dan & Jenn and Izzy & Eden.

It's not all about relationships though and there is a great suspense plot concerning the Dentist. Total psychopath who has targeted Alyssa. Lots of twists and turns in this one!
Profile Image for Yvonne.
739 reviews40 followers
September 17, 2015
When your main new romantic pairing involves a guy, Dan Gillman, who had this to say:

"You find the, I don't know, the chunky girl with the really pretty friends...She's low maintenance and low drama, plus she's wired to believe you're too good to be true. She expects to be dumped, so when you do it, she let's go immediately."

it's pretty much hard to work up much enthusiasm for said pairing, despite all subsequent protestations of affection. After all, he's still the guy jerky enough to put those thoughts to words.

This author is a little old fashioned in the romance department. She's even got the gay couple into their gender roles with Robin playing the little woman, babysitting & needing to be babysat as well as appropriating exclaiming how strong his man Jules is.

Nevertheless, It was nice to see the old gang again in this chapter featuring Alyssa and Sam even if I found the murder plotline a little weak.
Profile Image for Belle.
175 reviews
December 27, 2022











Profile Image for Teresa.
1,048 reviews37 followers
June 27, 2017
I pretty much devoured this one. Being back with my favorite characters Sam, Alyssa, Jules, and Robin, plus an intense plot... and I was guaranteed to be happy. Add in other, newer, interesting characters and story, and there wasn't one POV or story arc I didn't love in this book.
Profile Image for Peridot_Lyoness.
83 reviews
June 3, 2017
Fantastic book and great characters, per ush. I love this series so much and these characters are so familiar, it's like hearing your friends tell you how they met and all the adventures they've had together..... except they were in mortal danger and prevented horrible things from happening. Alyssa and Sam are awesome, and Jules and Robin are simply amazing. Jules' and Robin's relationship gives me peace. It's like some of my friends' marriages- with some couples, not all, I feel like they are going to make it, like their relationship has a good foundation and I feel at peace because they are really going to make it as a couple. Like they'll be 70 with white hair and wrinkled faces, still holding hands, still kissing behind doors and having adventures together. The more I get to know Zanella, the more I love him and the more I want to get to know him. Same with Maria, she is intriguing. Gillman got on my nerves, but I think he may have gotten it at the end. Writing a character like Jenni, the girl who is always the bridesmaid and never the bride, the "fat" friend, takes guts and an incredible sensibility from the author. I mean, I know Brockmann has guts, that is obvious, but she could have pissed some people off or written a cartoonish character. Instead, she wrote a warm, sassy, smart girl who knows her value and wouldn't settle for less. Thanks, author.
Profile Image for Moonlight &#x1f338;.
562 reviews99 followers
August 12, 2024
7th Of March 2023: I still think of this book everyday. I still think of Sam and Alyssa and my baby Ash, and the life they’ve built for themselves💙💙💙💙

31st December 2022:

(With how quickly I read this book, it just shows that any book I’m carrying into 2023 is missing something for me.)

Ah, where to start with this one. Firstly, I’m ecstatic that I got one more Sam and Alyssa story! Omg I never thought I would. I was sure their story ended in Gone Too Far and afterward it’ll just be little mentions of them here and there. My GOODNESS Sam and Alyssa had a baby!! And he was sooo cute!!! And seeing their happy marriage together. All the hearts. I wish the entire book had been about them!

I love how Sam respected her, and how he never got egotistical with her as his boss. He’s still the smartass, most alpha-male man and I loveeee it! It was sexy seeing him say ‘yes ma’am’ to Alyssa in this super sexy way and not act like his manliness was suffering from it. The night he did Ash’s and her laundry? My entire heart melted. He was just absolutely perfect.

And Alyssa, my love. Badass as always. AND now a badass mom too. I’m so happy she found her happy ever after. When reading about her sister being married and having a baby some books ago, I’d wondered about how she felt. Now seeing she has a happy family of her own just has my heart turning to butter,

I’m glad Alyssa and Jules remained such tight friends, that Jules is even Ash’s godfather! Their friendship is so beautiful.

The serial killer point of view was something I’ve never really seen before. It was so dark and creepy. At some point, I literally wanted to retch. The killing was so gruesome, and to think there are actually people like this out there just taking people’s lives, made it harder to stomach. I guessed who the killer was earlier toward the end. I didn’t think it was that shocking since it all fell into place how someone like that had the money and means for his devious activities. It was interesting but also disturbing.

Now for the book’s downside: I didn’t like Dan at all. He’s whiny and manipulative. He’s a child. And Jenn deserves better. I hated how he used his trips in Afghanistan as something to gain her pity with, and then play her. Like that is so freaking LOW. His conscious manipulation is something that’s permanently crossed him out of my book as a good romantic partner. I feel like Jenn deserves someone more mature and honest and that would make her feel great about her body and sexy in her own skin. I know this book is pretty old, but being big is nothing to be ashamed of, and she should know that. Him convincing her to sleep with him even after she repeatedly told him no is wrong. You don’t convince someone to have sex with you after multiple nos. No means no.

I also didn’t like Izzy. He’s obnoxious and too loud. And I didn’t get Maria’s interest in him. I did like the scenes of him caring for Ash though. I would’ve been interested in him and Maria’s plot line but I just don’t get the connection between them, with his loud mouth and annoying random singing.

The opening excited me with more Sam and Alyssa, but the middle dragged a lot. I definitely miss when they were the WWII flashbacks woven into the books. It kept things exciting.

In the end, I was glad to reconnect with Sam and Alyssa—and Jules—and see their son and the life they have. I’m so glad I ran into this book.
Profile Image for Michelle.
Author 24 books451 followers
August 4, 2009
Suzanne Brockmann always writes fantastic characters, and I love her dialogue because it sounds exactly like people actually talking. Her last few books have been really pushing the bar higher for excellent fiction. Perhaps that is why this book fell a little flat for me. It was still a great book, but not quite up to her normal standards.

First, Brockmann usually pushes her political agenda in books, but she does it in the context of the story. In this book, she spends a little too much time on the soapbox for it to fit seamlessly into the story. However, I happen to agree with her causes, so that didn't bother me too much.

A bigger issue was that the main romances was between Dan and Jenn, and I was furious at Dan through the whole book for being a sleazy, disingenuous player. And then when Jenn finds out what he did, she just forgives him! I guess others might like this storyline more than me, because I wouldn't have forgiven him.

Also, this could be just me, but I thought Alyssa was a little condescending to Sam. They were billed as having an equal partnership of a marriage, but it seemed more like Alyssa was in charge of everything.

Most of those flaws were overshadowed by my two favorite parts of the book: Izzy (who is my new favorite Troubleshooters character, hands down)and the awesome way the serial killer dies! I enjoyed this book, but it just barely misses a five star rating.
Profile Image for Gwennie.
905 reviews186 followers
April 8, 2013
I don't have a whole lot to say about this book unfortunately.

Mostly it was very disappointing. I'm not sure I think it was a great idea to revisit Sam and Alyssa in a MC capacity. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it had been more secondary. The thing is, even though I HATED Gillman, I cared more about his story in this one than I did about the Sam/Alyssa story. Every time it was pulled away from Gillman and back to The Dentist I wanted to put the book down and do something else. Any reader knows that's like the statement of death.

I'm giving it 3 stars for the little bit we got of Izzy, and for Gillman's growth in this book. Did I think he was a dick? Oh yeah, but I think that sometimes guys are dicks and I think that he also redeemed himself quite a bit.

Book 16 is about Gillman and his lady love, and it also gives us back Izzy and Eden, so -fingers crossed- I'm hoping to really love that one.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for Barbara ★.
3,499 reviews276 followers
August 26, 2016
This book was merely just okay. I honestly didn't think the suspense plot was well put together. I figured out who the culprit was about halfway through the book and kept waiting for it to actually get suspenseful. It never did.

And WTH was up with the whole Dan and Jenn thing? What an asshole Dan is! I got to the point where the minute the pages turned to their story, I flipped right through it without reading a word. I understand a book dedicated to them will be forthcoming. Well that's one I won't be reading. In fact, I hope Jenn pitches him into the Hudson River.

I did enjoy seeing all the Troubleshooters again especially Alyssa and Sam. Though honestly I could have done without the whole politician thing which was incredibly boring. Oh well my fault entirely for not reading the blurb before picking up this book.
Profile Image for Leea.
519 reviews73 followers
April 7, 2013
2.5 stars... Oh it pains me to write that. I really didn't like this book at all. I was looking forward to more Alyssa and Sam moments and there we're those but the rest was left me wanting more. Almost like Brockmann had too many story lines going on to really focus my attention on one couple.

I did enjoy reading about Danny Gillman changing and seeing him in a new light. He still had his moments that had me shacking my head and rolling my eyes.

Izzy... he was there too. What a cutie and I cannot wait for his book.

Other than that, the 15th book in the Troubleshooter series didn't progress the stories at all. I ended up skimming the stalker POV parts. The ending wrapped everything up so fast and I was left wanting more.
Profile Image for Amy.
4 reviews4 followers
July 30, 2009
I loved this book. I loved revisiting Sam and Alyssa after all this time.
I especially appreciated, on a personal level, reading about Alyssa trying to juggle breastfeeding and her job. That struck home for me.

I also like how there were lots of probable suspects for the big bad guy. I figured it out, but there were definitely other possibilities.

I also love the non-resolution of the Jen/Danny relationship. That struck me as true to life. And it makes me look forward to the next book. . .although it never takes much to make me look forward to the next Suzanne Brockmann book.

Izzy broke my heart in this book. I have always loved him, and now I love him even more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 326 reviews

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