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Skyhunter #2


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As a Striker, Talin was taught loyalty is life.

Loyalty to the Shield who watches your back, to the Strikers who risk their lives on the battlefield, and most of all to Mara, which was once the last nation free from the Karensa Federation’s tyranny.

But Mara has fallen. And its destruction has unleashed Talin’s worst nightmare.

With her friends scattered by combat and her mother held captive by the Premier, Talin is forced to betray her fellow Strikers and her adopted homeland. She has no choice but to become the Federation’s most deadly war machine—a Skyhunter.

Red is no stranger to the cruelty of the Federation or the torture within its Skyhunter labs, but he knows this isn’t the end for Mara—or Talin. The link between them may be weak, but it could be their only hope to salvage their past and safeguard their future.

While the fate of a broken world hangs in the balance, Talin and Red must reunite the Strikers and find their way back to each other in this smoldering sequel to Marie Lu’s Skyhunter.

400 pages, Hardcover

First published September 28, 2021

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About the author

Marie Lu

47 books135k followers
[Note: Many apologies, but I'm woefully bad at checking my Goodreads emails! If you'd like to send a note/msg, please catch me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Marie_Lu . Thanks!]

I write young adult novels, and have a special love for dystopian books. Ironically, I was born in 1984. Before becoming a full-time writer, I was an Art Director at a video game company. Now I shuffle around at home and talk to myself a lot. :)

I graduated from the University of Southern California in '06 and currently live in LA, where I spend my time stuck on the freeways.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,335 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
October 3, 2021
ive read a lot of last books in a series lately and i think ive come to realisation that i will always love beginnings (the first book) more than the endings (the final book). when it comes to YA particularly, the endings are very predictable. everything happens the way you would expect and ive come to find that very underwhelming, as of late.

while i loved being reunited with these characters (yay for the addition of reds POV!) and back in to unique world of strikers and skyhunters, i found the plot progression and conclusion to be lackluster. readers who love the tried and true trope of teenagers saving the world should enjoy this, but it doesnt really offer me anything new anymore.

that being said, while i didnt love this as much as ‘skyhunter,’ i still really enjoyed the story overall. the story has great pacing and is super easy to binge read. both the main and side characters are just as readable and root-worthy as i remember them. and im still really into how cool the world-building is. i just wish the plot conclusion had been more unpredictable.

but all in all, another great duology by ML! if you havent picked up ‘skyhunter’ yet, definitely do! its a lot of great fun.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Angelica.
871 reviews1,193 followers
Want to read
March 31, 2021
At this point, I will read just about everything Marie Lu writes.

Skyhunter: ★★★☆☆
Skyhunter #2: ??
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
June 2, 2024
Steelstriker is book two in Marie Lu's Skyhunter duology.

I really enjoyed my time reading the first book, learning about the world and being introduced to the characters, so in comparison to that, this one felt a bit lackluster to me.

As this is the second book, there may be details within this review that seem like spoilers to some. I will not include anything that you couldn't find in the publisher's synopsis, but regardless, I just want to put the warning out there.

Turn back now if you want to know nothing regarding the end of the first book...

Assuming we have narrowed it down to the people who aren't afraid to know...after the concluding scenes of book one, Mara has fallen. The last outpost to hold out from Karensa's control is no longer.

With her friends gone and her mother captured by the Premier, Talin has no choice but to serve him and the Karensa Federation. It goes against everything she believes and holds dear, but with her mother's life on the line, Talin is more than willing to bend.

Using the same process they used to turn Red, the Federation transforms Talin into their newest Skyhunter; the most dangerous weapons around.

From afar, Red is trying to make contact with Talin via their telepathic connection. He's no stranger to the tortures of the Federation, so he hates to think about what she may be going through on her own in the Skyhunter labs. Thus, he constantly tries to make his presence known.

Will Red and Talin be able to reunite and combine their powers to save Talin's mom, as well as countless others before it's too late?

As mentioned above, I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first book. It's certainly not the writing. Lu's writing is flawless always.

I think a lot of the joy and excitement for me with the first book was just learning about the world and characters. Learning how the world got to the point where Mara was the last nation outside of the Federation's control.

Also, how Talin and her mother ended up in Mara, as well as learning about the Striker Force versus the Federation's Ghosts.

Watching Talin's relationship with Red grow was fun as well. So in this novel, with Talin on her own for the majority of the book, I felt it was lacking those deep character interactions I had enjoyed so much in the first.

Additionally, maybe I wasn't paying as close attention, but I didn't feel like I learned that much more about the world in this one. It could be that I wasn't as interested so my mind was wandering a bit.

Either way, while this is still a good book, a solid conclusion to a duology, it didn't blow my hair back like Skyhunter did.

Have no fear though, I will continue to pick up everything Marie Lu writes.

Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,437 reviews504 followers
June 1, 2024
3.5 Stars

Again, that gorgeous cover just catches the eye!

Look. I’m not sad or mad that I read this. However, know that for me, the romance was uninspired and the struggles to survive were the usual roadblocks seen in this standard dystopia YA. If that is what you love, then this fully delivers!

What I enjoyed were the little plot twists and reveals and the supporting cast with their own personal angsty struggles.

Overall, tough awful decisions were made, the big battle was big, and the win comes at a very high cost. Be reassured that Talin and Red win the end game to heal and ultimately thrive, and that’s what truly counts.

Skyhunter Series
1. Skyhunter - 3.5 Stars
2. Steelstriker - 3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Grace A..
444 reviews39 followers
June 2, 2024
In the first quarter of the book, the imbalance of power between the antagonist and the protagonist saps the fun out of reading; the balance tipping in favour of the antagonist. Towards the middle, the power balance started to even out, then the story truly started. Premier Constantine was cruel and vicious, but the rebel grew, fought, and ultimately won. I enjoyed it very much; it was a fun read.
Profile Image for alex.
259 reviews125 followers
October 3, 2021
ugh that was so boring even though i know it wasn’t boring it felt like it was boring
Profile Image for Chloe F.
161 reviews64 followers
December 2, 2021
i’m going to start off with the fact that i loved skyhunter. It is one of my favorite books and steelstriker was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. but after reading i felt like it was a little boring and in general fell flat for me. a lot of the plot was easy to guess and just wasn’t interesting. i loved the characters though, i wish i saw more interaction with red and talin. to be honest the only reason i finished the book was for them, adena, jeran and aramin. the fighting scenes in the last couple of chapters i think went by too fast, it was very anticlimactic and overall i felt like this book’s plot has been used so many times. someone gets kidnapped, their significant other saves them and they fight against the enemy. i just wish there was more to the story. for me i feel like this book is 3/5 stars. i hope that others who read this like it more than i did because i do love marie lu and i just think this book wasn’t for me.
Profile Image for Kezia Duah.
451 reviews429 followers
March 13, 2022
“That’s the thing about evil. You don’t need to be it to do it. It doesn’t have to consume all of you. It can be small. All you have to do is let it exist.” Amen!
Profile Image for Vathna.
210 reviews53 followers
November 25, 2021
How one of my most anticipated release of 2021 turned into one of my lowest rated read of the year, I have no idea. It was not a bad book, it just was not it.

It oddly reminded me of that feeling when I realized Wildcard was going to disappoint me. This one felt the exact same way, but worse. Marie Lu probably chose to go for an easy path to end the duology, so the entire book fell so flat in comparison to its predecessor. There are such things called too many plot conveniences, and this one was so full of them.

I don’t want to even get started on the cliché plot and cringy inner monologues. The whole time, I just wanted the audiobook to end as quickly as possible so that I could dive into other books. I did love the main characters with my whole heart, though.
Profile Image for Athena of Velaris.
617 reviews172 followers
August 4, 2021
An e-ARC was provided by the publisher via TeenInk in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

Steelstriker is Marie Lu at her very best. The author who brought readers the captivating Legend and Warcross series returns to the YA dystopian genre and recements her place at the top. Set in a broken world full of ancient relics and chilling monsters, Steelstriker picks up about six months after Skyhunter’s ending. Following Talin and Red as they fight for survival and a better future, the writing will leave you speechless. The side characters from the first novel take a back seat in this installment, but the use of witty dialogue still keeps their presence felt.

The worldbuilding crafted in the Skyhunter Duology is truly stunning. With complex national and continental politics, well explored science, and a focus on imperialism and colonization, the dystopian world Lu creates is a stark look at our present reality. Though the themes she explores are relevant and important, it never feels like the author is using the novel to get across a political agenda. The issues are just as important in the story as they are in the real world.

Along with the impressive worldbuilding, the main characters truly stood out. Talin has always been fascinating, partially because of her reliance on sign language. Her disability is never something that holds her back. In fact, it makes her a better, stronger fighter. I loved that what some would consider her greatest weakness became a source of strength. The fact that she hovered on the edge of darkness for this entire book, and the way she dealt with her own morality was beautifully done in context of the story.

Red gets his first perspective in Steelstriker, creating an intense dual point of view narrative. The exploration of his past as a soldier of the Federation (the very thing he tries to destroy) was well done, as were the bonds he formed with the Strikers. Some of his chapters did drag towards the middle, which is understandable considering the epic scale of the plot.

By far the best part of this book was the relationship Talin had with her mother. Their dynamic felt realistic, and it was easy to see the trust they shared. Talin’s mother loved her daughter without question, subverting the evil/dead parent trope most YA novels feature. The familial bond made Talin a more likeable heroine, and explored how tragic it was to have teenagers fighting their parents’ wars.

The villain was probably the weakest part of the book because he followed too many common stereotypes. The tropes were done correctly for the most part, but there was nothing new or interesting about him. I did appreciate how easy it was for Talin and Red to see him as human, but felt that their empathy wasn’t something that ever swayed the opinion of the reader. Put simply, he wasn’t very interesting to read about.

That being said, Steelstriker featured a fast plot that combined effortlessly with that of the first book. Though some events were rather predictable, the story held the attention of the reader in a death grip until the very end. It was impossible to put this book down, especially because of how easy it was to get attached to the characters. Despite a few flaws, Steelstriker by Marie Lu is a finale that will not leave fans of Skyhunter disappointed.
Profile Image for Caroline.
214 reviews349 followers
August 22, 2021
"May there be future dawns."

Steelstriker was one of my most anticipated releases of the year, and in no way did it disappoint. It was a thrilling, exhilarating conclusion to the Skyhunter duology, and I already anticipate going back to my favorite parts to reread them. Marie Lu has outdone herself.

Skyhunter ends at a point of immense tension, and this sequel is able to build off of that. It not only crafts an intricate plot filled with action and plot twists. but it expands on the romantic relationships and friendships from the first book. If you were looking for more romance from the first book, this sequel is where you're going to get it. Talin and Red's relationship goes so much deeper in this book and really solidifies itself. The two of them learn the ins and outs of each other and just seeing the way they fight for their future and for the people they love really gets me. I was so close to crying simply because they love each other so much. I was definitely screaming into my pillow.

Steelstriker, unlike Skyhunter, is told in two points of view: one is Talin's and one is Red's. Given the circumstances of the story, having Red's POV there lends itself so well to the story. Beyond the fact that Red is my favorite (slightly grumpy) boy and the fact that his POV was pretty essential to the plot making sense, seeing the bond between him and Talin from both sides gave a lot of insight into their relationship. Since the majority of the book takes place in the capital of the Karensa Federation aka where Red has such deep-rooted childhood memories, we get a lot more definition to Red's character and his background. I LOVE HIM OKAY

Although there are two points of view, I see Talin at the center of this story. Seeing her prove herself again and again, taking back her agency and holding onto it for dear life. She's a fighter and every moment in this story, she shows everyone how she is so much more than the quiet little girl all of her doubters see her as. She not only has the grit and the strength, but she has the heart. This is a book about rebellion, and Talin establishes herself at the heart of it. My fave <3

The found family in this book is absolutely immaculate. The little family of Strikers makes my heart so happy, and seeing how far they came from the first book and the deep bonds they've formed between each other makes me even more confident that found family is my favorite trope.

I also wanted to mention how well I thought Marie Lu crafted her villain figures in this story, Premier Constantine specifically. She uses his former relationships, his backstory, and his true desires to her advantage, almost giving him mercy but recognizing how cold and brutal of a figure he's grown to be.

Above all, this is a story of family and sacrifice. What are you willing to do for the people you love? How deep do those familial bonds run? At the heart of this story is Talin and her mother, and the two of them has nudged themselves into a special place in my heart.

I don't think anyone thought I would be giving this book a negative review given how often I scream about Marie Lu on the Internet, but this is your reassurance that Steelstriker won't let you down.

Thank you to MacMillan and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

CW: death, war, violence, slight gore, dismemberment, blood
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
October 15, 2021
I am not okay. I need another book by Marie stat.

Steelstriker was beyond beautiful in my eyes. I absolutely loved the entire thing from start to finish. I think the idea behind giving us Red's POV was pure genius and made me fall back in love with everything all over again. Then there's the world all things that revolve around Constantine. Seriously, it was amazing and I'm sad that it's all over now.

Besides falling in love with the characters, I liked getting to know more about the villain in this one. It was kind of refreshing but needed to happen. I also didn't like the control Constantine had on Talin but I did love how she tried to fight him. Then there's the romance, and ugh, my heart was just very happy. Seriously.

In the end, I'm definitely sad that I wont get another book but very excited for whatever Marie decides to grace us with next. Super freaking excited.
Profile Image for ella.
52 reviews19 followers
March 31, 2021
im so excited for this seriesssss


i like this cover much more than the first one. the colors gives much better vibes i think, the first one felt way too dreamy. the title is less cringey, too. i don't remember much from the first book but i'm still soo excited!
Profile Image for aimee (aimeecanread).
578 reviews2,584 followers
March 12, 2024
No, I will not give up on Marie Lu even if this was lowkey one of the most boring books I’ve read so far this year. 😭

My thoughts about this one are pretty much the same as in Skyhunter, with some new bonus thoughts:

❌ Yes, the plot in book 1 was not all that unique, but that's something extra disappointing for a finale. I was waiting for the twists to finally wow me, but everything was so predictable and convenient for the main characters. I forced myself to read quickly to get it all over with.

❌ I get sad when the main couple's separated for a long time, but with this one, I was kind of pissed. They didn't get to know each other that well in book 1, but now they're in love despite having been separated for months. When did that happen!?

Anyway, I still do plan to finish all the other Marie Lu series I've started, but now I am SO scared to do that. Fingers crossed that I miraculously end up loving those? 🤞


⁂ More Marie Lu ⁂

⁘ #1. Legend: 5★
⁘ #2. Prodigy: 4★
⁘ #3. Champion: 5★
⁘ #4. Rebel: 4★

The Young Elites
⁘ #1. The Young Elites: 3.5★

⁘ #1. Warcross: 4★

⁘ #1. Skyhunter: 2.5★
⁘ #2. Steelstriker: 1.5★
Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,037 followers
October 30, 2021
“Think of all that a single person can do. All the indescribable good. All the unspeakable evil”
Marie Liu acknowledges in the Afterword that this duology is a dark one, maybe her darkest work yet, written during the pandemic and the Presidency of He Who Shall Not Be Named.
This was a great read and I’m glad for those who survived in the story. There was lots of courage, perseverance, loyalty and teamwork and a very satisfying ending.
Profile Image for Booktastically Amazing.
547 reviews448 followers
December 30, 2021
*dials 911-blackmail billionaire.org*

Yes. Hi, I would like to place an order demanding the eight days I spent suffering through this book and a refund for the battery I lost whilst trying to be through this.

*please hold*

Also, I would like to point out that there was too little death. It is 1:45 am and I’m willing to do the work the soldiers in this story failed to do. Kill a couple of the friends-

Minus Talin’s mom, she’s cool in my book.
That is all, until you know, I’m not a zombie corpse mix and can rant my head off without literally ranting it off.


If this turns basic, I'll go and blackmail every billionaire out there.

Profile Image for ash.
376 reviews539 followers
October 9, 2021
i can tell Marie Lu struggled writing this. the Jeran and Aramin crumbs carried!

thematically sound, but most of the book was too slow and repetitive and then the resolution was too easy and convenient. the book takes too long to build up but does not deliver on its promises. it also has some plot holes, and some scenes are so improbable and miraculous— i feel so disappointed with how Marie Lu executed this.
Profile Image for akacya ❦.
1,419 reviews288 followers
December 17, 2022
this is the sequel to skyhunter and takes place a few months after.

talin has been taken captive by the premier and is forced to be his personal skyhunter so that he doesn’t kill her mother. red and the few maran strikers left are now in hiding. but these two have to find their ways back to each other or risk everything they know and love being destroyed.

first of all, i’m so glad this book included red’s pov!! the book really wouldn’t have worked without it lol. i enjoyed seeing his viewpoint and seeing what was happening while he was separated from talin.

the plot was really interesting and i especially loved the ending; i thought it was perfect. if you enjoyed book one, pick up this sequel!
Profile Image for Kalena W.
740 reviews460 followers
May 3, 2024
4 stars 🌟


[TW: blood and gore, violence, murder and injury of loved ones, human experimentation and torture, war themes, depictions of grief, death of a parent]
Profile Image for Rachel & Lindsey.
77 reviews13 followers
November 9, 2021
okay, my brain is too wrapped up in little thieves to give a coherent review, but

hearing red's POV was absolutely wonderful. love red so much. would sell my soul for him. and this was the perfect slow burn sci-fi romance.

plus talin's POV was still incredible. the link between her and constantine really made me hate the guy even more (but it was still cool to learn more about him, because then there was more substance to hate, if you get my gist)

also, i enjoyed the

i also liked how were a big plot point? i liked how our weapon of mass destruction also became theirs. this also ties into the world building, which was great (i enjoyed learning more about karensa, both through talin living there and red's past)

my only issue was there was so much focus on aramin and jeran but it felt like nothing really happened? it's hard when you have a love story between two characters and neither one has a POV. i would've loved a jeran POV honestly.

overall, i would HIGHLY recommend this duology if you like sci-fi! don't forget to check any TW before reading! - lindsey
Profile Image for Hilda.
1,198 reviews263 followers
February 13, 2022
Think of all that a single person can do. All the indescribable good. All the unspeakable evil.

I love Talin. I’ve loved her every single part of the way. I especially love her disability and how it’s a part of her, she has to sign, but doesn’t define her. I love how her friends and family accept her. Again, she isn’t her disability. It’s just who she is. I also love that she is a great Striker. That she continues to remember her first Blade. She is a mighty force and Constantine, the Premier, always under estimated her. Or over estimated himself. Either way her abilities were realistic. It never felt fake or unrealistic and that’s probably my favorite part of all. I’ve read books were I’m literally rolling my eyes thinking that can’t happen. But with Talin, Red, Adena, Jeran, and Aramin I felt like they could do it all. And that was so good. So satisfying.

I continue to be fascinated by how these future people see us, The Early Ones, the books they read and think are all nonfiction. They created zombies because they thought we had zombies! They’re messing with nuclear weapons they have no idea how to work. Peacing together the past with limited information and making up the rest. This to me is still the best part of this series.

How will we be remembered in the future by a new generation? Will they also create zombies/Ghost and Angels/Steelhunters. It feels like people are always trying to conquer and wars continue to exist around the world. Do we ever learn from pasts mistakes or continue this sick cycle? This book makes you think about so many things. It’s also big on death and immortality. That’s why it took me so long to finish. It’s a book that is full of action but also makes you think. I needed to focus on it 100% or I would get lost and have to reread.

I really enjoyed it. I just wish it wasn’t so descriptive at times. I also needed more Tamlin and Red in the book together. Their time apart was so boring to me and it’s more than half of the book! But overall I really liked it.
Profile Image for vish.
137 reviews30 followers
June 1, 2024
i personally enjoyed this more than skyhunter but for some reason everything felt so…easy? the characters almost never had any problems carrying out their “dangerous” plans and came out of it pretty much unscathed except for minor injuries. the villain was beatable and i wasn’t very thrilled with the way he went down. i suppose i was expecting something more. this was a duology about war but the war elements were glossed over in my opinion. there were mentions of “bloody massacre” and “atrocities” but there weren’t really any actual scenes depicting them. for a YA fantasy novel, this was a good read!
Profile Image for Belinda.
1,024 reviews
November 7, 2021
“It is easy to bend the truth when you are the truth.”

Minor spoilers below! Major spoilers will be hidden!

More like 3.5 stars, but I’m rounding up for my overall enjoyment of the duology. Everything was a tad too… generic? for my taste. I enjoyed Skyhunter so much because the end was wild and caught me by surprise. There were no surprises here and very low stakes. I never really got the sense that any major characters were in danger. Those who did die I was not emotionally attached to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad none of my babies died, but the book itself was not as tense as I would have wanted it to be. Most of the tension came from Talin being connected to Constantine and having to hide her thoughts and emotions from him while also rejecting her connection to Red. The fact that there’s a time skip also took away from the grittiness I was looking forward to. Instead of showing Talin while she’s in captivity she’s already been transformed into a Skyhunter. This is gonna sound bad, but I wanted to see those hard months of her in those labs being experimented on and the pain and torture she went through. Even seeing it in some flashbacks would have sufficed. Instead it’s kinda glossed over and our main concern for her is keeping Constantine happy so her mom isn’t punished.

The inclusion of Red’s POV was something I was looking forward to, and while it worked out plot-wise the execution was a bit lacking. His POV jumps from first person to second person and it’s jarring. It still confuses me, but I think it’s because a lot of times he talks to himself and gives himself pep talks? Like when things get overwhelming he’s just like “Ok you’re gonna do this, this, and this. Things are gonna be just fine.” That sort of thing. And yes, this is something a lot of us do in our own heads, but to see it written down in a book was very weird and took away from the flow of the novel as I was reading. Poor Red was left pining for Talin for most of the book, but not in a whiny way. Having the others with him helped, but you could tell just how much he missed Talin and how much he loved her. He would do anything and everything to get her back, and he did. He and Jeran being a lil team was cute though. Good teamwork. I enjoyed his POV more since we get more action from him. The train fight to the prison breakout and then the final battle; Red’s scenes were more dynamic. That doesn’t mean Talin is boring, I just wasn’t as invested in her parts cause I knew she’d be ok.

The fighting was on point though. Lu excels at writing dynamic action scenes and that is what I got here. Red, Talin, etc. fighting for their lives was so visceral. You could tell it was a life or death situation. They’re also not magically dodging bullets and whatnot. They all get real injuries that they manage to push through because they’re that good. Even Talin, a full-fledged Skyhunter, gets hit. Everything just wound up being a little too predictable. The rebel forces were the most surprising part of this, or at least who was behind said rebel forces. I think this was missing a lot of drama for me. I don’t wanna say political drama cause that’s not what I’m going for, but I wanted to see the reactions to certain betrayals and manipulations. Everything was kinda rushed as Constantine just went from one thing to another.

I did appreciate the sweet romance sprinkled in. Lu isn’t heavy-handed with the romance, but it’s clear Talin and Red have feelings for one another and miss the other. Their longing and wondering was written so it wasn’t whiny or saccharine at all, but something to be held close to the heart and cherished. It also fueled their determination to get back to each other. The quiet moments between Jeran and Aramin had me squealing on the inside. Red and Talin’s reunion and joy at finally being able to express how they truly feel about one another. None of it took away from the overall plot. Mostly it was about finding love and people during such difficult times.

The emphasis on family was also explored. As Talin ruminates on her own bond with her mother we get to know a little more about Constantine’s bond with his mom. I’m not sure if Lu was trying to have readers gain sympathy for Constantine or not, but at the very least you understand he’s not a one-dimensional bad guy. Didn’t make me like him or sympathize with him since he’s done so much bad shit, but it does put him at a parallel to Talin. With the mental bond between the two of them I expected a lot more devious manipulations or accidental sad childhood revelations to establish a closer bond between the two of them, no matter how fucked up it may be. I guess I was kinda expecting Talin to end up understanding him more, and maybe sympathizing with him, but ultimately coming to the conclusion that he still needed to die and she would be the one to do it.

The ending left me happy at least even if there is the big question of the Early One’s weapon that they left unanswered. From the descriptions it sounds like they found nuclear missiles. I could be wrong though and I wish we got more clarification on that front. But hey, all my babies are alive and happy.

Overall, not the most original ending to a dystopia series ever, but still pretty good. What it was lacking in originality it made up for in heart and the characters. I love Red and Talin, and I love the diversity and representation they both bring to YA. This is a sci-fi dystopia featuring a woman of color who is mute. And instead of that being a disability or a hindrance, she uses it to her advantage in her line of work and it makes her deadly and badass. Yes, the stakes could have been higher here and more losses could have happened, but I’m one of those basic bitches that likes happy endings with no angst lmao so oh well. I would def recommend new YA readers to read this. People that are looking for more well-written disabled characters and diversity should pick this up. I can only imagine what a series like this would do for a mute reader who’s never seen themselves represented in a book before, let alone a sci-fi book. Also if you love straight up action you should read this. Let me end this with a few more quotes that caught my eye.

“I know how love can power you.” - Jeran

“If only the world were fair. But no one wants that. They just want it to be fair for them.” - Constantine

“That’s the thing about inventing new things. You can only control the genesis of it, not the evolution.”

“Think of all that a single person can do. All the indescribable good. All the unspeakable evil.”
Profile Image for CYIReadBooks (Claire).
753 reviews116 followers
November 2, 2021
Steelstriker is the second and final book of the Skyhunter duology. That being said, Steelstriker cannot be read as a stand alone novel.

The five main characters are a carryover from the first novel and they still retain their gritty charm. Talin underwent an unwanted transformation and is struggling to hold onto her sense of self as the evil Premier attempts to control Talin’s actions. Red has since matured and is now a loyal fighter and comrade to his fellow soldiers. Nothing much has changed with Adena, but Aramin and Jeran have formed a close bond.

The plot thickens in Steelstriker. There’s more intrigue and mystery rather than just combat. It is a nice change, especially since the narration occurs in Talin’s and Red’s points of view.

The targeted audience for Steelstriker are those readers who are fans of fantasy and those that enjoy the works of author, G. A. Aiken (from The Princess Knight series.)

Would I read more from this author? Though I enjoyed both Skyhunter and Steelstriker, I am hesitant to read any other book from this author. Primarily because I didn’t care for her Kingdom of Back novel. I’ll probably have to revisit her offerings before signing off.

Overall, Steelstriker is a worthy followup to Skyhunter and both novels are not to be missed. Four enjoyable stars.
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