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Date Me Like You Mean It

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I’m good at hiding my feelings.
Having to pretend I’m not in love with my best friend?
Pfft. That’s child’s play.

Here’s how I do it: I avert my eyes when he walks out of his room, shirtless in all his toned glory. I squash the butterflies that fill my stomach every time he slowly unfurls a dimpled smile. And, most importantly, I keep an arsenal of “personal massagers” in my bedside drawer. Wink.

Not to brag, but Aiden Smith isn’t hard to resist if you’ve been doing it for as long as I have. In fact, we might have continued as best friends forever if not for the fact that I needed him to play the part of my fake boyfriend.

Date me like you mean it, I told him. Nudge nudge. C’mon, just go along with a little lie, help a girl out, and then we can all return to life as we know it.

Except he veered from the plan.

He crossed the line.

Flirting with me when no one else was around? Pinning me down and kissing me like that? Okay, how exactly is taking off my bra part of the ruse, Aiden?!
I’d ask him about it if I could, but well…things got ugly and we’re not best friends anymore.

In fact, we’re the exact opposite.

Now, I have to play nice even though I want to crush his heart in the palm of my hand.

Pretending not to love Aiden was the easy part.
Pretending not to hate him?
Well…I might need a little more practice.

305 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 5, 2020

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About the author

R.S. Grey

44 books11.7k followers
R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty-five romantic comedies. She loves books, chocolate, reality TV, and cold weather. She lives in Texas with her husband, two daughters, and dog. Visit her at rsgrey.com.

Instagram: @AuthorRSGrey

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/RSGrey/


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 655 reviews
Profile Image for Anovelqueen .
297 reviews976 followers
November 17, 2020
***3 STARS***

I had really high hopes for this book because I love a good rom-com friends-to-lovers story.

The book started out ok. Maddie and Aiden meet at their sibling’s wedding. Soon after they move in together as roommates and become close friends. Of course, Maddie has always been in love with Aiden but she hides it and even consoles the women he has broken up with. Aiden doesn’t even hint that he feels the same way so when it comes time for Maddie to express herself she doesn’t.

Then the book goes into Part 2, Aiden’s POV and the story just goes downhill for me fast. There is so much miscommunication between this couple that it is not even cute or adorable but downright aggravating. Also Maddie acts like a child the majority of the book and I wonder “Who would want to fall in love with her?”. I just couldn’t get into it and I made myself finish.

On a positive note the author does write some comedic lines at times, but this was just an ok read for me.
Profile Image for Seline.
559 reviews41 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
November 5, 2020
I’m only 53% into this book and there’s so much miscommunication. I’m annoyed and I don’t really like the characters. I don’t understand why Maddie would be mad he took a job in New York when she wouldn’t even tell him she likes him and would like him to stay. Girl you told him to take the job stop being angry at him a year later for leaving. Same goes for Aiden, he likes her too and wouldn’t tell her so. I know that’s part of the plot but that just creates so much frustration and unnecessary drama that has gotten old by now. I’m also sick of hearing about Aiden being so good in bed because she can hear him in the apartment doing shit with these other women. ( it’s only repeated a few times but because I’ve read this situation being used so many times I’ve become sick of it)

The characters were also boring so their relationship even as friends wasn’t that interesting. I’m being harsh on this book but I’m really getting bored with the same type of stories being repeated over and over again but with different names. At least make the characters interesting.

I don’t know why I felt like ranting today but here we are

I don’t rate books I haven’t read fully so that’s that and if I did finish this book I’ll probably end up giving it around 2 stars.
Profile Image for ren ♡ .
391 reviews850 followers
October 20, 2021
I loved the first half of this book! Aiden and Maddie had such a fun friendship - it's definitely been a while since a book has made me laugh this hard. I loved the banter and the fake relationship. Unfortunately, the second half left little to be desired... Aiden and Maddie sort of morphed into two different people and the miscommunication between them became a little exhausting.

Overall, it was a fun and fast read but it didn't live up to its potential.

Rating: 3.5/5
Profile Image for FictionalDen.
256 reviews254 followers
November 21, 2020
4 Stars

Romantic Comedies, most of the time are always a miss for me but I’m glad I finally found one I actually really enjoyed reading!!

So this book starts off pretty cliche, we have Maddie and Aiden who have been roommates and best friends since the past 2 years. Both of them secretly harbor feelings for one another but never express it and go on with their lives with other people. Until one day Maddie ends up blurting out that Aiden is her boyfriend. They keep up the charade until “something” happens.

A year later they meet again, one hates the other and one will do anything to show the other that they are meant to be.

I really liked both the characters, especially Maddie, how strong she was most of the time and how she wasn’t just running behind Aiden like a love sick puppy. I also really liked how after they get together officially their struggles didn’t end there you know? They still had a HUGE obstacle to go through and I was glad we got to read about it.

Profile Image for naz.
380 reviews367 followers
December 3, 2020
fingers crossed this will be waaaay better than the last few books pls
Profile Image for zaraa.
404 reviews
November 9, 2020
it looks like rs grey’s writing is also going through a crisis like the year itself.

I have to be honest, this was probably the second or third book of R.S. Grey's in a row that I ended up not liking which is surprising because I have always loved her books since they are your typical romcoms.

Date Me Like You Mean It had pretty much everything that I look for in a romantic comedy and something that just instantly makes me happy and soft: bestfriends to lovers/ roomies/ fake dating/ sunshine girl/ grumpy man, however, what the book marketed ended up being totally different compared to what was actually in the book itself. Yes, the book had all the tropes I mentioned above, but the plot itself lacked majorly in development + character structure + an actual storyline.

I don't know if it was just me, but I could not stand the female character, Maddie. To me, she was beyond annoying and immature. I have realized that R.S. Grey has a trademark female character type that dominates most of her books, and usually they don't bother me with their "humorous and loud" selves, but this time around it just got really repetitive and made me roll my eyes every single time Maddie did something "annoyingly cute" like yeah the purpose was to make Maddie adorable even when she had no filter or was clumsy and awkward with her feelings, but in reality it made me want to buy her a new personality because what she thought was cute was actually NOT cute at all. And, Aiden Smith? don't even get me started because that boy had ZERO and I mean ZERO personality like him being the love interest was a bit weird since he was good as my plant that's standing in the corner, but atleast my plant gives me flowers, Aiden gave me nothing except yawns.

It's just so disappointing when a book has so much potential and you know the author can actually come through with it like this book could have been perfectly a slow and sweet romcom with the bestfriends actually having some angst and emotional development between them. What more does one need? I don't care the story could have been repetitive, but if it had proper character development + angst + slowburn + humor ugh, I would have devoured it like it was chocolate.

P.S. Thinking about taking a break from R.S. Grey's books for a while because they are just not doing it for me lately, unforunately.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Flor ❁ (HIATUS).
236 reviews58 followers
February 12, 2021
I remember reading this the last year. I ended up skipping pages because it was boring and there was a lot of miscommunication.
Profile Image for M..
507 reviews724 followers
November 5, 2020
More like 2.5 tbh. I think I'm gonna take a break from RS Grey's books for a while since her new releases aren't hitting like they used to for me.

The bestfriends-roomies/fake dating/enemies to lovers trope promised something good, but I really didn't like the execution. The miscommunication was huge here as they have been friends for two years and both have secret feelings for each other, but no one takes the first step until Aiden is offered his dream job and Maddie hopes he stays for her and he expected Maddie to ask him to stay BUT HOW IS THE OTHER SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT THEY WANT IF THEY HAVE NEVER TALKED ABOUT BEING ANYTHING BUT FRIENDS??? ugh, I just can't.

The first part was them being best friends (or rather knowing a lot about each other just from sharing the same space for two years) and pretending to date for like a minute. This part was the most boring for me and the pace felt terribly slow. Most of it was about Maddie telling how she fell in love with Aiden the second she saw him, how handsome he is, how she's kept her feelings a secret all this time, the number of girls Aiden has dated and basically her drooling and forgetting how to talk when she see him shirtless.

The second part was a bit better since they already knew what they wanted, but then the long distance relationship basically killing them both???? and then the grand gesture and that's all?? idk the first part felt like a century and then the second part felt rushed.

I think my problem with her latest releases is the way her characters behave. Like she has a wide variety of male characters from the funny friend, to the manwhore, to the grumpy, to the one with money, etc., but the girls are always so childish and hysterical??? their inner monologues are funny like for three chapters and then they get downright annoying and I hate it 😭.

Well at least the epilogue had a puppy...
Profile Image for Brooke — brooklynnnnereads.
1,157 reviews265 followers
November 5, 2020
Without a doubt, this is one of my favourite novels by R.S. Grey. I loved everything about this novel from the friendship to the romance. Both of these characters were written in such a way that they were authentic and felt like real people. It was a novel that had me laughing but also definitely hit me hard in the feels.

Along with this story being entertaining, it also included some of the struggles of adulthood such as balancing relationships (both platonic and romantic) with a difficult work schedule and limited time. A relationship and the ease of one isn't always sunshine and daisies, especially if you have an atypical and demanding work schedule.

This novel was easily read in one sitting and even though the novel concluded perfectly, I was sad to reach completion and say goodbye to these characters.

As always, I will await R.S. Grey's next novel with bated breath because they are consistently entertaining with a story that is addicting making me unable to put it down.

***Thank you to the author R.S. Grey for sending me an e-ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,575 followers
October 30, 2020
This book was wonderful; everything that I love all parcelled up and delivered in one fabulous romantic package. RS Grey knows exactly the buttons to press when it comes to writing a romantic comedy, combine that with her ability to write steamy and heartfelt and I’m all the way in. I really enjoyed these characters, their story had me hooked from chapter one and did I mention that this features my favourite ever romance reading trope? Yes my fellow addicts this is a friends to lovers story and one that I will not be getting over any time soon. There’s steam, push and pull, a few obstacles in the way, a friendship between the antagonists that felt authentic and most of all there was the trademark swoon that makes RS Grey’s books so addictive. This author gives me that reminder of just exactly why I’m so in love with romance books and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Profile Image for Monique.
412 reviews
March 29, 2021
Holy shit, I went into this expecting a light, steamy friends to lovers, fake dating, roommates book and fuck me sideways that is not what I got. What I got left me happy/ugly crying and my cold bitter heart all melted.

I don't even know how to word this without spoiling it because I think you have to go in a bit blind with this one but trust me when I say it's not really what you're expecting but better. So much better.

This is probably the most angsty R.S. Grey book I've ever read. It punched me in the gut a few times, especially for Maddie who we spend the majority of the book in her POV. She's been in love with Aiden for 2 years and lives with him, she's seen a host of women come and go from his bedroom and your heart just aches for her. She's not celibate at all either, they both date while being best friends and you just know they love each other but of course, with a friendship on the line neither are game to push it further until they do one night but then life happens and they are both too chicken shit too fess up.

Their story was so beautiful and felt so honest. It was hard to read at times and I wanted to slap them both or cheer them on.

I'm making it sound really sad and dreary but it truly wasn't, it was just really raw and I felt so invested in them working out. I loved them both so much, Aiden was such a perfect, cocky H. Maddie cracked me up with her humor and together they were perfect.

I'm shocked this hasn't rated higher but I suspect that it's because of the fact that both are with other people when they both clearly have feelings for each other. It's nothing descriptive though and honestly I love the angst of it.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,806 reviews536 followers
November 8, 2020
I really wanted to fall in love with these characters and their friends-to-lovers-second chance love story. It started out with a bang and things were going fabulously -- and I was drawn in immediately by the plotline and the cast of characters. But too soon things began to fall apart and slide downwards into what the heck territory.

As usual the comic relief is there in spades. Great lines of dialogue -- just not enough. At times things took a turn into lalaland and hard to swallow as true to life. A year's separation tangled with stubborn attitudes and no communication skills between the two main characters drove me to the point of frustration and boredom. A rough ride through the second chance just plain tuckered me out and the ending felt rushed and lacking in the closure department. It definitely needed a little more spark and sizzle.

So, it fell short of a great read - but I didn't hate it, but was definitely disappointed.
Profile Image for Sabi.
1,147 reviews342 followers
May 28, 2023
The novel is divided into two parts, and well, only the first part is good...

Things I liked:

1. The side characters:The main characters' siblings, lead's boss, etc.

2. Witty Scenes that are in the first part.

Things I wasn't impressed with:

1. The Friends to Lovers trope? It felt very one-sided to me.

2. Needed more scenes and chemistry between the leads to make the reader root for them.
Profile Image for Dali.
1,971 reviews565 followers
November 8, 2020
In true R. S. Grey fashion, Date Me Like You Mean It will make you laugh and draw you into this tempting story about two best friends secretly pining for each other.

Hero : Aiden Smith is Maddie’s sister’s husband’s brother, which is how they met. He’s a sexy journalist who works in Austin but his dream job is to work at the New York Times.

Heroine : Maddie is quirky with a penchant to hide, avoid and lie about her true feelings toward Aiden even when asked point blank by the object of her affection.

Plot/Pace : This is a slow burn romance. After two years of living together and hiding their true feelings from each other Maddie and Aiden are like an old married couple with inside jokes and long established rituals without the perks. That is until Maddie asks Aiden to be her pretend boyfriend, lines get blurred and then Aiden accepts his dream job in NY. Now Maddie hates his guts while Aiden faces the consequence.

Sexiness : Maddie and Aiden’s bond is apparent right from the start. But it takes them a while to move their relationship to the next level. But once the match is lit their chemistry is explosive.

Feels : This story was cute and lighthearted with a dash a sexiness giving me warm fuzzies and laughs I expect from R.S. Grey.

Facts: Date Me Like You Mean It is a standalone romantic comedy by author R.S. Grey. Written if first person and told from both points of view with a happy ending. Other tropes: friends to enemies to lovers, second chance.

* I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of the author via InkSlinger. The excerpts are from that copy. I am voluntarily reviewing this title. *

Amazon -> https://amzn.to/2Jve0Cr

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Profile Image for eli.
298 reviews193 followers
August 25, 2022
I really have mixed feelings for this book, I don't think it was bad, boring, or anything like that, but IMO to write friends to lovers you have to actually write the characters slowly realizing their feelings and building a relationship from that and the principal thing it should have its angst from the fact that they don't want to ruin their friendship.
now my problem with this book was exactly that, since the first chapter you can clearly see they're attracted to each other, especially Maddie, she´s totally in love with him, so there's basically little to no build-up of their feelings which is meh.
to that add the fact that they have sooo much miscommunication, which is annoying AF, the whole plot of the book could've been solved in one single page if they actually talked.
The second part was so much better and probably the reason why I gave the book 3 stars, they both know what they want, and there's angst with the long-distance relationship.
other than that I didn't like the ending that much? I feel like it was a little rushed and dumb, honestly, it annoyed me a lot LOL.
overall an okay read, I actually enjoyed reading it and it's funny too, if you're a fan of RS Grey you're probably going to enjoy this, but definitely, not her best work (arrogant devil still holds that place).

Profile Image for ju.
133 reviews
November 5, 2020
"New York City has millions of people, and not one of them is you"

I absolutely adore R.S. Grey's books and when she posted about this one I knew I would love it as well because it has some of my favorite tropes: fake dating and best friends to lovers.

Even knowing this, I was still surprised by how much I loved it.

It was such a fast read, as every book by her is, with that on the point humor that made me laugh sooo many times.

I love the characters, Maddie and Aiden were amazing! I was expecting Aiden to be more like a bad boy style, you know? But he's sweet and funny which made it a thousand times better.

Another thing that I loved was the first chapters where you see more of their friendship, they had so many little moments that you read and can't help but think "Please, how can't they see they love each other?" and I adore moments like these.

Then stuff happens... I confess I'm not into miscommunication trope but I didn't feel it a lot here, I understood both of their sides and why they did what they did. Or better, why they didn't do.

In short, I loooove this book and recommend it to anyone who wants a cute, funny and romantic book. It definitely is one of my faves by R.S. Grey.
Profile Image for Kimberly (a_romance_a_day).
293 reviews38 followers
November 5, 2020
Full review to come but I absolutely devoured this book in a couple hours. My heart was being squeezed and pulled through their friends to enemies to lovers struggling to make things work with the terrible timing.

So much tension, longing, some pain, and a beautiful story from start to finish.

Full review:

Aiden and Maddie start off as roommates, though Maddie has a big crush on Aiden, and then become the best of friends. They know each other’s habits, tics, pet peeves, favorite foods, music, everything. I don’t want to give too much away because it was so good — I feel like you have to just experience the story unfold as is. I absolutely loved Maddie and Aiden they were so wonderfully written and I was rooting for them the whole time.

I will say that the push and pull, emotions, longing, and the pain and timing problems they seem to have pulled on my heart strings in the best way and I couldn’t put the book down until I finished. There is the balance of laughs of course and it’s such a beautiful story. I feel like with every new release, I have a new favorite from her!

Friends to enemies to lovers is a trope that I know I’ve read before but read two back to back in this trope and I’m really loving it. It always has elements of second chance and is guaranteed to squeeze my heart and I love it.

I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Milla .
647 reviews376 followers
November 13, 2020
Let’s be honest, almost all of R.S. Grey’s books are the same formula with small changes (read: settings).

One person has been in love with another person in secret forever, they start fuckin for some reason, other person reciprocates feelings, the girl resists and is in a fuckin tiffy for half the book about it for some unknown reason, love confessions then everything’s wonderful.

This book followed that formula too but with a few lil tweaks (angst) that made it slightly more interesting.

I’m never mad at Grey’s books but despite being frustrated with that formula every damn time, I read a lot of her books and am always satisfactorily entertained lmao
Profile Image for Amy .
2,931 reviews
November 5, 2020
5, Swoon-worthy Stars!!

“These are the words I’ve wanted to hear. They’re the words I imagined during so many lonely nights. But they’re just…words. They don’t change the past. They don’t repair the damage that’s already been done.”

“It feels like I can’t get her close enough. I want her inside me, part of me.”

“It’s the kiss of a lifetime. The kiss I’ve wanted for years. A kiss that comes right after the truth.”

R.S. Grey has knocked it out of the park with Date Me Like You Mean It. Aiden & Maddie’s story pulled me out of my reading rut and left me with the biggest smile on my face.

Date Me Like You Mean It is the latest romance novel from author R.S. Grey and it follows the story of Maddie and Aiden. For years, Maddie has harbored romantic feelings for her roommate Aiden but has never acted on them. She’s always been too afraid of the consequences and let’s face it, nothing is worse than admitting your feelings and finding out that they’re not reciprocated. So when Maddie needs a fake boyfriend, even though she shouldn’t do it, she asks Aiden to help. Only, fate had other plans in mind for these two, and Aiden deviated from the plan. In the end, Maddie was left with a broken heart and more confused than ever. It will be a year before these two are reunited. Maddie isn’t the same girl Aiden used to know and Aiden isn’t going to walk away without a fight…..

I love, love, loved absolutely everything about this book. From the very first page, I was hooked. I connected instantly with Maddie and loved her friendship with Aiden. Their banter was off the charts and entertaining. Their chemistry just flowed off the pages and left you dying for more. My heart ached right along with Maddie’s and I felt every bit of her frustration.

You see, Maddie and Aiden were the best of friends until one night everything got screwed up. If only they could have communicated better with one another, a lot of this pain and heartache could have been avoided. Maddie and Aiden had some of the most delicious will they/won’t they moments. The yearning so intense, it lept off the pages.

Together Maddie and Aiden were an excellent match. The road to happily ever after wasn’t an easy one for them, but neither one of them was willing to let go without a fight. I absolutely loved that about them. Neither one of them was perfect and both had me wanting to knock sense into them at times, but at the end of the day, I couldn’t help but root for this couple to find their happily ever after.

And I just have to say, Aiden is without a doubt a great book boyfriend. Is he perfect? No. Does he try to right his wrongs? Yes. Is he swoon-worthy? Without a doubt. Aiden is 100%, knock you off of your feet swoon-worthy and I just loved him!

Date Me Like You Mean It is a fantastic read and I absolutely adored every single second of it. Maddie and Aiden’s story delivered everything I wanted and then some. Date Me Like You Mean It had the perfect combination of swoon, romance, humor, and heart-tugging angst. Date Me Like You Mean It is easily one of my top reads from this author and I hope you’ll check it out and fall in love with this book just as I have.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Molin.
739 reviews
December 2, 2020
Half of the book was cute, i like their banter for their friendship but the rest was so so so. Both are liars about their feeling and so childish. The heroine mostly, too childish and the hero was stupid and unresponsible about his job. Its true, love takes sacrifice, yes, but not stupidity.

“No. Listen to me. Work is what we do to pay the bills and fill our time. Sure, I’m fortunate that I enjoy what I do, but if you think I care more about that than I do about you…Maddie, it doesn’t compare.”

Ummm... nope.
Profile Image for sam.
408 reviews742 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 25, 2021
dnf @ 77%

to say i was bored and annoyed would be an understatement.
Profile Image for jules.
229 reviews33 followers
May 31, 2021
4.5 ★★★★½

↳ ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange of an honest review.

When I first read the blurb, I was taken aback. I mean, I freaked out because the book was promissing some of my favorite tropes!! And I dare to say that Rachel didn't disappointed me.
The story spins around Maddie Lane and Aiden Smith, not only best friends and roommates but Aiden's brother is married to Maddie's sister, so they are always around each other.
Aiden became one of my favorite male characters from Rachel's books. He was charming, confident, fascinating, thoughtful, smart, a great friend and an even better lover. With the right amount of cockyness and cuteness, he completely stole my heart (I can absolutely tell why Maddie fell for him).
Maddie was completely amazing too!! She was like fresh air, so fierce, witty and as lovely as Aiden. She was so likeable and relatable!!
In the first part, we were able to see their dynamics as best friends and roomies and the fake dating setting. There I already saw myself cheering for them to confess their feelings, I have to admit lol.
In the second part, we saw them as enemies after some time apart (it was a bit of exaggeration from the synopsis regard the enemies thing however it didn't disturbed me).
Their relationship was perfect. There isn't another word to name the conection they have. They deeply knew each other and that's cristal clear through the book. They could comunicate only with their eyes if they needed!! And of course, they kept getting drawn to each other over and over, almost unconsciously. Literally.
In my opinion, Rachel did a great job. The story kept my attention from the beggining till the very end. I laughed so much with Aiden and Maddie and it was paupable how they cared for each other not only as lovers but as real friends. Even though the tiny lack of communication slightly bothered me, it didn't really disturbed my reading. I pratically devoured it! The build of tension that lead to the angst in the second part was really well worked!
Overall it was an amazing story! I absolutely recommend it if you are looking for the right balance of romance, comedy and angst!
Profile Image for tai.
564 reviews86 followers
November 7, 2020
The only reason why I am giving this 2 stars is because despite everything I enjoyed the first part of the story. It’s when the second part hit that I lost my interest in the book.

See, like most R.S. Grey books, I thought it was a very funny story! She is great with the humor and it’s why I love her stories so much: they never fail to make me laugh. But aside from that, I didn’t care about anything else in the book at all unfortunately.

The second part is filled with so much miscommunication from both Maddie and Aiden, it just drove me nuts. I’m not a miscommunication hater because I feel like when done well (like, when it adds satisfying angst to the story) it can be satisfying but in this instance the characters were just so damn childish and made me want to scream at kindle.. I was just so annoyed. What was supposed to be angsty plot was just overall annoying and to be honest, quite stupid. Both of these characters constantly blamed one another for their loss of touch, when neither Aiden or Maddie did anything about it when Aiden leaves for NYC. Aiden claims he has “always loved Maddie” but his lack of POV in the first half and even his actions towards her in the first half don’t really hint towards that. You don’t really imagine he likes her until you get his side of the story in part II, and by then it’s just hard to believe because you never SAW it happen. So the first part just feels like the usual annoying “girl pinned again womanizing male friend while friend has absolutely no idea,” and I absolutely hate that trope.

I was excited for this as I feel like RS Grey doesn’t write enough friends to lovers and also because I love her books and her humor, but it’s probably my least favorite book by her. I just wasn’t a fan. I had to force myself to finish it. I just didn’t like any of these characters.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ertisakalaci.
692 reviews
November 1, 2020
“𝒀𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉. 𝑶𝒌𝒂𝒚? 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅. 𝒀𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅.”

This was such a fun and fast read! I really enjoy R.S. Grey's writing style because it always gets you hooked in the story.

I was very excited about the tropes in this book friends to enemies to lovers (although I consider it more a friends to strangers to lovers), unrequited love and fake dating are some of my absolute favorites and this definitely delivered.

The first part explores Maddie and Aiden's friendship and it was hilarious although I felt Maddie's pain for loving her best friend and feeling unrequited. Their friendship was cute and wholesome and I wished we got more of the fake dating aspect.

Now the second part is where I fell more with them. It was definitely angstier than the beginning of the book and even though it was still funny I felt more tension and emotion there.

I liked the characters as I usually do with this author's books. Maddie is a ray of sunshine and even though I didn't always like her choices I liked reading from her. I also enjoyed Aiden's character too. He's definitely charming.

Honorary mention for Maddie's boss because I totally loved her quirkiness.

Overall a quick and great read that I would recommend if you've read and enjoyed Grey's previous work.

*ARC kindly provided by @inkslingerpr in exchange of an honest review
Profile Image for Angela Reads Romance.
635 reviews271 followers
August 20, 2022
This book is juuuust what I needed 💯

Maddie is in unrequited love with her roommate Aiden. She’s well aware of how pathetic she is pining after him, but after two years, she just doesn’t know how to stop. So when she is going to an old friend’s joint bachelor/bachelorette party and needs a plus one, she lies and says Aiden is her boyfriend! And they’re great friends so obvs he will be willing to pretend for her.

This is one of the few contemporaries with fake dating that actually makes sense to me. Maddie wants to fake date because she’s secretly super in love with Aiden! Maybe this is her chance, tonight’s the night to cross the line! Baby, won’t you be mine! (John Legend, man do I love that song 🎶) Except Aiden leaves early and now he’s taking a job in New York. WTF?! Maddie is hurt and heartbroken and covers her pain with some misplaced anger. But that’s okay, we’ve all been there.

Now it’s Christmas a year later and these two are reunited and Maddie is committed to keeping up her anger. But Aiden has come on a mission for Maddie and he’s not playing her games.

RS Grey is hit or miss for me and this was a definite hit. I loved how quickly paced the book is, how low drama it was (omg there were some plot points that had me so nervous it was going to derail into a soap opera, but thankfully that didn’t happen!) And I just loved all the tropes. Roommates, friends, fake dating, unrequited love. It was awesome!

Profile Image for Shelby.
1,150 reviews713 followers
January 11, 2021
Aiden and Maddie met when they were apart of the same wedding party. Maddie’s sister was marrying Aiden’s brother and they were the Maid of Honor & Best Man. They hit it off right away and it just so happened that Aiden needed a roommate and Maddie was looking for a place to stay in Austin, TX.

2-years later, they’re the best of friends and roommates. And Maddie still has a secret crush on Aiden. When an awkward situation presents itself where Maddie needs a boyfriend, she says Aiden is hers. And the nice friend that Aiden is, he agrees to go along. But something happens between them that changes their relationship. Before they can think about what it means, Aiden gets offered a job at the New York Times, and Maddie practically pushes him out the door.

A year later they’re forced to be back together again after practically no communication. And to protect her own heart, Maddie knows she must hate him, because letting him back in would break her. But what she doesn’t know is Aiden is determined to win her back, no matter what it takes.

Date Me Like You Mean It is RS Grey’s latest rom-com that combines friends to enemies to lovers with fake dating. I really enjoyed this story. The first half is told through Maddie’s perspective, the second half is dual POV. I loved the relationship between Aiden and Maddie as friends and they had a great foundation for a romantic relationship. One thing that bugged me about them both was their lack of communication—their problems could’ve been instantly solved with better communication. This was a lot of fun but also got me right in the feels. Definitely pick this one up if you’ve been a fan of RS Grey in the past or if you like the tropes included. 4/5 stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 655 reviews

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