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Love Repair #2

Deserve Me

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They say fame comes with a price.
But losing my wife is too high a cost.

A rising star. Award-winning musician. A fanbase of millions.
My life was perfect until my wife walked away without warning, leaving me in pieces.
At first I’m angry enough to let her slip away.
Then I see Jaz with another man and I realize letting her go is not an option.
I’m winning her back.
Even if our marriage is a crumbling mess.
Even if I’m the last person she trusts.
Even if it kills me.
I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want my wife.
She’s not going to make it easy.
But I’m the kind of stubborn that keeps banging on doors until they open or fall off their hinges.
I know two things for sure:
I don’t deserve my wife.
And I love that woman too much to lose her.

Deserve Me is an angsty BWWM marriage reconciliation romance with a hot, rockstar husband and the gorgeous wife who demands his all.

***Read all the novels in the Love Repair Series***
Earn Me
Deserve Me
Choose Me
Trust Me

259 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 8, 2020

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About the author

Nia Arthurs

173 books844 followers
From an early age, Nia knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began chasing that dream when she was a teenager.

Nia writes interracial romance and contemporary romance with guaranteed happy endings. She loves strong heroines and swoon-worthy heroes, and just enough spice and drama to keep things interesting!

Look for the Taming Series (Taming Mr. Jerkface, Taming Mr. Charming, Taming Mr. Know-It-All, and Taming Mr. Darcy) in ebook format.

And catch up with Nia on Facebook @authorniaarthurs. Happy Reading!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
978 reviews14 followers
November 11, 2020
A miss for me.
This book follows the same format as the first in the series. However in this one Jaz is unbearable. Her victim mentality is a real turn off for me and as for Doc his advice is so patriarcal it makes me itch. Let’s start with Jaz. She met a struggling musician, encouraged him to chase his dreams and once he got there she basically got jealous of his success. To compound it all, she lost who she was, didn’t pursue her own dreams, gave up on therapy to deal with her personal issues. Instead of talking to him and talking to his manager to make sure that her boundaries were respected, she sulked, became bitter and had an emotional affair. Still she blamed her husband for her shortcomings and tried to trick him to get what she “deserved” in the divorce that he knew nothing about. She was ok with taking everyone’s advice but talk to her own husband. Dean wasn’t blameless in the sense that he got swept into his job and fame and wasn’t as attentive as he should have been. However he was neither malicious nor a mind reader. Doc’s advice really irritated me. Basically because Dean was the man, everything is his fault and he should somehow have a cristal ball? It’s great to be the leader of your house, however your spouse is supposed to at least give you some indication of where her head is at and not basically betray you while playing the victim.
By the way, this is the digital age. People being mean on the internet to celebrities and their entourage is par for the course. So Jaz behaving like she had no idea that would happen is laughable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brandece.
612 reviews6 followers
January 19, 2021
After finishing the first book in this series I felt like I needed to read Deserve Me right away. I wanted the characters to be fresh in my mind, but in the end it didn't much matter. The main characters from the last book are just mentioned maybe once in this book. I was a little disappointed in that, but Doc is in it. I was excited to get some more Doc wisdom, but I definitely didn't get what I wanted. At one point he says something about if the marriage fails its always the husband's fault and that's a no for me. I was also disappointed in this book because I felt like it was a complete copy and paste of the first book with some small changes. I hated all the secondary characters (with the exception of Lee), her sister is awful, and her mom is the worst! All I could think of while reading this is how much therapy they all needed. Jaz and Dean as main characters were okay. I feel they relied on the lust and love that they had, but I don't feel like we got to see their issues settle and I don't buy them being in love. I really wanted to love this story, I love a husband/wife second chance love story, but sadly this just wasn't for me. As much as I kind of liked Lee I'm not sure I'll read his story.
Profile Image for Nock Leighton.
335 reviews7 followers
September 8, 2021
Love this series

It’s nice reading a story about married couples that show what happens after the HEA ending of most books. Dean who was briefly introduced in the last book loves his wife but she feels neglected and insecure. She hides this from him while he happily lives his celebrity life not realising anything is wrong. Doc to the rescue.
Profile Image for Rachel.
372 reviews6 followers
August 11, 2021
2.8 stars

I feel this book scratched the surface of something that could have been deeper. I know not every book has to be some kind of study or commentary on human behavior and relationships, but there were key things here that could have been explored more, pushed the envelope a little harder instead of being the predictable read that it ended up being. I think I just needed a little more showing of their relationship deteriorating in the present in order for this to feel like an honest second chance love story.

Here you have what's presumably an ordinary woman married to a celebrity, a musician. Don't ask about his genre of music, that was never clearly stated, but that's also besides the point. Jaz and Dean Reese have been married for 6 years but Jaz wants out. Why? Neglect being the short end of it.

Does she at any time pull her husband aside during the brief interludes when he's home and ravishing her, letting him know she's unhappy with feeling like she has no protection from the press and his fans? NO. Do they sit down and talk about solutions, have family meetings to carve out time to nurture their relationship? NO. This starts with a misconstrued outing between friends, and ends with a fist to the cheek, a trip to the hospital, and a summons to do community service. This all happens in a less than 24-hour time period from how it was written.

As the story developed, there were moments I felt for Jaz. Having her features picked apart by the tabloids and jealous, thirsty fans, dealing with harassment and racism that all struck a nerve. However, blaming her husband a 100% for her own unhappiness that wasn't fair.

As usual there was a lack of communication between the two. Their relationship to me felt like it boiled down to sex. Where was the romance? Sure, we were told they were having date nights at home, but they never once sat down to talk about the meat of their issues. They, instead, talked about those issues with other people. How can either one try to fix something if the other isn't aware that something is broken? That out of everything frustrated me the most.

Hated the relationship between Jaz and her mom and sister. Jaz's insecurities began with her mother and didn't exactly improve, nor were they helped by her sister. Jaz was also too easily swayed by the toxic words of her sister and even her own lawyer in terms of her marriage to Dean. I just wanted to shout 'girl stop listening to these obviously bitter people and look at the evidence that's right in front of you! Don't let them get in your head!'

Now, it seems I have all this smoke for Jaz, but I have some for Dean as well. He allowed his stubbornness free reign towards the end, in refusing to let Jaz explain why she filed for a divorce. I understood he felt he was doing everything he could to repair their relationship and was blindsided by the news, but at least give her a chance to explain before jumping to conclusions. Did she want the divorce before or after he started putting in the effort? That's a pretty important question to get an answer to, imo, but not to Dean. Aw well.

The end...I didn't like the fact that Jaz becomes Dean's manager. I feel there needs to be that separation of work and home. How long before problems at work creep into their marriage, and they stop being husband and wife and switch to boss and employee? Yes, she needed a purpose, just wish she could have found one that had nothing to do with her husband. Especially since she struggled with having an identity outside of Dean, you would think becoming his manager would be the absolute LAST thing she'd want to do. But I suppose them taking on the world together, shoulder-to-shoulder was supposed to be endearing and romantic.

To each their own.
Profile Image for Sherry Molock.
1,026 reviews
November 15, 2020

I thought this book was entertaining but not as good as the first book in the series. The characters were well developed but the plot wasn’t as exciting and what happens in the book is pretty predictable. I guess my biggest issue is while I like the character Doc, I don’t completely agree with him that the responsibility of the marriage always resides with the man, it takes two to have a good marriage. Plus, part of the problem in the marriage was Jaz’s insecurity, stemming from her emotionally abusive mother. It’s. It’s not Dean’s responsibility to « fix » Jaz, she needs to work on her own self-esteem issues. I thought the solution they came up with at the end really doesn’t solve the problem of Jaz’s insecurity and just makes her totally dependent on him.
August 25, 2022
My last attempt with this author. The author spends 40% of the book trying to convince the reader H is a good guy. H convinces himself he’s a good guy who will never cheat. Then WANTS to cheat with the chick at the gym. WOULD have cheated had his phone not rang. Nope. I’m out.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Abigail Gallagher.
47 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2023
DNF about 40% in when Dean almost cheats on his wife. He didn’t ultimately cheat but honestly he might as well have. I couldn’t read the rest after that.
Profile Image for Jordan Simmons.
162 reviews
November 22, 2020

I think Doc is so incredibly wise. I think he has some really good advise and it is very helpful. I just felt like it was incomplete. There were some major issues that were ignored in both main characters that really are a humongous part of their problem. They BOTH had some major insecurities that led to them making impulsive decisions. They BOTH had communication issues and needed to work through them together instead of placing blame on one person or the other.

One thing I’ve been learning in therapy is that no one can help you or fix a problem if they don’t know it’s there. No one is a mind reader. Talk, tell me what’s bothering you and we can work it out together. They both felt off kilter, didn’t know why (or did but didn’t want to admit it) and just keep chugging on. Say something so I can do something. I can’t help if I don’t know.

What I also know is at the end of the day, you’re responsible for your own lives. It’s unfair to put all of your insecurities on another person and make them solely responsible. One thing I’ve learned over my life, tomorrow is not promised and it that person that was supposedly responsible for my happiness and insecurity is gone, what do I do now? I do think having others there to go through your journey with you is great. Having some one on the road with your during your journey is what God wants. There’s a reason He put friends, family, significant others, and such in our lives. They are there to support, encourage, maybe critique your journey, but it’s yours to go on. You and God.

All that to say, I love Doc, I’m going to keep reading, but there are some unresolved issues that needed to be dealt with that weren’t, which left me disappointed. I really wished Jaz stood up to her family and set some boundaries about what was their business and what wasn’t. I wished she hadn’t told her bitter sister everything and took her word over Dean’s. I know part of it was insecurities, but part of it was too many hands in the pot. My parents have been married 35 years, and admittedly, I’m not married, but my mom and I have talked, and I’ve observed some things. One of the main problems between my mom and my grandma is that she likes to be the center of attention and in everyone’s business. My mom is more reserved than that, so my grandma gets upset that she doesn’t clue her in on every argument, every event. Too many hands in a relationship, too many opinions, too many expectations and you’re bound to fail. You’ll never be able to meet them all.

I wished Jaz could reassure Dean that he didn’t need his dads approval and I wish Dean could reassure Jaz the same about her mother and sister.
731 reviews4 followers
November 29, 2020
This poignant story gripped my heartstrings!

Celebrity can wreak havoc on the best of marriages but when you have a hunky White guy who is a singing sensation married to an ordinary Black woman no matter how beautiful, brilliant, intelligent or even how much he loves her, society's negative views of Black people and Black women in particular, causes them to lash out in the most vicious ways possible. Such was how Jazmine was treated because women thought she was not deserving of Dean her sexy, talented, start studded husband. Those women and others did anything they thought they could get away with to hurt her. Couple all of this with hauranging from her star struck mother who seemingly wants to live vicariously through Jazmine 's life and you have a beautiful woman who has grown to distrust her own worth both in and out of her relationship! I really enjoyed reading Dean and Jazmine's story and glad to see Doc lend his brand of wisdom to the situation. Nia, you have another winner on your hands so take your bow in advance!!! Loved this story and I am looking forward to Choose Me!!!!!!
234 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2020
If I'm invisible I will disappear

Jaz felt more and more invisible to her husband as he became more successful. By makingbkoney Dean convinced himself he was doing his job as a husband, even if he never saw his wife. He thought being faithful was enough to keep her trust. He never considered the impact that social media in place of his presence could do to their marriage. He stopped being present and she stopped relying on him and sharing with him. They had no idea how to find their way back and no idea how to be in a marriage. Doc and his theory that it is the man's job to make a marriage work is not popular or easy, but he certainly was onto something and helped two helpless souls find their way back to each other. I could feel the hopelessness and the defeat in these two people, the anguish of not being in sync.
Accountability and honor helped them make room for trust, and the courage and determination it takes to do the work to repair and then maintain a marriage. The manual is very clear and the effort is worth everything.
28 reviews
December 19, 2020
I gave this book a 5 stars 🤩

Jaz had alot of insecurities about herself and her husband's popularity as a Singer. She supposed Dean dreams of making it big. In fact she encourage him through everything. She felt in all she sacrifice for Dean and helping her mother. She lost her dreams and herself. She felt lonely from her mother and sister. She felted it from Dean absence because of his career. Jaz decided to leave Dean and file for divorce. She felt her husband abandon her and she felt alot hostility towards the fans assault towards her, the aligation of craze fan girls suppose attempts to get close to Dean, dropping out of law school to help pay her mom's medical bills and her husband's constant absence of doing tours. But, Dean had a little help from Doc. Eventually, they got their HEA. You have to read it to know everything that happened. I can't wait for Lee Dean's agent story next to come out.
Profile Image for Reba.
54 reviews2 followers
November 7, 2023
The story is cute but I struggled with the narrator . Every time she says women , it sounds like woman. There were a couple of moments where I questioned the story line. Jazz states she has moved back because she had to. This seems odd. What does that mean? I don’t know but like the Jasper role. Adding jealousy. The girl hecklers that chased Jazz don’t seem real. Chasing her and confronting her. Shoving her. Chasing her out the coffee shop.
Also, the Sister mom relationship is toxic and just odd. I get she has insecurities issues but how she lets everyone thoughts get in her head- lawyer, sis, momma. When Jasper was in the hospital room? Omg!!! Was the sister trying to be messy by calling and telling Dean? I wasn’t expecting Jasper to turn into a good guy. He may need a book! I love the ending with the divorce papers and him bringing her on stage. He had me do mad that he never looked at the papers. #cillasbiokmaniacs
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Morgann.
19 reviews
June 21, 2024
This book actually made me mad. Jaz (FMC) spends the entire book talking to everyone except her husband about her issues. She had the nerve to be hurt when he found out she was filing for divorce after literally playing him for months. The kicker for me was when he was still willing to go through with the divorce for her sake and then instead of TALKING TO HIM she hides behind new stipulations she made in the divorce papers and leaves a freaking note. A note... that this man probably wouldve never seen since he went on a global tour and was ready to give her all of his money. She really just made me mad the whole book, there was no redeeming her. Dean wasn't blamesless but he tried and she was so busy playing games and living for a person that didn't really exist anymore she just... ugh this made me mad.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
139 reviews
May 20, 2021
It Was Okay...Worth Reading

The first one was great. This one not as good and the rationale behind Jaz's feelings were not entirely valid. Not really fair. So that made it a little weak and my care about her feelings were miniscule. Now, I really liked her, just wish the reasoning behind her feelings were more thought out and sensible. But the writing was good and the way things worked out for them was great. Her note attached to the papers she gave to Dean was magically and filled with meaning. It establishes how you will end up relating to the story. I will definitely continue with the series. I just hope the others get better. And, I would love to get some reading about Lee in my life. I really like him.
Profile Image for ZLB.
87 reviews2 followers
September 11, 2021
This is the first book in the series that I liked because it didn't involve cheating. There are countless reasons why marriages wouldn't succeed, and this book highlights one of them.

Sure there were a few things I didn't like about the characters—for example, Jaz's lack of pride and irresponsibility to help herself and share her problems.

Doc's advice was also one. I can't entirely agree with it but can respect it in the context of suspension of disbelief.

But what grinds my gears is the mother. Suppose the book explored how Jaz puts her mother in her place. And the mother changes it would have been a 5.

The story highlights that Jaz's issues stem from her mother's, not Dean's.

What I like about the book is the fast pace. It isn't bogged down with unnecessary prose.
269 reviews2 followers
March 11, 2021
Kinda annoying

Though it was interesting to see some different kinda of dynamics. I liked Doc and his unorthodox ways of counseling. But I was annoyed with the Jaz and Dean. The constant issues with her esteem but not being honest with her husband. It wasnt clear if she had actually said what her issues were before she just left. I wss trying to connect but their story was out of my league and seemed overly dramatic in ways. The hot scenes were glossed over and rushed. New author for me. Doc's advise was the best part of the book, not enough for me not to feel like I wasted time
Profile Image for Yvonne Daniels.
2,513 reviews17 followers
December 28, 2021
Uniquely Sweet

OH my what a delightful story! One that is definitely enjoyable this is such a fantastic story that has awesome characters, with such great chemistry. This is really a sometimes sad, exciting, thrilling, unusual passionate romance! There is a part that will bring a frown to your heart along with such a unique romantic element, but the one thing I wish is that there was more to the ending. But the time spent on building up their relationship is such a delight and so incredible to read that even the secondary characters are great. Overall this is a five star romance which l greatly enjoyed.
Profile Image for Cammyjoe.
1,215 reviews6 followers
May 4, 2023
Dean & Jaz

Dean loved his wife with everything in him, but somewhere along the fame they lost sight of each other, and when you have a wife who is dealing with insecurity that didn’t help… until it was almost too late.
At time, I felt like shaking Jaz, « girl, grab your happiness, pursuit your dreams… your husband adores you, you are your own enemy,… » Anyway, I was so glad when she finally found her « groove « , managed her husband and growing together and still going to getting her degree !! Like a Boss!!👏🙌

Doc, you rock 👍

I like Jasper, (not at first) I hope he got his own HEA!!
592 reviews4 followers
December 17, 2020
Great story

I really enjoyed this second chance story for a rockstar and his wife
Sometimes u don't know what you have until its gone which is the core of this
Second book in the Love Repair Series
I love Doc who supplies wisdom to the men in the story to help them understand
Their role in the marriage
He is quite a character, one you will love and respect
You will find yourself wanting to implement some of his wisdom into your own relationships
Get the bok you won't be disappointed
90 reviews1 follower
December 25, 2020
Loved it!!

I loved the story of Jaz and Dean because it reminds me of how much we've lost in relationships. Though I don't totally agree with Doc's admonishment that everything wrong in a marriage is the man's fault. Jaz could have saved herself a lot of grief if she had expressed her true feelings and insecurities. I know as women we don't always do that expecting the man to just know...smh...I love Ms. Arthurs writing because the emotions are so real and relatable. Doc as usual was stellar!!
195 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2021
Better than the first

I liked this book better than the first one. As much as they loved each other I'm not sure why she didn't tell Dean about all that would take place because of his fame. Also the fact that he never openly talked about his wife or took her on tours with him. I felt like if they loved each other so much that they should've been able to notice these little things. Also it took them so long to figure it out. Anyway in the end they were able to break through all their communication issues and fall in love again.
274 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2021
Great job

I always love her books they never cease to amaze me! This one had a lot of twist and turns and sometimes had me wanting to pull my hair out. I wanted to shake some sense into both Jaz and Dean both so stubborn and jumping to the wrong conclusion. Then it didn't help that others were interfering in their relationship and making things worse. But it was so great to see Doc cause they really needed his insight to give them some perspective I just love him! Anyways looking forward to reading the next book that for sharing keep up the great writing!
Profile Image for LovelyLady Fox.
194 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2021
Whew! That was close

Wow, I really enjoyed and liked DEAN & JAZ. I liked DEAN’S Character I felt his emotions coming off the pages. Jasmine’s insecurities were very heartbreaking and Her relationship with her family didn’t help. JAZ & DEAN loved each other but were blind to see what they both really needed. She needed his love his support, and most importantly she needed HIM. Dean needed Her honesty, her trust, her partnership, her happiness because she was truly his MUSE.


154 reviews1 follower
November 30, 2020

It’s hard to see what we have when it is right in front of us. I love Doc and his metaphorical comparisons to the vehicle. They say so much and as little all at once. Sometimes the wrong things take front stage in our lives and the people who should tend to fade into the background. When the blame is splayed across the field because your focus is scattered will you step up? Learn how to readjust?
Profile Image for Coco.
308 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2020
Deserve me

I liked reading this second chance romance. Dean and Jaz drifted away from each other. There is no cheating, just two people trying to figure out how to make their marriage work. The focus of the book was their marriage but I feel like other relationships were not resolved. I give the book five stars because it’s a good story and moves at a good pace with a happy ending.
507 reviews
February 1, 2021
I enjoyed this book way more than the first in the Love Repair Series- although I have to say Jaz and Dean were both pretty immature/whiny characters and at times it was a struggle to be in their heads!

Nonetheless, the drama between the two was sufficiently captivating to have me turning the page right 'til the very end. It was a dramatic, slightly cheesy HEA with both leads finally coming together to resolve their issues. On to Book Three! :)
Profile Image for BookKraves.
451 reviews87 followers
April 24, 2021
Fabulous and Inspiring

I need a Doc in my life! Deserve Me is an exceptional second chance romance about fighting for your marriage. You will laugh, shed a tear or two and rejoice in Dean and Jaz's reconciliation.
“Repairing a relationship is an endless circle of testing and servicing.” Doc stares straight ahead, hands folded over his chest. “Each time you have success, it’s not the time to stop but to run more tests and do deeper service.”
Profile Image for Linda Hubbard.
42 reviews2 followers
May 26, 2021
Deserve Me

Dean is a musician, song writer and singer and Jaz is the love of his life. There is conflict and struggle in each lives. So how can they make their marriage work. Jaz is complicate, raised by a single Mom, with no father present, a Mom with her own issues, and sister that gives bad advice. And there is a five months separation , between her and her husband’s, a new man in the picture and divorce lingering over her head. Will they survive. Enjoy
124 reviews2 followers
November 17, 2020
Jax and Dean

Jaz and Dean were a complication that shouldn't have been. But in defense of Jaz she's the woman who is the cheerleader, the nurse and everything to everyone but not true to herself that's why she's invisible.
Dean loves Jaz but he's chasing a dream and he is trying to prove his father wrong. And he lost his wife. Read
602 reviews4 followers
November 19, 2020
Too many great things

It is hard to express my love for this book. This one is better than the last book in the series and that is saying a lot. I'm not sure if it is due to the insecurities both the hero and heroine have. But this love story hit my heart like no other. So much that I'm looking forward to the book in the next series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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