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Ella Dark #1

Girl, Alone

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FBI Agent Ella Dark has studied serial killers from the time she could read, devastated by the murder of her own father. With her photographic memory, she has obtained an encyclopedic knowledge of every serial killer, every victim and every case. But when a serial killer strikes in the swamps of Louisiana, Ella soon comes to learn that the real thing is like nothing she ever expected.

FBI Agent Ella Dark, 29, is given her big chance to achieve her life’s dream: to join the Behavioral Crimes Unit. Ella’s hidden obsession of gaining an encyclopedic knowledge of serial killers has led to her being singled out for her brilliant mind, and invited to join the big leagues.

But face to face with a real murder, a real killer, and a real ticking clock, Ella realizes she can’t rely on her knowledge. She must learn to trust her instinct, and allow herself to enter the dark canals of a real killer’s mind.

If she gets it wrong, her career is at stake.

And so is the next victim’s life.

Will Ella’s talent be an asset?

Or the source of her downfall?

211 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 16, 2020

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About the author

Blake Pierce

589 books4,943 followers
Blake Pierce is author of the bestselling RILEY PAGE mystery series, which includes seven books (and counting). Blake Pierce is also the author of the MACKENZIE WHITE mystery series, comprising four books (and counting); of the AVERY BLACK mystery series, comprising four books (and counting); and of the new KERI LOCKE mystery series.

An avid reader and lifelong fan of the mystery and thriller genres, Blake loves to hear from you, so please feel free to visit www.blakepierceauthor.com to learn more and stay in touch.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,793 reviews
Profile Image for PamG.
1,076 reviews742 followers
March 23, 2021
Girl, Alone by Blake Pierce is pulse-pounding and action-packed. It is definitely a suspenseful crime thriller, and is the first book in the Ella Dark FBI Suspense Thriller series. Ella is an FBI Intelligence Agent, but she wants to join the coveted Behavioral Research and Instruction Unit (BRIU). With a photographic memory and extensive knowledge of serial killers, their victims, and their cases, she gets the opportunity to join Special Agent Mia Ripley on a case in Louisiana. There have been three murders within one week. Is it a serial killer or multiple killers? How will Ella handle coming face to face with a real murder versus only seeing a scene through photographs and reports? Will she add value to the investigation or will she be a detriment?

It was easy to connect with Ella Dark. She has a warm personality and a harrowing backstory, but lacks some self-confidence as she experiences her first case in the field. Overall, though, she’s a strong protagonist, and the author did a good job of giving her plenty of depth in this first novel. Mia Ripley, her partner, is an experienced field agent and works to mentor and train Ella. But will it be enough to help Ella survive? The reader also gets an occasional look at the killer’s thoughts and actions throughout the book. Who is it and what drives this person to kill?

The writing flows smoothly and pulled me immediately into the story line. It is exactly what you would expect from a well-written crime thriller with plenty of action, lots of investigation, some twists and wrong turns and a gripping, spellbinding, thought-provoking conclusion. It was so full of action and excitement that it kept me turning the pages to find out what was going to happen next. I was kept fully invested in the investigation becoming a success. But is that what happens?
Overall, this book was suspenseful, riveting, fast-paced, action-oriented, and entertaining. If you enjoy action crime thrillers that have strong female characters, then this may be the series for you. My one quibble was that Ella Dark was always referred to by her first name or as “Rookie” while other characters were referred to by their surnames.

This is the sixth book that I have read by this author in 4 different series and they have all been excellent. He continues to bring great characters, entertaining story lines, and lots of action together in exhilarating novels. I can’t wait to find out what’s next for Ella Dark.

I purchased a digital copy of this novel. This is my honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and are not biased in any way. Publication was December 16, 2020. This review was originally posted at Mystery and Suspense Magazine.
Profile Image for Heather Flora.
163 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2021
This book is literally laughably bad. I can’t believe how many 5-star reviews it has received. It makes me wonder if we read the same book? This book contains just about every cliche imaginable with under defined characters and an absolutely bizarre “bad guy”. Absolutely awful.
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews480 followers
December 18, 2020
Twenty eight year old Ella Dark in the FBI’s Intelligence Unit has spent her life studying serial killers. When she was five years old her father was murdered in his bed. She has had nightmares ever since and cannot be sure what is memory and what is fantasy. This is what drives her. So when she gets approached by the head of the Behavioural Analysis Unit about to fill in for a while she jumps at it. What’s more she will be accompanying one of the Bureau’s stars, Agent Mia Ripley, on a current investigation.

They head to a small town in Louisiana where three recent deaths have the Sheriff’s Department perplexed. Ella and Ripley visit the most recent scene and Ella is immediately struck with an idea - she sees similarities between this death and the killings of Ed Gein (a well known former serial killer). She then studies the files of the two earlier killings and makes a startling discovery - the three killings all echo a different, and well known, serial killer. Suddenly she is not so sure of herself - reading about killers and seeing their handiwork are two very different things.

The situation changes again when another potential victim manages to escape and gives them some details about the assailant. Ella joins the dots...and makes a mistake that puts her directly into the killer’s crosshairs. Can she play his mind game and win? Or is she doomed like his other victims?

The story could have great, it had some good elements but the plot was a little thin and quite derivative. Why invent new murder methods when you can write about a copy cat? The characters were also not fully fleshed out, I never felt that I got to know them. I guess the word I’m looking for is superficial. But if you want a quick read with some thrills and action, this will suit you fine. I was, however, looking for something with a little more depth. Thanks to BookSirens for providing me with a copy to review. My opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Cindy McBride.
112 reviews8 followers
May 28, 2021
The assumptions and the analyses of the crimes made by the two main female characters was completely unbelievable. You have the experience and track record of a semi-famous investigator pitted against the ruminations of a rookie...and the rookie manages to outthink the seasoned and talented investigator??? I'm sorry, but that's just stupid. The crimes themselves were interesting, but not to the extent that I could finish the book.
Profile Image for Kat (Books are Comfort Food).
242 reviews292 followers
January 1, 2021
This was an enjoyable read and book 1 of a new series by Blake pierce. Ella Dark, an analyst for the FBI is chosen to see how the behavior analysis team works. She’s teamed up with an experienced agent in an effort to show her the ropes. Her first case is a serial killer on the loose. I won’t say more than that about storyline. I gave his book 3 stars because it was neatly wrapped up and there wasn’t a lot of guessing fir me. I kind of felt like it was a present that I peeked on and so I already knew what I was getting. The thrill being gone. I sometimes like these books after several hard reads or huge books. Ultimately, I like the book and would recommend if you want an easy and enjoyable read. Last book of 2020.

Happy New Year Goodreads, friends. I’ve certainly enjoyed all your reviews and suggestions. You are widening my circle of books and authors. Love you all. 🎉🍾📚❤️ ~Kat
Profile Image for Michelle.
16 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2021
I highly doubt there is one “Blake Pierce,” considering how prolific the bibliography is. This particular Blake Pierce is not familiar with the American South, based on the descriptions given while Ella Dark was preparing for her trip and in the field in Louisiana. Also, there were so many editing misses that I kept being thrown out of the story. A key piece of evidence is found at one crime scene and also used in a subsequent crime. The agents were up all night and also met up in the morning at the precinct noting they didn’t get much sleep. Ella’s father was murdered when she was a small child or perhaps it was her sister. The obvious red herring was also clumsily done. It’s a quick and easy read, just don’t expect too much.
Profile Image for Rodrigo.
1,332 reviews731 followers
August 11, 2023
Me ha gustado, la verdad, más de lo que pensaba, si es cierto que el final es un poco... meh pero me han gustado las 2 protagonistas tanto Ella como Ripley.
El caso esta bien llevado, si es cierto que como van hilvanando las pistas puede ser un poco... adecuado para el libro, pero atendiendo a la memoria fotográfica de nuestra protagonista se lo doy por bueno.
Lo que menos me ha gustado ha sido el final, no sé, no me ha acabado de convencer.
Voy a seguir con la serie (si.. otra mas, jejejeje).
Valoración: 7.5/10
Sinopsis: A la agente del FBI Ella Dark, de 29 años, se le presenta la gran oportunidad de alcanzar el sueño de su vida: entrar en la Unidad de Crímenes de Conducta. Ella tiene una obsesión oculta, ha estudiado a los asesinos en serie desde que sabía leer, devastada por el asesinato de su propia hermana. Ha adquirido un conocimiento enciclopédico de cada asesino en serie, cada víctima y cada caso, gracias a su memoria fotográfica. Destacada por su brillante mente, Ella es invitada a unirse a las grandes ligas.

Pero cuando un asesino ataca en los pantanos de Luisiana, Ella pronto se da cuenta de que lo que ocurre de forma real no se parece en nada a lo que esperaba. Frente a un asesinato real, un asesino real y un reloj real que corre, Ella se da cuenta de que no puede confiar en sus conocimientos. Debe aprender a confiar en su instinto y permitirse entrar en los oscuros engranajes de la mente de un verdadero asesino. Si se equivoca, su carrera está en juego.

Y también la vida de la próxima víctima.

¿El talento de Ella será una ventaja? ¿O será el motivo de su ruina?
# 7- Un libro con la palabra 'Chica' en el título. Reto Popsugar 2023.
80 reviews
September 29, 2021
I listened to this on hoopla. Not sure if I was annoyed with the characters or the reader's voice. Either way, I found myself rolling my eyes a lot and couldn't help but feel like I was listening to an episode of Criminal Minds, cheesy one liners and all. Meh.
Profile Image for Jamie Yates.
112 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2021
Seriously? Who thinks you could be hired by the FBI and they wouldn't already know your father was murdered? That's just one unrealistic aspect of this book.
Profile Image for Cami L. González.
1,305 reviews525 followers
October 1, 2022
Me pareció uno de los peores thrillers policiales que he leído en mi vida. La verdad es que el 70% del problema es la protagonista, pero la trama y todo lo relacionado al asesino en serie tampoco destacó ni un poco.

Ella Dark es una joven agente que lleva toda su vida obsesionada con los asesinos en serie, pero siempre ha trabajado fuera del campo. Es por esto que cuando le ofrecen un trabajo junto a una de sus figuras a seguir, no dudará en aceptarlo.

Voy a ser honesta, es probable que no sea el peor thriller policial que he leído, pero lo sentí así porque leí otros antes. No niego que si hubiese leído este libro años antes, quizá no lo hubiese odiado. Puede ser. Por desgracia, lo leí ahora. Es probable que tenga pocas cosas buenas que decir, aún así quiero dejar en claro que, dentro de todo, es redondo, no es un desastre y si son nuevos en el género, puede gustarles o resultar como una lectura entretenida (y no lo digo de forma despectiva, en muchos géneros me puede pasar eso por no haber leído tantas obras).

Mi gran problema de este libro, como dije, es Ella Dark. Es una Mary Sue, ese personaje femenino escrito para ser perfecto, pero a medida que avanzaba me di cuenta de que fue escrito para ser perfecto a través de los ojos de un hombre. Ahí pausé la lectura y comprobé que, en efecto, el autor es hombre (perdón mi ignorancia por no saberlo de antemano, con lo prolífico que es). Ella Dark es la fantasía de un hombre. Es hermosa, mucho, todos lo dicen, pero a ella eso no le importa. De hecho, detesta cada vez que la invitan a salir o que le inviten tragos, ella está por sobre eso. Es super inteligente, un derroche de conocimientos y una mente privilegiada. Es atlética porque hace artes marciales (creo, ya lo olvidé) desde hace varios años. Es una buena persona, moralmente correcta y noble, incluso cuando la situación la presiona. Por último, no le gustan los hombres musculosos como tal, prefiere el aspecto intelectual.

Ella fue insufrible, además, resultó no-sorprendentemente superficial. Al principio recordaba un poco a Clarice de El silencio de los corderos, con esa lógica de la agente novata joven y guapa a la que meten en un caso importante. Sin embargo, con Clarice se hacía un poco de denuncia del cómo la trataban y funcionaba con la contraparte de que Hannibal parecía más interesado en su personalidad que cualquier otra cosa. Acá solo sirvió para que no dejáramos de tener en mente lo guapa que era, solo eso.

Podría dejar de lado lo guapa que era, en realidad no importaba como tal. Sin embargo, que en su primeros minutos en la escena del crimen saliera con toda una teoría (que para peor, fue cierta) y que todos quedaran anonadados con su inteligencia fue el colmo. Y pasó al inicio, así que desde ahí todo fue cuesta abajo. Todo lo resolvió Ella prácticamente sola, tuvo razón desde el principio y demostró su "tenacidad" al perseguir su teoría. Sí, hubo unos contratiempos y la protagonista tenía cero tolerancia a la frustración, porque se lanzó a morir al tiro, tuvo que llegar la mentora a volver a subirle los humos de nuevo.

Una de las cosas que más me molestó fue la poca congruencia del personaje. Ella quería ser famosa, quería ser reconocida y me parece genial, está bien tener ambición en tu ámbito laboral. Sin embargo, el autor se empeñó en tratar de que la viéramos como humilde, como la heroína que luchaba por el bien solo porque era lo correcto. Lo que tenía cero sentido si el hilo de pensamientos de Ella frente a la posibilidad de atrapar al asesino era "voy a ser famosa, será un récord atraparlo en tres días... pero también lo hago por la familia de las víctimas". Nadie se cree eso, nadie. Si quería demostrar su complejo de heroína sus pensamientos era el lugar para hacerlo, no decirlo como tal porque en el fondo solo creó a una protagonista hipócrita y mentirosa (lo que me parecería bien, si fuera la intención).

Sobre el crimen, era un asesino en serie que tenía una motivación diferente que otros, un poco más específica y creo que podría haber resultado interesante haber creado una confusión al inicio, jugar con esta lógica. Pero no, el autor necesitaba demostrarnos en las primeras páginas que Ella era brillante, así que no dejó espacio a descubrir nada. La verdad, esto me sorprendió bastante, sobre todo después de ver la cantidad de libros que escribió, no es novato en esto, quizá tomé un libro especialmente mediocre. Lo que más me molestó fue que el libro parecía más enfocado en hacer lucir a su protagonista que construir una buena trama, una que atrapara y pusiera los pelos de punta. Es que hasta las descripciones de las escenas del crimen eran penosas, no producían nada, era como que te describieran una planilla Excel.

Dentro de lo mismo, el cómo se fueron dando las pistas y todo eso tampoco tuvo sentido. De nuevo, Ella nos tiró desde el inicio cómo era el asesino, entonces lo demás fue solo confirmar una y otra y otra vez lo que ya sabíamos. No aprendimos nada nuevo, no tuvimos pistas ni momentos reveladores, fue un seguir a Ella mientras confirmaba su teoría, fallaba en un detalle, se sentía la persona más tonta del mundo, luego le decían que era brillante y repetimos. No hubo una construcción del misterio ni de la tensión del libro, para el caso.

Hubo un giro muy absurdo para el final, muy absurdo porque 1) fue lo primero que pensé y 2) todos creyeron una teoría sin fundamento alguno y llena de coincidencias de golpe. Creo que me lo pienso más yo cuando compro comida en un restaurante que ellos al salir corriendo a arrestar a alguien, en serio. Cero pruebas, cero evidencias, cero coartadas, cero todo.

Tengo que admitir que me gustó que el final fuera un momento de Ella dándose cuenta de la diferencia entre la teoría y la práctica, el cuestionarse que no era lo mismo obsesionarse con asesinos en serie que tratar de atraparlos y todo ese velo de fantasía que se quitó. Obvio que la escena no me pareció del todo bien ejecutada, pues se le quitó la emoción, pero sí que me pareció el mejor momento de Ella. Aprovecho de mencionar que todo el tema de su pasado dramático me resultó indiferente, entiendo que era una forma de justificar su obsesión, pero me hubiese gustado ver más efectos en el presente de lo que podría generar un trauma así.

La chica sola es el inicio de una saga de novelas policiales con Ella Dark como protagonista, una chica que recuerda a Clarice Starling sin todo lo bueno del personaje. Una novela con una premisa que podría haber resultado sumamente interesante, pero se quedó en ser una oda para decirnos una y otra vez lo maravillosa que era la protagonista rodeada con una trama floja.
Profile Image for Debra.
23 reviews
October 1, 2021
I really enjoyed that the serial killers I had previously read about were mentioned in this book and it was done in a knowledgeable, smooth way. The writing style was cohesive and held my interest. The enthusiasm and challenges that Ella faced were easy to picture and kept me wondering if she was on the right path. I'm looking forward to reading the second book in the series.
Profile Image for Kelly.
173 reviews30 followers
September 21, 2022
I was let down by the last investigative series I started so I was hoping this one would redeem my feelings from the last one and it did. I could make this whole review about comparing the two, but that would take the focus away from the parts that I really liked about this book. It was a slow burning thriller that I would put in my mental section for a comfy mystery read. It was just a pleasant read overall and I was shocked how much was packed into only 200 pages.

The author did great with the use of different POVs in that they supported the story plot. However, it was difficult to tell who’s head you're in the first few paragraphs of a new chapter which shook me out of my focus. Overall though it wasn’t the worst transitions I’ve ever seen and would not be a reason to never pick the book up at a library.

I enjoyed strong, leading female characters . That being said, the characters still had their flaws which was refreshing. A different detective book I read recently (The Silent Dolls) had the main character guessing everything down to small details with no explanation as to how she got there. With Ella you are in her mind as she walks through how she draws her conclusions .

I felt that Ella was too prepared to be on the field. I have completed many courses for my job as well as getting hands-on experience before being placed (as I’m sure many others have experienced), and even though I knew everything I needed to know, it didn’t prepare me for doing the real stuff. I feel like my experience would be similar to Ella’s. It probably wouldn’t make a better story, so I do understand why the author let her jump right into her first experience with both feet.

The author has more in-depth characteristics about the killer in this book than just the typical “he was a bad guy.” I’ve read a few books that have talked about the minds of serial killers, and a lot of these were shown throughout the book. Props to the author for diving deep!

This book is also a great example of a serial killer’s thirst for attention. It is something I think about whenever I pick up a true crime book or watch a documentary of a serial killer. Am I indulging in what interests most of the population therefore giving power to these killers? Am I giving them the satisfaction of the attention they want? I try to combat these thoughts by learning about the victims as who they are instead of “victim one.” It helps me a bit to feel a little better in being so interested in these people who don’t deserve to be remembered longer than heroes of our past, but alas, the worry still sits in the back of my head.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,309 reviews8 followers
September 18, 2021
Spoiler: The book blurb say’s her sister was murdered. Unless, I somehow missed it, this was never mentioned; however, her father was actually murdered. I don’t understand how so many people love this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
497 reviews21 followers
June 13, 2024
I really enjoyed this book! This is the first installment in the Ella Dark series. It had me hooked! I love a quick, easy binge. I really liked the characters, the plot, and overall storyline of this one. If you’re into FBI mysteries/thrillers, add this series to your TBR.

4 stars! ✨
Profile Image for Linda Strong.
3,877 reviews1,691 followers
December 18, 2020
FBI Agent Ella Dark works as an Analyst. She's particularly good when it comes to serial killers. She's been obsessed since she was a child and with her photographic memory, can recall almost every killer, victim, how the crimes were committed... and why, the trophies taken. She's been able to link crimes done in different parts of the country by the same killer.

Her dream has been to join with the Behavorial Crimes Unit ... and today that dream comes true.

A killer is marking his territory in Louisiana, and the local police, even the FBI are having trouble. Because of her knowledge and brilliant mind, she's been chosen to participate in the field, even though she has no practical experience.

What she finds astonishes everyone. But to find the killer, she must put herself in danger ... and the killer may be closer than she thinks.

This is an excellent start to a new series! Dark is a wonderful character, and her backstory is devastating. Well-written, there are twists and turns aorund every corner; The suspense starts on the first page and maintains a high level until the unexpected conclusion.

I love getting in on the ground floor of a riveting new series. Books 2 and 3 will be available soon --- GIRL, TAKEN and GIRL, HUNTED

Many thanks to the author / Booksirens for the digital copy of this crime fiction. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinons expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
Profile Image for Philine.
71 reviews5 followers
June 30, 2024
FBI Agentin Ella Dark bietet sich die Chance, ihren Traum zu erfüllen: Von der Intelligence- in die Behavioral-Einheit des FBIs zu wechseln. Ihr erster Einsatz ist auch direkt eine große Nummer: Eine Frau wird brutal in ihrem Laden ermordet. Und die Tat erinnert Ella sofort an einen anderen Mord, den sie in- und auswendig kennt.

Ganz ehrlich: Ich bin froh, vorher keinen Klappentext gelesen zu haben. Ich finde, dass zB auch die Goodreads-Beschreibung richtig viel Plot und Spannung vorweg nimmt. Lest die vielleicht nicht, wenn ihr das Buch noch lesen wollt.

Hätte ich die Zeit gehabt, hätte ich das in einem Rutsch durchgelesen. Es war durchgehend spannend, gut geschrieben und keine Sekunde langweilig und empfehle es vor allem allen, die sich für True Crime und Serienkiller interessieren. Richtig schöner, schneller Read für alle Thriller-Fans.

Einen Punkt Abzug gibt es, weil ich Ellas Charakterentwicklung ein bisschen gerusht fand und sie am Ende einfach ein bisschen zu cocky und nicht ihres Alters/ihrer Erfahrung entsprechend empfunden habe.

Den nächsten Band werde ich auf jedem Fall auch lesen!
Profile Image for Kateryna Krotova.
177 reviews11 followers
August 22, 2023
That’s a first thriller book I’m reading for a long time.. And it was quite intriguing and bloody and was very curious to know, who was a killer.
The book is about an FBI Intelligent agent, Ella Dark, who was once asked to join Behavorial unit with Special Agent Mia Ripley on a case of serial killer (in the question mark) in Louisiana. Ella has a photographic memory, so she remembers all the serial killers from the past. That brings her to conclusion, that all the murders (3 of them) in Louisiana are done by copycat. Some psychopath is coping the most famous serial killers like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy… It was interesting to Google about them as they are real serial killers!
First I was wondering, why the book was called girl alone. And I thought that in one point the main heroine should face the killer face to face.. And that is what happened! She almost got herself killed!
9 reviews
October 28, 2021
I've never read Blake Pierce before, and just randomly picked this up at the library because I needed a good listen while driving and it was... not good.

Let's begin with the fact that Ella is a COOL girl. She doesn't like FUN or other WOMEN only GUNS and SERIAL KILLERS. I get it. The author was just really hammering home how beneath her she found her roommate/"friend" to be, and I kept rolling my eyes. I think there's a way to write a character as a loner, but this felt very "I'm not like other girls."

I also was annoyed by the constant idiotic things she did during the investigation (blabbing theories to people who were not part of the investigation. Not keeping her gun steady ON THE SERIAL KILLER.) Plus, the dialogue was stilted and hokey. I gave this 2 stars because, hey, it's something to finish writing a book, but I know it was bad because I found it to be poorly written and I was listening to it. Normally my tolerance for bad writing is really high when I'm listening to a book as opposed to reading.
Profile Image for Courtney.
12 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2021
I read nine chapters of this book and stopped there. The main character is so bland, no depth to her whatsoever. I found myself listening to the audio book and totally zoning out; boring.

Not to mention all of the stereotypical descriptions of the people that ‘live in the South,’ the FBI agent protagonist encounters while In Louisiana. Seriously after reading this line I’d had enough ‘watching Fox News, sitting on his single plastic chair placed in front of the TV in his small single-wide trailer.’ Im surprised by all the great reviews on here, maybe suddenly it gets more interesting, but I didn’t bother finishing.
Profile Image for ♡ F a n n y ♡.
349 reviews190 followers
July 21, 2024
Una historia digna de un documental de misterios sin resolver o asesinos seriales de esos que no puedes parar de ver hasta que los terminas y los amas y te quedas queriendo más.

La chica sola es el primer libro de una serie donde conocemos a Ella Dark, una chica de 29 años, se le presenta la gran oportunidad de alcanzar el sueño de su vida: entrar en la Unidad de Crímenes de Conducta. Ella tiene una obsesión oculta, ha estudiado a los asesinos en serie desde que sabía leer, devastada por el asesinato de su propio padre. Ha adquirido un conocimiento enciclopédico de cada asesino en serie, cada víctima y cada caso, gracias a su memoria fotográfica. Destacada por su brillante mente, Ella es invitada a unirse a las grandes ligas.

Pero cuando un asesino ataca en Luisiana, Ella pronto se da cuenta de que lo que ocurre de forma real no se parece en nada a lo que esperaba. Frente a un asesinato real, un asesino real y un reloj real que corre, Ella se da cuenta de que no puede confiar en sus conocimientos del todo. Debe aprender a confiar en su instinto y permitirse entrar en los oscuros engranajes de la mente de un verdadero asesino. Si se equivoca, su carrera está en juego.

Y durante ese primer caso, descubre algo que cambiaría por completo su vida, no era la primera vez que veía ese tipo de crimenes, nadando en su memoría descubre que son imitaciones, de los más grandes asesinos seriales en toda la historia, y ella era la única con los conocimientos para atraparlo.

Debía estar un paso adelante, entrar en la mente del asesino para detenerlo, antes de que viniera por ella.

Simplemente glorioso.
Profile Image for Silvie Leest.
1,412 reviews57 followers
May 13, 2023
FBI-agent Ella Dark, 29 jaar oud, krijgt haar grote kans om haar levensdroom te verwezenlijken: lid worden van de eenheid Gedragsmisdaden. Ella heeft een verborgen obsessie: ze bestudeert seriemoordenaars al vanaf de tijd dat ze kon lezen.

Met haar fotografisch geheugen heeft ze een encyclopedische kennis verworven van elke seriemoordenaar, elk slachtoffer en elk geval. Haar briljante geest bezorgt Ella een uitnodiging om zich bij de top aan te sluiten. Maar wanneer een moordenaar toeslaat in de moerassen van Louisiana, komt Ella er al snel achter dat de werkelijkheid niets heel laat van haar verwachtingen.

Geconfronteerd met een echte moord, een echte moordenaar en een echte tikkende klok, beseft Ella dat ze niet op haar kennis kan vertrouwen. Ze moet leren vertrouwen op haar instinct en zichzelf toelaten tot de donkere krochten van het hoofd van een echte moordenaar.

In 'Een meisje alleen' leer je Ella kennen. Ze weet heel veel van seriemoordenaars af en kent de verschillende zaken allemaal heel erg goed. Hierdoor krijgt ze een uitnodiging en mag ze meehelpen op de plaats delict van een vermoordde vrouw. Ella ziet meteen overeenkomsten met een andere zaak...

Dit verhaal zit vol actie en bloederige moorden. De ene moord volgt snel na de andere, dus je komt eigenlijk nergens "saaie" stukken tegen. Ook lees je regelmatig over het verleden van Ella, want ook zij heeft iets heftigs meegemaakt. Er zijn een aantal hoofdstukken die je vanuit de moordenaar leest.

Er zijn verschillende mensen die verdacht zijn, maar of hier de echte dader tussen zit..? Wat ik wel een beetje jammer vond waren de fouten die dit boek bevatte. Soms mis je zelfs een letter, dus dat was een beetje slordig. Het verhaal zelf is interessant, vooral als je van seriemoordenaars houdt!

Ik ben dus best enthousiast over dit eerste deel en ga zeker het vervolg lezen!

Beoordeling: 3,5/4,0 ⭐️
Profile Image for Laura.
165 reviews1 follower
October 27, 2022
This book was really bad. We're supposed to believe a seasoned FBI agent can't see obvious patterns about well known serial killers. That the rookie (who gets called Rookie every other sentence, OMG) does see the patterns is no surprise. They were obvious to anyone with any knowledge of serial killers. But she got credit for being a genius for seeing them. It was also a ripoff of one of my favorite serial killer movies, Copycat. I quit this book with about an hour left in the audiobook because I didn't care what happened and I was afraid if I heard the word "rookie" one more time I would throw my phone.
Profile Image for Paula Strange.
646 reviews60 followers
December 26, 2021
Finalizada. La idea es muy buena, la ejecución horrible. Protagonistas con cero carisma, planos y mal desarrollados, pero eso no es lo peor. La traducción catastrófica, la narración de lo peor. Vale que es español americano, y eso es razón más que suficiente para sacarme de la historia, pero es que la narradora no ayuda nada. Además tiene errores de edición. Huid. FIN.
Profile Image for Christiana Martin.
351 reviews3 followers
June 15, 2022
I tried. Couldn’t finish. The writing was just…word choices that were so unnatural and awkward, even for the mystery/thriller genre (which is not know for its superior quality). Characters that almost could have made sense with better writing.

Life is too short.
Profile Image for L Cherry.
673 reviews18 followers
July 1, 2021
3.5 stars
This is a good start to a serial killer series. The story and characters are good . I feel like the further I get in the series the more connected to the characters I will be and will like it even more.
Profile Image for Fabiola Castillo Autora.
245 reviews46 followers
August 22, 2024
#lachicasola de #blakepierce es una novela de detectives, la elegí porque soy fanática de la serie #criminalminds Se trata de Ella, agente del FBI en un área diferente a homicidios, quien postula a Análisis de Conducta. Está algo obsesionada con los asesinos en serie. El libro aborda su primera misión como aprendiz junto a una analista veterana. La novela cumple, pero esperaba mucho más. A diferencia de Criminal Minds, la detective tiende a actuar sola, realiza conclusiones que nadie sabe de dónde vienen (créanme, soy psicóloga y detecto este tipo de fallas con facilidad), tiende a competir con la experta. Al final, la detective instructora se rinde ante las habilidades de su aprendiz. Es algo poco creíble. La trama de asesinatos es interesante, no es una mala lectura. Tal vez es sólo que la serie dejó la vara demasiado alta. Para una lectura ágil y superficial, es recomendable. Eso sí, encontré otro libro del autor y no me está gustando. Primero porque no es el primer libro de la serie sino uno bastante avanzado y hay muchas cosas que no entiendo. Pero lo principal es que la traducción al español es muy mala. A ratos cuesta entender. Eso es otro libro que reseñaré después, este tiene una traducción correcta. Lo mejor de esta novela es que está protagonizada por mujeres y que la trama no se pierde en condimentos innecesarios como poner un personaje al borde de su abismo personal ni en relaciones románticas retorcidas. Sólo crímenes aquí.
October 13, 2021
FBI Agent Ella Dark has been called in to the swamps of Louisiana to help investigate a series of murders with star agent Mia Ripley. Ella immediately hits on the striking similarities at the most current crime scene to a murder attributed to serial killer Ed Gein. Reviewing the previous files she realizes that each appears to be a copy cat of other serial killers. With the help of Ripley, Ella fine tunes her skills and follows her instincts, eventually leading her to the killer after one potential victim escapes their grasp.

I listened to the audio over the course of a couple days while running errands. It was entertaining enough but it’s nothing groundbreaking. An FBI agent with a tragedy in her past is caught up in a game of cat and mouse with a copycat serial killer. It’s been done before - and it’s been done better. I didn’t feel like I really got to know Ella or Ripley, I didn’t feel invested in the case because it was an all-too familiar plot without any complexity and the climax lacked the suspense I was hoping for.
With that said, it’s still a perfectly entertaining read when you need a brief distraction and I could see myself borrowing the next in the series from the library the next time I need one.

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