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Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter

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Jesus, Keep Me Near the Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter  This collection of readings drawn from the writings and sermons of 25 classic and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers focuses on the wonder of Christ’s sacrifice. The cross is a symbol that everyone is familiar with, but too few thoughtfully contemplate the cross and all that it means.  Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie invites readers to linger at the cross together with classic theologians such as Martin Luther, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, and Augustine, and with contemporary writers such as John Piper, R. C. Sproul, Francis Schaeffer, and Joni Eareckson Tada. Each chapter expounds on a particular aspect of the Easter story, helping readers reflect on Christ’s passion and anchor their hope in the power of his resurrection.

160 pages, Hardcover

First published January 31, 2009

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About the author

Nancy Guthrie

65 books499 followers

Nancy Guthrie teaches the Bible at her home church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee, as well as at conferences around the country and internationally, including through her Biblical Theology Workshops for Women. She is the author of numerous books and the host of the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast at The Gospel Coalition. She and her husband host Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of child and are co-hosts of the GriefShare video series.

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Profile Image for Julie  Durnell.
1,092 reviews207 followers
April 15, 2020
I liked it enough to use again next Lenten season, several essays had some unique perspectives on the Cross; but I enjoyed the Advent one more.
165 reviews28 followers
April 9, 2023
I’m not sure how many times I’ve read this but it’s always encouraging + thought-provoking. I appreciate that the chapters are short. It would be lovely at a morning Gather with older children!
Profile Image for Sydney.
457 reviews127 followers
April 6, 2023
Loved this little collection of sermons from some of my favorite theologians, both past and present. I really enjoyed reading these throughout the Lent season.♡
Profile Image for Neil R. Coulter.
1,191 reviews149 followers
April 3, 2018
This is the same format as Nancy Guthrie's other edited volume, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus. That one was readings for Advent, and this one is readings for Lent. They are both very good. I like the range of authors and eras that Guthrie has drawn from in these volumes--though I would recommend even more from the early church fathers, to balance out the readings from the Reformation and later. The length of each chapter is perfect for reading aloud together as a family, and each one that we read was useful for contemplation during the Lenten season and Easter.
75 reviews2 followers
March 22, 2024
Great meditations, particularly during Lent, about Jesus. Each chapter is from a different theologian, exerpts from a sermon or book of theirs, about the suffering of Christ before his crucifixion. Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, John Piper, etc.
Profile Image for Caroline Morris.
58 reviews
March 30, 2024
Loved a lot of these but some of them lost me (again probably a me problem)
I think I prefer a Lent Devo by one person, not a collection. Anyways, Lent is not about my Devo and how I feel about it… He is Risen no matter what I read and I am thankful for that.
Profile Image for Amy Lee Ellis.
23 reviews3 followers
April 22, 2014
I love this book! It's an inspirational read for me every year as we lead into Resurrection Sunday. For such a small book, it contains a wealth of good teaching. The author has collected writings both classic and modern, touching on topics relevant to the cross and resurrection of Christ. The authors range from Martin Luther and John Calvin to contemporary voices such as R.C. Sproul, John Piper, and J.I. Packer. My childhood pastor even has a selection in here!

The book starts off strong with Martin Luther's "True Contemplation of the Cross" and then leads readers through Holy Week and into the power of the resurrection itself. It's excellent to pick up if you want to be deliberate and contemplative in approaching Easter.
Profile Image for Paul Silles.
41 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2021
Excellent - 25 short chapters by all sorts of authors. Great for personal devotions. Get it if you can!
Profile Image for Reid.
444 reviews27 followers
June 29, 2019
A collection of sermons or studies from history's greatest teachers/preachers, past and present.

I went through this as an exercise for Lent.

These chapters were so good, it will be on my list to read again. For instance

Ch 1: True Contemplation of the Cross - "The whole value of the meditation of the suffering of Christ lies in this, that man should come to the knowledge of himself and sink and tremble." Martin Luther

Ch 2: He Set His Face to Go to Jerusalem - "And their (the disciples') misunderstanding of Jesus' journey to Jerusalem results in a misunderstanding of the meaning of discipleship. This is why this is important for us to see, lest we make the same mistake." John Piper

Ch 3. An Innocent Man Crushed By God - "You see, Jesus died for sin-- not for his own sin. He had no sin, He was in every sense MADE SIN for us. He became all of our rebellion, all of our lying, all of our cheating, all of our adultery, all of our filth, all of our ugliness. He became all of that on the cross." Alistair Begg

Ch 8. The Silence of the Lamb - "...if Jesus had taken up his own defense with the intention of refuting his accusers and proving his innocence, he would have won! But we would have lost, and we would be lost for all eternity." Adrian Rogers

Ch16. Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit - "Jesus was filling his mind and strengthening his spirit not by trying to keep a stiff upper lip or look for a silver lining, as we might say, but by a act of
deliberately remembering and consciously clinging to great prophecies and promises of God. If Jesus did that, don't you think you should do it too?" James Montgomery Boice

Ch 23. Knowing the Power of His Resurrection - "Do you believe in the resurrection as a historical event, and have you also had that profound personal experience of spiritual resurrection?" "A person with a passion for Christ is not necessarily always talking about Christ, but is looking at everything through Christ." Tim Keller

Ch 25. Crucified With Christ - "...if by the Spirit you put to death (go on putting to death, present tense), the deeds of the flesh, you will live." "So as I live my life moment by moment and sense self rearing its ugly head, I count on the Holy Spirit to put to death the deeds of the body." "A thousand times a day I have to say, 'Lord, I sense self rising.'...'Holy Spirit, nail it!" Stephen F. Olford

This book was full of nuggets, the best of the best. I found the chapters challenging and practical. Great book, great reading.
Profile Image for Jimmy.
1,108 reviews44 followers
May 4, 2017
I’m typically not a fan of devotional books but after being impressed with the editor’s previous book titled Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Experiencing the Peace and Promise of Christmas I actually looked forward to reading this book. The editor Nancy Guthrie did an excellent job compiling great writings for Christian meditations concerning Christ’s death and the cross.
The book has twenty five chapters from Christians both past and present. Most of the writings are from preachers although we also see Joni Eareckson Tada making a contribution. These chapters are short enough that makes them ideal for reading aloud together with one’s spouse or family which I did with my wife. Yet what my wife and I appreciated is that each chapter typically packs a lot of meat of Scripture rather than milk which is often the case with Christian devotionals. Since it is both “meaty” and devotional I found myself learning new insight into Christ and His work to save sinners while also being moved to love the Lord more as a result of these new knowledge. This is my ideal for a devotional and this book satisfies it!
What follows are some of the highlights from my reading of the book:
• R. Kent Hughes’ contribution is chapter five in the book. Hughes makes the observation of similarities and contrasts between Christ at the garden of Gethsemane and Adam in the garden of Eden. For instance Adam’s life began in the Garden whereas Christ’s life was heading to an end at the Garden. Adam sinned Eden while Christ overcame sin at Gethsemane. Adam fell to evil in Eden but Christ rose against evil at Gethsemane. Adam hid in the Garden whereas Christ presented Himself. At Eden we see the sword drawn whereas at Gethesemane the sword was sheathed. What an amazing typology!
• I also appreciated Ligon Duncan’s chapter in the book especially with his insight of the irony that the group of armed men came with torches and lanterns at night to catch the Light of the World. These armed men came with swords and clubs to oppose the Prince of Peace. What irony. What contrasts!
• From Joseph “Skip” Ryan’s chapter I learned that Jesus being thirsty in John 19:28 fulfilled the Old Testament Scripture in Psalm 22:15 and Psalm 69:21; I never was aware of Psalm 69:21 before. This chapter was also sobering as Ryan points out how hell is described as a thirsty place in Luke 16:24. What a sobering thought to think one is never satisfied in hell.
Overall I recommend this book!
Profile Image for Craig.
39 reviews11 followers
July 9, 2022
This book is short and small in stature, yet it is a treasure trove of bite-sized meditations on the cross and resurrection of Christ which makes a big impact. It’s a step ladder allowing you to stand on the shoulders of Christian giants from across the centuries and to see the events of the first Easter as the most central, God-glorifying, mankind humbling, faith building events in human history.

I rarely rate books as five stars because I think perfection is near impossible to attain; however, there is not one chapter in this book, not one contributor or contribution that is not worth reading or that is unhelpful. Instead, the short but poignant entries have been selected so carefully and edited so masterfully that you almost forget they’ve been edited as you simply enjoy drawing on the wisdom from giants of the faith, both past and present.

If you’re looking for a devotional prompt for your quiet times in the lead up to Easter, read this book. If you’re a new Christian wanting to know more about the centrality of the cross to our faith, read this book. If you’re a seasoned saint whose heart towards the cross needs to be fanned into flame afresh, read this book. If you’re an unbeliever wondering why it’s so important that a man who lived 2000+ years ago died and reportedly rose again, read this book. In short, whoever you are, find a copy of Keep Me Near the Cross, take it up and read it - I trust you will be blessed by the cross-centred, resurrection heralding, Christ exalting wisdom therein.
Profile Image for Andrew Mouck.
22 reviews
June 1, 2024
This is the second short-daily-devotional-type book I have read recently, with the first being Sinclair Ferguson’s Love Came Down at Christmas – however this book compiled by Nancy Guthrie was slightly different, in that it was comprised of short selections from a variety of sources. From church fathers to contemporary writers and preachers, this book proved to be a goldmine for meditations on the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.

Rather than touching on the content of the written pieces, I will say that this book acts as an excellent tool in helping prepare your heart for the Easter season. So often I find that significant events like Easter come and go, and I fail to set aside time to meditate on the person and work of Christ. Reading one “chapter” per day kept my eyes on the Saviour throughout the days and weeks leading up to Easter. I recommend this book to those who want to be challenged and humbled while reflecting on the life of Jesus, but you will also find yourself deeply encouraged by the gospel comforts that are present throughout.

In the cross, in the cross
Be my glory ever,
Till my ransomed soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Profile Image for richard.
127 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2021
I just finished this amazing book. This book is a mediation book on the cross of Christ. It has 25 chapters and each chapter is written by an author who had a high view of scripture such as, Martin Luther, John Piper, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, John Calvin, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon and so on. Really amazing, each chapter is about 6 pages long and is concerntared on the cross, the build up to it, the cross and then the resurrection. They say this book is good to read for Easter however I believe the cross is for every day, it should be how we live, day by day with the cross in our minds. The cross is the center of all history and everything we would see about God in how he hates sin, how he loves sinners, what his justice looks like, God's mercy, God's love, God's judgement and justice all is seen at the cross if only we would take the time to think and meditate on it. Wonderful book I will keep coming back to.
Profile Image for Lindsay Crouse.
15 reviews
April 3, 2024
Will read this book every Easter. What a refreshing collection of men and women preaching Christ Crucified to themselves.

”Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.“
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬-‭11‬
Profile Image for Ben Potloff.
39 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2019
This is a great book that helped me ponder and meditate on the sacrifice of Jesus...for me. In Ephesians 3:18-19 Paul prays that the Christians in Asia Minor would have a deeper knowledge of the love of Christ. I desire this deeper knowledge. I want to know Jesus and His love more and more each day. This book was helpful, for me, to that end. Each chapter is an excerpt from books and sermons by some of the best (in my opinion) pastors and authors. (Piper, Packer, Keller, Sproul, Edwards, Ortlund Jr., Spurgeon, Luther, and more!)

I finished this leading up to Easter 2019. It was a helpful tool to get my eyes on Jesus and His cross.
Profile Image for ladydusk.
506 reviews234 followers
March 16, 2023
I've owned this for years and years and years. I've probably started it most year. Praise God that he has allowed me to persist and finish it in 2023.

Sermons walking with Jesus to the cross and after contemplating the aspects of His suffering and the calling we have for our lives to suffering and sanctification.

Encouraging, thoughtful. Well worth finishing. I did read this as part of my Lenten selections for my Mother's Morning Basket, but there are only 25 sermons and I finished three today, so it would be easy to go more slowly, if needed. Truly, this could be read with profit at any time of year.
June 5, 2021
I read this in order to meditate on Jesus’ work through his death and resurrection, and enjoyed it. I didn’t read it to do a deep parse of the doctrinal positions of all the contributors—I already know I disagree with some of them on significant points (Calvinism, for example). But it served the purpose of helping me focus on the meaning of the cross. The only chapter I really disliked was J.I. Packer’s, where he makes some bizarre statements about what he thinks Jesus was doing during the three days when he was dead.
Profile Image for Kendra.
300 reviews
June 4, 2023
I have recently found Nancy Guthrie devotionals from a Pastor's wife's recommendation, I did the Christmas Devotional and then sought out this one for Easter. I really really enjoyed the focus both of these devotionals had on the true meaning and how to grow closer to God during both of this pivotal religious Holidays which can often become and feel very secular. I highly recommend and have placed these in my cabinet to read again next year, they are just that good! Highly recommend both of these devotionals and anything by Nancy Guthrie.
Profile Image for Amber.
66 reviews5 followers
May 4, 2022
An excellent, yearly reread that causes me to repent yet find such restoration in the Gospel--in Jesus Himself!

"Grant me more and more of the resurrection life:
May it rule me, may I walk in its power,
and be strengthened through its influence."
--The Valley of Vision

*Please note, the paperback version has a depiction of Jesus on the cover whereas the newer version does not.
In addition, there are no images in the book.

Profile Image for Jonathan Thomas.
287 reviews13 followers
December 9, 2020
This is a collection of short chapters by a wide variety of authors from the early church to modern churches in America today. As a collection of writings, there is a bit of repetition, and a variety of styles and quality. However, the overall feeling of the book is one of drawing near to Christ. There are some little gems in this book, and very little dross. A wonderful meditation.
Profile Image for Ruthe Turner.
490 reviews14 followers
March 10, 2024
An amazing collection of Christian devotionals by some of the greatest Christian leaders of the ages, centered around the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. A book to linger over and allow it's truths to seep into your heart and mind. Life changing.
Profile Image for Sterling.
74 reviews1 follower
March 29, 2024
This was excellent—very encouraging and thought-provoking. I enjoyed the mix of writings and sermon excerpts from both modern writers and from theologians from centuries ago. I hope to reread this in future years during Lent.
Profile Image for Erin.
652 reviews17 followers
August 3, 2024
Really loved reading up through Easter, and wished I started a little earlier and had been a little more disciplined about daily readings through Easter. But I look forward to seeing it again next year! A great mix of writers and styles about Easter.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1 review4 followers
January 25, 2019
My heart breaks with every page of Christ suffering on my behalf!
Profile Image for James.
194 reviews8 followers
December 14, 2020
Full of wonderful gospel truths. Some real golden chapters.
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