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It's not everyday you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human.

But when you're the son of a Greek god, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster.

Oh, and guess what? The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive...

320 pages, Paperback

First published May 5, 2007

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Rick Riordan

257 books434k followers
Rick Riordan is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of many books, including the Percy Jackson series.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 42,509 reviews
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews175k followers
June 17, 2016
not gonna lie, it took me a little bit of time to fully get into this one, but the pay off was worth it. so many crazy things happened in this book & i'm still sitting here in a bit of shock! full video review to come.
Profile Image for Federico DN.
750 reviews2,664 followers
June 23, 2023
Best yet!

A few months after the events of The Sea of Monsters, during a terrible battle against a Manticore, Annabeth is lost and presumably dead. Afterwards Percy has a dream, and it is revealed that she could still be saved, but at a terrible cost, since someone has to endure the burden of Atlas. A fatal prophecy of the Oracle doesn’t help one bit with their hopes of success. In a desperate quest against time, a group of brave demigods set their way to rescue their missing friend.

This was just EXCELLENT! My favorite of the series. It was wonderful to see Tyson again, however briefly. Loved the introduction of Thalia and everything she brought to the group, Zoe and the Hunters of Artemis. siblings Nico and Bianca. So many new characters, yet each one with very different motives and distinct personalities, not one similar to the other; each one so unique, and lovable in their way. And roguish Percy sneaking his way to assist the quest. The ever danger of losing Annabeth or Percy kept me gripping my seat at all times, the possibility of their doom so near, threatening every turn, had me fearing for my life with each step they made. Unforgettable battles against mythical figures like the Manticore, the Nemean Lion and Talos, among others. Appearances of Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares and Athena, among other gods. A terrible final confrontation with loses for both sides, and a painfully bittersweet ending.

[2007] [320p] [Fantasy] [YA] [Extremely Recommendable]

★★★★☆ 1. The Lightning Thief
★★★★☆ 2. The Sea of Monsters [4.5]
★★★★★ 3. The Titan's Curse
★★★★☆ 4. The Battle of the Labyrinth
★★★★☆ 5. The Last Olympian [4.5]


¡El mejor hasta ahora!

Unos meses después de los eventos de El Mar de Monstruos, durante una terrible batalla contra la Mantícora, Annabeth es extraviada y presumiblemente muerta. Luego Percy tiene un sueño, y es revelado que ella todavía podría ser salvada, pero a un enorme costo, ya que alguien tiene que soportar la carga de Atlas. Una fatal profecía del Oráculo no ayuda para nada con sus esperanzas de éxito. En una desesperada misión contra el tiempo, un grupo de valerosos semidioses emprende su camino para rescatar a su amiga perdida.

¡Esto fue simplemente EXCELENTE! Mi favorito de la serie. Fue maravilloso ver a Tyson de nuevo, aunque fuera tan brevemente. Amé la introducción de Thalia y todo lo que trajo al grupo, Zoe y las Cazadoras de Artemisa, los hermanos Nico y Bianca. Tantos nuevos personajes, pero cada uno con diferentes motivos y distintivas personalidades, ninguno similar al otro; cada uno tan único, y querible a su manera. Y rebelde Percy furtivamente tratando de asistir en la misión. El peligro constante de perder a Annabeth o Percy me mantuvo agarrado a mi asiento todo el tiempo, la posibilidad de su perdición tan cercana, amenazada en cada esquina, me hizo temer hasta mi vida por cada paso que tomaban. Inolvidables batallas contra figuras mitológicas como la Mantícora, el León de Nemea y Talos, entre otros. Apariciones de Artemisa, Apolo, Afrodita, Ares y Atenea, entre otros dioses. Una terrible confrontación final con pérdidas para ambos bandos, y un dolorosamente agridulce final.

[2007] [320p] [Fantasía] [Joven Adulto] [Extremadamente Recomendable]
Profile Image for SK.
486 reviews7,823 followers
July 31, 2024
✅ Reread (July 2024)

Get you a man who will-
1. Hold the sky to rescue you.
2. Sees the goddess of beauty and love and gets reminded of the girl he's crushing on.

Original review-

Can I rate this book in huntress stars? (Bad joke, I apologise)

This DAM book.

Can we agree that the Titan's Curse is the superior one in the series? It's full of twists and action, the characters are so well written, emphasis on Zoe Nightshade. The conflict between Percy and Thalia is presented well. Honestly I didn't find Thalia to be much likable the first time I read these books but one eventually warms up to her.

Let me point out the iconic PERCABETH moments this one had, not going to lie it made me tear up a little. The grey streak share. The dance. The panic Percy felt throughout. Percy's interaction with Aphrodite and later with Athena😩🥺

Nico. Bianca. Zoe.
No words, just heartbreakingly beautiful.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews775 followers
January 29, 2021
"God alert! It's the wine dude!"
"I have several ideas, none of them good."

Things are getting much, much, much more interesting now. The Titan's Curse is far more thrilling than the first two books, and I still can't believe I'm finished with it already. For me, this one was better than the first two books in every way.

"No thou. No thee. Just you."

At the end of second book, I thought it was obvious Thalia is the prophesied villain and the story might take make a turn from there. But Rick Riordan surprised me with this one, where a lot of new and awesome characters came in to stage, and I just loved it. Everything's hilarious as always but the suspense and adventure do not take a hit as it did before. Only complain I have is that, I missed Annabeth for the most part of the book, though the ending made up for everything.

"The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation,"

And speaking of the ending, we have the biggest cliffhanger yet. Did not see that coming until the very last moment, which is going to keep the reader confused moving forward, as to which perspective is most likely to happen. Luckily, for me, the anxiousness will be cured momentarily as I'm all set to start the next book right away. Wow... I have to say, I did like the first two books, but this is what brought me over to the Olympian fan club.

"Wise counsel is not always popular"
Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
595 reviews35.1k followers
February 19, 2020
My mother pursed her lips. “I’m telling you that … you’re getting too old for me to tell you what to do. I’m telling you that I’ll support you, even if what you decide to do is dangerous.”

And this kind of settles in which direction this third book is heading. If you’re already familiar with Percy Jackson (which I’m pretty certain you are, because otherwise you wouldn’t read this review, right? *lol*) you know that the first two books were fun and had a lot of jokes in them. The third one? Not so much. Whilst it’s true that “The Titan’s Curse” was very entertaining and full of Uncle Rick’s trademark adventures I still have to point out that it was way more serious than its predecessors.

”It’s cool. No sword. See? No sword. Calm thoughts. Sea grass. Mama cows. Vegetarianism.”

Yes, we still have Percy’s funny remarks but just like the Harry Potter series this series is growing as well. The characters get older and their quests get more dangerous and grim. The stakes are higher and our characters are forced to realize that not everyone can be saved by a hero. For instance we’re barely a few chapters into the book when Annabeth disappears with the enemy. There’s no trace of her left and for all they know she even might be dead. Not that Percy would consider such an outcome! He has to save Annabeth because he just knows that she’s still alive! ;-) So what to do when you’re stranded on a cliff? Right, you call for the sun gods help to hitch a ride. XD

”Wow,” Thalia muttered. “Apollo is hot.”
“He’s the sun god,” I said.
“That’s not what I meant.”

I totally agree with Thalia btw! *lol* I loved that Apollo was a recurring part of this book and I can’t wait to read his series! He seems to be such a fun guy and I was more than just intrigued by his character. <3 Artemis and her Hunters were a great addition to the cast as well, and the Di Angelo twins? I think we’ll read more about them in future books! ;-) I’m really looking forward to this because I already like little Nico and took him to my heart! The true star of this story is Bessie the cow serpent though and if you don’t know who that is you better read the book and find out! *lol*

”This is why I don’t use mortals,” Luke said. “They are unreliable.”
“They are weak-minded, easily bought, and violent,” the General said. “I love them.”

But of course there need to be real enemies in “The Titan’s Curse” as well and this time around they are pretty decent and smart. Next to Luke we have to face the General and this adversary is as dangerous and cunning as they come. Knowing my myths I wasn’t surprised about the story behind the man, but as a kid I probably would have been shocked. *lol*

Anyway, there was a short appearance of a character that helped Percy and I’ve to admit that I’m pretty curious about Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I can’t help but wonder if she’ll make an appearance in later books. The way she was introduced seemed to be very significant and Uncle Rick usually has a reason if he does things like that so… yeah. ;-P

”Seven hundred feet tall,” I said. “Built in the 1930s.”
“Five million cubic acres of water,” Thalia said.
Grover sighed. “Largest construction project in the United States.”
Zoe stared at us. “How do you know all that?”
“Annabeth,” I said. “She liked architecture.”
“She was nuts about monuments,” Thalia said.
“Spouted facts all the time.” Grover sniffled. “So annoying.”
“I wish she were here,” I said.

This moment was so great because it showed how much those characters love and care about each other even if they occasionally get on each other’s nerves. *lol* It made me sad that Annabeth wasn’t a big part of this story but considering the main plot it was okay that she only played a minor role. Let’s just hope she’ll play a bigger part in “The Battle of the Labyrinth” again. =) And last but not least I want to say how much I love Percy! XD

”Fight us,” I said. “And let’s see.”
“Have the gods taught you nothing? An immortal does not fight a mere mortal directly. It is beneath our dignity. I will have Luke crush you instead.”
“So you’re another coward,” I said.

Haha! Is it just me or is there actually no god he didn’t challenge already? XD No matter which goddess or god appears, Percy seems to be ready to fight them all and I love it! ;-P I think by now he’s so pissed that he just doesn’t care anymore. At this point he might even take them on for just looking at him the wrong way. *lol* I can’t help but wonder what this means for the next two books and I’m so ready to read “The Battle of the Labyrinth”!!! Next one, please! XD


Does this count as a Halloween read?
I mean there are mythological monsters in it so I guess we can say “yes”? *lol*

Either way I need to read this until October 21st because I’m not handing this back to the library until I know what happens in this book! I’ve been waiting for “The Titan’s Curse” to arrive for ages and now that I finally got it someone else already pre-ordered it again. >_<

Ahh Percy Jackson why are you so popular?! XD
(Of course this was a purely rhetorical question, we all love Percy because he’s funny, sassy and exceptionally sarcastic. ;-P)
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author 89 books54.2k followers
December 4, 2023
This morning, while waiting with Celyn at her hospital appointment I told her I was going to write a review of the book I finished reading to her the night before and asked her if it deserved 5*. She said it did. So 5* it is.

I picked this book up from Celyn's pile when we went off on her school trip (a week in the wilds) and being in a hurry I managed to get book 3 of the series rather than book 2 (we read book 1 last year). So we've jumped over The Sea of Monsters - but I don't think the reading experience suffered for it.

The short version is: if you enjoyed The Lightning Thief then you'll enjoy this one too.

The book is written in the same vein as the first, mining the Greek myths for monsters and plot, and mixing in an American road trip along with Percy's irreverent observations.

We don't get much of Annabeth in the book as she's a prisoner for a lot if it. We get lots of Thalia (Zeus' daughter), a fair dose of Grover (a Pan-hunting satyr), and a lot of Zoe Nightshade (one of Artemis' hunting posse).

A lot of the book is spent travelling by varied means from one side of the States to the other, a journey punctuated by encounters with monsters. We're set up for a big boss-battle on the Mountain of Despair and that's a fun battle with everything from gods and titans to dragons and bi-planes.

All in all an action-packed book to which Celyn was happy to return at every opportunity. And if some of the Greek myths stick with her ... all to the good!

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Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
August 7, 2019
hmm. not my favourite of the series, but still quite enjoyable! lets break it down.

things i love about this book/series:

- greek mythology, greek mythology, GREEK MYTHOLOGY!
- percy is freakin’ hilarious
- such a unique and fun story
- grover is an absolute sweetheart
- quick pacing with a lot of action

what i wanted more of:

- more information and visibility regarding bianca and nicos parentage
- more of a recap between books (too much time passes with no explanation of what the characters did)
- more diversity as this has a very similar/repetitive vibe to the first two books

i am devouring these books. goodness me, these are so addictively entertaining.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65.2k followers
April 9, 2016
HADES!!!!!!! Gahhhh this book series is amazing!!!! Nico!!!!!
Profile Image for len ❀.
381 reviews4,236 followers
February 8, 2024
“Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty, Percy. You do not know when it is time to cut your losses. To save a friend, you would sacrifice the world. In a hero of the prophecy, that is very, very dangerous.”

Imagine your biggest flaw is that you’re too loyal to your friends and would sacrifice yourself if it meant saving them.

I could never be as humble as Percy.

I’m still pinching myself over not having read this series before. I remember some mutuals I had here in 2016 were starting The Hidden Oracle, and I had been set on starting the series. I don’t know what stopped me. However, I still appreciate being in my 20s and starting this now because following along the journey at this time, without worrying about books not being published yet, is relieving. Every time I’ve turned the last page of the previous books I’ve read from this series, I’m already picking up the next book. I don’t know how some of y’all read this when you were younger and kept up with all the characters and plots cause I keep needing to remind myself who is who.

Still, The Titan’s Curse had what The Sea of Monsters didn’t: humor. I felt like Percy and the rest of the gang didn’t have their authentic voice in the previous book. But here, even though this story is more serious in every way, the author still manages to add sprinkles of humor and lightheartedness to show the intended audience of this story. The characters are still kids, and to me, a middle-grade novel needs to show their personalities that way. Percy is now 14, but he still has a brain developing, insecurities take over, and he makes unintentional bad decisions. Yet, we can’t help but root for him as he tries his best to save those closest to him, all while causing ruckus and havoc everywhere he goes. He’s fun, adventurous, optimistic, and a kid at heart with wit, joy, and a free spirit. I love his courageous attitude and how he’s growing into a strong young man willing to do anything to save the world. I love his determinant nature, never backing down and without a fight. I love his loving heart and how he still craves his father’s praise. I love his growing wisdom, resilience, and brave little soul. I love him and am sad about his willingness to give up for those who don’t appreciate him enough. I don’t know if this is the saddest installment of this series or what, but shoutout to Rick Riordan for making me feel sad over this 14-year-old demigod.

And while the lightheartedness of the book is still relevant, the book does become more serious. Percy and his friends know the quests are becoming more serious, venturing closer to a potential and future war between the Titans and the Olympians. With the prophecy of one of the children from the three gods holding the world in their hands becoming closer and closer, the people await more clues as their futures will become reality. It becomes more difficult for them to follow along, and as they get older, their lives become more heavy. Annabeth spends most of the time out of the book because of a fight, and Percy is set on saving her. We meet many more new people, as well as continue seeing old faces, good and bad: Thalia, Zeus’s daughter, who we learned about in book 1; Luke and his growing army of bringing back Kronos; Nico and Bianca di Angelo, who we learn are Hades’ children, who he had with a mortal woman before the Oath was made; the Goddess of Hunt, Artemis, as well one of her best Hunter’s, Zoë Nightshade; the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite; the God of the Sun, Apollo. We have our usual God of Wine, Dionysus, who I sometimes want to slap in the face, and other times, I can’t help but sigh because of how relatable he is. There is also Rachel, who I am curious about and hope to meet again in the rest of the series. The author continues to excel in creating a fascinating but entirely fun cast of characters. Full of trust, love, betrayals, and friendship, we continue finding more secrets with the kids. It isn’t as whimsical as other books in this genre, but the stories have still provided entertainment, creating a world full of different twists that you will spot early on if you’re familiar with Greek mythology. However, the author adds his twists to it, making the read easy to follow, read, and analyze. With journey after journey, there is not a single moment of silence the characters have, yet we, as the readers, appreciate this as there is also something about to happen.

With that being said, I do wish we could have had a little more backstory on Thalia’s return. The Sea of Monsters ended with her introducing herself as the daughter of Zeus, yet when we open this story up, we’re suddenly thrown into her, Percy and Annabeth getting a ride from Sally Jackson, Percy’s mother, to Camp Half-Blood. There was no explanation of how Thalia’s return was taken, which made the timeline a little rusty. I would have appreciated some explanation to see how everyone took this to get a better understanding of her friendship with everyone. I also can’t lie and say that I was a big fan of her because she aggravated me a few times. My heart has been breaking for Percy since the first book, with how he was bullied by Clarrise and her goons, as well as Nancy and her minions. Then he tries his best to save one of his best friends, and along the way, he’s continuously insulted by Thalia and Zoë. To an extent, I understand where they were coming from, but other times, I wish they could have taken a chill pill. Too serious for my liking, not trustworthy enough, and hesitant. They both had a sort of leadership to them that was probably supposed to show them off as diligent and robust, but I couldn’t bring myself always to care. My heart stands with Percy, always.

I am growing to love these characters more and more. With the Second Titan War approaching (it’s obvious), I can’t help but feel nothing but anticipation. Seeing these kids grow up in their way has been exciting to witness. Every scene gives a new, promising future, showing the growing potential of all the characters. I’ve also adored seeing how their feelings grow. I’m sure we’re all aware of Percy and Annabeth becoming a couple in the future, and it’s delightful to see the small things in their friendship. Not to mention, Grover has shown himself to be a trustworthy friend, someone Percy can rely on. I can’t wait to see how The Battle of the Labyrinth goes!

“The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation,” she said. “Evil is easy to fight. Lack of wisdom…that is very hard indeed.”
Profile Image for Cara.
290 reviews731 followers
August 6, 2016
I have yet to be disappointed in this series. A real rarity in a fantasy series in general.

The story starts out with Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia trying to help Grover to sneak out two half-bloods from a private military style school. Things get immediately messy and they stumble upon yet another problem, or more like a crisis. In the process of a battle Annabeth is stolen away. Something called The General is out again wrecking havoc and as you can already tell Luke has a hand in all this. This time around though you see Luke for what he really is, a kid trying to play with the big boys.

We get to see the goddess Artemis and her huntresses. Quite an intriguing bunch, eternal life if you don't fall in love? Kind of harsh, but I guess the price you pay matches your reward. The second in command of the huntresses, Zoe, would have to be my favorite new character. She's prickly but you learn throughout the book why she is the way she is. Bianca and Nico are the new half-bloods and will prove to play important roles in how the plot moves along.

It never fails to impress me how the author can intricately put everything into these books. I never feel bored and I love the view he takes on different mythology stories. After reading this book I'll never look at Hercules the same. One of my biggest enjoyments is seeing different American landmarks mentioned in the story, and seeing their odd connection to the Greek myths. You can tell the books are going to take a bit of a darker turn. It makes sense since they all are getting older and the inevitable prophecy is looming over.

Always funny, fast-paced, and having hidden fountains of mysteries. I am SO ready for more!
Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
455 reviews458 followers
May 27, 2023
Complete 5 Golden stars

(review after 3rd read)

How could I forget how much fun Apollo bring at the moment he arrives?! (Ofc I did not forget the fun I just forgot how much, like I laughed at every sentence of that chapter, even before he starts talking. XD)
this one is definitely of my favs in the series!

many funny moments, stealth, thrillers, the Dam joke, typical & atypical ways of traveling &...
prepare for the feelz!

BlackJack! Nico! Professor Chase!
Zoe was annoying at first but through the end, She was awesome.
Thalia was awesome.
Sally Jackson is the best! I love her!

One of my favourites in the series <3
World building: ★★★★★/5
Characters: ★★★★★/5
Written style: ★★★★★/5 (HUMOR!: ★★★★★/5- Feelz: ★★★★★/5)
plot & events: ★★★★★/5
General idea: ★★★★★/5
Profile Image for Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★.
124 reviews1,107 followers
October 8, 2017

3.8 Stars


"There is always a way out for those 
clever enough to find it."

I should've written this review a few days ago but I didn't because I was pretty busy and well, lazy as well hahaha. My first year in university has started since Monday and I have been pretty busy with tasks lately but I'm enjoying my college life! ( so far ) it's so much fun!

I'm writing this review on my phone so I will add gifs and the quotes from the book later because I don't have the book with me right now.

What I didn't like

💔 To be honest, the whole thing about saving mission is pretty cliché. In the first book, Percy saved her mom, in the second book, Percy saved Grover and in this book, Percy saved Annabeth and it's pretty cliché, you know. now I'm wondering what will happen in the fourth book? I'm hoping it won't be like this anymore. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy this book, I did enjoy this book but I just got a little bit bored with this whole saving mission. I just want the three of them together!! Percy, Annabeth and Grover. That's all. Just like the first book.

My Opinion

⭐️ Did I ever tell you how I love the writing style of this series?? The writing style is SO good! It's really funny and the writing style is the first reason I enjoy reading this book. Like how could the author write this perfection?? Seriously, the writing style is so perfect.

The wind blowing through my ripped clothes was so 
cold that I felt like a Percysicle.

⭐️ NICO DI ANGELO. Look, I'm the last children in my family, so I have always wanted to have a little sister or a little brother and OH MY GOD! NICO IS SO DAMN CUTE! I want him to be my little brother and he needs to be protected at all cost and OH MY GOD. at first I couldn't even guessing who his godly parent was but then when I was half way through the book or nearing the ending, I just had this thought that he might be the son of Hades and I WAS RIGHT and my heart was breaking for him. look, at first, I didn't even believe that Biance died. I just thought that she would somehow survive but then I realized that she died ... and my heart was breaking for Nico. I have a big sister who I love so much and just the thought of losing her scared me so much.

⭐️ THIS BOOK WAS SO HILARIOUS. I laughed so much at this scene

Grover blushed. "I was sort of camped outside the 
Artemis cabin."
"What for?"
"Just to be, you know, near them."
"You're a stalker with hooves."

and they continued talking but I just had to stop reading for a moment because I was laughing so hard. Thankfully, I didn't read that scene in public otherwise I might got funny looks from my friends or anyone but I kind of thought that Grover was kind of strange, you know. why would he camp outside the Artemis cabin? and the reason was just that he wanted to be near them? LOL. Grover is so funny, I like him so much.

⭐️ my eyes got a little bit teary when Zoë died. Why did she have to die?! Zoë was an interesting character and I wanted to read more about her but she died. why do this always happen to me? every time I started liking certain characters, they either get hurt or die. why have I done to deserve this kind of torment???????

"Let the world honor you, my Huntress," Artemis said. 
"Live forever in the stars."

shit. My eyes are teary again right now. Okay, bye guys, I'm going to go and enjoy this pain.

REVIEW TO COME TOMORROW. ( that was what I said a few days ago but I still haven't written the review 😭😭😭 hopefully, I'll write it tomorrow )
I rarely laugh when I read but the first two books made me laugh and I CANNOT WAIT TO LAUGH MORE WHILE READING THIS BOOK.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
April 23, 2022
The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #3), Rick Riordan

The Titan's Curse is a 2007 fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology written by Rick Riordan. It is the third novel in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series and the sequel to The Sea of Monsters. It is about the adventures of the fourteen-year-old demigod Percy Jackson as he and his friends go on a dangerous quest to rescue his friend Annabeth Chase and the Greek goddess Artemis, who have both been kidnapped. ...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و سوم ماه سپتامبر سال2012میلادی

عنوان: نفرین تیتان؛ نویسنده: ریک ریوردن؛ مترجم: مریم حیدری؛ تهران، نشر بهنام، سال1390، در326ص، مصور، شابک9789645668752؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده20م

پرسی جکسون، پیامی الزامی از دوستش «گروور» دریافت می‌کند، و برای جنگ آماده می‌شود؛ او تمام چیزهایی را که برای یک نبرد توانمندانه نیاز است: شمشیر برنزی‌ خویش «ریپتاید»...؛ و دوستانش: «آنابت» و «تالیا» را، با خویش همراه می‌برد؛ «گروور» دو دورگه‌ توانمند را یافته که والدینشان نامعلوم است؛ اما این تمام چیزی نیست که انتظار «پرسی» را می‌کشد؛ «کرونوس» خدای بزرگ «تیتان» تله‌ ای مهیا کرده، که قهرمانان نوجوان، طعمه ی آن هستند؛

سومین کتاب از سری «پرسی جکسون» خوانشگر را، با داستانی پر از رخداد و سرگرم کننده، همراه می‌کند؛ داستانی که در آن «پرسی» با دشوارترین چالش زندگی‌ خویش روبرو می‌شود: «پیشگویی وحشتناکی درباره ی نفرین تیتان»؛

نقل از متن: (ماهیچه‌هایم را منقبض کردم؛ می‌دانستم ممکن بود عجیب به نظر برسد؛ نمی‌دانستم بقیه‌ ی آسمان‌جل‌ها چه عکس‌العملی نشان می‌دهند؛ ولی پریدم روی «بابانوئل»؛ او فریاد زد؛ می‌خواستم او را بگیرم، ولی انگار او مرا گرفته بود؛ انگار اصلاً خواب نبود؛ به‌ هیچ‌وجه شبیه یک پیرمرد ضعیف رفتار نمی‌کرد؛ چنگش محکم و فولادین بود، در حالیکه داشت خفه‌ ام می‌کرد، فریاد زد:‌«کمکم کنین!»؛ یکی دیگر از بی‌خانمان‌ها فریاد زد: «خجالت آوره! یک بچه یک پیرمرد رو اینجوری لوله کنه!»؛ من غلتیدم، یکراست تا ته اسکله، تا اینکه سرم به یک تیرک برخورد کرد، یک‌ لحظه سرم گیج رفت و چنگ «نرئوس» شل شد؛ می‌خواست فرار کند؛ قبل از اینکه بتواند، دوباره نیرویم را به دست آوردم، و به او پشت پا زدم؛ - «من هیچ پولی ندارم!» او سعی کرد بلند شود و فرار کند، ولی من دستانم را دور سینه‌ اش قفل کردم؛ بوی ماهی گندیده‌ اش افتضاح بود، ولی مقاومت کردم؛ در حالی‌که او کلنجار می‌رفت، گفتم: «پول نمی‌خوام؛ من یک دورگه‌ ام! اطلاعات می‌خوام»؛ این حرف باعث شد شدیدتر کلنجار برود: «قهرمان‌ها! چرا همیشه به من پیله می‌کنین؟»؛ - چون همه چیزو می‌دونی؛ او غرولند کرد، و سعی کرد من را از خودش جدا کند؛ انگار به یک ترن هوایی چسبیده بودم؛ او این‌طرف آن طرف میچرخید؛ نمیگذاشت پاهایم را روی زمین نگاه‌ دارم، ولی دندانهایم را به هم فشردم، و محکم‌تر فشارش دادم؛ ما به‌ طرف لبه‌ ی اسکله رفتیم، و یک فکری به سرش زد؛ گفتم: «اوه نه! آب نه!»؛ نقشه‌ ام عملی شد؛ بلافاصله «نرئوس» فریادی از پیروزی سر داد، و از لبه پرید؛ ما با همدیگر داخل خلیج «سانفرانسیسکو» افتادیم)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 16/03/1399؛هجری خورشیدی؛ 02/02/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,031 followers
April 22, 2021
Five full stars. It's been a cumulative journey from the Lightning Thief. We finally got the full court of gods to observe. Riordan handled himself superbly, creating great set pieces to charm our hearts.

I loved everything about the book. Camp Half-Blood was a nest of intrigue, plotting, and backstabbing from the beginning. For once Riordan transcended his plagiarist issues and became a gifted author in my esteem.

This is the type of blueprint to follow when writing your own book. There was no real special knowledge about the book unless you don't know about the geography and landmarks of the US. A toast! To Percy and Rick, the inheritors of a golden epoch. What a great adventure!
Profile Image for eden ⊹.
138 reviews103 followers
December 12, 2023
it's crazy to think how my love for a talkative, nerdy little italian boy started because of this book
Profile Image for Bentley ★ Bookbastion.net.
242 reviews620 followers
July 7, 2017
See this review and more like it on www.bookbastion.net

Percy Jackson Reviews:
The Lightning Thief ★★★★★
The Sea of Monsters: ★★★★✯
The Titan's Curse: ★★★★
The Battle of the Labyrinth: RTC
The Last Olympian: RTC

The child in me is forever kicking myself every time I finish one of these books that I didn't read it sooner. Ironically, a series that I think is perfect for getting young boys into reading is one that I somehow passed over entirely when I was a kid. Like the previous two entries in the series, there's magic and mayhem and an awful lot of mythology. 

One thing I find so great about this series is the way it serves as a vehicle to inform and educate young readers. Obvious, it offers mythology with its own twist, but it's also informative towards the original stories. Even when things differ for the sake of Percy's adventures there's usually an excuse given in the storytelling. Jam packed with action and sword fights and memorable villains I feel like had I read this as a kid I would have been obsessed with it, right along with Harry Potter. 

I had small issues with this book that brought down my rating a little. Firstly, this one definitely suffers from middle child syndrome. By this point in the series we know the stakes. We know that Percy's going to end up on an adventure that takes him outside Camp Halfblood, and we know that the end goal is seeing him reach his 16th birthday when prophecies abound.

This offering in the series raises the stakes in small ways, but in others I felt like it was sort of... useless fluff. 

There are a few new characters introduced in this outing. One of which get unceremoniously dumped from the plot fairly quickly in terms of the entire series - unless they make a surprise return in later books that is -  and the other I'm sure will be expanded on in books 4 and 5, but here these characters felt almost totally useless. Even the one that might someday return felt wasted. Like they're there one moment and then dumped when the plot called for it. 

Oh, and the Hunters. Artemis has these immortal hunters that follow her around like lackeys, and while I love that idea, I wasn't in love with how blase some characters were about joining her band, when joining means leaving behind your mortality and everyone you've ever known to join a goddess. Although that does sound really awesome.

Other than those two tiny things, I really enjoyed the story and am excited to see where it goes next! I think a lot of things from this book will likely come up again and become important, so I'm happy to give this 4 out of 5 stars.

★★★★ = 4/5 stars!
Profile Image for Ashley Nuckles.
190 reviews7,065 followers
June 30, 2019
Baby Nico makes me cry. I just love everyone in these books too much it should be a crime how big my heart is for them
Profile Image for James Trevino.
37 reviews38.7k followers
November 15, 2017
Another 5 stars book from Riordan. Are you really surprised!?

There seems to be a recurring theme with me and my favorite series. I always wait years before giving them a try and after that I kick myself for not doing it sooner. I did that with Harry Potter, then with Tunnels (by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams), then with Eragon, then with Robert Langdon. Even with The Lord of the Rings. Not one of my favorites was read ‘on time’.

And Percy Jackson shares a lot of similarities with those books, especially Harry Potter. I said this before in a review, I think, but the main themes explored by the books are the same: friendship and family, courage and fortitude in dark times.

And they both also share the beautiful fact that they have a great great, great villain. Seriously now, Luke is so damn great!

The one thing that made me shake my fist like an old man was Annabeth missing for a large chunk of the book. It was a smart plot device for another adventure, but oh man, I missed her!

But we have some new characters that grow on you as the book moves on, so don’t worry, Riordan and his jokes are in full force.

Overall, it is a wild ride! And even though I think it might be my least favorite of the first series, it is still part of one of the best fantasy arcs I’ve ever read about.
Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.8k followers
December 20, 2014
SO glad that I'm continuing on with this series! This book was fast paced and (in my opinion) way better than Sea of Monsters. I can't wait to read the next book soon!
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,974 followers
December 4, 2013
Let me open by saying...Rick Riordan, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say. I'm an unpublished writer and I know the best I can hope for is that at some point some will like what I write, and some will well, rip it.

I've not been "real complimentary' of these books up to this point, I gave each 3 stars...said they were what I'd call, "not bad". I dropped this one to 2 stars...it's getting to "bad".

First, I must say apologetically that the writing isn't all that great. I know these have sold millions and we have the first movie in what I know a lot of people hope will be a series. I can't account for people's taste, I mean look at Gilligan's Island. Reading these books I must say that somewhere there's probably a toddler with a parent reading them to him/her who is thinking something like, "Percy is just now getting that? I figured it out 5 chapters ago". Percy Jackson is without a doubt as dense as a locust fence post. The kid is written so thick I'm surprised he can get his shoes on. I'd never have trusted this kid with a butter knife, much less a magic sword (of course luckily it won't hurt "mortals" only "immortals' as it's made of celestial bronze. This must be an odd kind of bronze as I know all bronze I've come in contact with is pretty much as solid as any other metal.).

Aside from the usual problem of Percy being so frustratingly (your going to see that word or it's root "frustrate" a few times in this review) thick this book manages to go to new heights in it's efforts to drive readers into banging their heads into walls. Without giving a spoiler, there is another regular character in the books who has been sort of the "counter-point" to Percy's inability to understand the most elementary event. Her character has been fairly well established. SO, to set up the action in this book the author has her do something so frustratingly (yes, there's the word) stupid and against character that I knew things weren't going to go well. Yes, I got what was supposed to be the reason in/for the act...but she'd never have acted so stupidly, not the girl we met in the first 2 books.

There are other problems here that were smaller in the first two books but apparently like wounds left untended have festered and are now overpowering the rest of the story. His playing fast and loose with history and myth are getting beyond my tolerance. He managed to turn Artemis the hunter into a sort of female Peter Pan and her huntresses into a girls club of "lost girls" instead of "lost boys" stuck at that age where little boys go "yuck girls" and little girls go "yuck boys". I could almost hear them singing...." I won't grow up, I won't grow up...I don't want to go to school, I don't want to go to school...." Need I say any more, maybe the story's take on Hercules? Maybe more of the incorrect slant given to the Greek Pantheon?

If ignorance was contagious or misinformation was infectious this book would be banned by the CDC.

I've been treating these books as YA books. They are so frustratingly simplistic I think I need to think of them more as juvenile level reads and go from there. I got them from the library and the next 2 are laying here (the second through the 5th came in together). Were I buying these I'd probably have stopped earlier, this one would bring me even closer to it. Were my kids still small and had they gotten into these I'd definitely go over anything they were picking up from them book by book.

On the positive side (I need to say something positive) the books do manage to show the pettiness and selfishness that was so prevalent in the character of the deities and heroes of Greek myth. It fails in filling that out, but it is there.

I live in hope that the next book won't frustrate me as badly as this one has. "Where there's life there's hope" as the old saying goes...and I keep hoping. I'll drop this volume to 2 stars and hope the next is better.
Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,381 followers
March 13, 2017
So, my reviews for the PJO series are basically just going to be vague screaming (bc I can’t recall what scenes belong to which books but like BEAR WITH ME)


So, my sweet precious Half-Blood children are sent on another mission where they’re sent to track down some monsters. Annabeth my #Queen is captured, Percy and the group meet more half-bloods, and skeleton-zombie-creatures are born. The group minus Annabeth returns to camp where the Oracle sends them on greater mission.

Lots of drama, lots of action, lots of monster, basically perfection.

I looked at Thalia and Zoë, and I decided it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to die fighting with friends like this.

Oh and Thalia!! This girl can kick some serious butt, I love her so much!!! Need to see more of her in the coming books pleaseeeee!


The Huntress girls were really interesting to meet and of course I’ve heard much of the famous Nico (he’s pretty precious and adorable) and Bianca. I love how characters that were introduced in book 1 and 2 make reappearances!!

Uncle Rick did an awesome job on the plot, character development, and action, they were all epically balanced and veryyyy engaging.

I teared up MULTIPLE times while reading this book anddd yeah that’s about all I remember.

Kay, bye.

“Tyson thought Annabeth was just about the coolest thing since peanut butter, and he SERIOUSLY loved peanut butter.” *Percy’s acting like he doesn’t think so too, plz son, you aren’t fooling anyone*

4.5 stars!!

continuation of my PJO binge for Pragya's sake
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,139 followers
August 15, 2024
|| 3.5 stars ||

First read: February 2014 | ★5.0 stars
Second read: July 2016 | ★5.0 stars
Third read: January 2024 | ★3.5 stars

Okay, I don’t really feel like talking about the plot (I mean, it was fun with lots of action but still not a lot of depth; what more is there to say?), so I’m just going to go over the characters and say what I thought about them this time. Is this useful to anyone? No, probably not, but I feel like writing it down, so I might as well share:

-Am I in the minority when I say Zoë was the star of this book? Because if I am, that would be shameful! She was so brave and so fierce and so loyal. She was completely ready to sacrifice herself; her tragically heroic story really brought out some feelings in me.
Not to mention, her character was just so genuinely and deeply interesting to me. She had a backstory filled with betrayal, grief and a need for revenge, but she also grew in this story and learned to trust and admire people she would have sneered at on instinct.
Lastly, she cracked me up too. She acted so high-and-mighty and her uptight, old-fashioned attitude was oddly charming and funny to me. I just really liked her. A lot.

-Artemis was iconic and was showing some serious queen behaviour. She was just so righteous and noble and ready to fight for the world. She was the only god who truly seemed to care about the people around her and even about the innocents she does not personally know. I would love to know more about her and all the other girls in the Hunt.

-Percy, of course, was still a good guy. Childhood me remembers him as being more goofy and sarcastic though, but so far, he’s just… well, a good guy. Nothing super special. Which is odd, cus I could have sworn he was one of the most charming and funniest book characters I know… but I’m not really seeing that yet. I still really like him! I just don’t really love him with a deep passion or anything like that.

-Annabeth was hardly in this story, but somehow I found her surprisingly annoying; the fact that she considered joining the Hunters, meaning she would choose to never see Percy again, just irked me in all the wrong ways and the fact that she still kept on defending and mooning over Luke got on my nerves as well.

-I’m not a Thalia fan. At all. She is so rude and hostile for no reason to Percy (and to most people in general, to be honest) and the fact that she was so close to being tempted to basically ruin the world?? Um, that doesn’t sound like a very good person to me. Thank you, next.

-I liked Bianca. But well. Much good that did me…

-Grover was… there. He doesn’t have much of a personality these days besides loving nature, stalking the Hunters (in such a creepy way; what’s up with that?), and obsessing over Pan. I was pretty shocked at how little he seemed to care about Annabeth’s disappearance and possible death. I would have assumed he’d feel some type of emotion about that, but no. I guess not.

-I know Rachel was only in this for like 0.1 seconds, but I loved her?? I vaguely remember her being someone a lot of readers dislike, but I’m not sure why because she seemed really funny to me here. Very mouthy and sarcastic and just overall like a breath of fresh air. I can’t wait to see more of her.


'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' series:
1. The Lightning Thief - 3.5 stars
2. The Sea of Monsters - 3.0 stars
3. The Titan’s Curse - 3.5 stars
4. The Battle of the Labyrinth - 3.0 stars
5. The Last Olympian - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for ₊.
92 reviews462 followers
October 30, 2023
if i get a coin every time i read a couple with matching gray hair streaks i would get three coins which is not a lot but it's interesting that it happened thrice
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