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The Inner Work: An Invitation to True Freedom and Lasting Happiness

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This is the holy grail of self-help books! If you are looking for a book to motivate you, re-inspire you, and are yearning for a life-changing personal transformation, this book is for you! The Inner Work will take you on a hero’s journey through the uncharted depths of your subconscious mind to understand your shadows and unlock the greatness of your full potential. Through the uprooting of limiting beliefs and transcendence of themes of consciousness which perpetuate suffering, true freedom and lasting happiness will finally be revealed. By process of radical self-analysis and a practical three-step method, The Inner Work invites you to let go of your struggle with life. If you are a human, and you want to be happy, this book is for you.*This is a spiritual book that draws from many ancient wisdom traditions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, yoga philosophy, and more. All are welcome!What You Will

How to recognize and heal limiting beliefs rooted in unhealed traumaHow to identify where you are at on the ladder of consciousness and how to move on and upwardHow to change and improve your mindset in order to optimize every aspect of your lifeHow to identify and heal shadow tendencies and wounds of your inner childHow to practice presence and meditation for improved quality of lifeHow to forgive, let go, and have compassion for yourself and othersIn today’s self-help and spiritual community, millions of people are jumping on the “manifesting” train and are eager to master the skills of positive thinking as a “one size fits all” solution for any and all of life's problems. However, one person’s medicine may be another person’s poison as every one of us is just as energetically unique as our DNA and fingerprints.What is helpful advice for one ("just think positively") might be harmful and inappropriate for another, and may create disassociation with the more vulnerable parts of ourselves or cause the bypassing of unresolved trauma. By understanding the themes of consciousness, which we outline inside The Inner Work, readers can learn to identify their unique emotions, thoughts, and patterns through self-analysis in order to recognize which of the 15 themes they may be stuck in.By applying our three-step method, many will find that there's a healthy time and place for every emotion, including the ones we may have superstitiously pushed away like anger or grief. What if the healing journey is relative? What if our negative emotions do not in fact “attract” a negative reality but are actually the gateway to our freedom? What if the answer to each of our greatest life challenges is actually, “it depends”?

243 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 3, 2020

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About the author

Mathew Micheletti

2 books20 followers
Mathew Micheletti, co-creator of the celebrated "The Yoga Couple" with his wife Ash, exemplifies a transformative journey from personal challenges to profound spiritual liberation. His powerful journey from personal turmoil to spiritual self-awareness has resonated deeply with a global audience, making him a beacon of hope and insight for those seeking profound change and healing.

Even in his early years, Mat showcased a prodigious intellect and a proclivity for the healing professions. Accelerating his academic pursuits, he graduated early from high school at 15, setting his sights on the medical realm. By 20, he had completed his medical school prerequisites and earned a bachelor's degree in Psychology. His insatiable curiosity about the human psyche led him to working for a year in inpatient psychiatry at a distinguished Utah hospital before enrolling in naturopathic medical school in Arizona.

Subsequently, during his time in medical school, destiny introduced him to three individuals who would redefine his life's direction: a Yogi, a former Buddhist monk, and a devout Hindu. Their influence unveiled the profound depths of Eastern philosophies, particularly mindfulness and Self-Realization.

While the holistic wisdom of naturopathic medicine was profoundly impactful, Mat felt an inner calling to delve deeper into the realms of consciousness and power of the mind. Enrolling in a master's program in Santa Barbara, he immersed himself in Jungian depth psychology and counseling. However, he still felt unsatisfied with the limited attention academics gave to understanding consciousness and its role in transformational healing and freedom from suffering. This realization steered Mat towards a 10-year full immersion into the groundbreaking research on consciousness and enlightenment by Dr. Hawkins, M.D, PH.D.

Consequently, Mat's trailblazing “Hero’s Journey” holistic counseling program was born—a novel therapeutic approach deeply rooted in consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. With authenticity derived from his personal trials and extensive studies spanning over 17 years, he guides individuals and couples globally, utilizing 'The Inner Work' for holistic, spiritually-infused healing.

Engaging with Mat's writings or teachings transcends traditional learning. It's a profound journey facilitated by someone who's navigated the darkness and shadows of life, emerging back to the light with invaluable insights rooted in personal experience and transformation of consciousness. He stands not just as a teacher, but as a living testament to the transformative power of introspection and self-discovery.

In collaboration with his wife, Mat has graced renowned yoga venues and festivals across the U.S., disseminating teachings enriched by his diverse background and experiential wisdom. As "The Yoga Couple", their online content resonates with over 1.5 million followers, providing a treasure trove of content encompassing personal healing, relationship guidance, yogic philosophies, and spiritual enlightenment.

To learn more, join upcoming retreats, attend events, or enroll in their yoga teacher training visit theyogacouple.com

Instagram: @theyogacouple
Tiktok: @theyogacouple
Facebook: @theyogacouple
Youtube: youtube.com/theyogacouple

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 112 reviews
Profile Image for Kassie.
115 reviews8 followers
November 29, 2021
"Thus the acceptance of true freedom and lasting happiness requires courage to face our hidden attachments, seeing our ego inheritance with the impartiality of neutrality, willingness to exercise self-discipline to see our Inner Work through, acceptance that all is as it should be for reasons unknown to us, reason and logic to see love as the wisest and most enjoyable approach to life, and as we embody love and inner peace it evolves into unconditional true freedom and lasting happiness."

This is the blueprint for The Inner Work. The rest of the book explains each step, what ego triggers will occur, and how to transcend to the next level.

I found that the information in this book could be useful in practice, but couldn't help but see some incomplete thoughts, hypocritical comparisons, and a fantasy-like approach to the world around us.

At the very end of the book the authors make note that we must traverse this new journey with wise innocence instead of naive innocence. Which anyone can agree with, but in other instances they ask us to suspend our caution in certain situations.

The authors want to help you transcend your ego and do so by showing you a path to "true freedom and lasting happiness". They make a compelling argument, I just wish some of their points were either eliminated or thought through a little more. It requires you to sift through the information to get to the meat of their argument.

I recommend this book to the cautious reader.
Profile Image for Candy Leigh.
Author 4 books4 followers
November 24, 2020
This book is a must read for anyone on a healing journey of any kind. Micheletti takes concepts that might be considered too "woo" for every day conversation and discusses how we all have the ability to move through different phases/themes in our lives to achieve the ultimate in freedom, love and happiness.
Profile Image for Omar Mohamed Alaa.
26 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2021
A beautiful Journey into one self, and self-healing, and self-exploration, and Growth.
While reading this book, it kept crossing my mind that this book, is as if it's a clarifying and healing process, I felt that if Therapy (and this is a belittling Therapy, yet) could be combined in one book, it would be this Book.
As if I have my own therapist with me.
A great and quick and awe-inspiring book of self-exposure to internal themes.

A definite Recommendation.
Got it from Amazon, since I wasn't able to find it in Local Book Stores.

Follow my Good Reads Account for more :)
Profile Image for Margarita.
3 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2023
I think the framing of the levels of consciousness is really helpful for giving people language for what place we are working from. What was missing for me was a stronger framing of non-judgement for each level. I believe that one of the most dangerous messages that we can receive is to just think love and light about situations. This is spiritual bypass. I’d like to see more exercises for actually practicing self acceptance for how our wounding is showing up. This is the only way to truly transform our nervous systems, hearts and minds. Forcing ourselves too quickly into a “higher vibration” is how dissonance and delusion continues.
3 reviews
September 8, 2022
My review

I read this book in like 4 days. I have been following a path of spirituality for some years but this book showed me something new. A better understanding of the states we transition and have me the ability to understand me even better. I loved that it is an easy, interesting read. For the topic they expose, they had a non judgemental way of talking about it. I would definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Nanners The Great.
12 reviews2 followers
February 28, 2024
If you have other options for books to engage with, explore those. This book is clearly written from a place of privilege, lacks nuance and gives some really toxic ideas. There are random, inconsistent nuggets of truth but most of them are regurgitated from somewhere else. Don’t bother with this one.
Profile Image for Trey .
13 reviews
June 8, 2021

I recommend this book to anyone that is ready to do the inner work. It's an easy read and you're not left wondering "what did they mean by that" . My advice is take the book with you on your spiritual journey as shadow/inner-work can be frustrating this book will help assist in those difficult areas of the process. Peace and Blessing to everyone that is on the path doing the work.
Profile Image for Marcia Abboud.
Author 1 book11 followers
September 3, 2023
This is the best book of it's kind that I've had the privilege of reading. A deep dive into the psyche, why we are the way we are, addressing childhood issues from a perspective you probably haven't seen before. I devoured this book and keep going back to it for inspiration, to find meaning for whatever might be going in my life on any given day, for any situation. An easy to understand guide for all humans trying to live their best life. I love this book!
Profile Image for For The Love of books.
178 reviews23 followers
May 12, 2024
Finally a self help book that helps. Some of it did not resonate, the parts about god where perhaps wrongly aimed if not Christian. However the rest of the book was interesting and enlightening. Definitely follow with the practice of looking deeper into what angers you as it says more about you and what you need to re learn. Also the mentioning of the plasticity of the brain and how to learn new patterns. This book gives insight into how to follow a more meaningful path in life and how to challenge your thought process. I especially like ‘The stories in your mind are not intrinsically true they are just one opinion and perspective out of infinite possibilities’. I would like to hope in the future I can find other perspectives and possibilities for my thoughts.
Profile Image for Jun.
89 reviews
June 4, 2024
This was packed with very useful information about themes of trauma and healing which I found to be well presented and true in many cases.
The reading however is very heavy and it took me a long time to get through it.

I disagree with the last chapters which essentially are about achieving eternal enlightenment and happiness, as if someone can transcend being human, or having the ego...
Maybe I've not "become enlightened", but I feel like that part was a little too woo-woo, considering how informative the rest of the book was.
Profile Image for Miriam Camejo.
5 reviews
December 1, 2023
This was a slow read for me because I had a lot of processing and deconstructing to do.
It honestly gave me a whole new perspective on negative thoughts and triggers. I highly recommend for everyone to read this, just make sure you’re at a good place emotionally to tackle this, because it will definitely challenge you and bring up some though emotions.
Profile Image for Ian D.
27 reviews
August 14, 2024
Spells out a solid pathway to move from woundedness to healing to compassion for every living thing
2 reviews
August 28, 2023
great read.

I chose this book because it appeared in my collection and I so very glad that I did.
I look forward to joining the workshop.
Profile Image for Vanessa Ruiz.
4 reviews
September 1, 2024
I love the way they wrote this book. Easy to understand and filled with a lot of helpful information about the way the mind works. I enjoyed reading this. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it back down.
Profile Image for Brono.
166 reviews6 followers
June 18, 2022
The title says it all - inner work - as everything we need to learn and work with is within. To understand we have the choice of not being a slave from our own minds and to see oneself free from pain and suffering caused by its own mind is the ultimate awakening. No one has the power to make us miserable but our ignorance (not knowing) on the subject has proven differently time after time. The world is nothing but a reflection of our own minds so once you learn to tune into a higher vibration you’ll only experience exactly what you’re tuned into…but training the mind is not an easy job however it’s not impossible.
Give yourself a chance to learn from those who have learned and live a life full of love and peace. You can do it!
Profile Image for Kyandra.
66 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2023
This hands down has been my favorite book of all time. I loved how it walked through every theme of conscious and THOROUGHLY talked about why the themes of conscious create our reality. My books has so many notes and marking because or the things I learned and the quotes that had my mind blown! I’m not gonna lie it had me a little triggered in the end because my main fear is accepting the inevitable but it was needed because i has to remind myself if i wasn’t ready for it, then it would come to me.

I want to drop my favorite quote. “What if this is your dream life”. Wow just wow. They really did there thing in this book and i know this is a book that I’m going to want to come back to.
Profile Image for Christina Hampsey.
9 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2021

I enjoyed the enriching lessons I gained from the authors details and descriptions throughout the chapters. I learned about how I can respond to the positive and negative themes of consciousness in a more productive manner to help me reach my higher self/my true self. I understand there are many different variations of consciousness that the ego can hide behind; not only in my own consciousness, but other people's. We are on our own unique path and level of consciousness and have everything we could ever need within us. Have faith. Read this one.
Profile Image for Chloe Rowan.
11 reviews
December 27, 2020
Absolutely beautiful book!

This book came to me at the perfect time! Like Mat and Ash are always saying we are divinely guided and exactly where we're suppose to be. This book helped shift and open my heart and eyes to the most beautiful reality God wants us to live in. I just finished this and cannot wait to start reading it again! So much incredible information to receive and chew on. I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone!
December 7, 2021
This book was a blessing 🙌

Definitely one of the most thought provoking self help books I have encountered! Having experienced episodes of life that left lingering strongholds I enjoy searching for ways to heal and let go ! This book offered the most indepth yet easy to understand versions of spirituality. Recommend to anyone wanting to find contentment and freedom from self (ego).
Profile Image for Rashekeh Hilson.
1 review12 followers
December 19, 2020
A great book

The book started off very interesting. Me being a beginner and finally answering the spiritual call stemming from a very toxic relationship. I’m working on myself and to find it was my ego that is running life was nice to know. Imma say they New narrative messages when I start feeling the way. Over all I would recommend this anyone working on their inner self.
Profile Image for KellySue.
19 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2022
I've read and explored loads of paths and spiritual ways. This paradigm is one of the best I've found for navigating the life of the soul in this earthly journey. It gives a framework and guided action steps for wherever you might be at any time. And they pull the truths of many paths together with ease, which makes sense because truth is timeless. Love these two and this guidebook 👌🏼
16 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2019
Simply raw and liberating

This book as helped me through one of the most difficult times of my life. It truly enlightened my soul and liberated me from the slavery of the limited mind. Will read over and over agin!
Profile Image for Amanda Rogers.
3 reviews
February 7, 2021
Very interesting

Learned slot about myself and tapping into parts of me that we all have just not sure how to.access. it was full of relatable scenarios and ways that meditation, intuitive thoughts and our own strength of mind can change how we look at life
35 reviews1 follower
December 30, 2021
Very insightful book on Inner work, and how important it is for happiness, fulfillment, and joy.
The book delves into the causes of unhappiness, and suffering for people.
It then tries to find solutions to the common root causes.
It is worth reading.
Profile Image for Elizabeth -  Books&cats.
18 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2022
Amazing! ❤️

If I had highlighted every passage that spoke to me, that revealed moments of great knowing, that were brilliant, I would have an entirely yellow paged book. Profound wisdom for working towards a 5D reality.
Profile Image for Jenna LaPira.
40 reviews
January 31, 2023
Learned so many important things about myself and inner stream of consciousness from this book. Recommend this to anyone on a healing journey looking to understand why they think the way they do and how to detach from negative thoughts!
13 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2019
Thankful and blessed

Blessed to have experienced these words of true transformation. I feel their spirit with every word they share. Thankful to have the Yoga Couple in my life.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 112 reviews

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